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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ЛЕСОТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ Г.Ф. МОРОЗОВА» Ю.Ю. Дубровина В.Е. Кравец ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК WOOD PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES Part 2 Technologic Processes and Woodworking Equipment Учебное пособие Воронеж 2015 2 ББК 81.432.1-923 Д79 Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ» (протокол № 7 от 29 мая 2015 г.) Рецензенты: кафедра иностранных языков и деловой межкультурной коммуникации ФГБОУ ВПО Воронежский ГАУ; канд. филол. наук, доц. ВГПУ В.В. Безрукова Дубровина, Ю. Ю. Д79 Иностранный язык. Wood processing technologies. Part 2. Technologic Processes and Woodworking Equipment [Текст] : учебное пособие / Ю. Ю. Дубровина, В. Е. Кравец ; М-во образования и науки РФ, ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ». – Воронеж, 2015. – 99 с. ISBN 978-5-7994-0715-5 (ч. 2) (в обл.) ISBN 978-5-7994-0713-1 Учебное пособие знакомит студентов с терминологией по направлениям подготовки бакалавров 35.03.02 и магистров 35.04.02 – Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств, а также с грамматическими явлениями, характерными для английской научно-технической литературы, развивает навыки работы с аутентичными журналами по данным направлениям. Пособие состоит из текстов, взятых из оригинальных английских и американских периодических изданий, адаптированных для понимания студентами 1-2 курсов, а также магистрами. Послетекстовые упражнения направлены на закрепление лексического и грамматического материала текстов. Данное пособие будет способствовать формированию и совершенствованию навыков чтения, письма, говорения и перевода технической литературы. Учебное пособие по чтению и переводу текстов на английском языке предназначено для студентов по направлениям подготовки 35.03.02, 35.04.02 – Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств. ББК 81.432.1-923 © Дубровина Ю. Ю., Кравец В. Е., 2015 ISBN 978-5-7994-0715-5 (ч. 2) © ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный ISBN 978-5-7994-0713-1 лесотехнический университет имени Г.Ф. Морозова», 2015 3 Оглавление GRAMMAR..................................................................................................................5 The Passive voice……………………………………………………………………..5 The Infinitive…………………………………………..……………………………...8 The Participle (I and II).................................................................................................9 The Gerund………………………………………......................................................11 The Complex Subject…………………………………..............................................12 The Modal Verbs.........................................................................................................14 Тексты для бакалавров..............................................................................................24 Text 1. Wood panel products.......................................................................................24 Text 2. Particleboard...................................................................................................26 Text 3. Fiberboard.......................................................................................................28 Text 4. The Sawmill....................................................................................................30 Text 5. Log ponds………….......................................................................................32 Text 6. General principles of machining wood ..........................................................33 Text 7. The planning process…..................................................................................34 Text 8. Circular saws……………...............................................................................36 Тексты для магистров….…......................................................................................37 Dehumidification drying……………….....................................................................37 Vacuum kilns…………...............................................................................................39 Plywood and wafeboard..............................................................................................41 Mechanization and automation of sawmills...............................................................42 Double resaw…...........................................................................................................45 Texts for individual reading........................................................................................46 Cutter block…………….............................................................................................46 Patent cutters..…………………………......................................................................47 Shaving cutters………….….......................................................................................48 Saw filing…………………………….........................................................................49 Portable and stationary mills…………………...........................................................51 Portable band and gang mills......................................................................................52 Wood preservatives….……………………………………………………………....52 Preliminary treatment of wood ...................................................................................53 Pressure treatment…....................................................................................................54 Nonpressure treatment………………….....................................................................54 4 Diffusion treatment………………………………………..........................................55 Деловой английский язык……………………….....................................................58 Resume in English………….......................................................................................56 Деловое письмо..........................................................................................................65 Glossary.......................................................................................................................80 List of irregular verbs..................................................................................................93 Библиографический список......................................................................................97 5 GRAMMAR The Passive voice Спряжение глагола to take (брать, отводить) во временах группы Indefinite в Passive Voice Present Indefinite Passive I am taken I am not taken Am I taken? He is taken He is not taken Is he taken? She is taken She is not taken Is she taken? It is taken It is not taken Is it taken? We are taken We are not taken Are we taken? You are taken You are not taken Are you taken? They are taken They are not taken Are they taken? Past Indefinite Passive I was taken I was not taken Was I taken? He was taken He was not taken Was he taken? She was taken She was not taken Was she taken? It was taken It was not taken Was it taken? We were taken We were not taken Were we taken? You were taken You were not taken Were you taken? They were taken They were not taken Were they taken? Future Indefinite Passive I shall be taken I shall not be taken Shall I be taken? He will be taken He will not be taken Will he be taken? She will be taken She will not be taken Will she be taken? It will be taken It will not be taken Will it be taken? We shall be taken We shall not be taken You Shall we be taken? You will be taken will not be taken They will Will you be taken? They will be taken not be taken Will they be taken? Сравните: I take (я отвожу) – I am taken (меня отводят) I took (я отвел) – I was taken (меня отвели) I shall take (я отведу) – I shall be taken (меня отведут) 6 Таблица всех времен в Passive Voice Present Past Future Future in the Past Letters are written The letter was The letter will be (He said that) e t i n every day written yesterday written tomorrow the letter would be i f e d written the next day n I The letter is being The letter was - - s written now being written at u o u 5 o'clock n i t n yesterday o C The letter has The letter had The letter will (He said that) s u o ualready been been written by have been the letter would have n tc itwritten 5 o'clock written been written by 5 e n f o re C yesterday 5 o'clock o'clock the next day P t c e tomorrow fr e P Ex. 1. Find the verbs in the Passive Voice and disagree with the statements. 