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.WITTGENSTEIN and the Turning-point ,I in the Philosophy . I I of Mathematics 1 , . I j S.G.SHANKER • I ) , I i : j , j :1 i , i State University of New York Press j r; I i. I ---=--- - ---- - CONTENTS Preface vii © Stuart Shanker 1987 ListofAbbreviations x All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication . may bereproduced or transmitted. in any form or by any means. without 1. Wiltgenslein's Tnrning-Pninl permission. 1. Philosophy'sDebt to Schlick I First published in U.S.A. by 2. ScepticalConfusionsabout Rule-following 13 State University of New York Press, Albany 3. Dispersingthe Cloudsof Epistemological Confusion 25 For information, address State University ofNew York Press, State University Plata, Albany, N.Y. 12246 2. The Strains in the Realist/Anti-realist Framework I. Wittgenstein'sVerificationism 39 Printed in Great Britain 2. Wittgenstein's 'Conversion' 48 3. TheObjectivityofMathematicalKnowledge 59 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 3. The Nature of Proof Shanker, Stuart. Wittgenstein and the turning point in the philosophy 1. The Burden ofProof 75 ofmathematics. 2. Observingthe Law ofExcluded Middle 88 3. Mathematical 'Stimuli' 104 Bibliography: p. Includes index. 4. Surveyabilily I. Mathematics - Philosophy. 2. Wittgenstein, 1. TheBoundsofPerspicuity 120 Ludwig, 1889-1951. I. Title. QA8.4.S53 1987 510'.1 86·23053 2. 'ProbabilisticProofs' 130 ISBN 0·88706·482·5 3. TheAppel-HakenSolution of the Four-Colour ISBN 0·88706·483·3 (pbk.) Problem 143 5. The Perils of Prose 1. The Nature ofInfinity 161 2. Comingto Gripswith the Irrational 175 3. 'Prose':The Meeting-pointBetween Mathematics and Philosophy 198 6. Consistency I. Hilbert's Programme 220 2. MathematicalTotemsand Tabus 231 ToMy Parents 3. The Application ofan 'Inconsistent System' 246 7. The Recovery of Cerlainly 1. The Foundationsof the Foundationsof Mathematics 259 2. EquationsareRulesofSyntax 274 3. UnconventionalConventionalism 288 8. Freedom and ecessity 1. Discovering,Creating, Inventing 303 PREFACE 2. AnarchyversusAutonomy 315 3. The Interrelatedness ofMathematicalTruths 329 Bibliography 342 354 Index On the first page of Culture and Value we read: 'There is no religious denomination in which the misuse of metaphysical expressions has been responsible for so much sin as it has in mathematics.' Here is a charge that must either be exploded or primed; on no account can itbe ignored, whatever one's attitude towardsWittgenstein'sconceptionofphilosophy.Unfortunately,the widespread obloquy that Wittgenstein's work in the philosophyof mathematics has provoked tends to dampen enthusiasm for such aninitiative.Evensympatheticadmirersarecowedintosubmission by such disparaging assessments as Dummett's reproach that 'Many of the thoughts [in Remarkson theFoundations ofMathe maticsJare expressed ina mannerwhichthe author recognised as inaccurate or obscure;some passages contradict others;some are quite inconclusive; some raise objections to ideas which Wittgenstein held or had held which are not themselves stated clearly in the volume; other passages again, particularly those on consistency andonGodel'stheorem,areofpoorqualityorcontain definite errors." It is the spectre of technical mistakeswhich must be particularly haunting for the aspiring Wittgensteinian; but this issuemust besquarelyconfronted, ifonlyto certifywhetheror not Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics is an area which would best beleftundisturbed bytheprudentWillgensteinian. The origin of this workwasacommission to undertake the first stepof thisunenviabletaskbyidentifyingthespecificmistakesthat critics were alluding to in their passing asides on Wittgenstein's failure to grasp the mechanics of Godel's second incompleteness theorem, It quickly became manifest, however, that far more was involved here than was immediatelyapparent. It was obvious that Wittgenstein's remarks on Godel's theorem could not be grasped without a prior understanding of his attack on meta-mathematics and Hilbert's Programme, yet these latter issues could not be broached before Wittgenstein'sdiscussionsofthenature ofmathe maticalpropositionsand proofhad beenaddressed. But howcould the lattertopics be understood withoutplacingthem inthe context of Wittgenstein's attack on the use of 'prose' in the interpretation ofmathematics, hismanyexamplesufthephilosophicalconfusions vii viii Preface Preface ix that had resulted from the indiscretions of prose, and most approach to Wittgenstein's remarks on the philosopby of mathe importantly of all, his striking oew approach to the character of matics by concentrating on the material of the early 1930s. For mathematical necessity and the propriety of scepticism in the unlesswe carefullyretrace the stepswhich Wittgenstein took from philosophy ofmathematics? hisreturn to Cambridgeand philosophyin 1929 (tbe timeat wbich Running through all this was a growing awareness that the above quotation from Culture and Value was written) tbe Wittgenstein's attack on Godel's interpretation of his second obstacles to understanding his mature writings on philosophy incompleteness theorem could not be dissociated from his pro particularly in the pbilosophy of mathematics- are formidable, if posed resolution/dissolution of the 'foundations crisis'. If any notinsuperable.ThegreatimportanceofPhilosophicalRemarksand thing, the critiqueof Godel's theorem was merely a by-product of Philosophical Grammar for our understanding of Wittgenstein's the much larger