“The Allentown Diocese in the Year of Our Lord” VOL. 30, NO. 10 MAY 17, 2018 Women Called to Be Who God Made Them to Be at Conference By TAMI QUIGLEY Staff writer “Men and women are created different but equal,” said Kelly Wahlquist, one of the keynoters at “Women: Hearts Afire – Be Who God Made You to Be,” the second annual Diocesan women’s conference May 5 at DeSales Univer- sity, Center Valley. “God made Eve from Adam to be his helper, to complete him,” Wahlquist said in her afternoon presentation “Setting the World on Fire: Living the Call in Daily Life.” Women of all ages were invited to learn how their lives can be transformed through a deeper understanding of their vital role in God’s plan for creation. The event was sponsored by the Diocese of Allentown Secretariat for Catholic Life and Evangelization in partner- ship with Stewardship: A Mission of Faith. Mary Fran Hartigan, secretary of the Secretariat for Catholic Life and Evangelization and director of the Dioc- esan Office of Adult Formation, said 400 women attended the event. Presenters challenged women to discover who God Above, Spanish-speak- made them to be through topics of embracing the universal call to holiness in daily life ing women get a laugh and unveiling their unique vocation, as St. Catharine of Siena affirmed when she said, from remarks by speak- “Be who God meant you to be, and er Lucia Baez Luzondo you will set the world on fire.” during “Women: Hearts There were four keynote speakers, Afire – Be Who God “God has given us the perfect tool exhibitors, and opportunities for ado- Made You to Be,” the kit to live that life of holiness. He ration and reconciliation. Susan Tea- second annual Dioc- gives us the feminine genius, our ford of the Commission for Women esan women’s confer- charisms, the Holy Spirit, sacred offered remarks on Women’s Parish ence May 5 at DeSales Scripture and the Eucharist.” Small Group Formation. Lucia Baez University, Center Val- Luzondo offered Spanish music. ley. (Photo by Ed Kos- The daylong event wrapped up key) with a bi-lingual Saturday evening Vigil Mass celebrated by Bishop Alfred Schlert. Left, Monsignor Andrew A separate Spanish track was offered, and a special session for high school-age Baker gestures while young women was offered as part of the day. presenting “A Universal Speakers and topics were: Invitation: Embracing “A Universal Invitation: Embracing the Call to Holiness” – Msgr. Andrew Baker, the Call to Holiness.” a priest of the Diocese of Allentown serving as rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, (Photo by Ed Koskey) Please see WOMEN page 9 }} Transitional Deacon John Hutta to Be Ordained a Priest June 2 public. were interested in philosophy and By TARA CONNOLLY Staff writer Deacon Hutta has five “I will become an instrument used answered the questions I had about siblings – Angela, Vanessa, the faith. In prayer and through those by God to share his paternal love Bishop of Allentown Alfred JoLynn, Shawn and Skyler. “I encounters with the seminarians and Schlert will administer the Sacrament also have many nephews and to each of his children here on priests in my life, I saw men who of Holy Orders Saturday, June 2 while nieces, whom I adore very earth.” loved Jesus Christ and lived their celebrating the Rite for Ordination to much,” Deacon Hutta said. lives for him. I began to think that I the Priesthood and configure Deacon Thoughts about entering might be able to live that life as well,” John Hutta, II to the person of Christ. the priesthood surfaced dur- said Deacon Hutta. Deacon Hutta, 29, a parishioner of ing grade school while he served Mass, and the thoughts “Since that time, he has brought me a long way and Sacred Heart, Palmerton and the son became stronger in high school when he join Diocesan planted in my heart a great love for him, a love that I desire of John Hutta and Diane Hutta, will youth groups and prayed more consistently. to share with others. I look forward to serving the people become a priest for the Diocese of “In high school and college, I went to meet the Bishop of the Diocese and sharing with them the pearl of great Deacon Hutta Allentown at 10:30 a.m. during the and seminarians for dinner nights, sponsored by the Di- solemn ceremony that is open to the ocese. There I met some of the seminarians – guys who Please see ORDINATION page 2 }} ‘Selfie’ Culture Leads I T I n hIs ssue to Alienation, Pope Says ROME (CNS) – While taking selfies can be an occa- Family Holy Hours 2 sion to capture treasured memories, it can also be a sign that young men and women are deprived of meaningful human Youth Adult Events 8 interaction with others, Pope Francis said. Vocations Crucifix 11 Responding to questions May 14 at a meeting with 1,700 priests and lay leaders of the Diocese of Rome gathered at Quo Vadis, Fiat Days 12 the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the pope said he realized the negative social implications of technology a few days earlier Separated, Divorced 17 when he was greeting teens participating in a program of the Festival Listing 18 Please see SELFIE page 24 }} 2 The A.D. TImes DIocese mAy 17, 2018 Ordination ministry as a priest: presiding at Mass, not lose sight of this wonderful gift,” said administering the sacraments, absolving Deacon Hutta sinners, anointing the sick, proclaiming In addition, he is anxious to immerse }}Continued from page 1 and explaining the Gospel, and bestow- himself in parish life and build relation- Published biweekly on Thursday by ing blessings. ships with people to grow closer to Christ Allentown Catholic Communications, Inc. price, which I have found.” “I hope to share in the generative love in their everyday lives. at P.O. Box F Throughout his journey to the priest- of spiritual fatherhood. I will be able to “This is essential for all of us to be Allentown, PA 18105-1538 hood, Deacon Hutta said, his family and teach, to provide, to protect and to love striving to allow Christ working in us and Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2264 his parish families of the former SS. Cyr- my spiritual family. I will become an in- through us with the Holy Spirit. It comes Fax: 610-439-7694 il and Methodius, Coaldale and Sacred strument used by God to share his pater- down to prayer, relationship, love, mercy E-mail: [email protected] Heart helped fostered his vocation. nal love to each of his children here on and hope,” he said. “My family is originally from the coal earth,” he said. Deacon Hutta attended schools in President regions of this beautiful Diocese and they “I will bring spiritual infants and Tamaqua and