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Womonspace News: Our Voice in the Lesbian Community: Sep 1994 PDF

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Preview Womonspace News: Our Voice in the Lesbian Community: Sep 1994

R WOMONSPACE NEWS our voice in the lesbian community Editorial Context is important, also. A joke Human Foibles = Humour about a bulldyke kickstarting her vibrator can be hurtful when heard in Lindy Pratch an unfriendly atmosphere. The same The July issue of 7he Comics joke can release comfortable laughter Journal generated a complaint at the when it is shared among lesbians. It’s Southgate Library. A patron felt that the difference between laughing ar, and some of the material was offensive to laughing with others. women, and brought the matter to the attention of our manager. The magazine in question featured an Humor is such a strong weapon, || article on Roberta Gregory, a lesbian such a strong answer. | | comic artist. Her humour 1s quite risqué. | Agnes Varda, 1972. | Our manager found that when the cartoons were viewed as stereotypes turned around, they gave no cause for Contributors in this issue: concern. Lindy Pratch, Catherine Gutwin, Rosa, That’s how it is with comedy, T. Brooks, Coco, Charity Laboucan, though. What is funny to one person Amy Lee Cardufian, S. Martin, Marcie may affront someone else. Think about Submissions are welcome. what makes you laugh. Often, what we Topics of coming issues: find amusing are the shortcomings we Women’s Music (October) have as human beings, just trying to live Honouring our Bodies (November) in this world. It’s playing with the pain, I Hate the Holidays (December) and it helps us cope. But sometimes the Identity Politics (January) pain may be too new, or too Lesbian Teachers (February) overwhelming, and then it’s not funny. Partner Abuse (March) Womonspace News 1s a publication of Womonspace Social and Recreational Society of Edmonton. We are a nonprofit organization. The newsletter is produced by, for, and about lesbians in Edmonton and the surrounding areas. Our purpose is to inform and entertain our members and any other interested lesbians. The opinions expressed in any issue of HW omonspace News do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Directors or the Newsletter Committee. The events, organizations and establishments publicized are not necessarily supported by Womonspace. Womonspace News 1s produced on a volunteer basis by the Newsletter Committee. We welcome submissions. Material submitted becomes the property of Womonspace. We reserve the nght to edit for length and content, and to refuse publication. Articles or letters to the editor may be sent to: Womonspace, Basement, 9930-106 Street, Edmonton, AB TSK 1C7. Womonsapce News secks advertising that is lesbian-positive to help defer publications costs. Womonspace does not necessanly endorse products or services offered. We reserve the night to refuse ads. For rate information, and to place an ad, please leave a message on the Lesbian Life Line: 425-0511. 2 WOMONSPACE NEWS Queers Have More Fun the word ts on the board does her conscious mind kick into gear and then Catherine Gutwin instantly go numb with horror. One of the most common and most Common usage being the house rules, patronizing responses I’ve gotten from Mom asks, “So, is this a word you people (mainly relatives) when I’ve would use in everyday conversation?” come out to them goes something like Silence. Then, the fatal shift into this: “Oh, it’s perfectly ok with me and I overdrive: “I mean ... | mean ... that Support you, but I just feel bad because thing in the river ... not that other life is going to be so much harder for thing! Let me make a new word!” you in this terribly homophobic world.” This is from a woman who has Well, yeah ... no, wait a minute. There’s marched down the street yelling, something wrong here. This response “We're here, we’re queer, fabulous, focuses on the hatred of the phobes as if don’t fuck with us.” Her story has that’s all there were to lesbian/gay life, elicited shouts of laughter and and does it passively as if there was recognition, but it is one, alas, my dear nothing we could do about it. They’re aunt would just not get. missing all the joy and activism of queer At the movies, have you ever life that isn’t burdensome, but funny. noticed how sometimes the dykes are My well-meaning-but-completely- the only ones in the theatre laughing? ignorant aunt is blind to the hilarity of It’s the same sensibility that came up friends so queer that the only straight with the t-shirt slogan, “I can’t even male in the group wants to be a lesbian. think straight,” or “shhhh, nobody Or this coming out story: A normally knows I’m a lesbian.” Normally articulate and in-your-face dyke (not yet mundane tasks such as asking out to her parents) visits home and plays directions becomes, in a car full of a game of scrabble with her mom. queers, a fit of giggles followed by the Fighting back a wicked case of “dyke- chorus, “NO! Not straight ahead! Gayly Tourette’s syndrome” (the tendency