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WORLD 50c REVOLUTION Winter 1967 Volume 1, No. 1 Pogrressive Labor Party IN THIS ISSUE U.S. Defeat in Vietnam Inevitable Indonesian C.P. Politburo Self-criticism Marxism-Leninism vs. Castroism China's Great Cultural Revolution Underground Soviet Bolshevik Call 1966 Lessons of the Arab War Against Aggression 款毛主席的贽 窄的指 期 7K 做毛 辱的好战: 。 t Mao TSE-TUNG QUOTATIONS FROM MAO TSE-TUNG MILITARY WRITINGS $2.75 SELECTED WORKS I-IV 1967-68 CHINA 95 Fifth Avenue (17th Strfl N.Y., Tel:(212)924-113 10003 Cable: CHINAPO PUBLICATIONS BOOKS AND PERIODICALS IN ENGLISH IMPORTED DIRECTLY FROM CHINA [WORLD REVOLUTION | A Periodical of the Progressive Labor Party (USA) Milton Rosen, Editor TABLE OF CONTENTS Why World Revolution?, Editorial...................................................................................2 South Vietnam: U.S. Defeat Inevitable, General Van Tien Dung Foreign Languages Publishing House, Hanoi, DRV, April 1967.........................3 China's Great Revolution and the Soviet Union's Big Tragedy, Observer, People's Dally, Peking, PRC, June 4, 1967...........8 Down With Slavishness, Lin Chieh, Peking Review, June 30, 1967..........................12 Armed Struggle in India, WE Round-up ............................................................................17 Israel's Role in Plundering Arabs of Oil, WR Round-up.................................................19 Peoples Daily Blasts Soviet Neo-Co Ionia list "Aid," Hsinhua News Agency, September 13, 1967....... 21 Lessons of the Arab War Against Aggression, Chou Tien-chih, Peking Review, Septembers, 1967............ 22 Chilean Revolution, Speech by George Diaz, Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile, November 1966............................................................................28 "Friendly" Soviet Youths in Colombia,Bruce Franklin,Paris, France.......................30 Foquismo: Urban Terror or Popular War?, from "A Petty-bourgeois and a Proletarian Line in the Chilean Revolution," Revolutionary Communist Party of Chi le, Edie Iones Espartoco, 1967................................................................31 On the Struggle Against Modern Revisionism,Speech by Enver Hoxha, Albanian Party of Labor, November 1966............................................................35 Soviet Revisionists Encourage Growth of Private Economy, Hsinhua News Agency, September 7, 1967........................................................ 41 Build the PKI Along the Marxist-Leninist Line to Lead the People's Democratic Revolution In Indonesia. Self-criticism of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the , Indonesian Tribune, Tirana, PRA, January 1967....................................... 42 Soviet Bolsheviks Call for the Overthrow of Revisionist Leadership of CPSU, Soviet Revolutionary Communists (Bolsheviks), published in "Zerl I Popullit," Tirana, PRA, December 20-21 1966 ........................................................................ 58 World REVOLUTION, P.O. Box 208, Church Street Station, New York, N.Y, 10008 Printed entirely by union labor Do We Really Need A New Magazine? Why World Revolution? Bringing out a new journal requires a lot of sources and provide our readers with authentic, hard work and, even for the simplest format dependable and accurate reports on these move­ such as this, quite a bit of money. It was, there­ ments, reproducing and, where necessary, trans­ fore, only after long discussion that we finally lating their major statements as carefally and decided to publish World Revolution on a quarter- fully as possible. ly basis. Our purpose is to reprint outstanding articles Before taking this step, we tried other means, and statements from revolutionary sources In such as reproducing significant articles and other countries and, when no definitive article statements from abroad or ordering them in is available on a crucial event, to roundup the bulk form when available. But this has not al­ reports and comments of the most reliable ways proved satisfactory. sources available. So many revolutionary developments are Readers are invited to send comments and taking place on all the Continents, especially criticisms, also suggestions for articles that Asia, Africa and Latin America, and so many should be Included. Volunteer translators are new Marxist-Leninist, anti-revisionist groups urgently needed (especially as we are receiving and parties have been created that we have to material from every corner of the globe). enlarge our window on the world. One thing is sure, we cannot depend on the bourgeois press If you want to keep abreast of the world for truthful reports on what is being said and Marxist- Leninist movement, why not send us a done by these revolutionary and liberation subscription? Hie cost is $2.00 a year (WR is movements. We have to develop our own news published quarterly). WORLD REVOLUTION P.O. Box 208, Church Street Station New York, New York 10008 Enclosed is $2.00 for a year subscription to WORLD REVOLUTION (Foreign rates