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Womonspace News: Our Voice in the Lesbian Community: Sep 1993 PDF

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Preview Womonspace News: Our Voice in the Lesbian Community: Sep 1993

Inside A Teast EGitorial ..4. a 2 ‘Letters £0 BAG LOUOT A kia aD :T o Mother or Not To Mother ............4 mevVomen Dettiodse i..5 nesteee d 5 Canadians Support Gay Rights........ 6 _E vents & Happenings ..........1..008 _ Absolute Torch & 'Twang ...............10 ‘Lesbian Adoption Approved...........10 Woman to Woman Books.... Pe et el! N o Judgement Please (part two) ....12 Female Condom Near Approval....13 Lynn TAVIIGE SR decccelinan sayfa Ce 'Tll Be Leaving You Always" ¢ rh MMOD REVI CW oc ascetics scserssrensseecssdco oL O op, rt, October 24 September/ Oct A Last Editorial... This has been quite a year for lesbians in Ed- | deleted one paragraph out of one of the letters. monton. | have enjoyed beinga partofitall through this to the editor. This may bring on accusations of censor- . newsletter. |d o hope that all the women out there who ‘ship. | think, in this instance, leaving itin would have are “itching” to bring their talents to these pages are been dangerous for us all. Any association, however considering the position of Womonspace Editor or mild, between lesbian (or bisexual) and criminal activ-. being on the editorial team. Please call 425-0511 and _ity may have a place in some newsletters, under some leave a message for us to contact you. We will need you editors, but |c annot do it. |w ould hope that the writer. by October 10 at the latest. of that letter did not really mean what she implied. Well, | wanted some feed back from readers, And my final word... please let's maintain a and | sure did get it this time! Given that |w as “thinking -sense of humor as we open up dialogues on the hard out loud” (July/August issue, Queer Sites Conference), issues we face as lesbians. We need to keep in mind and did not claim the “definition of lesbian” as my own, that many heterosexuals would like nothing better than |f ound the tone of the letters a bitaggressive. However, to see us attack each other. hi a this does tell me that the issues | raised are worth more Keep on loving... é discussion in future issues of Womonspace news. Sheryl | think we need to pay some attention to a few of the ideas that have arisen out of both my article and the responses to it. Perhaps if | pose these ideas as questions, readers will understand that |a m not propos- ing any answers for myself or for lesbians in general. e Are there good political reasons for lesbians to put some boundaries around definitions and an “identity” as woman-loving in a society that doesn’t really like women? els there, or could there ever be, such a thing as a “lesbian clique” when we are all so different and so often choose different social groupings for our pleas- ures and/or our political activity? eWhy are women who claim a bi-sexual identity/ preference so anxious to be seen as lesbians and not as out-and-proud bisexuals? ¢ Since when did being lesbian become a “testing ground” for female sexuality? Is the very idea not a sign of contempt — perhaps homophobia? ¢ Has a whole segment of the lesbian “community" been lulled into believing that claiming a lesbian identity is no longer dangerous? Maybe “lesbian chic” is trendy today, but what about three years from now? ¢ Where did the idea come from that women, who Close their thoughts, emotions, and actions awa from a male agenda (gay or straight), and claim all womon-space, are somehow "radical separatist" or just plain wrong? | WOMONSPACE NEWS is a publication of WOMONSPACE, an organization for lesbians inthe Edmonton area. The opinions expressed in any issue of WOMONSPACE NEWS do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Directors or the Editorial Collective. Articles or letters to the Editormbea y sent to Newsletter/Womonspace, Basement, 9930 - 106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1C7. All Me Re x material submitted becomes the property ofW omonspace, and the Editorial Committee reserve he — = be rightt o edit for length and content. : a geiay fe ee ete Graphics courtesy Women's Newsletters and| local artists. x Set ms PAGE 2 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1993 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Both of the following letters arrived in the Womonspace Mail. They are genuine. Neither letter contained a phone