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~ Fully Revised and Expanded! The Most EffectivVeo cabulary Builder in the English Language! Word Power lade Easy Nonnan Lewis The simple, step-by-step method that will increase your knowledge and mastery of the English Language. The Coml!lete Handbook for Building aS uperior Vocabulary • Speak and write with confidence. • Read more effectively and efficiently. • Learn quickly. • Develop social contacts. • Increase your earning power. TEST YOUR VOCABULARY RANGE Ea,ch of these phrases contains one italicized word. Check the closest definition of each such word. To keep your score valid, refrain, as far as possible, from wild guessing. 1. disheveled appearance: (a) untidy, (b) fierce, (c) foolish, (d) pecul"ar, (e) unhappy 2. a baffling problem: (a) difficult, (b) simple, (c) puzzling, (d) long, (e) new 3. lenient parent: (a) tall, (b) not strict, (c) wise, (d) foolish, (e) severe 4. repulsive personality: (a) disgusting, (b) attractive, (c) normal, (d) confused, (e) conceited S. audacious attempt: (a) useless, (b) bold, (c)foolish, (d) crazy, (e) necessary 6. parry a blow: (a) ward off, (b) fear, (c) expect, (d) invite, (e) ignore 7. prevalent disease: (a) dangerous, (b) catching, (c) childhood, (d) fatal, (e) widespread 8. ominous report: (a) loud, (b) threatening, (c) untrue, (d) serious, (e) unpleasant 9. an incredible story: (a) true, (b) interesting, (c) well-known, (d) unbelievable,- (e) unknown 10. an ophthalmologist: (a) eye doctor, (b) skin doctor, (c) foot doctor, (d) heart doctor, (e) cancer specialist 11. will supersede the old law: (a) enforce, {b) specify penalties for, (c) take the place of, {d) repeal, (el continue 12. an anonymous donor: (a) generous, (b) stingy, (c) well-known, (d) one whose name is not known, (e) reluctant 13. performed an autopsy: (a) exam.ination of living tissue, (b) examination of a corpse to determine the cause of death, (c) process in the manufacture of optical lenses, (d) operation to cure an organic disease, (e) series of questions to determine the causes of delinquent behavior 14. an indefatigable worker: (a) well-paid, (b) tired, (c) skillful, (d) tireless, (e) pleasant 15. a confirmed atheist: (a) ba:helor, (b) disbeliever in God, (c) believer in religion, (d) believer in science, (e) priest Books by Norman Lewis 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary (written with Wl1fred Funk) Word Power Made Easy Published by POCKET BOOKS -Norman Lewis Word Power Made Easy The Complete Handbook for Building A Superior Vocabulary Expanded and Completely Revised Edition POCKET BOOKS New York London Toronto Sydney The sale of this book without its cover is unauthorized. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as "unsold and destroyed." Neither the author nor the publisher has received payment for the sale of this "stripped book ... For information regarding special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Simon & Schuster Special Sales at 1-800-456-6798 or [email protected] The extract from "Be a Perfect Speller in 30 Minutes," by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1946, by Esquire, Inc. Reprinted from February 1946 Coronet. The extract from "How to Spell a Word," by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1948, by Esquire, Inc. Reprinted from January 1949 Coronet. The extract from "Mind Over Grammar," by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1947, by Fawcett Publications, Inc. The extract from "Can You Catch a Misspelled Word," by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1948, by Fawcett Publications, Inc. The extract from "Watch That Word," by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1948, by Fawcett Publications, Inc. POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY I 0020 Copyright 1949, © 1978 by Norman Lewis All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Doubleday and Company, Inc., 245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017 ISBN -13: 978-0-671-74190-7 ISBN -10: 0-671-74190-X First Pocket Books printing (rcvi~cd edition) Augu~t 1979 50 49 48 POCKET and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. TO: My family and friends, who accepted, without apparent resent ment and with barely audible complaint, my complete self-isola tion during the many months in which I totally and shamefully neglected them while working on the revision of this book. Especially: Mary; Margie Baldinger and the kids; Debbie and Allen Hubbert; Milton Lewis; Karen and Bob Kopfstein; Leonard Vogel, one of America's great painters, and Shirley; gourmet cooks David and Janice Potts; Seymour and Nan Prog; Ruth and Leo; Dave and Jan Hopkins; Carol and Mazyin Colter; Bob Fin nerty, my chess opponent, who says that winning is all that counts; Doris Garcia; Eleanor and Robert Poitou; Mary El and Dick Gayman- Walter Garcia, Len Grandy, Don Jenkins; Sally Landsburg; Ted and Margaret Snyder; Jean Bryan; Rhoda and Ralph Duene wald; George and Phyllis Juric; Bob and Monica Myers, Tony and Kathy Garcia, Jean Kachaturian; Margie Lopez and Jo Wat son- Myrtle and