supplied on request) NAME______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP South Vietnam: U.S. Defeat Inevitable General Van Tien Dung, VPA Chief of General Staff from Introduction and Part II "South Vietnam: U.S. Defeat Inevitable" Foreign Languages Publishing House, April 1967, (Hanoi, DRV) INTRODUCTION The die being cast, the American imperial­ Vietnam, with its present scale, has surpassed ists, defeated in their “special warfare,’’ reck­ the one it waged against Korea (1950-1953) in lessly and frenziedly unleashed a “limited war’’ all respects. It outdoes any previous war in the against South Vietnam and a war of destruction intensity of bombs, bullets and modern weapons against North Vietnam. They introduced into the used, in fierceness and barbarity. It can be said Vietnam battlefield huge forces in an attempt to that in the world history of war, never before turn the tide of the situation in their favour. In has any aggressor thrown into a small and 1966 alone, they despatched 210,000 G.I.’s, narrow battlefield like our country such a large bringing their expeditionary troops to 400,000 number of troops, such a big amount of weapons, men, not counting those of the Seventh fleet bombs, bullets, money and other material re­ and in the bases in Thailand and other places. sources. Thus, the U.S. forces engaged in direct combat But, what a shame for die U.S. aggressors'. in Vietnam have risen to more than half a mil­ Bumping against the nation-wide, all-sided war lion, while the total number of American, puppet of resistance of the heroic people of Vietnam and satellite troops has exceeded one million. Of they have suffered and are sustaining ignomini­ the means of war, many have doubled or trebled ous setbacks. and more. According to the French Revue de Taking avail of their winning position and Defense nationale, the United States has used maintaining the initiative of operations, in the directly or indirectly for its aggressive war test of strength with the U.S. expeditionary against Vietnam 75 per cent of its ground forces, force, our people in both zones have achieved 60 per cent of its air force and 40 per cent of great successes. They have won the first round its naval forces, drawn from the most seasoned of the American imperialists’ “limited war’’ units. To cite American official figures—usually in South Vietnam, frustrated their air war of curtailed—it spent for this war 25 billion dollars destruction in North Vietnam in regard to its in 1966 and is planning to put in from five to main goals, consolidated and strengthened our seven billion more in 1967. people’s forces in every field, and prepared all The United States aggressive war in South material and moral conditions to bring our re- 3 4 WORLD REVOLUTION sistance against U.S. aggression for national both in the military and in the political fields, salvation to complete victory. first of all, in the military field. hi South Vietnam, in particular, under the We shall deal below with the military suc­ banner of the National Front for Liberation, cesses that the South Vietnamese armed forces our people's war against the U.S. "limited war” and people have registered in the recent past. has scored far-reaching and glorious successes, PART II The South Vietnamese Armed Forces and People Will Certainly Defeat the U.S. Imperialists by smashing one after another the self-defence war into military strength and mili­ strategic plans of the U.S. imperialists, wiping tary superiority so as to vanquish the U.S. out an important part of the American, puppet imperialists in any circumstances. and satellite forces, and of their war means, by Together with great military successes, peo­ crushing all U.S. “pacification” programs and ple’s war in South Vietnam has scored big gains contributing to foil the U.S. war of destruction on the political plane, with the former paving against the North, the South Vietnamese armed the way for the latter. The South Vietnamese forces and people have dealt a heavy blow at armed forces and people uphold a just cause, the U.S. counter-offensive strategy, won the possess a strong force and are being the victor. first round of their “limited” war of aggres­ Fighting an unjust war the American imperialists sion and scored big military successes. are the aggressor and find themselves in a losing The above-cited successes have given us position. That is why our entire people’s single- more practical bases to assert once again that mindedness, determination and confidence in to defeat the U.S. imperialists in the military their ultimate victory are strengthened with field, the armed forces and people of South every passing day. The struggle of the South Vietnam must and can create a certain military Vietnamese armed forces and people under the strength, and secure a stronger military posi­ banner of the National Front for Liberation is tion than the enemy’s by: enjoying growing sympathy and support from the 1 — Relying on the absolute political superi­ forces of peace, national independence, ority of our just war and the