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Preview WRIT MILWAUKEE first in Nielsen KBOX Li

NOVEMBER 9, 1959 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS "ING R U3dVd5/R3N ' Rm4r 9 R/;3 ? rtor '--;e, SI AND RADIO RaLl i3 a2aTTo ' a p u,tLauli uA n,0 f(,1/,OP`A t ii ( t u ti-? 3 MAn M. °ti fY3 P,4:HEbRT,tR'äR w:_ . . ._.F.'y'4r,lg l'I r°e EXCLUSIVE: the public is asked again about quizzes Page 37 Official end to tv quiz era: confessions on Capitol Hill Page 39 FTC starts knuckle -rapping with L -O -F commercials Page 56 Advertisers plan to plunk down 10% more in 1960 Page 68 Balaban... FASTER The first jetliner service between commercial and purchase! FLIGHTS LEAVING DAILY FROM . . . ST. LOUIS L WI first in Hooper, Trendex, Pulse and Nielsen WRIT MILWAUKEE first in Nielsen KBOX Li from 9th place to 2nd in the market in one year (r LULL NNIOrtP!IR1v5IUt. , The most experienced flagship stations in the nation LIBRARY ® THE BALABAN STATIONS MGM CITY in tempo with the times For reservations, see your nearest ROBERT E. EASTMAN Representative JOHN F. BOX, Jr., Managing Director 20 1/2-HOURS A WEEK EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING 15 1/2-HOURS OF TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE 10 1/2-HOURS NEWS AND COMMENTARY 9 1/2-HOURS OF WHAT'S NEW WITH REAL PEOPLE KCOP LOS ANGELES' . PIONEER IN NON-FICTION PROGRAMMING! REWARDING TO VIEWERS...because only via KCOP can REWARDING TO SPONSORS...because through KCOF the viewer get away from run-of-the-mill TV...from the and only KCOP, you reach a different audience. Men an old movies, westerns, detective shows, situation comedies women who want to be informed as well as entertainer and the endless reruns of old shows. KCOP offers none Who want to escape from what is currently called TV' of this. It is truly the different channel in Los Angeles, in realm of escapism. KCOP's audience is down-to-earth, i all Southern California...and the ratings prove the viewers a far better mood to listen to and accept your sales mes.' find it most rewarding! age. KCOP is future TV today! KCOP The Most Copied Los Angeles' Most Station in the Nation Powerful Television Station INVESTIGATE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S BEST BUY NOW! CALL EDWARD PETRY & CO., INC., NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE with its quick rise to the top of Cleveland radio. But there's no getting away from what happened: In January of this year we were dead last. ... In February new management took over and this summer we took over first place among all Cleveland radio stations. Current all -day average: 24.5%* We know how it is, when the buys which once gave peace -of -mind start ulcerating. So now that we're the buy that brings tranquility, we promise to keep your anxiety at a minimum. One way is to stay first, which we aim to do by continuing to provide -and to improve -the new kind of radio service we brought to Cleveland. Another way is to let you talk to Harvey GÍascock (EXpress 1- 5000). He gives you a feeling of stability. Or, we'll send somebody from Blair, to sell you some comfort. *Hooper, Aug. -Sept., 7 a.m. -6 p.m. Mon. -Fri. the new sound and the THE NEW ... new sell of radio in WNEW WNEW CLEVELAND NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK CITY AM -FM TV 5000 EUCLID AVE. TELEPHONE: EXPRESS 1 -5000 HARVEY L. GLASCOCK Vice President & General Manager WTTG JOHN BLAIR WASHINGTON, D, C. Exclusive National Representative TV DIVISION OF METROPOLITAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION BROADCASTING, November 9, 1959 3 located in the WGALTV MULTI -CITY MARKET PENNSYLVANIA STATE MEMORIAL AT GETTYSBURG The WGAL -TV market is richly steeped in WuUAMSPOtl ... 1 tra-di ptiroons.p eTrhoiuss barnoda ds taarbelae h.a.s. ahlawsa $y6s3 b4 eebnil l-iaonn d is IllI10NTI MIIO.W.M...M IS...I .V..O.I..4. I 1M!O.lN O.OovM.\ 3lU.G/ 11NA!