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Writing and Illustrating the Graphic Novel: Everything You Need to Know to Create Great Work and Get It Published PDF

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Preview Writing and Illustrating the Graphic Novel: Everything You Need to Know to Create Great Work and Get It Published

graphic novel Danie. cooney WRITING AND ILLUSTRATING THE GRAPHIC NOVEL DANIEL COONEY BARRON'S quaaro 9006 CONTENTS est etn fr te United States ts eter ee sii Coonan = 2011 ars wi igh reseus. no prt his bork may Whats a graphic novel? inane mibour be witenpemionet ae Tools of the trade ‘omer ower Ainge told be aes une Cone se ad pad peels ‘Son renee ESTABLISHING CHARACTER ‘eee Getting insp red (onion Conceptualizing your character OSE ana Sie Giving your character depth ‘Stet Greta writing a character biaf Seated Mors hack Visualizing a character Color apron by PAD Pe, SoA CHAPTER 2: STORYTELLING Outlining and researching your plot whiting the premise ‘Three-act story structure Creating conflict Scipting your story Pacing essentials Dialogue CHAPTER 3: DRAWING TECHNIQUES Figure drawing Body language Drawing heads, hands, and feet Perspective Using photographic reference CHAPTER 4: CHAPTER 6: COMPOSITION AND LAYOUT BREAKING IN Laying out the page Pitching toa publisher Paneling the page Self publishing Panel basics Angling the camera Glossary From concent to completion Index Credits CHAPTER 5: INKING, COLORING, AND LETTERING The art of inking Scanning your artwork Brief history of coloring Principles of color Digital coloring Getting started with hand lettering Computer lettering All about balloons. pene ia Tie purpose of this book is for aspiring writers and artists to learn how to create their own comics and graphic novels. Every atist has to start somewhere and that somewhere begins with your idea anc vision. The contents in these 160 pages will give you information, professional tips. too's, and technicues for creating ycur own comic book, but you have to work hard to develop them. Writing anc drawing comics has its ‘own vocabulary and language as 3 medium that requites 3 learned set of skills unlike any other medium of storytelling, and takes an intense level of commitment Learning how to be @ good storyteller isa lifelong experience. The principles presented in this boo ate tried-and-true methods that have worked for se in my two-decade career as a comic artist and instructor. Some of the techniques I earned in school, and others | have developed through my ‘own experiences along with observing others in the process. You may discover that some of the drawing mechanics in this book wil also suit you in other fields (illustration, storyboarding, animation, etc) or realize you're doing it just for fun. It is important to have fun while you work and develop your skills. Above all else, | encourage you to be fearless with your ideas for stories and take chances with your drawing styles when it comes to comics. {As an artist, you need to develop your own unique visual language and style once you've learned the language of comics. Perfection is an elusive mistress, and experimenting and learning from your mistakes will set you on a path for success in the world of comics anc graphic novels, ABOUT THE AUTHOR Daniel Cooney isan accomplished coms write, feat, and ilsstator ef ach books a Venting, The Tomy Gun Dal and The Atomic Yeti. Coone has stasis fimsell agar lastater for ar ous book publishers, and licensed prozetcs of coms, tlevzin, nd fl, Cooney resides on Martha’ Vineyard, HA, wi Iv wife andthe son, Dashiell. Ho techs wtng and diawing corks forts adem 3 act Unversity ana antes to work 363 freelance lustre WHAT IS A GRAPHIC NOVEL? ‘50 WhOE eXOCHIy Is 8 graphic novel even more BIfFIcuLL, whet Is understued Oy Cie Germ? umhaG do Peopte Caine oF amen you menGion “grapRic novel“ an overpriced comic BOON, fr a vrs comic wich delusions of gransoure THE classics ‘Many dss novos hive made iit graph forma along ‘wit havacters rom ny