graduated from Tamaqua Bishop Alfred Schlert have coal dust in their lungs as I do too adults into the world through baptism; I Area High School. He graduated from over these past years. It is a precious di- will put food on the table for my spiri- Alvernia University, Reading in 2011 Secretary for External Affairs amond of our Diocese and a wonderful tual family in the gift of the Eucharist with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Matt Kerr place. I love my family very much. They by the power of the Holy Spirit; I will At St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Phil- also fostered my vocation, even though I bless the marriages of my children and adelphia, Deacon Hutta earned a master Editor come from a divorced family. My family see their children; I will mend the scrapes of divinity degree in theology. Jill Caravan have supported me in my faith and I think and bruises of sins in reconciliation by Bishop Emeritus of Allentown Edward through my witness of my faith life has Christ working through me; I will pray Cullen will be the principal concelebrant. Staff Writers strengthened theirs also in some ways,” with and to my sons and daughters and Priests for the Diocese of Allentown and Tara Connolly he said. read to them sleep through Anointing of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will be Tami Quigley As ordination draws near, Deacon the Sick. I will be a father in sharing in concelebrants. Hutta is eager to take on the roles in his the fatherhood of God, and I know I can- Design & Production Marcus Schneck Culture of Encounter: Family Holy Hours Advertising Contact Lori Anderson The Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry is partnering with 12 Office Assistant parishes in each deanery to offer a month- Priscilla Tatara ly Eucharistic holy hour specifically for families from November 2017 through MISSION STATEMENT October 2018. As part of the Catholic Press, The A.D. Bring your whole family to encounter Times is the official newspaper for the Ro- Christ. Stay for a few minutes or for the man Catholic Diocese of Allentown, serv- whole hour. Babies, toddlers, children, ing Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton teens, young adults, and adults are all and Schuylkill counties. The A.D. Times welcome. proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Prayer resources will be provided for People of God through evangelization, cat- both children and adults in English and echesis and the teaching of the Church, the Spanish. Some Holy Hours will provide extension of Christ’s presence in the world an opportunity for silent prayer, while today. It endeavors to nourish, strengthen others will have planned prayer services. and challenge the faith of its readers by con- Holy Hours at parishes with a large His- tinually providing news information, forma- panic population will be bilingual. tion, inspiration, religious education and Pick up a postcard at the parish for the Catholic identification. Under the patronage schedule, or visit www.allentowndiocese. of Mary, Mother of the Church, The A.D. org/encounter. To sign up for text mes- Times serves the Church so that the King- sage reminders, text your Deanery’s code 14833 Kutztown Road, Kutztown. a.m., Queenship of Mary, 1324 Newport dom of God might become a reality in our to 81010: @BerksFHH, @LehighFHH, Lehigh Deanery –Sunday, May 20, 1 Ave., Northampton. society transformed by His Good News. @NorthFHH, @SchuylCar. p.m., St. Ann, 500 Block Wood St., Em- Schuylkill-Carbon Deaneries – Sun- POLICY STATEMENTS The next two holy hours in each dean- maus; Sunday, June 3, 11:30 a.m., St. Pe- day, May 20, 11:15 a.m., St. Mary, 82 N. The A.D. Times will consider all editorial ery: ter, 4 S. Fifth St. Coplay. Center St., Ringtown; Sunday, June 10, copy and photos submitted in a fair and ob- Berks Deanery – Sunday, May 20, Northampton Deanery – Sunday, June 9 a.m., All Saints, 17 N. Cleveland Ave., jective manner. The newspaper reserves the noon, St. Mary, 94 Walnut Road, Ham- 10, 11 a.m., Holy Ghost, 417 Carlton McAdoo. right to reject or edit any submission. burg; Sunday, June 11, noon, St Mary, Ave., Bethlehem; Sunday, July 1, 11:30 Any advertising copy accepted does not Cultura del Encuentro: Horas Santas Familiares necessarily reflect the views, opinions or endorsement of The A.D. Times and/or its publisher. The A.D. Times reserves the right La Oficina de Juventud, Adultos Traiga a toda su familia al encuentro oportunidad para la oración silenciosa, to reject any advertising copy submitted. Jóvenes y Ministerio de Familia se ha de Cristo. Quédese unos minutos o du- mientras que otras tendrán servicios de asociado con las doce parroquias en cada rante toda la hora. Bebés, niños peque- oración planificados. Las horas santas DEADLINES decanato para ofrecer mensualmente una ños, niños, adolescentes, adultos jóvenes en las parroquias con una gran población Advertising copy must be received by Mon- Hora Santa de Adoración Eucarística y adultos son bienvenidos. hispana serán bilingües. day of the week before publication. News específicamente para las familias desde Se proporcionarán recursos de oración Recoja una postal en la parroquia para copy must be received by Thursday of the noviembre de 2017 hasta octubre de para niños y adultos en inglés y español. el horario, o visite www.allentowndio- week before publication. 2018. Algunas Horas Santas brindarán una cese.org/encounter. MEMBERSHIPS Catholic Press Association, Rockville Centre, N.Y. VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR Catholic News Service, The Diocese of Allentown provides assistance to anyone who, as a minor, was sexually abused by a priest, Washington, D.C. deacon or employee/volunteer of the Diocese/Parish Catholic Press Association Award Winner Parents, guardians, children and survivors of sexual abuse are invited and encouraged to contact the Diocese 1991, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, of Allentown for more information about this program. The fullness of compassion should be extended to these 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2010, victims by the Church. 