dd ee zz riri oo hh utut AA ReporNt o. 11306-ET e e rr uu ss Ethiopia oo clcl ss DiDi TowardP overtyA lleviationa nd c c blibli uu a SocialA ction Program PP June2 8, 1993 dd ee Agriculturea nd EnvironmenOt perationsD ivision zz oriori EasternA frica Department hh utut AA re re FOR OFFICIALU SEO NLY uu ss oo clcl ss DiDi c c blibli uu PP dd ee zz riri oo hh utut AA e e rr uu ss oo clcl ss DiDi MICROGRAPHICS c c blibli uu PP Report No: 11306 ET Type: SEC dd ee zz riri oo hh utut AA e e rr uu ss oo clcl ss DiDi c c blibli uu Documenot ft heW orldS ank PP Thisd ocume~hnats a restricteddi stributioann dm ayb eu sedb y!ecjple.rtosn ly Pf e m~ncof tft~iroffil a dutiesi. tenowrtsmaiynototherWisebe ~ drs4edwthiWod 0a0k,authorization .W. . CURRENCYE QUIVALET CurrencyU nit - Birr (Br.) US$ L0 Br. 2.0 (unt Septeber 30, 992 US$ 1.0 m Br. S.00 (untilO ctober 1, 1992) ABBREVLITIONS AAM AddisA babaM unicipality AAWSA AddisA babaW at and Swerge Authority AMC AgricultualM arketingC orporatiom CRAs CommuityH elth Agents CllA Canadiann tentional DevelopmetA gency CPPS CommunitPy articipatioPnr omotionS ervice CSA Centrl Stics Authorit EBSN EmploymenBt asedS afetyN et EC Europe Community EDDC EthiopianD ometic DistributioCn orpoation EFC EthiopianF oodC orportion EN EthiopianN utrit Istitut ERRP EthiopiaR ecovey and R Project EPRDF EthiopianP eople'sR evolutionarDy emocrac Front EWWCA EthiopiaW aterW orksC onstructioAn uthority FAO Fooda nd AgricultureO rgaization F? FamilyP lnning IRI?A FoodP rce Adjustment GDP GtossD omesticP roduct GNP GrossN ationalP roduct HC HealthC enter iS HealthS tation IFAD IntenationaFlu nd for AgriculturDe evelopment ILO Itnaiona Labo Organization DM InfantM ortalityR ate MC}I Matend and ChildH ealth MUDHC Ministy of UrbanD evelopmenatn d Housing NGO Non GovenmentaO razaton ORs Orl RehydationS alts PADEP PeasantA griculturaDl evelopmenPtr oject PFP PolicyF rameworPk aper RIBS RuralI ntgraed BasicS ervices RDWSDF RuralD omesticW aer SupplyD evelopmenFtu nd RF RelapsingF ever RHICES RuralH ouseholdIc ome, Conumptiona ndE xpenditurSe urvey RRC Relie andR ehabilittionC ommission SAC Stucturl AdjustmenCt redit SIDA SwedishI uternationaDl evelopmenAt gency TBA TraditionaBl irthA ttendants TGE Tramiona Govermento f Ethiopia UNICEF UnitedN ationsC hildren'sF und WDR WorldD evelopmenRt eport WFP WorldF ood Programme WRC WaterR esourcesC ommission WSSA WaterS upplya nd SeweageA uthority FORO FFICIALU U ONLY E:wO TOWARDP OVERTYA LLEVIATIOANN D A SOCIALA CTIONP ROGRAM CONTENTS Page No. PREFACE ....... ,U SUU tA,RYA ND CONCLUSIONS. . 11 IItRODUCTION 1 . ODginso ftis Report ........... I O ..b. ......je.v.s . 1 OveviewofRepott .. 2 Prvnius Studies... 3 SbumeauofReport . 3 THE DIMENSIONSO F POVERTYA ND SOCIALD EPRIVATION. 4 A HlsotyofDedine nPer Capita omes. 4 EconomicPerformance. 4 Dedine nGrowthR ates .................... 4 ChangesInt he PoldicaEoonomy ......................... 7 PopationGroi.h. 8 Deerlr&igSociaServces .9 bmidencofPovety .10 Data .10 Definitions.12 UrbanP ovey13 Historcalbnformation.1 3 WMionE smtiates.1 4 HouseholdExpndiwtSurveynI nI M.16 RuralPoverty .................................... .19 Hisorical hna.imo. .19 o GovernmenEstimates.2 0 ChronkFoodInsecure. 23 TransitaoyFoodlshcure .24 MissionE stinates.24 Re ige.s .. 