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Word & World Volume XII, Number 4 Fall 1992 Index to Volume XII (1992) Articles Abundant Life for All: Reflections on the Ecumenical Debate about Economic Issues, Emilio Castro. 352-359. African-American Churches and Christopher Columbus, Peter J. Paris. 111-115. The Autumn Leaves: Pages from the Psalter for Late Pentecost, James Limburg. 272-277. (Texts in Context) Christ as Divine Narcissus: A Theological Analysis of “El Divino Narciso” by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Pamela Kirk. 146-153. The Christiansen Tradition in Sacred Choral Music, Anton Armstrong. 250-255. Columbus from the Native American Perspective: What Have We Learned in 500 Years? Steven Charleston. 106-110. The Complexities of Economics and Justice in the Middle East, Carol Schersten LaHurd and Ryan A. LaHurd. 390-401. Concerning New Things and Old: A Reading of Centesimus Annus, Charles R. Strain. 360-369. The Distant Triumph Song: Music and the Book of Revelation, Craig R. Koester. 243-249. The Experience of the Hispanic Church in the Americas, Raymond S. Rosales. 129-137. Faithful in the Face of Change, Gracia Grindal. 221-228. For the Renewal of Repentance: The Lukan Texts for Lent, Gary M. Simpson. 59-63. (Texts in Context) Free Speech in Pauline Political Theology, David Fredrickson. 345-351. The Goal of Ecumenism: A Celebration of Differences, Roy A. Harrisville. 65, 67. (Face to Face) The Goal of Ecumenism: A Unified Witness, Carl A. Volz. 64, 66. (Face to Face) God's Faithfulness to the Faithless People: Trends in Interpretation of Luke-Acts, Jacob Jervell. 29-36. Hearing Peter’s Speech in Acts 3: Meaning and Truth in Interpretation, Donald Juel. 43-51. How Shall We Read the History of Christianity in the Americas? Ronald E. Osborn. 123-128. Interpretation of Luke-Acts and Implications for Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Anthony J. Saldarini. 37-42. Justification in Its Reformation Context: Beyond Confessional Fundamentalism, Craig L. Nessan. 278-291. The Kings of the Gentiles and the Leader Who Serves: Luke 22:24-30, David L. Tiede. 23-28. “The Lamb Who Was Slain Has Begun His Reign. Amen!” Texts from the Revelation to John for the Sundays of Easter, James H. Burtness. 182-187. (Texts in Context) Listening to John and Paul on the Subject of Gospel and Scripture, J. Louis Martyn. 68-81. 428 Word & World Volume XII, Number 4 Fall 1992 Index to Volume XII (1992) Articles Abundant Life for All: Reflections on the Ecumenical Debate about Economic Issues, Emilio Castro. 352-359. African-American Churches and Christopher Columbus, Peter J. Paris. 111-115. The Autumn Leaves: Pages from the Psalter for Late Pentecost, James Limburg. 272-277. (Texts in Context) Christ as Divine Narcissus: A Theological Analysis of “El Divino Narciso” by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Pamela Kirk. 146-153. The Christiansen Tradition in Sacred Choral Music, Anton Armstrong. 250-255. Columbus from the Native American Perspective: What Have We Learned in 500 Years? Steven Charleston. 106-110. The Complexities of Economics and Justice in the Middle East, Carol Schersten LaHurd and Ryan A. LaHurd. 390-401. Concerning New Things and Old: A Reading of Centesimus Annus, Charles R. Strain. 360-369. The Distant Triumph Song: Music and the Book of Revelation, Craig R. Koester. 243-249. The Experience of the Hispanic Church in the Americas, Raymond S. Rosales. 129-137. Faithful in the Face of Change, Gracia Grindal. 221-228. For the Renewal of Repentance: The Lukan Texts for Lent, Gary M. Simpson. 59-63. (Texts in Context) Free Speech in Pauline Political Theology, David Fredrickson. 345-351. The Goal of Ecumenism: A Celebration of Differences, Roy A. Harrisville. 65, 67. (Face to Face) The Goal of Ecumenism: A Unified Witness, Carl A. Volz. 64, 66. (Face to Face) God's Faithfulness to the Faithless People: Trends in Interpretation of Luke-Acts, Jacob Jervell. 