Wounded nucleon model with realistic nucleon-nucleon collision profile and observables in relativistic heavy-ion collisions Maciej Rybczyn´ski1,∗ and Wojciech Broniowski2,1,† 1Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University, PL-25406 Kielce, Poland 2The H. Niewodniczan´ski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, PL-31342 Krak´ow, Poland (Dated: 30 August 2011) We investigate the influence of the nucleon-nucleon collision profile (probability of interaction as a function of the nucleon-nucleon impact parameter) in the wounded nucleon model and its extensions on several observables measured in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We find that the participanteccentricitycoefficient,ǫ∗,aswellasthehigherharmoniccoefficients,ǫ∗n,arereducedby 10-20%formid-peripheralcollisionswhentherealistic(Gaussian)profileisused,ascomparedtothe 2 case with the commonly-used hard-sphere profile. Similarly, the multiplicity fluctuations, treated 1 as the function of the number of wounded nucleons in one of the colliding nuclei, are reduced by 0 10-20%. ThisdemonstratesthattheGlauberMonteCarlocodesshouldnecessarily usetherealistic 2 nucleon-nucleon collision profile in precision studies of these observables. Our study is relevant for n hydrodynamiccalculations which use the Glauber-model initial conditions. The Gaussian collision a profileis built-in in GLISSANDO. J 4 PACSnumbers: 25.75.-q,25.75.Dw,25.75.Ld 1 Keywords: relativistic heavy-ion collisions, Glauber model, wounded nucleons, event-by-event fluctuations, ellipticflow ] h t - I. INTRODUCTION woundednucleons,whichyieldthe event-by-eventeccen- cl tricityfluctuationsrelatedtothefluctuationsoftheellip- u tic flow[27–43], the multiplicity fluctuations asthe func- The wounded nucleon model [1] and its extensions n tion of the number of wounded nucleons in one of the [2, 3] have become the basic tool in the analysis of rel- [ colliding nuclei (the NA49 experiment setup [44]), and ativistic heavy-ion collisions. The simple idea, based 2 on the Glauber approach [4, 5] and finding its foun- the overall size fluctuations [45], which can explain the v dation in the Landau-Pomeranchuk effect [6], leads to magnitude and centrality dependence of the measured 9 transverse-momentumfluctuations [46–61]. proper description of the bulk properties of the data. In 0 particular, the centrality dependence of the multiplici- 6 The concept of wounded nucleons can be applied at 2 ties from the RHIC energies (√sNN = 42 GeV) [7] to non-zero rapidity, where it has been beautifully tested 0. LHC (√sNN = 2.76 TeV) [8] is properly reproduced in for the deuteron-nucleus collisions [62], with the conclu- the mixed model [2], appending the wounded nucleon 1 sionthattherapidityprofileoftheparticleemissionfrom model with some particle production from binary colli- 1 the wounded nucleons is asymmetric, peaked in the for- 1 sions. Moreover,inthecolliderexperimentsitiscustom- ward hemisphere, but with substantial emission to the : arytodeterminethenumberofparticipantsasafunction v backward direction as well. Extension of this approach of centrality with the help of the Glauber Monte Carlo i to the nucleus-nucleus case [63, 64] leads to a proper de- X simulations [3, 9–12]. scription of the forward-backward multiplicity fluctua- r The Glauber Monte Carlo calculations have also been a tions at RHIC [64–67] and to a natural explanation of used to determine the initial eccentricity of the system. the sign and magnitude of the directed flow coefficient, This is a very important quantity, as it gives rise, via v [68]. Furthermore, theoretical studies of the correla- subsequent dynamical evolution of the system, to the 1 tionsofthe forwardandbackwardelliptic flowwithfluc- observed elliptic flow coefficient, v . Accuracy of 10% 2 tuations and the asymmetric emission profile lead to the or better is requested in this kind of studies to probe torque effect [69], where the angle between the forward with sufficient accuracy the sensitivity to various physi- andbackwardprincipalaxesof the particle distributions cal effects, in particular