6 WOKKeKS UAHCVMP Volume No. 37 6 January to 8 December 2006 (Issues Nos. 861-882) Published by: Spartacist Publishing Co. Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 011 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive 2016 with funding from in Prometheus Research Library https://archive.org/details/workersvanguard37spar VAHCUMP WOKKiRS 6 January 2006 No. 861 Democrats Gave Bush the Go-Ahead NSA/FBI Spying War and the on Our Rights On December 16. the New York Republicans. Now. in an attempt Times revealed that for the past four to silence anyone who might think years President Bush has authorized of revealing more of the gov- the National Security Agency (NSA) ernment’s dark secrets. Bush’s Jus- to intercept international phone calls tice Department has announced a NSA and Internet communicationsofU.S. criminal investigation of the citizens without a warrant. A week leaks. afterthe Times broke the story, it was Last year. Bush lied that there revealed that the scope of the wire- were no warrantless wiretaps. Now. tapping. which included domestic he points to the Congressional reso- wiretapping, was far more vast than lution passed one week after the initially disclosed and was carried September 1 1 attacks with near- out with the ready assistance of unanimous Democratic support that American telecommunications com- gave him a blank check for the panies. In addition to spying on spe- “war on terror.” This gives the lie to cific conversations. NSA technicians the feigned outrage expressed by have been combing though large vol- Congressional Democrats over the umes of telephone and Internet traf- NSA spying. As Republican Peter fic in what some officials describe as Hoekstra. chairman of the House a large "data mining” operation. Intelligence Committee, pointed out: These operations hark back to the "The record is clear; Congressional Total InformationAwarenessproject, leaders at a minimum tacitly sup- the Big Brother brainchild of con- ported the program” {.New York victed Contragale criminal Admiral Times, 23 December 2005). At least John Poindexter. That was projected seven Democrats are known to have to be a massive computersystemthat COrDiS been briefed about the NSA opera- would allow the Feds to access the Above: Joint Operations Command Center, which centralizes city and federal police tions, only three ofwhom expressed financial, medical, communications and spying operations in Washington, D.C., during 2002 anti-globalization protests even the mildest concern. California and travel records ofeveryone living there. Below: Cops terrorize British tourists of South Asian descent in name of "war Democrat Jane Harman, who knew in or entering the U.S. We noted at on terror," New York, July 2005. of the spying since 2003, called it thelime, in"DownWithGovernment "essential to U.S. national security.” War on Civil Liberties!” (WV No. SenateDemocraticleaderHarry Reid, 811. 10 October 2003). that the pro- former Senator Bob Graham and gram would allow the Bush adminis- Richard Gephardt, former Demo- tration to “know what books and cratic leader in the House, were also periodicalsyou read, what musicyou briefed. listen to. what movies you watch, Arguing in a New York Times (27 what cities and countries you travel December 2005) op-ed piece, titled to. who you sleep with and what "Unwarranted Complaints.” that the typeofcontraceptionyou use.”Amid NSA wiretaps required no warrants. the uproar over Poindexter’s propo- David Rivkin and Lee Casey, who sal, Congress voted in 2003 to deny served in the Reagan and Bush Sr. funding. Nevertheless, the Defense administrations, point out that "nu- Department continued funding its merous administrations, both Repub- development. lican and Democrat, have espoused According to the bourgeoisie’s the same view.” Bill Clinton faced own laws. Bush's actions are bla- chargesofwarrantless wiretappingin tantly illegal. The NSA wiretaps are 1994. That same year, Clinton’s in direct violation of the Fourth deputy attorney general Jamie Gore- Amendment’s prohibition of unrea- lick declared before the House Per- sonable search and seizure, as well manent Select Committee on Intelli- as court decisions and federal laws. gence: "—The Department of Justice A 1972 Supreme Court decision in —believes and the case law supports United States v. United Slates Dis- that the president has Inherent trict Court requiresjudicial approval authority to conduct warrantless for wiretaps even when the government warrants for such wiretaps from a secret Patriot Act sought by the administration, physical searches for foreign intelligence claims it's for “national security.” The court set up to review government appli- adopting instead a five-week extension to purposesand thatthepresident may, ashe political backdrop to that decision was cations in “foreign intelligence” investi- allow further debate after the Congres- has done, delegate this authority to the massive social unrest over the Vietnam gations. While FISA is now invoked by sional recess. FISA court judge James attorney general” (Washington Times, War and struggles for black rights. liberals as a check on the nation’s secret Robertson resigned, reportedly in protest 22 December 2005). Gorelick explicitly In 1978, afterU.S. imperialism’s.sting- police, in practice it has served as a rub- of the government's end run around his included electronic surveillance such as ing defeat in Vietnam, the Foreign Intel- ber stamp for the Feds. In 27 years, the court. Republican SenatorArlen Specter, wiretaps in thisclaim. Similarly,theClin- ligence Surveillance Act (FISA), signed FISA court turned down five of nearly chairman of the Judiciary Committee, ton administration initiated the practice into law by Democratic president Jimmy 20,000warrant applications. Butfor Bush announced plans to conduct hearings this of "rendition” of "terror suspects” to Carter, allowed the government to obtain & Co.,even the formality ofacourt sanc- month on the wiretaps. Just as the White countries where they would be tortured. tion is unacceptable. They are intent on House earlier dismissed reservatio—ns For its part, the New York Times establishing thatthe wordofthe President from those in the Justice Department sat on the NSA story for a year at the is the highest law ofthe land. apparently including f—ormer Attorney administration’s request. Once again the The NSA disclosure had immediate General John Ashcroft that the NSA Times assisted the Bush administration, repercussions within Congress and the program was illegal. Bush today is not as they did in peddling the adminis- courts. The Senate did not pass the per- budging one inch, even in the face of tration’s lies about Iraq’s "weapons of 81030 manent renewal of the draconian USA complaints from some Congressional continuedonpage H — Letter On Address Lenin’s to Petrograd Soviet December 2005 newspaper reports. 1 To ihe Editor, Now, thanks to the publication of a On eve of 1917 (1 T1 hNeovQeumotbeerof20Ih0e5)WereekproinduWceVdNLoe.ni8n5’8s dRTiuheserssiPeaDtner-polufa^tnrigaeudsaSgoienvide1ot9c1uo7mf,eWnDotroakcreuyrmsceonalltnesdctSiaoonlnd-. bfaBanocntleosrrhyeovfwio"krRkReeedrvosPlurutetiaildoosnv:,” speechtothePetrogradSovieton 25 Octo- Materials, Vol. 4 (ROSSPEN: Moscow "Long Live the ber 1917. The text was taken from the 2003). we have several other newspaper Russian Revolution authoritative English source. Lenin’s Col- accounts to compare against Izvestia's. as the Prologue to lectedWorks, volume26. Butalthough it is And it immediately becomes clear why Social Revolution in rendered as spoken in the first person, it overtheyearstheanti-Trotskyisteditorsof Europe.” is not a transcript of Lenin's speech, but Lenin’swritingsprovidedonlyone variant: rather a newspaper reporter's rendition, Izvestia'swastheleastoffensivetoStalin’s published in the 27 October 1917 issue of nationalist-reformist“theory”ofsocialism Izvestia. Ithasbeen broadlycited in schol- inonecountry. Inthataccount, Leninsaid: arlyworkswithoutreservation. Itappeared "From now on. a new phase in the his- in volume 15 ofthe first edition ofLenin’s tory of Russia begins, and this, the third Collected Works only after his death in Russian revolution, should in the end possible.' declared Lenin, 'that this task is Russia, but throughout the entire world. 1924. The editor, l^v Kamenev, specifi- lead tothe victory ofsocialism.... beyond (he capacities ofthe Russian pro- And this phase will inevitably lead to the callycautioned readers in his 19July 1922 "We possess the strength ofmass organ- letariat alone, which is significantly more victoryofsocialism. Without this, it isnot isation. which will overcome everything backward than theWesternEuropean pro- possible to resolve all the problems that introductory notes that Lenin’s speeches and lead the proletariat to the world letariat, but the warhas imposed this ia.sk areposed beforeusby life and war.... from newspaper accounts are only “more revolution. on the Russian proletariat, and it must 'Thetask oftheday'isiheconstructionof orless exact, only a mere skeleton ofwhat “We must now set about building a be taken on. The new workers and peas- a proletarian state, and in this labor, we wassaid.”andthat“Lenin himselfhassev- proletarian socialist state in Russia.” ants government, which is already being believe that the full support of the peas- eral timesinprintrenouncedresponsibility A“socialistslateinRussia.”