Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at: Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. This printing of Horde Player’s Guide is published in accordance with the Open Game License. See the Open Game License Appendix of this book for more information. Arthaus, the Arthaus logo, Sword and Sorcery, Sword and Sorcery Studios, the Sword and Sorcery logo, Manual of Monsters, Magic & Mayhem, Shadows & Light and More Magic & Mayhem are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. ©2006 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Horde Player’s Guide is a trademark, and Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. PRINTED IN CHINA C R E D I T S Special Thanks — Luke Johnson To Phil Howard, who in 5th grade invited me to play this weird game called “Dungeons and Dragons.” I think Phil was also the one who, in 5th grade study hall, saw me cracking a copy of Winnie the Pooh, dismissed it with a few choice words, and slapped Brian Jacques’s Redwall into my hands. Authors: Scott Bennie (plagueshifter, pyremaster, orc and half-orc history, military units), Richard Farrese (primal, shadow hunter, jungle troll history, military units, “Unearthing Bael Modan”), Bob Fitch (“Unearthing Bael Modan”), Bruce Graw (feats, hexer, techslayer, Chapter 5, “Shrine of the Scarab”), Luke Johnson (Chapter 2, potion doc, spirit champion, creatures), Adam Loyd (Chapter 1, bone crusher, dark ranger, shadow ascendant, spymaster, wilderness stalker, Forsaken, ogre, and troll history, Cult of Forgotten Shadow, tactics, military units, creatures), Andrew Rowe (Chapter 7), and Amber E. Scott (feats, lightslayer, spirit walker, Chapter 4, tauren history, Grimtotem tribe, military units). Creative and Rules Design Assistance and Additional Material: Chris Metzen, Ben Brode, Shawn Carnes, Samwise Didier, Bob Fitch, Evelyn Fredericksen, Brian Hsieh, Micky Neilson, Lisa Pearce, Glenn Rane, and Gloria Soto Developer: Luke Johnson Editor: Ellen P. Kiley Managing Editor: Stewart Wieck Art Director: Mike Chaney Layout and Design: Mike Chaney Cover Artist: Samwise Didier , Glenn Rane, & Justin Thavirat Interior Artists: Samwise Didier, Glenn Rane, Justin Thavirat, Michael and Renee Koiter, Satyr, Jeff Laubenstein, James Stowe, Patrick McEvoy, Harald Osterle, UDON Studios (Chris Stevens, Greg Boychuk, Dax Gordine, & Evil Anne) & David Griffiths HORDE PLAYER’S GUIDE 2 Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0: Any and all Sword and Sorcery Studio or Blizzard logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Sword and Sorcery Studio or Blizzard Product and Product Line names, including but not limited to Warcraft, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Role-Playing Game; Magic & Mayhem; More Magic & Mayhem; Lands of Mystery; Monster Guide; Alliance Player’s Guide; Horde Player’s Guide; Dark Factions; all text under the “Description” header of any creature, spell, magic item, artifact, or NPC listing; any elements of the Warcraft setting, including but not limited to capitalized names, names of artifacts, beings, characters, countries, creatures, geographic locations, gods, historic events, magic items, organizations, songs, and spells; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the System Reference Document and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. 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Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2003, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Manual of Monsters Copyright 2003, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Alliance & Horde Compendium Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Lands of Conflict Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Shadows & Light Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: More Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: Lands of Mystery Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: Monster Guide Copyright 2007, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: Alliance Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: Horde Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: Dark Factions Copyright 2007, Blizzard Entertainment T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Credits 1 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: New Races 6 Half-ogre 6 Half-orc 8 Troll, Forest 9 Chapter 2: Class Options 12 Orc Racial Class 12 Variant Classes 13 Melee Hunter 13 Wandering Hunter 14 Uncorrupted Necromancer or Warlock 14 Battle Shaman 15 Far Seer 16 Hidden Warlock 16 Racial Iconic Classes 17 Forsaken Apothecary 17 Jungle Troll Witch Doctor 18 Half-ogre Hunter 18 Orc Warrior 19 Tauren Shaman 19 Troll Barbarian 20 Creature Classes 20 Abomination 22 Centaur 25 Ogre 26 Ogre Mage 27 Feats 29 Chapter 3: Prestige Classes 38 Bone Crusher 38 Dark Ranger 41 Hexer 44 Lightslayer 47 Plagueshifter 50 Potion Doc 54 Primal 58 Pyremaster 61 Shadow Ascendant 63 Shadow Hunter 66 Spirit Champion 69 Spirit Walker 72 Spymaster 75 Techslayer 78 Wilderness Stalker 80 Chapter 4: Magic and Faith 84 