to the equation of state [13–16] inthe transverseplane fluctuates substantially onevent- or the viscosity parameters [17–26] of the hydrodynamic by-event basis. All the above-mentioned features show medium. that the Monte Carlo implementations of the wounded- The statisticalnature ofthe Glauber Monte Carloun- nucleon approachresult in rich predictions and allow for avoidably leads to fluctuations in the distribution of the numerous dedicated analyses in heavy-ion physics. In the wounded nucleon model the basic entity is the nucleon-nucleon collision profile, p(b), defined as the ∗ [email protected] probabilityofinelastic nucleon-nucleon(NN) collisionat † [email protected] the impact parameter b. It is normalized to the total 2 inelastic NN cross section, 1.0 Z 2πbdbp(b)=σinel. (1) 0.8 Forthemostbasicquantities,suchastheaveragenumber Lb 0.6 of wounded nucleons in a nucleus-nucleus collision at a Hp given centrality, the shape of the NN collision profile is 0.4 irrelevant. Forthatreason,inmostGlauberMonteCarlo codesitisassumedforsimplicitythatp(b)issimplygiven 0.2 thestepfunction, p(b)=Θ(R b),withπR2 =σ . We inel refer to this as to the hard-sph−ere approximation. 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 The purpose of this paper is to show that for cer- b @fmD tainimportantheavy-ionobservables(eccentricitycoeffi- cients, multiplicity fluctuations, triangular deformation FIG. 1. (Color online) Comparison of the fit of Ref. [73] [70–72]), the shape of the NN collision profile is very (dashed line), formula (7) (solid line), and the hard-sphere much important. In particular, the use of a realistic profile (dotted line) for the probability of the inelastic NN p(b),asdeterminedfromthelow-angleppscattering[73], collision,p(b),plottedasafunctionoftheNNimpactparam- yields noticeably lower eccentricity parameters and mul- eter (σ =36 mb). inel tiplicity fluctuations, with the reduction at the level of 10-20% for the mid-peripheral collisions. By providing the initial condition, our study is relevant for “preci- that quark-diquark picture it is also possible to repro- sion” hydrodynamic calculations, probing the equation duce the diffractive minimum in the ISR data). Here we of state, viscosity parameters, etc. use for simplicity a single Gaussian form: p(b)=Ae−πAb2/σiNnN. (7) II. BASIC ELEMENTS OF THE MODEL The profiles are comparedin Fig.1. By construction,all fits give the same total inelastic NN cross section. For Theunitarityconditionlinksthe elasticNNscattering the fit of Ref. [73] the elastic NN cross section is 7.8 mb, amplitude, tel(b), with the inelastic collision profile (we Eq.(7) yields 6.8 mb, while the hard-sphereprofile gives neglect, as is customary, the small real part of the NN 7.4 mb. scattering amplitude) ThesmalldifferencebetweenthefitofRef.[73](dashed line) and formula (7) (solid line) is innocuous for the tel(b)=1 1 p(b). (2) study of the heavy-ion observables carried out in this − − p work. The parameter A in Eq. (7) depends weekly on Through passing to the momentum representation one the collision energy, hence we have set obtains A=0.92 (8) T (q)= d2beib·qt (b). (3) el Z el for all the studied collisions. The hard-sphere profile, showninFig.1withadottedline,is,ofcourse,muchdif- Further, from the optical theorem, the total NN cross ferentfromthe Gaussianprofile. Whiletheshapeofp(b) section is does not affect certain observables, it leads, as shown in thefollowingSections,tonoticeableeffectsinthedescrip- σ =2T (0), (4) tot el tion of the shape of the initial fireball or in fluctuations the total elastic cross section is the difference of various quantities. σ =σ σ = d2bt (b)2, (5) el tot− inel Z | el | III. RESULTS OF THE MONTE-CARLO SIMULATIONS and, finally, the elastic differential cross section is given by The presented results have been obtained with dσ (t) 1 GLISSANDO [3]. The nuclear distributions are generated el = Tel(q)2, (6) according to appropriate Woods-Saxon densities. The dt 4π| | correlations from the NN repulsion are generated in a with t= q2. standardwaybyprecludingthecentersofnucleonstobe − In Ref. [73] the ISR experimental data [74–78] for the closer to one another than the expulsion distance d. We total and elastic differential pp cross section were prop- use d= 0.9 fm, which reproduces properly [79] the real- erly parametrized with a combination of Gaussians (in istic central correlations implemented in Refs. [80, 81]. 