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NINSOCIETY inist List edited by Jo Campling Editorial Advisory Group Phillida Bunckle, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zeal and; Miriam David, South Bank University; Leonore David off, University ofE ssex; Janet Finch, University ofK eele; Jalna Hanmer, University of Bradford; Beverley Kingston, Univer sity of New South Wales, Australia; Hilary Land, University of Bristol; Diana Leonard, University of London Institute of Education; Susan Lonsdale, Department of Health; Jean O'Barr, Duke University, North Carolina, USA; Arlene Tigar McLaren, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada; Hilary Rose, University of Bradford; Susan Sellers, University of St Andrews; Pat Thane, University of Sussex; Clare Unger son, University of Southampton. The last two decades have seen an explosion of publishing by, about and for women. This list is designed to make a par ticular contribution to this continuing process by commis sioning and publishing books which consolidate and advance feminist research and debate in key areas in a form suitable for students, academics and researchers but also accessible to a broader general readership. As far as possible, the books adopt an international perspect ive, incorporating comparative material from a range of countries where this is illuminating. Above all, they are inter disciplinary, aiming to put women's studies and feminist discussion firmly on the agenda in subject areas as disparate as law, literature, art and social policy. Please see overleaf for a full list of published titles NINSOCIETY ist List edited by Jo Campling Published Christy Adair \\Umen IIIHI Duce: sylphs aacl sirel8 Sheila Allen and Carol Wolkowitz Homeworldna: mytbs aac1 realities Ros Ballaster, Margaret Beetham, Elizabeth Frazer and Sandra Hebron \\bmen's Worlds: ideology, femiDiDity aacl tile womaa'smaprJne Jennifer Breen ID Her Owa Write: tweadetb-eeatur WOIIlell's fiction Valerie Bryson Feminist Political Theory: u iDtroduc:tion Ruth Carter and Gill K.irkup \\Vmea In Eqineerlng: a aood place to be? Joan Chandler \\Umea without H......,._ u exploradoa of tile margins of marriage Gillian Dalley Ideologies of Caring: retiWildDg eommuaity aacl coUectiYism (2nd edn) Emily Driver and Audrey Droisen (editors) Cbild Sexual Abuse: feminist perspectiftl Elizabeth Ettorre \\Umen aacl Sabstaace Use Elizabeth Fallaize Frendt \\Umen's Writing: recent fiction Lesley Ferris Acting Wlmell: images of WOIIlell In tbeatre Diana Gittins The FIUIIily in Qa.tion: c:haDtllnl boaseholds aacl familiar ideologiel (2nd edn) Tuula Gordon Feminist Mothers Tuula Gordon SiDgle \\Umen: on tile margins? Frances Gray \\Umen IIIHI La.pter Eileen Green, Diana Woodward and Sandra Hebron \lbmea's Leillare, What Leisure? Frances Heidensohn \\Umen aacl Crime (2nd edn) Ursula King \\Umen IIIHI Spirituality: Yoices of protest aacl promise (2nd edn) Susan Lonsdale \\Umen aacl DlsabiUty: tile experieoce of physical disability 111110111 women Mavis Maclean SaniYing DlYon:e: women's resources after separadoa Shelley Pennington and Belinda Westover A HidcleD Workforce: homeworker& in Englaad, 1850-1985 Vicky Randall \\Umen aacl Po6tics: u iDtematioaal penpeetiYe (2nd edn) Diane Richardson \\Omen, Motherhood aacl Chiklrearing Susan Sellers Lanpaae aad Sexual Differeace: femiaist writing In Fruce Patricia Spallone Beyoud Concepdoa: tile new polities of reproduction Taking Liberties Collective LeamiDg tile Hard Way: women's oppressioa aacl men's edaeation Clare Ungerson and Mary Kember (editors) \\Umen aad Social Policy: a reader (2nd edn) Kitty Warnock Laacl before Honoar: Palestiniu women in tile Occupied Territories Annie Woodhouse Fantastic w.-: sex, geader aad triiiiSYestism Women and Social Policy A Reader Second Edition Edited by Clare Ungerson and Mary Kember Selection and editorial matter © Clare Ungerson and Mary Kember 1997 The Acknowledgements, page viii, constitutes a continuation of this copyright page. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIP 9HE. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First edition 1985 Reprinted 1990, 1991 Second edition 1997 Published by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-333-60187-7 ISBN 978-1-349-25908-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-25908-3 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Contents Acknowledgements viii Introduction to the Second Edition 1 Section I WOMEN, SOCIAL SECURITY AND CITIZENSIDP Introduction Clare Ungerson 7 Tracing the Contours of Women's Citizenship Ruth Lister 13 Equality, Difference and State Welfare: Labour Market and Family Policies in Sweden Jane Lewis and Gertrude Astrom 25 Bibliography to Section I 41 Section II WOMEN AND THE LABOUR MARKET Introduction Mary Kember 51 Women in the Labour Market: Policy in Perspective Angela Dale 57 Part-time Employment and Labour Market Policies Tim Walsh 72 Women and '1992': Integration or Segmentation? Gill Whitting 85 Bibliography to Section II 103 Section m WOMEN AND CIDLD CARE Introduction Mary Kember Ill Government Policy Julia Brannen and Peter Moss 116 v vi Contents Locational Issues in Child Care Provision Sophie Bowlby 119 Social Support for Families Anna Coote, Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt 124 Families in Dreamland Patricia Morgan 131 Bibliography to Section III 137 Section IV LONE MOTHERS Introduction