29-36. Hearing Peter’s Speech in Acts 3: Meaning and Truth in Interpretation, Donald Juel. 43-51. How Shall We Read the History of Christianity in the Americas? Ronald E. Osborn. 123-128. Interpretation of Luke-Acts and Implications for Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Anthony J. Saldarini. 37-42. Justification in Its Reformation Context: Beyond Confessional Fundamentalism, Craig L. Nessan. 278-291. The Kings of the Gentiles and the Leader Who Serves: Luke 22:24-30, David L. Tiede. 23-28. “The Lamb Who Was Slain Has Begun His Reign. Amen!” Texts from the Revelation to John for the Sundays of Easter, James H. Burtness. 182-187. (Texts in Context) Listening to John and Paul on the Subject of Gospel and Scripture, J. Louis Martyn. 68-81. 428 Index to Volume XII The Lutheran Venture and the American Experiment, Todd W. Nichol. 154-164. The Matthean Advent Gospels, James Arne Nestingen. 406-412. (Texts in Context) The Meaning of Jesus’ Death in Luke, Susan R. Garrett. 11-16. Moral Discourse on Economic Justice: Considerations from the Old Testament, Richard Nysse. 337-344. Music Resources for Liturgy and Congregational Use, Richard Webb. 261-267. The New Age: A Call for Dialogue, Catherine Groves. 268, 270. (Face to Face) The New Age: Called to Grace, Jane Strohl. 269, 271. (Face to Face) The North American Free Trade Agreement: A Study in Economics and Justice, Randy A. Nelson. 383-389. Observing Columbus Day: Legislative Resolutions, Kathleen Fleury. 173-177. One Small Step, FrederickJ .G aiser. 3-4. (Editorial) Ordained Diaconate: A Narrowing of Ministry, Frederick K. Wentz. 178, 180. (Face to Face) Ordained Diaconate: A Renewal of Ministry, Madelyn Herman Busse. 179, 181. (Face to Face) The Present State of Church Music: Historical and Theological Reflections, Paul Westermeyer. 214-220. Quotas in Church Governance: Need to Be Rescinded, Meg Madson. 403, 405. (Face to Face) Quotas in Church Governance: Not the Problem, Mary M. Knutsen. 402, 404. (Face to Face) Reading the Bible in the American Context, Roy A. Harrisville. 165-172. Reconsidering Christopher Columbus and the Recovery of a Biblical Theology of Mission, Wi Jo Kang. 116-122. Religion and Politics in America, Walter Sundberg. 376-382. Rollicking Advice for Evil Days: A Biblical Rationale for Christian Singing, Marc Kolden. 236-242. The Roman Catholic Missionary Experience in Ibero-America, Stafford Poole. 138-145. Salvation in Luke-Acts, Mark Allan Powell. 5-10. Shoehorn or Two-edged Sword? FrederickJ .G aiser. 211-213. (Editorial) The Things We Were, the Things We Do, FrederickJ .G aiser. 103-105. (Editorial) A “Third World” Look at the American Common Good, Winston D. Persaud. 330-336. Wealth and Virtue: The Moral Case for Capitalism, Michael Novak. 321-329. What a Difference a Day Makes, FrederickJ .G aiser. 319-320. (Editorial) What Gift Can We Bring: A Pastoral Musician Looks at the United Methodist Hymnal, John Yarrington. 256-260. What Is Equality? Jack Schwandt. 370-375. What Kind of King? What Kind of Kingdom? A Study of Luke, Robert C. Tannehill. 17-22. Which Way Are You Leaning? John Carl Ylvisaker. 229-235. Authors Armstrong, Anton. The Christiansen Tradition in Sacred Choral Music. 250-255. Burtness, James H. “The Lamb Who Was Slain Has Begun His Reign. Amen!” Texts from the Revelation to John for the Sundays of Easter. 182-187. (Texts in Context) Busse, Madelyn Herman. Ordained Diaconate: A Renewal of Ministry. 179, 181. (Face to Face) Castro, Emilio. Abundant Life for All: Reflections on the Ecumenical Debate about Economic Issues. 352-359. Charleston, Steven. Columbus from the Native American Perspective: What Have We Learned in 500 Years? 106-110. Fleury, Kathleen. Observing Columbus Day: Legislative Resolutions. 173-177. 