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WORLDMARK ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE NATIONS UNITED NATIONS i ISSN 1531-1635 WORLDMARK ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE NATIONS Volume 1 UNITED NATIONS iii Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations, Eleventh Edition Timothy L. Gall, Editor in Chief Project Editor Permissions Product Design Mary Rose Bonk Margaret Chamberlain Cynthia Baldwin Editorial Imaging and Multimedia Manufacturing Jolen Marya Gedridge Christine O’Bryan, Kelly A. Quin Rhonda Williams © 2004 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale This publication is a creative work fully pro- Since this page cannot legibly accommodate Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, tected by all applicable copyright laws, as well all copyright notices, the acknowledgments Inc. as by misappropriation, trade, secret, unfair constitute an extension of the copyright competition, and other applicable laws. The notice. Gale and Design™ and Thomson Learning™ authors and editors of this work have added are trademarks used herein under license. 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Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 iv C O N T E N T S Contributors.................................................................vi Staff of the United Nations System............................196 Acknowledgments.......................................................xii Bibliography .............................................................197 Foreword.....................................................................xv THE UNITED NATIONS RELATED AGENCIES Preface to the Seventh Edition....................................xvi Foreword to the First Edition.......................................xvi Agencies of the United Nations System ....................203 Introduction to the First Edition..................................xvii The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ........204 Notes to the Eleventh Edition.......................................xx The International Labour Organization (ILO) ............212 The Food and Agriculture Organization THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM of the United Nations (FAO) ...................................224 The United Nations Family of Organizations .................2 The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Structure of the United Nations System ........................3 Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ...........................236 Comparison with the League of Nations .......................6 The World Health Organization (WHO) ....................246 The Making of the United Nations ................................8 The International Civil Aviation Purposes and Principles ...............................................10 Organization (ICAO) ..............................................261 Membership ...............................................................11 The Universal Postal Union (UPU) .............................267 United Nations Headquarters ......................................15 The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ...271 The United Nations Budget .........................................19 The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) ......276 The General Assembly .................................................23 The International Maritime Organization (IMO) ........281 The Security Council ...................................................27 The World Intellectual Property The Economic and Social Council ...............................35 Organization (WIPO) .............................................286 The Trusteeship Council ..............................................39 The International Fund for Agricultural The International Court of Justice ................................42 Development (IFAD) ..............................................290 The Secretariat ............................................................46 The United Nations Industrial Development The Secretary-General .................................................50 Organization (UNIDO) ...........................................293 International Peace and Security .................................64 The World Trade Organization (WTO) ......................297 Arms Regulation and Disarmament .............................83 