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Woman's Weekly New Zealand - June 20, 2022 PDF

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Preview Woman's Weekly New Zealand - June 20, 2022

PLUS Family, feudds & fun! Paula Bennett FROM SURVIVING All Black legend TO THRIVING Keven Mealamu ‘‘OOUURR BBRRAAVVEE NNEEWW CCHHAALLLLEENNGGEE’’ ‘I’m finally free Keep calm! DDRR LLIIBBBBYY’’SS to be me’ SSTTEEPPSS TTOO SSEERREENNIITTYY Purpose & passion Cooking ‘‘WWHHYY II corner SSTTAARRTTEEDD AA Oodles of noodles! CCOOFFFFIINN CCLLUUBB’’ Tasty weeknight makeovers Who caught our eye this week Jubilee celebration Is Naomi trying to tell us she’s the Queen’s celeb next Dr Who? FAN CLUB B itain’s avourite aces oined the m sses in some specia ro a event T e aug e ,t e sang, Ho en,51, onne apatriotic h wavedtothe UnionJack ownand sed crowds–andtheyall nfrontoftheBritishca ital’s wish HerMajestyt every osticonic an mar s best nt e70t anniversa SirRo Stewart,77,san Nei ofh rrei n. Di m n sSweetCaroline Above: Fashion royalty Kate recycled a jacket she wore on Cee ritieswereoutin u an ater oste a oto ra the Paris runway in 1993. forc ort e een’sPatinum o imse wit iswi ePen Aboveandbelow: Jubil einLon on.Su ermo es Lancaste 51 an someo is StyleQueenJoan wasthepictureof Nao iCam e ,52,an Kate ami ,incu ing aug ters elegance,leading Mos 48 saute t ecrow s Kim er ,42,an Ru ,34,an aprocessionof fromt etopo a ou e oungestsonAi en,11 damesthatincluded dec rbusre resentin the Noro aloccasionwould supermodelTwiggy. ’90s artofacavalcadeo becom etewithoutan buse em o yingeac 10-year a earance rom SirEtonJo n! periodoftheQueen’sreign. TheRocketManlegend,75,was ActressDameJoanCollins, ontourinEuropebutpre- 89, accompanied by her recorded his 1970 ballad Your husband Percy Gibson, 57, led Song for the event and shared the motorcade of Dames in a photo taken earlier of himself Vintage Jaguars, and Britain’s enjoying the surroundings at Got Talent judge Amanda Buckingham Palace. 2 New Zealand Woman’s Weekly A ove:A ter e tingoutsome itsfor the Queen’s concert, Rod joined in a toast or Her Majest at omewith family, including his 92-year-old siste Mary (far left). s St mous an mar Bi Bencou n’t outs in atr ot c Am n Look who popped into the palace! Sir Elton made himself at home on a previous visit to the palace. New Zealand Woman’s Weekly 3 22 June20,2022 T here are many inspirational stories for you to enjoy in this week’s magazine. Kicking things off is Paula Bennett, who shares details about what life is like for her post-politics. It hasn’t always been 16 an easy transition – in fact, sometimes she found it traumatic – but she is now doing very well and is set to return to TV screens as the host of TVNZ’s Give Us a Clue. On the cover match,Mariahgets 60 Garden We also take a deep dive into the Queen’s 6 PaulaBennett sued,andJadacalls Platinum Jubilee celebrations. I would Timeout ‘I’mfinallyfreeto forpeace have loved to have been there to soak in beme’ 22 JollyJennifer 62 Puzzles the atmosphere, but happily watched it on 12 Family,feuds&fun! ‘Beingagran’sjust 70 KevinMilne television. How wonderful it was to see Allthesecretsfrom AbFab!’’ 72 MicheleA’Court the Queen on the royal balcony with her thejubilee 24 Keith’srehabilitation 73 Horoscopes family. Although her mobility issues meant 18 AllBlacklegend ‘Inearlydestroyed 74 Jointheconversation she was unable to attend other events, she KevenMealamu myfamily’ 76 JeremyCorbett was able to bookend the weekend with two ‘Ourbravenew 26 Acuppawith... 77 KerreWoodham appearances. There was so much involved, challenge’ BroadcasterNoelle 78 Entertainment with the royal family out in force, including 32 Purpose&passion McCarthy 80 BookswithNicky the adorable Cambridge children. Little ‘WhyIstarteda 28 Catchingupwith Pellegrino Louis was very animated, with some saying coffinclub’ theBeatles’kids he stole the show! Celeb watch 52 Keepcalm! On the fi nal day, an English friend of Weekly people DrLibby’ssteps 2 Starnews mine who lives in Auckland hosted a tea toserenity 30 Teacher’spets 82 Starweekly party in her backyard. Everyone was dressed ‘Blooddonorsare up, there was lots of food, games for the Stories savingmylife’ children, royal bunting and even singing. 