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Bibliotheca Britannica Philosophin The Works of George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne Volume Eight IT 420517 The Works of George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne Edited by AA Tacé andl TB Jessop Volume Light o Letters Eated by AA Lace DD Lind ‘Beco Patra Sbainis Sir Ces, Dan Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd Lulen Yainburgh Pasa Mellboume ‘Voronta aad New York: oration eo Wages Set ed ts Pan pd ost PREFACE “Twe eullectioa aod publication of Beahefey's Inter hogan within thireen yeats from hin deadh, and har precerded by atoges. Dy the end of the wighteeuts century some eighty-five letter of is ‘were publ, most of ther svddewae to Thome Prien, a 1px B.C. Kraser's fife ond Lars raited dit total to aver one Inunared and thicey. ‘The presemecereory hat som the (ais! mars ‘chan doubled, and che queligy of the eurespandonee enriched ¢ Tut only now hay eolectica caught up wich publication. Krom ‘he Kort Eepere Reta pabiehed the lees fo Sir Jokm Percival =a Tine cilestion abourequal in size che Pio caleetin, and supecten i qualily aud imterat, T hawe found Gf thus i the ‘weord) somo fly anw lelors by Rovkeley &4 varie places el Ihave published) most of teas already ia various periodicals {jut eactered eter and seartened groups af Teter ar Tike sls ‘of com out bn the opea field, of very lialé use to aashoey. So now Br the harvest sine, “The present edition of the Works eantaim (oo far atic known ‘w ree} 4 complete collection of the extant letters that Berkeley twvote. T have tremght together all the deters previourly pub Tikhed by Suavk, Mnnck Fevkeey, Frater, Raed rye ard ‘thor. “Some fe of chem, bezaue m"Drir public ceraeler, faave already been gublished in earlier volumes af (it edftion (ace the Est om page 28) ; the remaining letter, the great bulk ofthe cllection, to che number of reo bundied snd seventy, ara Drevntad in thia volume. T give without eommene the tet of all diewe Jeers, arranged in chronological erder and numbered fetinly. “My intedacton deals vith the bisory and contenta of the lelies, Uo pHiucigal eonerspondents, de autograph sed subsidiary miter, 4 should mendon that Nos 1, 4 5,8 (8x, 2495 ad 250 came to Hight when the othoy Tein were realy in gatley roel and many monthe after my main ediosial wosk af crmmaent and foreman wna don, ine cozergqetufiol tak of altsiag che number eeie in text and cotee Gwe been Reawy. [lope T have succeeded in eliminting all eaoea of dhe exci oumber series 5 Lut Ta hoody hope te Iawe detect aml smoothed ont all a smcrace roggh placsa in my note, caused by dhe eleventh-hour Sacovery of ge Soar ely aud impnrlant Ferre to Mites Ts Volume IX T have annulated every letter aparaly. 1 haave hegua each note with @ buict stalement on provenance and, Dibsiogsaphical face. bave described, where neceasry, erkeley's situacoa a¢ the ae he wrote thy Tete, I bave tied, fa ‘clucdate obscure passages and phases. T have nel Ihinrical background, ailing biographical noies en public pee anager and evo referent other lets Thace not disigieod the xt wilh celerence sgce, Edo not ‘think they are nerled. ‘hove win wish to rend the text alone sce wuch borer wichout them, and thowe who ame Iopieg for ‘comment, # they will open the hwo volumes anid plac hsm sie by se, wil find, believe, that she votes apcak for thencacloes, nd do ant require reference Sgr, ‘As teganly che general layout Tim well aovare of the advantage of having text and soles under one covee ; bur the large size of this correspondence makes the ‘deaf arrangemeut hee impracticable. ‘My dunks oe due co the Delegates of the Clarendon