More Praise ro r Phyllis Chesler "Cht:sler's (TCdCllti;lls arc imp<:c(,;lble, Iler e:-.:pbll"l ions thorough, her research well docullle11lcd, [She] sccms to be ;Idvocating a re turn to ;Hl ide;l tku inspired m;IIIY feminists in each of the 11101'1.." l1Ient's phascs. This is not abollt mcn vs, \\'Ollil:n or wOl1lcn \'S, women: It's aboul people karnillg 10 be.: fair," - SI, 1'I'II'fsbwg Til/ll's "1\ he;ldy ;unalg;Hll of n::scan:h , ;lg;lin, the Chesler voice is hrcathtakingly bold, nUhles.-;ly honcst, provocative, challcnging. and compassionatt:, This is roug-h tcrrain, and Chcskr is kading the war:' - TiklwlI m;lg;lzinc "Myth-shattcring and idca·trimsfonning, . No intelligent discus sion of the provocative issues she raiscs will ever be the same after this book becomes a pan of the ('alloll," - Alan M, Dershowitz "Phyllis Chesler has one of the 1I10S1 original and provocative minds in modern j\meriGHI feminism. " I-It;re sht; is in top form, cnlivcning her readers widl an e:-.:ciling and thought-prov()king ar gUlllellt abollt the ot Ilel' side of sistcrhood, ~ - Vivian Gornick \V{lT11dn's Inhumanity lo \\'0 Ill'! n Phyllis Chesler Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Are available from the Library of Congress. Cover design: Sarah Olson Introduction © 2009 by Phyllis Chesler. © 2001, 2002 by Phyllis Chesler. Published 2003 by Plume, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. Originally published 2001 by Thunder’s Mouth Press/Nation Books. All rights reserved. This edition published 2009 by Lawrence Hill Books An imprint of Chicago Review Press, Incorporated 814 North Franklin Street Chicago, Illinois 60610 ISBN 978-1-55652-946-7 Printed in the United States of America 5 4 3 2 1 WITW_pages_FINAL.indd 6 2/24/09 10:47:17 AM k[a-this book isforyon. contents Introduction to the 2009 Edition xi Introduction 1 1. The Animal Within: The Female of the Species 35 2. Indirect Aggression Among Girls and Teenagers 78 3. Woman’s Sexism 124 4. The Mother-Daughter Relationship in Fairy Tale, Myth, and Greek Tragedy 167 5. Some Psychoanalytic Views of the Mother-Daughter Relationship 206 6. The “Good Enough” Mother and Her Persecution of the “Good Enough” Daughter 239 7. Sisters and the Search for Best Friends 288 WITW_pages_FINAL.indd 8 2/24/09 10:47:17 AM 8. Women in the Workplace 335 9. Women in Groups 390 10. Psychological Ethics 436 Endnotes 492 References 503 Index 537 About the Author 552 WITW_pages_FINAL.indd 9 2/24/09 10:47:18 AM The world into which one was precipitated was terrible, yes .... One entered hoping at least for the solidarity of one's companions in misfortune, bUllhe hoped for allies, except in special cases, were not there .... This brusque revelation, which became manifest from the very first hours of imprisonment, often in the instant form of ... aggression on the part of those in whom one hoped to find future allies, was so harsh as to cause the immediate collapse of one's capacity to resist. -Primo Levi No one can humiliate you like one of your own. -Judy Grahn The black man wants to be white ... a native IS an oppressed person whose permanent dream is to become the persecutor. -Frantz Fanon The women who hate me cut me / as men can't ... -Dorothy Allison Most mothers worry when their daughters reach adoles cence, but I was the opposite. I relaxed. I sighed with relief. Little girls are cute and small only to adults. To one another they are not cute. They are lifesized. -Margaret Atwood