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Preview Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States, Seventh Edition. Volume 2 Nebraska to Wyoming and District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Dependencies, and U.S. Overview

WORLDMARK ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE STATES ISSN 1531-1627 WORLDMARK ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE STATES, seventh edition Volume 2 Nebraska to Wyoming and District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Dependencies, and U.S. Overview N E B R A S K A State of Nebraska ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: Derived from the Oto Indian word nebrathka, meaning “f at water” (for the Platte River). NICKNAME: T e Cornhusker State. CAPITAL: Lincoln. ENTERED UNION: 1 March 1867 (37th). SONG: “Beautiful Nebraska.” MOTTO: Equality Before the Law. FLAG: T e great seal appears in the center, in gold and silver, on a f eld of blue. OFFICIAL SEAL: Agriculture is represented by a farmer’s cabin, sheaves of wheat, and growing corn; the mechanic arts, by a blacksmith. Above is the state motto; in the background, a steamboat plies the Missouri River and a train heads toward the Rockies. T e scene is surrounded by the words “Great Seal of the State of Nebraska, March 1st 1867.” BIRD: Western meadowlark. FLOWER: Golden- rod. TREE: Western cottonwood. GEM: Blue agate. LEGAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day, 1 January; Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., 3rd Monday in January; Presidents’ Day, 3rd Monday in February; Arbor Day, last Friday in April; Memorial Day, last Monday in May; Independence Day, 4 July; Labor Day, 1st Monday in September; Columbus Day, 2nd Monday in October; Veterans’ Day, 11 November; T anksgiving, 4th T urs- day in November and following Friday; Christmas Day, 25 December. Other days for special observances in- clude Pioneers’ Memorial Day, 2nd Sunday in June; Nebraska Czech Day, 1st Sunday in August; and Ameri- can Indian Day, 4th Monday in September. TIME: 6 AM CST = noon GMT; 5 AM MST = noon GMT. 1 LOCATION, SIZE, AND EXTENT brara River traverses the state’s northern region, and the Republi- Located in the western north-central United States, Nebraska can River f ows through southern Nebraska. ranks 15th in size among the 50 states. T e total area of the state 3 CLIMATE is 77,355 sq mi (200,349 sq km), of which land takes up 76,644 Nebraska has a continental climate, with highly variable tempera- sq mi (198,508 sq km) and inland water 711 sq mi (1,841 sq km). tures from season to season and year to year. T e central region Nebraska extends about 415 mi (668 km) e–w and 205 mi (330 has an annual normal temperature of 50°f (10°c), with a normal km) n–s. monthly maximum of 76°f (24°c) in July and a normal monthly Nebraska is bordered on the n by South Dakota (with the line minimum of 22°f (-6°c) in January. T e record low for the state is formed in part by the Missouri River), on the e by Iowa and Mis- -47°f (-44°c), registered in Morrill County on 12 February 1899; souri (the line being def ned by the Missouri River), on the s by the record high of 118°f (48°c) was recorded at Minden on 24 Kansas and Colorado, and on the w by Colorado and Wyoming. July 1936. T e boundary length of Nebraska totals 1,332 mi (2,143 km). T e Average yearly precipitation in Omaha is about 30 in (76 cm); state’s geographic center is in Custer County, 10 mi (16 km) nw of in the semiarid panhandle in the west, 17 in (43 cm); and in the Broken Bow. southeast, 30 in (76 cm). Snowfall in the state varies from about 21 2 in (53 cm) in the southeast to about 45 in (114 cm) in the north- TOPOGRAPHY west corner. Blizzards, droughts, and windstorms have plagued Most of Nebraska is prairie; more than two-thirds of the state lies Nebraskans throughout their history. within the Great Plains proper. T e elevation slopes upward gradu- ally from east to west, from a low of 840 f (256 m) in the southeast 4 FLORA AND FAUNA along the Missouri River to 5,424 f (1,654 m) in Johnson Twp. of Nebraska’s deciduous forests are generally oak and hickory; coni- Kimball County. T e mean elevation of the state is approximately fer forests are dominated by western yellow (ponderosa) pine. T e 2,600 f (793 m). Rolling alluvial lowlands in the eastern portion tallgrass prairie may include various slough grasses and needle- of the state give way to the f at, treeless plain of central Nebraska, grasses, along with big bluestem and prairie dropseed. Mixed which in turn rises to a tableland in the west. T e Sand Hills of the prairie regions abound with western wheatgrass and buf alo grass. north-central plain is an unusual region of sand dunes anchored T e prairie region of the Sand Hills supports a variety of blue- by grasses that cover about 18,000 sq mi (47,000 sq km). stems, gramas, and other grasses. Common Nebraska wildf owers T e Sand Hills region is dotted with small natural lakes; in the are wild rose, phlox, petunia, columbine, goldenrod, and sunf ow- rest of the state, the main lakes are artif cial. T e Missouri Riv- er. Rare species of Nebraska’s f ora include the Hayden penstemon, er—which, with its tributaries, drains the entire state—forms the yellow ladyslipper, pawpaw, and snow trillium. T ree species were eastern part of the northern boundary of Nebraska. T ree rivers threatened as of 2006: Ute ladies’ tresses, western prairie fringed cross the state from west to east: the wide, shallow Platte River orchid, and Colorado butterf y plant. T e blowout penstemon was f ows through the heart of the state for 310 mi (499 km), the Nio- listed as endangered that year. 505 506 Nebraska Common mammals native to the state are the pronghorn sheep, T e population density in 2004 was 22.7 persons per sq mi. In white-tailed and mule deer, badger, kit fox, coyote, striped ground 2004, the median age of all Nebraskans was 