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WOMEN'S STUDIES IN INDIA • Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN .. Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN WOMEN'S STUDIES IN INDIA A READER Edited by MARYE. JOHN PENGUINB OOKS Google Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN f.\ J-1 S I / l -_r4· - PENGUIN BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, 11 Community Ccntn:, Panchshttl Park, - i (S3l N~ Delhi 110 017, India Pmguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hud$0Cl Sn,:ct, N~ York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Pmguin Canada lnc.J Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England Penguin Ireland, 25 Sr Stephen's Gn:cn, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road. Camberwcll, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group l't)· Ltd) Penguin Group (NZ J, 6 7 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, Nonh Shon: 0632, N~ Zealand (a division of Pearson N~ Zealand Ltd) Peng11inG roup (South Africa) (Pry) ud, 24 Sturdcc Avenue, Roscbank, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England Fint published by Penguin Books India 2008 Anthology copyright 0 untn: for Women's Development Studies 2008 Introduction copyright C) Mary F.. John Pages xi-xvi arc an c,ctension of the copyright page All rights rNCrved 10 9 8 7 6 S 4 3 2 I ISBN 9780143063 773 T ypcset in Adobe Garamond by SORY A, New Delhi Printed at Baba Barkhanath Printers, Haryana This book is sold subject to the-condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, tt10ld, hired out, or otherwise circulated wirhout the publisher's prior wrinen consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which ir is published and without a similar condition including rhis condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser and without limiting the rights under copyright rCICfVcd above, no pan of this publication may be n:produced, stored in or introduced into a n:tricval system, or rransmined in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, phorocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior wrincn permission of bo(h the copyright owner and the above-mentioned .. ,.t,fi,her of this book. Go ogle Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN CONTENTS Sourcesa nd CopyrightA clmowkdgnnmts xi Preface xvii Introduction 1 Mary E. John l. New Beginnings From Accommodation to Articulation: Women's Movement in India 23 Neera Desai The Making of a Founding Text 27 Vina Mazumdar Women in Revolt: A Historical Analysis of the Progressive Organisation of Women in Andhra Pradesh 32 K lalita Initiatives against Dowry Deaths 42 Madhu /Gshwara nd Ruth Vanita The BodhgayaS truggle 46 Manima/a Implications of Declining Sex Ratio in India's Population 52 Asok Mitra 2. Politics 'Socialist-Feminist' Organizations and the Women's Movement 62 Gail Omwdt The Question of Autonomy 68 Nandita Gandhi aNi Nandita Shah Go ogle Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN vi Contrnts The Enabling Process of Empowerment 74 Narayan K &nnjtt On the Concept of 'Em~werment' 80 ManoranjanM ohanty Interview with Satyabhama 'Nani' Lawand 85 Sharmi/aJ oshi The Elusive 'Woman ': Feminism and the Women 's Reservation Bill 91 Nivedita Mmon The Fourth World Conference on Women: A Repon from China 98 I""" Agnihotri 3. History Beyond the Altckarian Paradigm: Towards a New Understanding of Gender Relations in Early Indian History 111 Uma Chaltravarti Of Begumsa nd Tawaifs: The Women of Awadh 118 Saknn /(jJwai Positivism and Nationalism : Womanhood and Crisis in Nationalist Fiction-Bankimchandra 's Anandamad, 124 Jasodhara& gchi Periyar, Women and an Ethic of Citiz.cnship 132 V. Geaha Her-Self. Early Writings on Gender by Malayalec Women 137 J Devi/ea Citizens, Workers and Emblems of Culture : An Analysis of the First Plan Document on Women 143 MaitrayeeC haudhuri August Anarchy 149 latu Mmon anJ Kam/a Bhasin Pramila Tai 157 Strtt Shakti Sanghatana 4. Oevdopment Women's Work in Indian Census: Beginnings of Change 168 Maithrtyi Krislmaraj Why do Women Need Independent Righcs in Land? 175 Bina Agarwal Go ogle Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN Contrnts vii Broader Issues for Discussion: Women's Devdopment Programme, R.ajasthan 184 Saheli,S abala Sangh,A ction India. Disha, WommS Centre, FAOW, Awaz--e-Niswan Women, Kcralaa nd some Development Issues 187 K SaradaTfU)ni Feminism, Poverty and Globalization 194 Mary E. john How Real is the Bogeyo f Feminization? 