25 Displaced,RetumeesandE x-Soldier.25 RedundanCt ivl Swvn .25 Swumay .27 SOCLALSERVICE.S28 Stausofl ealth.28 Helth CareF mancng.3 1 PublicExnditiurforHeadth. . 32 PivaeExpendiwmfsor Hefth. 33 Stau,ofNutrition. .38 Thisd ocumnehnats a restficteddi stributioann d mayb e used by recipientso nlyi n the peformance of thir officald utiesI.t s contentsm ayn ot otherwie be discosedw ithoutW oddB anka uthoration. TOWARDP OVERTYA LLEVIATIONA NDA SOCIALA CTIONP ROGRAM CONTENTS Pap No. I PREPACE ....... ....... ...................... SUIMIARYA NDC ONCLUSIONS.. .... ........... ............. iii IN,rODUCTION ..................... . I 0isins of thisR eport .. ....... .. .. .......... I Objectve.s. .......... I OvervewofRepo . ............ .. . . 2 PreviouSs tudies. ........... 3 StrucuireofRept .............. 3 THED MENSIONSO F POVERTYA NDS OCIALD EPRIVATION. ................ 4 A Historyo f Declinei n Per Capita nomes .............................4 EconomicPerortuance . ...........................4......... DedineinGr.o.dR.i.a t.es. ......................... 4 Changesin thePoltcalEconomy .........................7 PopulaonG roiwth. .................................8..... lNeteioratIngSociEsSer.v..i..c..e..s 9 IncidenceofPov. .........................................1.0. Data ............................................. 10 Definitions ..........................................1.2. Uban Poverty. .....................................1.3... HistoricalnJr minaon ................................13 IvsionEstimate.s. . ............................1.4... HouseholdE xpendtu Suveyi n 1992. . ...............1.6... RuraPl overty ........................................1.9. Hiswoicad bfoms¢h.K. ..................:.............. ....1 9 Govermene stimnas ................. ..............2 0 ChronicFoodls eur ........................... ...... ...... 23 TransitoFroyo d Isecure . ..................................2.4..t... MissionE tes .............. ..................2.4.. Reifge ...........................................2.5. DisplacedR, atlr neesa is Ex-Soldlers. ..........................2.S Redundt Civil Servant .................................. 25 Sn_g ............ ......... 27 SOCLALS ERVICES. .............................................2.8 Statusofed ............................................2.8 HealthC ueFinancing .................................3.1.... Pulic Ex drsfr Heald .................... ........3.2 Privae ExpenditrmfeD rH ealth ........... .............33.. StatusofNutrk..i.o.. n .... ............. 38 Etn ofbbfanrtlon ... ........................ ......... 38 Casm ofdanutirlon ....... .........................39..... Stauso fD omestiRcu ri WaW Supplie..s.. ......... ................. . 40 Issueasn dProblems . ...................... .. .... ..........4.1 Genderssues ....... .............. ... ......... 42 Instutlonalamragen .......... ..... .................. 42 Cost Reovery ......._ ...... *....... 43 Govement andD onor Activies . ... ..... ... ........ 43 of Stats Urba Santatlon. ............. .................. 43 iues andProblems ... . ......... 43 GenderIssues ..... ... . ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 44 JusftltdonalA.rrangemnents 44 .. . ........ ....... .. . ... ....... Gova enmannt dDonorActivies. ................. 45 PASTA NDC URRENTA CTIONST O REDUCEP OVERTY . . 48 ComuodhPtyr ograms ............. ... 48 Financa Ihnmplicatifoonrs C onsumerso f ReducedC ommodityP rograms . . 