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 To speak directly to the Victim Assistance Coordinator, please call the direct line 1-800-791-9209. To learn more about the Diocese of Allentown’s Youth Protection Programs, Sexual Abuse Policy and Code of POSTAL INFORMATION Conduct, please visit www.allentowndiocese.org and click on “Youth Protection” at top right. The A.D. Times (USPS 004-111) is pub- lished on Thursdays, biweekly January to COORDINADOR DE ASISTENCIA A LAS VÍCTIMAS May; triweekly June to September; biweek- La Diócesis de Allentown provee asistencia a cualquier persona que, como menor de edad, fue abusado ly October to November; and triweekly in sexualmente por un sacerdote, diácono o empleado/voluntario de la Diócesis/Parroquia. December, at a subscription cost of $20 per Los padres, tutores, niños y los sobrevivientes de abuso sexual están invitados a contactar la Diócesis de Al- year by Allentown Catholic Communica- lentown para obtener más información sobre este programa. La plenitud de compasión debe extenderse a las tions, Inc. at 1515 Martin Luther King Jr. víctimas por la Iglesia. Drive, Allentown, PA 18102-4500. Periodi- Para hablar directamente con el coordinador de asistencia a las víctimas por favor llame a la línea directa cals Postage paid at Allentown, PA and ad- 1-800-791-9209. ditional mailing offices. Para obtener más información acerca de los Programas de Protección de la Juventud, POSTMASTER: Send address changes Política de Abuso Sexual y el Código de Conducta de la Diócesis de Allentown, por favor visite to The A.D. Times, P.O. Box F, Allentown, www.allentowndiocese.org y haga clic en “Protección de la Juventud” en la parte superior PA 18105-1538 derecha. mAy 17, 2018 DIocese The A.D. TImes 3 ‘God Calls’ Event in Pottsville Provides Faith and Fellowship for Families By TAMI QUIGLEY Scranton and then entered the seminary Staff writer from there,” Father Lonergan said. “All in all it’s important to be open to Approximately 50 people gathered the possibility of a call, and to realize that for an afternoon of faith and fun at “God ‘if I’m just a normal high school guy/girl’ Calls” April 29 in the parish center of St. – it doesn’t mean that God isn’t calling Patrick, Pottsville. you.” Everyone was invited to the family event of faith-filled activities, talks for Father Searles children and parents, a family Holy Hour, Father Searles reflected on the Gospel dinner and crafts, concluding with a vo- of John 1:35-42 where St. John the Bap- cation prayer. tist exclaims, “Behold the Lamb of God!” “God Calls” was open to families of all “In this passage John points others to ages and sizes, and hosted by St. Patrick Christ and one of our newest applicants and the Diocesan Office of Youth, Young to the seminary for the Diocese of Allen- Adult and Family Ministry (OYYAFM). town reflected recently on his own voca- Special guests spoke about prayer, tional discernment and prayer with this and the priesthood and religious life. All Gospel passage,” Father Searles said. priests, deacons and sisters were wel- “He wants to be a ‘John’ for others in come. the world pointing them to Christ. Many There was also a special track for par- of our young people have a hunger for ents and adults. this. To seek and to behold the truth and Father Mark Searles, chaplain at Al- beauty of our Eucharistic Lord and the Monsignor David James, center, presides at Benediction of the Blessed Sac- lentown Central Catholic High School exciting challenge of pointing others to rament at “God Calls” April 29 at St. Patrick, Pottsville. Deacon Lawrence Lo- (ACCHS) and newly appointed Diocesan him as well.” nergan and Father Kevin Lonergan kneel to his right. (Photos by John Simitz) director of vocations promotion, and Fa- Father Searles said the world needs ther Kevin Lonergan, assistant pastor of more “Johns” to point them to Christ and the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena, to exclaim in every corner of the world: who graduated from Marian High School, little more information and didn’t know Allentown, spoke to the “Behold the Lamb of God!” Tamaqua – first defined a vocation in her exactly what a vocation is. Others may boys. “In a world that is hungry talk. have felt that if they raise their hand, it au- Sister, Servants of the “Pay attention for the truth and substance that She asked the girls to raise their hand tomatically meant people would assume Immaculate Heart of Mary to God’s call in we can only find in Christ, it is if they were involved in activities such as they are becoming a religious sister. Rose Bernadette Mulligan, helpful for us to reflect on who sports, music and drama. She asked them Sister Rose asked them to envision your life.” directress of vocations for has been a ‘John’ in our own about subjects in school that they like. Fi- their vocation as a gift being given to the IHMs at Immaculata, lives. Who has pointed me to nally, after they had all raised their hands them by God, and to imagine it being de- spoke to the girls. Deacon Christ? And how have I been several times, she asked them if they have livered in a UPS truck. Lawrence Lonergan of St. Patrick and St. called to point others to him as well,” Fa- a vocation. John the Baptist, Pottsville and his wife ther Searles said. But most girls realized they needed a Please see CALLS page 4 }} Sharon spoke to parents and adults. “The vibrant young families and vo- Msgr. David James, Diocesan director cations that have come from Schuylkill of vocations, presided at the Holy Hour. County and St. Patrick’s Parish are a great testament to a faithful dedication Father Lonergan to the Eucharist and seeking the Lamb of The majority of Father Lonergan’s talk God’s presence in our daily lives. explained that you do not have to have vi- “The time spent in front of the Lord in sions of God or great miraculous events the Most Blessed Sacrament, the family occur for you to be called by God to serve rosary, and the dinner and activities with him in the priesthood or consecrated life. the youth of Pottsville were a great suc- “Father Searles and I both had very cess and I believe it will leave a lasting typical high school experiences – played impression and a deep love for our Lord sports, had friends and enjoyed life – and and his Church in the hearts of all who yet we both responded to God’s call in participated.” different ways. I felt like I should discern in a seminary right out of high school, Sister Rose Father Searles went to the University of Sister Rose – a native of Jim Thorpe Preparing to recess after the Holy Hour are, from left: Father Gregory Kar- pyn, part-time assistant pastor of St. Patrick and part-time pastoral minister at Schuylkill Medical Center and Nursing Homes; Father Kevin Lonergan; Mon- signor David James; Father Mark Searles; Deacon Lawrence Lonergan; and Monsignor Edward O’ Connor, pastor of St. Patrick. Father Kevin Lonergan speaks to the boys attending the event. Also listening Boys attend the Holy Hour at the family event sponsored by St. Patrick and the are, from left, Father Mark Searles, Father Gregory Karpyn and Monsignor Diocesan Office of Youth, Young Adult and Family Ministry. David James. 