“thevictory rfeosromlevde,'allL(ehneitnaskusndtehratscaorreedp,lac'ewdilblefonrote a(hnitsrycobnefihdienndceu,swies gcuaanrasnhtoeute.d.‘LAonndgwLiitvhe for his speeches as published in newspa- ofsocialism”arisingfromaRussian“mass the Petrograd proletariat without a strug- theWorldwide Socialist Revolution!’” pers.” I would add, the archival original is organization, which willovercomeevery- gle against our own. and against interna- Thus, there are grounds for us to reaf- marUnkfeodrtausna“tunevleyr,itfhieerde.”arenostenographic tthhaitngt”h?eyThaereseatfoordmduslawtiitohnwshaartesLterniikninhgaidn ttitihoetnharrleo.vuocglahuptititooan(l,hieasnmednd..,t.'hTedhGeecelrRamrueasdsniLaweninlilsnt.ca"arrtreyd tfhiermPetthraotgrLaednipnro'lsethairsitato’rsicvidcetcolrairoaustiionnsuor-f records for the October 25 session of the always taught: that socialism is the lower And far from Lenin declaring ”a new rection was sharply counterposed to the Petrograd Soviet. And. as Trotsky noted stage of communism, a classless society phase in the history of Russia” alone Stalinistlieof"socialism in onecountry” in his History ofthe Russian Revolution with no needofa state, asociety ofabun- that should lead to socialism, (he ac- and fully in accordance with Trotsky’s about theeventsofthatday in theSmolny dance possible only on the basis of an countinNovayaZhizn (26October 1917) theory ofpermanent revolution. Institute: — international planned economy. That is reported Lenin saying: Comradely Greetings. "No minutes were kept or they have why the October Revolution was seen not been preserved. Nobody was bother- as but a spark to ignite a Europe-wide "[al new phase has opened up not just in Victor G. ing about future historians, although a socialist revolution. lt"oThtheemorferitgrhretomutabhlieenre.wo.an..lsybtehienghapstryepaarneddtefno-r ofAhinsdspseuerceh,ensouucghha,sotthheerfoplrleoswsinrgepforrotms Funds Needed for Jaan Laaman Defense dential newspaper reports.... Lenin's Rech (26 October 1917). said just the sppheaseicsheasddheadv).e suffered especially" (em- opposite ofthe Izvestia account: The Partisan Defense Committee who has—been Imprisoned for over “Only socialismcansave Russia from the received a letter dated November 27 21 years and his Ohio 7 comrades But note that Trotsky wrote of multiple horrors and consequences of war. ‘It is from Jaan Laaman, one of the Ohio 7 should never have spent a day in jail! class-war prisoners. Laaman wrote: Funds are urgently needed to hire legal “This year I came across some pro- defensetopursueLaaman’sappeal.On Class Against Class found new evidence and I now have December 29, the PDC sent $500 a possibility of reopening and chal- toward this effort. We urge our readers Referring to the victorious 1936-37 West lengingmyentire [Massachusetts]con- to help support the fight for Laaman’s Coaststrike by warehousemen andmaritime viction and sentence. I have always freedom.Checksshouldbemadeoutto unions, Trotskyist leader James P. Cannon maintained my innocence in this case the “Jaan Laaman Legal Freedom outlined the class-struggle principles key to and now I may finally be able to Fund” and sent to: Jaan Laaman Legal guiding laborstruggles. prove it.” Freedom Fund. P.O. Box 681, East A conflict between workers and employ- TheOhio7 wereleftist activistscon- Boston, MA 02128. ers is not a mere misunderstanding between victed for their role in a radical group You may read about Jaan Laaman’s two elements who have a con)mon general that took credit for bank “expropria- case and other class-war prisoners in interest. On the contrary it springs from tions” and bombings in the 1970s and the online magazine hecontributes to: TROTSKY an irreconcilable conflict of interest; it is LENIN '80s against symbols ofU.S. imperial- www.4strugglemag.org. Or write to an expression of a ruthless class struggle ism and apartheid South Africa. These 4strugglemag,2035 St. Laurent Boule- wherein power alone decides the issue. actionswere notcrimesfrom thestand- vard. Montreal. Quebec, H2X 2T3 Viewedin thislight,adisputebetween workers andemployerscannotbe settledfair—ly point of the working class. Laaman Canada. bythegovernment;thegovernmentisan instrumentofoneofthepartiestothedispute in this case the capitalists. The class conflict cannot be handed over to the "public” to decide; the “public" is itself divided into classes with different interests and different sympathies regulated primarily by these interests. The polemics of Karl Marx against theconservativelaborleadersofhisday answeredall thesequestions.All theexperience SPARTACIST LEAGUE/U.S. ofthe labormovement since that time, including the recent westcoast strike, speaks for Local Directory and Public Offices the—position ofMarx and against all conceptions which overlook the class struggle. James R Cannon. “After the Maritime Strike.” LaborAction, 20 February 1937, Web site: www.icl-fi.org • E-mail address: [email protected] reprinted in NotebookofanAgitatorJ\95S) National Office: Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 10116 (212) 732-7060 Boston Los Angeles Oakland Box 390840, Central Sta. Box 29574, Los Feliz Sta. Box29497 WORKBRS Cambridge, MA02139 Los Angeles. CA90029 Oakland. CA94604 VAMCtfRRD (617) 666-9453 (213) 380-8239 (510) 839-0851 [email protected] [email protected] slbayarea@ Marxist Working-Class Biweekly ofthe Spartaclst League of the U.S. Public Office: Sal. 2-5 p.m, sbcglobal.net DIRECTOROFPARTYPUBLICATIONS RayBishop Chicago 3806 Beverly Blvd., Room 215 Public Office: Box 6441 Main PO EEDDIITTOORR;,AYlOaUnNWiGldSePARTACUSPAGES; RosemaryPalenque Chicago,.IL 60660 New York S1a6t3.41T-e5lpe.gmr.aph CIRCULATION MANAGER BarryJames c(h31i2c)ag5o6s3p-a0r4t4a1cist@ BNoexw3Y3o8r1k,. CNhYur1c0h00S8t. Sta. 3rd Floor ELiDnIdTaOJRaIrArLeaBuO(ApRroDducHteiloennmeaBnraogselru)s.(BmrauncaegiAnndgreed,itJoor)n,BKrautlhel,eHeenlHeanrrCiasnt(olre,ttePrasueldiCtoonr)e,. sbcglobai.net (212) 267-1025 San Francisco GeorgeFoster,WalterJennings,JamesRobertson,JosephSeymour Public Office: nysl(®compuserve.com Box 77494 TheSpartacistLeagueistheU.S SectionoftheInternationalCommunistLeague Sal- 2-5 p.m. Public Office: San Francisco. CA 94107 (Fourth Internationalist). 222S. Morgan Sat. 1-4 p.m. slbayarea@ IVoi'kers Vinguan) (ISSN 0276-0746) published biweekly, except skipping three eltemate issues ir> Jurie, July and (Buzzer23) 299 Broadway. Suite 318 sbcglobal.net August(beginningwithomittingthesecondissueInJune)andskippingihelastissueinDecember,bytheSpartacist PublishingCo..299Broadway. Suite318,NewYork.NY 10007 Telephone (212)7327662(Edrtonai). (212)732-7861 (Business) Addressallcorreepondenceto Box 1377QPO, NewYork.NY 10116 E-mailaddress vanguard@tiacnet TROTSKYIST LEAGUE OF CANADA/LIGUE TROTSKYSTE DU CANADA Domesticsubscriptions $1000/21 issues Penodlcals postagepaid atNewYork. NY POSTMASTER Sendaddress changestoWorkersVanguard,Boxt377GPO,NewYork,NY10116. Optnlor\s9xpt99sa<iintignedarr/c/esorletlendonotnecessarilyexpressIheed//ona/viewpoint Toronto Vancouver Theclosingdale(ornewsinthisissueis3January. Box 7198, Station A Box2717, Main RO. Toronto. ON M5W 1X0 Vancouver. BC V6B 3X2 No. 861 6 January 2006 s(4p1a6r)[email protected] (604) 687-0353 [email protected] 2 WORKERS VANGUARD Now Freedom Mumia Abu-Jamal! for We reprint below a speech, edited for completely consistent with all the physi- publication, by Jonathan Piperofthe Par- cal evidence in the case, and with the accounts of numerous eyewitnesses who tisan Defense Committee ataunited-front defense rally in Chicago on October 1. saw the shooter run away from the scene. Theevent wasoneofaseriesofrallies ini- And this account of being hired to kill tialed by the PDC underthe heading“The Faulkner is consistent with the fact that ‘War on Terror’ Targets Blacks, Immi- there was an FBI investigation right at grants. Labor and Leftists! Fight Govern- ‘5 that time of police running the prostitu- mentRepression!”The ralliesemphasized tion rings and taking graft from the late- defense of renowned black journalist nightclubs in the downtown Philadelphia MumiaAbu-Jamal, an innocent man who neighborhood right where this happened. has been on death row forclose toa quar- Many officers involved in framing up tS(estreeewoafr“tFaiagcnhedtntbulGraoyc,vkelmreinfltmiitesatnnttatAtsRoserapntreaeysSsLhiyaonknnu!er” mnaaitliohnaanlplVers cMRoaurcmrhuieplatiaionnndfsaIccltaenfwdteatrlhesetldhaeatfteercncsaoemnevtieocautmtedionfin1th9ta9ht9e. IVV No. 859. 