36. In the same year, squirrel, prairie vole, and several skunk species. T ere are more 24.9% of the populace were under age 18 while 13.3% was age than 400 kinds of birds, the mourning dove, barn swallow, and 65 or older. T e largest cities in 2004 were Omaha, which ranked western meadowlark (the state bird) among them. T ree main 43rd among the nation’s cities with an estimated population of wetland areas (Rainwater Basin wetlands, Big Bend reach of the 409,416, and Lincoln, with 236,146 residents. Platte River, and the Sandhills wetlands) serve as important mi- 7 grating and breeding grounds for waterfowl and nongame birds. ETHNIC GROUPS Carp, catf sh, trout, and perch are f shed for sport. Rare animal Among Nebraskans reporting at least one specif c ancestry in the species include the least shrew, least weasel, and bobcat. T e US 2000 census, 661,133 identif ed their ancestry as German, 163,651 Fish and Wildlife Service listed nine animal species (vertebrates as English, 229,805 as Irish, 93,286 as Czech, and 84,294 as Swed- and invertebrates) as threatened or endangered in 2006, including ish. T e 2000 population also included 68,541 black Americans the American burying beetle, bald eagle, whooping crane, black- 21,931 Asians, and 836 Pacif c Islanders. T ere were 94,425 His- footed ferret, Topeka shiner, pallid sturgeon, and Eskimo curlew. panics and Latinos in 2000, representing 5.5% of the total popula- tion. In 2004, 4.3% of the population was black, 1.5% Asian, 0.1% 5 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pacif c Islander, 6.9% Hispanic or Latino, and 1.1% of the popula- T e Department of Environmental Quality was established in tion claimed origin of two or more races. Foreign-born residents 1971 to protect and improve the quality of the state’s water, air, and numbered 74,638, or 4.4% of the total population, in 2000. land resources. T e Agricultural Pollution Control Division of the T ere were 14,896 American Indians in Nebraska as of 2000, Department regulates disposal of feedlot wastes and other sources down from around 16,000 in 1990. T e three Indian reservations of water pollution by agriculture. T e Water and Waste Manage- maintained for the Omaha, Winnebago, and Santee Sioux tribes ment Division is responsible for administering the Federal Clean had the following populations as of 2000: Omaha, 5,194, and Win- Water Act, the Federal Resources Conservation and Recovery Act, nebago, 2,588, and Santee Sioux, 603. In 2004, 0.9% of the popula- portions of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Nebras- tion was American Indian. ka Environmental Protection Act as it relates to water, solid waste, 8 and hazardous materials. In 2003, Nebraska had 255 hazardous LANGUAGES waste sites listed in the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Many Plains Indians of the Macro-Siouan family once roamed database, 12 of which were on the National Priorities List as of widely over what is now Nebraska. Place names derived from the 2006. In 2005, the EPA spent over $15 million through the Super- Siouan language include Omaha, Ogallala, Niobrara, and Keya fund program for the cleanup of hazardous waste sites in the state. Paha. In 1990, about 1,300 Nebraskans claimed Indian tongues as T e same year, federal EPA grants awarded to the state included their f rst languages. $8.2 million for its drinking water state revolving fund and $5.4 In 2000, 1, 469,046 Nebraskans—92.1% of the resident popula- million for the clean water revolving fund. tion f ve years old or older—spoke only English at home, down A program to protect groundwater from such pollutants as ni- from 95.2% in 1990. trates, synthetic organic compounds, hydrocarbons, pesticides, T e following table gives selected statistics from the 2000 Cen- and other sources was outlined in 1985. In 1996, the state spent sus for language spoken at home by persons f ve years old and $3.2 million on its Soil and Water Conservation Program. In 1994, over. T e category “Other Slavic languages” includes Czech, Slo- the state imposed a tax on commercial fertilizers to create the Nat- vak, and Ukrainian. T e category “African languages” includes ural Resources Enhancement Fund, which distributes funds to lo- Amharic, Ibo, Twi, Yoruba, Bantu, Swahili, and Somali. cal natural resource districts for water quality improvement pro- language number percent grams. T e Engineering Division regulates wastewater treatment Population 5 years and over 1,594,700 100.0Speak only standards and assists municipalities in securing federal construc- English 1,469,046 92.1 tion grants for wastewater facilities. T e Air Quality Division is Speak a language other than English 125,654 7.9 Speak a language other than English 125,654 7.9 responsible for monitoring and securing compliance with nation- Spanish or Spanish Creole 77,655 4.9 al ambient air quality standards. In 2003, 51.5 million lb of toxic German 8,865 0.6 chemicals were released in the state. Vietnamese 5,958 0.4 T e state has three main wetland areas: Rainwater Basin wet- Other Slavic languages 4,236 0.3 French (incl. Patois, Cajun) 3,631 0.2 lands, Big Bend reach of the Platte River, and the Sandhills wet- Chinese 2,409 0.2 lands. While these areas are protected, the state has lost about 1 Arabic 1,628 0.1 million acres (405,000 hectares) of wetlands since pre-European Russian 1,559 0.1 settlement times. African languages 1,472 0.1 Polish 1,420 0.1 6 Italian 1,419 0.1 POPULATION Tagalog 1,311 0.1 Nebraska ranked 38th in population in the United States with an Japanese 1,274 0.1 estimated total of 1,758,787 in 2005, an increase of 2.8% since 2000. Between 1990 and 2000, Nebraska’s population grew from Nebraska English, except for a slight South Midland inf uence 1,578,385 to 1,711,263, an increase of 8.4%. T e population was in the southwest and some Northern inf uence from Wisconsin projected to reach 1.78 million by 2015 and 1.81 