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WORDM AGIC TesAtnesdwt e1or0 Es0v erSyidayt uations BY ELMEWRH EELER Authoofr "TSeesntteetdnh caSetes l" lE"l;m Wehre eler's TesPtuebdSl pieca kTih11Begll "s;i M11oevsise , "WorMda gic" IllustbryRa otdiloWoniwsl lard NEWY ORK1:� 39 PRENTICE-LH,IA NLC. CoPYI\IGHT1,9 3B9Y, ELMERWH EELER Al.LI UGHJ'$ RES£kV.ED.N O PART OP THIS IOOE. MAY 82 JlEPI.ODUc.£0I N ANY 701\.M.:8,Y M1M£0Gl\APH 01. ANT OTHlfk MEANS, Cl'lTHOUT PE'-1.USStON IN' WI\ITJNO Paoli THEA UTHOl, FirsPtr int.i ngA pr1i9l3 9 SecoPnrdi nti1A1pgr 1i9l3 9 ThirPdr int.i ngA pr1i9l3 9 FourPtrhi ntNionvge.m b1e9r3 9 Pl\.lNT.20l N THE UNlTEDS TATESO P A.MU.le.A. .... PUBLISHFEORRSE'W ORD ABOUTT EN yeaargsao n ewspampaendr e velaonpi edde a foirn cresaasltiehnsrg o aum gohr eeff ectuisovefwe o rds. NowE,l meWrh eelietorsr, i ginhaatpsou rti, n ttoh is new boofku ntdhaem epnrtianlcr iepslpeosn fsoihrbi lse succaenshdsa s adtahpettmoeh de lypo mue etth omsaen y perssointaula ctoinofnrso ynotuai thn ogm ei,nt hoeffi ce, anidn s ociety. Nom attwehroy oaur neo,m attwehray to upro siitni on liifsye,o due peunpdo wno rfdosyr o usru ccaenshdsa ppi­ nesTsh.er igwhotr cdaswn i ny oauj oabw ,i foera, p ro­ motioTnh.ew ronwgo rdcsa nl osfer iefnodyrso ui n socilailf bel,o ycoku prr ogrienbs uss inoerms ask,ye o u miysosu bri cgh ance. Thev itiamlp ortoaftn hcreei gwhotr dastt he right timeb eheapnsu tto d ollars-uasnbedy -M crWe.hn etesl er fors ucsha loersg anizaasTt hieoH noso veCro mpany, StatHloetreJ losh,n s-MaCnovriplolreaa tnAidmo enr,i can AirliWnheastM. r .W heelhearis l redaodnyfe o sra les peopilnhe ie sa rlbioeoTrke , sSteendt enTcheaSste hleli ,s doifnogyr o iun W orMda gic. iii PUBLISHEFROSR'E WORD Het elylowush attos awyh ecno nfrownittaehned m ­ barrassistiunaght oiwto ons ,e cure cpoeooppelrea'tsi on, howt oh andslueb ordhionwat tode esaw,li tshu periors, evewnh attos atyot hter acffiocwp h oc atcyhoesusp eed­ mg. Yowui lliltk hebi oso fkoi rtk se ehno,m eblayc,k -to-the­ woodpsh ilosMorp.Wh hye.e hlaetsra kaenno rdinarily serisouubsja encddtr amatiistzo te hdaa tn yocnaepn u itt toi mmedainapdtr ea cutsiec.a l THEP UBLISHERS, iv INTRODUCTION THEN EW WORGDA ME- "SIZZLEGRAMS" yocu auns e tog ewth ayto u HERE'SH OW WoRD MAGIC wanitnl ife-jtohtbah,tas tw eethoerta hrapttr, o motion. Everpye rspolna,co ert, h ihnagis t ssi zzles-those arouosfee rmso tiuorngaels m atkhpeae to pwlaens to me­ thionrgm ,a kteh elmi ykoebu e tter. Yousri zzalryeeos u oru tstasnedlilpniogni gn ts-the thitnhgasat ra esi ndivwiidtyuhoa auls y ouorw nt humb print. Somoefy ohua vmeo rsei zztlheaosnt hesrosm;e times thessiez azrlbeeu sr ideedeb pe ltohwse u rfBauctteh .e y're therIet.j' usas m ta ttoefdr i ggtihnegom u otr r efining themT.o h elypo uI,a mg iviynogut hniesw g amoef "Sizzlebgarsaoemndts h ,fie"v Weh eelerpoints. DON'STE LTLH ES TEAK-STEHLELS IZZLE (Whecler1p)o int Wheny ous eaes tesaikz zolnia np lga twtheeryn,o u heiatsri zzyloiunmrgo ,u twha teYrosuw. a nitt -you're sold. Soi,nm yl exitchoseni ,z sztlaenf dossra labIitl'ist y. v THEN EWW ORDG AM-E" SIZZLEGRAMS" thsei zzlneo-ttah ncedo w-tsheatlthl sest eaalkt,h ough thceo wo,fc ourimssie g,h itmyp ortant. Whyn otta kate i fpr osma lteesc hnainqsdut ert