4 The A.D. TImes DIocese mAy 17, 2018 Calls gies, family gatherings, and wonderful new and solid friendships. We looked forward to going to visit as much as hav- }}Continued from page 3 ing Kevin come home for vacations,” the Lonergans said. “The initials “UPS” give a good over- “We saw him grow academically. And all definition of a vocation,” Sister Rose we also saw him realize that the priest- said. hood was the life for him. He could hear U – universal. We are all called by and follow ‘the Call’ and still be the fun- God. Because he created us, he has a plan loving young man, talented musician, for our lives, a plan for us to flourish and and Studebaker-loving mechanic that he to find the most joy possible. envisioned.” P – personal. We are encouraged to The Lonergans said after ordination, pay attention to what we like to do. God they have seen the result of the combi- wants us to use our personal gifts and tal- nation of formation, the mentorship of ents. many and varied priests, and the indi- S – state-in-life. All of us will be viduality of his own, become this vibrant, called, eventually, to live our lives in people-loving, witty, and astute man of commitment to a state-in-life, whether God. that means the married life, single life “We still recall with swelled pride or priesthood/consecrated life (religious attending Mass at his assignments and life). seeing the reaction of the people to his “The ‘best’ vocation is the one that prayerful attention to the details of the each person is called to. Prayer is so im- Mass, his powerful singing voice, the portant,” Sister Rose said, encouraging heart-felt message in his homily, and his them to listen to God by creating some Sister Rose Bernadette Mulligan, left, makes a point while speaking to girls warm personality,” they said. quiet time each day and to also talk to attending the event. “We wish other parents can experi- God, about hopes fears, dreams, desires. ence this feeling of satisfaction in know- Sister Rose shared a little of her own ing that, in sacrificing his life for the peo- vocation story, “how God gently invited fore a young woman would profess her the Pottsville Area High School. ple of God, their son can affect so many me through different people in my life, final vows. It can be likened to a long en- “We were both teachers in the Potts- other lives in such a meaningful way,” books, movies, songs on the radio, and gagement period and gives the person a ville district. It turns out that the princi- the Lonergans said. involvement in activities in high school.” chance to live the life to see if it is really pal, Father Ronald Jankaitis, became a “We believe that God is calling many “Pay attention to God’s call in your meant to be.” great mentor for Kevin as he continued young men to the priesthood. We pray life,” she said. his investigation into the priesthood,” that these men and their family and Sister Rose mentioned how young Deacon and Sharon Lonergan Deacon Lonergan said. friends will support them as they answer people today are entering religious life. The Lonergans described their experi- “Father Kevin’s experience at St. and walk boldly on this path that fol- She spoke about the process – attending ence observing Father Lonergan’s voca- Charles Seminary, Philadelphia was lows our savior, Jesus Christ.” discernment retreats, entering as a postu- tion story. filled with beautiful memories of litur- lant, the next two years of study as a nov- The described how Father Lonergan ice and, after that, about five to six years came to them in the eighth grade and as a temporary or junior professed. asked them if he could consider Nativity “It takes about eight to nine years be- BVM High School, Pottsville instead of Bernadette Joyce, left, and Wyatt Clews are dressed up by the sisters as a nun and a priest for a little vocation fun. Above, Deacon Lawrence and Sharon Lonergan address the adults. Right, Father Mark Searles, right, chats with Tyler Tray. Marriage and Family Life • Marriage Preparation (“One in Christ”) evangelizes couples to strengthen the institution of marriage in our society. • Parent enrichment and family enrichment opportunities are offered across the Diocese throughout the year. • Marriage seminars/workshops are presented throughout the Diocese to strengthen marriages. • The annual Diocesan Anniversary Mass recognizes milestone anniversa- Franciscan Sister Mariette Andrzejewska enjoys sharing the evening with ries and celebrates the Sacrament of Marriage. area families. mAy 17, 2018 DIocese The A.D. TImes 5 Diocesan High Schools, Special Learning Centers to Graduate 870 The six high schools of the Diocese Valedictorian: Molly Salutatorian: Kristina of Allentown will honor 864 students in Ehrig. Guth. baccalaureate and commencement cere- Salutatorian: Antonio Number of graduates: 134. monies this year. The three special learn- Diaz. ing schools in the Diocese will graduate Number of graduates: John Paul II Center for six students. 188. Special Learning, Shilling- ton Allentown Central Catholic High Marian High School, Graduation and Mass: School Tamaqua Monday, June 4, 12:30 p.m., Baccalaureate: Thursday, May 31, 7 Baccalaureate: Friday, John Paul II. p.m., St. Thomas More Church, Allen- June 1, 7 p.m., Marian. Celebrant: Father Ángel town. Celebrant and hom- García-Almodóvar, pastor, Celebrant: Bishop of Allentown Al- ilist: Father Brian Miller, St. Margaret Church, Read- fred Schlert. chaplain. ing. Homilist: Father Mark Searles, chap- Graduation: Saturday, Homilist: Father John lain. June 2, 11 a.m., Marian. Gibbons, pastor, Immaculate Graduation: Friday, June 1, 7 p.m., Valedictorian: Aaron Conception BVM and Sacred Rockne Hall. Srinivasan. Heart of Jesus churches, Al- Valedictorian: Olivia Luchetti. Salutatorian: Henry lentown. Salutatorian: Valerie Kline. Kreisl. Number of graduates: Number of graduates: 218. Number of graduates: 2 – Carlos Camacho, Grant 73. Grauf. Berks Catholic High School, Reading Baccalaureate: Tuesday, June 5, 7 Nativity BVM High Mercy School for Special p.m., St. Catharine of Siena Church, School, Pottsville Learning, Allentown Reading. Baccalaureate: Mon- Graduation and Mass: Celebrant: Bishop of Allentown Al- day, June 4, 7 p.m., Na- Wednesday, June 6, 10 a.m., fred Schlert. tivity. Mercy. Homilist: Father Eugene Ritz, chap- Celebrant: Bishop Celebrant and homilist: lain. of Allentown Alfred Monsignor Thomas Koons, Graduation: Wednesday, June 6, 7 Schlert. administrator, Assumption p.m., Physical Education