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Working on the Quality of Working Life: Developments in Europe (International Series on the Quality of Working Life) PDF

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Preview Working on the Quality of Working Life: Developments in Europe (International Series on the Quality of Working Life)

Workingo n tqhue atlyio fw orkinlgi fe Internatisoenrailoe nst heq ualiotfyw orkinlgi fe Vol8. Editori--n Chife Hanvsa nB einum, FounadtifoornB usinAedsmisn istrDaetltif-oRno,t terdam EditorPiaanle l FreEdm ery, AustraNlaitaino nal UnCiavnebresrirtay , NitiRs.Dh e , NatioLnaablo Iunrs tiNteuwtD ee,l hi MaukM ulder, FoundatfioroB nu sinAedsmisn isitornDa,et ltf-Rotterdam Einar Thorsrud, WorkR esearch IOnssltoi tutes, EriTcr ist, UniverosfPi etnyn sylPvhainliaad,e lphia DicWka lton, HarvaUrndi verBsoisttyo,n TommyW ilson, LondoGnr aduSactheo oofBl u sinSetsusd iLeosn,d on The QualiotfWy o rkinLgi fseer iebsa sb eeens tabliins choeldl aborwaititothnh I en ternational Councfioltr h eQ ualiotfyW orkinLgi fe. Workionngt hqeu aloift y workilnigf e DevelopmenitnEs u rope InternaCtoiuonncfaioltlr h Qeu aloiftW yo rking Life ... GMartiGJVnijuhsoP fufb lishing Boston/TheHague/London Thper oducotfti hroeen p woarflstn ancbeytd h Gee rmMaanr shFaulnld , WashingDt.o.CI nt,cs o ncepatniddo ens iwgints,he lecotfpi aopneo rns defmcerdi taenredid ai toiftn hgme a nuscwraiuspn td,e rtbayak gr eonu p off ou'rc orrespondents': AndreAlaiso tShw,i tzerland MaxE ldeNno,r way OscOarrt smFarna,n ce Renvea n VdleirHs otl,l and Thewye rlea tjeori nbeytd w oot heJresnn,By l akUeni,t eKdi ngdaonmd, MargaBruettt eUrniitsesKd,i ngdTohme.i ntrodsueccttoairnoydtn h e fmasle ctoiuotnl isnoimenexg p eriaenntdce enst aptliaovnftes h eed itorial groupa,rb ey M axE lden. Copyri®g h1t97b9y t heI nternatCioounnalc fiolrt heQ ualityo fW orkinLgi fe. All righrtess ervNeod p.ar to ft hem ateriparlo tectbeyd t hicso pyrighnto ticmea yb e reproducoerud t iliiznean dy form orb yan y meanse,l ectroonrmi ecc hanicianlc,l uding photocopyirnegc,o rdionrgb ,y anyi nformatsitoonr aagned r etriesvyaslt em, without writtpeenrm issiforno mt hec opyrioghwtn er. Llorary ofC ongrCeasst alino Pugbilnigca Dattai on InternatCioounnaclfi olrt heQ ualiotfyW orkinLgi fe. Workinogn t heq ualiotfyw orkinlgif e. (Internatsieornioaenlst heq ualitoyf w orkinlgi fve.8; ) 1.La bora ndl aboricnlga sses-EurEocpoeanno miCco mmup.itcyo untries-Addresses, essaysl,e ctur2e.sI .n dustorrigala nization-EuErcoopneaonm iCco mmunitcyo untries­ Addresseesss,a ylse,c tur3e.sE. m ployeerse'p resenn'ta itnmi aonagement-European EconomiCco mmunitcyo untries-Addreesssasyesls,e, c turIe.sA .li othA,n dreasI.I . WilsoTno,m my.I IIT.i tlIVe..T itlQeual:i tyo fw orkinligf eV.. Se ries. HD8380.5.1541 979 301.44'42'079941 -44 ISBN0 -89838-QOl-4 ISBN9 02 070 8742 Printaendd b oundi nt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica. H f) ·Contents Prefa.c .e . IX EinaTrh orsrud SectioOnn e:I tnroduction l.P rojecta ngdao paplrso aincchr:e asaicntgi onQa.bWl..eL knowled.g e. . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . Max Elden SectiTowno :Q uatlyio fw orkinlgi fiem porvementisnE urpoe: Nationparlo gramsma endp erspectives 2.T hea ctiporno graomfmt eh Gee rmafne degroavle rnment: Reseaorntc hhhe u manizaotfwi oornk ilinfge. . . . l.l . WernerM enden 3.Q .W.dLe.v elopimnHe onltlsaa nnod v:e rview 21 Hansv anB einuamn dR enev and erV /ist 4.S wediinsdhu sdtermioaclr 1a79c7yp:,r ogreasnnsde wg overn- menitn iti.a t.i v.e s . . . . . . 35 DoronGu nzbegr and0 //eH ammarstmr o 5.H istobraicckaglr aonuadnc dt ipolnat nosw aimrpdrso vtihneg qualiotfwy o rklifineing t hUen itKinegdd om . . .4 5�. . JennByl akaen dM argareBtu ttsesr i 6.A geneorvaelr voifte hwce u rrent Q.iWn.I Lt.aN loyst:ce esn e ont hsei tuaitn1i 79o4,n1 795a nd1 797 ....' ... . . 57. . . FedericBou tera VI CONTENTS 7.P robloefmm si ddmlaen agemienFn rta ncTehe:i srp ecial posirteigoanr wdoirnrkge organi.z ation 73 JosehpinPeo irot SectiTohnr eeA:c toinr esearrcehp osrt:P roductainodn techincaulni ts 8.W arehowuosrek reerosr gatnhieoziwrenw orokr ganiz.a t83i on AndreaAsl itoh 9.T heV olkswageAnGwp errokjw eicttht ihfner amewooftr hke reseaprrcohg ra'mHmuem anizoafWt oirokniL nigfo eft' h e FedeMrianli sftoRrrey s eaarncTdhe chnoCloomgpya:ri son of worskt rucitnmu arcehisnp er oduc(teinogianns es em.b ly)9 3 MicaheGlr anel 1.0 Breaktihndege adlTohckes: e arfcohr nsterwa tfeogire s Q.W.L. 130 J.F .de n Hertoagn dH .J . dJe.V ries 1.1D emocrawtoirzakin nsdgo cliiaoflnes hipAs r:e pofrrtotm h e experimoenbn ota rMd. SB.al ao. . . . . 1.71 RagnaJro hansen 1.2 'Action learninugn's kaiwmllooemndegw n o rkers 192 MichleL iu 1.3 Develonpeiwfn ogr omfsw orokr ganiiznaan t eiwco hne mical plainnFt r an.c e. . . . . . . 1.4 1 MichleL iua ndO scarO rtsman 1.4T hes tartionfag n -euwpp l ant orignma unlitzie-dsp kroi-lled duction .gr ou.p s . . . . . . 1.5 1 R.B ittaenldG .T reop 1.5I ntroduocfta i porno cedoufcr hea ngAne :e xampolfe opera.t i.o n. . . . . . . .1 57 . . . . . . . DenisR egnaud CONTENTS VII 16.F rotmr aitnoij norgbe deisinacg hne mipclaailnn It t aly 183 StfeanoM ollai e SectiFoonu r:Ac toinr esearrcehp ort:As dmiinstratainvde officuen tis 17.P articwipoardtkei svieAg cno:n tritboud teimoonc riantc hye offiacnedo nt hseh oflpo o.r 193 EnidM umford 18.C leriecmapll oyieneX sY Z Companrye orgatnhizeei r department . . . . . 2.1 3 J.H ort 19.P roj'eHcutm:a nizaantPdia ornt iciipnCa etnitorBnae'ah le e2r2 3 J.T .A llergoa ndE . dVer ies 20.P articirpeasteoalrreyca htd ose mployee-mcahnaanggeed: Someex perfirenocmNe o ar wegibaann k. . . . 2.3 9 . MaxE lden SectiFoinv Aec:t iorne serachr eposrt:P ubcls iervice 21.E xperiamtTe rnite Hmolsip iEtnavli:r onmaenndpt hayls ical chanigneah s o spwiatraadln tdh eiimrp aocntt shb ee haviour antdh seo ciinatle raocfpt aitoinevsni tssia,tn ondru sr,s es2.5 3 Rudolf Welter 22.T hei mplemenotfta etainmou nr siAn cgh:a npgreo caensds reseaprrcohji enac D tu tcghe nehroaslp ital 263 M.G.B oekhlodt 23.J obs atisfianc tCtiihoveSni e lr viintc heUe ni t�Kindg dom . 