202 Nimuzla Bannjtt Women in Scruggle:A Case Study of the Chipko Movement 211 K"mud Shamw Decolonizing the Nonh 217 Vandana Shiva 5. Violence Rape and the Construction of Communal Identity 228 Kalpana Kannabiran Politics of Widow Immolation 234 Sudah Vaid Domestic Violence 241 Ma/avilta Karkltar The Impossible Subject: Caste and Desire in the Scene of the Family 249 Sus~ Tharu Speaking Peace: An Introduction 255 UrvashiB "t1tlia 6. Law An Open Letter to the Chief Justice of India 267 Upmdra Baxi, Va sudha Dhagamwar,& zgh"nathK e/JtarL, otika Sarkar Family Courts: From the Frying Pan into the Fire? 272 F'4villA gnes Human Rights Lawyering: A Feminist. Perspective 278 Nandit1tH a/tsar Scxcapadcsa nd the Law 285 RAtnaK ap"r Enforcing Cultural Codes: Gender and Violence in Nonhern India 292 Prnn Chowdhry • Go ogle Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN 11iii Con1~n1s The Two-child Norm and Population Policy 297 Mohan &to 7. Education Women and the Nation: The Trouble with Their Voices 309 Partha Chattnjtt Strishiluhao r Education for Women 316 Tani/ta Sarltar Education for Women's Equality: National Policy on Education, 1986 322 Dtpartmmt of F.aucation The Story of my Sanskrit 328 K"mud Pawde Gender Inequality in Primary Schooling in India: The Human Rights Perspective 336 Karuna Chanana Creating an Enabling Environment 343 Z,qyaH asan and latu Mmon Gender and Curriculum 352 Dipta Bhog 8. Health Backpain, the Feminine Affliction 364 Vema Shatrugna,N irma/a So"ndarajan,P . S"ndaraiah,L eelaR mnan Contraceptive Research:I s there a Gender-Neutral Approach? 371 Vinttta Bal, Vani Subramaniana nd IAxmi M"rthy, Saht/i Reproductive Health: A Public Health Perspective 381 lmrana Qadetr Our Health Our Heritage 387 Shodhini Our Mind Our Madness 395 BhargaviV . Davar A Disabled Feminism? 400 Anita Ghai 9. H<>1ueboladn d Family The Tyranny of the Household 411 Deva/tiJ ain and Nirma/a Bannjtt Go ogle Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN Conttnts ix F.conomicsa nd Pauiliny: Consumption and Authority within the Household 414 RAjni Pa/riwala The Widows of November 1984 424 f llJ'l Srivastava. Leaming to 'Adjust': Conjugal Relations in Indian Popular Fiction 428 Amit1t Ty agi Singh aNi PatriciaU bm,i On the Uniform Civil Code: Uniformity vs Equality 435 BrindA Karat 10. Caste and Tribe Dalit Women: The Downtrodden among the Downtrodden 445 Ruth Manorama WritingC aste, Writing Gender: Dalit Women's Tcstimonios 452 Shamii/a R.ege Dalit Women: The Conflict and the Dilemma 458 Annie Namala Castea nd Women 466 Let/4 Drlbe Women and Gender in the Study of Tribes in India 475 Vi,giniusX axa Ethnicity and Gender: Identity Politics among the Khasi 482 Tiplut Nongbri 11. U)DJ.JJl11naliasn01d Religion The Shah Bano Case 495 RlulhaKumar Women's Movements in a Secular Framework: Rtddining the Agendas 501 F'4via Agna Women's Movement and Religion 508 G"'1ruleD iarich Politicso f Diversity: Religious Communities and Multiple Patriarchies 515 KMmltumS angari Pragmaticso f the Hindu Right: Politics of Women's Organu.ations 523 Ta nilta Sarluzr Go ogle Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN x Conttnts 12. Sexualities Unravelling the Kamasutra 535 Kum/tum Roy 544 The Devadasi, Dharma and the State Jana/ti Nair Sex Workers' Manifesto 552 Durbar Mahi/a SamanwayaC ommittee Lesbian Emergence 560 Campaignfo r lesbian Rights The T r~ubled Existence of Sex and Sexuality: Feminists Engage with Censorship 566 Shohini Ghosh Querying Marriage and Family 573 Rinchin 13. Literaturea nd Media Alternative Interpretation of the Ramayana: Views from Below 583 NabaneetaD ev Sm Binodini Dasi: An Actress in the Drama of Public Modernity in India 592 Susk Tharu Life after Rape: Narrative, Rape and Feminism 596 RajeswariS undn- Rajan T dugu Feminist Poetry 604 Va santh Kannabirana nd Vo~a Integrating whose Nation? Tourists and Terrorists in Roja 611 Te jaswini Niranjana The Medium is the Mes.sage 618 Kalpana Sharma Gender Construction in the News Media 620 Sonia Bath/a Nous on Contributors 628 Index 639 Go ogle Original from Digitized by UNIVERSITYO F MICHIGAN

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