429 Word & World Fredrickson, David. Free Speech in Pauline Political Theology. 345-351. Gaiser, Frederick J. One Small Step. 3-4. (Editorial) . Shoehorn or Two-edged Sword? 211-213. (Editorial) . The Things We Were, the Things We Do. 103-105. (Editorial) . What a Difference a Day Makes. 319-320. (Editorial) Garrett, Susan R. The Meaning of Jesus’ Death in Luke. 11-16. Grindal, Gracia. Faithful in the Face of Change. 221-228. Groves, Catherine. The New Age: A Call for Dialogue. 268, 270. (Face to Face) Harrisville, Roy A. The Goal of Ecumenism: A Celebration of Differences. 65, 67. (Face to Face) . Reading the Bible in the American Context. 165-172. Jervell, Jacob. God’s Faithfulness to the Faithless People: Trends in Interpretation of Luke- Acts. 29-36. Juel, Donald. Hearing Peter’s Speech in Acts 3: Meaning and Truth in Interpretation. 43-51. Kang, Wi Jo. Reconsidering Christopher Columbus and the Recovery of a Biblical Theology of Mission. 116-122. Kirk, Pamela. Christ as Divine Narcissus: A Theological Analysis of “El Divino Narciso” by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. 146-153. Knutsen, Mary M. Quotas in Church Governance: Not the Problem. 402, 404. (Face to Face) Koester, Craig R. The Distant Triumph Song: Music and the Book of Revelation. 243-249. Kolden, Marc. Rollicking Advice for Evil Days: A Biblical Rationale for Christian Singing. 236-242. LaHurd, Carol Schersten, and Ryan A. LaHurd. The Complexities of Economics and Justice in the Middle East. 390-401. Limburg, James. The Autumn Leaves: Pages from the Psalter for Late Pentecost. 272-277. (Texts in Context) Madson, Meg. Quotas in Church Governance: Need to Be Rescinded.403, 405. (Face to Face) Martyn, J. Louis. Listening to John and Paul on the Subject of Gospel and Scripture. 68-81. Nelson, Randy A. The North American Free Trade Agreement: A Study in Economics and Justice. 383-389. Nessan, Craig L. Justification in Its Reformation Context: Beyond Confessional Fundamen- talism. 278-291. Nestingen, James Arne. The Matthean Advent Gospels. 406-412. (Texts in Context) Nichol, Todd W. The Lutheran Venture and the American Experiment. 154-164. Novak, Michael. Wealth and Virtue: The Moral Case for Capitalism. 321-329. Nysse, Richard. Moral Discourse on Economic Justice: Considerations from the Old Testa- ment. 337-344. Osborn, Ronald E. How Shall We Read the History of Christianity in the Americas? 123-128. Paris, Peter J. African-American Churches and Christopher Columbus. 111-115. Persaud, Winston D. A “Third World” Look at the American Common Good. 330-336. Poole, Stafford. The Roman Catholic Missionary Experience in Ibero-America. 138-145. Powell, Mark Allan. Salvation in Luke-Acts. 5-10. Rosales, Raymond S. The Experience of the Hispanic Church in the Americas. 129-137. Saldarini, Anthony J. Interpretation of Luke-Acts and Implications for Jewish-Christian Dialogue. 37-42. Schwandt, Jack. What Is Equality? 370-375. Simpson, Gary M. For the Renewal of Repentance: The Lukan Texts for Lent. 59-63. (Texts in Context) Strain, Charles R. Concerning New Things and Old: A Reading of Centesimus Annus. 360-369. Strohl, Jane. The New Age: Called to Grace. 269, 271. (Face to Face) 430 Index to Volume XII Sundberg, Walter. Religion and Politics in America. 376-382. Tannehill, Robert C. What Kind of King? What Kind of Kingdom? A Study of Luke. 17-22. Tiede, David L. The Kings of the Gentiles and the Leader Who Serves: Luke 22:24-30. 23-28. Volz, Carl A. The Goal of Ecumenism: A Unified Witness. 64, 66. (Face to Face) Webb, Richard. Music Resources for Liturgy and Congregational Use. 261-267. Wentz, Frederick K. Ordained Diaconate: A Narrowing of Ministry. 178, 180. (Face to Face) Westermeyer, Paul. The Present State of Church Music: Historical and Theological Reflec- tions. 214-220. Yarrington, John. What Gift Can We Bring: A Pastoral Musician Looks at the United Methodist Hymnal. 