all-sided strength democracy and socialism throughout the world. of our country due to favourable climatic, terrain Inversely, the enemy’s political situation is in and human conditions, and to the great support an increasing mess; the puppet administration of the world peoples for our liberation war waged is plagued with endless crises, the puppet army for our self-defence in our own country. This is continues disintegrating while the contradictions the fundamental objective factor which creates between the Americans and the puppets deepen, military strength and superiority. those between the Americans and their satel­ 2 — Relying on correct political and military lites develop, and the U.S. warmongers political­ lines and the correct conduct of the war. This is ly become more and more isolated at home and the decisive subjective factor generating military abroad. strength and military superiority. Thus, the successes of people’s war in South 3 — Relying on the strength of the militant Vietnam are major ones, in both the political solidarity of our entire people who dispose of and the military fields, in both strategy and three categories of armed forces. These are in tactics. They consecrate the triumph of firm and suitable number and of high quality. The armed correct political and military lines, the triumph forces form the backbone of military strength of the clever and creative conduct of the war and and the direct basis of military superiority. of people’s war military art. They also reflect 4 — Using people’s war as a fundamental the grim determination to fight and the latent form of struggle to defeat the U.S. aggressors. forces of our entire people who, in addition, This is the only correct and effective means to benefit by the active support andasistance of the turn the latent, varied capabilities of the just fraternal socialist countries and our friends over VIETNAM the world. Those successes, especially in the military deeper they are bogged down. They want to fight sphere, bespeak the military and political mights rapidly to snatch a quick victory, but they are of people’s war;^ they mark a new development of compelled to fight a protracted war. people’s war in the South which, after thwarting Disunity has been widening in the ranks of the “special warfare,’’ has won the first round of U.S. ruling circles, with some advocating with­ the “limited war’’ of the American imperialists drawal, others urging stronger actions, others and their stooges in every aspect. They lay bare again wavering, not willing to lose the war and the limitations and fundamental weak points of fearing at the same time that it may broaden and the U.S. aggressive war on both the military and drag on. Politically, the United States cannot the political planes. It is in the fierce confronta­ fully use its military strength and, moreover, tion between our people and the aggressor, par­ is sustaining more and more bitter defeats. This ticularly in the past two years or so that we have explains why it is faced with a graver political come to know our enemy and ourselves more crisis and more serious political isolation. deeply and more comprehensively. 2. Out of self-complacency the United States Obviously, the U.S, imperialists' strength is relies on its economic and military potential, of a material and technical nature. They have a and underestimates the moral and material big economic and national defence potential, a strength of the Vietnamese people. numerous army with high mobility and a strong It hopes that by boosting its effectives and firepower, especially that of the air force. using more bombs and bullets it can intimidate All American schemes and strategic and our people in both the North and the South, and tactical plans in this war of aggression against change the balance of forces in its favour, thus Vietnam are based on this point. That is why our creating a basis for its counter-offensive stra­ people’s struggle is a very arduous one. But in tegy. But the balance of forces has changed our country, the strength of the United States contrarily to the U.S. wishful thinking. So, the has a limit. It cannot be brought into full play more the Americans “escalate” the war in due to U.S. political weaknesses, the terrain North Vietnam, the deeper they are bogged down. conditions and our people’s war combat methods. On the South Vietnamese theatre their counter­ Less than two years after the American im­ offensive strategy, which did not take into ac­ perialists started their “limited war’ ’ of aggres­ count the practical relation of strength, has be­ sion, many personages in the U.S. political come an adventurous one, doomed to failure. circles have already complained that the war After each setback they cannot find where their burden is heavily weighing on the U.S. economy mistake lies, but obstinately ascribe it to the and the American people’s life, that it is deal­ lack of troops, and military equipment, and then ing a mortal blow at Johnson’s so-called “great commit bigger mistakes and sustain still more society’’ program. The U.S. imperialistshave bitter defeats. themselves admitted that they are not in aposi­ 3. The U.S. strategy is a passive one, vacil­ tion to spend as much money as they want on lating between offensive and defensive, between the war nor to prolong it indefinitely. increasing the mobility of troops and using them Moreover, the enemy’s weak points are funda­ as an occupation force. It has to cope with peo­ mental, on both the political and the military ple’s war in South Vietnam on many theatres of planes. They spell out his doom in strategy and operations, from the 17th Parallel to the point tactics, in “search and destroy’’ and “pacifica­ of Camau, in the jungles, on the plains as well tion’’ tasks, in his “limited war’’ of aggression as in the towns and cities, both at the front and in the South as well as his war of destruction in in the rear. The immediate rear of the Amer­ the North. The prestige of the U.S. trump cards— icans, the staging base for their counter-offen­ infantry, air force and navy—have been debunked sive, is unstable and being narrowed down. In in the eyes of our and the world peoples. Ballyhoo fact, there is no place in South Vietnam that they about the United States (incredible) military regard as their sanctuary. Their logistic might has gone bankrupt with the fiasco of its operational bases, their airfields, are fre­ aggression against a small country as ours. quently hit though heavily guarded. Their com­ This is particularly true of the U.S, conduct of munications and transport are under constant the war: harassment. The American press estimates that 1. They have been conducting the war in a on the average the United States suffers 100 passive way, without consistency in strategy. casualties without being able to secure one kilo­ Defeated in their “special warfare’’ strategy, metre of safe road. Attacked in all parts of they have had to switch to that of a “limited war” South Vietnam, it has to fall back to the de­ and wage a war of destruction against North Viet­ fensive although it wants to take the offensive. nam, but the more they “escalate,” the heavier It has substantially increased its effectives, yet their setbacks become in both zones of Vietnam, its mobile forces are still insufficient, support and the more they increase their troops, the units swell rapidly while fighting units remain 6 WORLD REVOLUTION inadequate. For their part, the puppet troops, — They cannot save the American, puppet and who can assume neither combat nor defence satellite troops from annihilation, their logistic tasks, are assigned the "pacification” job, bases from attacks and their communication which can only accelerate their disintegration. lines from being cut off; 4. Jh operational conduct as well as in fight­ — They cannot solve their tactical problems, ing the Americans proceed from the point of view remedy the weak point of the U.S. expeditionary that everything is decided by firepower. They force—their infantry—so as to wipe out the repose no confidence in the effectiveness of L.A.F.; their infantry, which, in fact, is too faint­ — They cannot "pacify” the countryside; hearted and too weak to engage the L.A.F., — They do not know how to attack North Viet­ without firepower support, let alone annihilate nam in order to limit, let alone prevent, its sup­ them. They work out imposing plans but their port to South Vietnam, nor how to get rid of their possibilities to put them into effect are limited. political isolation at home and abroad; Their firepower is strong when it is used from They cannot deceive the Vietnamese and world long distances, but the support which it actually peoples about their "peace goodwill” and their gives to the infantry is also limited. Though offer for "unconditional negotiations.” commanding a great operational mobility in As the Los Angeles Times of December 9, tactical and combat jobs, the U.S. Infantry 1966 has admitted, powerful America turns out to usually huddles together in one place, not daring be the victim of an ill-conducted war, and is be­ to fan out. As a result, this mobility only tires coming the laughing-stock in the eyes of the out their troops and makes their operations strategists throughout the world. more costly. American planes, guns and tanks True, in the words of the Christian Science possess a big strike force, but they are greatly Monitor (January 19, 1967) the American im­ handicapped by the infantry (shock force) which perialists have engaged in an awkward war that is weak, and in some cases, even nil. President Johnson himself does not understand. Clearly, the U.S. ground forces cannot destroy From a subjective point of view, how can the the L.A.F. because their infantry has a low United States conduct the war to escape defeat, morale, is weak and trained to fight on battle­ let alone win the war? No wonder that this paper fields with clearcut frontlines, and their other has also acknowledged, though reservedly, that services are incapable of great effectiveness. the war does not fare very well and there is no When fielded, American