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Online Explorations in World History Take a visual journey through 29 unique explorations in world history! From the origins of civilization to the political, social, cultural, and religious events of all the world’s major cultures, HistoryUnbound: Online Explorations in World History will take you on an interactive exploration of the past. Each exploration consists of a module complete with interactive maps and timelines, hundreds of art images, and numerous primary and secondary source readings, as well as a glossary and questions. In this module, A Year in the Life of a Medieval Peasant Family, you can explore what it was like to live as a peasant in the Middle Ages. More than 90% of the population lived as peasants in medieval Europe. You’ll learn how a family’s tasks changed over the course of a year, depending on the season. You’ll also learn about the limitations that peasants faced and what methods they developed to minimize those limitations. Allowing you to explore the past in a new way, HistoryUnbound comes with a printed book-specific Correlation Guide consisting of a brief description of each module, along with its list of readings, section questions, and module-level questions. The one-time registration access code is also included. Explore HistoryUnbound today at http://historyunbound.wadsworth.com These online exploration modules are available online and are accessible by an access code with a user’s guide. Contact your bookstore or visit us online for ordering information. GREENLAND (Den.) RUSSIA AL(UA.SSK.)A ICELAND NORWASYWEDENFINLAND RUSSIA CAUSTNNAAITTDEEADS ATLANTIC POIRRTEULMGAOANRKLDOUINCNSBGPCIFETADOLREIOGANDNUMENMTCHDEL.IELEGSNUCWEMXHRI..AT.MTAARCAULUSKZCNLYNPSEROYOTCIO..SLHSH.HBAILAMEAUONOLRLANL.DVBEI.GYATLGS.ARUMHTTATKEBGAVUUOARIEBOEIAAYNKCACU.LNEICREMALA.IYAAGORPAILRNUDRUIESOISSAVRTAUALREELKSGBYEE.JOYRORIRAGADIIRRAAMAN.QAZERT.UIRRKKUAAMZZBNEAENKKISIHSTATA-SFIASNTGNTAHATANANNKJIYKRISGTYAZNSTAN MONGCOHLIINAA NK. 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(U.K.) ANTARCTICA How to Use the Maps in World Civilizations,4th Edition Here are some basic map concepts that will help you to get the most out ofthe maps in this textbook. ■ Always look at the scale,which allows you to determine the distance in miles or kilometers between locations on the map. ■ Examine the legend carefully.It explains the colors and symbols used on the map. ■ Note the locations ofmountains,rivers,oceans,and other geographic features,and consider how these would affect such human activities as agriculture,commerce,travel,and warfare. ■ Read the map caption thoroughly.It provides important information, sometimes not covered in the text itself. ■ Many ofthe text’s maps also carry a globe icon alongside the title,which indicates that the map appears in interactive form on the text’s website: http://history.wadsworth.com/adler04/ This page intentionally left blank W ofourthr edition ld C ivi li zations + Philip J. Adler Randall L. Pouwels East Carolina University + University of Central Arkansas Australia • Canada • Mexico • Singapore • Spain United Kingdom • United States (cid:1) For Gracie, an historical event To Claire Faye Haney Pouwels —Philip Adler in loving memory —Randall Pouwels Publisher:Clark Baxter Photo Researcher:Linda Sykes Senior Development Editor:Sue Gleason Copy Editor:Ginjer Clarke Assistant Editor:Paul Massicotte Illustrator:Pam Brossia Editorial Assistants:Lucinda Bingham, Emily Perkins Cover Designer:Gopa Technology Project Manager:Melinda Newfarmer Cover Image: Kyoto bridge by moonlight, from the series Marketing Manager: Lori Grebe Cook “100 Views of Famous Places in Edo,” pub. 1855 (color Advertising Project Manager: Laurel Anderson woodblock print), by Ando or Utagawa Hiroshige Senior Project Manager, Editorial Production:Kimberly Adams (1797–1858). 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Mexico Brief Contents Maps xv 14. Islam 186 Preface xvii 15. Mature Islamic Society and Institutions 198 About the Authors xxv 16. Indian Civilization in Its Golden Age 208 Introduction to the Student xxvi 17. Empire of the Middle: China to the Mongol Conquest 221 Part One: Ancient Civilizations, 18. Japan and Southeast Asia 234 3500–500 B.C.E. 2 19. The European Middle Ages 249 1. Prehistory 4 20. Late Medieval Troubles 264 2. Mesopotamia 16 21. The European Renaissance 277 3. Egypt 28 22. The Mongol Intrusion 290 4. Warriors and Deities in the Near East: Worldview Three: Equilibrium Persians and Jews 39 among Polycentric Civilizations, 5. India’s Beginnings 52 500–1500 c.e. 300 6. Ancient China to 500 b.c.e. 64 Part Four: Disequilibrium: Worldview One: Ancient Civilizations, The Western Encounter with 3500–500 b.c.e. 76 the Non-Western World, 1500–1700 C.E. 304 Part Two:Classical Mediterranean Civilizations, 500 B.C.E.