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Psychother Psychosom 86 | 2 | 17 print online www.karger.com/pps 86(2) 65–128 (2017) ISSN 0033–3190 e-ISSN 1423–0348 S. Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers Basel . Freiburg . Paris . London . New York . Chennai . New Delhi . Bangkok . Beijing . Shanghai . Tokyo . Kuala Lumpur . Singapore . Sydney New advances in understanding the role of the self n The Self in io P4s8y(c5h) o2p7a1t–h3o5lo8g (y2015) 48 | 5 | 15 pIISSrSBinNNt 0927584––34–936128–056oe1-n5Il–SinS0eN 1423–033Xwww.karger.com/psp t a c Psychopathology i l b u International Journal of P Descriptive and Experimental Psychopathology, al Phenomenology and n Psychiatric Diagnosis Editors ur Michael Kyrios o The Self J in Psychopathology Barnaby Nelson Y GMBauicrenhstaa bEedyl iK tNoyerrslisoosn, C, Maneblberoruar, nAe.C, V.Ti.c. Claire Ahern Claire Ahern, Melbourne, Vic. Thomas Fuchs, Heidelberg Thomas Fuchs Josef Parnas, Copenhagen Josef Parnas SNSMBLSoh.iaen enKaswgdedanai lrogcD pg.anh eoeFl al .rrrha ieeN ni.i .be.dT SwBou Sykra cdgYynion oeg. ren Pk.ky taoK i.rfik uCi csa.h l.PBea uen Lbinjuilanimsig h.p e.u rrs . The Self in Psychopathology The concept of the self has recently gained increas- Contents Guest Editors: Kyrios M. (Canberra, A.C.T.); ing attention in psychopathology for mainly two Nelson B.; Ahern C. (Melbourne, Vic.); Introduction Fuchs T. (Heidelberg); Parnas J. (Copenhagen) reasons: firstly, major mental disorders such as schizo- • The Self in Psychopathology: Kyrios, M.; Nelson, B; Ahern, C.; 88 p., 5 fig., 15 tab., 2015 phrenia have been related to disturbances on a pre- Fuchs, T.; Parnas, J. CHF 29.00 / EUR 27.00 / USD 34.00 (soft cover) reflective or basic level of self-awareness which has CHF 35.00 / EUR 32.00 / USD 41.00 (online) Original Papers Online version for institutional purchase largely escaped the present criteriological diagnostic • The Self beyond Somatic Symptoms: A Narrative Approach Prices subject to change, VAT not included systems; secondly, the level of the social or narrative to Self-Experience in Adolescent Chronic Fatigue EUR price for eurozone countries, USD price for self, including aspects such as social identity, self- Syndrome: van Geelen, S.M.; Fuchs, C.E.; van Geel, R.; USA and Latin America only ISBN 978–3–318–05615–0 (soft cover) concept, self-image and self-esteem, is key to under- Luyten, P.; van de Putte, E.M. e-ISBN 978–3–318–05616–7 standing a variety of disorders such as depression, • Self-Based Concepts and Obsessive-Compulsive Phenom- ena: Ahern, C.; Kyrios, M.; Moulding, R. obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia or bor- Special Topic Issue • Self-Disturbance and the Bizarre: On Incomprehensibility in Psychopathology derline personality disorder. Moreover, the concept Schizophrenic Delusions: Sass, L.A.; Byrom, G. Vol. 48, No. 5 (2015) is suitable for integrating our attempts at describing • Basic Self-Disturbance in the Schizophrenia Spectrum: Included in subscription the lived experience of mental illness which in the Taking Stock and Moving Forward: Nelson, B.; Raballo, A. Listed in MEDLINE/PubMed analysis always affects the patients in their self-aware- • Self-Disorders, Neurocognition and Rationality in Schizo- ness and self-relation. phrenia: A Preliminary Study: Nordgaard, J.; Revsbech, R.; Henriksen, M.G. This special topic issue of Psychopathology brings • Anomalies of Imagination and Disordered Self in Schizo- together 10 papers from psychodynamic, cognitive- phrenia Spectrum Disorders: Rasmussen, A.R.; Parnas, J. behavioral, phenomenological, neurocognitive and • From Self-Disorders to Ego Disorders: Fuchs, T. nosological perspectives that advance the under- • Self-Disorders: Clinical and Conceptual Implications for the standing of the role of the self in conceptualization, Diagnostic Concept of Schizophrenia: Parnas, J.; Jansson, L.B. • The ‘Self’ and Borderline Personality Disorder: Conceptual diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology. and Clinical Considerations: Kerr, I.B.; Finlayson-Short, L.; McCutcheon, L.K.; Beard, H.; Chanen, A.M. • Self-Ambivalence in the Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Bhar, S.S.; Kyrios, M.; Hordern, C. Author Index/Subject Index Dear Librarian I have reviewed this publication and would like to recommend it for our library. Recommended by: Department: Date: The easiest way to order: www.karger.com/psp Signature: 8 8 Karger – Medical and Scientific Publishers 54 Orders may be placed with any bookshop, CH–4009 Basel, Switzerland KI1 [email protected], f: +41 61 306 12 34 subscription agency, directly with the publisher www.karger.com or through a Karger distributor. Official Journal of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM) Official Journal of the International Federation for Psychotherapy (IFP) Founded 1953 as “Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica” by E.A.D.E. Carp and B. Stokvis, continued by Th. Spoerri (1964–1974) and P.E. Sifneos (1974–1991) Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board G.A. Fava, Bologna R. Balon, Detroit, Mich. I.M. Marks, London A. Barbosa, Lisbon E.S. Paykel, Cambridge P. Bech, Hillerød P. Porcelli, Castellana Grotte Associate Editors M. 