Center, Alver- Homilist: Father Da- BVM Church, Northampton. nia University, Reading. vid Loeper, chaplain. Number of graduates: Valedictorian: Shae Himmelberger. Graduation: Tuesday, 2 – Kyle Parker, Matthew Salutatorian: Luke Andreyo. June 5, 7 p.m., Nativity. Siemon. Number of graduates: 200. Valedictorian: Joseph Manus. Celebrant: Father Christopher Butera, St. Joseph Center for Special Learn- Bethlehem Catholic High School Salutatorian: Connor Burke. chaplain. ing, Pottsville Baccalaureate: Tuesday, June 5, 7 Number of graduates: 51. Homilist: Father Keith Laskowski, Graduation: Monday, June 11, 10 p.m., auditorium. pastor, Our Lady of Mercy Church, a.m., multi-purpose room. Celebrant and homilist: Father Kevin Notre Dame High School, Easton Easton. Celebrant: Pastor Walter Breiner of St. Bobbin, chaplain. Baccalaureate: Friday, June 1, 7 p.m., Graduation: Saturday, June 2, 6 p.m., Luke Union Church, Shoemakersville. Graduation: Wednesday, June 6, 7 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Notre Dame. Number of graduates: 2 – Kristian p.m., auditorium. Bethlehem. Valedictorian: Erika Antunes. Hoppes, Franklin Steckel. 6 The A.D. TImes WorshIp mAy 17, 2018 Sunday Sunday, May 20 Pentecost Sunday, May 27 The Most Holy Trinity First reading Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11 First reading Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Scripture Responsorial Psalm Psalms 104:1ab, 24ac, 29bc-30, 31, 34 Responsorial Psalm Psalms 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22 Second reading 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 Second reading Romans 8:14-17 Gospel John 20:19-23 Gospel Matthew 28:16-20 Recommended to Your Prayers by Pope Francis Universal: Social Networks – That social networks may work toward inclusiveness that respects others for their differences. The monthly intentions are also available on video, with a reflection, or download Apostleship of Prayer Intention for June the app at http://apostleshipofprayer.org. In Memoriam 11 – Father Joseph Lanshe, 1967 Prayer Requests for Priests 11 – Father Charles Marciano, 2003 13 – Father Felix Fink, 1966 Please remember these clerics of the 14 – Father Joseph Martinkovic, 2010 Please pray for our Holy Fathers, our 14 – Father Stanley Moczydlowski Diocese of Allentown in your prayers 17 – Father James Farrell, 1975 Bishops and these priests serving in the 15 – Deceased priests during June, the anniversary month of 19 – Father Francis Hoey, 1964 Diocese of Allentown during each desig- 16 – Father Anthony Mongiello their death. 20 – Msgr. Theodore Wagner, 1979 nated date of June. 17 – Monsignor David Morrison 20 – Msgr. Francis Connolly, 1991 18 – Father Joseph Muller 1 – Msgr. Joseph Marzen, 1989 24 – Father Stephen Bonar, 1966 1 – His Holiness Pope Francis 19 – Father Michael Mullins 3 – Father Ronald Oranczak, 2008 24 – Father Joseph Jarecki, 1988 2 – Pope Emeritus Benedict 20 – Newly ordained 4 – Father James Doolin, 1969 25 – Father Frederick Przydzial, 2003 3 – Bishop Alfred Schlert 21 – Monsignor Anthony Muntone 4 – Father William Onushco, 2015 26 – Father Stephen Valesek, 1968 4 – Bishop Emeritus Edward Cullen 22 – Father Elias Munyaneza 5 – Father Robert Fagan, 2012 26 – Father Joseph Birosh, 1989 5 – Father John Martinez 23 – Monsignor John Murphy 6 – Father George Fenzil, 1988 26 – Deacon Gregory Bankos, 2008 6 – Father Keith Mathur 24 – Father Frank Natale 7 – Father Stephen Krizin, 1987 28 – Father Anthony Mechunes, 1962 7 – Father William McCandless 25 – Monsignor Francis Nave 7 – Deacon Richard Horst, 2017 29 – Father Albin Bielskis, 1975 8 – Monsignor John McCann 26 – Monsignor Edward O’Connor 9 – Deacon Leo Keenan, 2001 29 – Msgr. Joseph Mathis, 1981 9 – Father Robert McConaghy 27 – Father Richard O’Nyamwaro 9 – Father Raymond Slezak, 2017 29 – Msgr. Thomas Doyle, 1986 10 – Father Edward McElduff 28 – Monsignor Thomas Orsulak 10 – Father John Wiesler, 1982 30 – Father Bronislaus Kopec, 1968 11 – Father Timothy McIntire 29 – Father Luigi Palmieri 10 – Father Thomas Edwards, 2001 30 – Father Jan Majchrzycki, 1974 12 – Father Brian Miller 30 – Father Marian Paskowicz 11 – Father Aloysius Dietz, 1963 30 – Deacon Richard Stoud, 1993 13 – Father Ronald Minner Upcoming Issues Publication Date Advertising Deadline News Deadline Sept. 13 Sept. 3 Sept. 6 Oct. 4 Sept. 24 Sept. 27 May 31 May 21 May 24 Oct. 18 Oct. 8 Oct. 11 of The A.D. Times June 21 June 11 June 14 Nov. 1 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 July 12 July 2 July 5 Nov. 15 Nov. 5 Nov. 8 Aug. 2 July 23 July 26 Nov. 29 Nov. 19 Nov. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 13 Aug. 16 Dec. 20 Dec. 10 Dec. 13 mAy 17, 2018 opInIon The A.D. TImes 7 The Gift of the Holy Spirit By Father Kevin Bobbin, chap- lain at Lafayette College, Easton and Bethlehem Catholic High The Church’s Easter season comes to an end with the This is where the Church comes in. One way of un- School. celebration of Pentecost. Fifty days after the resurrec- derstanding the Church is that it is the Body of Christ. tion (Easter) and 10 days after the conclusion of Jesus’ All Christians, all disciples of Jesus are joined to him the appearances on earth in his risen body (the Ascension), way the parts of a living body are joined together. Jesus the Holy Spirit came to Mary and the Apostles. We rec- is the head. We are his members. This means that Jesus ognize this event as the birthday of the Church. is present wherever the Church is present in the world. In the Last Supper discourses in the Gospel according The purpose of the Church is to extend the gift of ing the pope and bishops when they teach faith and mo- to John, Jesus promises the gift of the Holy Spirit. This salvation to each and every person in the world until the rality. The Spirit ensures that the faith is being correctly promise was fulfilled on Pentecost. But what does this end of the world. The purpose of the Church is to con- taught and applied to new questions and circumstances mean for us today? For most Christians, the Holy Spirit nect us with the Paschal Mystery through the celebra- by the Church’s leaders today. The Holy Spirit inspires is a gift that is left unopened. tion of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and the and guides the work of salvation today. As we profess in the Creed, the Holy Spirit is the preaching of the Gospel. The Holy Spirit dwells in the Church as the Body of Lord: He is fully God along with the Father and Jesus, With this background in mind, we can understand Christ. But the Spirit also dwells in us individually. Just the Son. The Holy Spirit is a