troops can form encir­ sign of a better course. clement prongs rather quickly; however, as The enemy’s foibles lie precisely there where their infantry lacks combativeness such a mobile our fortes are. Together with their military and deployment simply scatters their forces to be political strong points inherent in a just self- destroyed by chunks. In attacks, assaults and defence war for liberation, waged on their native pursuits, they essentially count on the firepower land, the South Vietnamese armed forces and of their air force and artillery, so that their people have another truly fundamental one—their "search and destroy” efforts prove futile. In­ own strivings both in the direction of the war and stead, they are often intercepted and suffer in the execution of the war plans. heavy losses in men and materiel at the hands 1. They are endowed with a determination of die Liberation forces who turn up unex­ of a strategic character to fight for independence pectedly. In the direction of their predatory and freedom till complete victory. Uris is also war against a small country like Vietnam, the the determination of our entire people. Theirs U.S. imperialists are facing the following un- is a correct strategy, an offensive strategy, surmountable difficulties and deadlock in the one of resolute and uninterrupted attacks, which political, strategic and tactical fields: has been developed day after day. When the United — They cannot stabilize the puppet adminis­ States massively sent its expeditionary troops to tration as a political prop for their aggressive South Vietnam, thus switching from "special war; warfare” to a "limited war,” the South Viet­ — They cannot consolidate the puppet army namese armed forces and people, far from being as their political and military mainstav: scared by the U.S. outward military might, far — They cannot decide how many more G.I.’s from vacillating and falling back to a defensive should be sent to South Vietnam; position or attrition warfare, continued to apply — They cannot extricate themselves from their offensive strategy, that of resolute and their worsening strategic position; uninterrupted attacks, and furthered this strong — They do not know how to end the war with­ position on all theatres. This determination out losing face or how long to carry it on; stemmed from the correct, scientific assess­ — They cannot bolster the morale of the ment of the relation of forces between the enemy American, puppet and satellite troops. About and us, in accordance with our resolute and this Newsweek (Feb. 6, 1967) wrote, "the U.S. thoroughly revolutionary class stand. It was the morale is deep into slush”; expression of our people’s aspirations, will and VIETNAM 7 mettle In face of the U.S. direct aggression, and 4. With their perfectly correct political line, correctly reflected the respective positions and the South Vietnamese armed forces and people strength of our people and the enemy at that time, have won ever more active and broader support as well as the law of revolution and revolutionary from the socialist countries, the working class war in South Vietnam which consists in develop­ and International communist movement, the ing the struggle from political offensives to national-liberation movement and the peace- ever-stronger military and political offensives. freedom- and justice-loving people throughout This determination has enabled the South the world. Vietnam L.A.F. to mobilize and organize all Clearly enough, while the American imperial­ the latent forces of the masses, to maintain ists are passively sliding instead of firmly ad­ their initiative of action, their strong and win­ vancing in the war, as the Washington Post of ning position, in the fight against the “special December 28, 1966 wrote, without seeing the warfare’’ and now against the “limited war’’ light at the end of the “ tunnel,” the South Viet­ despite the continuous build-up, the introduction namese armed forces and people are making of a huge materiel and technical forces and re­ ever-steadier steps with the bearing of the peated counter-offensives of the U.S. aggres­ victor, forging ahead on the correct path they sors. This determination has a decisive effect have chosen to attain their goal. on the successes in every field over the recent The military successes of the South Vietna­ past, just as on the trend of the development mese armed forces and people over the recent of the war—the inevitable defeat of the U.S. past have paved the way for forthcoming greater aggressors and the certain victory of the South ones. Keeping clear of subjectivism, self- Vietnamese armed forces and people. complacency, fear of hardships and sacrifices, 2. The L.A.F. and people have built up an and guarding against Illusion in a Pax Ameri­ everbroadening and more experienced people's cana, they fully understand that only by fighting armed force composed of three categories in resolutely, destroying many more U.S. troops appropriate number and with high quality. Ra­ and weapons, wiping out many more puppet tionally