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Tak- ing a rigorously interdisciplinary as well as translational approach, Key Issues in Mental Health attempts to build bridges to related disciplines in an eff ort to integrate a variety of aspects relevant to the successful diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. Key Issues in Mental Health Vol. 181: Early Detection and Vol. 180: Autism Spectrum Vol. 179: Comorbidity of Vol. 178: Violence against Founded: 1917 Intervention in Psychosis Disorders Mental and Women and Mental Health Field of Interest: Psychiatry State of the Art and Future Phenotypes, Mechanisms and Physical Disorders Editors: García-Moreno, C. (Geneva); Listed in bibliographic services, Perspectives Treatments Editors: Sartorius, N. (Geneva); Riecher-Rössler, A. (Basel) including: Google Scholar Editors: Riecher-Rössler, A. (Basel); Editors: Leboyer, M. (Créteil); Holt, R.I.G. (Southampton); XII + 180 p., 5 fi g., 9 tab., 2013 IeS-SISNS N16 16626–24–8478482 MX11IVc tG a+bo 1.r,9r 2y40, Pp1.6D., 1. 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Karger AG, Basel E-Mail [email protected] The Journal Home Page is available at: www.karger.com www.karger.com/pps Contents See the journal website for contents Basel • Freiburg • Paris • London • New York • New Delhi • Bangkok • Beijing • Tokyo • Kuala Lumpur • Singapore • Sydney JUNE 7-9 2018, AMSTERDAM WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY 2018 PSYCHOTHERAPY, STRONGER THROUGH DIVERSITY WWW.IFP2018.COM The International Federation for Psychotherapy (IFP) has invited the Dutch Psychotherapy Association (NVP) to organize the 22nd World Congress of Psychotherapy on 7-9 June 2018 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In a rather divided world - reflected in competing theoretical perspectives in psychotherapy - we would like to stress the urge for integration and tolerance. Therefore, we chose the theme: PSYCHOTHERAPY, STRONGER THROUGH DIVERSITY The NVP is very proud to welcome psychotherapists from all over the world to our country. The NVP has invited scholars and experts from a variety of theoretical perspectives to cooperate in the Scientific Committee to develop a program that will be both scientifically and clinically interesting, sharing their perspectives on theory, development and research on psychotherapy. Venue: the ‘Beurs van Berlage’ The congress will be held in the Beurs van Berlage, right in the heart of Amsterdam. This landmark red brick building was once commodity and stock exchange, but now serves as a popular conferen- ce venue, located in the middle of the city and close to the Central Station. We very much are looking forward to welcome you in Amsterdam, on 7-9 June 2018! Nel Draijer, chair NVP Paul Emmelkamp, president IFP F17130 SEPTEMBER 11-13, 20 19, FLORENCE, ITALY 25th WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE The International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM) will hold the 25th ICPM World Congress in September 11-13, 2019, in Florence (Italy). The conference aims at highlighting the pivotal role of Psychosomatic Medicine for health care and mental health. The ICPM 2019 Congress in Florence will offer an opportunity to share the world’s latest developments in Psychosomatic Medicine integrating clinical and research approaches. Delegates will have an enriching and rewarding experience attending key-note presentations and plenary lectures, participating in debates and scientific symposia on selected topics and presenting oral communications and posters. We are very committed to ensure that the Florence Congress will contribute to an improvement in the field of Psychosomatic Medicine. We also hope that you will enjoy the communication with a broad spectrum of scientific and clinical approaches and with old and new friends in a romantic and fascinating city. Welcome to Florence and to the ICPM 2019 Congress! Fiammetta Cosci, Antonio Barbosa Congress Presidents F17153 F17207

Barnaby Nelson. Claire Ahern. Thomas Fuchs Barnaby Nelson, Melbourne, Vic. Claire Ahern E-Mail: [email protected]. Conditions.
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.