Magic in the Horde 84 Orcs 84 Tauren 86 Jungle Trolls 86 Forsaken 87 Faiths of the Horde 88 The Cult of Forgotten Shadow 88 Shamanism 90 Voodoo 93 Spells 94 Spell Lists 94 Domains 96 Spell Descriptions 97 Magic Items 107 Magic Armor 107 Magic Weapons 109 Mystic Sites 112 Rings 114 Rods 115 Staves 116 Wondrous Items 117 Chapter 5: Technology 120 Races and Technology 120 Tech-Mods 121 Technological Devices 124 Chapter 6: History and Culture 132 Orc History 132 Orc Culture 138 Jungle Troll History 140 Jungle Troll Culture 143 Tauren History 146 Tauren Culture 148 Forsaken History 150 Forsaken Culture 151 Ogre History 154 Ogre Culture 156 Forest Troll History 157 Forest Troll Culture 159 The Cult of Forgotten Shadow 160 The Grimtotem Tribe 162 Chapter 7: Horde History and Current Situation 165 Leadership in the Horde 177 Politics and Relationships Among the Races 180 Lands and Resources 181 Threats to the Horde 183 Chapter 8: The Horde Military 190 Horde Tactics 190 Military Forces 192 Orc Forces 193 Tauren Forces 197 Jungle Troll Forces 199 Forsaken Undead Forces 202 Chapter 9: Creatures 204 Abomination 204 Banshee 205 Bat 207 Centaur 208 Kodo 210 Ogre 213 Ogre Mage 214 Quilbeast 215 Raptor 217 Spirit Beast 218 Thunder Lizard 219 Wolf 220 Wyvern 222 Chapter 10: Adventures 224 Shrine of the Scarab 224 Unearthing Bael Modan 235 H O R D E P L AY E R ’ S G U I D E 4 WELCOME TO THE HORDE PLAYER’S GUIDE! Since you’re reading this book, you’re probably playing a character who is a member of the Horde — which is great, because that’s what this book is all about. However, this book contains plenty of information useful for Alliance characters and independents as well, from feats to prestige classes to inside information on the Horde’s workings. You might have seen the Alliance Player’s Guide on the shelves; as you can imagine, this book gives the Horde the same thorough treatment. Within these pages, behold the following chapters: Chapter 1: New Races New Troll (and Others) Here This chapter introduces three races that are friendly to the Horde: half-ogres (whom the orcs call mok’nathal), half-orcs, and forest trolls. Each race receives a standard race description, allowing you to play them just as you can humans, night elves, gnomes and all the rest. Forest trolls and half-ogres have racial levels, as well. Chapter 2: Class Options Need a Hand? This chapter contains loads of new possibilities for Warcraft characters. This chapter, which includes several new concepts and game elements introduced in the Alliance Player’s Guide, is divided into five subsections. The Orc Racial Class is first. If you were disappointed that orcs did not get racial levels in the World of Warcraft RPG, this should make you happy. Variant Classes take the classes in WoW RPG and alter them slightly, creating classes that are somewhat different from the standard hunter, warlock and so forth that appear in WoW RPG. If you want to play a hunter who focuses on melee weapons (and receives the abilities to do so), you’ll find the rules here. Racial Iconic Classes are also variant classes, as above, but these classes represent certain racial icons. The troll barbarian, for instance, is an icon on Azeroth, and this section gives you the rules to play one. Creature Classes allow you to play an abomination, centaur, ogre or ogre mage from level 1. Feats is the final section, and it’s appropriately hefty. Chapter 3: Prestige Classes It’s Clobberin’ Time! This chapter includes 15 new (and, in a couple cases, revised) prestige classes to which your character can aspire. Chapter 4: Magic and Faith Of Mana and Mojo This chapter provides an overview of how the Horde and its component races feel about magic in general and about specific kinds of magic. It contains new spells and magic items, as well, which the Horde developed or uses extensively. Chapter 5: Technology Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb This chapter provides an overview of how the Horde and its component races feel about technology. It also contains new tech-mods and technological devices that the Horde developed or uses extensively. Chapter 6: History and Culture Will Brann Ever Finish His Book? The famed dwarven explorer Brann Bronzebeard has been around and seen a lot. He’s thinking about writing a history (Sociology? Political science? He hasn’t really decided yet.) book for schoolrooms; and these are some of his notes and working drafts concerning the history and culture of each of the Horde’s races, as well as that of forest trolls and ogres. This chapter also includes descriptions of two organizations: the Cult of Forgotten Shadow and the Grimtotem tribe. Chapter 7: Horde History and Current Affairs State of the Horde This chapter, also narrated by Brann Bronzebeard, provides a history of the Horde as an organization (not that of its component races, which appears in Chapter Fiction Spots As in the Alliance Player’s Guide, throughout this book are sidebars containing pieces of fiction — short scenes and vignettes that serve (hopefully) to immerse you in the Warcraft