25 November 2005). LOCAL a because Jamal's lead counsel, the liberal Last month, the federal Third Circuit [I tKvorLiOJi^ *rL lawyer Leonard Weinglass. and Dan Wil- Court of Appeals in Pennsylvania pul liams refused to let us bring out the Bev- Mumia’s case on a “fast track" for deci- I erly confession. sion, This means that Mumia's attorneys This confe.ssion. and other evidence of the massive police misconduct, exposed as well as the Philadelphia district attor- naaasenvydes’ristxyhoesmfrhofoenirtctwheipsle.lwr'iibTloelhdeafoifclcoeoluiurtmrthete,widirpelecllriehbsgaeiapolsdnepacwsaiipsdteoihroinsnn,g Awpruaogstuesksettyin1tg9o9sw5i:ignnniPinhngigloafsdteMaluypmhoiifaaexdAeebcmuuo-tnJisaotmnr.aalt’isond,eatpharwiarorfanitn.teMronbaitliioznaatliocnaomwfpvlaPaihbgootnro tctnhehoeenttscstamaopalimente’a.sliacTsbohtenirscsrocauiitrsoitu“ossnt.ofIootrrahpommrtieos-vttueoapskhoetafhnaoadtfnlteaih”inbsnfaooid-rs whether to uphold Mumia's death sen- judgeora badjury, but thecrystallization tence ortoallow him more legal proceed- Mumia first entered the cops’ cross then let her go. Yet several other wit- of what the capilali.st state is all about: ings. including possibly a new trial. hairs in the late 1960s. At age 15 he nesses who knew her confirmed that she committed to preserving the bosses’ The federal appeals court is not helped found the Black Panther Party was not even there when Mumia or the properly system and the racial oppression required to consider all of the violations chapter in Philadelphia, serving as the police officer was shot. on which it rests. Beverly has never been of rights evident in Mumia’s frame-up, Minister of Information for the Phila- Two months after the shooting, the allowed to testify in court, nor has much conviction and sentencing, during whic—h delphia chapter and as a talented writer prosecutor called together all the police ofthe other evidence showing the frame- virtually every right of due process for the Black Panther newspaper. He officers, looking forsomething to make a up been allowed into court. The pretext from the right to an attorn—ey to the right was targeted by the FBI’s notorious case and got them to come up with a for denying all this evidence is a rash of tocross-examinewitnesses wasviolated. COINTELPRO operation ofintimidation story about how Mumia had “confessed” laws that were passed in the 1990s to.stop However, the court has allowed three and assassination. His activism contin- to the shooting while lying in the emer- death row and other inmates from raising gency room, where he was beaten by their appeals. The primary measure was police officers. In fact, the officer on the Antiterrorism and Effective Death guard wrote in his report that night that PenaltyAct of 1996. which was.signed by during this whole time. Mumia made no the Democrat Bill Clinton after the Okla- comments. homa City bombing. This underscores What happened at the kangaroo trial how the so-called “war on terror” in fact in 1982 shows why we say there is no isawaron black peopleand laboras well justice in the capilali.st courts. Mumia’s as immigrants. thrainalgiwnagsjpurdegseideAdlboevretr bSaybot,he wnohtoorisoeunst ofNaoppweaJlasm.alA’sfceadseerails ijnutdhgeefehdaesraflorcoutrhte Mumia Abu- more men to death row than any other lime being overturned Mumia's death Jamal in 1969, sitting judge in recent history. A court sentence, but the Philly prosecutors want Minister of reporter overheard Sabo during the trial toput it back in place.Thecopsare howl- IPBhnlifalocarkdmeaPltapinhotinhaefror sna—yinrg..” M“Iu’mmigaoiwnagstsoadhdellpedthwietmhfarny tihne- diengatfhorsMeuntmeinac’es ibslooovde.rtAunrdnede.venMuifmtihae Party. criogmgpeedtetnot kleaewyperb,lawciktsh oaffj.urTyhethraet wwaass fWaecensetehdearersetnoefwehdisefliffoertbutoriweidniMnupmriisao’ns. no lie or trick too low for the prosecu- freedom. You need to get i—nvolved in this tor. who argued that Mumia deserved fight if you aren’t already to raise this the death penally because he was a for- case in all arenas, all organizations, most mer Black Panther Party member who importantly your trade unions. This is the ctphiroeanjluldeiinncgieMasul:nsiiuiheam'mrsaacri1ya9l8lay2rgbtuiramisaelen,dtjttuhoerythDse.ejlAue/rcs-y jucoehudarmntaphliriosontuignhigonutthPethhicelaau1ds9ee7lp0hosifaat,sheawnohpeeplrroeeqsusehenidts hppaoodwweerrqugotrtooewdsthMeouatopeofoZpetlhdeeo”nbagarrnesdlayoi"fnPgoal.igtu"inAc.lal”l fonoerFrcrsee!etAhMbaotulmciiasnhatwnhioenwr!aMcFuirsmteiedaea’alltshclfparesensea-dlwolamyr.!p*ris- falsely stating that Mumia would have and exploited led him to be called "the This was the argument for why Mumia “appeal after appeal.” and the grossly voice of the voiceless.” The cops hated deserved death, and this shows what biased post-conviction state hearings him because he publicized the cases of the death penalty is all about as a bar- € omniill*^ before Judge Albert Sabo in the 1990s. victims ofpolice brutality, particularly the baric. racist legacy of the era of chattel That these challenges can even be Philadelphia MOVEorganization. slavery. heard incourt isa gooddevelopment. But All thistime they had been tryingtopin I joined Mumia's legal team in 1990, Mumia Abu-Jamal tlhiteesreallpyroicnetehdeinbgaslaanlcseo.pTuhtisMuemmpihaassizliefse snootmheitnhginbgutojnourMnuamliiasm.abnudtehxeerchia.sdindgohnies akfetnesrtehienloasntdhi1s. fwirhstoapspeeravle.dRaaschPealrtWiosla-n Is an Innocent Man! witheven more urgency the need to mobi- First Amendment rights. They saw their DefenseCommitteelawyers,operated with lize the social power of organized labor chance to gel him in the early morning the understanding there is no way that afnrdeeditosm.allies now to fight for Mumia s hwoausrsshooft9anDdecbeeamtbeenron19t8h1e.swcheneenwMhuemreiaa Mtaulimstiacocurotulsdywstienmj.usTtoicespoeuatkofofthMeucmapiia- policeofficernamed Daniel Faulknerhad ever receiving a “fair trial” only breeds t r been shot. The Chief Inspector on the the deadly illusion that there can be jus- NewE¥ld>nce Explodes Frame-Up MumiaAbu-Jamal.America s loremost scene had been leading the campaign tice in thecapitalist courts. While fighting AMaxio(RacftaiWoOxnUM, > phra(enodowiittsdhilcueaornlcgkmepearodinnss.ao,wnheaerayv,seinicnsowaPnhnefeneinnsnssnAyeorldcnveoatnlnhtiadtamBaehsnved.eerwaYlateysht, at‘iog6m0amsipe,nidsnHitaeFttaekhulenlyekBwnsletaawrcrhtksoedkPMitalounltmiphunilgealrsoownuabtsah.ecivkmae.nrdiynTtshhlteeohyype trsoofteomutosehdeedtyehhvaateonrnghyiisnMpgoruesmjasuilidabfgl’aeetssellbebagueyahtlanliopnftr,toihcnweetedhhuearunhendadsanendrod-sf tOAOfowtleiUOldr^aAvtrIiUtlxi0oOyoc1llni-ACT;oDmot>l0omo1tUtnWMouOMtAnnmwIRtrWHaiomwOn*rAkaOwCCnwutvog-ntQoJvtikuronnAI t13ii$J4$t 'I'I the one who shot the police officer m the pulled out the third degree, threatening the massesofthe labormovementand the Free Mumia Now! killing for which Mumia was framed up. and coercing witnesses and people who oppressed rallying to his defense. Mumia remams imprisoned despitethe weren’t even there to say that Mumip had In 1999. Rachel located the witness mountain ofevidencethatproves hisinno- shot the cop. The state's main witness Arnold Beverly and secured his written $.50 (32 pages) cence. America's capitalist rulers and was Cynthia White, a prostitute who was confession that ”l was hired, along with Order from/pay to: theircourts know that he’sinnocent.They arrested four times between December 9 another guy. and paid to shoot and kill Partisan Defense Committee want tosilence Mumia’s voicebecause he and the trial six months later. Each time Faulkner.... Jamal had nothing todo with PO. Box 99. Canal Street Station ItSeamsoyfmbexoplloofitdaetfiioanntaonpdporsaictiisotnotpoptrheesisrisoyns.- sshoemewtahsinagrraedsdtietdiotnhaelpoalgiaciensgtotMuhemritaoasnayd Iahelieshdoeotteicntgo.r”tNesott, obnultyhdiisdcBoenvfeerslsyiopnasiss NewYork. NY 10013 6 JANUARY 2006 3 — . Abolish the Racist Death Penalty! Lynches California Stanley Tookie Williams — OAKLAND On December 13. the state prior week..Only hours before Williams To many black people, protesting on of California executed Stanley Tookie was to die, a fourth witness signed an behalf of Williams represented a gut Williams. In an act of barbarism, the affidavit that the L.A. County Sheriff’s reaction to the racist injustice and vio- executioners spent 20 minutes digging in Department fed police reports to one wit- lence they regularly experience at the his arms trying to insert needles for the ness to aid his fabrication of Williams’ hands of the capitalist rulers and their lethal injection. This legal lynching grue- hearsay “confession.” California’s lopcop. stale. In L.A., thousands ofpeople, over- somely underscores the political message Democratic attorney general Bill Lock- whelmingly black, turned out to view that, for the capitalist rulers, black life yer. presided over the slate’s legal pur- Williams’ body and honor him at his Reuters counts for nothing, a mes.sage the after- suit ofWilliams' execution, and now any funeral. They were met with an ominous frame-ups. were reversed; RamonaAfrica math of Hurricane Katrina showed to all evidence that might have proven his police presence, as hundreds ofriot cops spent seven years in prison for the the world. It is meant to underline that innocence will neverbe heard. dispatched by Democratic mayorAntonio “crime” of being the sole adult survivor the government intends to enforce the The Williams case “is a prime exam- Villaraigosa lined the streets. In his ofthe 1985 bombing ofthe MOVE com- racist death penalty despite substantial ple