aod legend and fires of popular (ultae such Superman, 0 start wth defeitans, 2 novel is usally descibed 3s something tke“ erate fictional pose narrative, noxally daling with furan elton, the pot unl nq though the actons, speach, avd theughts ofthe Characters Staphic" nears pete. Agape rowel” is therfore a fon wk of fition im pictues, which maces a omic book the quialent ofa shot sry, ar an epsoce Inalorge’ story, sight? These, unfortunatly, are fale analogies Novels del with peoplemlls of characters, a infracting in some way and dvirg the story foxwarc, so that by the end ‘hte wil have heen major changes in the main chatacles, 25 ell 2 he status quo. The short str, meant, is usualy abaut an idaa-the effect ana small ‘youp of characters, of sometimes lst a maod ete Many monthly cmc books, fo use 29 ‘nay tat mill cur trequenty inthis Book, ‘are mote Ike episodes of 2 1V series, ck in the days when each episode ose with ade restore fo matter he cagy Dace dg ‘an episode, bythe end it was nating ho ‘ceed. (Ths was simpy so thata TY sets {ould be shown iv any order when went to Syodkalion).& epic novel however afl featuetergth rove Were oi AL star? ost people in tefl consider the bith of syaprienozls to have ocr ed in 1978 mith Will sners A Contact with God se ned te pase “graphic novel” whe back itsel desk with “eal” people—rol widos in funy eesumes. twas concerned Wi) the hearbreak ae pruckaimed thet the ce: eal wi any subjest-ane doit ina srstve, Gul manner. The book nas alo printed on ‘quality paper and bourd with heavy card eves. ering fom “he quel cf he ting and astwoxk to the prodution va ues sag th was Semething special é13A0N DINdULD U ST LUM Bi WHAT IS A GRAPHIC NOVEL? | Since then isners regular ouput hes certainly fit this detintion: long, comple, chartered stoi (often with stog autobiagephics! ements that ate beyond the normed come book: His mos: recent kook, Fagin the Je, 153 prequel, of sorts, te Dickens Over Twist. Not al cits, howevey, age that gophie novel area mere 25 yeats 3k inthe 190s, Lynd Ware produced novels tld eniely 35 oodcutin392s (d's Man, Madman’ Oram), ‘thn narrative or loco tex. 9 67, ist cil Kane (61een Lanter, The Atom) ‘xperimented witha violent, ni ike black ane ‘white book, His Mame ts Savage. I received a ‘mike response: he ees were hese, bil the readers loved it-probably because they were the same ones fio hal gon sed Wo ut ‘underground amis as The Fabulous Fut Freak Brothers, it Ue Cal and Mc. Nota. The old asses stated series of comme Eoaks af the “9s anid 19605 wee Merally books comic Fount. Dicks, jules Ver, H. 6. Wels, and many mote wee adaped~ond sien yous respi fr te books. Because each ile ‘was tacly mud lange than the average comic book, efter badly dawn end chsaply produce thay zn probably be relegated 0 theese, butno cigar” vy. Memraite m EuROPE In ai, cutng the posers War Wer, the Scottish netspaper and magazine rorpany, 0. C Thorson use to publish several ties of “cure \igests'“sma,pulp-sied comics wth 70-cdd ages ot blckana-wnite atk ich, fihaagh amet a have since csappeated, were pabably the lst examples of 3 un quel Bish renamena, i malnand Curnpe, the rain To Feige format comic books wel esablsted and dates heck decades. Herges Tintin is pobaty fre at fe most “aia omic chacers onthe planet is hooks sli al rane ofthe val ‘ard 9 unless Fansations. The same i tue af EUROPEAN GENIUS reated by Kergé (ea! name ‘George Rt), inti ‘exagnned world ‘one ofthe most papular ‘chaactes fm gapic Dovel he probably the mest ong rennin. Asterix the Sau, ceated by Gosiny and “ero. Somehow, the aati huavor manages (ise abovetasation. The French tit Phillipe rule was aso eating his oo unique brand af decadent scence ficion and fantasy oaks, The elleetbl-sved books Lane Slane? Deiiias and Vagcel/U were eignaly pulbsed ftom 197295 English varslatons Publsed by Paper Tig. THE Manck STORY Japan has long had ncarobsessive lve afar wi cami, The word “ange” snow as falar in the Wiest a the ast, ith the forms unique Styization iste recognaabe.nfpan, Faanga