number to call to authenticate names. Therefore, the names given on the letters have not been printed. Dear Editor, Responding To: "Queer Sites Conference" in the July/August 1993 This ts inreply to your editorial on the Queen Sites Conference. WOMONSPACE Newsletter. In any discussion of this sort where terms and labels are tossed about, it helps to agree on some definitions so we Oppression of the Oppressed by the Oppressed know where the other is “coming from". You talk about sexual orientation? The best definition I've come across is Sheryl McInnes "brought up" a whole page of discussion that it is the sum of a person's affections, fantasies, sexual lastissue, on what a lesbian is, or is not..... as well as some acts, and physical and emotional attractions. How we label strong comments on other aspects of the human personality. our orientations is sexual identity. Here's input on two Let's begin by considering lesbianism. Consider, for a “Identities”: moment, your particular clique of lesbians. You chose them ‘and they chose you because of common grounds shared by LESBIAN - Your definition of a lesbian is a woman: those in the clique. It's comfortable being in a group where 1. whoseprimary emotional, intellectual, and physical common values are shared. But do you ever feel that your desire is directed toward, or aligned with, another clique of lesbians hold the characteristics of a "purer type” woman or women. lesbian? 2. who looks and acts according to popular It is human nature to desire to feel that we possess the stereotypes ie. lipstick lesbian, butch, granola qualities which are most sought after by some segment of lesbian, etc. society. Those who are of like mind will share the same inner 3. who has relationships exclusively with women. circle. Have you observed someone trying to join your group? Going backt o the woman quoted as saying "| may sleep Has a group observed you trying to join them? If you were with men occasionally, but my primary emotional bond unsuccessful at joining another group, was it because you is towomen...” Is this person who is woman—identified were "too queer"? ... Using a term from the article in in all but sexual activity a lesbian? Well, it all depends question. on which parts of your definition we use to determine The “Queer Sites this. If we go by emotional desire, she's a lesbian. If Conference” article we take physical desire, she's bisexual. If we go by refers to two visibly what she looks and acts like, she might turn out to be yet different lesbian a third “identity”, who knows? Only she does. groups: TRANSEXUAL-These are the people who believe they're in -high femme... the body of the wrong gender. Theirs is an issue of lipstick lesbians gender identity rather than sexual orientation. But -butch... dyke... seen that's not to imply that transexuals do not have to deal as masculine, gen- with their sexual orientation. To use your own example, der in-appropriate if a person is anatomically male and feels female SheryI states that through and through, do we label that person according “even if these (above to the anatomy (male) or the feeling experience (she)? two groups) women Now suppose this person becomes involved with a choose not to use woman. How would we label this person's sexual the label, ‘lesbian’, orientation? If we go by the "packages" (male and they are by our defi- female) then the person is heterosexual. If we go by nition.” gender identity (female) then her being involved with a In other words, woman labels her as a lesbian. Only the individual you are lesbian having the experience can say what it means to him/her whether or not you and therfore what their "identity" is. -END SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1993 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER = PAGE3 like it, by “their” definition. Who is the “they” of the previous To Mother or sentence? By what wisdom and authority do “they” speak? Then Sheryl McInnes brings up another issue when writ- Not to Mother ing about warfare with her mother from age 11 over "the bra." She writes: "The point that she (Sheryl’s mother) misses, is that once ... That is the Question free of the patriarchal rules about what a woman must look Written by Alison like, we are free to dress according to our bodies and our inner perceptions of ourselves.” Ah, the freedom, the freedom to be ourselves! But then, lam sitting inone of the cubicles of the women’s Sheryl, what opposing points have you made in your