person, not some imper- the role of the Holy Spirit. Essentially, the Holy Spirit as the soul “fills” all parts of the body, the Holy Spirit sonal force emanating from God. Because he is a person, is the soul of the Church. Jesus formed the body of the dwells in each individual member of Christ’s body – that we can speak to him and foster a relationship with him Church during his earthly mission by gathering disci- is, each individual Christian. no less than with God the Father and with Jesus the Son. ples, choosing the 12 apostles and making them the first When we are baptized, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell It can be challenging to relate to the Holy Spirit be- priests (technically the first bishops) at the Last Supper, in us. With God’s very presence in us, we are adopted cause we can form mental images of the Father and Je- appointing Peter the head (the first pope), giving us the into God’s family. God the Father becomes our Father. sus, but this is not as easy to do with the Holy Spirit. Eucharist as the memorial of his death and resurrection, We are joined to each other as brothers and sisters in Nevertheless, it is important to learn how to relate to the and the act itself of his death and resurrection. Christ. Another way of understanding the Church is that Spirit as a person, to be in dialogue with him and to grow After the resurrection Jesus continued to form his it is God’s family. in a relationship with him. Church by appearing to his disciples and forming them When we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, the How are Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the birth of the as witnesses. Forty days after the resurrection Jesus as- Holy Spirit comes to us anew to help us live up to be- Church on Pentecost connected? cended to heaven. The Ascension does not mean Jesus ing God’s adopted sons and daughters and disciples of Jesus is our Savior. As both God and man, he is the left us, but rather that he no longer appears in his risen Jesus. The Spirit gives us seven gifts that we share in bridge who can heal the relationship between us and body, limited by space and time. Now he can commu- common (fear of the Lord, knowledge, understanding, God. As the disobedience of our first ancestors dam- nicate his presence to all people in all times and places counsel, fortitude, reverence and wisdom), but also our aged humanity’s relationship with God, our Creator and through his Church. own unique gifts that we are called to share for the good source of life, Jesus’ perfect obedience to the Father – Having formed the body of the Church, God breathes of the Church (for example, a gift for being a good lead- unto the total sacrifice of himself in his suffering and life into it through the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pen- er or a gift for being a compassionate listener). death – saves us. tecost. Again, an easy way to understand the Holy Spirit With all this in mind, the Holy Spirit is nothing less Thanks to Jesus, reconciliation with God is possible. is that he is the soul of the Church. He is the very pres- than the gift of God’s very presence in the Church and in And if our relationship with our Creator and source of ence of God dwelling in the Church today to continue to our individual lives today. As noted above, the Spirit is life is restored, we can rise to eternal life like Jesus. He bring the gift of salvation to all people. a gift that tends to be left unopened. Like the wind, the has conquered both sin and death. This means the Holy Spirit is constantly active in all Holy Spirit is invisible, and known only by his effects So, where does the Holy Spirit come in? the work of the Church. The Spirit is at work in making (see John 3:8). Jesus has died and risen once for all. But the gift of Jesus present in the sacraments. The Spirit is at work But the more aware we are of his presence and his salvation is not forced on anyone. There must be a way when the Gospel is preached and the faith taught. The work, and the more we foster a relationship with him, for this gift to be offered to each and every person in the Spirit is at work in all the Church’s charitable activity calling on his guidance in all we do, the more we will world until the end of the world. There must be room for and work for justice. find ourselves living by his presence and growing into each and every one of us to freely accept this gift. The Holy Spirit has a particularly special role in guid- the disciples of Jesus we are called to be. By Matthew Kuna, a seminarian Down Syndrome, Dignity and Ethical Relativism for the Diocese of Allentown. This article first appeared on “Seminar- ian Casual,” the blog of St. Charles A recent opinion headline in The New York Times these on abortion … we don’t need new laws; we just Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia. caught my eye: “The Ethical Case for Having a Baby need more people to choose to have such children.” Reprinted with permission. To sub- with Down Syndrome.” Initially I was taken off guard In the end, he seeks to argue why children like Aaron scribe to the blog, visit www.semca- that a piece with such a loaded title would have passed should be welcomed into our society, not that we need to sual.org. their editorial board to publication. As I began to digest legally protect them in the womb. the article’s content, however, my hopeful sense of sur- Before further dissecting Dr. Kaposy’s opinion, I prise dissipated. must express how much I am inspired by his family’s Dr. Chris Kaposy, a bioethicist from Memorial Uni- courageous example to choose life. Frankly, we need option for parents who receive this news from a neo- versity of Newfoundland and Labrador, wrote a pas- more voices like his in medicine – and in academia, natologist. Such undermines the very effort to promote sionate op-ed about raising Aaron – his 7-year old son overall – who witness to parenting children with Down the “acceptance, empathy and unconditional love” of prenatally diagnosed with Down Syndrome – and why Syndrome and call for their recognition and inclusion in children with Down Syndrome, for which Dr. Kaposy parents who receive such a daunting prenatal diagnosis our culture. I applaud them and sincerely thank them. argues. should choose life. However, it is necessary to call attention to a logical I do agree that the conversion of hearts and attitudes He highlights the demands, joys and challenges of inconsistency here. By legally permitting abortion based toward children with Down Syndrome is key to their ac- parenting Aaron, and asserts the need