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WOOD ANATOMY LIMNANTHACEAE OF AND TROPAEOLACEAE RELATION IN AND PHYTOGENY TO HABIT DONALD JOHN CHRISTOPHER SHERWIN CARLQUIST and Santa Barbara Botanic Garden 1212 Canyon Road Mission CA Santa Barbara, 93105, U.S.A. INTRODUCTION No on wood anatomy of either Limnanthaceae or Tropaeolaceae data & The Chalk Gregory 1950; 1994). have been presented to date (Metcalfe divergent kinds wood of these families interesting with respect to their is The two members of both families are herbs. families are of habits; all most herbaceous of the families recog- grouped here because they are the 333-342. 1996 17(2): . among nized the glucosinolate which may families, be considered Capparales Rodman sensu by Dahlgren Rodman lato, (1975), (1991a, 1991b) and er (1993, 1994). Formerly both Limnanthaceae and al. Tropaeolaceae were included in Geraniales (e.g., Cronquist 1981; Thorne 1992). In some re- cent cladistic systems, Tropaeolaceae group are a Akaniaceae and sister to Bretschneideraceae; Limnanthaceae not away are far in the clade of among Capparales and groups the Limnanthaceae (s.l.), nearest to are Batidaceae, Caricaceae, and Moringaceae (Rodman et 1993, 1994). al. Tropaeolaceae and Limnanthaceae are placed close to Capparaceae in the cladogram who of Conti et al. (1996), include fewer of the glucosinolate who families in their survey, and therefore offer less precision in the place- ment two of these families. Rodman et (1993) concede that marked evolutionary al. shift in habit must be hypothesized Tropaeolaceae if are close to the tree families Akaniaceae and Bretschneideraceae. However, they do not consider this improbable and how may invite consideration of these changes have oc- curred. Similar considerations apply Limnanthaceae. The to species of known Tropaeolum studied, the well majus, an annual herb with vining T. is The capabilities. base of the stem contains a cylinder of secondary xylem mm 1-2 in thickness; the upper portion of the root contains xylem a core mm 1-3 in thickness; these have been used in the present study. Limnanthes woody douglasn than is less Tropaeolum; Limnanthes is an annual with a short stem which numerous basal to thin roots are attached; upwardly, the basal stem branches into several prostrate stems. The patches of secondary xylem in the stem of Limnanthes are evidently related to these prostrate stems. These distinctive habits, and the fact that secondary xylem in Limnanthaceae and Tropaeolaceae minimal is in comparison with that of other capparalean families provide reasons for study of wood anatomy of these two families. If marked differences in habit have occurred phyletically in the divergence of two from these families their nearest neighbors, we will have new examples how wood of nature of anatomy To reflects shift in habit. be only one sure, species of each family has been used The in the present study. reason for this selection is that for each family, the species studied the woodiest is that could be obtained Further may readily. studies are needed, but they demonstrate more modes herbaceous of structure than do the species in the present paper, judging from the habits described Limnanthaceae by for Ornduff and (1971) Tropaeolaceae by Sparre et (1991). al. and roots bearing secondary xylem from plants oi Tropaeolum majus anthes douglasn that were judged to be mature but not yet in de- from collected plants 5 in cultivation. In the case of the Tropaeolum, plants were collected from a Santa Barbara garden where the species has Umnanthes douglani were collected from Santa Bar- Plants oi naturalized. bara Botanic Garden, where they have become naturalized, with the aid of Mark The portions bearing secondary xylem were preserved in Stubler. Wood immer- 50% aqueous ethyl alcohol. oi Tropaeolum was softened by 5% diamine two hours. Material was infiltrated and sion in ethylene for on embedded according the usual techniques, sectioned a in paraffin to microtome; sections mounted on slides were stained with a safranin- rotary green combination corresponding to Northen's modification of Foster's fast some method (Johansen 1940). In addition, sec- chloride tannic acid-ferric on micro- unsoftened stems of majus were sectioned a sliding tions of T. between sputter coated, and examined with a scan- tome, dried glass slides, with microscope (SEM). Macerations were prepared Jeffrey's ning electron and with stained safranin. fluid lAWA Committee on Nomenclature Terminology follows that of the which The term "pseudoscalariform" refers to pitting in pits are (1964). from but derived scalariform pitting, are alter- horizontally elongate, as in markedly widened, and thus the ends of the pits do not nate pits that are lumen were measured term of in correspond to angles of the vessels. Vessels