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Cooperative Information Systems Michael Papazoglou, Joachim W. Schmidt, and John Mylopoulos, editors Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling, Michael P. Papazoglou, Stefano Spaccapietra, and Zahir Tari, editors, 2000 Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems, Wil van der Aalst and Kees Max van Hee, 2002 Workflow Management Models, Methods, and Systems Wil van der Aalst and Kees van Hee The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England This translation © 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Originally published under the title Workflow Management: Modellen, Metho-den en Systemen, 1997, by Academic Service. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. This book was set in Sabon on 3B2 by Asco Typesetters, Hong Kong, and was printed and bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Aalst, Wil van der. Workflow management / Wil van der Aalst, Kees van Hee. p. cm. — (Cooperative information systems) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-262-01189-1 (he. : alk. paper) 1. Management information systems. 2. Production management. 3. Workflow. I. Hee, Kees Max van, 1946- II. Title. III. Series. T58.6.A17 2002 658.5'1—dc21 2001042602 Contents Series Foreword vii Acknowledgments xi Introduction xiii 1 Organizing Workflows 1 2 Modeling Workflows 31 3 Management of Workflows 75 4 Analyzing Workflows 99 5 Functions and Architecture of Workflow Systems 145 6 Roadmap for Workflow System Development 211 7 Sagitta 2000 Case Study 243 Appendix A: Workflow Theory 267 Appendix B: Workflow Modeling Using UML 293 Solutions to Exercises 305 Glossary 345 Bibliography 359 Index 365 Series Foreword The traditional view of information systems as tailor-made, cost-intensive database applications is changing rapidly. The change is fueled partly by a maturing software industry, which is making greater use of off-the-shelf generic components and standard software solutions, and partly by the onslaught of the information revolution. In turn, this change has resulted in a new set of demands for information services that are homogeneous in their presentation and interaction patterns, open in their software architecture, and global in their scope. The demands have come mostly from application domains such as e-commerce and banking, manufacturing (including the software industry itself), training, education, and environmental management, to mention just a few. Future information systems will have to support smooth interaction with a large variety of independent, multi-vendor data sources and legacy applications running on heterogeneous platforms and distributed infor- mation networks. Metadata will play a crucial role in describing the contents of such data sources and in facilitating their integration. As well, a greater variety of community-oriented interaction patterns will have to be supported by next-generation information systems. Such interactions may involve navigation, querying, and retrieval, and will have to be combined with personalized notification, annotation, and profiling mechanisms. Such interactions will also have to be intelligently interfaced with application software, and will need to be dynamically integrated into customized and highly connected cooperative environments. Morever the massive investments in information resources, by governments and businesses alike, call for specific measures that ensure security, privacy, and accuracy of their contents. viii Series Foreword All these are challenges for the next generation of information systems. We call such systems Cooperative Information Systems, and they are the focus of this series. In layman terms, cooperative information systems are servicing a di- verse mix of demands characterized by content—community—commerce. These demands are originating in current trends for off-the-shelf soft- ware solutions such as enterprise resource planning and e-commerce systems. A major challenge in building cooperative information systems is to develop technologies that permit continuous enhancement and evolution of current massive investments in information resources and systems. Such technologies must offer an appropriate infrastructure that supports not only development, but also evolution of software. Early research results on cooperative information systems are becom- ing the core technology for community-oriented information portals or gateways. An information gateway provides a "one-stop shopping" place for a wide range of information resources and services, thereby creating a loyal user community. The research advances that will lead to cooperative information system will not come from any single research area within the field of infor- mation technology. Database and knowledge-based systems, distributed systems, groupware, and graphical user interfaces have all matured as technologies. While further enhancements for individual technologies are desirable, the greatest leverage for technological advancement is expected to come from their evolution into a seamless technology for building and managing cooperative information systems. The MIT Press Cooperative Information Systems series will cover this area through textbooks and research editions intended for the researcher and the professional who wishes to remain up-to-date on current devel- opments and future trends. The series will present three types of books: • Textbooks or resource books intended for upper level undergraduate or graduate level courses; • Research monographs, which collect and summarize research results and development experiences over a number of years; and • Edited volumes, including collections of papers on a particular topic. Series Foreword ix Authors are invited to submit to the series editors book proposals that include a table of contents and sample book chapters. All submis- sions will be reviewed formally and authors will receive feedback on their proposal. John Mylopoulos jm@cs. tor Michael Papazoglou onto. edu Dept. of Computer M.P.Papazoglou@kub.nl Science University of Tilburg University Toronto Toronto, Ontario INFOLAB Canada P.O. Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg Joachim W. Schmidt The Netherlands j.iv.schmidt@tu-harburg.de Software Systems Institute Technische Universitat TUHH Hamburg, Germany Acknowledgments This book was prepared in close cooperation with the workflow groups at Deloitte & Touche Bakkenist, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computing Science, and the Faculty of Technology Management at Eindhoven University of Technology. The authors would like to thank all (former) members and students of these groups, in particular Twan Hasten, Silvia de Cast, Ernst Kleiberg, Selma Limam, Michel van Osch, Jaap Rigter, Eric Verbeek, Marc Voorhoeve, Laurens Vrijnsen, Gerd Wagner, and Jaap van der Woude. We would also like to thank Michiel Bos and Niels van Kiel for helping us preparing the English version of our book and Monique Jansen for proofreading the final version. Special thanks are also due to our co-authors, Andre Blommers and Peter van der Toorn, each of whom contributed a chapter. Last but not least, we would like to thank the Dutch Tax Authority for permission to use the Sagitta 2000 project as a case study for this book. December 2000 Wil van der Aalst Kees van Hee Introduction This book is about the management of business processes. This is cer- tainly not a new topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, sociological, psychological, accountancy, mechanical engineering and business administration. In this book, we examine the management of business processes from the perspective of computing, or—to put it more broadly—of information technology. The reason is that information technology has made huge leaps forward in recent years, resulting in the creation of completely new ways of organizing business processes. The development of generic software packages for managing business processes—so-called workflow management systems (WFMS)—is par- ticularly important in this respect. Until recently, the golden rule was: "First organize, then computerize." This implied that processes were developed with the implicit assumption that the business process would primarily be managed by people. Then an organizational structure would be developed under which groups of people, or departments, were allocated particular tasks. Only then did people consider whether computers—or rather, information systems— could partially support, or even take over, the work. This approach does not sufficiently examine the opportunities offered by information sys- tems. We have now reached a turning point: we first design business processes in a more abstract way, without considering implementation, and then we design the information systems and the organization hand in hand. In fact, we decide whether each task in a process should be per- formed by an information system or a person. There are still some problems with this depiction. First, the notion that we can organize business processes differently using information systems xiv Introduction is not new. People have long done this with business processes whose primary task is the processing of information. During the 1970s, serious efforts were made to completely computerize the management of business processes using information systems. This proved impossible with the technology then available. Even today, and for the foreseeable future, there are and will remain many tasks in the business process which can only be performed by people. In reaction to the reckless attempts of the 1970s, the role played by information technology has been somewhat restricted. Information systems are used to reduce people's workload, particularly in offices. By analyzing thoroughly what people in offices do—by asking why they do it—the following information processing functions have been identified: text writing, drawing, calculating, filing, and communi- cating information. These analyses have led to the development of the following products: word processors, drawing systems, spreadsheet sys- tems, database systems and electronic-mail systems. All these systems are generic in nature: they are not limited to a specific business application— as, say, accounting systems are—and so are widely used. Thanks to widespread distribution, this software is of high quality and relatively cheap. (In fact, accounting systems are widely usable, but not as exten- sively as word processors.) Partly because of this development, the impact made by information technology has increased enormously, which in turn has led to many more people studying the possibilities presented by it. And this has resulted in the "BPR wave." BPR stands for business process redesign (or business process re-engineering) and is a method, for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. BPR is based upon the notion that, if full use is made of information technology, business pro- cesses could be entirely different than at present. It therefore is wise to redesign the current processes completely, in the way described above. How business processes are organized is thus no longer the sole prerog- ative of the organizational or business expert: the information technolo- gist now also has a major role to play. This is a good thing, because the information technologist is a developer of processes par excellence. After all, every algorithm defines a process. Until recently, however, the role of the information technologist was limited to the processing of information

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