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INDEX TO VOLUME 64 765 European Union, by Christina J. Schneider, arth, and Amy Verdun, Banks and the False III:452 Dichotomy in the Comparative Political Economy of Finance, 1V:691 Hale, Henry, The Foundations of Ethnic Politics: Maxwell, Rahsaan, The Geographic Context Separatism of States and Nations in Eurasia of Political Attitudes among Migrant- and the World, reviewed by Smith, 11:350 Origin Individuals in Europe, 1:116 Hardie, Iain, David Howarth, Silvia Maxfield, migrant attitudinal integration, see Rahsaan and Amy Verdun, Banks and the False Di- Morgan, KimberlyJ. ,P ath Shifting of the chotomy in the Comparative Political Econ- Welfare State: Electoral Competition and omy of Finance, IV:691 the Expansion of Work-Family Policies in historical legacies of separatist nationalism, see Western Europe, 1:73 Smith multiethnic opposition coalitions, formation Howarth, David, Iain Hardie, Silvia Maxfield, of in Africa, see Arriola and Amy Verdun, Banks and the False Di- Mutz, Diana C., and Edward D. Mansfield, chotomy in the Comparative Political Econ- US versus Them: Mass Attitudes toward omy of Finance, 1V:691 Offshore Outsourcing, IV:571 immigrant political attitudes, see Rahsaan offshore outsourcing, origins of Americans’ at- immigration, unwanted in advanced democra- titudes toward, see Mansfield and Mutz cies, see Ellermann outsourcing and international trade, see Mansfield and Mutz Japan and the Asian development bank and UN Security Council, see Lim and Vreeland Paster, Thomas, Business and Welfare State Development: Why Did Employers Accept Kapstein, Ethan B., and Nathan Converse, The Social Reforms?, I11:416 Fate of Young Democracies, reviewed by Slater, Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris Baker, IV:729 Thaksin, reviewed by Slater, 1V:729 King Makers: Local Leaders and Ethnic Poli- Path Shifting of the Welfare State: Electoral tics in Africa, by Dominika Koter, I1:187 Competition and the Expansion of Work- Koter, Dominika, King Makers: Local Leaders Family Policies in Western Europe, by and Ethnic Politics in Africa, [1:187 Kimberly J. Morgan, 1:73 Kutznets curve, economic development and Permissive Constitutions, Democracy, and gender equality and, see Eastin and Prakash Religious Freedom in India, Indonesia, Israel, and Turkey, by Hanna Lerner, labor, organized, and European politics, see IV:609 Simoni policy alignment, labor and the left in Europe, The Left and Organized Labor in Low- see Simoni Inflation Times, by Marco Simoni, [:314 Policy Diffusion of Emission Standards: Is Lerner, Hanna, Permissive Constitutions, De- There a Race to the Top?, by Eri Saikawa, mocracy, and Religious Freedom in India, I:1 Indonesia, Israel, and Turkey, 1V:609 political instability and developing democracies Lindvall, Johanres, Union Density and Politi- see Slater cal Strikes, ITI:539 political strikes and union density, see Lindvall Lim, Daniel Yew Mao, and James Raymond Politicized Society: The Long Shadow of Taiwan’ Vreeland, Regional Organizations and In- One-Party Legacy, by Mikael Mattlin, re- ternational Politics: Japanese Influence over viewed by Slater, 1V:729 the Asian Development Bank and the UN The Post-Soviet Wars: Rebellion, Ethnic Conflict, Security Council, 1:34 and Nationhood in the Caucasus, by Christoph Ziircher, reviewed by Smith, 11:350 Mansfield, Edward D., and Diana C. Mutz, Poulsen, Lauge N. Skovgaard, and Emma US versus Them: Mass Attitudes toward Aisbett, When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Offshore Outsourcing, 1V:571 Investment Treaties and Bounded Rational Mattlin, Mikael, Politicized Soctety: The Long Learning, II:273 Shadow of Taiwan's One-Party Legacy, re- Prakash, Aseem, and Joshua Eastin, Economic viewed by Slater, IV:729 Development and Gender Equality: Is Maxfield, Sylvia, Iain Hardie, David How- There a Gender Kuznets Curve?, I:156 766 WORLD POLITICS redistributive policies, electoral politics effect Thaksin, by Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris on, see Morgan Baker, reviewed by Slater, [V:729 Regional