ofthe racist travesty that is American remarks at the funeral. Jesse Jackson mune by the Philadelphia police and public opposition to it. and is especially ‘justice’,” as the Partisan Defense Com- made a point that was on the minds of FBI: John Africa was among those killed pushing for the execution of America's mittee slated in a November 29 protest many people there about the racist and in the same bombing; American Indian foremost class-war prisoner. Mumia letter to Schwarzenegger. Williams, a for- capricious characterofthe death penalty: Movement leader Peltier is in prison fora Abu-Jamal. Addressing black youth hor- mer leader of the L.A. Crips gang, was “Tookie Williams is dead, killed by the crime he did not commit. rified by Williams' cruel murder. Marc convicted in a case brought by a prose- state. However, Charlie Manson is alive, Schwarzenegger’s statement singlesout Sapir noted in a 28 December 2005 col- cutor twice censured by the California and he tore apart the body ofSharon Tate Black PantherParly memberGeorge Jack- umn in the San Francisco Bay View: Supreme Court for discriminatory con- who was nine-months pregnant.” Man- son for special slander; “The inclusion of "The state's message was loud and clear: duct. Every potential black juror was son’s death sentence was commuted to George Jackson on this list defies reason ifyou resist our violence and terror you struck from the jury. No physical evi- life in prison when the death penalty was and is a significant indicatorthat Williams will be called the terrorist and we will dence linked Williams to the murders. briefly ruled unconstitutional in the state is not reformed and that he still sees vio- kill you’.” He was convicted on circumstantial evi- ofCalifornia in 1971 lence and lawlessness as a legitimate Capital punishment, a legacy of black dence and hearsay testimony by jail- California now has a death row popu- means to address societal problems.” In chattel slavery, exposes the naked brutal- house snitches who faced felony convic- lation of 647. the largest in the country. fact. George Jackson, a revered leader of ity of this class-divided and racially seg- tions and were offered reduced sentences So many innocent people have been sen- the Panthers and a fighter for prisoner regated society. We—oppose the death and other compensation. tenced to die that the California Slate rights, was never convicted of anything penally on principle— for the guilty as Because of Williams’ conversion in Senate established a Commission on the more than a $71 gas station robbery; he well as the innocent because we do not prison into an anti-gang and anti-crime Fair Administration of Justice to investi- wasassassinatedby prison guards at San accord the slate the righttodetermine who crusader, portrayed in the docudrama gate. and there are proposals that there Quentin on 21 August 1971. lives and dies. On the night ofWilliams’ Redemption, many, including the U.S. be a moratorium on executions at least But the main target of Schwarzen- execution, some 2.000 protesters gath- Ninth Circuit Court ofAppeals, consid- until the Commission issues its report egger’s lies and slander is Mumia Abu- ered outside the gates of San Quentin ered him an excellent candidate for in 2007. Perhaps for this very reason, Jamal. Mumia Abu-Jamalisan innocent State Prison where Williams had been clemency. However, in his five-page Williams’ execution date was moved for- man! Another ma—n has confessed to entombed on death row for nearly a denial. Schwarzenegger dismissed all ward.The slate machinery ofdeath presses Faulkner’s killing evidence the courts on: the next legal lynching is scheduled refuse to hear {see article, page 3). for January 17, of 75-year-old Native Jamal’s case exposes what the death American Clarence Ray Allen, who is penalty is all about: a weapon ofrepres- wheelchair-bound and almost blind. sion by the capitalist rulers, employed Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! not least against fighters against racist oppression. By branding Mumia and Williams' case became a referendum other freedom fighters murderous crimi- on the enforcement of the death penally, nals. Schwarzenegger and his racist which is supported by politicians in both supporters are sending an ominous mes- the Democratic and Republican parties. sage to Mumia’s defenders, as well as In executing Williams, they declare their any black people, particularly young intention to carry—out the execution of blacks, who would take up his struggle MumiaAbu-Jamal a former Black Pan- for freedom. ther and MOVE supporter k—nown as the The bourgeois press, too. isjoining the “voice of the voiceless” who was lynch mob. Among others, journalist framed up for the killing of Philadelphia Michael Smerconish published a column police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. titled “How Mumia Helped with Tookie’s Williams was not a fighter for black Sendoff {Philadelphia Daily News. 16 freedom imprisoned for his political be- December 2005), gloating over Tookie’s liefs. But after years in San Quentin, he death and looking forward to Jamal’s. came to appreciate the fight waged by Vile radio shows like the “Kill Tookie those who were. In denying clemency to Hour” in Los Angeles fomented race Williams. Schwarzenegger cited the fact hate and bloodlust. that Williams dedicated his 1998 book. In his funeral oration. Nation of Islam Life in Prison, to “Nelson Mandela, leader Louis Farrakhan claimed that Angela Davis. Malcolm X. Assata Williams “paid a price, not just for his Reuters Shakur. Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt. Ramona redemption, but for ours” {San Francisco Los Angeles, December 20: Thousands turn out to honor Williams at his Africa. John Africa. Leonard Peltier. Chronicle, 21 December 2005). For its funeral. Dhoruba al-Mujahid. George Jackson, pari, the reformist International Socialist Mumia Abu Jamal, and the countless Organization (ISO) declared in an article quarter century. We participated in the evidence ofan unfair trial and posed the other men, women, and youths, who tilled “They Murdered a Peacemaker” demonstration called that evening with ultimate Catch-22: Williams could not have to endure the hellish oppression of {Socialist Worker, 16 December 2005): signs demanding, “Abolish the Racist be “redeemed” because he refused to living behind bars." Schwarzenegger “The stale of California rewarded re- Death Penalty!” "Free Mumia Abu- confess, i.e.. he refused to compromise ranted: "The mix of individuals on this demption with cold-blooded murder.’’ JtiaomnalT!h”roaungdhcSaolcliianlgistfoRrev“oBlluatcikonL!i”bera- hraicsisitntiengjruisttyiceinsyosrtdeemr. to exculpate the alinstd issocmuerihouasv.e Mboe.esnl choanvveicvtieodleontf cpaosmt-s “viRcetdiemmsptfioorn”theaimrouonwtns tooppbrleassmiionng—thaes To the end. Stanley Williams main- From the ghettos of South-Central mitting heinous murders including the though they need to “redeem” themselves tained that he was innocent of the four L.A. to the parliaments ofEurope, where killing of law enforcemen' " before the eyes of “God and country” murders of which he was convicted. Just the death penalty is illegal in most coun- On the contrary, it is Schwarzen- thereby alibiing the racistcapitalist rulers. hours before the execution. Governor tries. many voiced outrage over the kill- egger’s objections that are "curious”: As Marxists, we reject the very concept of Arnold Schwarzeneggerdenied Williams ing of Williams, a Nobel Peace Prize Mandela is a hero of the anti-apartheid “redemption.” the sickening religious no- clemency, and the U.S. Supreme Court nominee. His numerous supporters in- struggle in South Africa: Angela Davis tion ofbeing “saved” through repentance. turneddown his last-minute legal appeals. cluded such well-known figures as Jamie was acquitted of all charges; Assata In its article, the ISO describes After the governor rejected clemency, Foxx, Snoop Dogg and Joan Baez. Shakur is in exile in Cuba with a $I mil- Schwarzeneggeras “better" than his pred- lawyers for Williams asked Schwarzen- Protests were organized in Schwarzen- lion bounty on her head; Malcolm X was ecessor, Democratic governor Gray egger for a stay of execution based on egger’sAustrian hometown ofGraz, after murdered; Pratt and Dhoruba. both for- Davis, praising him for “promoting ewxictunlespsaetsorwyhionfhoardmactoimone offortwharredeimnotrhee wsthriicphpedhefrodmemtahnedsepodrttshasttadhiisum.name be cmoenrvicPtainotnhse,rsb,otahreblnatoawntfCrOeeINafTteErLPthReiOr pthaerowleorfdor‘prreihsaboinleirtsatainodn’latsottyheearnaamddeinogf 4 WORKERS VANGUARD Cop Protest Attack on Gay Rights March Poland! in We reprint below the translation of The KfsV is a class-struggle, non- a November 23 letter by the Committee sectarian legal and social defense organ- for Social Defense (KfsV) in Germany ization that champions cases and causes to Polish president-elect Lech Kaezynski in the interest of the whole of the work- and Poznan mayor Ryszard Grobelny, ing people. This purpose is in accordance protesting a brutal police attack on gay with the political views ofthe Spartakist