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Word e& World Volume XXI, Number 4 Fall 2001 Index to Volume XXI (2001) (Pagination for this volume is as follows: The Gospel in Adversity: Reading Acts No. 1 = 1-116; No. 2 = 117-220; No. 3 = 16:16-34 in African Context, Daniel Ra- 221-328; No. 4 = 329-452.) kotojoelinandrasana. 191-197. (Texts in Context) Articles The Great Sex Charade and the Loss of Inti- Abundant Life—Here and Hereafter, Fre- macy, James E. Loder. 81-87. derick J. Gaiser. 331-332. (Editorial) Heinz Kohut and Empathy: A Perspective “As You Sent Me”: Identity and Mission in from a Theology of the Cross, Leonard the Fourth Gospel, Robert Kysar. 370- M. Hummel. 64-74. 376. Homosexual Conversion? Finding Free- Bridges and Gaps: Mission Partnership in dom as a Gay Man, Paul E. Capetz. 302, South Africa, Philip J. Knutson. 169- 304. (Face to Face) 175. Homosexual Conversion? Finding Free- Celebrating the Reformation in an Ecu- dom from Homosexuality, Bob Ragan. menical Age: Common Lenten Renewal, 303, 305. (Face to Face) Richard J. Skiba. 424, 426. (Face to Face) Human Sexuality and AIDS: An Ethiopian Celebrating the Reformation in an Ecu- Church Perspective, Eshetu Abate. menical Age: A Prelude to All Saints, 152-159. Amy C. Schifrin. 425, 427. (Face to Face) In the Face of Alcoholism: Claiming Power, Church, Media, and Healing: A Case Study Jean Kirkpatrick. 89, 91. (Face to Face) from Zimbabwe, Paul H. Gundani. 135-143. In the Face of Alcoholism: Embracing Pow- erlessness, William K. Roman. 88, 90. Debt and Jubilee: Assistance, Not Forgive- (Face to Face) ness, Anne Krueger and T. N. Srinivasan. 198, 200. (Face to Face) Jesus the Way, the Cross, and the World ac- cording to the Gospel of John, Craig R. Debt and Jubilee: The Promise of Relief, Koester. 360-369. Mark B. Brown and Jim Bowman. 199, 201. (Face to Face) Johannine Studies since Bultmann, D. Moody Smith. 343-351. Defining Health and Health-Related Con- cepts: Conceptual and Theological Con- John Calvin on Preaching the Law, Stephen siderations, Mark J. Hanson. 23-31. W. Ramp. 262-269. Eating What Is Set before You (Luke John’s Voice and the Church’s Preaching, 10:1-11, 16-20), Paul K. Palumbo. 297- Gail R. O’Day. 394-403. (Texts in Con- 301. (Texts in Context) text) The Faith Factor in Wholistic Care: A Mul- Journey between Worlds: Economic tidisciplinary Conversation, Robert H. Globalization and Luther’s God In- Albers. 51-60. dwelling Creation, Cynthia Moe- The Forgiveness of God and the Judgment Lobeda. 413-423. of God, Peter Brunner. 279-288. Law and the Danger of Freedom, Steven D. Giving Voice to the Gospel through Song: Paulson. 270-278. Music, Culture, and the Tanzanian Lu- Letting the Cattiness Out of the Bag: Envy theran Church, Judith A. Bangsund. and the Triumph of the Therapeutic, 176-182. Mary Louise Bringle. 16-22. 449 Word e& World 21/4 « Fall 2001 Listening and Learning in Africa, Lois M. The Torah and the Unity of God, Frank Snook. 183-190. Criisemann. 243-252. “Look and See If There Is Any Sorrow Like What Do Theologians Mean by Law? Ran- My Sorrow?” Systemic Metaphors for dall C. Zachman. 235-242. Pastoral Theology and Care, Archie What Hath Man Wrought? Subduing, Do- Smith, Jr. 5-15. minion, and Cultural Location, James Martin Luther on Preaching the Law, C. Bangsund. 160-168. David J. Lose. 253-261. What Is the Gospel of John? Marianne The Mystery of the Transfiguration: Luke Meye Thompson. 333-342. 9:28-36 (37-43), Donald J. Luther. 92- Whatever Happened to Seelsorge? Herbert 102. (Texts in Context) Anderson. 32-41. The Other John in John: Luther and Eck on Word, World, and a Postmodern Theology John the Baptist (John 1:19-28), Mary of Law, Paul J. Lokken. 289-296. Jane Haemig. 377-384. Authors Our Serpent of Salvation: The Offense of Abate, Eshetu. Human Sexuality and AIDS: Jesus in John’s Gospel, Ronald F. Mar- An Ethiopian Church Perspective. 152- shall. 385-393. 159. Out of Africa, Frederick J. Gaiser. 119-120. Albers, Robert H. The Faith Factor in Who- (Editorial) listic Care: A Multidisciplinary Conver- Parish Nursing: Clarifying the Relation- sation. 