parenchyma was estimated. The term "intervascular" axial refers to a situ- among parenchyma large which are scattered ation in occasional axial cells parenchyma paren- groupings of whereas paratracheal applies to vessels, chyma group. surrounding a vessel or vessel xylem limited Umnanthes stem (Fig. 1-5). Secondary very in doiiglasii segments within the vascular cylinder extent, and also localized in several xylem composed primary of intervening parts of the cylinder (Fig. top), 1, bottom). Vessels square or polygonal in outline, in large only Fig. (e.g, 1, mean num- parenchyma groupings with few intervening axial cells (Fig. 1); mm^ mean number per (no areas ber of vessels per group, 18.1; of vessels Mean 28.2 xylem 690. vessel diameter, secondary included), adjacent to pm. Mean element length, 71.6 pm. Perforation plates all simple, vessel diameter Vessels and appreciably narrower than the vessel (Fig. 4). circular irregular in outline, either as seen in tangential (Fig. 3) or radial (Fig. 4) elongate, Lateral wall pitting of vessels consisting of pits laterally sections. about pseudoscalariform Lateral wall pits (pit cavity) (Fig. alternate to 5). pm measured Imperforate tracheary elements ab- vertically (Fig. as 5). 5 parenchyma subdivided into strands Axial sparse, intervascular (Fig. 2), sent. primary Rays uniseriate or two not subdivided, with thin walls only. or or mean Mean 238 pm; height of height of biseriate rays, biseriate (Fig. 3). Wood uniseriate rays, 91 1-im. Ray cells with thin primary walls. nonstoried (Fig. no starch or crystals observed. 3), wood Tropaeolum majus stem 8-15). Axial portions of consisting (Fig. 6, Wide dimorphic diameter largely of vessels in (Fig. vessels solitary or in 6). number mean (mean of per group nonray diam- pairs vessels in areas, 1.8), 81 pm. Narrow vessels comprising the bulk of the remainder of the eter, mean secondary xylem and therefore in indefinitely large groups; diameter Mean of the narrower vessels, 29 pm. length vessel elements (wide and Mean narrow vessel elements combined), 116 pm. wall thickness of vessels pm pm varying from 1.8 for narrower vessels to 2.5 for wider vessels. Per- foration plates mostly simple, but occasional scalariform or scalariformlike plates present (Fig. 12-15): some plates with numerous forked or intercon- some with few some, on narrow nected bars (Fig. 12), bars (Fig. 13), ves- with wide some with condition intermediate between bars (Fig. 14), a sels, scalariform and multiperforate (Fig. 15). Lateral wall pitting of vessels al- pm about measured ternate, pits circular to oval (Fig. 9, left) or elliptical, 5 formed vertically. Libriform fibers present, especially in earlier portions of xylem by secondary xylem, supplanted in later portions of axial secondary narrow Libriform with simple and often containing starch vessels. fibers pits, Mean 462 pm; mean diam- grains (Fig. right). length of libriform fibers, 9, A 24 pm; mean wall thickness, 2.2 pm. few vasicentric tracheids and eter, between and few intermediate pitting libriform vasicentric a cells in fibers tracheids present. Axial parenchyma with thin secondary walls, in strands more of two adjacent to the larger vessels. Rays multiseriate only, cells, pm Mean mean width than 1,000 in height (Fig. right). of multiseriate 8, 12 Ray with thin primary walls, bearing prominent pit rays, cells. cells on separated from each other by horizontal bands of fields radial walls, primary wall material Ray predominantly upright; square (Fig. 10). cells Wood and procumbent cells in central portions of rays (Fig. 10). nonstoried abundant (Fig. Starch in ray cells (Fig. 10), starch grains spherical in 8). shape (Fig. 11). wood mostly Tropaeolum majus, root (Fig. Axial portions of consisting 7). mean num- of vessels dimorphic in diameter. Larger vessels mostly solitary, ber of vessels per group, 1.4. Narrower vessels in groups of indefinite ex- Mean Mean number diam- tent. of larger vessels (ray areas excluded), 44.8. eter of larger vessels, 96 pm; mean diameter of narrower vessels, 27 pm. Mean Mean pm. wall thickness of vessels varying from 1.8 to 3.5 length of pm. vessel elements (wide and narrow vessel elements together), 99 Perfo- ration plates and lateral wall pitting as in stems. Libriform fibers very few; parenchyma two few vasicentric tracheids present. Axial in strands of a Rays with secondary walls, adjacent to the larger vessels. multiseriate cells, Mean 1460 pm; mean and height of multiseriate uniseriate (Fig. rays, 7). height of Liniseriate rays, 312 \im. Ray cells mostly upright, a fe^ and procumbent cells present in central portions of multiseriate ra^ width Ray of multiseriate rays, 5.1 cells. cells thin-walled, nonl Wood vague nonstoried, btit storying visible in tangential sectior ondary phloem. abundant Starch