world, are related to the information nearby, and provide a break from reading loads of game material. Warcraft on the Web Like this book? Have a question? Want to rip out the developer’s guts with vitriolic message board posts? Feel free to let us know/ask/do so at www. I N T R O D U C T I O N 5 6), as well as its current state of affairs. It discusses the Horde’s hierarchy, race relations, lands and threats, and the roles individual characters can take within it. Chapter 8: The Horde Military Join the Army, They Said This chapter focuses on the Horde’s soldiers and champions. It includes a description of general Horde military tactics, then provides statistics for many Horde military types. Remember those units in Warcraft III? You’ll find them here, from soldiers like grunts and headhunters to the powerful champions who lead them. The Alliance & Horde Compendium I’m sure some of you remember the Alliance & Horde Compendium, a sourcebook for the first edition of the Warcraft RPG. While the information in that book is compatible with the new edition, this book (the Horde Player’s Guide) and the Alliance Player’s Guide replace that book. A&HC was 120 pages, while APG and HPG are 240 pages each; I hope you find the new versions an improvement! Chapter 9: Creatures A Horde Bestiary This chapter includes many creatures that are important to the Horde, from abominations to wyverns. Chapter 10: Adventures Take it to ‘em! This chapter includes two adventures for Horde heroes: “Shrine of the Scarab,” in which the heroes investigate a defiled centaur holy place, and “Unearthing Bael Modan,” an introductory adventure involving titan experiments. H O R D E P L AY E R ’ S G U I D E 6 NEW TROLL (AND OTHERS) HERE This chapter introduces three new races for World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game: half-orcs, half- ogres and forest trolls. While not all of these races are members of the Horde, they are on friendly terms with at least one of the Horde races. Table 1–1: Racial Ability Modifiers Race Ability Adjustments Favored Class Half-ogre +2 Str, –2 Int, –2 Cha Hunter Half-orc +2 Sta, –2 Spt Barbarian Troll, forest +2 Agy, –2 Int, –2 Cha Barbarian HALF-OGRE Description: Half-ogres, whom the orcs call mok’nathal, are created in the rare unions of orcs and ogres. Orcs originally bred half-ogres to combine the power of an ogre with the intelligence and cunning of an orc. However, half-ogres proved to be more stubborn than either race, bearing a horrendous independent streak. Little could change a half- ogre’s mind, once set; so the project was scrapped. Shamanistic orcs honored half-ogres as noble and savage creatures of the land, but quickly the race dwindled, as few orcs would willingly breed with the gigantic ogres. Recently, half-ogres reappeared in the world, following the exploits of Rexxar, champion of the Horde and the greatest mok’nathal to ever live. While still rare, more and more half-ogres come out of the woods each day, trying to find a place to call their own. Even in the presence of friends, a half-ogre is quiet and withdrawn, uncomfortable around creatures that talk back. A half-ogre would choose to be out hunting or exploring a new wilderness rather than take a drink at a bar, and most half-ogres exhibit signs of claustrophobia. The ruling force in life for half-ogres is honor. A half-ogre’s word is his life, even among the rare evil half-ogres. Once a half-ogre gives his friendship to a person, that person is a friend for life, and the half- ogre willingly sacrifices himself for those under his protection or those he loves. Most half-ogres honor the vows of another half-ogre, and thus a person who earns the trust of one half-ogre is assured that she has earned the trust of all half-ogres. Appearance: Half-ogres are towering creatures who vaguely resemble their orc and ogre parents. They stand as big as a tauren — sometimes bigger — with broad and powerful shoulders, and thick, blunt skulls. Their eyes are small and usually black, while their massive lower jaws bear great tusks. Half-ogre skin tone is a non-metallic gold hue, with varying levels of yellow and red admixture. Most half-ogres are mistaken for small ogres or, rarely, massive orcs. Region: Half-ogres do not have a region to call their own. Solitary wanderers by nature, half-ogres are found sporadically in most woods in Kalimdor and Stormwind. Most are found near major ogre settlements, or former settlements, leftovers from ogre aggressions and old habits of Legion-affiliated orcs. Affiliation: Horde. While half-ogres prefer animals to people, they realize that they have a greater part to play in the world. Following the champion Rexxar, most living half-ogres offered their assistance to the Horde. Many half-ogres still refuse to officially join the Horde, but Thrall knows that he may call upon half-ogres in times of need. Faith: Almost unanimously, half-ogres revere the nature that feeds and protects them. To them, the wild is much safer and more familiar than any civilization. Some of the greatest hunters and druids