and lesbian rights activists in Poznan Workers Party, German section of the on November 19. This assault was the International Communist League (Fourth latest example of a—campaign of the Po- Internationalist). Today, the Polish capi- Indymedia lish capitalist state established after the taliststate unleashes itspolice againstgay Police seize protester at November 19 Poznan rally for gay rights. Soli—damosx-ledcounterrevolution 15years and lesbian rights activists. Tomorrow, ago againstthedemocraticrightsofgays, the same police will be unleashed against dred people for equal rights for gays roundedthe march andthenstartedbeating lesbians, national minorities and the left. striking workers who defend their jobs and lesbians. This march was banned by and arresting 65 demonstrators, dragging ItcomesontheheelsofKaezynski’srecent and the meager .social welfare that still Poznan’s mayor. Ryszard Grobelny, who them along the sidewalk. The protesters election on a program of re-establishing exists.Aninjurytooneisan injurytoall! followed the example of the Polish now face penalties ofup to one month in the death penalty, even furtherrestricting Full democratic rightsfor homosexuals! president-elect. Lech Kaezynski. wholast prison. abortion rights for women and establish- Forfreeabortion on demand! June as mayor of Warsaw outlawed the The Komitee fur soziale Verteidigung ing a clerical, anti-communist “Fourth “Parade of Equality.” The police attack (Committee for Social Defense) de- Republic.” The Kaezynski regime thus # occurred at the end ofthe march and was mands: Stop the persecution of gay threatens to bring every aspect of life in On Saturday. 19 November 2005. in cheered by fascistic reactionaries who and lesbian rights activists in Poland! Polandevermore underthecontrol ofthe the city of Poznan, police in riot gear hurled racist and homophobic epithets at Drop all charges against the Poznan Catholic church. brutally assaultedamarchofseveral hun- the demonstrators. The police first sur- demonstrators! LBL Protests Cop Killing of Patrick Gaston drugs.”The Labor Bla—ck League calls for ple are segregated at the bottom, yet Oakland an end to drug laws “crimes without form a strategic part ofthe workingclass. victims.” His generation hasbeendeemed Labor action by the powerful, racially a s—urplus population by America’s rul- integrated trade unions, independe—nt of On November lO Patrick Gaston, a34- ers no jobs, only pri.son hellholes or the other party o—f war and racism the year-old black man. was brutally killed cannon fodder in imperialist wars. From Democratic Party would give an organ- in front of his mother and neighbors the days ofchattel slavery to the present, ized political expression and social by Oakland police in broad daylight. black oppression is the foundation upon power to the outrage of the black ghetto Arrestedforallegedly selling heroin toan which the American system of capitalist against cop terror. Such protest must undercover cop. Gaston was beaten and exploitation rests. also include defense of Arab store own- kicked into unconsciousness. A witness These conditions are intensified by the ers against vigilantism. The recent vigi- said, “I saw the police grab him, pull him “war on terror” that targets immigrants, lante attacks on Arab-owned ghetto off his bicycle and beat him. They beat blacks and labor, tearing up rights that liquor stores, allegedly by Bey’s Black him. They choked him. I didn’t see him GastonFamily have been won through decades ofsocial Muslims, can only fuel anti-immigrant cftlihege,hyt1wb2earcNkeoavktielamllibln”egr{hSia2mn0,0F5Gr).aasntcSoihnso’cusotiCmnhogrtohtnehira-.t 5coAppritelrr2o0r02a)r,e“fWoalvleosweodfboyutrpaegnenya-gaanitnes,t sptthoreluigcKgelKegK.annTgih,gihs“ttrihydeeearRrsi’)sd.esrashc”oquwi(stntatahlmaetdopfoalfittcheeer rislamacmtieesdmir.aeptCreleesastrailroygn,etiasnreorfabcliasvtcigkAilmpaeenrotipiclseam., aWtnhede Gwendolyn, called 911, and Patrick was meaningless liberal ‘reforms,’ with the terror cannot be “reformed.” need a multiracial workers party to lead pronounced dead less than an hour after gdehseptatior.m”asTsheescroepcsedairneg tihnetohbiirtetdertnheussgsanodf In American class society, black peo- the way. he was attacked. the racist capitalist ruling class and serve Gaston waskilledinWestOakland, the toprotect the systemofprivate property. territory of the infamous Oakland “Rid- The Bay Area Labor Black League for ers,”agangofdozensofcops set loose in Social Defense submitted the following a special campaign in the racist “war on letter, as yet unpublished, to the San drugs.”Three Riders werebroughttotrial Francisco Bay View and OaklandTribune in2002on morethan60countsstemming on December 4. The recent attacks on from their—savage beatings and attempted Arab-owned neighborhood liquor stores frame-ups and were acquitted in two in Oakland, mentioned in the letter, are successivetrials.Asaresultofacivil suit. alleged to be the acts of the late Yusuf $10.5 million was awarded last June to Bey’s Black Muslim followers, a local victims of years of abuse by Oakland group not affiliated with the Nation of police. Since November 2000 a consent Islam* For this group, selling alcohol is decree has been in effect, seeking to as much a “crime” as drug use. Such refurbish the Citizens’ Police Review attacks benefit only the racist rulers Board (CPRB) as a“solution” tocop vio- who foster such divisions within the lence. But as Gaston’s killing shows, no working and oppressed masses to main- number of whitewash investigations and tain their power. civilian review boards can disappear the * role ofthe murderous police. As we wrote in “As Oakland Police Patrick Gaston was a victim of police Bush/SFChronicle Thugs Face Trial: Anger Mounts Over violence targeting young black men as Gaston’s family holds vigil in Oakland near where he died, November 12. Cop Terror in Bay Area” {WV No. 778. criminals under the guise of the “war on W0RK€RS the Department of Corrections.” One 20 August 1976): might as well point out that the words "Prisons are the concentrated essence of Marxist Working-Class Biweekly of the Spartacist League “Work Brings Freedom” were above the the repressive power of the state, which entrance to the Auschwitz Nazi death upopvheorltdys acnadpitianleiqsumaliwtiy,thdriitsvinegnfomracneyd $10/21 issues of Workers Vanguard New Renewal camp. Meanwhile. ISO spokesman Todd lumpenizedelementstocrime tosurvive. (includes English-languageSpartacistand BlackHis—toryandthe ClassStruggle) Chretien called the execution ofWilliams But once in prison, 'rehabilitation' and internationalrates $25/21 issues—Airmail $10/21 issues Seamail “a great moral failure on the part of our ’correction’ become sick and empty lies, $2/6 introductory issues of Workers Vanguard (includes English-languageSpartacist) greolveearsnemeanntn”ouninciang15hisDeccaenmdbiedarcyprefsosr ahisnugmhaatrnoasdmsiamgiennnitttayiannledaedtvoertnotureeaveormfiltnohnoigsmeeursmeseekno--f $I 2w/o4ulidssluiekse toofcEosnptarritbauctoe $(en espanol)t(ointclhuedepsrSopdauncitsih-olnanogfuaWgoerkSpearrtsacViastn)guard—. Name U.S. Senate on the capitalist Green Party tences and deepening repression.” ticket. "Ourgovernment"? This cabal of Rather than “redemption.” black people Address murderers, liars and robbers is not “our need class-struggle leadership in the form Apt, # government.” The ISO is promoting of a revolutionary workers party that can City State Zip illusions in the nature of the capitalist lead the fight tooverthrow this thoroughly Phone E-mail state. As we said in “Free the San rotten imperialistsystem.Abolish theracist (. .) B61 Quentin Six.” an article about George death penalty! Forblack liberation through Makechecks payable/mallto: Spartacist Publishing Co.. Box 1377GPO, NewYork, NY 10116 Jackson and his comrades {WV No. 122, socialist revolution!