49 EDDC ... 49 AMC ... 52 Foodgralns.... . 5 EC Ptogra..... 54 EFC ......................... 54 Wheattlour................. 54 . .. .... Keosme SubsidyP rogmm. ............................. 55 Sunary ......................................... 56 EconoImmilcic adonsofCommodityPrograms .........................5.7 Foodgman ............................. .... 58 SugpaandCooking.O...i..l. ............... .. 58 nocCossand Benefitsof theFoodgainPmgrogm .......... ...........6 0 costs ................................. 60 Benefis ...... ........................ 61 miciptSubsidyon Fertiie .......... 63 SummaryO ft w Cost-effectivenso f Curent Reistkwve Polices and Progmms ... 63 Do AssbtaeProgram ............................. 65 FoodA id .............................. 65 nvetmenat nd Technicd Assistance ............................ 65 Sumary ............................. 66 REDUCINGP OVERTYT HROUGHG ROWrH ............. ..............68... Sourceso f Grwth ..........................................6.8 Policy Reforms ........................................ 69 : MacroeonoPaomliicci es .......... .... ................ 70 icentlveP olicies ................................... 70 Reguatory Reforns .................................. 70. Strucurd Rigidities. ..................................... 71 Agicultual Developmenta nd its Impact onf the Poor ....................... 72 : enBfit and Costs of Stabilizationa nd Gowwth ........................... 72 lhe AggregateP icture . ................................ 72 Impacot nihePoor ................................. 73 PriceT rends ................... ........ 74 hIpac ofDevuationonRurad Houseolds.. . 74 impactofDevluationonUdranHousdwl.d...s.. .......... 75 Impa tDofv auadonaonUHnu "drbsa nHo.u................. 75 Impacto f Ecnomic Rdinno n Land, Labora nd Fetizer Market .............. 77 Markets 77 Lod ........................ .. . Orgs ofPoicy ............... ......... 77 Policy Cuirret ...... ......................... , 77 JAbo rlarts ....... . ... ...... ....... . 79 TheE conomoicf sF atftiz Use. . .............. .. 79 Prce Trends .......... .......... 79 BeuefltsandCoss of Fd Use ................ ....... 80 Fetir Use andF armersIn" comes ....... ... ........... 81 6-SOCIALSERVICES:AFRAMEWORKF C AAC tN ....... .4..... 84 Heldh ........................................ 84 Policy Framework ........................................ 84 miiediaeActions ....................................8.. Ministryo f Heath ..................................8.5 ConsolidaonofExs dnggPhysicandH umanC apita.l. .......... 85 RecurrentExenmditr . ....... 86 Fuher OperatiodResearchandStudie.s ................86... HealthC aueFinanlg ...............................8.6 Epideiological nfomaion .........................8.7.. Nutrition ...... 87 PoliFcrya ork ....... 87 InmediateA ctions 88 DomesicR uralW aterS upplies .................................... 89 PolicyF ramework . 89 ImnediateA ction .... ................................... 89 TechnologicaOl ptions .... 89 Imp .ntatoonn.. lee. 90 PriorityA reasa nd Issues 90 44.444 Costa ndF inancing .... 90 UrbanS anitaton 91 . PolicyF ramework. ... 91 Imediate Action 91 . TechnologicaCl ow..ons 91 . Implenientatlo4 . . . . 91 *. PriorityA rem andl sues ... 92 CostandFinancing 92 . TARGETEDP ROGRAMFSO RT HE POOR. ... . 93 BeyondG rowtha nd SocialS ervices...... 