\ITON <AiION CIN111 SUNIUIY ""'' ' !OIAOI-7 SN1DIl SNAMO[IN In annual income, spends $334 billion in not 99,09, "(LIN PO11fVllll retail sales. WGAL -TV delivers depth IWIVOWN./ MINIM TOWN 'S CM U i l L I E U coverage in its many cities, is first with l 1 l`S 5 IUCCS HUNTINGDON O.JJNIN\ viewers in Lancaster, Harrisburg, York READING 1VNT1 NGDGN ......N.. IISANON and numerous other cities. "..N HARRISBURG GAMMA ... HI "1`I VOIE vNMY INI LANCASTER WGAL-TV CNMIIIS HUSO ADAMS YORK ... COA,ISYIISI INCASII a wool. I 10 M` l I N O[ttYSBURG chado, e WAYNISIOIO Lancaster, Pa. Al .iNeIow mm Ammumou / OAN NACOSTOW mum./ C A I aI O t t - . 110141 NBC and CBS n.M..... IEIIIY puna, I, N BC 1IIfIISON ,IIalI1CN and STEINMAN STATION IOUDOUN C Y Clair McCollough, Pres, AIE ONTGOMIIY MUND 316,000 WATTS Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, November 9, 1454 CLOSED CIRCUIT Good bet Odds are that Jim Aubrey profits during big business upsurge by ing-and-program-service plan (BROAD- will become president of CBS Tele- quiz sponsor and for fair share of al- CASTING, Oct. 19) are beginning to come vision Network -perhaps within weeks. legedly ill- begotten income. Attorneys in, and network officials say they're He's been running network since Presi- are dead serious about legal basis for pleased with trend. Returns already in dent Lou Cowan was hospitalized Oct. such suits. from 61, broken down as follows: 49 21 with blood clot in leg. It's reported promised 100% clearance of network doctors have tried to discourage Mr. One beneficiary of blood -letting be- programming immediately upon start Cowan from immediately resuming fore House Committee's tv quiz inquiry of plan (scheduled Jan. 1); 12 said they heavy duties of network presidency. is Internal Revenue Service. Every time would clear 100% and would indicate there's mention of money being paid to effective dates at Nov. 11 annual meet- Return of natives CBS Radio which someone (like testimony of Max Hess ing of NBC radio and tv affiliates in suffered number of defections after in- that he paid $15,000 to get employee on New York; one said he didn't like plan, stituting its Program Consolidation $64,000 Question and to tv columnist would clear some but not all programs. Plan (PCP) may witness return of some Jack O'Brian and to syndicated colum- This last one, unless he changes mind, stations, including perhaps one 50 kilo - nist Bob Considine) IRS staff checks presumably will not be renewed when watter. It's learned that at least two recipients' files to make sure such in- current contract expires. Network's affiliates already have discussed reaffil- come was reported. position is that stations must clear iation with CBS Radio President 100 %, though it's willing to allow some Arthur Hull Hayes and that others Network reps Whether CBS and NBC flexibility if needed while real problems which defected may have become dis- television affiliates repped by their net- are being worked out. enchanted in attempting independent works in national spot sales will appeal operation without network news and FCC's ruling prohibiting such represen- While NBC Radio gets ready to special events programming. tation, effective Dec. 31, 1961, will be switch to new format Jan. 1 (see above), determined at meetings to be held within progress is being made on another radio FCC and quizzers Nettled by Con- next fortnight. (NBC intends to appeal front. Radio World Wide, group of gressional allegations that FCC did to U.S. Court of Appeals but CBS has major -market stations formed to pro- nothing and intends to do nothing not yet reached determination pending vide program service to members, ap- about tv quiz rigging scandals, FCC study of opinion, adopted finally Oct. parently is getting its plans close to commissioners have been talking among 30 but released Nov. 2.) Five affiliated operational state. Members are not themselves about need to put out "white stations represented by NBC Spot Sales ready to talk, but it's understood they've paper." Discussions have gotten to will meet in New York Nov. 10 in con- .set at least tentative target date of - point where commissioner -only meeting junction with NBC network affiliates Dec. 31 for start of service. was held last Wednesday morning meeting, at call of Nathan Lord, gen- -to even before agenda was taken up eral manager of WAVE- TV Louisville. try and bring thinking into focus. CBS group meets in Chicago, Nov. 19, IBM on tv Important new prestige ac- coincident with TvB sessions, at call of count may