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Words of a Wise Man's Mouth are Gracious (Qoh 10, 12): Festschrift for Gunter Stemberger on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday PDF

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Preview Words of a Wise Man's Mouth are Gracious (Qoh 10, 12): Festschrift for Gunter Stemberger on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday

"THE WORDS OF Λ WISE MAN'S MOUTH ARE GRACIOUS" (QOH 10,12) w DE G STUDIA JUDAICA FORSCHUNGEN ZUR WISSENSCHAFT DES JUDENTUMS HERAUSGEGEBEN VON E. L. EHRLICH BAND XXXII WALTER DE GRUYTER · BERLIN · NEW YORK "THE WORDS OF A WISE MAN'S MOUTH ARE GRACIOUS" (QOH 10,12) FESTSCHRIFT FOR GÜNTER STEMBERGER ON THE OCCASION OF HIS 65TH BIRTHDAY EDITED BY MAURO PERANI WALTER DE GRUYTER · BERLIN · NEW YORK © Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability. ISBN-13: 978-3-11-018849-3 ISBN-10: 3-11-018849-X Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at <http://dnb.ddb.de>. © Copyright 2005 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, D-10785 Berlin All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mcchanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permis- sion in writing from the publisher. Printed in Germany Cover Design: Christopher Schneider in Mrns nn Contents Foreword by Mauro Perani IX Preface von Kurt Schubert und Fritz Werner XIII Peter Schäfer, A Brief Survey of Günter Stemberger's Scholarly Work XV The Bibliography of Günter Stemberger (1972-2005) XIX Transcription of Hebrew XXXIII CHRISTOPH DOHMEN, Grenzen der Interpretation für die von Gott zur Ausle- gung gegebene Torah ? 1 CHAIM MILIKOWSKY, Rabbinic Interpretation of the Bible in the Light of Ancient Hermeneutical Practice 7 ARMIN LANGE, Authoritative Literature and Scripture in the Chronistic Corpus 29 DANIEL BOYARIN, The Parables of Enoch and the Foundation of the Rabbinic Sect: A Hypothesis 53 MARC PHILONENKO, Sur les expressions «elus de verite», «elus de justice» et «Elu de justice et de fideliti». Contribution a Vetude du sociolecte esseno- qoumränien 73 JACOB NEUSNER, How Important was the Destruction of the Second Temple in the Formation of Rabbinic Judaism? Some Reconsiderations 77 ARYEH KASHER, Josephus in Praise of Mosaic Laws on Marriage (Contra Apionem, II, 199-201) 95 JONATHAN J. PRICE, Some Aspects of Josephus' Theological Interpretation of the Jewish War 109 LUCIO TROIANI, Strabone e la cosiddetta riforma ellenistica 121 CORRADO MARTONE, Verso un'edizione italiana dell'archivio di Babatha. II Papiro Yadin 1: testo e traduzione 129 PlERO CAPELLI, The Outer and the Inner Devil. On Representing the Evil One in Second Temple Judaism 139 WERNER ECK, Ehret den Kaiser. Bögen und Tore als Ehrenmonumente in der Provinz Iudaea 153 MIRIAM PUCCI BEN ZEEV, Were the Jews Accused of Roasting their Enemies? ... 167 AHARON OPPENHEIMER, The Severan Emperors, Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi and the Cities of Palestine 171 MIGUEL PEREZ FERNANDEZ, Sobre las funciones de la particula se- en Hebreo Misnaico 183 VIII Contents LEE I. LEVINE, Bet Se'arim in Its Patriarchal Context 197 OLGA RUIZ-MORELL, Elementes singulares en Tosefta Sabbat 227 GIUSEPPE VELTRI, Magic, Sex and Politics: The Media Power of Theatre Amusements in the Mirror of Rabbinic Literature 243 DAVID M. GOLDENBERG, What Did Ham Do to Noah? 257 CATHERINE HEZSER, Towards the Study of Jewish Popular Culture in Roman Palestine 267 CARLOS DEL VALLE RODRIGUEZ, Los primeros contactos de la Iglesia con el Talmud: El significado de la deuterosis 299 Luis F. GIRON BLANC, Midras Qohelet: Un fragmento de la Genizah de El Cairo 309 GOTTFRIED REEG, Die Ursache für die Bindung Isaaks: Wie lasen die Rabbinen die Bibel? 319 JOHANN MAIER, Berechtigung und Grenzen der Notwehr und Selbstverteidi- gung im jüdischen Recht 331 URSULA RAGACS, Hoffnung für die Zukunft: Feststellungen und Spekulationen zum jüdischen Verständnis von Dtn 30,3 385 MAURO PERANI, Yosef Ben Sim'on Kara's Lost Commentary on the Psalms: The Imola Fragment from the "Italian Genizah" 395 SAVERIO CAMPANINI, Talmud, Philosophy, and Kabbalah: A Passage from Pico della Mirandola's Apologia and its Source 429 MICHAEL KRUPP, Der Anfang der Hisronot ha-Schass-Literatur: Christliche Talmudzensur und ihre jüdische Überwindung 449 KURT SCHUBERT, Zionismus und jüdische Identität 463 PETER SCHÄFER, Judaistik und ihr Ort in der universitas litterarum heute: Einige Überlegungen zum Fach Judaistik in Deutschland 475 Index 493 Foreword by MAURO PERANI It was with great pleasure that I accepted to be the editor of this Festschrift in honour of Günter Stemberger on the occasion of his 65th birthday. My personal friendship with the honouree, dating back more than twenty years, has be- come even stronger in recent times, because of the common interest in some ancient Talmudic and midrashic manuscript fragments, which we studied as a part of the "Italian Genizah" project and that we published together. The Walter de Gruyter Verlag of Berlin, which sponsored the publication of this Festschrift in the