Organizations and International Politics: Japanese Influence over the Asian Union Density and Political Strikes, by Development Bank and the UN Security Johannes Lindvall, H11:539 Council, by Daniel Yew Mao Lim and James US versus Them: Mass Attitudes toward Off- Raymond Vreeland, 1:34 shore Outsourcing, by Edward D. Mansfield religious law and constitution drafting, see and Diana C. Mutz, 1V:571 Lerner revolutionary states, leaders in, see Colgan Verdun, Amy, Iain Hardie, David Howarth, Roeder, Philip, Where Nation-States Come and Sylvia Maxfield, Banks and the False From: Institutional Change in the Age ofN a- Dichotomy in the Comparative Political tionalism, reviewed by Smith, I1:350 Economy of Finance, IV:691 Vreeland, James Raymond, and Daniel Yew Saikawa, Eri, Policy Diffusion of Emission Mao Lim, Regional Organizations and In- Standards: Is There a Race to the Top? I:1 ternational Politics: Japanese Influence over Schneider, Christina J., Globalizing Electoral the Asian Development Bank and the UN Politics: Political Competence and Distribu- Security Council, 1:34 tional Bargaining in the European Union, 111:452 wartime violence, see Cohen Separatist Conflict in the Former Soviet Union welfare state, growth of work-family policies and Beyond: How Different Was Commu- in, see Morgan nism?, by Benjamin Smith, I1:350 welfare state development, goals of business Sierra Leone civil war and conflict-related intervention in, see Paster violence, see Cohen When Can Liberal States Avoid Unwanted Simoni, Marco, The Left and Organized Immigration? Self-Limited Sovereignty and Labor in Low-Inflation Times, II:314 Guestworker Recruitment in Switzerland Slater, Dan, Democratic Careening, IV:729 and Germany, by Antje Ellermann, III:491 Smith Benjamin, Separatist Conflict in the When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Former Soviet Union and Beyond: How Treaties and Bounded Rational Learning, Different Was Communism?, I1:350 by Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen and Emma social reforms, variations in business support Aisbett, 11:273 of, see Slater Where Nation-States Come From: Institutional sovereignty, self-limited in advanced democra- Change in the Age of Nationalism, by Philip cies, see Ellermann Roeder, reviewed by Smith, I1:350 Soviet ethnofederalism, legacy of, see Smith The Spirit of Democracy: The Struggle to Build Ziircher, Christoph, The Post-Soviet Wars: Re- Free Societies throughout the World, by Larry bellion, Ethnic Conflict, and Nationhood in the Diamond, reviewed by Slater, [V:729 Caucasus, reviewed by Smith, II:350 WORLD POLITICS A Quarterly Journal of International Relations Volume 65 2013 UNDER THE EDITORIAL SPONSORSHIP OF PRINCETON INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL STUDIES PUBLISHED BY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS EDITORIAL BOARD ATUL Kou, Chair ANNA GRZYMALA-BussE, TORBEN IVERSEN, STATHIS KALYVAS, JONATHAN KIRSHNER, MicuHakeL MAstTANbDUNO, KEvIN O’RourKE, JONAS Pontusson, DANIEL N. POSNER, KENNETH A. SCHULTZ, BETH A. Simmons, Epwarp S. STEINFELD, MICHAEL ToMz, Lity L. Tsat, NICOLAS VAN DE WALLE, JOHN WATERBURY, DANIEL ZIBLATT Editorial Committee: MARK R. BEISSINGER, THOMASJ . CHRISTENSEN, CHRISTINA L. Davis, G. JoHN IkENBERRY, AMANEY A. JAMAL, HAROLD JAMES, ATUL KOHLI (Chair), Douc.as S. Massey, DeBoraHJ .Y ASHAR Associate Editors: DANIELLA CAMPELLO, RAFAELA DANCYGIER, DAvID LEHENY, GriGore Pop-ELECHES, KristoPpHER W. Ramsay, JACOB N. SHAPIRO, KEREN YARHI-MILO Executive Editor: ILENE P. COHEN — Assistant Editor: Joy M. SCHARFSTEIN Office Coordinator: CAROLE FRANTZEN The editors invite submission of articles, research notes, and review articles bearing upon problems in inter- national relations and comparative politics. Manuscripts and notes should be double-spaced and submitted through the Web-based submission system, Manuscript Central, at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/wp. Research articles and review articles may be up to 12,500 words in length, including notes and references; research notes may be up to 10,000 words, including notes