among the Horde’s ranks are half-ogres, who combine both physical and spiritual strength in ways only the tauren can match. Names: Half-ogre names are closer to ogre than orc names. Their first names are almost always single-syllable and guttural. A half-ogre’s family name, however, always bears a beast or plant symbol — which may be the closest to a family that she’s had. Their surnames reflect their life choices and accomplishments, and the race wears them as badges H A L F - O G R E 7 Half-human Half-ogres Ogres crossed the Dark Portal into Azeroth over 24 years ago, thus half-human half-ogres may exist. If the rumors of their existence are true, most half-human half-ogres are products of ogre aggressions on human villages. If your GM allows you to play a half-ogre of human descent, the differences are: • The half-human half-ogre looks more like a human, with rounder ears and pinker skin. Their tusks are also not as predominant, and their eyes are larger. • Instead of the mixed blood racial trait, half- human half-ogres possess ogre blood: Ogre Blood: For all special abilities and effects, a half-human half-ogre is considered a human and an ogre. Half-ogre Magi Ogre magi were creations of Gul’dan during the Second War, but they refused to mate with orcs for the purpose of creating mok’nathal. Half-ogres are considered ogres for spells and effects, however, and thus they qualify for the ogre mage template (see Chapter 9). If your GM allows it, you may apply the ogre mage template to a half-ogre PC. (Though doing so carries the normal level adjustment of the template.) of honor. Trials of rights are fought over family names, with the victor earning the name and the loser shamed. • Male Names: Gaz, Gish, Gorsh, Mag, Tagar. • Female Names: Marr, Flaxxon, Genn, Lokt, Lukks. • Family Names: Bearmaul, Boartusk, Eagle Eye, Rocksnout, Rocmane, Talonfang. Half-ogre Racial Traits • +2 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma. Like their ogre parents, half-ogres are powerful, but slow- witted and blunt. • Medium: As Medium creatures, half-ogres have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. • Half-ogre base land speed is 30 feet. • Low-Light Vision: Half-ogres can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions • Powerful Build: The physical stature of half-ogres lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a half-ogre is subject to a s i z e modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the half- ogre is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-ogre is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A half-ogre can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a C H A P T E R O N E : N E W R A C E S 8 creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities and spells that change the subject’s size category. • Mixed Blood: For all special abilities and effects, a half-ogre is considered both an ogre and an orc. • A half-ogre’s thick hide grants him a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. • Automatic Languages: Common and Low Common. • Bonus Languages: Goblin, Orcish, Taur-ahe and Zandali. Their ogre progenitors used to be a part of the Horde, and some learn the languages of other savage creatures. • Racial Levels: Unlike humans and some other races, half-ogres can take a few levels in “half-ogre” as a class to develop their racial qualities more. • Favored Class: Hunter. A multiclass half-ogre’s hunter class does not count when determining whether he suffers an experience point penalty for multiclassing (see WoW RPG, Chapter 3: Classes, “Multiclass Characters,” XP for Multiclass Characters). Half-ogre Levels Half-ogres can take up to three levels in “half-ogre” at any time. An individual’s acquisition of racial levels indicates a pursuit of his ogre nature, strengthening both his physical and spiritual form in the process. The strengthening of his ogre blood slowly increases a half-ogre’s size, until he becomes a Large creature by 3rd level. Half-ogre levels stack with a divine spellcasting class level for purposes of determining caster level for spells. If the half-ogre has two divine spellcasting classes, add the racial levels to the higher of the two. Hit Die: d8. Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier. “Class” Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Spt), Profession (Spt), Spot (Spt), Survival (Spt), and Swim (Str). See WoW RPG, Chapter 5: Skills for skill descriptions. Starting Gold: A 1st-level half-ogre with a level in half-ogre begins play with 3d4 x 10 gold pieces. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Half-ogres with levels in half-ogre are proficient in the use of all simple weapons, and with light and medium armor. Size Increase: At 3rd level, the half-ogre’s continued growth sends him into Large creature range. He loses the powerful build ability and his size increases to Large, which has the following effects: • His space increases to 10 feet. • His natural reach increases to 10 feet. • He takes a –1 size penalty to AC and a –1 size penalty on attack rolls. • He must wield weapons of Large size or take penalties. Similarly, he must wear armor appropriately sized for him, which costs twice as much as normal. • His lifting and carrying capacities double. Note that the half-ogre’s gear does not grow along with him. Table 1–2: The Half-ogre Half-ogre Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special 1st +0 +2 +0 +0 +1 Str, +1 Spt 2nd +1 +3 +0 +1 +1 Spt, +1 Sta 3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 +1 Str, +1 Sta, Size Increase HALF-ORC Description: Orcs and humans can interbreed, and this union creates half-orcs. Humans and orcs have been enemies for decades, and half-orcs represent something both races prefer not to think about. Half-orc genesis is usually violent and perverse, and their appearance — too bestial to be human, too clean to be orc — reminds the parent races of the rift between them and the horrible deeds each has performed on the other. Thus, most humans and orcs ignore half-orcs. Other races are little better, as the human–orc conflict is only one facet of the Alliance–Horde tensions upon which no one likes to dwell. Conversely, some see half-orcs as symbols of unity. Not all half-orcs are born to abused or victimized parents; some are the children of clandestine love. Perhaps half- orcs represent what could be accomplished if the races put aside their differences and live in peace. After all, if humans and orcs, with their history of hatred and bloodshed and wildly different origins, can produce viable offspring, perhaps the races are not as different as they think. Half-orcs face mixed reactions. Even more so than half-elves, half-orcs are the targets of rage and derision brought about by stress. Azeroth is a violent place and H A L F - O R C 9 tensions thrum like taut wires. The Third War lives in recent memory, and most humans and orcs lost loved ones at the hands of the other side. Half-orcs find little welcome, though the situation is better in the larger, more enlightened settlements. Unlike half-elves, who prefer to wander or blend in to avoid prejudice, half-orcs are vocal, daring and foolishly brave. A product of their parent races’ pride, courage and ferocity, half-orcs refuse to accept bias lightly. They demand attention. Half-orcs commit to audacious dares and acts of suicidal bravery to prove their worth to their parent races. Occasionally they succeed. Appearance: Half-orcs are a bit taller and heavier than humans, standing around 6-1/2 feet in height and weighing 200 to 250 pounds. Males are noticeably taller and heavier than females. Half-orc skin ranges from light green to grayish brown; half-orc hair is coarse like an orc’s and ranges from brown to black in color. The orc lineage is unmistakable, but half-orc features are not as pronounced as those of the orc parent — a half-orc’s ears are not quite as large, the nose not as piggish, and the tusks jut far less. Both humans and orcs view half- orcs as physically ugly, a view which infects some half- orcs with self-loathing. Half-orcs live longer than their orc parents, with life spans equivalent to a human’s. Region: Refer to the human and orc racial entries. If raised by humans, a half-orc most likely makes Theramore or Stormwind her home. If raised by orcs, she probably comes from the city of Orgrimmar in Durotar. Affiliation: Alliance or Horde. A half-orc’s affiliation depends upon where and how she was raised. Still, half- orcs more often find a place within the Horde. Orcs are more accepting, as they remember when they were lost to the Burning Legion. Orcs believe that everyone deserves a chance in these times, whereas most humans find it difficult to ignore a half-orc’s obviously orc qualities. Elves and dwarves lump half-orcs in with the orc side of things, while tauren and goblins prove more tolerant. Half-orcs can find kindred spirits in half-elves, who may be shunned in the same way. Faith: Since many half-orcs belong to the Horde, they study the shamanistic practices of their orc forebears. They find the spirits more accepting than any earthly race. Half-orcs are also curious about the Holy Light, and those raised among humans may follow this philosophy. Names: Half-orcs take the naming practices of the race in which they were raised. Half-orcs raised in human lands often take orc first names to display their heritage, and vice versa. • Male Names: Galmak, Rogar, Dargal, Heiros. • Female Names: Gauna, Bodi, Imarelle, Seera. • Family Names: Dimmul, Blackaxe, Fierceblade, Greatarm. Half-orc Racial Traits • +2 Stamina, –2 Spirit. Half-orcs retain the toughness of their orc heritage and are smarter than their orc parents, but are given to rash actions to prove their honor and courage. • Medium: As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. • Half-orc base land speed is 30 feet. • Low-Light Vision: Half-orcs can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. • Orc Blood: For all special abilities and effects, a half- orc is considered both a human and an orc. • Furious Strength (Ex): Half-orcs can draw a small amount of rage from their