fielded on all theatres this armed force troops and disintegrating the Saigon army, can has created a powerful people’s war battle-array they smash the will of aggression of the Ameri­ with regular troops attacking the enemy without can imperialists. let-up everywhere, encircling him tightly as in an iron net. Like a beast held at bay he is strug­ * * * gling furiously, but the more he wriggles the more firmly he is caught in the net. 3. The South Vietnamese armed forces and people have worked out and creatively put into Despite their bitter failures, the U.S. imper­ effect wonderful people’s war combat methods, ialists remain incurable braggarts. On the one such as combining armed struggle with political hand, they admit that they are not in a position struggle, co-ordinating large-unit offensives to win but on the other, they claim they cannot with guerilla warfare and attacks on the adver­ lose. Thus, the question is whether they will be sary’s rear bases and communication lines. defeated by our people militarily. Relying on the strength of their revolutionary The military victories of people ’ s war in South spirit and their resourcefulness, the L.A.F. Vietnam and throughout our country have made it have made full use of all weapons and other war unmistakably clear that in Vietnam the U.S. im­ means at their disposal, promoted close-range perialists have suffered heavy military defeats fighting, managed to limit the effectiveness of the and that they will sustain complete failure. This enemy’s strong firepower, and made their shock is a reality of historical significance which con­ troops the decisive force to win victory. That is tributes to demonstrate a truth of our time: in why they have scored more and more successes the conditions of to-day’s world, a small people, in wiping out American, puppet and satellite determined to rise up and closely united, fearing troops, in striking at their bases and war means, no sacrifice, having a correct political and mili­ in defending and liberating the population, in tary line, and knowing how to wage people’s war safeguarding and enlarging the liberated zones, and win broad international support, are fully in narrowing down the occupied areas, in making able to defeat militarily the enemy number one deep thrusts into the enemy1 s rear, and in main­ of mankind—U.S. imperialism—>which is wielding taining and developing the initiative of action on the biggest economic and military potential in the all theatres of operations. capitalist world. China’s Great Revolution and the Soviet Union’s Big Tragedy Observer, Renmin Ribao (People’s Daily), from Hsinhua News Agency June 4, 1967 From the beginning, China's Great Prole­ through clenched teeth that this would be the tarian Cultural Revolution has hit the Soviet “last act” of the Russian Revolution, that it revisionist clique of renegades in the solar­ was “arbitrariness” and an “adventure of the plexus and shaken their tottering “throne.” Bolsheviks.” Throughout the past year, scarcely one day When victory was won by the Great Chinese has passed without the Soviet revisionist clique, Revolution in 1949, how jubilant were the people headed by Brezhnev and Kosygin, slandering, throughout China and the rest of the world*. But attacking and vilifying China’s Great Prole­ then U.S. imperialism cried out in panic that the tarian Cultural Revolution. In a constant out­ situation in China was “unfortunate” and pouring of Venom, they allege that China’s great “tragic” that it was a “most anguished period.” cultural revolution is a “big tragedy.” The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Is this strange? Not at all. History shows now going on in China is a revolutionary move­ that a genuine, great revolution is always a ment which is more deep-going and larger in joyous festival to the revolutionary people but a scale than the Paris Commune, the October big tragedy to the reactionary forces. Revolution and all past revolutions in China. When the great Paris Commune came into Isn't it quite logical that such a great revolu­ being, Marx hailed it as the greatest day for tion should give rise to howls and abuse from the proletariat. But the monarchs and bourgeois the Soviet revisionist clique of renegades and all rulers in Europe cried out in alarm that it was reactionary forces in the world? a catastrophe. Who abused the first Soviets created by the When die salvoes were fired by the cruiser Russian workingclass? Lenin wrote after the Aurora in 1917 and when the song of triumph Russian October Revolution that they were “all was sounded for the Great Russian October the bourgeois scoundrels, the whole gang of Revolution, how elated and inspired were the blood suckers with Kautsky echoing them.” proletarians and other revolutionary people the Brezhnev, Kosygin and their like today are world over ’. But then the imperialists and the disciples of the renegade Kautsky, whom Lenin renegades of the Second International said bitterly denounced. In abusing China’s great 8

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