* 6 JANUARY 2006 5 \ Canada: Upholds Anti-Woman Religious Courts I.S. The following article is reprinted that "There is no evidence to suggest from Spanacist Canada No. 147 (Winter Sharia “Socialists” that women are being systematically dis- 2005/2006). newspaper ofthe Trotsky'ist criminated against as a result of arbitra- League/LigueTrotskyste, Canadiansection tion of family law issues.” ofthe International Communist League. This preltification of Islam was em- Whatkindof“socialists”wouldactively braced by Socialist Worker editor Paul back state-sanctioned Islamic sharia SOCIALIST FORUM Kellogg. “All religions arecontradictory.” courts? That is exactly what the Interna- International Kellogg averred. “Why aren’t the oppo- tional Socialists (I.S. [affiliated with the Socialists’ McGuinty’s ^ban’ no nents of the use of the arbitration act BritishSocialistWorkers Party])aredoing press (24 highlighting those aspects of Islamic law in taking up the cudgels for what they September victory for women’s rights which say it is the man's responsibility to crailglh,t,a“pfianigtht-hbeasleadnagrubaigtreatoifont.h”eItChisrimsitnida-n champ2i0o0n5)s iInntijvinftxfSlMtrtxutnh(j,nagntdjulnl,thIHehjtfd sgihvaerse winomtehen,claelaonnigngwiatnhdmceono.kitnhge,ritghhatt boggling that .self-styled leftists would reactionary fldlerjrgucdOralDaltonMc(-tiini\ to divorce, that mandates child-support champion a campaign by the most reac- sharia tribunals driutiniiiminogntmoO‘nbiaa»n~ot.tlBiVgipoMn«; from the estranged husband?” (8 October tionary, anti-woman forces in the Muslim in Canada. /vrrJMtJiifd(xirtiono!RsflvnJy 2005).This isacruel mockery ofthe bru- community to have their religious law jrgumrul. ^ tal reality of women's oppression. For backed by the authority of the capitalist womenfromhuge swathesofAsia,Africa state. Socialist Work and the Near East, it is not a matter of Sharia is the 1,300-year-old body of who does the cleaning, but ofthe right to Muslim canon law that regulates every be considered fully human, not a chattel aspect of life. In Iran. Pakistan, Saudi of first father, then husband. Arabia and elsewhere, it is synonymous Contrary to Kellogg, the contradiction with barbaric punishments such as “hon- iiiTTiiiTTiiin in religion lies in the fact that human our” killingsand stoning“adulterers”and beingscreatedreligions,only tohavetheir homosexuals to death. In Muslim per- by the provincial courts unless coercion Joining this reactionary outcry, the I.S. creations rule over them like a Franken- sonal law, women are inherently unequal was shown. This plan sparked a huge sneeredagainst“abstract ’secularism”’and stein monster. It is obscene to have to (as in all organized religion): indeed they outcry, including internationally, and trumpeted theirparticipation ina“spirited debate with ostensible Marxi.sts whether are considered less than fully human. after over a year of protest, on Septem- demonstration” in defense ofthe woman- clerical reaction should be supported. Women may be beaten by theirhusbands, ber 1 1 Liberal premier Dalton McGuinty hating .diaria tribunals {Socialist Worker. Marxists regard all modern religion as an denied divorce, or arbitrarily divorced announced. “There will be no religiou.s 8 October 2005). instrument of bourgeois reaction that arbitration in Ontario.” His government The LS.'s pTO-sharia friends include defends exploitation and befuddles the spARTAcisTc::::::::^ has now introduced a law to that effect. the arch-ZionistsofB'nai Brith. whoalso working people. The plan forsharia courts with official denounced the government’s decision. Not so the I.S. Echoing the outraged sbtttoifoahifnyr-tmagowtiermotnspioegh.ra.meicst“cesohh1ohcoeanidndudei,sistotfevyborip.coaehlrmsnIyuctedssetneiihycomesoaanbiulKnofmo.lododpf”yrriltawIeyeehnnxoexsiiamcmrcrmtleeaphiuspnneltdem.eryaipsi,tnoTuccigtisbohnsuumeegrwanidetoshswtrisemahidnialreeifodkescenn--e.-- oolattciietnfhsoghletnaeyM.lmiCus“datsfWswestnreleeaoaaipnamdnemrdwaedintenhwarf(gtegoiehNageowmsiht.naetaiussernsntt1roa.,s4laal2lanWtlf,tAeoeioisrrFonuaantwtbwlrrrllraoueyoasnmv2itgdo0eoeeoln0noup4ti’tpop)hnispf:aoorStsrnepleaecsialrdbosirieguiteriloasatodn-,-no TDcbJptdihiuyrihaevdonelo“aflyrhtioaychuusnweeswnmda)idb,orn,aa”matrnwneeratdhdneoehl,dhbiraitiaugepvgtsiipohtsoywreru.eectssotnsetemosldroeevioissaenzsreudde’sepeodesrptndsMohla.ueroynbstpdIyglpnffeiroiotaOmenrparss(rplt,tswarhihrbeeewoibosstinhBdspneeoeeoiiinxd--tfs acodmtPprhroloeuiamwmoletmiapmlsan]tyua“r.aesnhiTtsitMhtitaieeuoilnxrsaniiene,nsssidttws,seteshehdrueei,r.ewraksnhdb.Iiee-b”ncmsrpigoapaseTnern.thftcoyerii[tgoKasiilnaeIcivrlt.l]sbeSyel.idooitotrgirafwnaglctiRtecetiganeroahdbepnlebltsftciisfaolgohmairttairotchhvleuheaieys.sets rltohieriossrsthtsewytaroitammunpsene.ynr,iWawewlhihessottohlciheedarnavtrieeinrzstse.hoewuigMthuhtsltthioemecwsoocuranlpt-de tivtRhnaeeittlmroeistgatpihnroafontopareleorrxutevigyasehdtntsyagnettddoaoeneibdcspeeeldfyareianupvndrnedijnvcuaasbptptyueitnlaCmielhasgirtahsiltmtseetsrpniyrtasii.-n-n cwanaaolhhmo,rcaroaniufriHtcc.eabnsSnrthaoeottweublowedfodrnliodivomgrmbecoeteadkn.bnieSonhgwseenr“vicasehsdla,eaiftgntuehi-den ADnoTtwhien-IM.WuS.isitlnhivomkeRsatcheirsumli!ngclass“waron olfiifunsntIhcrMntosuidhslouaalncrtieeiumdans2dc0beo0ayur3nr,ntttsohheuteihnne1ct9eOh9Cnde1atnanpAralriNdaboiniDsatPtrnhatatotSi[oosweoncsocitiuAeaalctbldyt-- rsafwnteranhaellditeascetbthialoorpohneepaorrsdntsasooecsthctpeituaadhctw.eeimnoatBensthutdetatietacrernte.drnhoetePflusreireepgiolrierpiioselgvnleaioitofwgeuisirsotheruhopesbourliuelitgstgdrosiitiotbbrouhueynse- wwftnaorootlomedtoaeonmn,fee.t.“w”hiWel“hlAAaersgaenulnlycaaoooshwulk.utecmhodernniaietrzsoytcO?chriotAlImhfndomrnIdeeanosnxptteMowaookmornamgortauarhtnny.e ctfasoeosirrvntreteotrrrharf”eodoritrricocastectcisisoosavtninenCbdraeintnttuhsawredeetieumMranbuinrnasagtrlctutiealhmceeorkfsimcnosotgshhmateMmrruouiepasnp.liirstiBeymnus.s-to democratic New Democratic Party) gov- practice.Theirrulingswill have the force mine’”(TorontoStar.9October2(X)5).The Both reinforce the grip of capitalism by ecwarolnumlcedonutrd.tesaL,liktwehietthheBeOfinat—tmaiDrliiyno.lJaeswwh—iasrhimaarrarcbiobauigrneti,-s omtoufbarscnclhuaiwrins.aenrttmoyiaskobmfie.n”tghtehetcahpeeinmtfaolrpiacsrtetrstooaftfetrwheheliicgliheoguailsn c'sduonfdlfeie-rosihfnagsriialoefnccwaem,opmpaueitntginnagthaethlseppeohtdalincgdrhsatcookfnttthhhiees “smcuaTlphteiigscouailtstiutnrhgaelaicnsedmn.trr”eaglPirmpoeunmrtopiotn.egsdeimhomefaivgoirflfaiynctibsay.l dtiiovnorocfe,wionmheernitiasncmeostwbhreurtealtlhyeesnufbojrucgeda.- staFteu’rsiobulses.tshienyg fcoarntnheoirlornulgienrgsc,laviamriotuhes rrealbibgiinoiucsaltrciobuurntasl.s Iwtilils nvoerylonggoeordhtahvaet tehreanLcieberfaolr Paallrtycualstuarnesex(prwehsiscihonisofwtholy- Decisions would be binding and upheld mullahs and rabbis howled in protest. legal standing in family law. right-wingers hate it), multiculturalism is Of course. McGuinty’s Liberals and designedtoencourage the“voluntary”cul- theirilk arehardlychampionsofwomen’s tural and racial segregation ofthepopula- liberation. Inraci.stcapitalistCanada,Mus- tion.ghettoizing immigrants whileelevat- lim womenalready face multiplehurdles. ingpetty-bourgeois“community leaders.” Often denied access tojobs, services and It is thus aconservatizing force forpolic- language classes, many live in intense ing minorities and maintaining social isolation, making itvery difficulttobreak peace. But the Muslim community, like out of the web of religious oppression. the rest of society, is class-divided. The Those who do so face the threat ofbrutal strugglesofimmigrantandotherminority coercion or are ostracized, cut off from workers forrights,jobsand unions neces- family, friends and community. The sarily require throwing off the debilitat- imams already dispense “justice” from inggripofreligiousand othercommunity the mosques, but if sharia had become leaders. part of the state’s legal machinery, the Socialist Workersmears the opposition vicious, age-old. anti-woman practices to sharia as “involving more than a hint 1979 seizure which it codifies would have been legiti- of anti-immigrant and racist prejudice” of power by mized and the hold ofreligion increased. andclaims that leftistopponentsofsharia wIraasnibalnomoudlylahs I.S. Gets Religion asurree,“lsionminegruipghtw-iwtihngrejaocutrinoanlairsitessa.”ndTpoolbie- disaster for The LS.’s defense of sharia rests ticians seized on the sharia debate to women, workers on a stunning apology for Islamic reac- inflame anti-Muslim racism. But Marx- and leftists. tion. The September 24 Socialist Worker ists’ opposition to sharia (and all relig- featured an article (first posted on ious law) is conditioned not by the char- Marxmail.org) by Richard Fidler prai.s- acterofothers who may oppose it. but by ing former NDP attorney general Marion what advances the class interests of the Boyd’s government-commissioned report proletariat. in favour of sharia. With contemptible Moreover, the central organizers of indifference to women’s oppression, Fid- the protests against official sharia courts ler positively quotes Boyd’s statement in Ontario were not pro-imperialist 6 WORKERS VANGUARD — . rcaciiomirics. bul women lehists from the Worker-communistPartyof Iran(WCPl) refugees from the bloody muliah regime in Iran. The No Religious Arbitration Coalition, which includes the Ontario Federation of Labour and many women’s organizations,explicitlycondemns Islamo- phobia and opposes all legally binding religiousarbitration, notonly Muslim. We WCPL have serious differences with the anti-clerical reformists who all too often present the institutions of Western capi- talism as potential allies against Islamic reaction (see "Iran and Women’s Libera- tion.” SCNo. 141, Summer 2004). But to paint the campaign against sharia as a reactionary crusade that promotes anti- Muslim racism, as the I.S. does, is a slan- der in the service ofreligious reaction. For Separation of Religion and State In a September 15 Marxmail.org polemic on sharia, Fidler writes: “The Trotskyist League speaker at September 2004 anti-s/iar/a rally, Toronto. Right: Women confront Islamic fundamentalist traditional left speaks a language that is bigot at Toronto protest, September 2005. to a large degree alien to the cultural experience of these huddled masses. It prettify the horribly oppressive statusquo Trotskyists declared "Hail Red Army!" women. Contemptibly, the I S. opposed is the language