to embrace per- on the diagnosis of Down Syndrome, our society asserts ceptance in our world. (I actually think it will be impos- sons with disabilities in our families and communities. that these children’s lives do not have intrinsic value. sible to make any strides in preventing abortions if we An eloquent testament of advocacy, to say the least. The baby with this disability, in turn, is viewed as a bur- do not focus on this.) However, our dignity as human Nonetheless, Kaposy is abundantly clear: in his opin- den, not a person with dignity. beings is not dependent on these dispositions. ion, the abortion of unborn children diagnosed with One cannot call for the inclusion of children with The moral decision of aborting a child with this Down Syndrome should remain legal. He states: “My Down Syndrome in families and society while simul- prenatal diagnosis is not an issue of personal values, wife and I are pro-choice and oppose placing limits like taneously insisting that abortion should remain a legal popular opinions or social norms. Such ethical relativ- ism opens the door for anyone to choose what is right or wrong without consideration of truth or goodness, like You Are Not Alone the objective right of every person – regardless of his or her abilities or status in the world – to life. An argument for why parents should choose life for Do you feel numb and in shock? Heartbroken? their Down Syndrome child must begin with the dignity Frightened and alone? that is inherent to every human person, not subjective Are you considering carrying to term but un- choice and individual attitudes. certain how to find resources and support? Posing legal limits on aborting children with Down The You Are Not Alone ministry is here to help Syndrome is essential to advocating for their dignity. families who have received an adverse prenatal Pennsylvanians received the exciting news recently that diagnosis. our House of Representatives overwhelming passed Our free service of practical guidance and a bill that aims to do just this. To date, the only other compassionate care focuses on meeting the needs limit placed on abortion in the first 24 weeks is that par- of expectant parents as they seek to honor the life ents cannot discriminate on the basis of sex. House Bill of their baby no matter how frail or how brief. the loss of the anticipated baby, maintaining hope when 2050 will expand this limitation to protect children with We provide resource materials, assistance with writ- a prognosis is poor, medical decision-making during Down Syndrome. ing birth plans, birth support persons as requested, and pregnancy and beyond, stillbirth and neonatal critical As the bill moves to the Senate floor, our prayers and referrals to other community-based services and support care. voices must come together – even in the face of politi- groups. For support, contact Sister Janice Marie Johnson at cal backlash – in defense of the dignity of the human To expectant parents, we offer unique insight and [email protected] or 610-289-8900 ext. person. Such a legislative act would be a truly ethical sensitivity regarding such difficult issues as mourning 2280. response to affirm children with Down Syndrome. 8 The A.D. TImes youTh & young ADulTs mAy 17, 2018 Young Adult Philadelphia Pilgrimage Aug. 25 Join other young adults on a pilgrim- shrines and other popular sites, and enjoy age through the City of Brotherly Love lunch at Spruce Street Harbor. Saturday, Aug. 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 Cost is $20 with lunch on your own. p.m., sponsored by the Diocesan Office For more information or to register, of Youth, Young Adult and Family Min- visit http://www.allentowndiocese.org/ istry. pilgrimage or call 610-289-8900, ext. The group will attend Mass, tour 2021. Theology on Tap to Answer ‘What is Discernment?’ The next Theology on Tap, “St. Igna- delphia. tius Loyola and the Discernment of Spir- Theology on Tap is a monthly series its,” will be Monday, May 21 at 7 p.m. at sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Allentown Brew Works, 812 W. Hamil- Youth, Young Adult and Family Minis- ton St., Allentown. try (OYYAFM). The series is designed What is discernment, and how do we to welcome young adults ages 21 to 35, know if we are doing it correctly? How single or married, together in a casual set- can we distinguish God’s prompting in ting where they can grow in the faith and our lives from the voices of the world, share community with one another. others, and even ourselves? Join us to Theology on Tap events are free of learn about the founder of the Jesuits, his charge. Food and beverage can be or- guide for daily prayer, and an introduc- dered from the menu at the event site. For tion to his method of discerning God’s more information, visit www.allentown- plan for your life. diocese.org/tot or email Alexa Doncsecz Speaker will be Father Christopher at [email protected]. Walsh of St. Raymond of Penafort, Phila- Young Adult Book Club to Discuss ‘The Blue Cross’ From Tolkien to Thomas Merton – from Shakespeare to St. Augustine – from Jane Austen to Julian of Norwich – great works of literature have the power to challenge and strengthen our Christian faith. “Lehigh Valley Inklings,” a new book club for young adult Catholics ages 21 to 35, meets once a month to explore a clas- sic through the lens of Catholicism. The next meeting will be Friday, May 25 at 7 p.m. at Whole Foods (Foundry Cafe and Beer Hall), 750 N. Krocks Road, Allentown, discussing “The Blue Cross” by G.K. Chesterton, the first Fa- ther Brown story. For more information, visit the group’s Facebook page, “Lehigh Valley Inklings: Young Catholic Book Club.” mAy 17, 2018 DIocese The A.D. TImes 9 Women }}Continued from page 1 Emmitsburg, Maryland. “Who God Meant You to Be: Dis- cerning Our Unique Vocation” – Sister Faustina Maria Pia, of Sisters of Life in Stamford, Connecticut, who helps care for vulnerable pregnant women and their unborn children. “Setting the World on Fire: Living the Call in Daily Life” – Kelly Wahlquist, a Catholic author and speaker, and assistant director of the Archbishop Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota. “My Sisters the Saints: Role Models in Holiness” – Colleen Carroll Campbell, an author, print and broadcast journalist and former presidential speechwriter. She has served as executive producer and anchor of EWTN News Nightly with Colleen Carroll Campbell, a television newscast airing worldwide on EWTN, the world’s largest religious media network, and as creator and host of EWTN’s Faith and “Don’t underestimate your role in Culture