be added to television's client roster almost any time now. It's Just what FCC will say (if anything) John S. Hayes, WTOP -TV Washington International Business Machines, re- is conjectural, but individual commis- and WJXT (TV) Jacksonville, Fla.. portedly looking around for program sioners and staff have emphasized these who heads group. up to its specifications. Benton & points: When quiz scandals first broke, FCC queried networks and decided they Meanwhile there's considerable activ- Bowles is IBM agency. had been duped and were not culpable. ity by reps in pitching for representation Commission has no jurisdiction over of stations which would become free House 'rigging'? Take it or leave it, independent. packagers. No law has been agents if FCC severance order sticks. but one story floating about Washington broken- except moral law. Commission While nothing definitive has developed, is that Oren Harris' Legislative Over- cannot act on individual programs, but network -repped outlets are talking var- sight Committee decided to grab tv quiz facts will be considered when network - ious alternatives separately and collect- rigging inquiry after Emanuel Celler's owned station licenses come up for ively, including (1) setting up their own Judiciary Committee had made plans renewal. And FCC investigation of net- organization with key personnel pos- to undertake probe -albeit from a dif- work programming practices is still un- sibly recruited from existing network ferent angle. Rep. Celler (D -N.Y.) al- derway. spot sales organizations; (2) going en ways has manifested extreme interest in masse to established rep firm; (3) operat- all phases of show business indigenous Legal holiday Bonanza in litigation is ing on branch office basis. Also men- to New York. in offing as outcropping of tv quiz -rig- tioned but regarded as extremely un- ging, according to some lawyers. They likely is possibility of groups "crossing If Judiciary Committee, rather than foresee scores of damage suits against lines" with NBC's -repped affiliate mov- Oversight Subcommittee, had conducted sponsors, networks and package firms ing to CBS Tv Spot Sales and CBS af- inquiry, would result have been differ- by unsuccessful contestants who may filiates doing same with NBC. Under ent? There's no answer to that now claim they were gypped of vast sums of FCC's order, this, according to re- but it's generally agreed that if New money because answers were fed to sponsible opinion, is permissible but York grand jury "presentment" on its their opponents. They also foresee corn - question arises as to feasibility. quiz inquiry of last July had been re- petitive companies filing civil antitrust leased instead of impounded by court, suits against quiz sponsors for unfair NBC endorsement Clearances under entire affair might have blown over trade practices, asking for accounting of NBC Radio's new combination network- quickly. Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in September by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS INC., 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C. OVER 3,000 FEATURE FILM TITLES MORE THAN. ALL OTHER STATIONS COMBINED MGM RKO 20th CENTURY FOX ALLIED ARTISTS EXPERIENCED HANDS to help build your sales in one of America's most prosperous markets. PARAMOUNT Call BLAIR today for top rated minutes. UNITED a STORER National Representatives ARTISTS BLAIR TELEVISION ASSOCIATES station 6 BROADCASTING, November 9, 1959 WEEK IN BRIEF Agencies: plagued with meetings To many brain- THE storming sessions are stifling the creativeness of adver- tising agencies. More "lonely people" who know what LANSING` they are doing and want to do their jobs better than anyone else are needed according to Draper Daniels, executive vice president in charge of creative services, MARKET Leo Burnett Co., Chicago. He states his case in MON- DAY MEMO. Page 29. IS MR. DANIELS The scar in tv's image A second national survey by MOVING .. UP Sindlinger finds that public's opinion of tv has fallen as result of Charles . Van Doren's testimony. Page 37. An idol falls Charles Van Doren confesses he was completely rigged. Others charge fixes on $64,000 Question, $64,000 Challenge and several