256-260. Ylvisaker, John Carl. Which Way Are You Leaning? 229-235. Reviews Aaseng, Rolf E. A Beginner’s Guide to Studying the Bible. Marilyn Preus, 415-418. Brueggemann, Walter. Interpretation and Obedience: From Faithful Reading to Faithful Living. Walter C. Bouzard, Jr., 189-192. Craddock, Fred. Luke. Walter E. Pilgrim, 414-415. Cone, James H. Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or a Nightmare. Lewis V. Baldwin, 298-301. Darr, Katheryn Pfisterer. Far More Precious Than Jewels: Perspectives on Biblical Women. Julie Galambush, 292-293. Enquist, Roy J. Namibia: Land of Tears, Land of Promise. Lois M. Snook, 203-208. Felder, Cain Hope, ed. Stony the Road We Trod: African-American Biblical Interpretation. Peter Theodore Nash, 418-419. Ferm, Robert L. Piety, Purity, Plenty: Images of Protestantism in America. Russell Graef, 311-314. Ford, S. Dennis. Sins of Omission: A Primer on Moral Indifference. Craig L. Nessan, 297-298. Garrett, Susan R. The Demise of the Devil: Magic and the Demonic in Luke’s Writings. James Hanson, 86-87. Hampson, Daphne. Theology and Feminism. Jessia Crist, 424-426. Hopper, David H. Technology, Theology, and the Idea of Progress. Roger E. Timm, 301-302. Jacobson, Diane L., and Robert Kysar. A Beginner’s Guide to the Books of the Bible. Marilyn Preus, 415-418. Jersild, Paul. Making Moral Decisions: A Christian Approach to Personal and Social Ethics. Cordell Strug, 95-96. Juel, Donald H. Mark. Mark Allan Powell, 192-194. Koester, Craig R. A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Bible. Marilyn Preus, 415-418. Krieger, David J. The New Universalism: Foundations fora G lobal Theology. Winston D. Persaud, 198-203. Longenecker, Richard. Galatians. Roy A. Harrisville III, 83-86. Marsden, George M. Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism. William G. Travis, 310-311. McKnight, Scot. A Light among the Gentiles: Jewish Missionary Activity in the Second Temple Period. Mark G. Vitalis Hoffman, 293-295. Miller, Patrick D., Jr. Deuteronomy. Gary V. Smith, 188-189. Nicolson, Ronald. A Black Future? Jesus and Salvation in South Africa. Roy J. Enquist, 90-92. Oates, Wayne E. Temptation: A Biblical and Psychological Approach. Wendell Debner, 94-95. Oberman, Heiko A. Luther: Man between God and the Devil. William R. Russell, 92-94. Samartha, S. J. One Christ—Many Religions: Toward a Revised Christology. Winston D. Persaud, 198-203. Word & World Santmire, H. Paul. The Travail ofN ature: TheA mbiguous Ecological Promise of Christian Theology. Martin D. Wells, 422-424. Schreiter, Robert J., ed. Faces of Jesus in Africa. Lee E. Snook, 306-307. Schultze, Quentin J. Televangelism and American Culture—The Business of Popular Religion. Paul Romstad, 98-100. Schultze, Quentin J., et al. Dancing in the Dark: Youth, Popular Culture and the Electronic Media. Eric Burtness, 295-296. StuhImacher, Peter, ed. The Gospel and the Gospels. Robert H. Stein, 194-196. Thulin, Richard L. The ‘I’ of the Sermon. Richard Lischer, 196-198. Tostengard, Sheldon A. The Spoken Word. Richard Lischer, 196-198. Vawter, Bruce, and Leslie J. Hoppe. A New Heart: A Commentary on the Book of Ezekiel. Paul Nathan Hanson, 413-414. Volz, Carl A. Pastoral Life and Practice in the Early Church. Philip D. Krey, 419-422. Wentz, Richard E. Religion in the New World: The Shaping of Religious Traditions in the United States. L.D eAne Lagerquist, 314-316. Williamson, Clark M., and Ronald J. Allen. The Teaching Minister. C.O wen Christianson, Jr., 96-98. Wisnefske, Ned. Our Natural Knowledge of God: A Prospect for Natural Theology after Kant and Barth. Donald G. Luck, 304-306. Witherington, Ben, III. The Christology of Jesus. Richard W. Swanson, 87-90. Wright, Christopher J. H. God’s People in God’s Land: Family, Land and Property in the Old Testament. Hemchand Gossai, 82-83.

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