to forward!” interject “I’m a dyke!” in otherwise So to the sorry but ‘supportive’ unrelated conversation), her straight relatives and friends who in subconscious suddenly wriggles free wishing for me a ‘better life’ are only from a temporary closet. Against her trying to excuse their own apathy, let better judgment, she spells out d-y-k-e, me just say this: queers have more fun! meaning, of course, “an embankment, or ~ You don’t know what you’re missing. long ridge against flooding.” Only after WOMONSPACE NEWS 3 Spelling it Out you were like a sister to him (as if1 needed more relatives), you could Rosa safely put your condoms away. If he I don’t think I’m ‘slow’! In fact, my starting talking baseball and bases, for I.Q. tests bear testimony that | am an some bizarre reason, that usually meant intelligent human being. Despite this that he was interested. I would then great intelligence just oozing out of my excuse myself to go to the bathroom cranium, certain things really stump me where | could check the expiry date on —like dating, for example. It 1s so con- those condoms in the mangled fusing at times! I need to have things packages that I carried in my purse. | spelled out for me, letter by letter. would often have Fruit Rollups stuffed Life was much easier when | was a in my purse as well, and with the straight latent dyke! I knew what to condoms sometimes slipping out of expect in opposite sex dating, and it their protective packages and drying was so much easier to distinguish up, it was a real challenge friends from lovers. To put it simply, distinguishing one from the other. anyone female was a potential friend Thank Goddess that I’m a lesbian and anyone male was a potential lover. now! I gave up condoms, and | Despite the simplicity, however, | reluctantly gave up Fruit Rollups—it never really enjoyed dating. Perhaps it must have been Lent! (In fact, | sent a was because | didn’t play baseball. letter to the Fruit Rollup company in Many of my straight friends did; even which I expressed my disappointment friends whom | suspected to be closet in the drastic decline in the quality of couch potatoes. (The permanent bum their product. They often tasted quite impressions in their couches was rubbery. I also don’t recall being able enough to ‘out’ them and confirm my to blow bubbles with them before.) Suspicions.) Everyone talked about As a lesbian, | find this dating thing making it to first, second or third base, confusing. What do you do if you are and considering all that ball playing not sure whether a womon wants to be exercise, | found it puzzling that some friends or whether she wants to be your of my friends still looked like potatoes lover, especially if the signals are going to seed. Shouldn’t they have clearly ambiguous? been in better shape? For example, last fall when I first In opposite sex dating, there was little ambiguity. If a man told you that came out, | met a lesbian to whom I was quite attracted. She was very “ WOMONSPACE NEWS Sa honest and told me that I was like a stopped me cold, saying that we had sister to her, (as if] needed more already discussed this matter and she relatives)! We have continued to see gently pushed me out the door. each other socially and we are slowly On the way home, I was upset! I am getting to know one another. Not too not one to violate someone’s personal long ago we were out for the evening boundaries. As a child, my own with several other people and my friend boundaries were regularly violated and | ‘danced.’ I use the term | and I grew up being being loosely because the last time very sensitive and respectful that I danced like that, I was of other people’s still a straight latent dyke, boundaries. How could | and all that bumping and have been so wrong in my grinding could easily have assumptions? In retrospect, | resulted in an unwanted know how I could have pregnancy. My friend and | handled this situation. | didn’t just ‘dance.’ At the should have communicated end of the evening, we even my confusion to my friend kissed! and asked for a clarification I was thrilled that my about the mixed signals that friend had finally changed I was getting. We did do this her mind and wanted more the next day, however, next than just a friendship. When time I won’t risk upsetting she invited me over for myself and hurting a dinner the next evening, I potential friend or lover by was prepared! I had honed delaying clarification. my baseball vocabulary to perfection I learned from this experience. | and was waiting to talk bases. don’t intend to make the same mistake Imagine my surprise at the end of the twice! The next time I find myself ina evening when all | received was a confusing dating situation | am going simple hug! Had I totally misinterpreted to be more direct and spell things out. what the dancing and the kissing had “W-o-u-I-d y-o-u I-i-k-e t-o b-e m-y meant? Thinking that my friend was l-o-v-e-r_ 0-r m-y S-i-s-t-e-r? (As if just too shy to initiate the first move, | need more relatives!) decided to be the initiator. My friend WOMONSPACE NEWS 5 Greetings