10 Thewrap-up It was a great way to toast Her Majesty Food Demifindsherlove from afar. And if you want more about 36 Oodlesofnoodles royals, our books’ editor Nicky Pellegrino 40Speedystews has recommended some great reads. I’m 42 TeawiththeQueen currently working my way through The 47 Shopwindow Palace Papers – it’s a fascinating read. Elsewhere, All Black great Keven Style Mealamu tells about his next big challenge. 48 Fashion He’s recently taken up boxing and he’ll be 50 Beauty hopping into the ring next month for Fight For Life, which is raising money for Mike Lifestyle 82 86 King’s I Am Hope charity. 54 Money And if you’re feeling rushed off your feet, 56 Home stretched and stressed, don’t miss Dr Libby’s top tips to help you wind down. CONTACTDETAILS FINDUSONLINE Enjoy your magazine and have a lovely week, NZWoman’sWeekly, ADVERTISING facebook.com/ POBox52122,Kingsland, EmailChloeJordan newzealandwomansweekly [email protected] Auckland1352 WOMAN’SWEEKLYSTAFF EMAIL instagram.com/ Seepage74fordetails [email protected] newzealandwomansweekly SUBSCRIPTIONS Marilynn McLachlan, PHONE The New Zealand Woman’s Weekly 0800624746 is published by Are Media Ltd, Level 1, 317 Editor New North Road, Kingsland, Auckland 1021. EMAIL WEB Printed by Webstar, 114 Swanson Road, Henderson, Auckland 0610. © 2022. email [email protected] [email protected] magshop.co.nz All rights reserved. 4 New Zealand Woman’s Weekly Think Retirement isn’t for retiring, it’s for new adventures. With more freedom to pursue a new your hobbies and passions, you can live the active, fulfilling retirement you’ve worked hard to achieve. Love the life you choose. outlook 0800 SUMMER summerset.co.nz on life. SUM3955_FP Cover story Paula’s fresh sta ‘I FINALLY CAN BE The former politician gives us a clue a b new life and tells why she’ll never W hen Paula “People would always say Bennett to me, ‘You’re so much more left politics fun than I thought you would in 2020, be.’ And I would say to them, she knew ‘Well, a two-minute interview that it was going to be tough on the tiles of Parliament living life on the outside, but when I’m being asked if I’ve now she says she has fi nally misspent $20 million isn’t found her way back to the fun,” says Paula. real Paula. “I still get asked a lot about National treasure Paula The 53-year-old former politics, don’t get me wrong, with former Deputy Prime Minister has but it doesn’t traumatise me leader Simon always been an outgoing now quite as much as it did Bridges, who person, but politics shaped for the fi rst 12 months after also sought her into someone she I left.” a life away confesses she didn’t feel One surprising thing that from politics. entirely comfortable being has helped Paula fi nd her way for a long time. back to her real self is her decision to front a game show on television, something you don’t see a lot of former deputy prime ministers doing in this country. The second series of Give Us a Clue is about to air on TVNZ 1 and Paula admits that the show went a long way to helping her step out ‘I built a of her political persona. “It took me about 12 lot of walls months to detox from around me Parliament and Give Us a Clue was a big part of it. because The performance required being a me to learn some new skills, but just backing myself for woman in the role in the fi rst place politics is took me way out of my comfort zone. It helped that hard’ I was in that mindset of just embracing everything and then seeing what happens.” Paula says she really expected someone at TVNZ to turn her down. “But I backed myself and 6 New Zealand Woman’s Weekly rt ME!’ bout her fabulous be judged again thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be kind of cool that a woman in her early 50s could do something like that?’ “And then they said yes really quickly and I thought, ‘Well, I’m on now. It’s all go! They liked what they saw, and so I was going to step up and just be myself.” Paula admits to feeling somewhat overwhelmed when she walked in on her fi rst day and sat next to broadcasting veteran Hilary Barry, who is a team leader on the show. “You’re sitting there, thinking, ‘Oh, my God, these people are legends and here I am giving it a bit of a go for the fi rst time.’ But Hilary and Kerre Woodham [who is a contestant on the show] were so wonderful to me. They didn’t instruct me or tell me what to do. They said, ‘You’re going to be great – don’t worry about it.’” Buoyed by this broadcasting sisterhood, Paula found the confi dence to launch herself into hosting a TV show, and when she made a mistake and had to do another take, she was told not to worry because Paul Holmes sometimes had to do retakes six times. “And if I got stuck on a word, which happens, and every time you try to redo it you just can’t get that word out, Kerre came up and told me to stop thinking about the word I was stumbling on because I was overthinking it. And it worked! New Zealand Woman’s Weekly 7 With Give Us a Clue team leaders Hilary and Tom Sainsbury. Above: Paula and daughter Ana in 2005 after her maiden speech in Parliament, and at her 50th in 2019. “These women were being they meant it, so that sort so generous with their tips of thing really boosted my and supporting me, and confi dence.” coming from them, it meant Paula has since realised a lot.” that the woman who was But going into that studio turning up to that TV studio meant Paula was also carrying was a very diff erent woman her former political self with from the one who was in her and wondering how she Parliament for 15 years would manage transitioning because, back then, she had to from what she calls “old life/ protect herself and her privacy new life”. and build up resilience. “We were a couple of “I built a lot of walls days into fi lming and there around me because being a Give us a crowd! Last season’s competitors (from left) Suzy Cato, Kerre, Hilary, Lily McManus, Frank Bunce, Tom, was a guest who probably woman in politics is hard. and Topp Twins characters Ken and Ken. wasn’t a big fan of mine I was just reading in the politically, which was cool,” newspaper this morning about she says. “But after fi lming, the social media attacks on when I left, I had to work of Client Solutions. I was getting changed and Nanaia [Mahuta, Minister out how to strip that back Like many former as I walked in, everyone was of Foreign Aff airs and Local again and work out how to politicians, she has a lot of having a glass of wine and Government]. Although you get other people to see me as knowledge of how things I overheard her saying, ‘Oh, want to be your authentic someone who is no longer in work inside government my God, Paula Bennett was self, you equally got very that kind of role.” departments and she can fantastic and how insightful protective of yourself. Something that has really help those who haven’t. to get someone new on the “I had to fi nd out how to helped is Paula’s work at Paula says when she got show like that.’ get back to me because I had Bayley’s Realty Group’s the job, she knew she had “I just thought that was so lost her and for a long time commercial division, where been institutionalised in lovely and genuine, and not people were judging me on she works in an advisory Parliament, but within said for any other reason than my politics, quite rightly. So, role as their National Director a couple of months she 8 NewZealandWoman’sWeekly As we talk on Zoom, their independence for as long Paula looks healthy, happy as possible.” and gorgeous with her And the day after our designer glasses and her interview, she and husband trademark short grey hair. Alan Philps fl ew off to Standing up to show off her Australia to spend a week new blue shirt dress, she says, with Ana’s family. “I work with a lot of younger “Alan asked what time girls, so I have to be sure our fl ight was, and I said, ‘I that what I wear is length- don’t care. Let’s get there at appropriate for my 6am!’ I am that excited to be age and for my going away.” own comfort.” ‘I believed Paula credits It is obvious that Alan with helping it when the old Paula has her move on fully transitioned people told from Parliament, into new Paula and although it wasn’t me I would she quite likes who all plain-sailing. she’s become, but amount to “We had to also very aware go through a nothing’ that it took a while major adjustment to get here. because I was “When I was home again,” very young, I was egotistical she admits. “When I was in enough to believe that I politics, I was away so much, could do anything and be we would have spent about anything,” she explains. “But 30 