Pres Jur permision to copruduceJtters by Berkeley from A. C. Frawe's Life wet Teton of George Brhslg, B.D. (1874); vo the Cambridge Univesity Press for a dimilor canriany in respect af Be Rants Bucery aad Prcial : © the editor ol) Hurtin and othe Royal Tsah Academy for permission to include Whore Tete that from time tte they have publehed for mez 10 Dr. B. St, John Brooks far drwying my attention to the Molyneux letter, snd ta the Mayor and’ Corporation of Southampton £1 ppermision c publish them 5 and laxly «Mz, HJ. Gadloury of Hareard Cniversty Tabrary for (kg me of the toe Telten te De. Bearer, dhe Becetary of the Society for the Peepagation of the Gexpal Tn the micro-fil hot ox materia] [have rerivel invaluable swsistoce ftom the Nationa Libruy, Dubli, and fem Ds. Hayes, che Iearoed Libra. Ti compiling my notes T have recsived help, here gratefully ackaorledged, em several of my collegiey, Fors. the tale Froveal EH Allon, Pralaxor JE. Onlion, Prafssoe H, M0, ‘White, Proftkcr Coustanda Maxwell, Profsion ‘T, W. Moods Profesor J. A. Couta, Profewor D, A. Webb, Prafewer 11.1 Yorke, Proiosor G. ¥. Jourdan, De RB. McDowell, and Dr A.J. Lyeathal CONTENTS, | Ti of Abbreviations. a MERKEL EY’S LETTERS Baitor's Ieuodaedon int uf Leters dn this Yolame List of Holter in other Volumes Tex 2 2. te 19 IST OF ABBREVIATIONS AD Anat Dabo, 218. G. D, Buecbeclt aed). U. Sadler abi r535 ALS Atop letter sent Brady W, M6, tray, Cla and palit Randy of Conk, lone oot Ras, 1885 Tall ¥. Eleagcon Hal, Th Srenpomines af Joann Sel, DD. Leodom igo BM Beith Mirena DAD Diaionr of Nate Diareply AP The Egmont Papi, wow in ta Buble Record Offor, Lamon Life Ac lason, Tr Li of Cage Sty, Vibe 1949 La, ALG rower, Fieand ats of ere tel, DD Oster oye Munck Yereley = Geonge Manele Fckeley, Foor Rais cvtling wil Pare = 3786 HE Bethleys Pelonphind manta fhe references ase 0 the funy nner in my et aglat, 948) PREAH of hs Raa ich dead RAP R.Raad, Leth and Pia, Cusbsidge 1904 SPCK Scie fPaoatting Chri Krad SUG Seis for the Deopagation of the Gorpel Stock Sock, Am dscns of Ae Lf of Gorge Bataly «prefixed to the 384 ed, of che Wort, eget ws extraela fom his Tete ‘VOW Testy Colne, Dulin EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION Survey oF nue Gotazenos lteaazza’s corcer wis eolowri, and he lived in adrsing times ‘is letters reect the Snrerent bath of is life and of the tines tn a few of the coir letter he oppears'za the philosopler, a5 also a the to important Inter t> Johor publisied fo’ an Corlier volimae of thie edition? ; but fir Uwe mosl part be wates fs hp man of aedon andl asics as Hee tre Tcr wha esi erat Ge Alpe in mid-winer, aad as dhe influentsh atatesmane pphilantbrapir ‘who pilgled ahroogh Parliamont a farsighted measure fir the hentlt of the Amesican colonies, ond himself rowed the Atlantic & camry it into afer, He lived thevugh days of wer with Franco and Spain, through de divs of Marte Tborougl vielorks and tha Tory Peace. He waco the Beith Emmpire expand after Utockt, Twitw lw tw the Prowstant Swotwation ‘challenged. . Twice Ite saw Sooiland aflame and roland ready to ettah fi The ‘Flees he watched from his London lodgings, the "Forty-ive ta is episcopal palnes xt (Cloyne, and of beth sings he sews a the tine in is Jeers, ‘More hau toy Kuudied and eighty letters af hit, private and publig, survive,” Ulanp cover nom of bi mature Hi with but Few gape, ad a distribuced diy evenly over wicme than forty Yours Like earliest waa written in 1709, shen he was 9 Junior Fallow of unity College, Dublin, of tao years standiog the latest in aga, a few months Tobe his death. Many of the Jetiers axe of 9 purely pefwane charactrs, and thelr Sateen