1. Very often the body of a joinery article is made of cheap species. 2. All the parts are covered with veneer of valuable species. 3. When wood is seasoned, its strength is increased greatly. 4. Pine is used very widely. 5. The raw material from which lumber is produced is logs of definite quality and size. 6. Forest lands were classified as commercial and non commercial. 7. Tremendous quantities of wood are consumed each year throughout the world 8. Softwood is primarily used for industrial purposes. Ex. 2. Put several questions to each sentence. 1. In industrial kilns no signs of corrosion were observed. 2. Very little research has been devoted to this problem over the past 20 years. 3. All the logs are milled and dried together. 4. Paints are applied to the wood surface and do not penetrate the wood deeply. 7 Ex. 3. Translate into Russian. 1. Joinery and furniture articles are made of wood. 2. In 1990, a second particleboard line was installed and a small log sawmill division was also established. 3. The sawdust is separated and taken to the particle board plant. 4. Sander dust is used as fuel source for the dryers. 5. Veneer is then dried to a moisture content of 8 - 15%. 6. The small mills are usually powered by steam or gasoline. 7. The equipment is maintained in good condition. Ex. 4. Complete the sentences using a suitable passive form of the verb in brackets. 1. Mercedes cars (make) in Germany. 2. Skiing (invent) in Norway. 3. It (recognize) that smoking is bad for you health. 4. The first car (power) by steam. 5. The first car (invent) by Nicolas Cugnot in France. 6. The first car (consider) to be noisy and dangerous. 7. The production of steel (increase) in the future. 8. Gunpowder (discover) in China. 9. English (speak) all over the world. 10. The results (announce) tomorrow morning. 11. Coca-cola (produce) since 1895. 12. Your car (repair)? Ex. 5. Turn from Active into Passive. 1. They speak English in the USA. 2. Bell invented the telephone. 3. The police arrested him. 4. Baird invented TV. 5. Egyptians built Pyramids. 6. He invited Mike to the party. 7. They will translate this article in time. 8. Somebody has stolen my car. 8 The Infinitive Запомните случаи, в которых инфинитив употребляется без частицы "to": - после модальных глаголов; - после глаголов to let и to make; - в сложном дополнении после глаголов восприятия: to see, to hear, to feel, etc. - после выражений: I would rather ..., you had better... Формы инфинитива Active Passive Indefinite to write to be written Continuous to be writing - Perfect to have written to have been written Perfect Continuous to have been writing - Что значат эти формы? Рассмотрите предложения, иллюстрирующие значение разных форм инфинитива. Чему я рад? Indefinite I am glad to speak with рад поговорить с вами you (всегда радуюсь, когда говорю) Continuous I am glad to be speaking рад, что сейчас e v with you разговариваю it c A Perfect I am glad to have spoken рад, что поговорил with you Perfect Continuous I am glad to have been рад, что уже давно (все speaking with you это время) разговариваю Indefinite I am (always) glad to be всегда рад, когда мне e told the news рассказывают новости v i s s Perfect I am glad to have been рад, что мне рассказали a P told the news 9 Сравните употребление: Сравните употребление: Active Infinitive и Passive Infinitive Indefinite Infinitive и Perfect Infinitive to write - to be written to write - to have written I am glad to help you - рад помочь I am glad to see you - рад видеть вас (рад, что я (рад, что вижу) помогаю) I am glad to have seen you - рад, что I am glad to be helped - рад, что мне повидал вас помогают Ex. 1. Find the infinitives and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The band-saw nulls require comparatively less power to operate 2. Conifers are easy to season. 3. It is hard to imagine a world without forests. 4. We need to look at all resources and use them independently or in combination. 5. The attack of insect created problems which were difficult to solve. 6. It is impossible to grow both grass and trees effectively on the same area. 7. We know how to grow trees faster and better, how to use wood more efficiently. 8. Water-stored wood takes longer to dry. 9. Normally sawmill chips are too valuable to be burned. The Participle (I and II) Формы причастия Participle I и Participle II Active Passive Present writing being written Perfect having written having been written Past written Сравните употребление Participle I ("-ing'' форма) и Participle II (III форма глагола): taking - берущий, беря taken - взятый doing - делающий, делая done - сделанный Сравните употребление Present Participle и Perfect Participle: buying – покупая having bought – купив 10 Past Participle = Participle II (III форма глагола): written – написанный The dictation written the day before was corrected. Как переводить разные формы причастия на русский язык Формы Как их переводить причастия Причастием Деепричастием reading читающий читая having read - прочитав being read читаемый (т.е. который будучи читаемым (т.е. когда его читают) читали) будучи прочитанным (т.е. когда его прочитали) having been - будучи прочитанным (т.е. когда его read прочитали) read прочитанный - Ex. 1. Find the Participles 1 or the Participles 2and translate them into Russian. 1. Within recent years a small mill using a band saw instead of circular saw has been used to a small extend 2. Practically all lumber cut from the small mills is air seasoned. 3. Seasoned wood is far more durable than unseasoned 4. The logs out in the winter are less subject to attacks of insects or fungi. 5. Forests provide many and diverse benefits to people, including clean air and water. 6. The major chemical component produced during the dehumidification drying of red oak was identified as acetic acid. 7. The species tested were red spruce, black spruce and red pine 8. When possible, lumber from stored jogs should be dried in separate charges. 9. The sawmill operates two lines, aiming to produce specialized products for the furniture industry. 10. Incoming logs are checked for quality and dimension on arrival. 11. The wood chip size produced at the sawmill is 30 mm. 12. All of the modifications were carried out by company personnel with equipment specifically manufactured in Australia.

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