Women Of The Gospels: Women Of The Gospels: Jesus' Ancestors Jesus' Ancestors Matthew 1:1-17 Matthew 1:1-17 January 22, 2017 Kemptville CRC January 22, 2017 Kemptville CRC “He rescues the wretched “He rescues the wretched who’ve been thrown out with the trash..." (Psalm 113) who’ve been thrown out with the trash..." (Psalm 113) - THE PROBLEM with Jesus' family tree: - THE PROBLEM with Jesus' family tree: - the prayer of ancient Jewish men: - the prayer of ancient Jewish men: - T/R/R/B/M all have lived coloured by.... - T/R/R/B/M all have lived coloured by.... T T R R R R B B M M - We tend to celebrate.... - We tend to celebrate.... (eg the Presidential inauguration) (eg the Presidential inauguration) - Jesus, through his life, tended to hang out with... - Jesus, through his life, tended to hang out with... - Matthew says, “God's plan to bring Jesus was PERFECT!” - Matthew says, “God's plan to bring Jesus was PERFECT!” - the secret to understanding this message: - the secret to understanding this message: THREE - THREE - ` SEVEN - ` SEVEN - THIS IS MY FAMILY!! - Jesus THIS IS MY FAMILY!! - Jesus - So, why do the faces in Jesus' family portrait look familiar? - So, why do the faces in Jesus' family portrait look familiar? - DEAR LORD, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING TO ME? - DEAR LORD, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING TO ME? MY QUESTION MY QUESTION