article? washroom at work. I’ve wiped my perineum and am Let me expound. now making mental observations on the color and "My mother seems to have missed a point,” says Sheryl. constancy of the cervical mucus | find on the tissue. It Sheryl, you also missed a point! Some lesbians like wearing is cloudy/clear and stretches a good 1-11/2 inches. lam lipstick. Some lesbians like dressing in a masculine way. charting my fertility and tonight | will mark this obser- Quoting you again, "But most important of all, lesbians everywhere want to be free to dress according to their inner vation down. It looks like a peak mucus day, which perceptions of themselves.” The key wordis "free", yetwithin means |am fertile, and get to use one oft he bright purple our glorious freedom, categorizations such as "lipstick lesbi- stickers to mark the day on the chart. Actually, | made ans" or "butch/dyke", often made within the general circle of the observation a few minutes ago, and now | am just lesbians, negatively label us. playing. The mucus, on the tissue, is warm, and | am How free are we really if we continually lay guilt trips kind of getting into the feel of it. This is different from among ourselves about what a lesbian should look like, act the wetness of a lover. It is my cervical mucus, and with like, talk like, etc. each day of observation | learn a little more about the Oppression of the oppressed by the oppressed. Then it gets worse. "if you have slept with men...” What signs my body makes evident about my cycle, and if a lesbian needed to check out her sexuality for herself? about my general health. However, these signs are only Does that “label” her bisexual for all time? | say it doesn't. now, after twenty years of menstruation, becoming Sheryl's thoughts about bisexuality ... obvious to me, and | am fascinated. | have become so —"]| am not doubting bisexuality...” immersed in stretching the mucus between my thumb —"no doubt there are real personal agonies and life prob- and fore finger, that when a co-worker walks into the lems for bisexual women...” washroom, | guiltily give up my fascination, for the But then Sheryl says, quoting ... "| am not doubting moment, quickly tossing the tissue and flushing. bisexuality... but they cannot expect lesbians to ‘fix it’, or provide services for them... I'm noteven sure that bisexual IS Despite the fact that | never had any previous a sexual orientation; it may be a more lack of any sexual strong mothering instincts, when | turned thirty | began orientation.” to have dreams about being pregnant. It seems cliche Well Sheryl, it just may be a path some choose for a that | should be joining the ranks of motherless thirty- moment in time to clarify their sexual orientation. It might be something women, keeping time to the tick tock of the a sexual orientation of a permanent nature. over publicized biological clock. Yet | do not want to Oppression of the oppressed by the oppressed. reach my later years without giving this dream haunting Well Sheryl, we would like to push lesbianism into an baby thing a thorough consideration. acceptable position in mainstream society, wouldn'twe? We would like mainstream society to be flexible and open minded, So, | do ask myself why do you want to have wouldn't we? Where would you have bisexuality and children. My immediate response is another question. transgender push their way? Why shouldn’t | have kids? Everyone does. It is almost Sheryl says there's more next month! like a right, the right to have kids. In fact , if | were P.S. | do want to thank you Sheryl, for inspiring me to straight and in a committed relationship with a man, | respond to your article. It catapulted me out of my compla- might find myself, childless at this age, explaining more cence and empowered me to really begin speaking with my often than not, why | do not have to have kids. Yet | own voice. Call me "angry lesbian”. know that my glib immediate response will not provide much substance to get me through twenty years of PAGE4 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1993 parenting, so | have to look deeper for some answers. penditure this large. Well, | will put a littke more work into the “why”, | could find an agreeable guy who would supply meanwhile the “how” has a few problems of its own. his own fresh sperm, but during this age of the AIDS First of all, |d o not want to do this alone. My epidemic, frozen sperm is safer. Besides what consti- partner and | have been together