jperional and bicgralicas. A few are addrexed to the publi ‘geod aumber uex! will public matter, and often there i Dale iteree i hat he woote an poate anoles} Toe erkcloy fas 4 pltioinded mam, a man of wide outlouk, macerned fae the public weal; he fal daftentia fends in high econ and he ved! and thought in the mint of Wis moto = aon sii ed rad "The probleme of the Pence and Use Protestant Saccession Adoring the years 7743-13 furaih the highlight ofthe period, ard forationed and provoket a fine setca of Berkeley's Ives (Nos. Sym am se a eeKurEeys LETTERS 26-59). Queen Aune isc, is dying, and the Suooon inn chars che pate tree poli wim, and tbe people's nov is anes And now Ring Gage ha cored tte fant one; hit can held it? The anewer nas ut gen finaly uot the High hed en, and hee eae ba ben crusted "Thrveghout tis ano pen eis soieapondad Sequlay with frend, Sie John Pada, Perel “nas in Trsland, and he nolo rile news and comment. Bedal sro in Lacon, a eld soppy ce em sot comment Bork Song men wee salir ronnie Priya fat Wi ae Patina) be bad ined fran his fal whe el wri Jatin under Croanelh Inge onsen County Oork, and be ould noe be to beep thom i he Jace exe prev. Fectcte had Tory ompaies bi grinder ad tre for King Chari Ty i Crvreh mats Reiley, ie Sey ak dkfsidy a Toop: bot he wor a Hanoverian Tory? wih the Seat Henrie ha, bo wat loyal Prete, io ocd fie the rowstant Suction andthe Howe of Ansover Bottle had High Toy end, be sya who set his <a polsel weather gis. "When his pace were high © cow. elated or altia wt wong, an De choo en hey we low? the metaphne well deen is ow Teese to Pera of ts poiod; they formn poten) berometerj_ sad in te Suma of 175 when the cas eams, sed apse in wt Re Heit and feral wos in Dubin and Berkeley at be hub of fife iv Lato, Rosey lary ae a ery sitive bar ino cegitoring ecrceyf ayiday and week to wc Soe bapa snd as Whig and any te ad sh fall of atte rune 4 ‘Deskeley left Ireland for the first time early in 192g, and vent to Loudon, Hees a veel suc st once, Tried a ‘Soar, be vs nite io the nex te of wil ad wo td chsintaraen who had levroetsecouly the pote alee Si the pom The enetaent fh aw rong howe i fees we Porcha, whieh we fill ad foqueng, ey aad dew cepts. "Cavan Ike Seah, by both Whey and Toren, be fd ends in both compa, au he watthed aenty ery form in thr rugs ef para, ant tepored to Texel. He did with Dr Atbuthac, auton, couse pity and us “et frowno vo imate at Me ogg he pes Pale Sarthe dy that te Poce wan prlao nent of ding srt the Tere who mado te peace, Re dnc wih Whip at EDITOR'S INFRONUCTION e De, Garis and drank the healh of the Duke of Mazlborough, ‘Another day be brakfaned. at Swilfs lodgings, and Addin jolged thom (what o constellation of uslent |); and Derkeley ‘Ong the infenee that a comltion js being mnoted. He wis astculely intnare with Sie Richard Steele, and woote scl ys for Lim in the Guardian, receiving for exch * 4 guines aad svtupper? The mol vivid deseviplion th these Tele (Noe 2%, 48) i oF the memorable "ar nigh” of Addizon's Cote at Drury Lane, on 14 Aptil e729. Beshcley and two oe tree Isends were in ade hox with Addison, and they bad a table and two cr three: faaks af burgundy and champagne, ‘with which the inather ocho ipa very tober man) though fe teeeeney € support Tis spils. - Faaley sine i the wet om nd clapped 8 ld an wry, There oe sore hing at Bope's prologne, bul the ‘lap goc auch the tier of fhe his, Pepe, bo credited Beksey-vith* every virtue wer heen’ Biahop Atcubory, ho praite his angele Blvad af underalanding, learning, anoeenc, axe humility; Holingbrake,philesephcr and staterman who backed the wrong bores ; the Darl of Pembroke, forrerty Lord Licarenant of