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A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:53 AM Page i Writing Arguments A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page ii Why Do You Need This New Edition? If you re wondering why you 0 New Toulmin Analysis charts represent complicated concepts should buy this new edition of such as the Toulmin system of argument in a visual way, helping you see the underlying conceptual structure of an Writing Arguments, here are eleven argument and make effective arguments in your course great reasons! (Ch. 4, 11 15). 1 Thoroughly revised Chapters 11 15 (Part 4) on different * A new full color design visually differentiates key ideas, mak- types of arguments have been rewritten to improve clarity ing reading a user-friendly experienceand ensuring it is and ease of use,removing a language of mathematic vari- easier for you to find important information. ables (x and y) and replacing it with simpler, clearer instruction. + A new Chapter 8, Analyzing Arguments Rhetorically, shows you how to read arguments critically so you will be able to 2 New illustrations of research sources show you where to identify and explain the strategies writers use to per- find author, title, and publication information so that suade their audiences. you can cite and document your research correctly(Ch. 17). , New Writing Assignments in Parts 1, 2, and 3 on analysis, invention, planning, drafting, and revising include both 10 Up-to-date MLA and APA citation examples, including exam- instruction and samples to guide you as you build your ples of the most recent style changes, show you how to argument skills. correctly cite and document sources in your research papers(Ch. 17). - New readings and visual arguments on current topics such 11 A dynamic e-book version of Writing Argumentsprovides as immigration, video games, sports, and the connection access to comprehensive writing, research, editing, and between gender and math ability model the different argu- grammar resources within MyCompLab to give you extra ment types your instructor may assign. practice with your writing skills. . New student essays include several that are researched to help you see how to integrate researched material into your argument as well as how to cite and document it. / New Organization Plan diagrams for various types of argu- ments show you how to introduce, develop, and conclude your own arguments. A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page iii Writing Arguments A Rhetoric with Readings Eighth Edition John D. Ramage Arizona State University John C. Bean Seattle University June Johnson Seattle University Longman New York San Francisco Boston London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore Madrid Mexico City Munich Paris Cape Town Hong Kong Montreal A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page iv Acquisitions Editor:Lauren A. Finn Electronic Page Makeup:Integra Software Services, Pvt.Ltd. Senior Development Editor:Marion B. Castellucci Cover Design Manager:John Callahan Senior Marketing Manager:Sandra McGuire Cover Designer:Marie Ilardi Senior Supplements Editor:Donna Campion Cover Images:Courtesy of Alamy Senior Media Producer:Stefanie Liebman Photo Researcher:Rebecca Karamehmedovic Production Manager:Savoula Amanatidis Senior Manufacturing Buyer:Alfred C. Dorsey Project Coordination and Text Design:Elm Street Printer and Binder:Courier Corporation Kendallville Publishing Services Cover Printer:Lehigh-Phoenix Color Corporation For permission to use copyrighted material, grateful acknowledgment is made to the copyright holders on pp. 659 664, which are hereby made part of this copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ramage, John D. Writing arguments: a rhetoric with readings/John D. Ramage, John C. Bean, June Johnson. 8th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-205-64836-8 1. English language Rhetoric. 2. Persuasion (Rhetoric) 3. College readers. 