93 Overviewo fP roposals ..... 94 AnalyticaIl ues .............. . .9S.. . . . 95 DirectT argeting..... 9S Self-Targeting . ..... 96 Rewardf or Timea nd Effort ..... 96 PublicW orlma s Eligibilityfo r TargetedA ssistance. .......... ... 96 Subsidizinga Self-Targetg Commodity.. ... 97 SocialF undsa s a Self-TargetinMg echanism ............. ..... 99 Optionsf or an UrbanS afetyN et .... . 100 *............................. * Food/KerosinVe ouchersfo r Pooresta nd Vulnerable .............. .... 101 Implementatioonf a Food/KerosmVe oucherP rogram ........ .... 102 SafetyN otf orE mployeeso n Publc Payroll ........................ 104 Compensatlo&Rfoertr enched Stat Enaprs Employees ............... 106 UrbanPu blic Works .................... .. ............1.0.7 Opportwntesf or Gneating Employmentth rougbP ublicW orks ......1 07 Opdons fora R ur Safety Nt .... ..............................1 08 vdin aEnn ablWE nviroantno S mn Growth. ...............1 08 ProvidIng Off-Frm Work ....... *...................... ... . 109 RuralPublicWorks .................... ........... 109 Ruril Road ..... ............... 111 Other PubliWcor ksP ogr n.......................... . 113 IncresAiggr cltuP roduct.i...v...i...t...y... ............ . 113 CunstralatstoIncreasedFertilizerUse. ............ ..... .... 114 Agricultural/PastoraIl nputV ouche ... .......................1.1.5.. VouchersorMone.y. ................ . 116 l)enominaotfiV oounc hers ................1.1.6..... ComplelmentaryAtcoAt sisoen sE ffedveneofs Vso uchers ........1 16 Pundingoft heVouchaeProgram . ....................1.1.7.. windcatveCostsoPfao ssibleTagetedP rogm .........................1.1 7 TOWARDA N ACTIONP ROGRAMT O ADDRESSP OVERTY. ..................1.2 0 Tbre ougedSteag . ......................................1.2.0 PopuationGrowt ................................. 120 StimulaEtc onmicG rowth. ................................. 120 ,acroeconnPmbilci cy ...................... 120 ReviewofProspetshIenA griculurdSecto.r. ............. 121 LandP olicy ....................... 121 L .Policy ................................. 121 lmnprovenoifS eoncti Saelr vice..s. .............................. 121 Hodlh. .................... ............... 121 Nutrki.o.n. .................. .............. 121 Rua DomnesWca Supply. .............................1.2.1 UrbaSna ltation ......................................... 122 Pmde TageteAds sista.nce ...............................1.2.2 Prdcipl.e.s ................................ 122 UrbanF oodCerosVionuec he.r. .............................1.2 2 SafetNyo forEEmployeesonPublicPa.y.r.o.l.l. .......... 122 Compemtofno ReRtrenhedStateEnterpris.eWor.k.e.r.s. .......1.2.2. UrbanPuWiWcor b ..................................... 122 RuraPlu bliWco rb .....................................1.2.3 Fertlize/nVpouutch e.r. .................................. 123 Dono Asssae Pogram.s. ...................................1.2.3 Dat CollectainodAn n alys.i.s. ................................... 123 Tables in Text 2.1 TotalG DP ad Growth ates fbr MainS ectors( 19W811p1ri ces) . .............. 6 2.2 Populatn gstmaesandProJectons (1910-2030) ...................... 9 2.3 Summaryo f MainD emographiCc haracteristls ......................... 10 2.4 Selected Welfare and Social Indicators ............................... I1 2.5 RecemE stimateso f UrbanI ncomeD istributionisn Ethiopia . ................ 