million by 2025. and New York settlers in the Platte River Valley, is almost pure Nebraska 507 WYOMING Platte R. White R. Niobrara R. Sn Boa S. Platte R. SOUTH DAKOTA SHERIDAN DAWES CHERRY Cottonwood Lake KEYA PAHA BOYD Oglala St. Rec. Area Fort Niobrara GNrastisolnanald W RalegScrt.ea Ante rLeake MS NcaaR mtK.’lue Felvol irRe. . dmNa.nW R.R. . Valentine BROWN ROCK HOLT KNOX CLSCeltEa.w DrRkAiseR L caa.n kAderea DIXON Nebraska National Nat’l For. a r Wildlife Ref.SKt. eRlleecr. PAarreka SRaensteerev aIntidoinan P So.nPc. a DAKOTA BOX A NgaBt’el d MFsosns. il BUTTE SBtoaxte B Ruettce. RAeresa. StL. oRnegc .P Ainrea ALtakkines Sotn. ANTELOPE Willow Rec. Area PIERSCEt. RCerece. kArea Wi Inndeiabnago THURSTON IOWA Long Lake Reservation SIOUX St. Rec. Area WAYNE SCOTTS BLUFF MORRILL GARDEN GRANT HOOKER THOMAS BLAINE LOUP GARFIELD WHEELER MADISON Norfolk Scottsbluff CUMING Nebraska Calamus Pibel Lake S Ncoatt’sl MBolunf.f Nat’l For. S.R Re.s A. . ReSct.a Aterea BURT KBIMANBNAELLRWRiledScct.a aAte rHeialls BRreCiScdHt.gEa AYetEeprNeoNarEt CNreaRst’cle eWfunigtl deLlaifkee ARTHUR MC PHERSON LOGAN ACRUrSneTSocEtl.Rad At eLreaake St. VSRipecrctio.n rAgiasrea FSVotA.Lr LHt EHiYsat.r tPsaurfkf GREELEY BOONNEANCE PLATTE ColumSTbAuNCsTOOLNFAX DSOADFUGrNeEDmERoSnt KEITH LINCOLN HOWARD Oli Svteart eRes. Lodgepole R. DSEAtU.sE HhL i sHto. lPloawrk LakSet M. RceCco. nAaruegahy North Platte SHERMAN RSehsce. rSAmtraetnae MERRICK POLK BUTLER STtw. Roe Rci.v AWerAesDSaOHUINGGLTAOSNPapillion OBmellaevhuae Rec. Area 80 COLORADO PERKINS SSt.u Rtheecr. lAanreda DAWSON BUFFALO RaLvaeknena HALLGrand HAMILTON LANCASTER SARPY SPRt. liPavteatrek St. Rec. Area Island YORK 80 SEWARD Kearney LincolnCASS Riverview NE EBxpRlaAnaStioKn A CSHhtAa.S mREpecio. nA Lreaake HAYES FRROSeNtdT.I ERWReicll.o Awr eRaes. GOSPER PSHtE.C LRPShSeacn. dnAyerlea FRt.e SKct.e aAaterneeay AHDaAMsStingsCLAYSDtLaDte FILLMORE SALINE BlSuAte. r Reaeivce.r OTOE St. RMeacr.i nAarea Enders Res. KEARNEY Rec. Area Indian Cave MISSOURI Point of Interest St. Rec. Area Beatrice State Park C City (1m0o,0r0e 0t-h1a0n0 ,100000,)0 0p0e oppeloeple) DUNDY SRt.o Rcekc C. rAereeka THrITeCnHtCoOnC DKam WREILDLOW FURNAS HARLAN FRANKLIN WEBSTENRUCKOLLS THAYER RoJcEkF FCErR. SSOAtNaletSixLo.a nRnkG.de AAsrGi.aE RRLeoacckJ.O keAHf oSNreSrtda.ON NEMAHA SVte. rRdeocn. LAarkeea Swanson Res. St. Hist. Pk. and State Capital St. Rec. Area St. Rec. Area PAWNEE RICHARDSON 80 U.S. Interstate Route Area of Interest N KANSAS 0 25 50 miles 0 25 50 kilometers e k M. Loup R. Dismal R. Niobrara R. N. Loup R. Elkhorn R. N. Platte R. Calamus R. S. Loup R. Missouri R. 508 Nebraska North Midland. A few words, mostly food terms like kolaches Nebraska in 2004 had 318 mi (512 km) of navigable waterways. (fruit-f lled pastries), are derived from the language of the large In 2003, waterborne shipments totaled only 50,000 tons. Czech population. Usual pronunciation features are on and hog 11 with the /o/, cow and now as /kaow/ and /naow/, because with the HISTORY /ah/ vowel, cot and caught as sound-alikes, and a strong f nal /r/. Nebraska’s f rst inhabitants, from about 10,000 bc, were nomadic Fire sounds almost like far, and our like are; greasy is pronounced Paleo-Indians. Successive groups were more sedentary, cultivat- /greezy/. ing corn and beans. Archaeological excavations indicate that pro- longed drought and dust storms before the 16th century caused 9 RELIGIONS these inhabitants to vacate the area. In the 16th and 17th cen- Nebraska’s religious history derives from its patterns of immigra- turies, other Indian tribes came from the East, some pushed by tion. German and Scandinavian settlers tended to be Lutheran; enemy tribes, others seeking new hunting grounds. By 1800, se- Irish, Polish, and Czech immigrants were mainly Roman Catholic. misedentary Pawnee, Ponca, Omaha, and Oto, along with several Methodism and other Protestant religions were spread by settlers nomadic groups, were in the region. T e Indians developed amiable relations with the f rst white ex- from other Midwestern states. plorers, French and Spanish fur trappers and traders who traveled T ough Protestants collectively outnumber Catholics, the Ro- through Nebraska in the 18th century using the Missouri River man Catholic Church is the largest single Christian denomination as a route to the West. T e area was claimed by both Spain and within the state with about 376,843 adherents in 2004; of which France and was French territory at the time of the Louisiana Pur- 229,952 belong to the archdiocese of Omaha. As of a 2000 gen- chase, when it came under US jurisdiction. It was explored during eral survey, Lutherans constituted the largest Protestant group the f rst half of the 19th century by Lewis and Clark, Zebulon Pike, with 117,419 adherents of the Missouri Synod, 128,570 of the Stephen H. Long, and John C. Frémont. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and 5,829 of the Wis- T e Indian Intercourse Act of 1834 forbade white settlement consin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. In 2004, there were 84,337 west of the Mississippi River, reserving the Great Plains as Indi- members of the United Methodist Church. In 2000, there were an Territory. Nothing prevented whites from traversing Nebraska, 39,420 Presbyterians–USA. In 2006, there were 20,910 members however, and from 1840 to 1866, some 350,000 persons crossed of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons); a the area on the Oregon, California, and Mormon trails, following Mormon temple was opened in Winter Quarters in 2001. As of the Platte River Valley, which was a natural highway to the West. 2005, there were 18,119 members of the United Church of Christ. Military forts were established in the 1840s to protect travelers T e Jewish population was estimated at 7,100 in 2000 and Mus- from Indian attack. lims numbered about 3,115. T at year, there were 704,403 people T e Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 established Nebraska Territo- (about 41% of the population) who were not counted as members ry, which stretched from Kansas to Canada and from the Missouri of any religious organization. River to the Rockies. T e territory assumed its present shape in 10 1861. Still sparsely populated, Nebraska escaped the violence over TRANSPORTATION the slavery issue that af icted Kansas. T e creation of Nebraska Nebraska’s development was profoundly inf uenced by two ma- Territory heightened conf ict between Indians and white settlers, jor railroads, the Union Pacif c and the Chicago Burlington and however, as Indians were forced to cede more and more of their Quincy (later merged along with the Great Northern and North- land. From mid-1860 to the late 1870s, western Nebraska was a ern Pacif c railroads into the Burlington Northern in 1970), both battleground for Indians and US soldiers. By 1890, the Indians of which were major landowners in the state in the late 1800s. As were defeated and moved onto reservations in Nebraska, South of 2003, the Union Pacif c and the former railroads that make up Dakota, and Oklahoma. the Burlington Northern (now the Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Settlement of Nebraska Territory was rapid, accelerated by the still operated in Nebraska, and constitute the state’s two Class I Homestead Act of 1862, under which the US government pro- railroads. Altogether, in that year, there were 11 railroads in the vided 160 acres (65 hectares) to a settler for a nominal fee, and state with 3,548 rail mi (5,712 km) of track. As of 2006, Amtrak the construction of the Union Pacif c, the f rst transcontinental provided east–west service to f ve stations in Nebraska via its Chi- railroad. T e Burlington Railroad, which came to Nebraska in cago to Emreyville/San Francisco California Zephyr train the late 1860s, used its vast land grants from Congress to pro- Nebraska’s road system which totaled 93,245 mi (150,124 km) mote immigration, selling the land to potential settlers from the in 2004, is dominated by Interstate 80, the major east–west route East and from Europe. T e end of the Civil War brought an in- and the largest public investment project in the state’s history. f ux of Union veterans, bolstering the Republican administration, Some 1.678 million motor vehicles were registered in 2004, of which began pushing for statehood. On 1 March 1867, Nebraska which around 829,000 were automobiles and about 820,000 were became the 37th state to join the Union. Farming and ranching trucks of all types. T ere were 1,315,819 licensed drivers in the developed as the state’s two main enterprises. Facing for the f rst state that same year. time the harsh elements of the Great Plains, homesteaders in cen- In 2005, Nebraska had a total of 303 public and private-use avi- tral and western Nebraska evolved what came to be known as the ation-related facilities. T is included 266 airports, 36 heliports, sod-house culture, using grassy soil to construct sturdy insulated and one seaplane base. Eppley Airf eld, Omaha’s airport, is by far homes. T ey harnessed the wind with windmills to pump water, the busiest in the state. In 2004, Epply had 1,892,379 passengers constructed fences of barbed wire, and developed dry-land farm- enplaned. ing techniques. Nebraska 509 Ranching existed in Nebraska as early as 1859, and by the 1870s tory. In the summer of 2000, areas of the state had had no substan- it was well established in the western part of the state. Some for- tial rain in a year. T e previous autumn and winter were the driest eign investors controlled hundreds of thousands of acres of the on record. Drought conditions prevailed. Even with mitigation ef- free range. T e cruel winter of 1886–87 killed thousands of cattle forts, much of the state’s corn crop was lost. and bankrupted many of these large ranches. Challenges still facing the state have included a loss of popula- By 1890, depressed farm prices, high railroad shipping charg- tion in rural areas, urban decay, and tension among various ethnic es, and rising interest rates were hurting the state’s farmers, and groups. In 1998 there were more Hispanics, accounting for 4.4% a drought in the 1890s exacerbated their plight. T ese problems of the population, in the state than there were African Americans; contributed to the rise of populism, a pro-agrarian movement. Nebraska also has a small Native American population. Water Many Nebraska legislators embraced populism, helping to bring conservation to avoid depletion of the state’s aquifers for irriga- about the f rst initiative and referendum laws in the United States, tion purposes remains a major priority. Nebraska was facing its providing for the regulation of stockyards and telephone and tele- worst recession since the 1980s in 2003. By 2004, the state was in graph companies, and instituting compulsory education. its f f h straight year of severe drought conditions. World War I created a rif among Nebraskans as excessive patri- Lt. Governor Dave Heineman became Nebraska’s governor in otic zeal was directed against residents of German descent. Ger- January 2005 when former Governor Mike Johanns resigned to man-language newspapers were censored, ministers were ordered serve as US Secretary of Agriculture. Heineman upon coming to to preach only in English (of en to congregations that understood of ce focused on four priorities: education, economic vitality, ef- only German), and three university professors of German origin f ciency in government, and protecting families. were f red. A Nebraska law (1919) that prohibited the teaching of any foreign language until high school was later declared uncon- 12 STATE GOVERNMENT stitutional by the US Supreme Court. T e f rst state constitution was adopted in 1866; a second, adopted Tilling of marginal land to take advantage of farm prices that in 1875, is still in