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Worldwide Paanoraama oof Nuuclearr Eneergy Ohi 3 -4 PWR 2,360 MMW –Japan Noveember Edditionn 20133 Vogtle 3 – AP11,000 - USA Flamanville --3 EPR 1,600 MMW – France SURRRY 1-2 PWR 1,,780 MW - USAA Hanuul 1-6 PWR 6,1889 MW - South Korea GPL.G – Strategicc Planning MManagement WWorldwide Paanorama of NNuclear Eneergy – Noveember 2013 1 TABLLE OF CCONTENNT IIntroduction - pagge 3 I – Highlights- page 44 II - World NNuclear Electricity Generatioon - page 11 III –– Reactorss Distribution - pagge 13 IV -- Nuclear Energy SStatus in ssome counntries/regions  Ameericas -- page 15  Euroope -- paage 29  Africa / Midddle East // African Arabic Coountries——page 65  Asiaa – page 773  Ausstralia – page 92 V – Some Trade Agreeements annd Cooperaation Accoords – pagge 93 VI – Environmeent and SSociety – ppage 105 VII – Fuel  Uraanium – pagge 109  Thoorium – pagge 113 VIII – SSpent Fueel , Radiattion and WWaste • Speent Fuel – page 1144 • Raddiation – ppage 116 • Nucclear and Radioactivve Waste – page 1220 IX – PProliferattion and Risks for tthe Securiity - pagee 123 X – AA Few Nuuclear Appplications - page 1226 XI – DDecommissioning- ppage 131 XII – Conclusionns – page 133 XIII – MMain Sourrces of infformation - page 136 Noote: Commments will be welcome and caan be sentt to: Ruuth Soarees Alves - [email protected] Teel. +55 211 2588 78861 This reeport can be reprodduced in wwhole or inn part witth due inddication off the creddits. This repoort was orriginally wwritten in Portuguesse. GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 2 Introduuction It is proobably that the Fukusshima-Daiicchi accidentt in Japan marked thhe end of issolation forr the nuclear energy industry in the world, whicch now neeeds, more thhan ever, neew global leeaders who can focus onn lessons leearned afterr the accidennt. The prooposed soluutions until now will reequire millioons of dollaars in investtment in alll countries with nuclear technologyy but as a reesult the seecurity will bbe greatly eenhanced annd will geneerate more jobs also. New projectss will be morre accurate due to the new restricttions to withhstand extreeme events that have beeen added too the basis of design According to the Innternational Energy Ageency (IEA), in ‘World EEnergy Outloook 2012’ NNuclear eneergy output ccould rise byy 58 percennt by 2035, but nuclear’s share off world enerrgy generation will fall ffrom 13 perccent to 12 ppercent beccause the ambitions for nuclear have been “scaled backk” as counttries have reviewed poliicies following the accident at Fukkushima-Daaiichi. The capacity is sstill projected to rise, ledd by China, SSouth Korea, India andd Russia. The socciety’s suppport to nuclear technology is esssential for itts success and for thiss the adequate communnication is ffundamentaal. The inforrmation must be accurrate and timmely in ordeer to createe the foundation of public trust in geeneral and in particularly those whho perchance may be affected byy the operatioons of nucleear companies, especiaally those wwho may be affected byy the operattions of nucclear compannies. Currently the Interrnet is avaiilable 24 hoours a dayy in virtuallyy every couuntry. Comppanies need to rethink how they coommunicatee the eventt of an acciddent, preparing to listeen to concerrns and ansswer all quesstions with oopenness annd transpareency. They need to woork hard andd train their communicaators more beecause the qquestions aare always nnew. The deccommissionning of nucleear power pplants at thee end of life in the comiing years wwill require huge investmments and avvailability off skilled humman resourcces not avaailable in thee market todday. The saame can be ssaid for impplementing aa permanennt solution too the radioaactive wastee in general and especially those off high activitty. Currently around 150,000 people workk with nucllear energyy and applications annd from thhese approximmately 38%% are preparring for retirrement within 5 years. The replaceement of thiis highly skiilled workforcce requires own policiees in each ccountry, witth the creation of coursses in univeersities that will attract sstudents onlly if there wwill be prospeects for futuure jobs. There