3 Since the principal axes of the distribution fluctuate event-by-event, a more appropriate measure is the value 0.8 of the so-called participant eccentricity, evaluated with WoundedNucleonModel respect to the principal axes in each event [36]. Then 0.7 Pb+Pb, inel=32mb *hardsphere 2 0.6 *Gaussian σ2 σ2 +4σ2 hardsphere ε∗ = q(cid:0) y − x(cid:1) xy. (10) 0.5 Gaussian σx2+σy2 * 0.4 whereσ2, σ2 andσ arethevariancesandcovarianceof , x y xy the nucleon distribution in a given event, respectively. 0.3 Inthedescriptionoftheevolutionofthesysteminvolv- 0.2 ing hydrodynamics [14–26, 82–88], the initial azimuthal (a) eccentricity of the system is a very important quantity, 0.1 asitinfluencesthevalueoftheellipticflowcoefficient,v 2 0.0 [89]. Moreover,it is believed it can be used to probe the 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 dynamicalpropertiesofthesystem,suchasthe equation N W ofstate[13–16]ortheviscosityparameters[17–26]. Thus the initial azimuthal eccentricity, supplied as the initial conditiontothe hydrocodes,isanimportantingredient. The fact that ε∗ > ε makes it easier to develop larger 0.8 WoundedNucleonModel v2, thus the hydrodynamic evolution may be somewhat 0.7 Pb+Pb, inel=63mb shorter. This, it turn, is favorable for the uniform de- *hardsphere scription of the femtoscopic variables [14]. 0.6 *Gaussian From the methodological point of view, in order to hardsphere 0.5 Gaussian studythedetailsofthesystemdynamicsoneshouldstart * from the most realistic initial condition. Certainly, it is 0.4 , not clear what exactly should be used here, as we are 0.3 stillfarfromexplainingtheearliest-stagedynamicsofthe system formed in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Other 0.2 approaches, such as the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) (b) [90, 91] provide a different initial condition [86, 92] for 0.1 hydrodynamicsthantheGlaubermodels. However,hav- 0.0 ingchosentheGlauberapproach,weshouldusethemost 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 realistic ingredients. There is no reason to use the sim- N W plistic hard-sphere wounding profile, since the use of the realistic profile (as inferred form the pp scattering data) FIG. 2. (Color online) The event-averaged values of the az- isequallysimple,whilethedifferencescertainforobserv- imuthal eccentricity ε (two lower lines) and the participant ables at the level of 10%. eccentricity ε∗ (two upperlines) for thehard-spherecollision In Fig. 2 we show the results of GLISSANDO [3] for ε profile(solid lines) andtheGaussian collision profile(dashed and ε∗, obtained in the wounded nucleon model for the lines), evaluated in the wounded nucleon model for Pb+Pb Gaussian wounding profile of Eq. (7) (dashed lines) and collisions and plotted against the total number of wounded thehard-sphereprofile(solidlines). Wenotethattheuse nucleons, NW. The panel (a) corresponds to σinel = 32 mb of the realistic (Gaussian) profile rather than the hard- (topSPSenergy)andthepanel(b)toσ =63mb(LHC). inel sphere profile results in lower values of the eccentricity parameters. The reduction for intermediate centralities is at the level of 10% for the SPS case of σ = 32 mb inel A. Eccentricity andatthelevelof20%fortheLHCcaseofσ =63mb. inel In fact, the reduction due to the realistic profile brings down ε∗ more-less to the value of ε evaluated with the The azimuthal eccentricity is defined as the second conventionalhard-sphereprofile. Thus,theenhancement Fouriermomentofthedistributionofthewoundednucle- due to the participant geometry is “lost” by the use of ons in the transverse plane. One defines the eccentricity the proper wounding profile! coefficient, ε, with respect to the axes defined by the re- The described quenching effect is easy to understand action plane (the coordinate x lies in