Trelend, patron of two philrcophical elasies, Locke's Enay uo Berkeley's Prisoibe—thee end many coher rhea uf note may be eee io Berkeley’s leer. ‘After a sumuner holiday at Oxford and an sigheamonth tip fo France and Tealy at chaplain to the Rar] of Pewchowouth, she had ben sent as ahagacar (0 the Kivg ef Sicily, Berkeley sctded for a while in England, and dusiag the entcal summer tnd auturan of 27¢5 he wrote ferters of oamuanding incre. Tp July he wat ia Clecorscerahire, and saw with bis awn eye tho uilow of Chingy tw cote j be witnesied (ar hoard of i at it hart) the pulling dav of the woetingshonsee at Gloucester; umn 3 eyeewituos Ie rad of the siting and bloodshed at Tirmtoghamey teeny dhenrand men thee wie “ready wo take arma sgainat the Government.” Hig somewhat appreciative fseport o€ these Ineldeals beougial oo his Inael a stern rebuke ivan Percival, and he took the tebake to heart, and valved that the public dation waa aesious, and that setinnal Suter must bbe eubordinatod to the publie weal. Mo publeched wwonyenoualy Iie Adc oh “ovis aha fae ten the Oc (see Vel. V1 pp. 58-8). He reminded the Torita of the oaths of loyalry ty had taken, ‘and ald them bluntly that ifthey were filet chose oaths, Ukcy ‘would dihonour their Ghureh, encourage her enemies, and give vcasion Fr aaa. 3 AUSREEYS Ler (Ou tis muss 10 Loom he gathered infermation on the yecat ‘qostian of the hout, aud ducing the ansious mouth of September aud October he seat Percival well-inforined bulletine regulary, which with the lets already vuentioned coustitate an exciting record (Nas. 51-59) of the esing as cen fiona Tarwon, ‘The ar of Beterborough, bi formar chic, hat lle comnty ‘on the King’s pas. ‘The Duke of Ormonde har ted the county <a pinta) election for Berkeley ; for the Ormonde warae and fame dominaed Wis hictplace, ken, a2 the Ormonde Gee towers dominated hs school, Killeray College at Die Tend of the River Nort, Aud Ormonde hal bree like hie grande Gather immedietaly before him for anes Usen yusrter of & conunry Chancellor of Dublin Taivemiey. Whatever Berksley's feclings were above it, he ides thea; he wan presrat in che onset the impeachment, and seports the debare dispananstel Tre snmnunees Gre inovemeats of the loyal. generals, Argyle, Sutherland, and Roxbuggh ; and he hae Konself see tetas from the Frenck Regent sad the young King of France enoaining ssauroncea of ndahip forthe Hloure of Ulaucnts. ‘The gescral tuncercanty and che fear of reachery are Ulastated by a enrious Tune piece of personal abservation ; Berkeley tells Percival host be Ii hitaselfoverbeard a seqpciowstovking permon, a Jacobite agent, dscuniny heredicury sight with a temry om duty in St Jamet's Park. "Tp toue of the leeters varies Gorm week 10 week, ‘and sings Uke a pendulum fiom opimiam te yarn spud Tisch. “One week the Government iv well prepared, and is acting ‘with deciion. "The Duceh toys re coming. Lard Landedowne and Sir Wiliam Wondhara havy bean arrested ; thi mapoce and that have been laid by che heels, Sat week, No |The rele are adgancing ; the Dutch troops wil be (wo Tate, No-one now: whom in trust, The peneral Beat of Ove people is toward Jacabitizn : ‘tho secny eeey day opening anid lntaveriag ey cause to ayppelicad a popile porrer, aud all chs inal seme {gecuces ott” "Fhe bert course i to take ship tothe Mtagcireaes (the idands in che Indian Ouran, row Maurits, KLeuninn, and Rodrigues) ; ‘for T amuse ye 1 ever did and ever shall abhoe 2 Popah yevernment.”"Thas at the end of Osber hope bes lost Med; and fear prevails; but. early th Nuverwber the gloom liguteae ; "the enemies ef our Cuninution Fasey down thet Deeds" and with dratvatic wuldennes an 27 Newent