ehses siziznyl oeusr self? Yousrm ifloeer,x amplef-ryioeunrdy loiupnrae rs­s, tiyeosu,sr y olfed rehsosb,b jioeksse,is n,c emroidteys,t y, enersgeyno,sff e a irness,f orrfe amceumlbtbeyir ritnhg­ dayasnn da mes-tthhiyeno gsusa ayn tdh wea yy osua y theamry eo usri zzles. Takae" waalrko uynodu rsPeulytfo .us"ri zizntl hees ordoefwr h aott hersy-ounroste lfa-rtiehm ipnokr tant. Ic atlhl"i Yos u -abiliatbyi"tl-oityt hoyiu" nrYk o u," no"tI y";o uarb itloi t"syYa oyun ,o""tI ." Dont'atal bko "umtyc amry,h ommey,c hilmdyr en, trtioCp a lifoTranlaikba o.tu"ht oe t hfeerl lcoawr',s his homhei,cs h ildHrIeSTn R,It Po C alifoBrneai r ae.a l GradSei-zAz Ulse"erY .o u-ability." "DONW'RTI TE-TELEGRAPH" (Wheelerpoint 2) Aftyeoru 'fvoeut nhdce o rrseicztiz nly eosu rtsheel f, nexitm porsttaientsptoe xprtehsetsmoo thteerlse graph­ ically! Peopfloers mn ajpu dentosfy ouw hicihn fluence gm thefmoa rl ontgi mteoc ome. Thihnokwm antyi myeosu b'eveebn o rbeyfd o lwkhso clututpte hre ciorn verwsiatsthui coahmn e sosfd etails thyaotlu o tsrta ocftk h mea ipno ints! Sometyiomuefirsr s1t0w ordsy-oourfir r s1t0s ec­ onds-aasir mep oratsta hnnete x1t0 ,000! Thiisst hsep lit-asgeec-otnniodm f eo hro rse-and­ bugigdye oarps r esentBaotyiiolou wnros r.rd isg dhotw n vi THEN EWW ORDG AME- "SIZZLEGRAMS" tot hmee atL.e atrnh aer otfs peeudpic nogn versation­ ofp utteivneygno ubri tgh ougihntt1so0 -seccaopn­d sultehsa tta kper ecedjeunsactsae telegtraakme s precedeanl ceet toevre.r Fintdhs ei zzwlhea tieynvo aeurr te r ytiogn egat c ross; theenx prtehsseis z iznal t ee legsrtaaptheimcYe onut . wihlalv aefi rst-Scilzazslrsee gartdaobym e s erwvheidl e its tirisel hdlo t. "SAYI TW ITHF LOWERS" ( Wbeel3e)r point Most sewnotrbeken tcwteheser bn a ckuepwd i tahp ­ propraicattiaeon nds geWsetauwkro ersad.rss e t rength­ enefdo;r cweofrudtlsa koena ddmeeda niTnhgu.s , after fyoouuyn'odvu seri zaznledex preistts eelde graph­ icaflolryty,io fuwyro rds. Whayto duo a sy osup eiaasks i mporatswa hnatyt o u sayT.h em ovemoefny to uhra ndtshs,em iolney o ur facteha,et tiotfyu oduebr o dy-taetllhlloe t hpeerr son , asm ucahn odtf e mno rteh ayno uwro rds. Donh'atv «ez azPui thtasn dwsa,v"i hnegl pliens sly mid-aAvi ori«.ds emahpahnodrflsey, ia"nb go tuhtoe t her persPoeno.p wlheom usdtu cyko uhra nwdisld lu ck youtrh oughts. Bacukpy ouwro rwdist shh owmanshiypo-ufro rtify thouwgihttdhsr amaac,t iaonmndo, r aec tion. "Thcea srt alrittkshe i ssa,My"rs J. o nsensa,p hpiisn g fingetroes m phahsoiwqz uei cikstlt ya rts. "Myr efrigiesar ssa itloaersnt thb eu rnoifnt gh is cigarseatMytrseS. ,m "i tghe,t taicnrgto oasf sr ijeunsdt hows ilheinnset w r efrigiesr.a/t or THEN EW WORDG AME- "SIZZLEGRAMS" TakaeT ifpr oSmt aPgeeo ple Watchho wa ctomrosv,si tea arnsdp, u blsipce akers swatyh epirro spweictathcs t iaoswn esla slw ordTsh.e n suppyooruotrw nt aslokt haittw onh'atn ignm id-air liaks ek eleton. DON'ATS KI F-ASWKH ICHf (Whepeolie4nr)t Wheyno ucro nverrseaatcithohepneso ianttw hich yowua ntto" feoeulty "o ulri stoeryn oeurr',er aetd oy clohseeri,yse o ur pvoiitnatl: Alwafyrsa ymoeu wro rsdost hayto gui vteho et her persaco hno biectew seoemne tahnisdno gm etehlisneg­ nevbeert wseomeent hainnndgo thing. Satyoh ubbuyA,rw eeg oionugtt o nidgehatra,?n "d chanacretesh ayto wui glelat n a utom"aNtoi.Yc"o u madieet a sfyoh ri tmo s a"yN oa"n hda rtdos a"yY es." Turtnh ep hraasreo uanndda ppltyhi "ss ee-saw methaondsd"e weh ahta ppens: You":W hesrheaw legl o t oniJgoeht,to ,t hCer iterion ort hRei aTlhteoa tre?" Joe (dwehciiscdhhio niwgts h ceh eap"eOrhI),g : u ess thRei ailgsto oo edn oudgeha,r ." Avosiady i"nDgot, h ise-losreI !ns"t seaa"ydW,,h ich doy opur eftehorir,st hat?" Gepte opmlien'fldsus c tubaettiwntegwe tonh iynogus wanttod o--aansdtk h e"mW,h idcoyh o wua nt?" "Whaitys o uorp iniwoingl?elm"t o rpee otphlien king anwdo rkiinyn ogu irn tetrheasnt' sraryMoipnigni,is o,n y wes hoguolt doa s hotwo night." viii THEN EW WORDG AME- "Sl%%LEGRAMS" Askt heo thpeerr s"ownh ic.wh.h, e"r "ew,h"e n," "wha"th,o"wt "h ewya nttod oa t hing"-info.t" Yocua n atphfpialsmy o pursi ntcoia pllmaeon sytt hing yout'arlek aibnogu tg-etatoc tfiroonom t hienry sou r favor! WATCHY OURB ARK! (Wbeelerpoint 5) Thwea yy osua ayt himnagyb ea si mporatswa hnatt yosua y. Thteo noeft hveo iocfetm eena ansmsu cahts h weo rds -fosrt aitasir ce al handicap! Thlei tdtolhgea o sn loynw eo radn odn tea tiowl a g; itt'hste one behihni"dsw ooafn"td h wea go fh itsa il thattey lolausn ythheiw nagn ts. Sow attchhbe a rtkh actac nr euenpi ntenitnitoon ally youvro icet,h weaa ngtd h actag ne bte hiynoduw ro rds wheyno lue ast suspect. Thep eanut cvaerhntada sow rh'issw tilteh only one toot,i"itt s hb reui tg« htto toots "ey lolpu e anuts. TheC igSatro Irned inaenvs eoral cd i gbaerc,a hues e lacakv eodi ce. Youvro iictseh cea rroifye orum re ssagefi.n esTth e sizizntl hewe o rlddr,e suspte edl egrawpihtbihoc ua­lly, queotfas c tion, oafn.w d.h ipclwhei,nfll"tol ywp i tah thud-yiofuv ro iicflsea t! Donb'eta J ohnny-onVea-rynyoo utvreo .iw ciet h youtrh oughthsi-gtthah,lel kno ws;l ow, fatshte.n Makyeo uvro idceel iavsie nrtye raesys otuitrnh go ughts. Youc ane'rtat shese p okweonr d-ssaoiy tc orrectly thfier tsitm e. Wordmso vpee opplhey sic"aLlelmyoc.na "u ysoeusr ix THEN EW WORDG AME- "SIZZLEGRAMS" moutthow ate«rc;o ttdorniu"ept s h meo ut0ha;l um" makyeosu lrip pusc ker. Keetph fiifst pho iinnmt i nd-towgiettthhho eetr h er fouTrh.e wyi hlelly pod ue v0iWsoerM da gitch"aw ti ll briynogsu u rprriessiiunnleg tv se ryytohduio n.g Letr'esp tehaetfis veWe h eelesr:p oint 1. Don'tS tSeealklt- hStSeehi lezl z le! 2.«DonW'rti te-Telegraph." 3."SaIytw itFhl owers." 4.DonA'stkI f-AWshki ch! 5.WatcYho uBra rk! Alolfw hiscuhm uspi ntmoyo wnI0 -seScioznzdl e­ gratmoy ou: Dont'hti snomk u cahb owuhtaY tO Uw anttos ay asw hatth OeT HER PERwSaOnNtt osh ear! THEN EW GAMEO F SIZZLEGRAMS Herneo ww,i tthh efisvepe o iinnmt isn idys,o ucrh ance top laayn ewf,a scinwaotrgidan mge -tGhaemo ef Sizgzrlaem s! This wgiadlmolte w toh ifnogyrso u: 1.Itw ielnlr aincpdho iunpyt o uvro cabulary. 2.Itw ilhle lypo us olsvuec cestshfmeu alnlyy troublesomteh aastri iitsneue va etriyodnasy life. Your easdi oxr s evseenn teunscetedoss olavne evearyys dituianty iooulnri faeny,do tuh etnrt yod e­ termwihnieoc fht htey pisceanlt einstc heTesE STED ANSWER. ,, PopM,o mS,i Bsi,tl hlbe,u tcahnetdrh ,be a ker-every­ bodcya pnl atyhn ieswg ameI.tw ihlelly pob uu iulpd x

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