other shows. Page 39. FTC war on deceptive tv FTC chairman announces saturation cam- paign against false tv commercials; first blow comes with charges against Libbey- Owens -Ford, General Motors. L -O -F, its agency and producers stoutly deny any `trickery.' Tv Code Board officials meet with FTC ex- ecutives. Page 56. Agency conclave Mutual problems of agency executives explored at and the very best eastern conference in New York of American Assn. of Advertising Agen- . . . buy to serve and sell cies. Media planners demonstrate how and what they buy in a simulated exercise; tv -radio workshops a highlight. Page 62. its 313,100 residents is Ad budgets going up Ten per cent average increase foreseen for 1960, Assn. of National Advertisers reports after survey of member companies. W LS Big spenders will spend bigger. Page 68. ANA looks at quizzes Effect of investigation on tv programs and advertising to be explored in closed meeting at annual meeting of Assn. of National Advertisers. Page 68. High interest marks BPA convention The subjects are routine every- day problems, but delegates to the Broadcasters Promotion Assn. meeting 5000 in Philadelphia attack them with gusto. BPA signs 102 new members. Page 74. WATTS Corinthian appoints H -R Five tv and two radio stations' national sales representation consolidated by Corinthian with H -R Representatives and H -R Television. Page 80. First test of new Sec. 315 Mayoralty candidate claims WCAU -TV Take a look at the latest Hooper (J -F, 1959) Philadelphia refused equal opportunities on air with other candidates in news interview type program. FCC says it cannot determine that TIME wlLs STATION station faulted and it would be up to complainant to prove program was B not bona fide news program. Question of reasonable opportunity to Mon -Fri present conflicting views also raised. Page 84. 7:00 a m 57.0 26.5 12:00 noon ASCAP accord seen Major issues reported tentatively resolved in Mon -Fri latest negotiations for new ASCAP radio music licenses. Formula devel- 12:00 noon 66.2 16.3 oped for deduction of talent charges. Three other issues to be left for 6:00 pm court decision. Page 90. * DEPARTMENTS Michigan's capital city market now boasts 91 ,960 households AT DEADLINE 33 INTERNATIONAL 106 BROADCAST ADVERTISING 62 THE MEDIA 74 $366,285,000 retail sales BUSINESS BRIEFLY 70 MONDAY MEMO 29 $588,989,000 spendable CHANGING HANDS 80 OPEN MIKE 18 income CLOSED CIRCUIT 5 OUR RESPECTS 109 COLORCASTING 91 PROGRAMMING 90 DATEBOOK 10 SPECIAL REPORT 56 Represented by VENARD, RINTOUL 8 McCONNELL, Int. .... EDITORIAL PAGE 120 EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERING 101 wits is FANFARE 104 s1tD. L5s associated with WILX-TV FATES & FORTUNES 95 p ye FOR THE RECORD ,07 NBC CHANNEL 10 GOVERNMENT 84 ABC studios in Lansing - LEAD STORY 37 cciLxi% Jackson- Battle Creek )2 U and W PON - PONTIAC BROADCASTING, November 9, 1959 7 ON THE BALL! From any angle, NEWSFILM is the number one television news -gathering service in the world today. World -wide! NEWSFILM is seen by more people than any other television news. In 81 United States markets (including all IO of the top IO). Also in Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Venezuela, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia and Peru. Overseas, NEWSFILM subscribers are in Great Britain, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Western Nigeria, Japan and Australia. World -wise! NEWSFILM boasts the most experienced television news force on earth, and the largest. Trained by famed CBS News, its more than 500 cameramen and reporters, stationed around the globe, gather 12 minutes of headline -fresh world news a day...available to all stations, regardless of their affiliation. Best of all, NEWSFILM delivers the news every day, with no weekend hiatus. Circulation, coverage, service ...no matter how you look at it, NEWSFILM is the best news for you. CBS FILMS 1. tftnASS (eighth event sponsored by WSM Nashville), An- IIfMI-; Mr i drew Jackson Hotel there. Dr. Spencer Thornton, i who has appeared on Jack Paar Show and NBC's MUM -s11111fslI i Monitor, will speak. osmumumsow }MisIiO11 Msi i Nexohv.i bit1io3n- 2 o9f -m Socdreeernn pDaiirnetcintogr sa nGd usildc ulpotfu reA, m7e9ri5c0a slrtP' li llil111rl lair Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. mil Nov. 14 -West Virginia AP Broadcasters news I .Sii f study seminar, Charleston Press Club, 2 p.m. l,,1i There will be a section on sports. 