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World Police & Paramilitary Forces PDF

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OIBD POLICE • PARAMILITARY Be PARAMILITARY John Andrade M STOCKTON PRE 5 5 © Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 1985 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1995 978-0-333-38629-3 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission. First published in the United Kingdom by MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS LTD, (Journals Division), 1985 Distributed by Globe Book Services Ltd, Brunei Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Rants RG21 2XS, England. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Andrade, John World police and paramilitary forces. 1. Police 2. Paramilitary forces I. Title 363.3 HV7921 ISBN 978-1-349-07784-7 ISBN 978-1-349-07782-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-07782-3 Published in the United States and Canada by Stockton Press, 1985 15 East 26th Street, New York, N.Y. 10010, USA. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Andrade, John M. World police and paramilitary forces. Bibliography: p. 1. Police-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Paramilitary forces--Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title. HV7921.A59 1985 363.2 85-17247 ISBN 978-0-943818-14-6 GazeUehelicopter.Firstflownin1967andinproductionsince1971,theAerospatialeSA341GazeUeistypicalofthehelicopterscurrently inusebypoliceandparamilitaryforces.TheSA342MillustratedhasthemarkingsoftheFrenchGendermarieandisfittedwithaPA system for crowdcontrolduties. SaracenandWheelbarrow.Manytypesofarmouredvehicleareinservicewithparamilitaryforces.TheAlvisFV603(C)Saracenarmoured personnelcarriershownisused bytheBritishArmyinNorthernIrelandinsupportofthe localinternalsecurityforces.The reverse flowcoolingsystemindicatesthatitwasbuiltfor useintheMiddleEast.Notetheturrettraversedtotherearandthering mountfor a7.62mmmachinegun.TotherightofthepictureisaWheelbarrowMk7,aremote-controlledbombdisposalmachine.Thephotograph wastakenat TemplemoreAvenue, EastBelfast,inMay 1977followingareportofasuspectcar which hadbeen abandoned. A. Rugerrevolver.TheRuger Police ServiceSixisthe revolvermostwidelyused byUSpoliceforcesandgovernmentagencies,and bycertainLatinAmericanpoliceforces.Itisavailableinbluedorstainlesssteelfinish,inachoiceofbarrellengthsandinthreecalibres - .357Magnum(shownhere),.38Special,and9mmParabellum. B.BrowningFNpistol.Designedin1925byJohnM.Browning,the9mmBrowningHigh-PowerhasbeenbuiltinBelgiumbyFNunder licencesince1935.Oneofthemostreliableself-loadingpistolscurrentlyavailable,itisinservicewithmilitaryandpoliceforcesofover 50countries.Themodelillustratedhereisthe BritishArmyPistol,BrowningFN, 9mm,HighPower No2,Mk 1. CoUzisubmachinegun. The 9mmUzisubmachinegunwasdevelopedfrom theCzechmodels 23and25SMGsbyLt UzielGaland isinproductionbyIMI atRamatHaSharon,Israel, andFNatHerstal,Belgium. Itisavailablewithafoldingmetalstock,asshown, orwith awoodenstock,andispopularwiththe NAillarmedandparamilitaryforces becauseofitssimplicityandreliability. Sankeyarmouredvehicle.TheGKNSankeyAT105wasdevelopedfrom theearlierAT104andisavailableinanumberofversions, includingtheAT105-EarmouredpersonnelcarrierandtheAT105-Pinternalsecurityvehicle(shownhere).ThestandardAT105-P hasanoptional7.62mmmachinegunintheturret,bulletproofwindscreen,andprovisionforrotatingbeacons,siren,hand-operated