Mary Kember 141 State, Family and Personal Responsibility: The Changing Balance for Lone Mothers in the UK Jane Millar 146 The Relative Prosperity of French One-parent Families John Baker 163 Bibliography to Section IV 174 Section V WOMEN AND HOUSING AND PLANNING POLICY Introduction Clare Ungerson 131 Finding a Home Hilary Graham 137 Gender, House and 'Home': Social Meanings and Domestic Architecture in Britain Ruth Madigan and Moira Munro 203 Safer Cities for Women Sylvia Trench, Taner Oc and Steven Tiesde/1 215 Bibliography to Section V 224 Section VI WOMEN AND EDUCATION Introduction Mary Kember 233 'Just Three Quiet Girls' Michelle Stanworth 273 A Gender Agenda Miriam David 247 The New School Governing Bodies - Are Gender and Race on the Agenda? Rosemary Deem 254 Can the Barriers be Breached? Mature Women's Access to Higher Education Liz Sperling 266 Access and Assets: The Experience of Mature Mother Students in Higher Education Rosalind Edwards 272 Bibliography to Section VI 277 Contents vu Section VII WOMEN AND HEALm CARE Introduction Clare Ungerson 281 Maternity Services House of Commons Select Committee on Health 286 Women and Private Medicine Rose Wiles 290 The New Reproductive Technology: Problem or Solution? Jennifer Strickler 308 Bibliography to Section VII 313 Section Vlll WOMEN AND mE PERSONAL SOCIAL SERVICES Introduction Clare Ungerson 319 Who Cares? Women in the Mixed Economy of Care Mary Langan 323 Women Caring for People: The Mismatch between Rhetoric and Women's Reality? Hilary Brown and Helen Smith 329 Bibliography to Section VIII 337 Section IX WOMEN AND INFORMAL CARE Introduction Clare Ungerson 343 Informal Care-givers for Elderly People Sara Arber and Jay Ginn 347 Feminist Research and Informal Care Jenny Morris 359 Payment for Caring - Mapping a Territory Clare Ungerson 369 Bibliography to Section IX 380 Index 385 Acknowledgements The authors and publishers wish to thank the following for permis sion to use copyright material: Avebury Press for Clare Ungerson, 'Payment for Caring - Map ping a Territory' in The Costs of Welfare by R. Page and N. Deakin (eds) (1993), pp. 149-64. Blackwell Publishers for material from Jennifer Strickler, 'The New Reproductive Technology: Problem or Solution?' in Sociology of Health and Illness, 14(1) (1992), pp. 111-28; and Rose Wiles, 'Women and Private Medicine' in Sociology of Health and Illness, 15(1) (1993), pp. 68-85. Hilary Brown and Helen Smith for material from, 'Women Caring for People: The Mismatch Between Rhetoric and Women's Reality' in Policy and Politics, 21(3) (1993), pp. 185-93. Carfax Publishing Company, Abingdon, for material from Miriam David, 'A Gender Agenda: Women and Family in the New ERA?' in British Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(4) (1991), pp. 433- 46; Rosemary Deem, 'The New School Governing Bodies - Are Gender and Race on the Agenda?' in Gender and Education 1(3) (1989), pp. 250-8; and Lis Sperling, 'Can the Barriers be Breached? Mature Women's Access to Higher Education' in Gender and Edu cation, 3(2) (1991), pp. 199-212. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities for data included in Eurostat publications. Feminist Studies Inc., c/o Women's Studies Program, University of Maryland, for material from Jane Lewis and Gertrude Astrom, 'Equality, Difference and State Welfare: Labour Market and Family Policies in Sweden' in Feminist Studies, 18(1) (1992), pp. 59-85. viii Acknowledgements ix The Geographical Association for material from Sophie Bowlby, 'Women, Work, and the Family: Control and Constraints' in Geo graphy, 75(1) (1990), pp. 17-26. Harvester Wheatsheaf for material from Hilary Graham, Hardship and Health in Women's Lives (1993), pp. 55-71; and John Baker, Lone Parenthood: Coping with Constraints and Making Opportu nities (1992), pp. 110-25. Institute for Public Policy Research for material from Anna Coote, Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt, The Family Way (1990), pp. 39-42. The Controller of HMSO and the Office for National Statistics for Crown copyright material. Jessica Kingsley Publishers for material from Rosalind Edwards, 'Access and Assets: The Experience of Mature Mother-students in Higher Education' in Journal of Access Studies, 5(2) (1990), pp. 191-4. Roderick J. Lawrence for figures from Housing, Dwellings and Homes: Design Theory Research and Practice (1987) John Wiley. Copyright© Roderick J. Lawrence. Ruth Lister for material from 'Tracing the Contours of Women's Citizenship' in Policy and Politics, 21(1) (1993), pp. 3-16. Liverpool University Press for material from Sylvia Trench, Taner Oc and Steven Tiesdell, 'Safer Cities for Women: Perceived Risks and Planning Measures' in Town Planning Review, 63(3) (1992), pp. 279-96. Locke Science Publishing Company Inc. for material from Ruth Madigan and Moira Munro, 'Gender, House and Home: Social Meanings and Domestic Architecture in Britain' in The Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, 8(2) (1991), pp. 116-32. Longman Group for material from Gill Whitting, 'Women and 1992: Opportunity or Disaster?' in Social Policy Review 1989-90, pp. 214-27; and Angela Dale, 'Women in the Labour Market: Policy in Perspective' in Social Policy Review 1990-91, pp. 207-20. Macmillan Press Ltd for material from Jenny Morris, Independent Lives: Community Care and Disabled People (1993), pp. 40--9.

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