01i> il<Ei0 21,1f 21- 'i J Nov. 15- National Television Week, spon- I ti 1I sored by NAB and Telev-isIinon Bureau of Advertis- I ii 6 ing. Theme: "Television Focus With Modern I f - . ., fi>, America."- 22- _ ,,,r.rlllltllllI Nov. 15 American Society of Association 1 Executives 40th annual meet, Boca Raton, Fla. a At,.sn; George Romney, president of American Motors sr s 411111.111411111.111111111 Corp., Detroit, will be named "Association Man P" IIsl11i:..me.tisirlig'ir! of the Year." 16- r.sr atw1t11. sL.Marr.....,.« *Nov. Hollywood Ad Club luncheon at Holly- mis iss wood Roosevelt Hotel. Richard D. Sharp, marketing director, Packard Bell Electronics Corp., will tell "The Packard Bell Story." Jack Haynes, vice president, Robinson, Fenwick & Haynes (Packard A CALENDAR OF MEETINGS AND EVENTS Bell's agency), will be chairman. IN BROADCASTING AND RELATED FIELDS *Nov. 16 -Sales Executives Club, Mayflower Hotel, Donald M. Ross ( *Indicates first or revised listing) Washington. Speaker: Robert Hurleigh, president, Manager MBS. NOVEMBER 16- Robert E. Eastman Nov. Western States Advertising Agencies 11- & Co., Inc. Nov. 8- Annual fall meeting, Assn. of Na- Assn. dinner meet, N ikabob restaurant, Los Los Angeles Office tional Advertisers, The Homestead, Hot Springs, Angeles. Doug Anderson, president, Anderson -Mc- Va. "Television and Radio Advertising Problems" Connell Adv., will chair program on media rela- to be subject of closed workshop meeting Nov. 9, tions. with Howard Eaton, Lever Bros. media director, Nov. 17 -Radio & Television Executives Society in charge. "A New Way to Measure Advertising begins its 1959 -60 timebuying -selling seminar. C. Effectiveness" to be presented by William Hesse, Terence Clyne, radio -tv vice president, McCann - executive vice president, Benton & Bowles, also Erickson, and David Levy, NBC -TV program -talent TIME SIGNALS Nov. 9. Marketing, advertising planning and ANA vice president, discuss "Tv programming, its prob- advertising aids to be examined Nova 10; adver- lems and prospects." Hotel Lexington, New York, "tiTmuer.n" on the radio and get the tNisoivn.g 8 c-a1se2 - hTihsetoartirees ONwonve. rs 11o.f America (in con- nNooovn. -21 7p.-m A.c aFdiersmt y oof f 16T ewleeveiskiolyn pArortgsr am&s .S ciences junction with National Assn. of Concessionaries at New York, forum on international tv, Young Millions of people check time via and Allied States Assn. of Motion Pictures), Men's -Young Women's Hebrew Assn., Lexington rtiamdieo . sTighnaatl'ss wis hyo nsep oonfs otrhseh ipb eosft StNohollve .r mtv9a - nAc osuHsldon te.a l,g oafCi nh Bicbraoegacood.mc aeIs ft ispsEauxseet. c uptaivtetesr nosf pTreevxaasil,, sANavodevo.. r a1tH 79o2t-en Cld, aSlLifoto.s r niAan gBelreosa. dcasters Assn., Ambas- media buys you can find. The Western Hills Inn, Dallas -Fort Worth. Guest speak- Nov. 18- Washington State Assn. of Broadcasters mteur ltio-f actcoedsasy, 'sa mrabdi-i aoc timvea kecsh airta ca- eNro: v. H9aro-ld A riEz.o nFae lloBwrosa, dpcaressteidrse ntA, ssNnA. Ba. nnual meet, aOnlydm pOicr egHono telA, ssSne. atotlef . Broadcasters joint meet, vital information medium to Valley Hotel, Scottsdale. Nov. 18 -East Central Region annual meeting, America's population on the go. Nov. 9 -UPI Broadcasters of Georgia organiza- American Assn. of Advertising Agencies, Penn - tional meet, Riviera Motel, Atlanta. Sheraton, Pittsburgh. Afternoon and evening Sathtreenwtido nl oacnald aadsvseorctiiasteirosn kvnaolwu et hoef Nfaollv . m9e -e1tin0g.- ISnysrtaitcuutsee oHfo teRl,a dSioy racEunsgein, eNer.sY,. radio sNeosvs. ion1s8 o-Mpean intoe inRvaitdeido g&u esTtse. levision Broadcast- ntiamtieo nsailg nleavl el sipto'sn sao srsphleipn.d idA tt iet -hine enN owv.i ll1 0he-a r Pthaillka deolnp htiav Ccolumb moef rcAiadlvse rbtiys inJgo hWn oWm.