51-60. ships among Faith, Health, and Values, Anderson, Herbert. Whatever Happened Phyllis Ann Solari-Twadell. 75-80. to Seelsorge? 32-41. Preaching from the Fourth Gospel for Oc- Bangsund, James C. What Hath Man casional Services, Mark Schuler. 404- Wrought? Subduing, Dominion, and 412. (Texts in Context) Cultural Location. 160-168. Premarital Pastoral Care and Counseling: Bangsund, Judith A. Giving Voice to the A Quest for an African Model, Mathews Gospel through Song: Music, Culture, Tshapaka Kapolo. 129-134. and the Tanzanian Lutheran Church. The Psalter for the Formation of Souls: 176-182. How to Repent; How to Give Thanks; Bringle, Mary Louise. Letting the Cattiness What One Must Say when Being Pur- Out oft he Bag: Envy and the Triumph of sued, Holly Taylor Coolman. 227-234. the Therapeutic. 16-22. Psychotherapy and Christian Ministry, Brown, Mark B., and Jim Bowman. Debt Robert C. Roberts. 42-50. and Jubilee: The Promise of Relief. 199, 201. (Face to Face) Reading the Bible in Contemporary Africa, Fidon R. Mwombeki. 121-128. Brunner, Peter. The Forgiveness of God and the Judgment of God. 279-288. Recent Views of John’s Gospel, Udo Capetz, Paul E. Homosexual Conversion? Schnelle. 352-359. Finding Freedom as a Gay Man. 302, Reflections and Commentary on Albers’s 304. (Face to Face) “The Faith Factor in Wholistic Care,” Chitando, Ezra. Signs and Portents? Theo- William H. Meller. 61-63. phoric Names in Zimbabwe. 144-151. The Rule of Law, Frederick J. Gaiser. 223- Coolman, Holly Taylor. The Psalter for the 225. (Editorial) Formation of Souls: How to Repent; Signs and Portents? Theophoric Names in How to Give Thanks; What One Must Zimbabwe, Ezra Chitando. 144-151. Say when Being Pursued. 227-234. Theology as Therapy? Frederick J. Gaiser. Criisemann, Frank. The Torah and the 3-4. (Editorial) Unity of God. 243-252. 450 Index Gaiser, Frederick J. Abundant Life—Here Marshall, Ronald F. Our Serpent of Salva- and Hereafter. 331-332. (Editorial) tion: The Offense of Jesus in John’s Gos- pel. 385-393. . Out of Africa. 119-120. (Editorial) Meller, William H. Reflections and Com- . The Rule of Law. 223-225. (Edito- mentary on Albers’s “The Faith Factor in rial) Wholistic Care.” 61-63. . Theology as Therapy? 3-4. (Edito- Moe-Lobeda, Cynthia. Journey between rial) Worlds: Economic Globalization and Gundani, Paul H. Church, Media, and Luther’s God Indwelling Creation. 413- Healing: A Case Study from Zimbabwe. 423. 135-143. Mwombeki, Fidon R. Reading the Bible in Haemig, Mary Jane. The Other John in Contemporary Africa. 121-128. John: Luther and Eck on John the Baptist O’Day, Gail R. John’s Voice and the Chur- (John 1:19-28). 377-384. ch’s Preaching. 394-403. (Texts in Con- text) Hanson, Mark J. Defining Health and Health-Related Concepts: Conceptual Palumbo, Paul K. Eating What Is Set before and Theological Considerations. 23-31. You (Luke 10:1-11, 16-20). 297-301. (Texts in Context) Hummel, Leonard M. Heinz Kohut and Empathy: A Perspective from a Theol- Paulson, Steven D. Law and the Danger of ogy of the Cross. 64-74. Freedom. 270-278. Ragan, Bob. Homosexual Conversion? Kapolo, Mathews Tshapaka. Premarital Finding Freedom from Homosexuality. Pastoral Care and Counseling: A Quest 303, 305. (Face to Face) for an African Model. 129-134. Rakotojoelinandrasana, Daniel. The Gos- Kirkpatrick, Jean. In the Face of Alcohol- pel in Adversity: Reading Acts 16:16-34 ism: Claiming Power. 89, 91. (Face to in African Context. 191-197. (Texts in Face) Context) Knutson, Philip J. Bridges and Gaps: Mis- Ramp, Stephen W. John Calvin on Preach- sion Partnership in South Africa. 169- ing the Law. 262-269. 175. Roberts, Robert C. Psychotherapy and Koester, Craig R. Jesus the Way, the Cross, Christian Ministry. 42-50. and the World according to the Gospel Roman, William K. In the Face of Alcohol- of John. 360-369. ism: Embracing Powerlessness. 88, 90. Krueger, Anne, and T. N. Srinivasan. Debt (Face to Face) and Jubilee: Assistance, Not Forgiveness. Schifrin, Amy C. Celebrating the Reforma- 198, 200. (F ace to Face) tion in an Ecumenical Age: A Prelude to All Saints. 425, 427. (Face to Face) Kysar, Robert. “As You Sent Me”: Identity and Mission in the Fourth Gospel. 