are still areas of reesearch thatt will require large continngent. To answwer a decarbonized ecconomy, as proposed by the UN to deal withh climate change, nucclear energy stands as aan availablee and proveen technoloogy to contrribute to loww operatingg costs andd for long timme to the ennergy matrices mix neeeded todayy. Barriers ccreated by governmennts due polittical reasonss need to bee reconsiderred for the ggood of its oown inhabitaants. GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 3 WORLD PPANORRAMA OF NNUCLEEAR ENNERGYY I – Highlighhts of the Novvemberr 2013 Editionn In 2013, up to Novvember o 4335 nuclear ppower reactors in operaation with ann installed tootal net cappacity of 3700,536 GW(ee) o 711 nuclear poower reactors under coonstruction (net capacityy of 66,831 MW(e) Permannent shutdoowns o Crysstal River 3 ((860 MW(e)), PWR, USSA) on 5 /02//2013 o Kewwaunee (5666 MW(e), PWWR, USA onn 7/05/20133 o San Onofre 2 (11070 MW(e)), PWR, USSA) on 7 /06/2013 o San Onofre 2 (11070 MW(e)), PWR, USSA) on 7 /06/2013 Connecctions to thhe grid o Honggyanhe-1 (11000 MW(e), PWR, CHHINA) on 18 /02/2013 Construuction starrtts o Virgiil C. Summeer 2 (1117 MMW(e), PWRR, USA) on 9 /03/2013 o Virgiil C. Summeer 3 (1117 MMW(e), PWRR, USA) on 4 /11/2013 o Vogttle-3(1117 MMW(e), PWRR, USA) on 12 /03/2013 o Baraakah 2(13455 MW(e), PWWR, UAE) oon 28 /05/20013 o Shinn-Hanul-2(13340 MW(e),, PWR, KORREA REP.) on 19 /06/22013 o Yanggjiang 5 (10000 MW(e), PWR, Chinna) on 19 /066/2013 o Tianwan 4 (1050 MW(e), PPWR, China) on 27 /09//2013 In 2012: Construuction starrtts o Baltiisk-1 (1082 MW(ee), PWR, Ruussia) on 222/02/2012 o Shin-Ulchiin-1 (1340 MMW(e), PWRR, KOREA REP.) on 100/07/2012 o Barakah 1 (1340 MW(e), PWR, UUAE) on 18//07/2012 Connecctions to thhe grid o Shin –Wolssong 1 (9600 MW(e), PWWR, South KKorea) on 27/01/2012 o Shin –Kori -2 (960 MWW(e), PWR, South Koreea) on 28/011/2012 Restartts after longg-term shuutdown o Bruce-1 (772 MWW(e), PHWRR, CANADA)) on 19 /09/2012 o Bruce-2 (772 MWW(e), PHWRR, CANADA)) on 16 /10/2012 Definitive closure o Oldburry A1 (217 MW(e), GCCR, Great BBritain on 299/02/2012 o Wylfa (490 MW(ee), GCR, Grreat Britain on 25/04/20012 In 2011: • 4335 nuclear ppower reactoors in operaation with ann installed tootal net capacity of 3688,192MW(e)) • 63 nuclear power reactoors under coonstruction Connecctions to thhe grid in 20011: • Kaaiga 4 (202 MW(and), PPHWR, India) – on 01/119/2011 • Chhasnupp 2 ((300 MW(annd), PWR, PPakistan) – on 03/14/20011 GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 4 • Linngao 4 (10000 MW(and)), PWR, China) – on 055/03/2011 • CEEFR - (20 MMW(and), FBBR, China) –– Experimeental fast breeeder reactoor on 07/21/2011 • Buushehr 1 (9115 MW(and), PWR-VVER, Iran) – on 09/03/20011 • Kaalinin4 (950 MW(and), PWR-VVERR, Russia) –– on 11/14/22011 • Qiinshan 2-4 ((610 MW(e)), PWR, Chiina) – on 111/25/2011 Construuction starrtt date in 20011: • Chhasnupp 3 ((315 MW(annd), PWR, PPakistan) – on 05/28/111 • Raajasthan 7 ((630 MW(annd), PHWR, India) – onn 07/18/11 Definitive closure: • Fuukushima-DDaiichi 1,2,3,4 (439/7600/760/760 MMW(and), BWWR, Japan) - were offficially declaared cclosed on 05/20/11 • Olldbury A2 (2217 MW(andd), GCR-Maagnox, Englland) on Junne 30 – Endd of useful liifetime • Biblis A and B (1167/11240 MW(aand), PWR, Germany) were officially declaared closedd on 008/06/11 • Brrunsbuettel (771 MW(and), BWR, GGermany) wwere officially declared closed on 008/06/11 • Isaar 1 (878 MW(and), BWWR, Germanny) were offficially declaared closed on 08/06/11 • Krruemmel (13346 MW(and), BWR, GGermany) weere officiallyy declared cclosed on 088/06/11 • Neeckarwestheeim 1(785 MMW(and), PWR,Germaany) were offficially declaared closedd on 08/06/22011 • Phhilippsburg 11 (890 MW((and), BWRR, Germany)) were officiaally declared closed onn 08/06/11 • Unnterweser (11345 MW(and), PWR, Germany) wwere officially declared closed on 008/06/11. 