Ace, Donny and Estelle, Helen and Ben, Judy and Bob, Doris and Muriel, Danny and Mary; in memoriam, Max and Frances- Larry Scher, Chuck Nichamin, Sue Sullivan, Rosemary and Debbie Greenman, Alice Hessing, Dave and Lynn Bisset, Danny Hernandez, John Arcadi and Peggy Arcadi, Norm Ashley, Aaron Breitbart- Lorin and Gloria Warner, Marty and Ros Chodos, Mahlon and Gwen Woirhaye, Leon and Kay East, Marijane and Paul Paulsen, Helen and Russ Hurford, Elior and Sally Kinarthy_ Carolyn Russell, Rod Sciborski, Vera Laushkin, John Hahn, Liz Johnson, Leonora Davila, Jim Hawley, Jerry Lenington, Jay Loughran, Susan Obler, Marilyn Houseman, Rita Scott, Chris Hamilton, Joan Nay, Mary Lewis, Virginia Sandoval, Hazel Haas- The staff and all my students at Rio Hondo College- My editor at Doubleday, Jean Anne Vincent, who so patiently anq cheerfully goaded, prodded, pushed, wheedled, and cajoled me into finishing on time. Also: I wish to thank Karen Kopfstein and Peggy Chulack for their promptness and care in typing the manuscript. Whittier, California January 1978 CONTENTS How toU se This Boofko r Maximum Benefit xv Why this is not a book to be read; how to learn to pronounce the new words cor rectly; how the etymological approach works better than any other method for learning words quickly .and permanently; how to master nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in five to ten minutes; how to use the psychological principles of learning to sharpen your verbal skills. PART ONE GETIING OFF TO A GOOD START 1. How to Test Your Present Vocabulary 3 How vocabulary growth of the average adult compares with that of children; a simple. test to show you whether your vo cabulary is below average, average, above average, excellent, or superior in range, verbal speed, and responsiveness; impor tant evidence of the close relationship be tween vocabulary and success. vii 2. How to Start Building Your Vocabulary 19 How building your vocabulary will enrich your thinking, increase your self-assurance in speaking and writing, and give you a better understanding of the world and of yourself; why it is necessary to recapture the "powerful urge to learn"; why your age makes little difference; how this book is designed to build a college-size vocabulary in two to three months. 3. How to Talk about Personality Types 26 (Sessions 1-3) Words that describe all kinds and sorts of people, including terms for self-interest, re actions to the world, attitudes to others, skill and awkwardness, marital states, hatred of man, of woman, and of marriage. How one session of pleasant work can add more words to your vocabulary than the average adult learns in an entire year; why it is necessary to develop a comfortable ·time schedule and then stick to it. 4. How to Talk About Doctors (Sessions 4-6) 54 Words that relate to medical specialists and specialties. Terms for experts in dis orders of the female organs; childhood diseases; skin ailments; skeletal deformi ties; heart ailments; disorders of the nerves, mind, and personality. How self discipline and persistence will ultimately lead to complete mastery over words. viii S. How to Talk About Various Practitioners 81 (Sessions 7-10) Words that describe a variety of profes sions, including those dealing with the human mind; teeth; vision; feet; handwrit ing; aging; etc. How you are becoming more and more conscious of the new words you meet in your reading. 6. How to Talk About Science and Scientists 115 (Sessions 11-13) Words that describe students of human development, of the heavens, of the earth, of plant and animal life, of insect forms, of words and language, of social organ ization. Books on psychology that will add imiileasurably both to your store of new words and ideas, and also to your under standing of yourself and of other people. 7. How to Talk About Liars and Lying 148 (Sessions 14-17) Words that accurately label different types of liars and lying. Terms that relate to fame, artistry, reform, heredity, time, place, suffering, etc. Four lasting benefits you have begun to acquire from your work in vocabulary building. 8. How to Check Your Progress: Comprehensive Test I (Session 18) 182 A 120-item test of your learning in Part I. ix

The most effective vocabulary builder in the English language provides a simple, step-by-step method that will increase your knowledge and mastery of written and spoken English. Word Power Made Easy does more than just add words to your vocabulary. It teaches ideas and a method of broadening your knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process.   Do you always use the right word? Can you pronounce it—and spell it—correctly? Do you know how to avoid illiterate expressions? Do you speak grammatically, without embarrassing mistakes? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you need Word Power Made Easy. Written in a lively, accessible, and timeless style, and loaded with helpful reviews, progress checks, and quizzes to reinforce the material, this classic resource has helped millions learn to speak and write with confidence. 
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