covets a beviliting ange ef subjects an gees, bul nthe West the scence ftion ‘stops plied In <atsuhico Orem Akira and ‘Yulto Kishi’ Bete anget alta = the most Femi. Tis a, there ae mare arephie novels sold in Japan than anyuere nthe word DREAMWALKER Create by bine Pascal, hs ithe try fs, 9 toubled seen year al, wha often nds Rerslf mingling in the atal Dlane-a spit word where ssn ‘manifest anything she wilt fom ‘Aonerarions Fealyon it as lear that rapt novels val be an cea vehi for adaptations of esting ‘covenonsl novels ard stoves Byron Preis published bocks ina vavely f fools and ‘ees, raging hom The ustrated Hafan isn an The Mustroted Roger Zeleany to tle Hostad Chaykin-ustated adaptation of Aled Boster’s The Stars My Destination. But wast ust adaption. Estaished autho were asc ‘rain the new med, Science tion aur Seanvl R. Delany viol, wih Howare Chay ravang, Empire fr Byron Preiss (1973), 2 stuning space opeta thal ested nomad Speech 2ubbles and txt panes and nsec ancenated an the anwark ariarging tex and Speech outside the panels. re following year The swords of Heaven, the Flowers of el 2s Produced, a new adventure of ichael Vooro:k Feral champion character, plied by Wo0o:k and realized by Chain, ‘Turns rom ‘ear notice that superhero tiles have yet to he merioned A fist, here seamed to bea deliberate atte ta keep saphicnevels avy fs chatter cles Following Fer ee, tes ane aliss ante to ge semeplce Aifetent wh graphic novels, even ft as ast cetiog 2 novel tol ners, Toad be possible io vervew raphe ‘ove’ without mentianing two ties: The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen, bath fm OC Ceri they met an unprepared world in 1986 w thimpecrable ting. Rank Miles enwenton fa dace, ate vengefl Batman a alan uote and Dave Gbbans’postimoders evaluation ofa woald where supeetoes realy exist ha neve with the reading pub. The maa ofboth tiles cn be fll otis day Ueuyhout care bok publishing, But mare sigccith, neither tile was ginal pulsted as. uophic novel {oth were published as minisees, only colcted ino graphis navel fom ater te ial eres un hed completes. 1 fact, they work perfectly as ‘rapic novel, esc epsodefewingHawlesiy {vith the others, acting like exapters of lamer ‘work Ths method has precedents inthe field of cowventona rovels~Ciekens aos were all ‘nga published as meqaine sels, an n> ore senusly argues tat the fished ates ave ‘anything but paves that The Dark Nght Returas {and Watchmen had the same ast thrcugnout so created a sense of cohesion, #53 rest the majeny of apie neve published by te larger companies (0, are, et) tend te be repackagee mini snes, or ses from 3 ninuing tile ot existe of conse. lewordssevieswhere tail caractes are set in dilleen, sometimes experimental. oles isa perfect vehicle lors esha. other ‘amples would be Aen Davis The Nail and Stharm by asl Infact, Jaman seems to be a lvoe fr vet eseworlds stores an one-shot gaphicnovel that are sein the OC ‘universe, But ouside the regular moni tes “Tue FUTURE OF THE GRAPHIC NOVEL Whether the caphic novel was 20m inthe 19395 1970s, inthe US. or ump, we've come to Understand what mast penpl expect ten treading one fa lengthy work cto, tld in pittes, tat wil std on its on, needing no prequel or sequels to explain it Generally, ity also be ainec ato moe mature audience, and wil have supetior eduction wales to regular morthy ies. By ts zety nate canbe feyperimental—tacing the flit and subverting it Tecan be anything betveen 30 ty over 100 pegesleng, the subect matter wil be a wide Taoging 35 that Fung in earvenional nel— the unis te the writes and atts Imaginations and tn pubisher's nave can be tls speaticaly 2s 2 wal, collected tom a Iutipart min-sees, reve an engoing le Taking the emotonel world of conventional roves, the fai wsualtehniques of cai, ra few ideas om the mets, gragnic novels 22 anew woke for he 2st enc 273A0N OINdU2O U ST LYMM B PRIZE-WINNING The Bap and una Moth are metftional character, featured inthe Plter Pa winning noreThe ‘mang aevents of ovale and Gy, by ‘Miho Chabon, ‘The requirements for srawing comics are reciy basic, ouG here are @ few essencials (Enac you reauiy need iq orger Ce oo Kc Bravery. Pics be mislead on at sp ‘A clich panel (or ead holden tends to use so atho than ascming the ot expenciae thr Keds af em (Pot) tos Rol Is the best, you wil need to experiment with oly one pee oflead at 3 tne A chit pon ‘materi 10 ied what produces the best resis» pene that contains one lage piece of 692, Faeyos Here the Into an what yl ceeding the entre pave eng For thi rede penn, inking leering, an¢ roo ween 710" ing enmie n>ges Your rcies. For mete an sprit erering Iuechancal pencils ome in tee width: Indl, se pages 13-2 197 mm hice ne), 0.5 ram (he mast Sharpeners Pencils Use an ordinary elec: sharsener fr sktehing The chart belo gives an ides of the varieties of and dranng penis, and 9 regia lead pint pencllead avaiable to you. Soter dave leads, for atch panel Such zs € and 26, are genetally considered bast for sketching fo nshed comic Do0k at on at toot, use hard’ and gh ead, sue 3524 Hand & to void smeating ard smudging af the lead onthe pope. You wart to have lar line art belore you ink your work, and its 2 goad habit 12 get into when drawing comic fet sharpener PENCIL LEAD “ <A Mesum heaton | Medun-f tHE ein soft 20 Soft 201 42 Veysotesense | Eerenelysat-791098 ead einer erasers Js hnoaded eraser hat you can shape iro form fs good fer coving up pend smadges and nwanteecenatuton lines. for smaller meas tac Pente lis © Sanford lu Seu eae 0 remove pene nes rom larger seas aie yu've inked» page, use 3 while paste eraser Light hox light box 9 sel drawing tool that should be prt of your at equipment. A ight bax provides » bls undesighting ts ination {an your pee of paper, aking i eat Lo see 2 dowsing on tep a your canna boatd ths ‘llows ou 1 ace peel work wher aking, ‘lion for 3 ose Inks Polican,Higcins, Speedbal, 1 acy, and Holbein inks areal sutale ar av iale ‘ost cat or art sappy stores, Correction Fuld Thee ae several types of pen and tte ‘ottection fluids that wk wel Pelikan Graphic late, 2a White, ad Tapia work fr coverig up ik wile being pague enough to ink aver when dry. The Pentel Pesto! conection Fen is great for special effects ae you've inked ve your pene does werk 30 well fr tal zorectons, ts dificult nk ove nd gives a rougher sutace th stant tortection nk. White go.ache 12° ust a5 wel ler making coretens. Plastic eases Kncaded eraser Ink bots Conecton ait Pens une cowl, Gilat, and Speedball pens wit holders work es fo ining cms book artwork There are a varity af pen bs ranging am fine point coase. some nbs ace mare lel than others. You may want to ry a fw deren’ types to se what eee wrk bet laryou. (See prge ‘0 for mere about pens} Techn ca’ pens foting pons are very sim to rapidogra pens but dont log a easily the advantage of wsirg 2 Foting pens a repleceable catidge witha rev en ip 98 oppesed to the maintenancerheay Fopidagreph er you have to soke completly pe 1} cean thorough Bath tase pens come [Several pen pies, fiom thi to the Bes, ‘ite fling your pen and stating t, oninue ‘slog, even it fr multiple days, wl your [rolectis completed. Do not leave ink your pen for an extended petol of tine, Heres 3 fi [oot way fo manta your pen and aways have Fin geod working condtion, A Dizseemble te pen ports 2 se the nib wrench thet cme with your pon and remove the pen paint on the Dod. 3 Rinse the Fon parts under top water unt rinks evident ate ekg the pen azar, stor the 2 tip znd the pen body a smal eontzine® fm tanister works wordeull filed with FouseFoé smmeniomory brend 2 ype wil sic. Sulierge the two part in emmnia and tre them iui Te exe yoy hare « jet 19 work on. en way sel esnen jue ‘ake the 1p and body ou: o the nia, pe and tap ontoa pape “ove to remove aoa No nce ise uta ink to the eye, assemble, wit across paper, and wile 2 few seconds the ne canes out any amnia that would be up in the steel Rp ane yeu have ink tow! ESS SS Fecal pon 30081 FHL 30 $100L BE

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