435 Reacttors in operatioon by type Country - IAEA –– November 20013 GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 5 435 Reacctors in operation by Countrry IAAEA – Novembber 2013 • 15 Countriees, represeenting half of world population bbuild 69 neew reactorss with total net ccapacity of 66,831 MWW(e). • 665 Countriees holding nno nuclear ttechnology have expreessed to thee IAEA theirr interest in this mmatter, as thhey plan to build reactoors and/or too develop aan industrial nuclear cappability. GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 6 Reactoors Underr Construcction by Coountry ARGENTIINA BRAZIL CHINA + TAIWAN FINLANDD 2 22 3 1 1 2 FRANCE 10 INDIA 30 JAPAN 2 SOUTH KKOREA 5 PAKISTAN 2 7 1 1 RUSSIA SLOVAKIA UKRAINEE UNITED AARAB EMIRATTES UNITED SSTATES OF AMMERICA 71 Reactorss under constrruction by typee GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 7 Reactoors in opperationn or opeerationaals Total Net NNumber off Electrrical CCountry Reactors Capaccity [MWW] 2 935 ARGENTINNA 1 375 ARMENIA 7 5927 BELGIUM 2 1990 BRAZIL 2 1906 BULGARIAA 19 13500 CAANADA 24 18888 CHINA+TAIWAN 6 3804 CZZECH REEPUBLIC 4 2752 FIINLAND 58 663130 FRRANCE 9 12068 GERMANYY 4 1889 HUNGARYY 21 5308 INNDIA 1 915 IRRAN, ISLAAMIC REPPUBLIC 50 444215 JAAPAN 23 220739 KOOREA, RREPUBLICC OF 2 1640 MMEXICO 1 482 NETHERLAANDS 3 725 PAAKISTANN 2 1300 ROOMANIA 33 223643 RUSSIA 4 1816 SLOVAKIAA 1 688 SLOVENIAA 2 1860 SOOUTH AFFRICA 8 7567 SPAIN 10 9474 SWWEDEN 5 3308 SWWITZERLLAND 15 13107 UKRAINE 16 9231 UNITED KINNGDOM 100 998560 UNITED STTATES OFF AMER Tootal 435 3771712 GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 8 Summaary of Analyyses and PProcedures adopted bby most couuntries afteer the acciddent Fukushhima After thee accident aat Fukushimma in Japann in March 22011, the enntire nuclear industry mmobilized forr the evaluation of thhe event annd steps to bbe taken to ensure thaat these factts would noot repeate inn other nuuclear poweer plants. Thhe lessons from the evvent generaated a seriess of actionss as a result of the eevaluations that each country haas made. TThe issues, problems and solutioons are not commonn to all reacctors or to alll countries. For somme cases it will be neccessary chaange the reggulatory struucture of thhe countriess’ regulatorss with thee intention of making agencies mmore independent, but most of ccountries did analyzess focusedd on ensuring the reacctors abilityy to withstaand extremee events (eearthquakess and otherr seismic events, tsuunami, floodds, windstormms and hurricanes) andd the behavvior of securrity systemss and saffe shutdownn of the plaants. They aalso evaluaated the proocesses andd planning for externaal responsse to nucleaar emergenccies and SAAMG's (Seveere Accidents Managemment Guidelines) A summmary of key actions by country is ffollowing. EEvaluations undertaken by countriees and theirr regulatoors generatee programss and proceedures to soolve any weeaknesses and have bbeen or aree being deeveloped: The main actions aare concentrrated in areaas where thhere are potential for immprovementss: • CCountry Regulatory Strructure; • SSeismic ressistance evaaluation of eeach reactorr; GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 9 • CChecking off Tsunami/fllood defensses; • IInstall new eemergency Diesels; • CChecking Emergency ccooling pummps; • EEvaluation oof Spent Fuuel Pool Coooling; • CChecking off Instrumenttation’s Speent Fuel Poool; • HHydrogen’s Recombineers • CContainmennt Vent • SSAMG’s (Seevere Acciddents Managgement Guidelines) • MMulti-unit Annalysis; • EEmergency Response The commparison oof nuclear ppower geneeration in thhe years 22010 and 2011 showss that somee countriees have redduced theirr nuclear ggeneration, but most oof then hass increase the energyy generatted by this ssource from one year too the next. OOnly Japan, which tookk off much oof its fleet forr tests aftter the earthquake andd tsunami oof March 2011 and Gerrmany havee turned off some of itss reactorss spontaneoously, had aa reduction in its nucleaar power genneration. Nuclear Generaation by Countryy and Year ( 20110/2011/2012) GPPL.G – Strattegic Planninng Managemment Worlddwide Panorrama of Nucclear Energy – Novembber 2013 10

Sep 3, 2013 de Pa. A. W anora. Ohi 3 -. Flamanville -. Worldwide Pa ama o . han ever, ne .. The sho nuclear generat forgings. The Nu delayed compan. Doosan .. NRU, lo ebec and. Atomic Ene ced – for s otopes. On a ed with ele.
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