the ees len, and Herkeley gives his friends in Trelond joy "af ihe viciory ‘whch his Majceq’s inves have gated over the rebel in Perio, ERITOWS INTROBUCLION ’ 1 have surveyed this eady portion of dhe correspondence at seme lengh; for nother part v0 claw packed with deamatic fnenst, "The Rernueda schema, however, lzunched in 1723 ‘wilh Teter No 83 ar closing with No. x52, writen in 2 7gt on the ove of the ckpasluse tom Rhode Talnnd, contsine drama of fee cog, thr drama of empire kale with Use cea? drama of Wirkeley's peramal lit. Here is a slow-coving epi, weitum roomed the theme, “Westward the copie of empire takes 3 ‘The drama i uf eight yea? ducasion, and doaante « stained eft om the reader's part esvarding the effort wit an. insight info thr shaping af Britsin’ colonial poliey in che eacty ings of her empitosuling. Tere, like alternating currents, fre Ihe oumpeling views of aborbighted paliteians blind (0 all Tut te, stcking the profi of ezine without a cade and lies, and heve ore che views of freeing satewncn who thowght ff empire in corm af sewardtip, aud accepiod respoasiilry lor the moral and epiitanl welfare ofthe Plantation, The story ofthe Desneay of Nereyand the wraanee of Vancaa’s legacy emny be read ag epiodss im this drama. Berkeloy at any rate ll then a *procidendal' events enabling him to ancwer the eal aa (li hig mise. The basins letters to Prior need ‘ot detain the reader, but Sn the others of Av peri, ana the Hep by which Devbeley raised a privice misiuwary venuure 10 the rank of national enterprise, comidecel snd approved by King tnd Peoliament, Theletrens come fram holt ofthe Adan ¢ fd thuee from America vimiain sketches of colonial life, and ‘usteate the conflict of Oxo woos aud the groweh of cheapie of tolerance ‘Berkuley wos a arayllor fa bis young days and in his mille lie wad Ihe chanon ol hia correspondence traces in part to the fuidk etange of scone and viewpoint, He wriles new dram Tun, now frown Loadan, now fom Pass andl wow fam Rome: Hse ate letter fam ainiry Naples, and Team the Isle of Ischia, snd fiom Silly, Then the ween changes 1 Treland ouce agaio, and for some year Berkeley live « sbilecock hte berweca, Dublin and London, Then he evorsx the ocean, and tor three years hiv Teter are ate roma Rode Taland. This air and brstle and moveaent end wilh his appointusat 1 the bishopric of Cloyne ; for eighteen yoars be Zoatsinad ie Lele, id only tyros oF ice {i aoe) during hi epicopste did Ie Tew hia Glovers Thy quiet of Cloyne in reflected it whe oan oF is Teiters He ie sn touch by post with Engh bishops and be * RERKRLEY'S LETTERS, eee ga oes To en Beene a are spel amet Hires ees Foe Seren cm ema eaten Sr mars mal igh Bauer eft Cs ars Be tale eh aA a ee paniee mecoasis see eeelraaee ae Spare cca re rege eaaaar Fane ASN ane hp ct pono Fey oe la aha 2. tare SSE Lee me aoe Bey on ea a tot aeeesecere aia fia A ioses"Cese ea tae 1 wos a mon rotted from the umicemait of politi, vista and what the world calls pleats, Thad litle aad, edweved seops Baelg srine oh opt heer paling delighted i, hate aaske ssvthed aim and shan Boel, yoy apie wos a emia ea Ina phvee God to eake hist Kemees Gad Dany un meroy ih pcived me of hi prety, py plaiting lis yrs and peta, ht ienoconen ted pity, bn: purelaly tacoma wfectan ero Bnd si oe i up Rot cout be of hs wa vain at him, “Tind'er'my east no sth upoa hun were nein ‘ea T ought fo have done upon aayting ints wr ‘hus wach efor ine, ip Me-oneronings amy oul to ay tn your Lomblip, why chengh dent in pict ate sac aes cop Ibu than any of ny nelgbour, ¥ Tho woe ofthe ets badly alr amment_Fy any, ofthe pate les ae mica sv evee aed Belt wc oa enh ja be yo ety a a, wee Eeyant) Rog