ef ect. A 1919–20 constitutional convention pro- had been inf ated during World War I caused economic distress during the 1920s. Nebraska’s farm economy was already in peril posed—and voters passed—41 amendments; by January 2005, the when the dust storms of the 1930s began, and conditions wors- document had been revised an additional 222 times. ened as drought, heat, and grasshopper invasions plagued the state. Nebraska’s legislature is unique among the states; since 1934, it T ousands of people, particularly from the southwest counties in has been a unicameral body of 49 members elected on a nonpar- which dust-bowl conditions were most severe, f ed Nebraska for tisan basis. Members, who go by the title of senator, are chosen the west coast. Some farmers joined protest movements—dump- in even-numbered years for four-year terms. Legislative sessions ing milk, for example, rather than selling at depressed prices— begin in early January each year and are limited to 90 legislative while others marched on the state capital to demand a morato- days in odd-numbered years and to 60 legislative days in even- rium on farm debts, which they received. In the end, federal aid numbered years. Special sessions, not formally limited in dura- saved the farmers. tion, may be called by petition of two-thirds of the legislators. Leg- T e onset of World War II brought prosperity to other sectors. islators must be qualif ed voters, at least 21 years old, and should Military airf elds and war industries were placed in the state be- have lived in their district for a year prior to election. T e legisla- cause of its safe inland location, bringing industrial growth that tive salary was $12,000 in 2004, unchanged from 1999. extended into the postwar years. Much of the new industry that Elected executives are the governor, lieutenant governor, secre- developed during the postwar era was agriculture-related, includ- tary of state, auditor, treasurer, and attorney general, all of whom ing the manufacture of mechanized implements and irrigation serve four-year terms. T e governor and lieutenant governor are equipment. jointly elected; each must be a US citizen for at least f ve years, at Farm output and income increased dramatically into the 1970s least 30 years old, and have been a resident and citizen of Nebras- through wider use of hybrid seed, pesticides, fungicides, chemi- ka for at least f ve years. Af er serving two consecutive terms, the cal fertilizers, close-row planting, and irrigation, but contaminat- governor is ineligible for the of ce for four years. As of December ed runof adversely af ected water quality and greater water use 2004, the governor’s salary was $85,000. drastically lowered water-table levels. Many farmers took on large A bill becomes law when passed by a majority of the legislature debt burdens to f nance expanded output, their credit buoyed and signed by the governor. If the governor does not approve, the by strong farm-product prices and exports. When prices began bill is returned with objections, and a three-f f hs vote of the mem- to fall in the early 1980s, many found themselves overextended. bers of the legislature is required to override the veto. A bill auto- By spring 1985, an estimated 10% of all farmers were reported- matically becomes law if the governor does not take action within ly close to bankruptcy. In the early 1990s farm prices rose; the f ve days of receiving it. average farm income in Nebraska rose more than 10% between A three-f f hs majority of the legislature is required to propose 1989 and the mid-1990s. Increasingly, the state had fewer, larger, and more-mechanized farms. T e growth of small industries and an amendment to the state constitution. T e people may propose tourism also bolstered Nebraska’s economy in the 1990s. By 1999 an amendment by presenting a petition signed by 10% of total the state enjoyed one of the lowest unemployment rates in the na- votes for governor at last election. T e amendments are then sub- tion—2.9%. But farmers were struggling again. A wildf re in the mitted for approval at the next regular election or at a special elec- Sandhills of Nebraska’s panhandle in 1999 scorched 74,840 acres tion in which a majority of the votes tallied must be at least 30% of and claimed 25,000 trees; it was the largest f re in the state’s his- the total number of registered voters. 510 Nebraska 15 STATE SERVICES Nebraska Presidential Vote by Major Political Parties, To address the continuing threat of terrorism and to work with the 1948–2004 federal Department of Homeland Security, homeland security in YEAR ELECTORAL VOTE NEBRASKA WINNER DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Nebraska operates under executive order; the lieutenant governor 1948 6 Dewey (R) 224,165 264,774 is designated as the state homeland security advisor. 1952 6 *Eisenhower (R) 188,057 421,603 As of 1 June 1971, the Of ce of Public Counsel (Ombudsman) 1956 6 *Eisenhower (R) 199,029 378,108 1960 6 Nixon (R) 232,542 380,553 was empowered to investigate complaints from citizens in rela- 1964 5 *Johnson (D) 307,307 276,847 tion to the state government. T e Accountability and Disclosure 1968 5 *Nixon (R) 170,784 321,163 Commission, established in 1977, regulates the organization and 1972 5 *Nixon (R) 169,991 406,298 1976 5 Ford (R) 233,692 359,705 f nancing of political campaigns and investigates reports of con- 1980 5 *Reagan (R) 166,424 419,214 f icts of interest involving state of cials. 