for three vibrant years. tules an agreeable guy? My gay friends make up a lot Besides the occasional wine in- of the men | most admire and re- spired discourse on the potentials spect, but how much involvement of non-monogamy and the lack of will a friend want in the child’s life, necessity for commitmentin a rela- and will his participation be ac- tionship, we are a fairly stable cou- ceptable to us? Even if he does not ple, and anticipate a few more want to play the father, maybe his stimulyeaarts itognetgher . We have mom will jump in on the scent, complimentary qualities what seeing it as her only grandmotherly would make for good co-parents. opportunity. Will | want her in on She is a living, spirited Leo, and | it? Lesbians often use their partner’s am a thoughtful, logical Aquarian. brothers as sperm donors but this She considered having a child a requires an outness that neither of few years ago, but eventually re- us enjoys with our families. My girl jected the notion. However, she is friend thinks a nice married guy open to co-parenting. But it is a )_ who already has several of his own tricky deal. There is very little out Na kids would make a good donor. But there, in the law or social frame- how many excruciatingly sensitive work, that will support us in this proposals would we have to make parenting venture. For instance, | to our married friends before we hit would like her to be the legal guard- that agreeable jack pot. The bars ian of our child, even before it is and discos are always a potential born. She is not sure she wants to source of sperm, but at this point | take on legal guardian ship ever. As women co-parents, am going a little green at the thoughtof explaining to my we have the opportunity to renegotiate the relationship child how she came to be. between parents and childbutr ate tinme,s w e feel very alone and unsupported as we tread this path. Well, hell, maybe we will buy into a lesbian housing co-op, Women denied and my kiddies can benefit from being raised by a artificial insemination whole commune of women. Anyway, parenting is not EDMONTON JOURNAL- July 13/93 my only problem There is also the question of sperm. This is Two Vancouver professional women who want toraise Alberta so | know that locally sperm banks will not be a child together say they have been denied artificial insemination because they are lesbians. made available to me, an unmarried woman. | could Dr. Tracy Potter, a family doctor, and Sandra Benson, try sperm banks beyond our provincial borders. But the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Tech- a lawyer, were refused by Vancouver gynecologist Dr. Gerald Korn, the only doctor who maintains a bank of nologies has suggested that “inconsistent” is an apt description for the products and services available in frozen donor sperm. ourcountry. |am even more wary ofg oing south of the When the women complained to the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of B.C., the college backed Korn’s border. Aren’t the sperm banks there half full of the do- da of lawyers, who are negotiating the deals for the decision. Potter and Benson, who will celebrate their first anni- women? Well, at the very least it is a rumor that makes me nervous. Anyway, sperm banks sound expensive versary next week, said in an interview Wednesday and our household likely could not consider an ex- they want to have a child, as other loving couples do. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1993 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 As problematic as the supply of sperm is, there A FEDERAL ELECTION IS COMING UP is the even more touchy question of conception. We FAST — Ask your candidates about their would both be pleased if conception were achieved through self-insemination, affectionately referred to, in party's position on Lesbian/Gay issues. the community, as “turkey basting”. My partner would Canadians support play a pivotal role in the procedure. We could truly say undieel that we were there together from the beginning. We are working towards that, but even obtaining a gay rights but not speculum is proving to be a task all to itself, and | have no idea where to get the turkey baster from. Artificial same-sex marriages insemination by a doctor is a possibility, but where in Alberta do | find a doctor to perform the procedure, and EDMONTON JOURNAL how much do | trust her to be well practiced and to Most Canadians believe gays and lesbians should be know what