of the white European in the Near East and elsewhere as quaint andcalledtoextend thegainsoftheOcto- this action, calling such protest "a Enlightenment, redolent in abstract con- "traditions"oftheoppressed. Doesthe I.S., ber Revolution to the Afghan peoples, concession to anti-Islamic scapegoating cepts such as ‘.separation of church and in thenameofsidingwith theThirdWorld especially women. coming from the ruling class” (Socialist state’.” This is a bald-faced repudiation oppressed,defendhideous“customs"such Criminally, instead of fighting to win. Worker, 25 March 1998). Then, as now, of Marxism and its origins. The radical- as female genital mutilation or suttee, the Stalinist bureaucracy in Moscow for the I.S. any left-wing protest against democratic principles of the bourgeois whereby a Hindu widow self-immolates withdrew the Red Army in 1989. paving anti-woman Islamic reaction can only be Enlightenmentweretheideological reflec- on her husband’s funeral pyre? Modern the way for the victory of Washington’s racist and pro-imperialist. tion of historic material advances over bourgeois law is an advance over the brutal religious fanatics. And the I S. Women’s Liberation aabsbtarcacktwiaornd,,thfeedudeamlansdocifeotry.sepHaarradtlioynaonf ttreimbalinlwahwiocfhtthheedeEsuerrot,peoarnthpeopfueluadacleswyass- wthaes deecfsteaattic.ofHatihleinRgus"tshieanimapromryt.a"ncetheoyf Through Socialist Revolution! religion and state was vital to this social once virtually enslaved to temporal lords claimed this would “spur the struggles of The Trotskyist League intervened progress. Today it is an essential part of and priests. Pul anotherway. what regime the oppressed nationalities in Eastern actively in the protests against the pro- educating the proletariat as to its true best facilitates strug—gle by the working Europe" (Socialist Worker, March 1989). posed sharia courts. We addressed meet- class interests. class and oppressed one based on the By this they meant movements like ings and rallies, and sought to mobilize Hostile to religion. Marxism seeks to European Enlightenment orone based on Poland’sclerical-reactionary Solidamo<<5, left, gay and lesbian groups. Throughout, lay bare its deep social roots, which are 7th century religious obscurantism? another pro-imperialist outfit backed to we made clear that the fight against today to be found, as Bolshevik leader the hill by the CIA and Vatican. Solidar- sharia is inseparable from opposition to V.I. Lenin wrote, in "the socially down- I.S.: "God is Great” Socialists nos'e’ rise to power later in 1989 brought Canada’s brutally racist “justice” system trodden condition ofthe working masses Wheredoesthe I.S.’sgrotesqueembrace devastatingcapitalistcounterrevolution to and. especially, the government war on and their apparently complete helpless- ofsharia come from? Most immediately, Poland, which meantanti-Semitism, mass immigrants and the anti-Muslim racist ness in face ofthe blind forcesofcapital- it dovetails with their political concilia- unemployment and the brutal rollback of backla.sh. ism" ("TheAttitudeoftheWorkers’ Party tion of the Muslim clerics whom they women’s rights. Forus. thedefen.se ofimmigrant rights, to Religion," 1909). In fact, the full sep- have repeatedly promoted on protests The current period of ascendant polit- including the call for full citizenship aration ofreligion and state has nowhere against the Iraq war and occupation. But ical Islam opened with the rise to power rights for everyone in this country, has been fully realized by the bourgeoisie for their portrayal of Muslim fundamental- of ayatollah Khomeini in Iran in 1978- tremendous significance. Aclass-struggle the simple reason that religion has great ism as "anti-imperialist" and even "revo- 79. The I.S.. like many reformist left- fight to defend the rights ofMuslims and value for the ruling class in its struggle lutionary" is longstanding. It is a direct ists. criminally lauded the ayatollahs’ all immigrants and minorities against the against the proletariat. outgrowth of their anti-Communist hos- "mass movement" which overthrew the racist capitalist state is in the interest of Religiouswars,persecutionandobscur- tility totheformerSoviet Union andother blood-drenched U—.S.-backed shah, hea—d- all the working class. The eradication of antist oppression are endemic toallrelig- societies wherecapitalism had been over- lining "The form religion. The spirit racial oppression requires arevolutionary ions and all .serve to buttress the patriar- thrown. The I.S.’s British parent group revolution" (Workers Action, February struggle, centered on the power of the chal family, rulingclass authority and the was founded in 1950 by forces breaking 1979).Wedeclared: "Down with theshah! proletariat, to uproot capitalism and lib- particularsexual and moral codesoftheir from Trotskyism who refused to defend No support to the mullahs! For workers erate humanity from poverty and want. respective societies.The institution ofthe the North Korean and Chinese bureau- revolution in Iran!" We pul particular The liberation of women is inextri- family, today fashioned toserve the needs craticallydeformedworkers slatesagainst emphasis on the struggle for women’s cably linked to the workers’ struggle to ofcapitalistclass rule, is the main source a bloody assault by the U.S.. Britain and emancipation, declaring "No to the veil!" build an egalitarian communist society of of women’s oppression. It is the mecha- Canada. This was a direct capitulation to We were not about to capitulate to Kho- material abundance.Thisalone will make nism for transmitting properly from one the "democratic" pretensions of British meini over the bodies of Iranian women! it possible to replace the institutionofthe generationtothenextandraisingnewgen- imperialism (and its then Labour Party The I.S—.’s support for the "Islamic Revo- family, key source of v'omen’s oppres- erations ofworkers. Family law is tightly government). lution" a bloody disaster for women—, sion. We are dedicate—d to freeing workers bound upwith defenseofprivate property In 1979.joiningwiththerulersinWash- the working class and the left in Iran from religion’s yoke not strengthening and women’sinequalityisalwaysreflected ington and Ottawa, the I.S. openly look was a monstrous betrayal. it. as the I.S. would do. As Marx said, in the legal and social codes ofsociety. thesideofaCIA-bankrolled Islamicinsur- But the horrors of the Iranian regime "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed Anti-woman bigotry for the glory of gency in Afghanistan that fought to keep didn’t faze this crew. In 1998 the Trot- creature, the heart ofa heartless world... God marks Christianity and Judaism as women as chattel slaves. They railed skyist League. Ontario Coalition Against It is the opium of the people.” In the much as Islam. Just look at the Catholic against the Soviet Red Army, which had Poverty and othersjoined with the WCPl future sociali.st .society, the Bible and the Church’s crusade again.si abortion rights, intervened to support a besieged left- to drive out representatives ofthe Iranian Koran, with their bloody misogynist pro- the attacks on evolution and science by nationalist Afghan governmen—t that had regime who had been given a stall at scriptions. will be nothing more than his- the Protestant right, ortheanti-Palestinian introduced substantial reforms likeedu- the Toronto International Women’s Day torical artifacts, their power to torment barbarism of the theocratic Zionist state catinggirlsandreducingthebrideprice-- fair, from which they handed out propa- women obliterated by victorious workers of Israel. Bul while in general Chri.s- to this terribly backward country. We ganda supporting the stoning of Iranian revolution.! tianity and Judaism had to conform with rising industrial capitalism and the emer- gence of bourgeois nation-states, Islam did not. largely because it remains rooted This pamphlet reprints presentations in those parts ofthe world where imperi- given by SL Central Committee mem- alist penetration has reinforced social ber Joseph Seymour on the origins of backwardness as apropto itsdomination. Marxism in the French Enlightenment Today theimperialistsfulminateagainst and in left Hegelianism. Also included Enlightenment Muslim fundamentalism, but for decades are "150 Years of the Communist Mani- they consciously fuelled the growth of festo" and "Marxism and Religion." Rationalism Islamic reaction. In theirdrive to prevent social —revolutions and destroy the Soviet In the retrograde climate of post- AND THE Union the state that emerged from the Soviet reaction, the struggle to reassert victoriousOctober 1917 Bolshevik Revolu- the validity of the program and purpose Origins — tion in Russia theimperiali.sisallied with of revolutionary Marxism is crucial for indigenous forces of religious and social our fight for new October Revolutions. of Marxism reaction against godless Communism. We implacably oppose the imperialist $2 (46 pages) impoverishment and exploitation of the masses of the neocolonial Third World, Make checks payable/mail to: ‘h,Communi.i anddefendimmigrantsfromsuchcountries Spartacist Publishing Co.. MjraiTnanaRtiifliof, Box 1377 GPO, New York. NY 10116 against persecution in theimperialistcen- ters. Butweare notcultural relativistswho 6 JANUARY 2006 7 ) restraint by Congress or the courts has NSA/FBI... _f1! even itsclosest allies fuming. Last month, 130- the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (continuedfrom page I AntPTerrortet^jwwTaJ^ Immigrants,Blacl^ turned down the government’s request to transferJose Padilla from military tocivil manadssBudsehsirDuicsliinofno”rma(tsieoen:“JBuidgilhLieMsilalnedr Noto tlic l/SA*Patriot Actand the Maritime SecurilyM custody, a decision that stands in the way bIemprer2i0a0l5i)s.t WTahri/s’duWpVlicNiot.y 8is56p.ar14foOrcttoh-e "^Down^with the Anti-Immigrant WitchhuiA.