1984 5 *Reagan (R) 187,866 460,054 T e eight-member state Board of Education, elected on a non- 1988 5 *Bush (R) 259,235 397,956 partisan basis, oversees elementary and secondary public schools 1992** 5 Bush (R) 217,344 344,346 1996** 5 Dole (R) 236,761 363,467 and vocational education. T e Board of Regents, which also con- 2000 5 *Bush, G. W. (R) 231,780 433,862 sists of eight elected members, governs the University of Nebras- 2004 5 *Bush, G. W. (R) 254,328 512,814 ka system. Special examining boards license architects, engineers, *Won US presidential election. psychologists, and land surveyors. T e Coordinating Commission **IND. candidate Ross Perot received 174,687 votes in 1992 and 71,278 votes for Postsecondary Education works to develop a statewide plan in 1996. for an educationally and economically sound, progressive, and co- ordinated system of postsecondary education. Voters in Nebraska must be US citizens, at least 18 years old, T e Department of Roads maintains and builds highways, and and state residents. Restrictions apply to convicted felons and the Department of Aeronautics regulates aviation, licenses air- ports, and registers aviators. T e Department of Motor Vehicles those of cially found mentally incompetent. provides vehicle and driver services. Natural resources are pro- 13 tected by the Forest Service, Energy Of ce, Game and Parks Com- POLITICAL PARTIES mission, and the Natural Resources Department. In the 2000 presidential elections, Republican candidate George W. Public assistance, child welfare, medical care for the indigent, Bush secured 63% of the vote; Democrat Al Gore, 33%; and Green and a special program of services for children with disabilities are Party candidate Ralph Nader, 3%. In 2004, Bush again dominated, the responsibility of the Health and Human Service System, which with 66% of the vote to Democratic challenger John Kerry’s 33%. also operates community health services, provides nutritional ser- In 2004 there were 1,160,000 registered voters. In 1998, 37% of vices, and is responsible for disease control. registered voters were Democratic, 49% Republican, and 14% un- T e state’s huge agricultural industry is aided and monitored af liated or members of other parties. T e state had f ve electoral by the Department of Agriculture, which is empowered to pro- votes in the 2004 presidential election. tect livestock, inspect food-processing areas, conduct research into crop development, and encourage product marketing. T e In the 2000 elections, Democrat Ben Nelson was elected to the Nebraska Corn Board works to enhance the prof tability of the Senate; Republican Chuck Hagel won election to the Senate in corn producer. 1996 and was reelected in 2002. In 1998 Republican Mike Johanns was elected to succeed Nelson as governor; Johanns was reelected 16 JUDICIAL SYSTEM in 2002, but resigned before completing his term to become the T e Nebraska Supreme Court is the state’s highest court, which US secretary of agriculture. Johanns was succeeded by Lieuten- consists of a chief justice and six other justices, all of whom are ini- ant Governor Dave Heineman in January 2005. Republicans won tially appointed by the governor. T ey must be elected af er serv- all three of the state’s seats in the US House of Representatives ing three years, and every six years thereaf er, running unopposed in 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004. Nebraska’s unicameral on their own record. Below the Supreme Court are the district state legislature is nonpartisan. courts of which 53 judges serve 21 districts in the state. T ese are trial courts of general jurisdiction. County courts handle criminal 14 LOCAL GOVERNMENT misdemeanors and civil cases involving less than $5,000. In addi- tion, there are a court of industrial relations, a worker’s compen- In 2005, Nebraska had 93 counties, 531 municipalities, and 576 sation court, two conciliation courts (family courts), two munici- public school districts. Some 1,146 special districts covered such pal courts (in Omaha and Lincoln), and juvenile courts in three services as f re protection, housing, irrigation, and sewage treat- counties. ment. In 2002, there were 446 townships. Boards of supervisors or As of 31 December 2004, a total of 4,130 prisoners were held commissioners, elected by voters, administer at the county level. in Nebraska’s state and federal prisons, an increase from 4,040 of Municipalities are generally governed by a mayor (or city manag- 2.2% from the previous year. As of year-end 2004, a total of 369 er) and council. Villages elect trustees to governing boards. inmates were female, up from 323 or 14.2% from the year before. In 2005, local government accounted for about 79,114 full-time Among sentenced prisoners (one year or more), Nebraska had an (or equivalent) employment positions. incarceration rate of 230 per 100,000 population in 2004. Nebraska 511 According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Nebraska in 19 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION 2004 had a violent crime rate (murder/nonnegligent manslaugh- Nebraska’s Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation rep- ter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault) of 308.7 reported resents the state in the Council of State Governments. As an oil- incidents per 100,000 population, or a total of 5,393 reported inci- producing state, Nebraska is a member of the Interstate Compact dents. Crimes against property (burglary, larceny/thef , and motor to Conserve Oil and Gas. In addition, the state belongs to several vehicle thef ) in that same year totaled 61,512 reported incidents regional commissions. Of particular importance are the Republi- or 3,520.6 reported incidents per 100,000 people. Nebraska has a can River Compact with Colorado and Kansas, the Big Blue River death penalty, of which electrocution is the sole method of execu- Compact with Kansas, the South Platte River Compact with Colo- tion. From 1976 through 5 May 2006, the state had executed only rado, the Ponca Creek Nebraska-South Dakota-Wyoming Water three people, the most recent of which was in December 1997. As Compact, and the Upper Niobrara River Compact with Wyoming. of 1 January 2006, Nebraska had 10 inmates on death row. T e Nebraska Boundary Commission was authorized in 1982 to In 2003, Nebraska spent $42,004,625 on homeland