from Thailand! with. The sign out front said Karaoke Bar. Carrie and Nicole like to sing, so Coco we planned to stop in for drink and to Life in Bangkok 1s bizarre and get- sing a few songs. We should have ting used to Thai culture has been known something was up when we somewhat trying. | have never exper- walked in and we were the only ienced culture shock like this in my life. customers. There were a lot of women The first day that | was here I got an dressed in black just lounging around. overdose of the infamous traffic jams. It They treated us really well and gave us took three hours to get from the airport free food. A little after 11 pm, the men to my apartment—a ride that usually started coming in. That’s when we takes twenty minutes. figured it out. Since this is the only bar The pollution is terrible. Open in our neighbourhood and they are so sewers along the side of the road show friendly, we continue to hang out there Bangkok’s desperate need for civil every so often. engineers. After a while, Bangkok, like most Not everything 1s bad here, though. cities, got to me. . The fruit, for example, is wonderful. I headed for the Mangoes are large, sweet, and delicious. beach. There’s a delightful, refreshing fruit Ko Somet is a called mangosteen. The texture 1s like beautiful island only that of a skinless grape, but the taste 1s five hours away.1 very unique. There is nothing on earth | thoroughly enjoyed Ve can compare it to, but it is truly it. The sand is as wonderful. fine and white as Nightlife in Bangkok is great fun, but baby powder. It is can be expensive. | live quite far from amazing! the center of the action and so I don’t go Apparently the Japanese thought so out much. The three places | have too. During the war, they removed tons ventured to are NASA Discotheque, of it by aircraft to make into glass. Hard Rock Cafe, and our friendly Ko Somet is a sleepy little island; a neighbourhood brothel. perfect place to relax. | look forward to No, I did not partake of the services. exploring more of the islands when | I didn’t even know it was a brothel. | get a chance. went with the other two teachers | work 6 WOMONSPACE NEWS ee see TL Sf I OES I A RE AC IEE EI A CG PRS Two-Spirited Journey Charity Lahoucan Tansi! Tansi is a Cree word I sit in this truck feeling content for hello. | am Charity I think this is the name of this emotion Haven't really felt life without anxiety Laboucan, a member of the curdling and thickening my fluids Lubicon Lake Cree Nation. I am My father, with his thick long beautiful hair a Native lesbian and at times I naming all the animals I should know have felt that my cultural and Mountains jagged and layered sexual identities are mutually meeting to touch cloud exclusive. These rivers flow green - minerals he says Each month I will write a Magic this little girl thinks column in Womonspace News. My life once seemed like these mountains which crumble and fall heavily to the earth This will be an exploration of Gravity pulling medown down many things: discovering my Hands bleeding to grasp my own reality Native identity, spirituality, Blood flowing from life rock social issues, politics, and any Always questioning whose blood poured from other issues that may be part of these wounds being a Native lesbian. that have woke me in the night Each Native language has a with ancient knowledge of language on the tip of word for gay people. Each my tongue In the day I speak their language so well translates roughly into English Then I find myself following the lost staggering as two-spirited. [t means we as indian man down the street just to catch slurred gay people hold both the male words and female essences within us. I that remind me of a home I never had am proud to identify myself as I am lost I am mute two-spirited. It is a word Native The trees mountains water speak to my core gay peoples in North America which aches to be heard have taken as our own to wants to speak ~ empower ourselves. wants to learn WOMONSPACE NEWS ff CALENDAR OF EVENTS Coming Events: Weekly Events: | Thursday, September | * Womonspace News Newsletter Meeting. Womonspace office, 9930-106 * Gay and Lesbian Community Centre Street, 7:30 pm. Deadline for October issue. (GLCCE) 104-11745 Jasper Avenue, is open * Womonspace Drop-in. Good Monday to Friday from 7-10 pm, and conversation. Women’s Building, basement, Wednesday from 1-4 pm. Peer counselling, 9930-106 Street, 7:30-9 pm. drop-in and library. Phone 488-3234 . Tuesday, September 6 * Adamant Eve. Feminist radio program * TUG meeting. Connecting lesbigay broadcast on CJSR, FM 88.5. Thursdays groups for action. GLCCE, 7 pm. from 5-6 pm. Sunday, September 1 1 * Gaywire. A lesbian, bisexual and gay * Team Edmonton BBQ. Informal event at radio show from CJSR at the University of Emily Murphy Park, 4 pm. Alberta, FM 88.5. Thursdays, 6-7 pm. * Womonspace General Meeting. Everyone 1s welcome to attend! Basement, * Pink Triangle Youth Group meets every 9930-106 Street, 7:30 pm. Saturday, 7:30-10 pm at GLCCE, 104-11745 Jasper Ave. For lesbians and gays 16 to 21 Saturday, September 17 years old. * Womonspace Dance. Bonnie Doon Hall, 9240-93 Street, 8 pm-1 am. * Metropolitan Community Church, weekly worship, 10086 MacDonald Drive, Sunday, September 18 Sundays at 7:15 pm. * Vocal Minority Choir first practice for 94/95 season. Rm 123-Fine Arts, U of A, 2 - 4:30 pm. New singers are welcome! 