orc legacy. Once per day, on her turn as a free action, a half-orc may gain a +2 bonus to Strength. This bonus lasts for 1 round +1 round per point of Stamina modifier (minimum 1 round). • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear- related spells or effects. Debate continues over whether half-orcs are fearless due to some aspect of their human parentage, or if this trait is simply another way in which they prove that they are the equal of the other races. • +2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks. Half-orcs are as intimidating as their orc parents, and have learned to look beyond surface appearances in order to survive. These skills are also class skills for all half-orcs. • Automatic Languages: Common and Orcish. • Bonus Languages: Any unrestricted. Half-orcs learn many languages, like their human parents. • Favored Class: Any. A multiclass half-orc’s highest- level class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing (see WoW RPG, Chapter 3: Classes, “Multiclass Characters,” XP for Multiclass Characters). TROLL , FOREST Description: During the Second War, the hero Zul’jin organized all the forest troll tribes into one cohesive army and joined the Horde. They left once it was obvious the orcs weren’t going to win, but one small sect, the Revantusk tribe, recently agreed to once again be affiliated — loosely — with the Horde. In contrast to their wily jungle troll cousins, forest trolls are savage and unrelenting creatures. Not only are they cannibals like other trolls, forest trolls live for slaughtering lesser races, especially the high elves, whom they despise. Forest trolls believe that they are superior to every other race on Azeroth, prone to quoting just how powerful their former empire was. In battle, a forest troll throws himself furiously into the thick, and prefers throwing axes over the javelins jungle trolls favor. Everything about the forest troll C H A P T E R O N E : N E W R A C E S 10 speaks of savagery and undisciplined battle, even during peaceful times. Like the Darkspears, the Revantusk tribe is atypical, and is well- disciplined and even occasionally merciful in battle. Appearance: Forest trolls resemble their jungle troll cousins, but are taller and more muscled. Their hair ranges from blood red to midnight black, while their skins are a deep olive green. Forest trolls decorate their bodies with ritual scarring and piercings, and they prefer white or dark warpaints symbolizing their power and glory. Affiliation: Independent. Most forest troll tribes keep to their own agendas, but the Revantusk tribe is now loosely allied with the Horde. While not members of the Horde, they are its friends. They know compassion, though they find it a bit difficult to relate to the Darkspear jungle trolls. Revantusk forest trolls still carry a racial hatred of elves, and are ever ready to attack the Alliance. They view humans and other Alliance races as elf sympathizers, and gleefully destroy them. Like all trolls, most forest trolls are savage and violent. While the Revantusks learn restraint and even camaraderie, they haven’t entirely thrown off their old ways. Forest trolls of all types war with anything in range of their territory, even other tribes of forest trolls, and thus the Revantusks feel no remorse over slaying their wild brothers. Faith: Most Revantusk forest trolls follow the precepts of voodoo. While less prone to magic than other subraces, forest trolls still practice alchemical arts and worship dark voodoo spirits. Some forest trolls also worship Hakkar the Soulflayer, though jungle trolls outnumber forest trolls in this demography. Names: Forest trolls follow the same naming conventions as jungle trolls, though some of the suffixes and prefixes differ. • Male Names: Doth, Mag, Ran, Vis. • Female Names: Lith, Arn, Din, Mak. • Family Names: Like jungle trolls, forest trolls have no family names. Forest Troll Racial Traits Forest troll racial traits and racial levels are identical to those of jungle trolls (see WoW RPG, Chapter 2: Races). Note that both forest and jungle trolls receive Zandali as an automatic language, not Low Common. Other Forest Trolls Revantusk forest trolls are the most likely to join a party of Horde adventurers; members of other tribes hate the Horde for failing to fulfill its promise to restore the Amani Empire. The Revantusks have learned to accept other races and even trust certain individuals. Among the Horde, only the tauren truly respect the Revantusk tribe. Even their jungle troll cousins cannot bring themselves to accept their vile cousins yet. Doth’jin stood hidden in the tree, one he chose for its perfect vantage point. He knew an elven convoy was on its way. Gripping his handaxe, he peered through the leaves, waiting for the expected caravan. His limbs were cramped from the hours spent at ready, though he knew he could make them move with speed. Forest trolls were tough. Creaking wheels sounded, and Doth’jin broke into a hideous grin. He could almost smell the elf’s blood beneath him. Bending knees that were