security, an enter into negotiations to more precisely demarcate Nebraska’s average of $24 per state resident. boundaries with Iowa, South Dakota, and Missouri. Nebraska is also a member of the Central Interstate Low-Level Radioac- 17 ARMED FORCES tive Waste Compact, under which Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, T e US military presence in the state is concentrated near Oma- Louisiana, and Arkansas have located a suitable disposal site for ha, where Of utt Air Force Base serves as the headquarters of the such waste. Boundary pacts are in ef ect with Iowa, Missouri, and US Strategic Air Command. In 2004, Nebraska f rms were award- South Dakota. In f scal year 2005, the state received $1.893 billion ed $401.2 million in defense contracts, and defense payroll out- in federal grants, an estimated $1.927 billion in f scal year 2006, lays were $925 million. In the same year, there were 7,332 active- and an estimated $1.994 billion in f scal year 2007. duty military personnel and 3,769 civilian personnel stationed in 2 0 Nebraska. ECONOMY A total of 159,487 veterans of US military service resided in Ne- Agriculture has historically been the backbone of Nebraska’s braska as of 2003. Of these, 22,241 served in World War II, 20,282 economy, with cattle, corn, hogs, and soybeans leading the state’s in the Korean conf ict, 48,499 in the Vietnam era, and 25,391 dur- list of farm products. However, Nebraska is attempting to diver- ing the Persian Gulf War. For the f scal year 2004, total Veterans sify its economy and has been successful in attracting new busi- Af airs expenditures in Nebraska amounted to $538 million. ness, in large part because of its location near western coal and As of 31 October 2004, the Nebraska State Patrol employed 498 oil deposits. full-time sworn of cers. T e largest portion of the state’s labor force is employed in agri- culture, either directly or indirectly—as farm workers, as factory 18 MIGRATION workers in the food-processing and farm-equipment industries, or T e pioneers who settled Nebraska in the 1860s consisted main- as providers of related services. T e service sector, which includes ly of Civil War veterans from the North and foreign-born immi- not only the servicing of equipment but also the high growth areas grants. Some of the settlers migrated from the East and easterly of health and business services and telemarketing, expanded at an parts of the Midwest, but many came directly from Europe to farm annual rate of 4.4% during the 1980s. T e trend intensif ed in the the land. T e Union Pacif c and Burlington Northern railroads, late 1990s, as general services grew at an average annual rate of which sold land to the settlers, actively recruited immigrants in 7.7% from 1998 to 2001, and f nancial services grew at an average Europe. Germans were the largest group to settle in Nebraska (in rate of 5.7%. Nebraska was not deeply involved in the information 1900, 65,506 residents were German-born), then Czechs from Bo- technology (IT) boom of the 1990s, and therefore was not deeply hemia, and Scandinavians from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. af ected by its bust in 2001. Coming into the 21st century, the state T e Irish came to work on the railroads in the 1860s and stayed economy grew a moderate average rate of about 4.1% (1998 to to help build the cities. Another wave of Irish immigrants in the 2000), which fell to 2.4% in 2001. In 2001, declines in manufac- 1880s went to work in the packinghouses of Omaha. T e city’s turing employment were of -set by increases in the services and stockyards also attracted Polish workers. T e 1900 census showed government sectors. T e job losses became more severe in 2002, that over one-half of all Nebraskans were either foreign-born or by the fourth quarter, the unemployment rate had eased to 3.3%, the children of foreign-born parents. For much of the 20th cen- down from 3.9% in April 2002. tury, Nebraska was in a period of out-migration. From 1930 to With technological advances in farming and transportation, and 1960, the state suf ered a net loss of nearly 500,000 people through consolidation in the agricultural sector, Nebraska’s rural counties migration, with more than one third of the total leaving during the have been losing population since the 1970s. In 2002, sixty six of dust-bowl decade, 1930–40. T is trend continued, with Nebraska Nebraska’s 93 counties had lower populations than in the 1970s, experiencing a net out-migration of 27,400 for the period 1985– and population loss accelerated during the 1990s. Drought con- 90. Between 1990 and 1998, the state had net gains of 2,000 in do- ditions in 2002 disrupted cattle production because of shortages mestic migration and 14,000 in international migration. In 1998, of hay and pasture. Drought persisted into the winter of 2002-03, 1,267 foreign immigrants arrived in Nebraska. T e state’s overall and the state is likely to face long-term water shortages. population increased 5.3% between 1990 and 1998. In the period Nebraska’s gross state product (GSP) in 2004 was $68.183 bil- 2000–05, net international migration was 22,199 and net internal lion, of which manufacturing (durable and nondurable goods) ac- migration was -26,206, for a net loss of 4,007 people. counted for the largest share at $8.305 billion or 12.1% of GSP, fol- 512 Nebraska lowed by the real estate sector at $5.872 billion (8.6% of GSP), and cludes those workers who reported no union af liation. Nebraska health care and social assistance at $4.919 billion (7.2% of GSP). is one of 22 states with a right-to-work law. In that same year, there were an estimated 151,088 small business- As of 1 March 2006, Nebraska had a state-mandated minimum es in Nebraska. Of the 46,161 businesses that had employees, an wage rate of $5.15 per hour. In 2004, women in the state accounted estimated total of 44,703 or 96.8% were small companies. An esti- for 