12 2.6 Minimumn cometo PurcbaseF ooda nd Non-FoodB askets. .......... .... 13 2.7 Incidenceo f UrbanP overty ..................................... 14 2.8 ExpenditureR equirementfso r MinimumN utritionI n AddisA babaf or a Familyo f Five In 1992a t Current Prices ........................ . 15 2.9 HouseholdE xpenditureIsn One Poor Kebelesin AddisA baba. 17 2.10 HouseholdE xpenditureisn One PoorK ebelei n Mekele .. 17 2.11 Summaryo f the Distributioonf Wageso f CivilS ervants( 1990). 19 2.12 EstimatedM inimumM onthlyE xpenditurefso r a TypicalH ouseholdin AddisA baba Assuminga per CapitaF ood Consumptioonf 2100C alories. 20 2.13 Summaryo f EstimatedR uralP overtyb y Regions .. 21 2.14 aassflcatioro f TwelveR egionsb y SocioeconomSict atus . .23 2.15 EstimatedN umbero f Workerst o be Retrenchedin PublicS ectorE nterprise.s. 26 2.16 Es_m a Numbersin Chronica nd TransitoryP overty1 992 . .26 %.1 Public HealthExpenditi. 32 3.2 RecurrenBt udgetL evelo t dealth Care System ......................... 34 3.3 Shareo f RecurrenEt xpenditureAs llocatedto AddisA babaa nd RegionaHl ealth CentersStations.. ............................................. 3.4 HealthP rofessional-sS electedR egions,1 989 .......................... 36 3.5 Summaryo f Urbana nd RuralW aterS upplyS ituation ..................... 41 3.6 Summaryo f Urbant nd RuralS anitationS ituton ....................... 44 3.7 Summaryo f Recurrenat nd CapitalB udgetf orA AWSA .................... 46 4.1 Summaryo f Distributiono f Goodsb y EDDCt o MajorC lients( 1987-88t)o 1991-92) . 50 4.2 Summaryo f Distributiono f Goodsb y EDDCt o MajorP ublicO rganization(s1 987/88 to 1991/92) .......... ..................................... Sl 4.3 EDDC CommodityD istributionB y Cliets and CommodityC ategories( 1989/90). ... 52 4.4 Summuryo f EstimatedA nnualF oodgralnM arketingF lows( Late 1980st o Early 1990s)5 5 4.5 EstimatedIm pacto f SubsidyR eductiontso GrainC onsumerisn AddisA baba ...... S6 4.6 EstimatedV alueo f Benefitsto Individualfsr omE xistingC ommodityB asedP rogramsin AddisA baba- May 1992......7.... S 4.7 EstmatedI mplicitS ubsidiesf or MajorF oodgrainsin AddisA babaa t an ExchangeR ateo f Br 5.00 - US$1.00 ....... ................................... 59 4.8 EstimatedT otalE conomicC ost of FoodgrainS ubsidies( Late1 980st o Early 1990s) . . 61 4.9 EstimatedV alueo f Subsidyo n Foodgrainsto DifferenGt roups ..... .......... 62 4.10 EstmatedE conomicC ostso f SubsidyP rogramsa nd their Benefitsf or the Poorest.L ate 190s and Early 1990s ........................................ 64 4.11 EstimatedP overtyF ocusI n DonorF undedP rojects. 66 5.1 Food and FoodgrainE xpenditureass a Proportiono f Food Expenditure and TotalE xpenditure- AddisA baba KebeleA ........................ 76 2 5.2 Trends in Cereal/FertilizerP rice Ratios and Fertilizer Distribution at Current Pri:es for S.ected Yeas .. 82 5.3 Benefit-CosRt atioso f Ferie Us. by Crop,b y Region, by Exchange Rate - 1991/92c rop year. ............................. 83 5.4 EstimatedA verageV alueA ddedA ccruingto Farmrs fromF oodgrainP roduction FollowingIr eased fertlizerUs ................................. 83 7.1 ApproximateC ostso f Constructioonf IKm of RR30R ura Roadi n RollingT errainb y Labor-Baseadn d Equipment-BaseMde thodsa t Two ExchangeR ates .... ....... 