television and radio interview evangelization,” Kelly Wahlquist says show. while presenting “Setting the World Principales en Español (Spanish track) on Fire: Living the Call in Daily Life.” – Lucia Baez Luzondo, director of the (Photo by Tami Quigley) Secretariat for Laity, Marriage and Fam- ily Life and Youth and Director of the Office of the V Encuentro San Antonio at the feminine genius, our charisms, the the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas. Holy Spirit, sacred Scripture and the Eu- With her husband, Ricardo, she co-hosts charist,” Wahlquist said. the television series “Creados Para Amar” She said there was a change in her life Sister Faustina Maria Pia of the Sisters of Life presents “Who God Meant You (Created for Love) which broadcasts on when she called out to the Holy Spirit, to Be: Discerning Our Unique Vocation.” (Photo by Ed Koskey) EWTN Spanish worldwide. “and the Holy Spirit is love.” She also co-hosts, “En el Día a Día Wahlquist said she travels a lot teach- Con Ricardo y Lucia” (In the Day to ing people how to have a Catholic Bible Day With Ricardo and Lucia), a weekly study. “I always pray for the people next live-radio program that broadcasts world- to me on the plane for many reasons. wide on EWTN Radio Católica Mundial When you’re strapped in at 33,000 feet, (EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network) you’re going to be talking about Jesus and in “radio on television” at CTSA, soon,” she said in a presentation laced Catholic Television San Antonio. with faith and humor. She told the story of sitting next to a Kelly Wahlquist man who wanted to open a Mexican ko- In her presentation, Wahlquist defined sher restaurant when he returned home to mercy as “love when it encounters suffer- New Jersey. He asked her several ques- ing.” tions about Catholicism, including what “For God so loved the world, that he is the rosary gave his only begotten son,” Wahlquist “We pray to Mary to meditate on the said, quoting John 3:16. “We were suf- life of Christ and ask Mary to intercede,” fering.” Wahlquist answered him. “Can we go to She also discussed the importance Jesus directly? Absolutely. But nobody of mercy and evangelization, and that loves Mary more than Jesus. What’s he women can do both in everyday circum- going to say, ‘no mom, not today?’” stances. The man told Wahlquist she was the “God has given us the perfect tool kit Lucia Baez Luzondo strolls across the room as she speaks to Spanish-speak- to live that life of holiness. He gives us Please see WOMEN page 10 }} ing women. (Photo by Ed Koskey) Religious Education and Adult Forma- tion • Adult Forma- tion offers enrichment opportunities through the Institute for Catechesis and Forma- tion. • The Institute for Cateche- sis and Formation offers workshops in specific areas of ministry, e.g., liturgical and Master Cat- echist Certificate. • Provides regional faith- based events with oppor- tunity for discussion. • Serves as a resource to parishes seeking to help adults deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith. Women listen to a speaker during the daylong conference sponsored by the Diocese of Allentown Secretariat for Catholic Life and Evangelization in partnership with Stewardship: A Mission of Faith. (Photo by Ed Koskey) 10 The A.D. TImes DIocese mAy 17, 2018 Women Wahlquist shared Psalm 51:8, “Let me hear the sound of joy and gladness, and the bones you have crushed will dance.” }}Continued from page 9 With this Psalm in mind, she spoke about how a shepherd would tend his first Christian who had not told him he flock and “one wily lamb would always wouldn’t be saved if he didn’t believe in go astray.” Wahlquist said there are those Christ, and asked why she didn’t try to who believe when a shepherd found a lost convert him. lamb, he’d break the lamb’s leg with the She responded to him, “Because it’s thought it would grow back stronger. not my job. My job is to tell you about While the lamb’s leg healed, the shep- Jesus. It’s the job of the Holy Spirit to herd carried the lamb on his shoulders. convert hearts.” When the lamb was healed it would walk “The Holy Spirit is pure love. What next to the shepherd because the lamb converts the heart? Love.” now trusted him. Wahlquist said she had prayed, Wahlquist said we too sometimes need “Come, Holy Spirit” when the man asked to suffer to learn to trust God. her questions so she would respond with She spoke of The Visitation, when the right words. “The Holy Spirit said, “Mary goes in haste to Elizabeth” after ‘Here you go kid, I’m going to toss you the angel Gabriel had announced to Mary a little softball, knock it out of the park.” that she was to become the mother of our “Evangelization has to be heart to Lord. heart,” she said. “What is the bridge from “Mary is the perfect feminine genius. heart to heart? Joy. Radiate that joy of She exudes joy,” Wahlquist said, recall- Christ – that’s how we bring others to Je- ing the opening words of The Magnificat: sus.” “My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my Wahlquist recalled that every day the spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior.” religious sister who was principal of her “Mary is overshadowed by the Holy school said over the public address sys- Spirit,” Wahlquist said. tem, “Joy is J for Jesus, O for others and “That’s how we evangelize – we lead Y for yourself. If you do this, you’ll be with our joy. Then share your story, as joyful.” Mary does in The Magnificat – she tells “Think of Mother Teresa. In her eyes the world who God is. Tell the world who we saw joy, and after she died we learned Jesus is – that’s how we set hearts afire.” of her dark night of the soul,” Wahlquist “God never underestimated the role said. of women in salvation history,” said Mary Fran Hartigan welcomes the 400 women attending to the conference. “In Scripture, God is speaking di- Wahlquist. And Jesus, in great pain on the (Photo by Ed Koskey) rectly to us,” Wahlquist said, encourag- cross, said, “Woman, behold your son … ing women to “get into a good Catholic behold your mother.” Bible study – you’ll find Jesus there, and “Don’t underestimate your role in in the Eucharist – bring people to the Pas- evangelization,” Wahlquist told the wom- cal Mystery.” en. A graphic of Pope Francis is projected during the conference. (Photo by Ed Koskey) Above, Magdalene Stratton, 16, left, her mother Deanna Stratton and sister Molly Stratton, 14, of Reading listen to Sister Faustina Maria Pia speak at the event. (Photo by Ed Koskey) Right, Gia Myers of Douglassville listens to Monsignor Baker’s presentation. (Photo by Ed Koskey)