47.1% of the employed civilian labor force. mated 4,849 new businesses were established in the state in 2004, 2 3 up 12.5% from the year before. Business terminations that same AGRICULTURE year came to 5,051, unchanged from 2003. T ere were 207 busi- Territorial Nebraska was settled by homesteaders. Farmers eas- ness bankruptcies in 2004, down 13% from the previous year. In ily adapted to the land and the relatively rainy eastern region, 2005, the state’s personal bankruptcy (Chapter 7 and Chapter 13) and corn soon became their major crop. In the drier central and f ling rate was 485 f lings per 100,000 people, ranking Nebraska as western prairie regions, settlers were forced to learn new farm- the 28th highest in the nation. ing methods to conserve moisture in the ground. Droughts in the 1890s provided impetus for water conservation. Initially, oats 2 1 INCOME and spring wheat were grown along with corn, but by the end of In 2005 Nebraska had a gross state product (GSP) of $70 billion the 19th century, winter wheat became the main wheat crop. T e which accounted for 0.6% of the nation’s gross domestic product drought and dust storms of the 1930s, which devastated the state’s and placed the state at number 37 in highest GSP among the 50 agricultural economy, once again drove home the need for water states and the District of Columbia. and soil conservation. In 2002, a total of 7.5 million acres (3 mil- According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2004 Ne- lion hectares) were irrigated, a 21% increase from 1992. In 2004, braska had a per capita personal income (PCPI) of $32,341. T is there were 48,300 farms covering 45.9 million acres (18.6 million ranked 21st in the United States and was 98% of the national av- hectares). erage of $33,050. T e 1994–2004 average annual growth rate of With total cash receipts from farm marketings at over $11.2 bil- PCPI was 4.5%. Nebraska had a total personal income (TPI) of lion in 2005, Nebraska ranked fourth among the 50 states. About $56,523,179,000, which ranked 36th in the United States and re- $7.3 billion of all farm marketings came from livestock produc- f ected an increase of 5.8% from 2003. T e 1994–2004 average tion, and $3.9 billion from cash crops (9.9% of US total). In 2004, annual growth rate of TPI was 5.2%. Earnings of persons em- corn accounted for 22% of farm receipts. ployed in Nebraska increased from $41,452,474,000 in 2003 to Crop production in 2004 (in bushels) included: corn, 1.3 bil- $43,923,337,000 in 2004, an increase of 6.0%. T e 2003–04 na- lion; sorghum grain, 33.6 million; wheat, 61 million; oats, 3.7 mil- tional change was 6.3%. lion; and barley, 162,000. Hay production was 6.1 million tons and T e US Census Bureau reports that the three-year average potato production, 9.3 million hundredweight (422 million kg). median household income for 2002 to 2004 in 2004 dollars was During 2000–04, Nebraska ranked third among the states in pro- $44,623 compared to a national average of $44,473. During the duction of corn for grain and sorghum for grain, and f f h in sor- same period an estimated 9.9% of the population was below the ghum for beans. poverty line as compared to 12.4% nationwide. Farms in Nebraska are major businesses requiring large land 2 2 holdings to justify investments. T e average value of an acre of LABOR cropland in 2004 was $1,750. Nebraska farms still tend to be According to the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Sta- owned by individuals or families rather than by large corpora- tistics (BLS), in April 2006 the seasonally adjusted civilian la- tions. T e strength of state support for the family farm was ref ect- bor force in Nebraska numbered 988,200, with approximately ed in the passage of a 1982 constitutional amendment, initiated 33,700 workers unemployed, yielding an unemployment rate of by petition, prohibiting the purchase of Nebraska farm and ranch 3.4%, compared to the national average of 4.7% for the same pe- lands by other than a Nebraska family farm corporation. riod. Preliminary data for the same period placed nonfarm em- ployment at 947,100. Since the beginning of the BLS data series 2 4 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY in 1976, the highest unemployment rate recorded in Nebraska In 2005, Nebraska ranked third behind Texas and Kansas in the was 6.8% in February 1983. T e historical low was 2.2% in Febru- total number of cattle on farms (6.35 million), including 61,000 ary 1998. Preliminary nonfarm employment data by occupation milk cows. Nebraska farmers had around 2.85 million hogs and for April 2006 showed that approximately 4.9% of the labor force pigs, valued at $313.5 million in 2004. During 2003, the state pro- was employed in construction; 10.9% in manufacturing; 21.2% in duced an estimated 10.3 million lb (4.7 million kg) of sheep and trade, transportation, and public utilities; 6.9% in f nancial activi- lambs, which grossed $10.8 million in income for Nebraska farm- ties; 10.4% in professional and business services; 13.7% in educa- tion and health services; 8.5% in leisure and hospitality services; ers. Dairy products included 1.13 billion lb (0.51 billion kg) of and 17.1% in government. milk produced. T e BLS reported that in 2005, a total of 69,000 of Nebraska’s 2 5 830,000 employed wage and salary workers were formal members FISHING of a union. T is represented 8.3% of those so employed, which Commercial f shing is negligible in Nebraska. T e US Fish and was unchanged from 2004, and below the national average of 12%. Wildlife Service maintains 87 public f shing areas. In 2004, the Overall in 2005, a total of 79,000 workers (9.5%) in Nebraska were state had 176,619 f shing license holders. T ere are f ve state covered by a union or employee association contract, which in- hatcheries producing a variety of stock f sh that includes large

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