searchlights,andaPAsystem. Itmaybeadaptedforbombdisposalduties. Shorland.TheShorlandwasdevelopedin 1965tomeettherequirementsofthe RoyalUlsterConstabulary,andenteredproduction asanarmouredpatrolcar;otherversionsweresubsequentlyintroduced.TheShorlandillustratedhereistheMk3,basedonthe109-inch wheelbaseLandRover,andpoweredbya2.6litreRoverengineratedat91hp.Armamentconsistsofa7.62mmGPMGinamanually operatedturret.AllRUeShorlandsweretransferredtotheUlsterDefenceRegimentandBritishArmyunitsinNorthernIrelandduring the late 1970s.TheShorlandisalso inusewith the Dutch,Portuguese,andotherparamilitaryforces. China,People'sRepublicof 45 CONTENTS Ciskei 183 Colombia 47 Preface and Acknowledgements viii Comoros 49 Introduction IX Congo 50 SelectedBibliography xiii CostaRica 51 Afghanistan 1 Cuba 52 Albania 2 Cyprus 53 Algeria 3 Czechoslovakia 54 Andorra 4 Denmark 55 Angola 5 Djibouti 56 Anguilla 6 Dominica 57 Antiguaand Barbuda 7 DominicanRepublic 58 Argentina 8 Ecuador 59 Australia 10 Egypt 60 Austria 14 EISalvador 61 Bahamas 16 EquatorialGuinea 62 Bahrain 17 Ethiopia 63 Bangladesh 18 FalklandIslands 64 Barbados 19 Fiji 65 Belgium 20 Finland 66 Belize 22 France 67 Benin 23 Guiana 73 Bermuda 24 Gabon 74 Bhutan 25 Gambia 75 Bolivia 26 GermanDemocraticRepublic 76 Bophuthatswana 182 GermanFederalRepublic 77 Botswana 27 Ghana 79 Brazil 28 Gibraltar 80 Brunei 30 Greece 81 Bulgaria 31 Grenada 82 BurkinaFaso 32 Guatemala 83 Burma 33 Guinea 84 Burundi 34 Cambodia 35 Guinea-Bissau 85 Cameroon 36 Guyana 86 Canada 37 Haiti 87 CapeVerde 39 Honduras 88 CaymanIslands 40 HongKong 89 CentralAfricanRepublic 41 Hungary 90 Chad 42 Iceland 91 Chile 43 India 92 v WORLD POLICE AND PARAMILITARY FORCES Indonesia 94 Niger 148 Iran 95 Nigeria 149 Iraq 96 Norway 150 Ireland 97 Oman 152 Israel 99 Pakistan 153 Italy 101 Panama 154 IvoryCoast 106 PapuaNew Guinea 155 Jamaica 107 Paraguay 156 Japan 109 Peru 157 Jordan 112 Philippines 158 Kenya 113 Poland 159 Kiribati 114 Portugal 161 Korea,North 115 PuertoRico 225 Korea, South 116 Qatar 164 Kuwait 117 Romania 165 Laos 118 Rwanda 166 Lebanon 119 StChristopher 167 Lesotho 120 StHelena 168 Liberia 121 StLucia 169 Libya 122 StVincentand the Grenadines 170 Liechtenstein 123 Samoa,Western 233 Luxembourg 124 San Marino 171 Madagascar 125 SaoTomeePrincipe 172 Malawi 126 SaudiArabia 173 Malaysia 127 Sengal 174 Maldives 128 Seychelles 175 Mali 129 SierraLeone 176 Malta 130 Singapore 177 Mauritania 131 SolomonIslands 178 Mauritius 132 Somalia 179 Mexico 133 SouthAfrica 180 Monaco 135 SouthWestAfrica 184 MongolianRepublic 136 Spain 187 Montserrat 137 SriLanka 189 Morocco 138 Sudan 190 Mozambique 13.9 Suriname 191 Nauru 140 Swaziland 192 Nepal 141 Sweden 193 Netherlands 142 Switzerland 195 NetherlandsAntilles 144 Syria 198 New Zealand 145 Taiwan 46 Nicaragua 147 Tanzania 199 VI CONTENTS Thailand 200 Vanuatu 228 Togo 201 VaticanCityState 229 Tonga 202 Venda 186 Transkei 185 Venezuela 230 TrinidadandTobago 203 Vietnam 231 Tunisia 204 Virgin Islands(Br.) 232 Turkey 205 VirginIslands(USA) 226 TurksandCaicosIslands 206 YemenArabRepublic 234 Tuvalu 207 Yemen, People's Democratic Uganda 208 Republicof 235 UnionofSovietSocialist Republics 209 Yugoslavia 236 UnitedArabEmirates 212 ZaIre 237 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Zambia 238 NorthernIreland 213 Zimbabwe 239 UnitedStatesofAmerica 221 Uruguay 227 Equipment 241 vii

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