prestigious series "Studia Judaica", made sure together with me that the studies included in this volume would have been those of the most prominent experts in the field and that their contributions would have been related to Stemberger's favourite research topics, that is to say, with the development of Judaism from antiquity to modern times. I have chosen the title of this volume from a passage of Qohelet 10,12a which says: ]Π"Π3Π 'D '121, The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious. I think that this verse best expresses the scholarship and the wisdom of Günter Stem- berger, which are graceful not only for their deepness and mastership but also for the clarity and humanity which this great scholar shows when he offers his works to his pupils, to his friends and to the academic world. Delicacy and grace are the main characteristics of the intelligent people who, after having at- tained the knowledge of the ΓΠΠ03 Π03Π - according to the Kabbalistic mean- ing attributed by the mystics to the word ]"Π as an acronym of "hidden wis- dom" - became humble and simple, avoiding any arrogance and haughtiness. In fact, Stemberger's style is full of simplicity and delicacy, really gracious, but also marked by a rigorous, almost syllogistic, logic. He has certainly fully deserved the honour that we want to pay to this great and international scholar, whose personal career realises and embodies best the old saying according to which the humble will be exalted. The volume is opened by a preface written by Kurt Schubert and Fritz Werner who outlined the most important phases of Stemberger biography and scholarship. I edited for this occasion the complete bibliography of Günter Stemberger (1972-2005), masterfully commented by Peter Schäfer in his A Brief Survey of Günter Stemberger's Scholarly Work. χ Mauro Perani The thirty articles included in this Festschrift have been arranged accord- ing to the chronology of their topics and, following two essays concerning gen- eral hermeneutical problems, they cover a wide variety of subjects, ranging from the Biblical book of the Chronicles, through classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Era, to the position and significance of Jewish Studies in the universitas litterarum today. The language of this volume is English, even though a significant number of the contributions is written in one of the other main European languages. The problem of preserving a homogeneous character to the book has been solved, hopefully, by adopting a solution of compromise: an absolute confor- mity would have been annoying in most cases. The articles originally being written in five languages (English, German, Italian, French and Spanish), I have agreed with Claus-Jürgen Thornton, editor in chief for Theology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies of the publishing house Walter de Gruyter, to adopt the following conventions: for each language we have chosen a uniform style of quoting Biblical passages; in the articles written in English we have referred to SBL Handbook of Style for English language essays, Hendricksen, Peabody (Mass.) 1999; in the articles written in German: S.M. Schwertner, Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete, De Gruyter, 2. Aufl., Berlin 1992; for the Italian articles: La Bibbia di Gerusalemme, Edizioni Dehoniane Bo- logna, Bologna 1974 (with a few exceptions); for the French articles: La Bible de Jirusalem, nouvelle edition, Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1973 and, finally, for the Spanish articles: J. Trebolle, La Biblia judia y la Biblia Cristiana, Trotta, Madrid, 3a edition, 1998. As far as the reference to chapters and verses of Biblical, rab- binical and other texts concerns, we decided to use the comma and not the co- lon. For reference to rabbinical sources we have adopted the system used by the "Jewish Quarterly Review". As far as the transcription of Hebrew words and sentences is concerned, I could only come up with an intermediate solution: every time that a Hebrew text, either Biblical or rabbinical, is transliterated, I followed a system of tran- scription in which the length of the vowels is not rendered, nor the fricative pronunciation of the six consonants BGDKPT with the exception of B/V and Ρ IF; I am aware that in English the fricative kaf is rendered with Kh, but for the sake of conformity I decided not to follow this usage in the transliteration of single words or sentences from the Hebrew. Nevertheless, it has been deemed advisable, following the suggestion of some contributors, to adopt the orthog- raphy of Halakhah, Midrash, Mishnah - as they appear in the English diction- aries - when these terms are used in the context of a non-Hebrew sentence, whereas, when they occur in the transcription of a larger sentence from He- brew, they have been transcribed according to the general adopted criteria. Someone could remark that our compromise is not the best solution, but it is for sure the best under the given conditions.

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