–800 C.E. 78 23. A Larger World Opens 306 7. The Greek Adventure 80 24. The Protestant Reformation 319 8. Hellenic Culture 92 25. Foundations of the European States 331 9. Hellenistic Civilization 103 26. Eastern European Empires 345 10. Rome: City-State to Empire 116 27. The Rise and Fall of the Muslim Empires 358 11. Imperial Decline and the Birth of Christian 28. China from the Ming through the Early Europe 134 Qing Dynasties 371 Worldview Two: Classical Mediterranean 29. Japan and Colonial Southeast Asia 382 Civilizations, 500 b.c.e.–800 c.e. 152 30. From Conquest to Colonies in Hispanic America 395 Part Three: Equilibrium among Worldview Four: Disequilibrium: Polycentric Civilizations, The Western Encounter with the 500–1500 C.E. 154 Non-Western World, 1500–1700 c.e. 406 12. The Americas before Columbus 156 13. Africa from Kush to the Fifteenth Century 171 iii iv (cid:1) BRIEF CONTENTS Part Five: Revolutions, Ideology, 45. Totalitarianism Refined: The Nazi State 606 and the New Imperialism, 46. East Asia in a Century of Change 616 1700–1920 408 47. World War II 630 31. The Scientific Revolution and Its Enlightened 48. High and Low Cultures in the West 643 Aftermath 410 49. Superpower Rivalry and the European 32. Liberalism and the Challenge to Absolute Recovery 652 Monarchy 425 50. Decolonization and the Third World 663 33. The French Revolution and the Empire of Napoleon 434 51. The New Asia 672 34. Europe’s Industrialization and Its Social 52. Africa in the Colonial and Independent Consequences 449 Eras 685 35. Europe in Ideological Conflict 467 53. Latin America in the Twentieth Century 701 36. Consolidation of National States 480 54. The Reemergence of the Muslim World 713 37. The Islamic World and India, 1600–1917 494 55. Collapse and Reemergence in Communist 38. Africa in the Era of Informal Empire 507 Europe 727 39. Latin America from Independence 56. A New Millennium 738 to Dependent States 520 Worldview Six: Equilibrium Reestablished: The 40. Advanced Industrial Society 533 Twentieth-Century World and Beyond, 41. Modern Science and Its Implications 547 1920–Present 748 42. World War I and Its Disputed Settlement 558 Worldview Five: Revolutions, Ideology, and the Glossary G-1 New Imperialism, 1700–1920 574 Answers to Test Your Knowledge A-1 Part Six:Equilibrium Reestablished: Index I-1 The Twentieth-Century World and Beyond, 1920–Present 576 43. A Fragile Balance: Europe in the Twenties 579 44. The Soviet Experiment to World War II 592 Contents Maps xv evidence of the past: Egyptian Wildlife 30 The Pharaoh: Egypt’s God-King 31 Preface xvii Government Under the Pharaoh 31 About the Authors xxv The Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom 31 Introduction to the Student xxvi Cultural Achievements 32 evidence of the past: “Wonderful Things!” 34 Part One: Ancient Civilizations, Religion and Eternal Life 34 3500–500 B.C.E. 2 Egypt’s People and Their Daily Lives 35 Egypt and Mesopotamia: Contrasts 36 1. Prehistory 4 4. Warriors and Deities in the Near East: Definition of Terms 6 Persians and Jews 39 The Evolving Past 6 The Assyrian Empire 39 The Paleolithic Age 6 The Phoenicians 41 Human Development during the Paleolithic 7 evidence of the past: Unearthing Our The Persians 41 Ancestors 7 The Persian Empire 42 The Neolithic Age: Agriculture 8 patterns of belief: Zarathustra’s Vision 43 evidence of the past: Paleolithic Art 8 The Hebrews 44 Jewish Religious Belief and Its Evolution 45 Irrigation Civilizations 10 Metal and Its Uses 12 law and government: King Solomon 46 Economic Change and Social Customs 47 2. Mesopotamia 16 A Changing Theology 47 Sumerian Civilization 16 evidence of the past: The Dead Sea Scrolls 48 Earning a Living 18 5. India’s Beginnings 52 The Evolution of Writing 18 Mathematics and Chronology 20 Indus Valley Civilization 52 Religion and the Afterlife 20 Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa 53 Law 21 The Vedic Epoch 54 patterns of belief: TheEpic of Gilgamesh 22 The Beginnings of the Caste System 55 Government and Social Structure 22 Hinduism 55 law and government: Hammurabi 23 society and economy: The Laws of Manu 56 The Status of Women 24 Buddhism 57 Successors to Sumeria 25 Teachings of the Buddha 57 The Decline of Mesopotamia in World History 26 patterns of belief: The Buddha 58 The Mauryan Dynasty 59 3. Egypt 28 Daily Life and the Position of Women 60 The Natural Environment 28 Buddhism’s Spread 60 Egypt’s Protective Isolation 29 Egypt’s Uniqueness 30 v

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