she is doing. | am bisexual so getting protected from discrimination but shouldn’tbe allowed pregnant the old fashioned way is a viable option for to legally marry, says a poll released today. me. Actually when | think of it, most of the lesbian Almost two out of every three Canadians, or 64 per mothers | know got pregnant that way. However, the cent, support recently introduced amendments to the Idea of a third person so intimately involved in our lives Canadian Human Rights Act while 28 per cent oppose creates a whole new agenda of issues. them, according to the Angus Reid-Southam News Poll. To mother or not to mother is my weighty The bill, tabled after years of promises by the Con- question, and | have not even covered all of its aspects. servative government, would add sexual orientation to But my sleepy dearie is blearily gazing down on me the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in with that one-eye-open, one-eye-closed stare. It is six federal jurisdictions. Butthe changes would also define o’clock on Sunday morning and it is time for me to take marriage as the union between a man and a woman, my daily basal body temperature reading. The effort thus limiting protection from discrimination based on required to carefully slide the digital thermometer into marital status to opposite-sex couples. my vagina is momentarily taking up all of my concen- The Reid poll, conducted Jan 20-30, found 56 per tration. cent of respondents don’t believe gay marriages should i For more information on the Justisse Method for legally recognized. Fertility Management, a feminist model, contact: Alberta has the lowest support for legal protection, at 52 per cent. The Justisse Group 154 Winona ANGUS REID-SOUTHAM POLL TORONTO, ON: M6G 289 Public favors anti-discrimination Phone: (416) 656-7659 law forgays Read About It: Q Would you support or oppose changes to the Getting Pregnant Our Own Way: A Guide to Canadian Human Rights Act that would give Alternative Insemination Lisa Saffron homosexuals legal protection from discrimination? This book is available at the Adult Student Centre — HM Support (J Oppose [] Unsure CN 26%| e Faculty of Extension U of A. ERAAVE OF MIND Q Do you think homosexual 8% couples should qualify for FRAME OF MIND legally recognised marriages? FRAME OF MIND MM Support (J Oppose [] Unsure See 0% | @ Custom Art Framing 465-0534 The Jan. 20-30 telephone poll of 1507 1% Canadians is considered accurate within 2.5 6150 - 90 Ave., Ottewell Shopping Centre, Edmonton, Alta. T6B OP2 percentage points, 19 times in 20. PAGE6 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER — SEPTEMBER/OCTOB1E9R9 3 THEY'RE BACK... 1993/94 DANCE SEASON BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18 Bonnie Doon Community League Hall 9240-93 Street 8:00 pm to 1:00 am 3rd Saturday of every month. Get in FREE! By being a dance volunteer - must work at least a 2-hour shift or Help Set-up during the afternoon or Stay after the dance to clean up. (5-6 Sober people can do this in 1/2 Hour!) PAY HALF PRICE! Work a 1-hour shift (Applies to both member and non-member prices) Help us Help you Party during the year! Be a volunteer. Call 425-0511, Leave your name and number. Please tell us if it is o.k. for us to leave a message on your answering machine. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1993 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER PAGE7 HEATHER Gay & Lesbian Community Centre BISHOP GLCCE 488-3234 in concert (7pm-10pm) ieee Coming Out Groups ¢ Library Drop-in Times ¢ Peer Counselling Women's Coming Out—Sept. 12, 7:30 pm ALBERTA SUMMIT Sunday October 24 on Lesbian & Gay Issue 7:00 pm (Change in Individual Rights Protection) (Produced by Women Unlimited) October 23 Centennial Library Theatre Tickets $15.00 Red Deer, Alberta At Bagel Tree or At the Door Conference 1-5pm Dance at 8pm The Brian Webb Fall (Trade Show on Site) dance company Equinox For information: October 8 and 9 Women's Call 347-2174 © 346-8927 John L. Haar Theatre Dance 8:00pm Bagne - A world Friday, WOMONSPACE Dramiste September 24 ACTIVITIES Pierre-Paul Savoie 8:30 pin to 1:00 am and Jeff Hall Riverdale (From Montreal) Community Hall e Sept 12, 7:30 pm—Board Meeting * Take Back The Night! _ Members Welcome e Sept 18 —- Dance (| wanted to know) at Bonnie Doon The Exact Dimensions Rally & march on Friday, ¢ Oct 16, 8:00 pm to 1:00 am of Heaven September 17 at 8:00 pm Dance at Bonnie Doon Meet at South Door (on Brian Webb and e Information on