wth onitealy ssaieg” pes ik Soutalary ayia eee be sd have ad sets eg, et Wot detngaiats eo wuld ns in, tee yee eae Sy honey seen ne Beale ed pes ‘we yo wl nos eneding ie as Fe ‘ont baog sons cron what he wee Ieee ‘Hesed "ae proper won fw proper ce” wal ee iPad Titel ie sand. He Boat wih ae eet DITOR FNTRODUCTION 7 rarely ithe clever. [iscorreapondents, execpt Gervais, wand nat Ihave appreciated cleverness, Prior aod Feseval were not the sort of ten to draw ont fle power, ‘The letters to Genvaia are wits, and dhe plulesophical Ieters to Johnson are dignised ; Tout there is nothing im Berkeley’? correipendeace to match the epistolary brillianer of some of Swift's Teter sch, as his Telter te Lord Canerct on Borkoleys Besmuda vdieo, Tsu ald, fa T have made the comparison, that Herkeley' epistolary styl, ii never ce tothe beighta with SwiR, never fala ro the dept touched! in tome of Swift's letter. History on orm Tera ‘When for any length of cine Bevkeley sas abwent Lyn liber rior or Percival be wrote t» thom fabrly mguarly, aud they [ept Is letters or sopieeof them. Bighej-cighe Setter: e Paiot survive, snd nigety-thres to Percival, covering a period of shout ‘hireight years in both caus. Affer ble return from Amotica Terkeley wrote to Jolion once er twiee a yeas, and twelve Tellers survive, From Cloyne be wrote often «9 Gervais, and tevcaton of dae letters wurvive, For some yen be corresponded ar datervals wéth Pope, with. Archdeacon (alkewrds Bishop) Bensoa, and seth Bhop Gilson of Landon, and we have 4 few of these lecen. He ve to his brotkea, But not a dle letter to any member of hie tamily surcives. le wrote tp Sui, and Swift to him, ut aot 2 line from the one great Trifanan eo the ther 6 ncwwa to cursive, ‘The tragedy of tia Htzeary lua i all the inns tragic Because tomeoue only forey years age had two auingraph lets from Bakeley to Sua and photographs of the Bgnatures are a plate in Dax Sn, iy Sone Slot Saath, Na deubt che Jeter avo extant ail bal I live fled to crace them. After Prlor’s death Mery Archdale, then 3) yoUunE clergyman, tock his placs, aud ald Beekeley Dublin Bosenen, and half « dozen lecers of anall importance fram Feskcey 10 ‘Archdale have come dena to us, ‘The cellecting. and publication of Buskcley's letters began soon after bis denth along vith che early memaia Zi and etre together an a ule, ond ia this eats they grew tngeaher. ‘The acconat of Berkeley in the Biogapiis Zrtennra* onmzine exacts ro is eters to Pope (Sex. $6, 50, 6) hat had appeared ‘em, wot Pan a PERESLEYS LEITERS i Pope's publnbed xerpondentc, Kiopiva eon of the Bigrepie (i780) ges long crracs fom he eters Pope, rod ss te letee to Anbuiiact cn the rupson of Venues {ae a wen aeaty publaked in th. Trartins of the Royal Sarees? Jouph Sek a Peli of Tity Colega, Dublin, akeryatde hop of Kiba 50 1996 blabla oot Revie Ghat alow intial wi he Scoot in Rippon ant oto very difeent ftom the aconol i (he aon ef 18 Sock wa towch wih the Bereoy fargo wan probly respouibie fn at thir esiytegrehical eek, though he kept in the bacgrosnd. en moraly certain ny hat he mes the ftir hear quarto dion o he Trl fay) tn which ce fied *An account nf ha ie aod everd orks lecars* se <tderionet thanks. "Ihe Rev. Monon Archdaly Tear oF ‘tana Orery, and the lice, Mony Geran, CLD. ache deseon of Castor the gag common oP the ets to Thoma Pree, Hogg. and Dean Ger whieh have atled {0 wach the vale tf thie sitions "Thus was tawched ie St coeaon of sy ze. The fit ven execs wa dates fo seventy ofthe letter co Pron, el meh caller oonbet alee e Bop, Abulot, Arcade and ener ve jean later the Prot colecton ves ghren to he puble in a mach ies fea by Geary Mone Hetloey tho