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) ....................302 Peaceful Uses of Outer Space ......................................99 The World Bank Group .............................................311 Law of the Sea ..........................................................102 Economic and Social Development ...........................105 Technical Cooperation Programs ..............................119 SUPPLEMENTS Social and Humanitarian Assistance ...........................134 Polar Regions.............................................................327 Human Rights ...........................................................157 World Tables.............................................................334 Independence of Colonial Peoples ............................167 Conversion Tables.....................................................363 International Law ......................................................176 Abbreviations and Acronyms.....................................364 Universal Declaration of Human Rights .....................181 Glossary of Religious Holidays....................................367 Addresses of the Principal Glossary of Special Terms..........................................370 United Nations Organizations .................................184 General Bibliography ................................................372 United Nations Online Databases ..............................193 Index to Countries and Territories..............................378 United Nations Depository Libraries ..........................194 Index to the United Nations and Related Agencies ...382 v E d i t o r i a l S t a f f Editor in Chief: Timothy L. Gall Senior Editors: Jeneen M. Hobby, Jennie B. Watson Associate Editors: Karen Ellicott, Susan Bevan Gall, Patricia Hale, James Henry, Paulette Kurzer, Daniel M. Lucas, Maura E. Malone, Edith T. Mirante, Patricio Navia, Michael A. Parris, Ayad Rahim, Seth E. Rosenberg, Susan Stern, Jeanne Marie Stumpf, Rosalie Wieder, Daiva Ziedonis Cartographers: Maryland Cartographics, Inc.; Scott B. Edmonds, President: Stephanie K. Clark, Deborah G. Freer, Tracy R. Morrill, Justin E. Morrill, Judith G. Nielsen, John P. Radziszewski C o n t r i b u t o r s Shown below are contributors to the present and previous editions, in most cases fol- lowed by their affiliation or status at the time the contribution was made. AHMED, BASHIR. Researcher/Writer. ALBA, VICTOR. Author, Transition in Spain: From Franco to Democracy. ALISKY, MARVIN. Director of Center for Latin American Studies and Professor of Political Science, Arizona State University. ANTHONY, JOHN. Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, School of Advanced Interna- tional Studies, Johns Hopkins University. ARNADE, CHARLES W. Chairman, The American Idea, and Professor of History, University of South Florida. ASHFORD, DOUGLAS E. Department of Political Science, Cornell University. AUMANN, MOSHE. Counselor, Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. AYTAR, VOLKAN. Binghamton University. BARBER, WILLIAM J. Associate Professor of Economics, Wesleyan University. BARRON, MURIEL T. BASS, ELIZABETH M. Economist-Editor, Research Project on National Income in East Cen- tral Europe, New York. BENITEZ, ALBERTO. Department of Economics, Florida International University. BENNETT, NORMAN. Professor of History, Boston University. BERG, ELLIOT J. Professor of Economics, University of Michigan. BERG, NANCY GUINLOCK. BERNELL, DAVID. Johns Hopkins University. BERNSTEIN, MARVIN. Professor of History, State University of New York at Buffalo. BIRNS, LAURENCE R. Director, Council on Hemispheric Affairs. BONGIORNO, JOSEPH A. St. John’s University. BOSTON UNIVERSITY, AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER. John Harris, Professor of Econom- ics and Director of African Studies Center; James C. Armstrong, Head, African Studies Library, Editors; Norman Bennett, Professor of History, Boston University; Valerie Plave Bennett, Energy Resources Co.; Heinz A. Bertsch; Edouard Bustin, Professor of Political Sci- ence, Boston University; Sid A. Chabawe; Tobias Chizengeni; William D. Coale; Leon Cort; Bernardo P. Ferraz, Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Kathleen Langley, Asso- ciate Professor of Economics, Boston University; Jay I. Mann; Sandra Mann; Marcos G. Namashulua, Instructor, Political Science, Brandeis University; Jeanne Penvenne; Stella Sil- verstein; Henry Steady; Dominique Western. vi BOUCHAER, TOUFIC. Second