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Word e& World Volume 24, Number 4 Fall 2004 Index to Volume 24 (2004) (Pagination for this volume is as follows: God and Violence in the Old Testament, No. 1 = 1-116; No. 2 = 117-228; No. 3 = Terence E. Fretheim. 18—28. 229-348; No. 4 = 349-468.) God’s Song in a Strange Land: Early Lu- theran Pastors in San Francisco, Rich- Articles ard O. Johnson. 287-295. Aliens and Exiles: Social Location and Grace and Gift in Luther and Paul, Stephan Christian Vocation, Scot McKnight. K. Turnbull. 305-314. 378—386. The Groans of “Brother Saul”: An Explora- Are You Serious? First Peter on Christian tory Reading of Romans 8 for “Sur- Life in a Complicated World, Marc vival,” Emerson B. Powery. 315-322. Kolden. 421—429. Holistic Approach to Mental Illnesses, Better than Chicken, Frederick J. Gaiser. Daniel Rakotojoelinandrasana. 182- 119—120. (Editorial) 189. California Lifestyle, Frederick J. Gaiser. Honorable Conduct among the Gen- 231—232. (Editorial) tiles—A Study of the Social Thought of Crass Casualty or Purposeful Pain?: Psalm 1 Peter, Earl J. Richard. 412—420. 34’s Influence on Peter’s First Letter, Michael J. Gilmour. 404—411. Lay Preaching: A Blessed Necessity, Diane Melbye. 330, 332. (Face to Face) The Diaconate: Lohe’s Legacy of Service to the Neighbor, Elizabeth A. Steele and Lay Preaching: A Mixed Bag, Craig Boehlke. Sally L. Kerr. 165-170. 331, 333. (Face to Face) Divine Context: Contrasting Use of Vio- The Léhe Alternative for Worship, Then lent Images in Film and Television, and Now, Thomas H. Schattauer. 145- Fredrick Barton. 74-81. 156. Encountering the Risen Lord: Reading the Mission and Migration: Reflections on the Easter Gospels, Shauna K. Hannan. Missionary Concept of Wilhelm Loéhe, 198-203. (Texts in Context) Frieder Ludwig. 157—164. Evangelism and Discipleship: The God Mormon Growth and Practices: Christian Who Calls, the God Who Sends, Walter Theological Reflections, Patrick R. Keif- Brueggemann. 121-135. ert. 252-268. Evil after 9/11: The Alien Work of God, Multicultural Christian Community—A Walter Sundberg. 204, 206. (Face to Bouquet of Multiple Flowers, H. S. Wil- Face) son. 171-181. Evil after 9/11: A Consequence of Human Preaching the Word in a Culture of Vio- Freedom, Terence E. Fretheim. 205, 207. lence, Diana Culbertson. 58-65. (Face to Face) Radical Trust in the Just Judge: The Easter Faithful Conversation, John L. Strommen. Texts of 1 Peter, Mary H. Schertz. 430- 82, 84. (Face to Face) 441. (Texts in Context) Faithful Conversation, Timothy G. John- Re-viewing the Meaning of America’s son. 83, 85. (Face to Face) West: Five Images in Low and High First Peter in Recent Study, M. Eugene Bor- Resolution, Gail McGrew Eifrig. 243- ing. 358-367. 251. 465 Word & World 24/4 « Fall 2004 Reading Acts 16:6—40 on the Edges of the Wilhelm Loéhe and His Significance for Navajo Reservation, Jeffrey L. Staley. Mission and Ministry, David C. Ratke. 296—304. 136—144. Religion in the American West: Its History Wilhelm Léhe on Pastoral Office and Lit- and Probable Future, Ferenc Morton urgy, Walter Sundberg. 190-197. Szasz. 233-242. “With whom he was in a state of just The Religious Geography of the Pacific war... :A Review of the Just War Tradi- Northwest, Patricia O’Connell Killen. tion, James L. Cook. 49—57. 269-278. “You are my Son, the Beloved”: The Epiph- Remembering Tamar, Diane Jacobson. any Gospels, Michael Rogness. 86—94. 353-357. (Texts in Context) Restoring the Dignity of the Human Spirit, Douglas A. Johnson. 5-17. Authors Barton, Fredrick. Divine Context: Con- Shaping the Public Square: Protestants and trasting Use of Violent Images in Film Catholics in the History of the Pacific and Television. 74-81. Northwest, Dale E. Soden. 279-286. Boehlke, Craig. Lay Preaching: A Mixed Should I Preach from a Lectionary? Why? Bag. 331 (Face to Face) Mark A. Throntveit. 443, 446. (Face to Face) Boring, M. Eugene. First Peter in Recent Study. 358-367. Should I Preach from a Lectionary? Yes! Arland J. Hultgren. 