percent of our time then in my teenage years, together, then suddenly I’m I got all those insecurities home and we’re arguing over that you get at that age and I the remote!” went completely off the rails. And when Covid hit, they Thank goodness there wasn’t were spending 100 percent of social media in those days their time with each other. because I had these absolutely “It was a big adjustment wild years!” and we gave ourselves a high- Paula had her daughter Ana fi ve at Christmas,” she tells. at the age of 17 and lost all “We never questioned the her confi dence. love, but it’s kind of cool that “I believed it when people we quite like each other too.” told me I would amount to Paula and Alan have known nothing. So, for about 15 each other since she was 19, years, I was living day-to-day but rediscovered each other and surviving was more on and married 10 years ago. the cards than thriving.” Alan also gives Paula But when Paula found her advice on her TV career, voice, she worked hard to which she appreciates. get to the place she is today. “I was asked to do She says Ana is extremely something for TV which I proud of her, as Paula is of was quite keen on and then her daughter. he pointed out that it had a Paula is at the age where voting component. He said realised that she’d be talking “Opinion writers are she has elderly parents she I had been judged for so long to some incredibly bright either really emotive, writing supports, and a daughter and when I was in politics, did I people and she knew how about how they had sex last three grandchildren aged 15, really want to open myself up to fi x their problems. night and this is how it went, 10 and eight who she adores. to that again? And he was so “I would tell them how to or they are so statistical that “I’m at a really fortunate right about that. do it, then think, ‘Did I just I read four sentences and give time in my life where I can “There’s a new rule now: I make that look too easy?’” up. So, I’m trying to be in the give my parents some time,” can do TV if I want, but I will she laughs. middle where there is emotion she shares. “I couldn’t do that never be judged again.” Paula has also started and there is a real person when I was in politics, so I Wendyl Nissen writing a weekly column in it. However, most of the feel really pleased that I can Watch Give Us a Clue for the NZ Herald, which time it’s about issues that are help them manage with health Wednesdays at 7.30pm she loves. important to everyone.” issues and help them keep on TVNZ 1. NewZealandWoman’sWeekly 9 thelastthingon theirminds! Love you MOORE! Fans were treated to extra action in the stands as Demi showed off her new man I t was love-all at the have been romancing since ex-husband Bruce Willis, includes Bruce’s second French Open in Paris March this year. 67 – father of her daughters wife Emma, 43, and their when Demi Moore took “They are really hot and Rumer, 33, Scout, 30, and two daughters, Mabel, 10, her seat in the stands with heavy at the moment,” Tallulah, 28 – has stepped and Evelyn, eight – and the new beau, Swiss super-chef says the source. “Daniel back from his 42-year extended clan might be Daniel Humm. works long, hard hours at acting career due to a brain about to get bigger still. The pair cuddled and his restaurant, but they still condition that has aff ected Boyfriend Daniel is also a held hands as they watched often take time to have his ability to speak, write dad to three daughters – the men’s singles match Demi join him for romantic and understand language. Justine, 28, Vivienne, 12, and between Rafael Nadal dinners there.” The pair remain close, Colette, 10 – from previous and Casper Ruud. The two were also recently with Demi taking to social relationships. Ghost Insiders say star spotted at a fashion show media on his birthday Before his romance Demi, 59, and Daniel, in Paris. in March to say, “Happy with Demi, the chef dated 46 – owner of upmarket Demi’s new romance birthday, Bruce! Thankful Apple founder Steve Jobs’ Manhattan restaurant comes hot on the heels of for our blended family.” billionaire widow Laurene Eleven Madison Park – the announcement that her Their blossoming family Powell-Jobs, 58. 10 NewZealandWoman’sWeekly

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