Betoys srandson le Lion Bre (ovcon 1789) contain eighty te {Eas by Barley died and pried fn lls serenopnine ot Sham ae addres 1g Pen fo Athdle,ane each fo Pape and Arbutinot an in Ge pubic Monel Berkeley aya tae fe printed fom the orginal, tod hat he ad tem © om cay ‘en, Me. Archdale the Tevet ruthor of the Monaucn Aierivar te adding tat syne extn Bors them el eh rohzed to the quate eon ot Wo Tare fr nily yen che Pubcon of Beste tes rend theme adninge care 1 ith the pablcndon ot ALG brass £47 ut at ae opined tow that ha alee appeared, wit Talon of te ein to Jeon aad 4 fer ockes mele fnm Amery mking a nl alwut ove hundred a three he twenties eentry Ret soon the corzspondence gray {the ese publi i Val IV othe preset eit 2 293 1 Br bc dicce sem iy cx ay EE pe ae 1 he ee Dore « Geo Beale rat be an py hat Ba, prov, faunal orayy not by ur Gag Wr aDITOR's INTREDUETION ° Increneed in tvs a snsihed in quality. The mumber of ters fae bor wore ap deubled, andthe sew letem are on te subole mare imereting thaa fhe el@. Bands acrzeh the Egmont Fapcr sddo! eigtyenne levers By Brtkeley, aad frarches Gee and elew reader aneter Sky Tete or 207 "The main addition i Ue of he devel conespotence, which rea on ge pane of cought than the rir corespnnence, ZB fa mre ening in "The Epuont Papers now depke ia th Public Record Omen, Tanion, sre a tage clleion documena, male ‘oszinaly fy Bit Jon Percival r the Eamly Wetory He poblitel in tpua, A etl Hiro the le of Yor). "Tha collection includ orginal letry, copies a eters sent sd reosved) acount repels fom land ages, eccsonel paper, Shek ts Percva's wetnorandany om the qurstion of a national bank ‘for Instant suRingiéphionl motes, bis Joureal, cre ictus of local endidons in che south of Toad can be 7 devwutocled hom these decstment, ak hep bara of special Jouotee a tho ime of the Jacobite rebellion of 945. Porta de thea ol laterct inthe Berkeley Peeval srecprndence. The SSoeenth Report of the Royal Common nn Tatra! Mrse fevipa, pp. 272-4m, and the Repo on de Manuscrpa of the Und ot Bamoat by he Manwsenpt Comsminion ia ro, conan saci oy eles and are ie ‘A GR fad eens to pret of th collection, and he onde some eof it Jn is ly (ica, 88) aod in che Menai pref © Fivagonofiton afte Work. 3, Rand ia i yale Seheey dof Peon (Cambie x9) ve oto he eter that pared een the two Bone T Kona fe that ad cazape is ole, and pablitied thes in Biren and in Pain of ie pal bah deeds Aumoonsen Lermens Some forty autograph signed leer are known to be ext, and I have given pardcolam of must of uel in T- E. Jesopi ‘Bdtingoply of Cange Bry (coe, pp. 9285 (> that i owt ‘be aclied tho oviginaly of No, capy # very ioteesting and well- posorved autognyph thet cumve eroely on the Landan marker, 4nd ie now in Berkeley Chlleze, Yale, and of No. 18, recently found in the Diocesan Office, Dublin, Che autographs ave widely uae saa ggg Your {ge 04 amd mar Heaney we BERKELEY'S ERTTERS reales; some fw ate im the Bekelay Papers in the Bol Mesaj some ane in the Library of Tay Galle, Dublin tome ace in the qmont Peper du the Public Record Csice Eoedan ; sume are fn Arica in seats of learn aa privale collecdoas. Tn my nols ow the laters (Woh, VX) Ue bib eal pacctare abo each sutograpls are preiced, Mc orginal ealcedors I take hive bee dpescd. Tn Use Besa election the grea vasjocity f Beker tere ace {copy only. ‘The Prior colectinn ners have survived 1c, one would dking, But the pat suurty of the origuale see tong een let 10 aight. In #789. Monck Berkley “recive Ut, esa, orm Archdate Fhe gave thm ak, one sea copect (a find them seanued is ane of the braachar of tbe ‘Arche forly, T hwe made Inquiie from sovetal members ‘thal bry, ge they kuvw aching