4. Report writing. I. Bean, John C. II. Johnson, June, 1953 III. Title. PE1431.R33 2010 808'.0427 dc21 2008036898 Copyright © 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CRK 12 11 10 09 Complete Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-205-64836-8 ISBN-10: 0-205-64836-3 Brief Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-205-66576-1 ISBN-10: 0-205-66576-4 Concise Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-205-66577-8 ISBN-10: 0-205-66577-2 A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page v Brief Contents Detailed Contents vii Preface xxvii Acknowledgments xxxviii Part One Overview of Argument 1 1 Argument: An Introduction 2 2 Argument as Inquiry: Reading and Exploring 24 Part Two Writing an Argument 59 3 The Core of an Argument: A Claim with Reasons 60 4 The Logical Structure of Arguments 73 5 Using Evidence Effectively 89 6 Moving Your Audience: Ethos, Pathos,and Kairos 109 7 Responding to Objections and Alternative Views 124 Part Three Analyzing Arguments 145 8 Analyzing Arguments Rhetorically 146 9 Analyzing Visual Arguments 165 Part Four Arguments in Depth: Five Types of Claims 199 10 An Introduction to the Types of Claims 200 11 Definitional Arguments 210 12 Causal Arguments 237 13 Resemblance Arguments 264 14 Evaluation and Ethical Arguments 284 15 Proposal Arguments 310 Part Five The Researched Argument 343 16 Finding and Evaluating Sources 344 17 Using, Citing, and Documenting Sources 368 v A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page vi vi Brief Contents Appendixes 401 1 Informal Fallacies 401 2 Small Group Strategies for Practicing Argument Skills 409 Part Six An Anthology of Arguments 423 An Overview of the Anthology 424 Web 2.0 and Online Identity 428 Video Games and Their Influence 448 The News Media: Responsible Production, Responsible Consumption 467 Immigration in the Twenty-First Century: Accommodation and Change 486 Women in Math and Science 505 Finding Soldiers: The Volunteer Army, Recruitment, and the Draft 528 Wal-Mart and the Public Good 557 Sustainability and the Search for Clean Energy 578 Biotech Agriculture and the Ethics of Food Production 599 Argument Classics 623 Credits 659 Index 665 A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page vii Detailed Contents Preface xxvii Acknowledgments xxxviii Part One Overview of Argument 1 1 Argument: An Introduction 2 What Do We Mean by Argument? 2 Argument Is Not a Fight or a Quarrel 2 Argument Is Not Pro-Con Debate 3 Arguments Can Be Explicit or Implicit 3 LOUIS W. SULLIVAN, M.D., Let the Facts Decide, Not Fear: Ban AB 1108 6 A former secretary of health and human services opposes a ban on a chemical that makes toys soft and flexible. The Defining Features of Argument 10 Argument Requires Justification of Its Claims 10 Argument Is Both a Process and a Product 12 Argument Combines Truth Seeking and Persuasion 13 Argument and the Problem of Truth 15 A Successful Process of Argumentation: The Well-Functioning Committee 18 GORDON ADAMS (STUDENT), Petition to Waive the University Mathematics Requirement 19 A student accepted to law school but delayed by a remaining math requirement argues to be exempted. Conclusion 23 2 Argument as Inquiry: Reading and Exploring 24 Finding Issues to Explore 25 Do Some Initial Brainstorming 25 Be Open to the Issues All around You 25 Explore Ideas by Freewriting 29 Explore Ideas by Idea Mapping 29 Explore Ideas by Playing the Believing and Doubting Game 30 vii A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page viii viii Detailed Contents Placing Texts in a Rhetorical Context 32 Genres of Argument 32 Cultural Contexts: Who Writes Arguments and Why? 32 Analyzing Rhetorical Context and Genre 37 Reading to Believe an Arguments Claims 38 JOHN KAVANAUGH, Amnesty? 39 A Roman Catholic priest and philosophy professor asks anti-immigration groups to see the human face of undocumented immigrants and to support a path to amnesty. Summary Writing as a Way of Reading to Believe 40 Practicing Believing: Willing Your Own Belief in the Writers Views 43 Reading to Doubt 44 Thinking Dialectically 45 Questions to Stimulate Dialectic Thinking 46 FRED REED, Why Blame Mexico? 47 A conservative freelance journalist uses irony to attack illegal immigration, calling it a self-inflicted crisis brought on by Americans love ofcheap labor. Three Ways to Foster Dialectic Thinking 48 Conclusion 50 Writing Assignment:An Argument Summary or a Formal Exploratory Essay 50 Reading 52 MICHAEL BANKS (STUDENT), Should the United States Grant Legal Status to Undocumented Immigrant Workers? 