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Vol. 160 No. 4 SPRING 1998 Annual Index Volume 160, 1997-98 Alianak, Sonia L., “Religion, Politics, and Assassi- to a Middle East Peace” (Winter) 126-133. nation in the Middle East: The Messianic Model” Leitner, Peter M., “A Bad Treaty Returns: The Case (Winter) 163-175. of the Law of the Sea Treaty” (Winter) 134—150. “A Bad Treaty Returns: The Case of the Law of the Lemke, Christiane, “Citizenship and European Inte- Sea Treaty,” Peter M. Leitner (Winter) 134-150. gration” (Spring) 212-217. Blank, Stephen, “Russia, NATO Enlargement, and “Macedonia: Coming in from the Cold,” Richard the Baltic States” (Winter) 115-125. Read Dion (Fall) 96-103. Castillo, Jasen, “The Dilemma of Simultaneity: Rus- Masker, John Scott, “Signs of a Democratized For- sia and Georgia in the Midst of Transformation” eign Policy?: Russian Politics, Public Opinion, (Summer) 34-42. and the Bosnia Crisis” (Spring) 179-191. “The Causes and Effects of Foreign Policy Decision- Mossinghoff, Gerald J., and Ralph Oman, “The making: An Analysis of Jordanian Peace with World Intellectual Property Organization: A Unit- Israel,’ Karla J. Cunningham (Spring) 192-201. ed Nations Success Story” (Fall) 104-108. Chin Chu-Kwang, “The U.S.—Japan Joint Declara- Oman, Ralph, and Gerald J. Mossinghoff, “The tion: Strategic Implications for Taiwan’s Security” World Intellectual Property Organization: A Unit- (Winter) 152-162. ed Nations Success Story” (Fall) 104-108. “Citizenship and European Integration,’ Christiane Racial Nationalism and China’s External Behavior,” Lemke (Spring) 212-217. Barry Sautman (Fall) 78-95. Corr, Edwin G., and Kimbra L. Fishel, “The United “Religion, Politics, and Assassination in the Middle Nations Involvement in the Salvadoran Peace East: The Messianic Model,” Sonia L. Alianak Process” (Spring) 202-211. (Winter) 163-175. Cunningham, Karla J., “The Causes and Effects of “Russia, NATO Enlargement, and the Baltic States,” Foreign Policy Decisionmaking: An Analysis of Stephen Blank (Winter) 115-125. Jordanian Peace with Israel” (Spring) 192-201. “Safe Passage’: The Rocky Road to a Middle East Davis, Michael C., “International Commitments to Peace,” Aharon Klieman (Winter) 126-133. Keep: Hong Kong Beyond 1997” (Fall) 70-77. Sautman, Barry, “Racial Nationalism and China’s “The Dilemma of Simultaneity: Russia and Georgia External Behavior” (Fall) 78-95. in the Midst of Transformation,’ Jasen Castillo “Self-Determination and International Recognition: (Summer) 34-42. An Alternative Interpretation of Yugoslavia’s Dis- Dion, Richard Read, “Macedonia: Coming in from integration,” Raju G. C. Thomas (Summer) 17-33. the Cold” (Fall) 96-103. “Signs of a Democratized Foreign Policy?: Russian “Economic Reform and Democratic Transition in Politics, Public Opinion, and the Bosnia Crisis,” Ghana,” Ho-Won Jeong (Spring) 218-230. John Scott Masker (Spring) 179-191. “El Salvador’s Lessons for Future U.S. Intervention,” Thomas, Raju G. C., “Self-Determination and Inter- Ernest Evans (Summer) 43-48. national Recognition: An Alternative Interpretation Evans, Ernest, “El Salvador’s Lessons for Future of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration” (Summer) 17-33. U.S. Intervention” (Summer) 43-48. “The United Nations Involvement in the Salvadoran Fishel, Kimbra L., and Edwin G. Corr, “The United Peace Process,” Kimbra L. Fishel and Edwin G. Nations Involvement in the Salvadoran Peace Corr (Spring) 202-211. Process” (Spring) 202-211. “The U.S.-Japan Joint Declaration: Strategic Impli- “Foreign Investment in Cuba: The Limits of Commer- cations for Taiwan’s Security,” Chin Chu-Kwang cial Engagement,” Maria C. Werlau (Fall) 51-69. (Winter) 152-162. “Identity, Culture, and Historicity: The Social Con- Werlau, Maria C., “Foreign Investment in Cuba: The struction of Ethnicity in the Balkans,” Franke Limits of Commercial Engagement” (Fall) 51-69. Wilmer (Summer) 3-16. Wilmer, Franke, “Identity, Culture, and Historicity: “International Commitments to Keep: Hong Kong The Social Construction of Ethnicity in the Bal- Beyond 1997,” Michael C. Davis (Fall) 70-77. kans” (Summer) 3--16. Jeong, Ho-Won, “Economic Reform and Democratic “The World Intellectual Property Organization: A Transition in Ghana” (Spring) 218-230. United Nations Success Story,” Gerald J. Moss- Klieman, Aharon, “*Safe Passage’: The Rocky Road inghoff and Ralph Oman (Fall) 104-108.

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