these and other Jasper) of Canada Place Blair Brennan Gather for refreshments events, CALL: Music by Jamie Plilip after the march at Lesbian Life Line — 425-0511 Inn on Seventh PAGE8 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1993 ee a ae oa a Say Se Sar SSSA, SSS: SSS SSS SS SSE SESS Information on the Women's Fashion and Feminism (6334) Resource Centre (library) Dr. Sandra Niessen, speaker Faculty of Extension, U ofA Thurs. Nov. 18, 1993, 7:30 p.m. Humanities Centre, Lecture Theatre 2, U of A The Women's Resource Centre has moved from it's (crn of 111 Street and Saskatchewan Drive) You are what you wear — to paraphrase an old adage. home in the Garneau area into a new location. The special collection of books and periodicals by and At least we try to be. Our clothes are personal, yet about women are now housed at the: public statements of who we are. This forum takes a (selection of lesbian titles) look at recent women's fashions from a feminist Adult Student Centre viewpoint. University Extension Centre Lesbian Parenting (6311) 8303-112 Street, Edmonton, T6G 2T4 Deborah Foster Ph. 492-5044 Sat., Dec. 4, 1993, 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Hours: 8:30 am-8:30 pm, Mon. to Thurs. FEE: $20.00 8:30 am-5 pm, Fri. This workshop will discuss topics affecting couple and single lesbian parenting. Course content will be adapted FREE PUBLIC TALKS - Offered by the to meet the needs of those who attend but may include: geiting pregnant; giving birth; parenting; coming out; Women's Program, and the effects of homophobia on your children. Faculty on Extension, U of A Attendance is limited to lesbian and bisexual women. Ph. 492-3093 AWN ae) M0 Mark your Calendars now. The Federally Sentenced Women's Initiative (6305) YOUR SUPPORT (8 WEEDED Jan Fox, speaker Thurs., Sept. 16, 1993, 7:30 p.m. EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Room 2-36, University Extension Centre, 8303-112 Street ANYONE can walk... The warden of the new Federally Sentenced Women's Facility will describe the new program model and ¢ Your business * Your office ° philosophy and will provide a profile of the federally sentenced woman. ¢ Your School * Yourself ¢ WHAT IS IT?: An AIDS fund raising Talking Girls Out of Science (6365) walkathon Heather Ryan, speaker WHEN AND WHERE: October 3, 1993 Thurs., Sept. 30, 1993, 7:30 p.m. 10am-4pm at Rundle Humanities Centre, Lecture Theatre 4, U of A WHO TAKES PART: You, your friends, (crn of 111 Street and Saskatchewan Drive) families, staff Do girls have a different experience in the classroom | COST: $20 per person than boys? If so, what are these differences, and how BEFORE sept 22/93 are they affecting the achievement of girls in the science ($25 after that) classroom? INFORMATION: 488-5742 (Also info on other AIDS Awareness Week activities) SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 199: WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER = PAGE 9 €bsolute torch and ‘twang Director Gus Van Sant and diva-in-the-making k.d. lang are making music together...that is, for Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. With most of the work completed on Van Sant's screen adaptation of Tom Robbin’s cult novel of surreal Americana, the director invited lang to Portland to see the rough cut he'd assembled. Immediately afterward the chanteuse extraordinaire told Van Sant she'd love to work with him on the film’s sound track. In fact, she said she'd written a song just the day before that would be perfect for this film about love among lesbian cowgirls. Its name? “Pineapples and Poontang.” ADVUCATE Lesbian adoption approved EDMONTON JOURNAL _ Newark, N.J. A judge says a child should have two parents—even if they are both women. Superior Court Judge Philip Freedman found the lesbian couple “loving and warm people who are providing the NOTICE: child with a secure environment in which to grow and develop.” The lover of the woman who gave birth via artificial If you have enjoyed the photos used in insemination wanted to adopt the three-year-old girl, with this issue, they (and more) are available the women sharing parental chores. The judge said the adoption would provide critical legal in fold-over cards and post cards from: rights and protections to the child’s safety. Wendy Jill York Productions 2336 Market St., #20 San Francisco, CA 94114 USA (Write for order forms) PAGE 10 WOMONSPACE NEWSLETTER = SEPTEMBER/OCTOB1E9R9 3

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