52 Examining articles and films, a student narrates the chronological development of his ideas as he searches for his own position on illegal immigration. Part Two Writing an Argument 59 3 The Core of an Argument: A Claim with Reasons 60 The Classical Structure of Argument 60 Classical Appeals and the Rhetorical Triangle 62 Issue Questions as the Origins of Argument 64 Difference between an Issue Question and an Information Question 64 How to Identify an Issue Question 64 Difference between a Genuine Argument and a Pseudo-Argument 66 Pseudo-Arguments: Fanatical Believers and Fanatical Skeptics 66 Another Source of Pseudo-Arguments: Lack of Shared Assumptions 66 A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page ix Detailed Contents ix Frame of an Argument: A Claim Supported by Reasons 67 What Is a Reason? 68 Expressing Reasons in BecauseClauses 69 Conclusion 70 Writing Assignment:An Issue Question and Working Thesis Statements 71 4 The Logical Structure of Arguments 73 An Overview of Logos:What Do We Mean by the Logical Structure ofanArgument? 73 Formal Logic versus Real-World Logic 73 The Role of Assumptions 74 The Core of an Argument: The Enthymeme 74 Adopting a Language for Describing Arguments: The Toulmin System 76 Using Toulmins Schema to Determine a Strategy of Support 80 The Power of Audience-Based Reasons 84 Difference between Writer-Based and Audience-Based Reasons 84 Conclusion 87 Writing Assignment:Plan of an Arguments Details 87 5 Using Evidence Effectively 89 The Persuasive Use of Evidence 89 Apply the STAR Criteria to Evidence 89 Use Sources That Your Reader Trusts 91 Rhetorical Understanding of Evidence 91 Kinds of Evidence 91 Angle of Vision and the Selection and Framing of Evidence 94 Examining Visual Arguments:Angle of Vision 95 Rhetorical Strategies for Framing Evidence 98 Special Strategies for Framing Statistical Evidence 99 Gathering Evidence 101 Creating a Plan for Gathering Evidence 101 Gathering Data from Interviews 102 Gathering Data from Surveys or Questionnaires 103 Conclusion 103 A01_RAMA8368_08_SE_FM.QXD 12/12/08 7:54 AM Page x x Detailed Contents Writing Assignment:A Microtheme or a Supporting-Reasons Argument 104 Reading 105 CARMEN TIEU (STUDENT), Why Violent Video Games Are Good for Girls 106 A student argues that playing violent video games helps girls gain insight into maleculture. 6 Moving Your Audience: Ethos, Pathos,and Kairos 109 Ethosand Pathosas Persuasive Appeals: An Overview 109 How to Create an Effective Ethos:The Appeal to Credibility 111 How to Create Pathos:The Appeal to Beliefs and Emotions 112 Use Concrete Language 113 Use Specific Examples and Illustrations 113 Use Narratives 114 Use Words, Metaphors, and Analogies with Appropriate Connotations 115 Using Images for Emotional Appeal 115 Kairos: The Timeliness and Fitness of Arguments 116 Examining Visual Arguments:Logos, Ethos, Pathos, and Kairos 117 How Audience-Based Reasons Enhance Logos, Ethos,and Pathos 119 Conclusion 122 Writing Assignment:Revising a Draft for Ethos,Pathos,and Audience-Based Reasons 123 7 Responding to Objections and Alternative Views 124 One-Sided, Multisided, and Dialogic Arguments 124 Determining Your Audiences Resistance to Your Views 125 Appealing to a Supportive Audience: One-Sided Argument 127 Appealing to a Neutral or Undecided Audience: Classical Argument 128 Summarizing Opposing Views 128 Refuting Opposing Views 129 Strategies for Rebutting Evidence 131 Conceding to Opposing Views 132 Example of a Student Essay Using Refutation Strategy 132 MARYBETH HAMILTON (STUDENT),From First Place: A Healing School for Homeless Children 133 A student who does volunteer work in an alternative school for homeless children refutes the arguments of those who want to shut off the schools funding.

The market-leading guide to arguments, Writing Arguments ,8/e has proven highly successful in teaching readers to read arguments critically and to produce effective arguments of their own.
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