^ oUf.Sh.iscictriizmeinnawlhpormosetchuetigoon.vePrandmiellnatisfoar cdoesupristee fiotrs ctlheaimbsourogfeo“oibsjepcrteisvsi,ty.w"hiaccht,s •• WI — ijmiohWp1oThCeHrM<UMTI . %J teihnndreeefmeiynyietcaeolrmysbwacitltaahniotmu"tedbwehwiaongsccaohnualrdg“eudbnelwaiwhtfehullda as an auxiliary to the capitalist state in I- defense of imperialist rule. crime—or going to trial. Previously this court the mostconservative in the coun- The Fraud of Bourgeois try, whose .specialty has been upholding "Democracy" the President’s claim —to free rein as The NSA spy revelations starkly illu- “Commander in Chief had upheld the minate what the Spartacist League stated Feds' declaration ofPadilla as an "enemy from the outset of the “war on terror": combatant.'' Appealing to the Supreme that the repressive measures directed ini- Court, the administration lashed out at tially at Muslims and immigrants would the temerity of federal court judges who lead to attacks on political dissent and a.ssert their authority to "disregard a civil liberties across the board, not least presidential directive." against black people and the labor move- Inamicicuriaebriefsfiled by theSpar- mfeonrtm.tThheecoirnestorfumtehentcsapoiftarleisptresstsailoen—tthhaet ^ -r'A; - '.t * WVPhoto lmaictitseteLewiatghuethaendSePcaortnidsaCnirDceufietnsCoeuCrotmo-f cops—, courts, prison system and mili- Oakland, 9 February 2002: Partisan Defense Committee and Labor Black Appeals and U.S. Supreme Court on tary serve and protect a social system League initiated labor-centered mobilization against USA Patriot Act and anti- behalf of Jose Padilla, we wrote: "Based based on the exploitation of labor for the immigrant repression. on the false proposition of an ongoing profit of the capitalist rulers. A case in global ‘waragain.stterrorism,' the Execu- point was last month's transit strike in attackson laborandimmigrantrightscar- cases that have yet to be brought to trial tive asserts that it has the unchallengeable NewYork City, where the union is facing riedout inthe nameofthe “waronterror.” may end up being thrown out on the authority to decide who is a terrorist and massive fines and possiblejail sentences same grounds.” Indeed, defense attorneys apply martial law. demanding absolute for its leaders under the Taylor Law. Liberals Seek Cleaner are rightfully beginning to pursue just and complete deference by thejudiciary. which outlaws strikes by public workers, “War on Terror" such a defense. One victim who may This demand of unfettered power by the as well as other penalties from anti-strike seek reopening of his case is Ali al- Executive is a move toward bonapartism. cpoluaAristneidBnojuilnnschteTivhoinesk.PlreoaldeetrarVi.anI. RLeevnoilnutieoxn- clriakTtehictehpeporlNoiteteiwsctisaYnoosrfkbreoTfuilremgceetsoifaseanrmdowuoitfthhDpiienemctoeh-se Tcliihfamerigmieins,pbaraiMssueosdnlpiluamrsteplryyoefoaenrssotohrneseecnxoetnrescnpiciseredacotyfo jaudpIioncliitacrheye.s”Ut.atSe., paonlditircealliessyosnteam,commupclihanotf and the Renegade Kautsky (1918): "It is bourgeoisie that even their rights are his First Amendment right to free speech theconstitutional poweroriginally vested being jeopardized by the Bush adminis- natural for a liberal to speak of ‘democ- tration. This recalls the post-Watergate racy' in general; but a Marxist will never sentiment of a wing of the ruling class forget- to ask: ‘for what class?'” Lenin that resented the Nixon administration added: “Take the fundamental laws of modern using against its bourgeois opponents the slates, take their administration, take kind of illegal surveillance and sabotage freedom of assembly, freedom of the normally reserved for communists, black press, or ‘equality of all citizens before activists and unionists. the law’, and you will see at every turn Some are now calling for Congres- evidence of the hypocrisy of bourgeois democracy with which every honest and sional hearings modeledon themid-1970s class-conscious worker is familiar.There SenateChurch Committeehearingsonthe is nota single state, howeverdemocratic, FBI's COINTELPRO program, a cam- which has no loopholes or re.servations paign of surveillance and disruption of in its constitution guaranteeing the bour- the left and black militants in which 38 geoisie the possibility of dispatching troops against the workers, of proclaim- Black Panther Party members were ing martial law, and so forth, in case ofa killed.While those hearings formallydis- ‘violation of public order', and actually mantled COINTELPRO and curbed the in case the exploited class ‘violates’ its FBI’s most blatant excesses, the govern- (see "Muslim Professor —Sentenced to in Congress has increasingly been trans- paonsoint-iosnlaovfisshlamvaenrnyear.n"d tries to behave in ment’s secret political police continued Life for ‘WThVought Crime’ Free Ali al- ferred to the imperial presidency. This iwrinrggeEhsvtpteeceriodvypiltllehiwbraeaorrunt.ygd,Ahnetshvdoeecraiosyaplacptorstnetaqsrcusukeegsgdsol,tenfhoacairnsvdiwlbooerluiektbn--- trTlhiuEekbieLarPGbRdeiiOnrr,toWynarihwemaomordak,ij.inferBJdaalmgaieacndk(pPurPrpiaasntuottnn)hdefearornrdlCeyOaDeIdaherNors--.s TccalilemLlaiisnmnedtiroo!r”""fwfKaearenpdoNnoAh.imste8erl5rii2rbo,cerrai5aslASmca.uo”fgheuoTsrhattnesd20wA0FaC5rn)Let.eU"a ctwihmoaeprrerswreoiasarpnlloiddsn’tdmsisrltuiolttpeoarrcsyotphta.oedavwnseisenteethrduotsurtetshohefhamevstliehdnlegvueptUsh.ebSaiy.sr erwwriiatgtighhetessb.aoatubctrlelgasatecs,oksia-sslvtmorroteuisagntcggtlaienornyif.gishgIuthtstcihstaognnaeddicenefaseibssnoarfdrtayiocoeutndro AnPraaemrrmetdaryiinPcealsintnpiopeIkrrniedsasionamndnanaMfftooevrrMmeubememreiinnBagtlaclocAenkbavduieP-craJtneaLtdmehaoeol-rf atrtohonerd”castltiolsal“enfr’ooestrfhpoiiotrnlsmgi”crbeetuphtepeaolawP.aeptrTrreshitoeetaxnAt“dcwttaor.reirpnerocfenrusesstaiiesnvrege- Ctditheosecnelglarfbreoestoshfw.earTrihtoswefalscsaosen6tes4kltiiiyntmegueatriCtsoohnneaagglroa,epsppwsrohowaveevanralilteohtdeof rights. Pointing to the need to mobilize killings they never committed, with apparatus. Its results can be seen in the U.S. entered World War II. the labor movement against government Mumia on death row in Pennsylvania. coldblooded killing by air marshals ofan Fight Government Repression! rBelparcekssiLoena,guineFfeobrruSaorcyia2l00D2eftehneseLabanodr istBrautsiho'ns’slaibiemraolfcrdietfiecsndsihnagrethteheinatdemreisnt-s etmaortmiaocnaatllMyiadmiistuInrtbeerdnaptaisonsaelngaeirrpoornt ltahset The government’s "anti-terrorism" tahleedPaarutniistaend-fDreofnte,nsteradCeomunmiiotnt-eceentienriteid- oefncAemiesroivcearnthiempmeeraianlsi..sTmh.uTsheDiermodcirffaetrs- monTthhe.administration’s contempt for any amgeaaisnusrtesleaftriestinpcorleiatsiicanlglyactbieviintgy.diArtecttehde mobilization in Oakland against the and liberals express outrage over the military's torture of “terror suspects" because it undermines the ability ofU.S. Imperialism tosell itsmilitaryadventures in the name of humanitarianism and the promotion of"democracy.” Among those class-struggle defense notes embarrassments is the case of Khaled el- Masri.whohas filedalawsuitagainstfor- mer CIA head George Tenet. A German citizenofLebanesedescent,el-Masri was kidnapped while on holiday in Macedo- nia. detained incommunicado, beaten, drugged and shipped off to a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan. After a few months, el-Masri was let loose on a hill in Albania, having never been charged with a crime. Similarly, the liberals complain that the government’s violation of due pro- Capitalist “War on Terror,” Anti-Muslim Bigotry cess of law is ruining the “waron terror.” In "Bush’s NSA Spying Jeopardizes Fuel Religious Reaction National Security.” Dave Lindorff writes in CounierPunch (30 December 2005). Racism, Religion and Reaction Class-Struggle Defense Notes “This illegal spying may have put the No. 31, Summer 2003 U.S. at risk by undermining the prosecu- Saturday, January 26, 6:30 p.m. 50c (24 pages) tion gfpossible terror suspects.” Lindorff International Student Centre For more information: (416) 593-4138 Order from/make checks payable to: adds, “The administration has opened the ore-mail: [email protected] PPNaOer.wtiBsYoaonxrkD9.e9.NfeYCnas1ne0a0lC1o3Smt-rm0ei0et9tt9Seteation dtroioalrs ffoorr tdheefierncsleienattstobranseeyds utpoosneeakclnaeiwm U3n3i{vnSoetrr.tshiGotefyoCoorlfgleeTgoeSrtoStrn.et)eot. TORONTO of improperly obtained evidence. Other 8 WORKERS VANGUARD