the reaction plane, on geometric grounds. Unlike the hard-sphere case, the and y is perpendicular to it), Gaussian profile has a tail extending to large values of b (cf. Fig. 1). Therefore there is a certain probability ε= σy2−σx2. (9) that a nucleon from nucleus A wounds a nucleon from σ2+σ2 nucleus B which is “far away” in the transverse plane. y x 4 0.8 0.8 WoundedNucleonModel WoundedNucleonModel 0.7 Au+Au, inel=42mb 0.7 Au+Au, inel=42mb *hardsphere */ *hardsphere 0.6 *Gaussian 0.6 */ *Gaussian hardsphere 0.5 Gaussian 0.5 * * / 0.4 *0.4 , 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 (a) 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 N N W W FIG.4. (Coloronline)Theevent-by-eventscaledstandardde- viation ∆ε∗/ε∗ for the Au+Au collisions with σ = 42 mb 0.8 inel Hotspot+ (top RHIC energy), evaluated for the hard-sphere profile 0.7 Au+Au, inel=42mb (solidline)andtheGaussianprofile(dashedline),plottedasa *hardsphere function of thetotal numberof wounded nucleons, NW. The 0.6 *Gaussian horizontal line shows thelimit of p4/π−1 derived in [38]. hardsphere 0.5 Gaussian * 0.4 but when such a rare collision occurs it produces a large , amount of transverse energy equal to ασ /σ . Then, 0.3 w bin weoverlaytheΓdistributionontheproducedsources,as 0.2 describedin Ref.[3]. Thepurpose ofusingthis modelis, (b) as mentioned, to investigate a case with large statistical 0.1 fluctuations. 0.0 The results areshowninFig.3, wherewe show the ef- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 fectofthe reductionofthe azimuthaleccentricityforthe N W caseofthehighestRHICenergy,comparingthewounded nucleon model (top) and the hot-spot+Γ model (bot- FIG.3. (Color online) Sameas Fig.2for thecase ofAu+Au tom). We note that for both cases the reduction is sim- collisions with σinel = 42 mb (top RHIC energy). Panel (a): ilar, hence the effect does not depend on the particular woundednucleonmodel,panel(b): the“hotspot+Γmodel”. Glauber-like model used for the analysis. InFig.4weshowameasureoftheevent-by-eventfluc- tuations of ε∗, namely, the scaled standard deviation of this quantity, investigated in Refs. [27–33, 35, 37–41] in Sincetherearemorenucleonsinthe x-direction(parallel connection with the fluctuations of the elliptic flow. We to the reaction plane) than in the y-direction (perpen- notea smallincreaseofthe fluctuations forthis quantity dicular to the reaction plane), with the Gaussian profile when the Gaussian collision profile is used compared to more nucleons in the x directionare wounded,hence the the hard-sphere case. reduction effect. Next, we check how the effect depends on the vari- ant of the Glauber-like model of the early phase of the B. Higher azimuthal Fourier components reaction. The wounded nucleon model is the simplest model of this kind. Extensions involve admixing parti- clesfromthebinarycollisions(theso-calledmixedmodel AsimilarreductioneffectoccursforthehigherFourier of Ref. [2, 7, 93]) or overlayinga distributionof particles componentsoftheazimuthaldistributionofsources. The over the sources (here the “source” means a wounded coefficients of rank n, ε∗, are defined in each event as n nucleon or a binary collision). The model which leads [38, 70] to large fluctuations is the hot-spot model [3, 94]. It assumes that the cross section for a semi-hard binary ε∗ = iρ2i cos[n(φi−φ∗)], (11) collision producing a hot spot is small, σbin ≃ 2 mb, n P iρ2i P 5 tation of various observed phenomena, such as the ridge WoundedNucleonModel [95, 96]. 0.7 Au+Au, inel=42mb InFig.5weshowthe wounded-nucleonpredictionsfor 0.6 hardsphere ε∗ with n=3, 4, and 5. Similarly to the n=2 case, we Gaussian n observe a sizable reduction when the Gaussian collision 0.5 profile is used. For mid-peripheral collisions it is at the * (a) 3 0.4 level of 15%. Therefore the realistic NN collision profile 0.3 should be included in the analyses of the triangular and higher-harmonic flow using the Glauber approach. 