grains in ray cells. Limnanthes and Tropaeolum differ in a number of salient ways with re- wood spect to anatomy. Limnanthes douglasii has narrow vessels angular in nondimorphic transection, in diameter, with simple perforation plates ex- and with mostly clusively pseudoscalariform lateral wall pitting; imperfo- rate tracheary elements are entirely absent; axial parenchyma sparse and is with thin nonlignified composed walls; rays are uniseriate or biseriate, of upright cells. Tropaeolum majus has markedly dimorphic vessels; the larger are circular in transectional outline, the smaller circular to angular in out- line; lateral wall pitting mostly circular to elliptical; perforation plates is simple, but with an number are appreciable of perforation plates that rep- resent alterations of a scalariform pattern; libriform fibers with simple pits are present (somewhat abundant than the narrow but few less vessels), a vasicentric tracheids and cells intermediate between libriform fibers and parenchyma vasicentric tracheids are present; axial has thin lignified walls, is in strands of two cells, and is distributed adjacent to the larger vessels. In wide and T. majus, rays are exclusively multiseriate in stems in roots, rays mostly and are multiseriate less wide; ray cells are thin walled, with filled starch, and are mostly upright, but with procumbent and square cells in central ray portions. The may lack of imperforate tracheary elements in Limnanthes be corre- lated with lack of upright stems, because libriform would be ex- fibers pected where addition of mechanical strength of The selective value. is occurrence of secondary xylem in small restricted patches related the to is short duration of this annual, and the short stem. Secondary xylem appar- ently connects the branches with the basal stem, and the remainder of the basal stem contains primary xylem only. Thus, habit seems correspond to The to those distinctive features. shortness of vessel elements in Limnanthes xeromorphy; is likely related to short vessel elements are found in plants of habitats that dry as a season progresses (Carlquist 1966). wood Tropaeolum dimorphism distinctive in the of vessel diameter, is its in the sparsity of libriform fibers (supplanted to a large extent by narrow common and vessels), in the very wide, tall rays. These are features in woods of vines and lianas (Carlquist 1985). The relative shortness of vessel ele- ments in L. majus is likely related to the drying of soil as the plant reaches wood Other between the oi Limnanthes and that o^Tropaeolum differences wood seem related to phylogenetic relationships. For example, the of Akaniaceae and Bretschneideraceae (Rod- Tropaeolaceae, placed close to man number wood 1993, 1994), shares with that pair of families a of et al. features (wood of those two families monographed by Carlquist, submit- number simple but with an appreciable of modified perforation plates ted): parenchyma scalariform perforation plates; libriform fibers present; axial Akaniaceae sparse, distributed adjacent to the larger vessels (vasicentric in and Bretschneideraceae); rays wide and uniseriate rays few or absent tall, (wide rays also a characteristic of vines and lianas, but absence of uniseriate On wood the other hand, some of the features oi Limnanthes can be found genera of Capparales from which not far removed according to the in it is Rodman schemes of et (1993, 1994). For example, in Capparaceae, rays al. & Chalk multiseriate (Metcalfe 1950). are uniseriate or biseriate, rarely The marked between annual Limnanthes and genera habit the difference in of Capparaceae, which are trees or shrubs, means that modifications related and be of overriding importance, similarities related to habit are likely to on wood anatomy be Further studies phyletic relationship are likely to few. to may of the glucosinolate families, which tentatively be considered a redefined Capparales, are planned so as to show the relative degrees of influence that habit and phylogenetic relationship have on similarities and differences among component the families of that order. wood histology of v 1 Columbia of flowering plants. classification >f demon- on angiosperms be used of the to to lAWA wood anatomy of dicotyledons. xic J., New McGraw OHANSEN, D.A. 1940. Plant microtechnique. Hill, Yoi Anatomy C.R. and Chalk. 1950. of the dicotyledon? /[i;tcalfe, L. Oxford. analysis of ^ R.A. Piucii, K. Karol, E. Conti, K.J.K, and J.D. Palmer. 1993. Nude- , sequences of the rlxL gene indicate monophyiy of mustard :»ticie oil ;oun Bot. Card. 80:585-699. K.G. Karol, R.A. Price, E. Conti, and Sytsma. K.J. , Syrostemonaceae. Austral. Syst. Bot. 7:57-69- R.E ORNE, 1991. Classification and geography of the Howering plants. Bot. Re )8:225-348.

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