442, 444. (Face to Brown, Jeannine K. Silent Wives, Verbal Face) Believers: Ethical and Hermeneutical Considerations in | Peter 3:1-6 and Its Silent Wives, Verbal Believers: Ethical and Context. 395—403. Hermeneutical Considerations in 1 Pe- ter 3:1-6 and Its Context, Jeannine K. Brueggemann, Walter. Evangelism and Brown. 395-403. Discipleship: The God Who Calls, the God Who Sends. 121-135. St. Peter’s Passion: The Passion Narrative in 1 Peter, J. Ramsey Michaels. 387-394. Cook, James L. “With whom he was in a state of just war...”: A Review of the Just Teaching 1 Peter as Scripture, Robert W. War Tradition. 49—57. Wall. 368-377. Treasures and Abundance: Preaching the Culbertson, Diana. Preaching the Word in Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21), a Culture of Violence. 58-65. David A. Davis. 323-329. (Texts in Con- Davis , David A. Treasures and Abundance: text) Preaching the Parable of the Rich Fool Trouble in Paradise, Frederick J. Gaiser. (Luke 12:13-—21). 323-329. (Texts in 3—4. (Editorial) Context) The Use of Scripture in the Current Israeli- Eifrig, Gail McGrew. Re-viewing the Mean- Palestinian Conflict, David D. Grafton. ing of America’s West: Five Images in 29-39. Low and High Resolution. 243-251. Violence against Women and Children: Fretheim, Terence E. Evil after 9/11: A Con- How Churches Can Respond, Carol L. sequence of Human Freedom. 205, 207. Schnabl Schweitzer. 66-73. (Face to Face) Violence and Healing: Roman Catholic Re- . God and Violence in the Old lations with Jews and Muslims, Leo D. Testament. 18-28. Lefebure. 40-48. Gaiser, Frederick J. Better than Chicken. “Where the angels long to look!” First Peter 119-120. (Editorial) as Advent Preacher, Frederick J. Gaiser. . California Lifestyle. 231-232. 351-352. (Editorial) (Editorial) 466 Index . Trouble in Paradise. 3—4. Michaels, J. Ramsey. St. Peter’s Passion: (Editorial) The Passion Narrative in 1 Peter. 387— . “Where the angels long to 394. look!” First Peter as Advent Preacher. Powery, Emerson B. The Groans of 351-352. (Editorial) “Brother Saul”: An Exploratory Reading Gilmour, Michael J. Crass Casualty or Pur- of Romans 8 for “Survival.” 315-322. poseful Pain?: Psalm 34’s Influence on Rakotojoelinandrasana, Daniel. Holistic Peter's First Letter. 404-411. Approach to Mental Illnesses. 182-189. Grafton, David D. The Use of Scripture in Ratke, David C. Wilhelm Lohe and His Sig- the Current Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. nificance for Mission and Ministry. 29-39. 136-144. Hannan, Shauna K. Encountering the Richard, Earl J. Honorable Conduct among Risen Lord: Reading the Easter Gospels. the Gentiles—A Study of the Social 198-203. (Texts in Context) Thought of 1 Peter. 412—420. Hultgren, Arland J. Should I Preach from a Rogness, Michael. “You are my Son, the Be- Lectionary? Yes! 442, 444. (Face to Face) loved”: The Epiphany Gospels. 86—94. (Texts in Context) Jacobson, Diane. Remembering Tamar. Schattauer, Thomas H. The Léhe Alterna- 353-357. tive for Worship, Then and Now. 145- Johnson, Douglas A. Restoring the Dignity 156. of the Human Spirit. 5-17. Schertz, Mary H. Radical Trust in the Just Johnson, Richard O. God’s Song in a Judge: The Easter Texts of 1 Peter. 430- Strange Land: Early Lutheran Pastors in 441. (Texts in Context) San Francisco. 287-295. Schweitzer, Carol L. Schnabl. Violence Johnson, Timothy G. Faithful Conversa- against Women and Children: How tion. 83, 85. (Face to Face) Churches Can Respond. 66-73. Keifert, Patrick R. Mormon Growth and Soden, Dale E. Shaping the Public Square: Practices: Christian Theological Reflec- Protestants and Catholics in the History tions. 252-268. of the Pacific Northwest. 279-286. Kerr, Sally L., and Elizabeth A. Steele. The Staley, Jeffrey L. Reading Acts 16:6—40 on Diaconate: Léhe’s Legacy of Service to the Edges of the Navajo Reservation. the Neighbor. 165-170. 296-304. Killen, Patricia O’Connell. The Religious Steele, Elizabeth A., and Sally L. Kerr. The Geography of the Pacific Northwest. Diaconate: Loéhe’s Legacy of Service to 269-278. the Neighbor. 