Secretary, Embassy of Syria, Washington, D.C. BOXILL, IAN and BOXILL, RACHAEL. University of the West Indies. BRADBURY, R. W. Professor of Economics, College of Business Administration, University of Florida. BRAVEBOY-WAGNER, JACQUELINE ANNE. City University of New York. BROCK, LIZA. Researcher/Writer. BRODY, ALAN J. Department of Political Science, Cleveland State University. BUTWELL, RICHARD. Dean for Arts and Science, State University of New York at Fredonia. CARPADIS, CHRISTINA. Researcher/Writer, Cleveland, Ohio. CARTER, GWENDOLEN M. Director, Program of African Studies, Northwestern University. CASTAGNO, ALPHONSO A. Director, African Research and Studies Program, Boston Uni- versity. CASTAGNO, MARGARET. Author, Historical Dictionary of Somalia. CELIK, AYSE BETUL. Binghamton University. CHANG, A. S. Hong Kong Correspondent, Institute of Foreign Studies, Tokyo; formerly Pro- fessor of Economics, National Chi-nan University, Shanghai. CHEN, NANCY. Population Division, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Information. COLEMAN, JAMES S. Director, African Studies Program, and Professor of Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles. COLLINS, ROBERT O. Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara. COMPTON, ROBERT W., JR. Western Kentucky University. CORBIN, PETER B. Interregional Adviser, UN Department of Technical Cooperation and Development. CORDERAS, DESCÁRREGA, JOSÉ. Royal Geographical Society, Valverde (Spain). COUFOUDAKIS, VAN. Indiana Univeristy-Purdue University. COWAN, L. GRAY. Dean, School of International Affairs, State University of New York, Albany. CUMINGS, BRUCE G. Professor of Political Science, Swarthmore College. CZIRJAK, LASZLO. Associate, Columbia University. DALL, CHRISTOPHER. College of William and Mary. DE GALE, SIR LEO. G.C.M.G., C.B.E., Governor-General, Government of Grenada. DOCKING, TIMOTHY W. Boston University. DUNBAR, CHARLES F. President, Cleveland Council on World Affairs. DUNKLE, JOHN R. Associate Professor of Geography and Physical Science, University of Florida. EINHORN, ERIC. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. ENGEL, DAVID. New York University. EVANS, LAURENCE. Professor of History, Harpur College. EYEK, F. GUNTHER. Professorial Lecturer in History and International Relations, American University. EZRA, MARKOS. Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University. FALL, BERNARD B. Professor of Government, Howard University. FERETTI, EVELYN. Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University. FINLAND, GOVERNMENT OF. Statistical Office, Helsinki. FLETCHER, N.E.W. Personal Assistant to the Governor-General, Government of Grenada. FLETCHER, WILLARD ALLEN. Professor and Chairman, Department of History, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Delaware. FONER, PHILIP S. Professor of History, Lincoln University. FRY, GERALD W. University of Oregon. FULLER, BENNET, Jr. Researcher/Writer. GALLIS, PAUL E. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. GAGNON, V. P., JR. Ithaca College. GANJI, MOHAMMAD H. Chancellor, Amir Showkatul-Mulk University, Birjand, Iran. GILBERT, ERIK O. Arkansas State University. GITTELMAN, ELIZABETH. Researcher/Writer. vii GOBLE, PAUL A. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. GOUTTIERRE, THOMAS E. Dean, International Studies and Programs; Director, Center for Afghanistan, University of Nebraska at Omaha. GOVEA, RODGER M. Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Cleveland State University. GRAYBEAL, N. LYNN. Researcher/Writer. GREEN, KATHRYN L. California State University, San Bernardino. GREENHOUSE, RALPH. US Information Agency. GROELSEMA, ROBERT. Civil Society Analyst, Africa Bureau, US Agency for International Development, US Department of Agriculture GRUNDY, KENNETH W. Marcus A. Hanna Professor of Political Science, Case Western Reserve University. GUENDELSBERGER, JOHN W. Professor of Law, The Claude W. Pettit College of Law, Ohio Northern University. GUENDELSBERGER, NESE. Attorney at Law, Ada, Ohio. HAGERTY, HERBERT G. Foreign Service Officer (ret.), US Department of State. HALE, PATRICIA. Researcher/Writer, West Hartford, Connecticut. HEANEY, JAMES J. Managing Editor, Webster’s New World Dictionary. HEILMAN, BRUCE. University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. HEINTZEN, HARRY. African Department, Voice of America. HIDALGO-NUNEZ, Claudio. Researcher/Writer. HISPANIC AMERICAN REPORT. Ronald Hilton, Editor; Donald