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Words, Imagery, and the Mystery of Christ: A Reconstruction of Cyril of Alexandria's Christology (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, V. 55) PDF

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Preview Words, Imagery, and the Mystery of Christ: A Reconstruction of Cyril of Alexandria's Christology (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, V. 55)

WORDS, IMAGERY, AND THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST A RECONSTRUCTION OFCYRIL OFALEXA1\'DRIA'SCHRJSTOLOGY BY STEVEN A. McKlNION BRILL LEIDEN· BOSTON· KGLN 2000 Thisbookisprintedonacid-free paper. LibraryofCongress Cataloging-in-PublicationData McKinion,StcvcnA.(Slcvcn Alan) Words, imagery,andthe mystcryofChrist:areconstructionofCyrilof Alexandria'schrislology/ byStevenA. McKinion. p. COl. (SupplernelllS toVigiliaeChristianac,ISSN0920-623X;v. 55) Ilascdon the author'sthesis UniversityofAberdeen,Scotland. Includesbibliogmphicalreferencesand index ISBN9004119876 I. Jesus Christ Personandoflices Historyofdoctrines-Earlychurch, ca,30-600. 2. Cyril,Saint, P,uriarchofAlexandria,ca. 370-444. I.Title. II.Series. 8T198.M3997 2000 232'.092-dc21 (H)---060807 CIP Die DeutscheBihliothek- CIP·Einheitsaufnahme McKiniOQ. StevenA.: Words, imagery, and the mysteryofChrist:a recollstructionofCyril ofAle:o;andria'schristology / byStcvellA. MeKinion. Leiden; Boston ;Ktiln : Brill,2000 (SupplementstoVigiliaeChristianae;Vol.5.5) ISBN90 04-11987-6 ISSN 0920-623X ISBN 900·' 119876 o Copyright2000byKoninkfijkLBrillnv, fAdtn, Th(Ntlhl!fulIlds AftrightsTutrVtd.NopaTtofthispuhluationml!YhiTt!JTOlfuad, tmnswltd,stortdin afttriaVlI!Jstcn, fff/Tansmiltdin(1'9form orf!J'an)m((lns,tfutrollU, mtehallical,plwtocof!Ying,rtCordingorothtrWist,witlwrllpn'orwrit/tn IJtTmissionjrom thepllh{ishl!f. Authoneation/(Jphotocopyitnnsforinttmalorpc-sonal useisgranltdf!J'Bnl1prolJidedMat tIltappropriottfusartpaiddir«tlytoThtOJpyright C!t(lranaCmtn, 222ReJStwOOdDriIJt,Su;1t910 DanlJl!fsMI! ()I!J:tJ, U.sA. Fus(1ftsubject/(J(;ha~. PRINrED IN11IENETHERJ..A.NOS To Ginger, Lachlan, and Blakely TABLE OF COi\'TENTS AcknowledgemenlS . IX List ofAbbreviations . XI Introduction . PART ONE: TI-IE CONTEXT OF CYRIL'S IMAGERY Chapter One: Images in the Context ofCyril's Life and Work 7 Cyril ofAlexandria 7 The Council ofEphesus 12 Cyril's ''''riling Career 14 Influences on Cyril 16 Chapter Two: Images and Cyril's Use ofScripture 21 The Self-Revelation ofGod: Cyril's Understanding of the Old ~reslamenl 23 The Harmony ofthe Scriptures: Cyril's Chrislological Use of the Old Testament. 32 The Force ofScriptural Images 41 Chapter Three: Images and Cyril's Use ofPhilosophy..... 49 Concepts ofPlace 50 Concepts ofPhysical Union 59 Philosophical Innuences on Cyril's Christological Imagery.. 67 The Force of Physical Images 76 PART Two: CYRIL AND CURISTOLOGICAL HERESIES Chapter Four: Adversus Nestorium 83 Cyril's Interpretation of Nestorius' OUvCUjl£la... 86 Cyril's Rejection ofNestorius' oUVCUP£Ul 91 Concluding Remarks 102 Chapter Five: Adversus Haercscm Aliunl . 107 The Coment of the Accusation 110 Images in the Context ofCyril's Denial................................ 119 Concluding Remarks 123 VIII TABLE Of' CONTENTS PART THREE: A R.E:-CONSTRUCTION OF CYRIL'S CURISTOLOGY Ch<lpter Six: The Inc~lrnaLC\Vord: Using Imagery lO Illustrate that Christ is 9E6<; _ . 129 Cyril's Description ofChrisl as ge6<; _ .. 129 Analogies . 138 Concluding Remarks . 142 Excursus: The Divine Power ofChrist .. 146 Chapter Seven: The Presence ofa Human Soul: Using Imagery to Illustrate that Christ is avOpwrrD<; 'tEAEICH; . 149 Cyril's Description of the Human <pwu; ofChrist .. 159 Analogies Concerning the Complete Humanity ofChrist . 172 Concluding Remarks . 175 Excursus: The Genuine Human Life ofChrisl . 178 Chapter Eight Cyril ofAlexandria's Picture ofChrist . 181 Various Interpretations ofCyril's Christology . 183 Analogies in which Cyril Illustrates the Union of the Word and Humanity . 188 Analogies Concerning the Divine Actions ofJesus Christ.... 204 Analogies Concerning the Impassible Sufiering of'the Word .. 212 Concluding Remarks .. 224 Conclusion . 227 Select Bibliography . 233 Index . 241 ACKNOIVLEDGEME Frs This volume began life as a Doclor of Philosophy thesis in the Uni versity of Aberdeen, Scotland. Appreciation is due especially to !.he Rev Prof lain R. Torrance, my DoklorvaliT and dear friend, whose insight into the mind of the Fathers is exemplary, and proved most helpful in our discussions concerning Cyril. Without his encourage ment this book would never have seen publication. I am grateful to those many scholars, both past and present, whose hard work has profiled patristic studies. I have been the beneficiary oftheir labours. To Frank and Kristin McCorkle, Iwould like to give thanks for their friendship and financial supporl. My parents, Hany and Janice MeKinion, have supported me emotionally, spiritually, and financially for so many years. Without their continued support this work would not have been possible. To them, and to my brother Randy, I am indebted, To President Paige Patterson and my colleagues at the Southeast ern Baptist Theolo&rical Seminary I express my gratitude for the prof itable exchange ofideas at such a wonderlul institution, 'I'he dedica tion to ongoingserious scholarship is a treasure, as are the friendships I have here. Thanks are due as well to all those at Brill Academic Publishers who made publication possible, along with the board of the Vigiliat Cilristiallat for publishing this volume. No one has cOlltributed more to this volume besides the author than my beloved wife, Ginger. She never complained about being a 'writer's widow', while cOllstant.ly encouraging me to press forward, work hard, and complete the project which I had begun. My appre ciation for her love and support is beyond measure, Second only to my wife are our darling son Lachlan and precious daughter Blakely. Though too young to understand it, they contributed more than they will ever know, It is in love and appreciation that I dedicate this work to these three most special loved ones. Steven Alan McKinion Wake Forest, North Carolina 27Juni 2000 Feast DayofSt Cyril ofAlexandria

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