277 AlanH odgsona ndD .B urden VIII CONTENTS SectioSnix :T raduen oin-orniteedi suses 24.T heD emosp roject: Democrataincd p lcaonnntirnogl in working .l ife . . . . 291 AkeS andberg 25.T he worker-union-manaignetmeernftai cne w orkplace changeAs c:a se sotnup dryo bleomfps articip.a tion 303 LouisLeo vealdy 26.T raduen ioinn volvemienrn ett raitnoid negv elnoepw p atterns ofw orko rganization . . . . . .3 1.7 . Guiespped ellRao cca SectiSoenv enO:f f-isttear iinngpr orgammse 27.P articipraetdievseip grno jeicntN so rways,u mmariztihneg firsfitv ey earosfa s tratteogd ye mocrattihzede e sipgrno cess inw orko rganiza.t io.n . . . . . . 32.7 . . . Per HEn.g elstaanddL arsA.. f2J degaard 28.P articipaitni oorng anization rAe dfievsei cgonm:p any Scottwiosrhk shaonpd l atreerv imeewe ting . . .3 39. Mary Weir 29.S ettiunpag s ociotechtnriacianplirn oggram m ea ta ne ngineer- ings choionlF ranc1e97:6 /9177a,t ransityieoan.ra l 355 MicheLli ua ndO scarO rtsman SectioEni ghCto:nc ludinnogt es 30.C oncludniontge s 371 Max Elden Append:iA dxdressoefsc ontrtiobrutso t hev olume 378 PREFACE InN ovembe1r9 75t,h eG ermanM arshaFluln do ft heU nited Stataegsr eteod suppporrotp oas farlo tmh eIn ternatiCoonuanlc il fort heQ ualitoyf W orkinLgi ffeo rs tudoyf ' cross-cultural com­ municatioondn e'v elopmaesnstosc iawittethdh eq ualitoyfw ork­ ing lifaes -hariendt eroefts htfe u nadn dt hec ouncIinle .a rl1y9 67 thec ounciinlv itfeodu arc tiorne searcheearcshf, r oma major languaagree ai n EuropeA ndreas AlSiwoitthz,e rlaanndd GermanyM;a x EldenN,o rwaya ndS wedenO;s caOrr tsman, Francaen;d R enev and erVl istt,h eN etherlatnodc so,n sidperro ­ ductioofna joinptu blicatwihoinc who ulmda kem oreg enerally availaabtli en,t ernatiloenvaelrl esp,o rotnsi nnovatQi.vWe. Le.x ­ perienwcietsh iinnd ividEuuarlo pecaonu ntrTiheesm .a int asokf thef ou'rc orresponwdaesns tesea'ns f acilitatthieen xgc hanogfe experieanccreosis nst ernatiboonuanld ariietws a-sl eftt ot hemt o deciwdhei cehx periehnocwet sh,e sseh oulbdec ommunicaatnedd , howt hep rojeictts sehlof ulbdeo rganized. Ine arlMya rch1 976t,h e' corresponddeecnitdsae'tdt heifirr st meetitnogs earicnhf ormatlhlryo,u tghhe eixri stniantgi oncaoln ­ tactfso,sr u ggsetioansts o w hatp apemrisg hbte o fv aluteoa l arger andm orei nternatiQo.nWa.lL r.e adersDheicpi.s ioonnt sh ec har­ acteorft hep roposbeodo kp ublicatiaonndf, u rthdeerfi nitoifo n thep rojeictts ewlefr,ea tt hipso indte ferrAetd t.h eisre cond meetinsgo,m es ixstuyg gestfiroonmss i cxo untrwieersre e viewed. Somef ortofyt hessee emesdu fficiently pr(obmiostiihntn egr mosf conteanntd tlhiek eliohfow ordi tew-iutp hitnh ea vailatbilmeet )o beginp lannitnhge o veraplrlo jecAtt .t het hirmde etinign, Novembe1r9 76a, fi nadle ciswiaosnm adeo nt hem ainf orma nd contenotfts h eb ookT.h et wentiyn dividpuraolj edcets criptions availaabttl hea tti mwee rree viewaenddi ,n a. dditiaod ne,c iswiaosn madet oi ncluadpep roprimaattee rifarlo mI talayn df romt he

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