W. Bray, Ronald H. Chilcote, James Cockcroft, Timothy F. Harding, Sir Harold Mitchell, Assistant Editors; Ann Hartfiel, Andrew I. Rematore, Editorial Assistants; Eugene R. Braun, Marjorie Woodford Bray, Lee Ann Campbell, Jorge Caprista, Manuel Carlos, Frances Chilcote, Nancy Clark, Richard L. Cummings, Carlos Darquen, Anthony Dauphinot, Nicholas H. Davis, Joan E. Dowdell, Jerome Durlak, Pan Eimon, Peter L. Eisenberg, Richard Eisman, Claire E. Fla- herty, Charles Gauld, Hugh Hamilton, Timothy Harding, Paul Helms, Raymond D. Hig- gins, Saul Landau, Wendy Lang, Joyce Lobree, Thomas Marks, Marilyn Morrison, Frank Odd, Molly Older, D. Wingeate Pike, Gabriel Pinheiro, Luis Ponce de León, Kenneth Posey, James Purks, Lawrence L. Smith, Maud Maria Straub, Linda Striem, David F. Thompson, Pamela Throop, Alice Wexler, Ann Wyckoff, Allen Young, Michael J. Zimmerman, Con- tributors. HOFFMAN, GEORGE W. Professor of Geography, University of Texas at Austin. HUNSBERGER, WARREN S. Professor of Economics, American University (with the assis- tance of Alan D. Smith, Information Officer, Consulate-General of Japan, New York). HVIZDOS, SCOTT. Researcher/Writer. HWANG, S. MARTIN. Binghamton University. INDOCHINA RESOURCE CENTER. Washington, D.C., D. Gareth Porter, Director. INGHAM, KENNETH. Director of Studies, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. INGRAMS, HAROLD. Adviser on Overseas Information, Colonial Office, London. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AERIAL SURVEY AND EARTH SCIENCES. F. J. Ormeling, Head of Cartography Department; C. A. de Bruijn, P. Hofstee, A. B. M. Hijl, Department of Urban Surveys. ITZKOWITZ, NORMAN. Associate Professor of Oriental Studies, Princeton University. JUDD, KAREN. Researcher/Writer, New York, New York. JUNION-METZ, GAIL. President, Information Age Consultants. KALIPENI, EZEKIEL. Department of Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. KANTOR, HARRY. Professor of Political Science, Marquette University. KAPLAN, FREDRIC M. KARCH, JOHN J. Professorial Lecturer, Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies, George Washington University. KATZ, MARK N. Associate Professor of Government and Politics, George Mason University. KATZMAN, KENNETH. KIM, JULIE. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. KING, MAE C. Harvard University. KINGSBURY, ROBERT C. Assistant Professor of Geography, Indiana University. KIRLI, CENGIZ. Binghamton University. viii KIROS, TEODROS. Boston University. KISH, GEORGE. Professor of Geography, University of Michigan. KITIGWA, MIRAJI. University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. KOLEHMAINEN, JOHN I. Chairman, Department of Political Science, Heidelberg College. KOLINSKI, CHARLES J. Professor of History, Florida Atlantic University. KOPECKY, DEAN. Researcher/Writer. KOSTANICK, HUEY LOUIS. Professor of Geography, University of Southern California. KRANZ, WALTER. Press and Information Officer, Principality of Liechtenstein. KURZER, PAULETTE. Department of Political Science, University of Arizona. KYLE, DAVID. Texas A&M University. LAATIKAINEN, KATIE VERLIN. Wilkes University. LAYACHI, AZZEDINE. St. John’s University. LAZERSON, JOSHUA. Researcher/Writer. LEE, ROBERT H.G. Assistant Professor of History, State University of New York at Stony Brook. LEMARCHAND, RENE. Director, African Studies Center, University of Florida. LENGYEL, EMIL. Professor of History, Fairleigh Dickinson University (in collaboration with Catherine Logan Camhy). LEWIS, H. A. G.O.B.E., Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (United Kingdom). LEWIS, STEVE. Researcher/Writer. LEWIS, WILLIAM H. Department of Anthropology and Sociology, American University. LICHTENSTADTER, ILSE. Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University. LINDO, WILLIAM. Government Information Services, Government of Belize. LOBBAN, RICHARD A., JR. Department of Anthropology, Rhode Island College. LOBOS, IGNACIO A. Journalist, Honolulu, Hawaii. LODRICK, DERYCK O. Visiting Scholar, Center for South Asian Studies, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley. LONGMAN, TIMOTHY. Vassar College. LUX, WILLIAM R. Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama. LYNCH, CATHERINE. Assistant Professor, Department of History, Case Western Reserve University. MA, JUNLING. Researcher/Writer. MARCUS, LAWRENCE. Washington University. MARKS, HENRY S. Professor of History, Northeast Alabama State Junior College. MATHEWS, THOMAS G. Secretary-General, Association of Caribbean Universities and Research Institutes, Puerto Rico. McCANN, JAMES C. Boston University. McDONALD, JAMES L. Senior International Policy Analyst, Bread for the World. McGUIRE, CARL. Professor of Economics, University of Colorado. McHALE, VINCENT. Chairman, Department of Political Science, Case Western Reserve Uni- versity. McINTIRE, ROBERT C. Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Political Science, Millikin University. McLELLAN, ROBERT S. US Information Agency. MacLEOD, MURDO. University of Florida. McLOUGHLIN, GLENN. Specialist in Science and Technology Policy, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. MENDELL, MARCIA EIGEN. METZ, RAYMOND E. Interim Director, University Libraries, Case Western Reserve Univer- sity. MILLER, NATHAN. Associate Professor of History, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. MILLETT, ALLAN R. Mason Professor of Military History, The Mershon Center, The Ohio State University. MILNE, R. S. Professor of Political Science, University of British Columbia. MIRANTE, EDITH. Project Maje, Portland, Oregon. MONCARZ, RAUL. Professor, Department of Economics, Florida International University. ix MORTIMER, MOLLY. Former Commonwealth Correspondent, The Spectator, London. MOSELEY, EDWARD. Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama. MUNRO, ALLISON DOHERTY. NAVIA, PATRICIO. Department of Politics and Center for Latin American Studies, New York University. NETOS, ELEFTHERIOS. Candidate, Kent State University. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF POLITICS. I. William Zartman, Editor; John Entelis, Oladipo Coles, Jeffrey Knorr, Marie-Daniele Harmel, Contributors. NICHOL, JAMES. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. NICHOLSON, NORMAN L. Professor of Geography, University of Western Ontario. NOROOZI, TOURAJ. University of Utah. O’DELL, ANDREW C. Professor of Geography, University of Aberdeen. OH, JOHN K. C. Professor of Political Science, Marquette University. OLCOTT, MARTHA BRILL. Professor, Department of Political Science, Colgate University. OLIVER, ROBERT T. Head, Department of Speech, Pennsylvania State University. PANORAMA DDR. Berlin. PAPP, TIBOR. Columbia University. PATAI, RAPHAEL. Editor, The Herzl Press. PAYNE, WALTER A. Professor of History, University of the Pacific. PENIKIS, ANDREJS. Columbia University. PETROV, VICTOR P. Professor of Geography, California State College. POLAND, EMBASSY OF. Washington, D.C. POLK, WILLIAM R. Director, Adlai E. Stevenson Institute, University of Chicago. PRAGOPRESS. Prague. PRECHT, HENRY. Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Case Western Reserve University. PRICE, GEORGE. Premier, Belize. RANAHAN, JOHN. Lake Ridge Academy. RASHID, TAUFIQ. Indiana University. RASHIDUZZAMAN, M. Professor of Political Science, Glassboro State College. REINES, BERNARD. Researcher/Writer. REYNOLDS, JONATHAN T. Livingstone College. RIEDINGER, JEFFREY M. Michigan State University. RITTERBUSH, DEACON. Researcher/Writer. ROBINSON, KENNETH E. Director, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, and Professor of Commonwealth Affairs, University of London. ROBINSON, RICHARD D. Lecturer on Middle Eastern Studies, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University. ROSBERG, CARL G., JR. Associate Professor of Political Science, University of California. ROSEWATER, GAIL. Researcher/Writer, Cleveland, Ohio. ROTBERG, ROBERT I. Professor of Political Science and History, MIT. RUPEN, ROBERT A. Associate Professor of Political Science, University of North Carolina. RUS, VLADIMIR. Department of Slavic Literature (ret.), Case Western Reserve University. SANDS, WILLIAM. Editor, The Middle East Journal. SANTOS, MARIA J. Senior Evaluator, United States General Accounting Office. SCHULTZ, CRAIG. Researcher/Writer. SEBUHARARA, R. CHARLES. Binghamton University. SHABAD, THEODORE. Correspondent, New York Times. SHAMBAYATI, HOOTAN. Middle East Center, University of Utah. SHEIKHZADEH, AHMAD. Columbia University. SHEPHERD, GEORGE. Professor of Political Science, University of Denver. SIRACUSA, CHRISTINA. Researcher/Writer. SMITH, ALAN HEPBURN. Associate Professor of Finance, Marquette University; formerly Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Ghana. SORICH, RICHARD. East Asian Institute, Columbia University. SOVIET ENCYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE. x

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