4@> Gay and Lesbian Infoline: 988-4018. Rehearsals will continue every Sunday. 4 Lesbian Life Line: 425-0511. 8 WOMONSPACE NEWS Saturday, September 24 Thursday, October 6 * Riverdale Women’s Dance— smoke * ‘Womonspace Drop-in. Lesbians and free, no alcohol— at Riverdale Hall, 9231- bisexual women are invited for refreshments 100 Avenue, 8:30 pm-1 am. and talk, 9930-106 Street, 7:30-9 pm. * Wine Tasting social evening at John Walter Museum (by Kinsmen Sport Centre), Sunday, October 9 8 pm. Fundraiser for Delwin Vnend Fund; $5 * Womonspace General Meeting. 9930- entrance fee. 106 Street, 7:30 pm. Sunday, September 25 Sunday, October 23 * Women’s Health Series for lesbian and * Womonspace Annual General Meeting, bisexual women only. /‘inding a Physician, Shakespear’s Darts, 2™ floor, 10306 112 St, bsmnt, 9930-106 Street, from 2:30-4:30 pm. 6 pm. Food and entertainment provided! All * Wet & Wild #2! Team Edmonton invites members are encouraged to attend. you to the GMCC downtown campus, where the pool’s rented from 5 pm on; games, BBQ Need to meet some new womyn on womyn owned |and?? & water fun! $4. ome & ceiax on a WOMYN'S COUNTRY GETAWAY Monday, September 26 at Labyrinth Lake Lodge * Team Edmonton Gay & Lesbian Sports 70 Km S.E. of Edmonton & Leisure Association General Meeting at PACILITIES INCLUDE: GLCCE, 7 pm. 1200 sq.ft. modern. equipped, smoke free cabin on waterfront with panoramic view wood & furnace heat. running water!! & shower bikes, skis, canoes, snowshoes, tabogans September 30 — October 2 outdoor firepits for group sing-a-longs 12 beds & 1 pull out couch * Alberta Summit in Red Deer for gays and trampoline & ping pong table electric keyboard & tapedeck raft for brave swimmers!! lesbians across Alberta. $25 reg: Workshops, hammocks & picnic areas croquet & other games Trade Fair, Dinner and Dance. Phone Hilary Cost : 45$. Includes Accommodation & Food (meal prep by (343-6239) or Michael (347-2174). group) Date: 21-23 October Sunday, October 2 To Register send a cheque to: Labyrinth Lake Lodge, R.R.1, Site 2, Box 3, Millet, TOC 120, along wath name, contact #, info. re. food allergies and food preferences. * Womonspace News Newsletter Meeting, fA t free m to Boystown, 101 16-124 Street, noon. All you need to bring 1s a pillow, sleeping bag, towel & Submissions deadline for Nov. issue; musical instruments. Honouring Our Bodies. CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED WOMONSPACE NEWS 9 sional—with a real stage manager, Meet Lisa Austin... dressing rooms and everything. I can Lesbian Comic honestly say I have never been so Amy Lee Cardufian terrified. Ever. | remember looking for She who laughs, lasts. a way out of the theatre, but there was Edmonton’s Lisa Austin can vouch no escape. for that. And while she’ll be the first to “T got out there and the audience tell you it’s too early to bill her as the was in total darkness; I was blinded by next great lesbian comic, she’s the spotlight. I had no idea how to use certainly taken the first few steps. a mike—lI kept wandering away from “I'd always been the class clown, it. But the people were very supportive, and entertained at friends’ parties,” and the material went over well. | says Austin, explaining how she ended didn’t know for sure if I’d ever do it up doing stand-up comedy. “I also had again, but the gay and lesbian really funny parents. My dad was sort community asked me to be MC for the of a clown, and my mom was very opening of the 1993 Pride Week Film witty, very clever. So I come by it Festival.” honestly.” She returned for the 1994 Queer Austin’s first public appearance was Sightings film festival in June, and has the result of some arm-twisting by her also appeared at the City Media Club friend Holly Wright of the local band and Catalyst Theatre’s Loud 'N Queer Triphoria, who asked her to consider Cabaret. (You can catch her next introducing the trio at St. Albert’s performance at the Edmonton Vocal Arden Theatre. Minority fundraiser cabaret scheduled “| was very nervous and timid at the for October 29 at the Catalyst.) prospect of doing five minutes ... then Though she now has plenty of they asked me to do twenty minutes,” material suitable for mainstream Austin recalls. “If 1 had known how audiences, Austin says performing for much material is required to fill twenty gay crowds 1s particularly rewarding. minutes, | probably never would’v e “It gives me the opportunity to be done it. ‘out’ in public. I don’t have any “I sweated and sweated over that. It particular agenda, in terms of being a was my first gig, and I was very unsure lesbian comic, but the Film Fest gig about it. The Arden was very profes- gave me a chance to see what kind of 10 WOMONSPACE NEWS

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