0.2 0.1 C. Multiplicity fluctuations 0.0 WoundedNucleonModel 0.7 Au+Au, =42mb inel Another important class of phenomena studied in rel- hardsphere 0.6 ativistic heavy-ion collision are the multiplicity fluctua- Gaussian tions [44, 97, 98], which carry information on the NN 0.5 correlations. We have tested several reactions, in par- * (b) 4 0.4 ticular those to be investigated in the NA61 experiment 0.3 [99–103]. The basic measure of the multiplicity fluctua- tions is the scaled variance of the wounded nucleons in 0.2 the target, 0.1 var(N ) targ 0.0 ωtarg = , (13) WoundedNucleonModel Ntarg h i 0.7 Au+Au, =42mb inel plottedasafunctionofthewoundednucleonsofthepro- hardsphere 0.6 Gaussian jectile, which are measured experimentally in the NA49 0.5 or NA61 setup. * (c) A typical result is shown in Fig. 6 for the Ar+Ca col- 5 0.4 lision with σ = 32 mb. We note a reduction of ω inel targ 0.3 when the Gaussianprofile is usedcomparedto the hard- sphere case. The effect is at the level of 15%. A similar 0.2 effectisfoundforothercombinationsofthe collidingnu- 0.1 clei. 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 N D. Other results W FIG. 5. (Color online) The wounded-nucleon model predic- Wehavealsocarriedoutotheranalysesdoneinheavy- tions for the third ( panel (a)), fourth (panel (b)), and fifth ion physics, using the Gaussian profile in GLISSANDO[3]. (panel (c)) Fourier coefficients of the azimuthal distribution. Theforward-backwardmultiplicitycorrelations[64,104– See thetext for details. 106] are not affected by the choice of the NN collision profile. The same is true of the size fluctuations studied in Ref. [45], which influence the transverse-momentum whereirunsoverthenumberofsources(woundednucle- fluctuations. The sizevariableisdefinedineacheventas ons or binary collisions) in each event, ρ is the distance i of the source from the center of mass of the fireball, and r = ρ , (14) i φi is its azimuthal angle. The angle φ∗ is adjusted in Xi each event in such a way as to maximize ε∗, which gives n where i runsoverthe sourcesandρ is the distance from the condition i the center of mass of the fireball. The result for the ρ2sin(nφ ) event-by-eventscaledstandarddeviationofr isshownin tanφ∗ = i i i . (12) P ρ2cos(nφ ) Fig. 7. We note a very small effect from the choice of i i i the NNcollisionprofile,withasmallreductionwhenthe P For n = 2 the above definition overlaps with Eq. (10). Gaussian profile is used. The odd rank coefficients arise entirely due to statistical fluctuations [38]. Thehydrodynamicevolution,whenstartedfrominitial IV. CONCLUSIONS distributionscarryingε∗,generatesthecollectiveflowco- n efficientsv [71,72]. Theyareimportantinthe interpre- We conclude be reiterating our main results: n 6 The Glauber Monte Carlo codes for relativistic • heavy-ioncollisionsshoulddefinitely usethe realis- 1.2 tic NN collision profile, as it affects important ob- WoundedNucleonModel servables in a sizable way. 40Ar+40Ca, =32mb inel 1.0 hardsphere Gaussian 0.8 g ar 0.6 t The eccentricity parameters, ǫ∗, and the higher • rank parameters, ǫ∗, are reduced by 10-20% when 0.4 n therealistic(Gaussian)NNcollisionprofileisused, compared to the case with the hard-sphere profile. 0.2 The multiplicity fluctuations, as measured in the • NA49 orNA61 experimentalsetup, arereducedby 0.0 10-20% when the realistic NN collision profile is 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 used compared to the hard-sphere case. proj N W FIG.6. (Coloronline)Themultiplicity-fluctuationsmeasure, ωtarg, for Ar+Ca collisions with σinel = 32 mb, evaluated forthehard-spherecollision profile(solidline)andtheGaus- sian collision profile (dashed line), plotted as a function of The initial condition following from the realistic wounded nucleons in theprojectile, Nproj. • W wounding profile should be used in hydrodynamic studies. 0.25 WoundedNucleonModel Au+Au, inel=42mb We note that GLISSANDO [3]1 has a built-in realistic 0.2 hardsphere (Gaussian) NN collision profile and can be readily used Gaussian for those analyses where sensitivity to the NN collision profiles appears. >0.15 r < / r 0.1 0.05 Oneifus(WB)wishestothankAdamBzdakforuseful 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 discussions. N W FIG. 7. 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