ofthe lees nthe ‘her Tse, Mich Berkeley apt thema (as perbops Rlerya ‘Aechdsie anean him en, hey shot ace pase it Hk fothors Bands, ad a, with dhe Me dacaruetany eas of cho ishop, nin the frkeley Papsey now inthe Unita. Mos, Tn pela fact evo or tes ef che autopneabs to Por aro eben, fd he prenumpron i thas the temolnier weve cere, 0, af Benesuxv's Paricmnsy, UoaRRIPONDENTS ‘Yuowse Pesos’ Prior woe born e. 1879 at Kathdovmey, std ied a1 Octaber 1751 in Dablin. He was at school and ealege ‘ith Berkeley, and though aot « qualied lawyer he seems ta have fied ju some legal capacity in Dublin, He way Berkeley's Dublin ageut, a as almost his ali eo, Berkeley wishes 12 out « Howe: ja Dublin. Pvior males inquires and takes it, A ‘book is to be bought, a manucripe teen Mmough Ube pres § Prioe antonds io ie. The complex and leagily bexinow of the ‘Vance legacy was mannged for miamanaged) by Paice working ‘00 1 commision bis. Hle at the lands of the Deanery, and tleeted veut; be received and made payments oa Derkcley’s Doehall, waa his tand-agens, secretary, and banker. Once a youe Prior went souch tu vist Wi owe eitates at Rathvilly and be teually went on to Cloyne, ‘We thiuk we have an annual Hight fn yoo wrote Berkeley (So. 197). There it no mention of a imarrings etek Priae seo to fave been waded to lis work 1 Fac tof ei of Ig oe he noe 6 ls Sa Bs gots tion te ds epee ADUTORS IETRONLCTION " for the welise, sovial and indutral, of hia county. “He wos Drowninem in the proup af Dublin philanthropiee who followed the precepls of Malyncut and Swit, and laboured tn improve the fot of the Tish people. He was une of the foundlrs of the Dublin Society, ad was sts tis. wernary, wad turough is Stead the Ea! of Chesterfield, Lord Tieutasant of Teeland, fe secured for the Sncinry, vow the Koval Dulin Secity, @ royal Uhuser and a grant ef public money." fn dir endeevour toe he benoit of thr pubic hele, he and Berkeley were hand-iex love ; ley puol their informacion; they exulauge notes on emodica, and in che tamwaler campaign Brine wat Rerkeley’s leateanat and chief of call. Prion advected for stimony to Ue value of the Jemey in answer ta the affidasie lives Steovens Hlospital and pubtished a mauranay of esl in fs Aad Hanatoe of the Suvesce of Ty-aatr Dublin 1546}. Another [pobliraiun of his bad oBreiderable vogue and felacue, vz. hs Lit of te Shenk: of Fund » « .1729-.‘Thotvas Pehor bas Com ‘monuments, the Royal Dublia Society ie i ilancy "his dating child? aud te monument in sone erected by pulie subseiption at the sous entrance tp Christ Church Calbodeah Dublin 5 iis Latin epitaph wu campased by Berkeley and is teoms are a line snd welllcsrrved rbmte to sifefiucing patriot, “qui, um prodese malt quam camp. . rem pabliram muntice aunt ot oma amp cma, labote inden. Su: Joss Frnowan” Sir Jobn Parival, created (2) Baron Percival of Burton, 21 Apsil 715, aul (6) katt of Egmoot 1793, was bom 12 July 6g. Dis lle served in Telnad under Growwell, and ofter nequiving velar in Chuny Conk died young. His eldce son Edward died 9 Nuvember 1691, aud bis younger son Jolut svuceeded eo the litle and the relates Sit Jom, alter two years at Oxford (3699-1701), tourel, England and the Contioent* He carae ro Ireland in May 108, intending ‘osponul the next winter im Graaty Cork: we find hit in Bub ‘on 2y Novranher we house in Capel Steel Unst he oware. About * Ser No, 2a SNe son ‘Sree aige 4 Thee tad Leal’ ul of te mie, The sehizactaty oa] afd Edo Se Bbdnu'a Dati spe lh ace AGT etcaton elt Poctnbe I have sollte cle rau "Thee ean acerant by hl ot a le opt 2720 cn los eat af eps ia te Rpt Pape ween 8 a es. chny ge

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