- emrse r, AsWsno.r,t hAinuggtuosnt,a OHhoiou,s es,a leAsu gcuosntas.u ltFarnetd, oAn . "PPault- arepapdryo amchi xefso r orm iannsyt antitm ep rosdauvcintsg, oEfs auc,o pvyi ced epparertsmideenntt - aosfs ocNia.Wte. mAyaenra gi&n g Sodnir ecIntoc.r YNoovu.r B1e8s-t 2F0o-o Tt eFleovriswioanrd ." Bureau of Advertising, too. Phila., at 6:30 dinner meeting, Poor Richard Club, annual meeting, Sheraton Hotel, Chicago. 19- 1319 Locust St. Nov. Tennessee AP Radio Assn. fall meet- Spot Radio time signals offer Nov. 10- Academy of Television Arts & Sciences ing, Andrew Jackson Hotel, Nashville. In con- greater value today than ever at Los Angeles, forum on good and bad com- junction with Tennessee Assn. of Broadcasters. before. Capitaliz-ei otn this. Time no mercials, 8 p.m. general membership meeting, Nov. 19- 20- Institute of Radio Engineers Profes- longer just flies sells! Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, Calif. Stan sional Group on Nuclear Science, Sixth Annual Freberg, president, Freberg Unlimited, producer of Meeting, with special emphasis on nuclear science radio- tv commercials, and W.S. Sharps, British and space exploration, electronics for plasma pro- writer, are featured speakers. duction and diagnostics, research instrumentation .44,J Nov. 10 -Assn. of Maximum Service Telecasters for high energy nuclear science, nuclear reactor special board of directors meeting, Mayflower instrumentation and control and automatic sys- Hotel, Washington, D. C. tems for nuclear data processing. Boston, Mass. P.S. To sell the surging Pacific -20- Nov. 11 13 -NBC radio -tv affiliates, Plaza Hotel, Nov. 19 Tennessee Broadcasters Assn., Northwest market your be-st New York. FCC Comr. Robert E. Lee will be one Andrew Jackson Hotel, Nashville. time buy is KJR, Seattle, KXL, of featured speakers opening day, addressing Nov. 20- Comments due in FCC proposed rule - Portland, KNEW, Spokane radio affiliates on "Networks -In Defense." Tv making (Docket 6741) to duplicate Class 1 -A clear The Northwest Nugget Sta- affiliates hold 13th annual meeting Nov. 12 and channels in various sections of the U. S. tions. closed- business sessions Nov. 13. Nov. 22 -24- American Bar Assn. national con- -U. Nov. 11 -13 of Missouri School of Journalism - ference on judicial selection- administration, Chi- Missouri Broadcasters Assn. Broadcast news sem- cago. In conjunction with American Judicature inar, at the university, Columbia. Topics for Society and Institute of Judicial Administration. group discussion include "Radio News, Theory & News, government, political and bar group repre- Practice," "Freedom of Access," "Politics vs. sentatives are invited. Radio, tv and press will Radio & Tv," "Problems of Obtaining News From receive special invitations to attend a "landmark" robert e. eastman & co., inc. rHooosmp,it"a ls" N&e wD oTcetocrhsn,"iq u"eOsr gainn izNinegw st heP rLeosceanl taNtieowns,"- m"weiethtin ge mtop hadsisisc usosn bbaesitct erp rombleetmhosd so f otfh e secleocutritnsg, "Taste in News -What to Use & How to Use it," judges." representing major radio stations "Relationship Between News & Sales Manage- *Nov. 23 -Sales Marketing Executives of Chicago ment," `Broadcast News & the Law," and "The and Milwaukee, combined meeting, Congress Hotel, WNEW WIL KLAC KJR KXL Juvenile Code." Chicago. Speaker: Robert Hurleigh, president, MBS. KNEW WRIT CKLW WHBQ KXOL Nov. 11-14--Sigma Delta Chi (professional jour- Nov. 23 -25-W omen's Advertising Clubs' mid - KBOX WING WCOL KDEO WARM nalistic fraternity) 50th anniversary convention, western intercity conference, Oakton Manor, KQEO WPTR WSBA WAAB WKLO Indianapolis. Guest speaker: Vice President Rich- Pewaukee, Wis. KLEO WEEP KTOK WSAV KSYD ard M.1 3N-ix on. *Nov. 24 -Radio & Television Executives Society KWKY WAMS KXLR WZOK KRIZ Nov. Colorado Broadcasters & Telecasters timebuying -selling seminar. Henry Brenner, presi- Assn., Brown Palace, Denver. dent, T. V. Q., and Albert E. Sindlinger, president, Nov. 13 14-Country Music Disc Jockey Festival Sindlinger & Co., answer "What's New In Nose 10 BROADCASTING, November 9, 1959

No law has been broken- except moral law. group discussion include "Radio News, Theory &. Practice," "Freedom of Access," "Politics vs. Archie S. Grinalds, Jr., Sales Manager . be raised to finance minority program-.
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