stiff from fatigue, he uttered a quick prayer before leaping out of the tree, screaming a battle roar as he descended into glorious battle. Region: Naturally, forest trolls prefer thick forests, where they come into conflict with the despised high elves, as well as Wildhammer dwarves. The Revantusk tribe resides in the Hinterlands, in the coastal town of Revantusk Village. V I T A L S T AT I S T I C S 11 VITAL STATISTICS Table 1–3: Random Starting Ages Race Adulthood Healer/Warrior/Barbarian/Paladin Rogue/Runemaster/Scout/Tinker Arcanist Half-ogre 22 years +2d6 years +4d6 years +3d6 years Half-orc 17 years +1d6 years +2d6 years +2d4 years Troll, forest 17 years +1d6 years +2d6 years +1d6 years Table 1–4: Aging Effects Race Middle Age Old Venerable Maximum Age Half-ogre 44 years 71 years 88 years +1d10 years Half-orc 37 years 60 years 75 years +2d12 years Troll, forest 30 years 47 years 69 yrs +1d10 years Table 1–5: Random Height and Weight Race Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Half-ogre, female 7’1” +2d12 300 lb. x (3d6) lb. Half-ogre, male 7’4” +2d12 315 lb. x (3d6) lb. Half-orc, female 5’1” +2d12 125 lb. x(2d6) lb. Half-orc, male 5’8” +2d12 170 lb. x (2d6) lb. Troll, forest, female 6’1” +2d6 170 lb. x (2d6) lb. Troll, forest, male 6’3” +2d6 190 lb. x (2d6) lb. The following tables allow you to determine random ages, heights and weights for half-ogre, half-orc, and forest troll characters. H O R D E P L AY E R ’ S G U I D E 12 NEED A HAND? This chapter includes several options for character classes, most of which are introduced in the Alliance Player’s Guide. In the following pages you can find: • The orc racial class. Orcs do not have a racial class in the WoW RPG book, but if you would like to use one, it’s here. • Variant classes. These rules take classes that already exist and alter them slightly, replacing a class feature or two with another or adjusting their class features to fit a slightly different idea. • Racial iconic classes. These classes are variant classes, as above, that represent particular archetypes in the Warcraft world, such as an orc warrior or a tauren shaman. • Creature classes. Some monsters are appropriate for player characters, but they are too powerful to translate directly, even with racial levels. One solution is to use a level adjustment (described in Lands of Mystery and the Monster Guide). The Alliance Player’s Guide introduced creature classes, which allow players to play a monster from 1st level. This book includes several creature classes. • Feats. This chapter closes with a slew of new feats particularly appropriate to Horde characters and to members of its races. ORC RACIAL CLASS The World of Warcraft: the Roleplaying Game book does not include a racial class for orcs. This was partially to make them similar to humans, as these two races are the most important in the Warcraft world. If you would like to allow orcs to take racial levels, use the following racial class. Orc Levels Orcs can take up to three levels in “orc” at any time. When orcs take racial levels, they connect with their legacy as mighty warriors, as barbaric, demon-bred savages, and as shamanistic spiritualists. Orc history is long and storied, and these orcs tap into its intricacies. Other orcs instinctively respect and trust those of their number who take racial levels. Orc levels stack with a divine spellcasting class level for purposes of determining caster level for spells. If the orc has two divine spellcasting classes, add the racial levels to the higher of the two. Hit Die: d10. Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier. “Class” Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Sta), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride Swift Actions and Immediate Actions Some abilities and class features in this chapter refer to swift actions and immediate actions. They are similar to free actions and are described in More Magic & Mayhem, Chapter 3: Power Overwhelming. (Agy), Spellcraft (Int), and Survival (Spt). See WoW RPG, Chapter 5: Skills for skill descriptions. Starting Gold: A 1st-level orc with a level in orc begins play with 5d4 x 10 gold pieces. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Orcs with levels in orc are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor. Favored of the Spirits (Ex): Orcs connect with the spirits of the world as well as with their ancestors. At 2nd level, once per day as a swift action, an orc may gain a +2 sacred bonus to any one ability. This bonus lasts for 1d6 rounds, +1 round per point of Spirit modifier. Rage 2/Day (Ex): Despite the fact that they are no longer under demonic influence, orcs can still enter bloodthirsty frenzies. Indeed, orcs respect and honor this trait. At 3rd level, you can use your battle rage ability twice per day; if you already have the ability to rage (from the barbarian class, for instance), you can rage two additional times per day instead of one. Table 2–1: The Orc Orc Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special 1st +0 +2 +0 +0 +1 Str, +1 Sta 