370- Schnelle, Udo. Recent Views of John’s Gos- 376. pel. 352-359. Loder, James E. The Great Sex Charade and Schuler, Mark. Preaching from the Fourth the Loss of Intimacy. 81-87. Gospel for Occasional Services. 404-412. (Texts in Context) Lokken, Paul J. Word, World, and a Post- Skiba, Richard J. Celebrating the Reforma- modern Theology of Law. 289-296. tion in an Ecumenical Age: Common Lose, David J. Martin Luther on Preaching Lenten Renewal. 424, 426. (Face to Face) the Law. 253-261. Smith, Archie, Jr. “Look and See If There Is Luther, Donald J. The Mystery of the Any Sorrow Like My Sorrow?” Systemic Transfiguration: Luke 9:28-36 (37-43). Metaphors for Pastoral Theology and 92-102. (Texts in Context) Care. 5-15. 451 Word & World 21/4 « Fall 2001 Smith, D. Moody. Johannine Studies since Hunsinger, George. Disruptive Grace: Stud- Bultmann. 343-351. ies in the Theology of Karl Barth. Gregory Snook, Lois M. Listening and Learning in Walter, 104-108. Africa. 183-190. Hurtado, Larry W. At the Origins of Chris- Solari-Twadell, Phyllis Ann. Parish Nurs- tian Worship: The Context and Character ing: Clarifying the Relationships among of Earliest Christian Devotion. Clayton J. Faith, Health, and Values. 75-80. Schmit, 210-213. Thompson, Marianne Meye. What Is the Hiitter, Reinhard. Suffering Divine Things: Gospel of John? 333-342. Theology as Church Practice. Mary Eliza- beth Anderson, 103-104. Zachman, Randall C. What Do Theologi- ans Mean by Law? 235-242. Kirk, J. Andrew. What Is Mission? Theologi- cal Explorations. Craig Moran, 318-319. Reviews Limburg, James. Psalms. Rolf Jacobson, Blackwell, Albert. The Sacred in Music. Paul 428-430. Westermeyer, 113-115. Marty, Martin, with Jonathan Moore. Edu- Brown, William P. Ecclesiastes. Christine cation, Religion, and the Common Good: Roy Yoder, 306-307. Advancinga Distinctly American Conver- Bunge, Marcia J., ed. The Child in Christian sation about Religion’s Role in Our Shared Thought. Mary E. Hess, 440-442. Life. Paul Westermeyer, 322-324. Cimino, Richard. Trusting the Spirit: Re- Milbank, John, Catherine Pickstock, and newal and Reform in American Religion. Graham Ward, eds. Radical Orthodoxy: Craig Van Gelder, 434-436. A New Theology. Clint Schnekloth, 312- 318. Clark, Stephen B. Catholics and the Eucha- rist: A Scriptural Introduction. Mark F. Moltmann, Jiirgen. God for a Secular Soci- Whitters, 110-113. ety: The Public Relevance of Theology. Mark C. Mattes, 206-208. Dawn, Marva. A Royal “Waste” of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Novak, Ralph Martin. Christianity and the Church for the World. Robert Brusic, Roman Empire: Background Texts. Sarah 213-214. Henrich, 430-434. Dawn, Marva, and Eugene Peterson. The Pahl, Jon. Youth Ministry in Modern Amer- Unnecessary Pastor: Rediscovering the ica: 1930 to the Present. David Everson, Call. Ken Jones, 115-116. 217-218. de Borchgrave, Helen. A Journey into Chris- Parks, Sharon Daloz. Big Questions, Worthy tian Art. Robert Brusic, 324-328. Dreams: Mentoring Young Adults in Their Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Farrow, Douglas. Ascension and Ecclesia: Faith. Robert Brusic, 442-444. On the Significance of the Doctrine of the Ascension for Ecclesiology and Christian Reed, Jonathan L. Archaeology and the Gali- Cosmology. Mark C. Mattes, 108-110. lean Jesus: A Reexamination of the Evi- dence. James L. Boyce, 202-204. Gunton, Colin E., ed. Trinity, Time, and Church: A Response to the Theology of Van Gelder, Craig. The Essence of the Robert W. Jenson. Mark C. Mattes, 436- Church: A Community Created by the 440. Spirit. Mark C. Mattes, 214-217. Harline, Craig, and Eddy Put. A Bishop’s Victorin-Vangerud, Nancy M. The Raging Tale: Mathias Hovius among His Flock in Hearth: Spirit in the Household of God. Seventeenth Century Flanders. Clint Lee E. Snook, 208-210. Schnekloth, 444-448. Wright, Tim. The Prodigal Hugging Church: Hultgren, Arland J. The Parables of Jesus: A A Scandalous Approach to Mission for the Commentary. Luke Steiner, 307-310. 21st Century. Alan Chan, 319-322. 452

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