113 7.2 EstimatedC ost of ProposedS afetyN otP rogam and TargStP opulations. ... .... 118 Flgure 2.1 TrendsinGDPintheMainSector .................................. S 2.2 Trendsi n Per Capita GDP. 11 3.1 StaffUtilizationinHealthCenter.s 37 Text Boxes 4.1 SomeI mplicationosf Currenta nd DiscontinueCd ommodityP rograms. ... ....... 53 4.2 Marketa nd BorderP ricesf or Foodgalnsa t ShadowE xchangeR ate .... ........ 61 7.1 Cost-effectiveneosfs a Self-targetinCg ommodityS ubsidy. ..... ............ 99 7.2 Modalitiefso r an UrbanF ood/KerosinVe oucher ........ ............... 105 7.3 AP ood PriceA djustmenIt nsurancefo r Civil Servants.1 06 7.4 suggestedC ompensatioPnr ogran for RetrenchedS tateE nterpriseW orkers. ... ... 107 7.5 Illustrationo f ResourcesR equiredfo r LaborI ntensiveR oadW ork .... ........ 110 Annees 1 SocialI ndicatorso f Development1, 991/92 2 Datao n IncomeD istributionF, oodE xpenditureR equirementsE, mploymenatn d Povertyi n RuralA reas 3 Datao n Healtha nd Services 4 Datao n CommodityP rogramsD, iet Costs,F oodP .iees, Food Aid and Donor AssistanceP rograms 5 Impacto f Liberaliion and GrainP ricesi n AddisA baba 6 ProposedA ctionP lan for DomesticR uralW aterS upply 7 Assessmenot f TargetodP rograms 8 Impacto f the Transitionin EconomicP olicyo n the Poor Biblography map Lst of WorkingP apers Number I Results of HouseholdS urvey on Extent of Poverty in Selected Kebeles in Addis Ababa and Mekele by AsmeromK idane Number 2 Factors which Influencet he Price of Food and Fertilizer by J. H. Duloy and GebremeskelD essaleng Number 3 NutritionS iuation in Ethiopia by Hope Sukin Number4 EmploymentG enertion through Public Works by DuncanM orris Number 5 Labor-Intesive Public Works: Soil and Water Conservationi n the Ethiopian Highlandsb y Addis Anteneh Number 6 Degree of Poverty Targeting in Donor Projects by Kees Tuinenburg Number 7 Copingw ith Poverty under Policy Reform by ShlomoR eutlinger Number 8 The Contourso f Poverty and Deprivationi n Ethiopia by Satich Mishra The mission aaichv isited Ethiopiat o prepare this report in April/May 1992 was led by Jack van Holst Pellekaana nd Jill Armstrong (Bank)a nd includedM ichael Niebling (IMO), Duncan Morris (ILO), Kees Tuinenburg (WFP), and Norab Gibson, Rilta Poutiainen,H ope Sukin, Addis Antne, AsmeromK idane, GebremeskelD essaleng, ShlomoR eutlinger, John Duloy, Jibril Adem, and Satish Mishra (Consultants). The mission was assisted at the end of its field work by Peter Miovic (Bank). It also received assistancea nd advice from governmenta nd donor officials. A draft of this report was discussed with the TransitionalG overnmento f Ethiopia in April 1993 and the Bank is grtefu for the commentsa nd suggestionsr eived. The missionw ishes to ackmowledgvea luable reviews and commentso n an earlier draft from Martin Ravalion and Harry Walters (Bank)a nd Simon Maxwell (IDS) who were peer reviewers for the report. Colleaguesw ithint he Bank who also provided valuable comments includedF ayez Omar, Deepak Bhattasali,J ayasankar Shivakumar,C arlos Montes, Harold AIderman, NicholasB urnett, VulimiriJ agdish, Abhay Deshpande,A majit Sodhi, Francis Lethem and Tonia Marek. Commentsa nd assistancef rom outside the Bank were received from Joachim von Braun, Patrick Webb and Tesfaye Teldu (IFPRI), and EtishamA bmad (M). Brenda Mudd was responsible for documentp rocessing.