2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 +1 Sta, favored of the spirits 3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 +1 Str, rage 2/day V A R I A N T C L A S S E S 13 VARIANT CLASSES The rules in WoW RPG allow for a wide range of character customization. No two hunters are alike, because they are of different races and have different skill, feat, equipment and animal companion selections. However, the classes are, by definition, somewhat limiting. Despite the fact that they are all different, all hunters also share certain traits — they sting with ranged weapons, they draw upon the aspects of animals, and they tame animals and magical beasts, among other things. Yet what about those hunters who, perhaps, don’t do all these things? Or do them differently? Do hunters exist who draw strength from the landscape instead of from animals? The answer is certainly yes. A variant class takes one of the existing base classes and alters it slightly — usually swapping one class feature for another, or performing some other minor alterations. These variant classes allow a larger range of customization and represent slightly different concepts. In a way, the healer and arcanist classes already present variant classes: they have different paths. The healer class, for instance, has four variants: the druid, priest, shaman and witch doctor (described in More Magic & Mayhem). The classes presented here are more focused. Variant classes are an optional addition to the WoW RPG game. If you would like to play a variant class, first ask your GM to make sure it’s okay. Hunter Variant: Melee Hunter Hunters use ranged weapons; everyone knows it. If you’re going out to hunt animals, you have to hit them from a ways off, or they run away. Also, hunters deal with some nasty creatures — if they get too close, they risk being clawed, bit, gored and otherwise savaged. Plus if you start shooting early enough, you can hurt an opponent pretty badly before he gets anywhere close to you, and some hunter stings are best used at range. Despite these obvious benefits, some hunters focus their talents on melee weapons. These brave individuals take up the spear or axe and stalk dangerous creatures until they are close enough to pounce. They revel in the danger of their actions, feeling an unparalleled rush when they can bring a deadly creature down in equal combat — especially if they use their bare hands. The melee hunter’s animal companion assists its master by C H A P T E R T W O : C L A S S O P T I O N S 14 distracting the enemy and flanking it. The melee hunter’s aspect of the pack is especially useful. Melee Hunter Alterations Melee hunters do not have the sting class feature and they do not gain eagle eye at 7th level. Instead, they gain the following class features, at the indicated levels: • 1st Level — Savage Strike (Ex): Savage strikes work similarly to stings, except that they apply to melee attacks instead of ranged attacks, and creatures that are immune to poison are not immune to savage strikes. A melee hunter gains the following savage strikes at the indicated levels. She can use a savage strike three times per day at 1st level and an additional time per day at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, just as with stings. Unlike stings, she can use more than one savage strike on a single attack. In fact, the melee hunter can use all three savage strikes on a single melee attack, if she likes, though doing so exhausts three of her daily savage strike uses. She cannot use a single strike more than once on a single attack. (She cannot use raptor strike twice on the same attack, for instance.) Raptor Strike: This strike is available at 1st level. The melee hunter can strike with the speed and savagery of a raptor. She may attempt a raptor strike with one normal melee attack. She must declare her intent to use raptor strike before she makes her attack roll. If she hits, her attack deals an additional +1d6 points of damage, +1 additional point of damage per hunter level. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. Mongoose Bite: This strike is available at 10th level. The melee hunter can twist out of the way of attacks and strike back with blinding speed, like a mongoose. When an enemy misses her in melee combat, she may use one of her savage strike uses to make an attack of opportunity against that opponent. Killer Strike: This strike is available at 20th level. Like large predators, the melee hunter has no mercy and knows where to strike. If her attack hits, it automatically threatens a critical hit. • 7th Level — Bonus Feat: The melee hunter gains one bonus feat chosen from the list of warrior bonus feats, or martial weapon proficiency. Melee hunters also possess the same class features as normal hunters, but the aspect of the hawk feature is modified, as shown below. • Aspect of the Hawk: The damage bonus from aspect of the hawk applies to melee weapons, not ranged weapons. Hunter Variant: Wandering Hunter Most hunters bend their energies toward wild beasts, admiring their grace, speed and deadline...