and references. Tables, figures, and appendixes need not be included in the word count. Word count should be indicated. Manuscripts that exceed the limit will not be considered. Guidelines for review articles, guidelines for special issues, tables of contents, and and other information can be found the Wor/d Politics home page, at http://www.princeton.edu/piirs/ worldpolitics-journal. Authors can expect to receive decisions on their submissions within four months. Procedures for reviewing manuscripts are based on the anonymity of the author and the confidentiality of readers’ and editors’ reports; author anonymity is preserved, as well, during the editorial decision-making process. Self-references should therefore be removed. Referees are drawn from Princeton and other institutions; published articles have usu- ally been reviewed by at least one editor and two readers from other institutions. Referees for the previous calendar year are acknowledged annually in issue 4 of the journal. In the case of an article deemed to be inappropriate for World Politics, the editors strive to notify the author within a month of submission that the article has been withdrawn from consideration. World Politics does not accept manuscripts that have already been published, are scheduled for publication elsewhere, or have been simultaneously submitted to another journal; this applies to both print and online formats. Statements of fact and opinion appearing in the journal are made on the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply the endorsement of the editors or publisher. The journal does not publish commu- nications to the editor or rejoinders to specific articles. Scholars who believe they have been challenged are encouraged to submit an article that will advance the scholarly debate. Copypryinggh t 2013 OTrustees of Princeton University5 Volume 65 CONTENTS No. 1 — JANuary 2013 Policy Diffusion of Emission Standards: Is There a Race to the Top? Eri Saikawa Regional Organizations and International Politics: Japanese Influence over the Asian Development Bank and the Dantel Yew Mao Lim UN Security Council and James Raymond Vreeland 34 Path Shifting of the Welfare State: Electoral Competition and the Expansion of Work-Family Policies in Western Europe Kimberly J.M organ 73 The Geographic Context of Political Attitudes among Migrant-Origin Individuals in Europe Rahsaan Maxwell RESEARCH NOTE Economic Development and Gender Equality: Is There a Gender Joshua Eastin Kuznets Curve? and Aseem Prakash No. 2 — April 2013 King Makers: Local Leaders and Ethnic Politics in Africa Dominika Koter Capital and Opposition in Africa: Coalition Building in Multiethnic Societies Leonardo R. Arriola When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bounded Lauge N. Skovgaard Rational Learning Poulsen and Emma Aisbett The Left and Organized Labor in Low-Inflation Times Marco Simoni REVIEW ARTICLE Separatist Conflict in the Former Soviet Union and Beyond: How Different Was Communism? Benjamin Smith No. 3 — July 2013 Female Combatants and the Perpetration of Violence: Wartime Rape in the Sierra Leone Civil War Dara Kay Cohen Business and Welfare State Development: Why Did Employers Accept Social Reforms? Thomas Paster Globalizing Electoral Politics: Political Competence and Distributional Bargaining in the European Union Christina J. Schneider When Can Liberal States Avoid Unwanted Immigration? Self-Limited Sovereignty and Guest Worker Recruitment in Switzerland and Germany Antje Ellermann Union Density and Political Strikes Johannes Lindvall No. 4 — October 2013 US versus Them: Mass Attitudes Edward D. Mansfield toward Offshore Outsourcing and Diana C. Mutz Permissive Constitutions, Democracy, and Religious Freedom in India, Indonesia, Israel, and Turkey Hanna Lerner Domestic Revolutionary Leaders and International Conflict JeffD . Colgan Banks and the False Dichotomy Iain Hardie, David in the Comparative Political Howarth, Sylvia Economy of Finance Maxfield, and Amy Verdun REVIEW ARTICLE Democratic Careening Dan Slater

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