165-170. Kolden, Marc. Are You Serious? First Peter Strommen, John L. Faithful Conversation. on Christian Life in a Complicated 82, 84. (Face to Face) World. 421-429. Sundberg, Walter. Evil after 9/11: The Alien Lefebure, Leo D. Violence and Healing: Ro- Work of God. 204, 206. (Face to Face) man Catholic Relations with Jews and . Wilhelm Lohe on Pastoral Muslims. 40—48. Office and Liturgy. 190-197. Ludwig, Frieder. Mission and Migration: Szasz, Ferenc Morton. Religion in the Reflections on the Missionary Concept American West: Its History and Prob- of Wilhelm Lohe. 157-164. able Future. 233-242. McKnight, Scot. Aliens and Exiles: Social Throntveit, Mark A. Should! Preach froma Location and Christian Vocation. 378— Lectionary? Why? 443, 446. (Face to 386. Face) Melbye, Diane. Lay Preaching: A Blessed Turnbull, Stephan K. Grace and Gift in Lu- Necessity. 330, 332. (Face to Face) ther and Paul. 305-314. 467 Word e& World 24/4 « Fall 2004 Wall, Robert W. Teaching | Peter as Scrip- Lewis, Alan E. Between Cross and Resurrec- ture. 368-377. tion: A Theology of Holy Saturday. Ron- Wilson, H. S. Multicultural Christian Com- ald W. Roschke, 454—456. munity—A Bouquet of Multiple Flow- Lindsay, Hal. The Everlasting Hatred: The ers. 171-181. Roots of Jihad. David D. Grafton, 96- 100. Reviews Olson, Oliver K. Matthias Flacius and the Barbour, Ian G. Nature, Human Nature, Survival of Luther’s Reform. Robert Bru- and God. Alan G. Padgett, 106-108. sic, 220-224. Barton, John. Understanding Old Testa- Peters, Ted, and Martinez Hewlett. Evolu- ment Ethics. Bohdan Hrobon, 336—338. tion from Creation to New Creation: Con- Bass, Dorothy, and Don Richter with Lani flict, Conversation and Convergence. Alan Wright and Susan Briehl. Way to Live G. Padgett, 458-462. Leaders Guide: Ideas for Growing in Quinn-Miscall, Peter D. Reading Isaiah: Christian Practices with Teens. Jon V. An- Poetry and Vision. Frederick J. Gaiser, derson, 113-116. 208-209. Bass, Dorothy C., and Don C. Richter, eds. Roetzel, Calvin J. Paul: A Jew on the Mar- Way to Live: Christian Practicefso r Teens. gins. Irving L. Sandberg, 448-450. Jon V. Anderson, 113-116. . The World That Shaped the Bechtel, Carol M. Esther. Roger W. Ander- New Testament. Matthew L. Skinner, son Jr., 334-336. 216-218. Bellinger, Charles K. The Genealogy of Vio- Schmit, Clayton J. Too Deep for Words: A lence: Reflections on Creation, Freedom, Theology ofL iturgical Expression. Mons and Evil. Jason A. Mahn, 95—96. A. Teig, 112-113. Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code. Hans Segev, Tom. Elvis in Jerusalem: Post-Zionism Wiersma, 343-344. and the Americanization ofI srael. Robert Burtness, James H. Consequences: Morality, Smith, 347-348. Ethics, and the Future. Paul J. Lokken, Shuman, Joel James, and Keith G. Meador. 224-227. Heal Thyself: Spirituality, Medicine, and Carter, Craig A. The Politics oft he Cross: The the Distortion of Christianity. Frederick J. Theology and Social Ethics of John How- Gaiser, 108-112. ard Yoder. Clint Schnekloth, 456—458. Simpson, Gary M. Critical Social Theory: Crenshaw, James L. The Psalms: An Intro- Prophetic Reason, Civil Society, and duction. Roger W. Anderson Jr., 210- Christian Imagination. Robert W. Mcin- 212. tyre, 340—343. deSilva, David A. Introducing the Apocry- Wenham, David. Paul and Jesus: The True pha: Message, Content, and Significance. Story. Roy A. Harrisville III, 218-220. Sarah Henrich, 100-104. Williams, Rowan. Christ on Trial: How the Dobbs-Allsopp, F. W. Lamentations. Rolf Gospel Unsettles Our Judgement. Mat- Jacobson, 212-214. thew L. Skinner, 450—454. Garcia-Rivera, Alejandro R. A Wounded . Lost Icons: Reflections on Cul- Innocence: Sketches for a Theology of Art. tural Bereavement. Robert Brusic, 344— Robert Brusic, 462-464. 347. Gomes, Peter J. The Good Life, Truths That Last in Times of Need. Robert W. Mcin- tyre, 227-228. Jiingel, Eberhard. Justification: The Heart of the Christian Faith. Gregory Walter, 104—106. 468

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