investigation into what Wittgenstein regarded as later investigations in the pbilosopby of mathematics is tbat the conceptual confusions inspiring the foundations dispute.Thus, Wittgenstein discussed here in considerable detail the various what began as a short paper on Wittgenstein's attitude to Godel's technical themes in bigher mathematics that are generally only theorem had soon blossomed into a full-scale monograph on alluded to in Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. It Wittgenstein's extensive involvement in the philosophy of mathe is tbus by focusing on these works that we can best expose the matics. For one thing had become all too apparent: Wirtgenstein fallacies underlying tbe currently prevailing interpretations that was assailed by the earlyreviewers of Remarkson theFoundations Wittgensteio was intent on some form of 'Anti-realist' attack on of Mathematics for the mistakes wbich purportedly riddle the the foundations of mathematics, or that he was interested in a book, yet invariably these 'errors' were only listed, never actually species of 'full-blooded conventionalist' or 'radical constructivist' substantiatedassuch.Obviouslytbegreat appealofsuch a polemic critique. Freed from these critical incubuses, we shall then be in a is that it is much easier to dismiss an argument on technical position to grasp the full implications of Wittgenstein's anti grounds than to refuteit philosopbically.But what were presented metaphysicalexertions in tbe philosophyof matbematics. as corrections were, infact,covert philosophicalobjectionswhich, because of the prior assumption, were developed without any It gives me great pleasure to thank Gordon Baker and Peter effort to clarify, let alone challenge, the philosophical background Hacker here for their unstinting help and encouragement. I am on which Wittgenstein had based his approach to the foundations especially grateful to Peter Hacker for bis showing me the details dispute. Whetheror not Wittgenstein's criticisms hit their mark is of an immense landscape which I could not possibly have known obviouslyanissue whichwe cannot hope to consideruntilwe have mywayaround.I would also like to thank Brian McGuinness and first 'established the grounds for the points which he raised; and Bede Rundlefortheir valuablecomments.[amdeeplyindebted to whether these grounds are warranted will depend on whether tbe generous funding which 1 have received from the Canada or not Wittgenstein's criticisms hit their mark. It was all too clear Council, first as a Doctoral and then as a Postdoctoral Fellow. that any satisfactory treatment of Wittgenstein's writings in the Finally, 1 would like to thank Richard Stoneman and Mark philosophy of mathematics would have to satisfy both of these Barragry for services rendered far above and beyond the call of demands. duty.To mywife ... Ironically, there is no discussion of Godel's theorem in what S.G.S. follows; tbat remains to be pursued in a subsequent work which Christ Cburch,Oxford will be devoted solely to the clarification of Wittgenstein's attack on the standard - meta-mathematical - conception of Godel's second theorem in light of bisphilosophical scrutinyof the frame Note work which underpins Godel's interpretation of his proof. The 1. MichaelDummett.'Wiugenstein'sPhilosophyofMathematics',inS.O. present book might be seen as a prolegomenon to this subsequent Shanker(00.),Ludwig Wittgenstein': CriticalAssessments,vol. III(London.Croom exercise; its primary goal is to establish the outlines for a fresh Helm, 1986),p. 121. Abbreviations xi ABBREVIATIONS (trans.), amended 2nd edn (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1980) RPP RemarksonthePhilosophyofPsychology/Bemerkungen iiber die Philosophie der Psychologie, vol. 1, G.E.M. Works by Wiltgenslein Anscombe and G.H. von Wright (eds), G.E.M. Anscombe [trans.](Oxford, BasilBlackwell, 1980) NB Notebooks 1914-1916, G.E.M. Anscombe and G.H. Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology/Bemer von Wright (eds), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) (Oxford, kungen iiber die Philosophie der Psychologie; vol. II, G.H.vonWright,G.H.andH.Nyman(eds), e.G.Luck BasilBlackwell, 1961) TLP Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, D.F. Pears and B.F. hardtandM.A.E.Aue (trans.)(Oxford,BasilBlackwell, 1980) McGuinness, (trans.) (London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961) RLF 'Some Remarks on Logical Form', Proceedings of the Lectures and Conversation Notes AristotelianSocietySupplement,vol. 9 (1929), 162-71 WWK Ludwig Wittgenstein and {he Vienna Circle: Conver LWL Wittgenstein'sLectures, Cambridge1930-1932,D.Lee sations recorded by Friedrich lVaismann, B.F. (ed.)(Oxford, BasilBlackwell, 1980) McGuinness (ed.), J. Schulte and B.F. McGuinness AWL Wittgenstein's Lectures; Cambridge 1932-1935, A. (trans.) (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1979) PR Philosophical Remarks, R. Rhees (ed.), 2nd edn, R. Ambrose (ed.) (Oxford,BasilBlackwell, 1979) LA Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology Hargreaves and R. White (trans.)(Oxford,BasilBlack well, 1975) and Religious Belief, e. Barrett (ed.) (Oxford, Basil PG Philosophical Grammar, R. Rhees(ed.), AJ.P. Kenny Blackwell, 1966) (trans.) (Oxford, BasilBlackwell, 1974) LFM Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathe BB The BlueandBrown Books: Preliminary Studiesfor the matics,1939, C.Diamond(ed.) (Hassocks,Sussex,The 'Philosophical Investigations', 2nd edn (Oxford, Basil Harvester Press, 1976) Blackwell, 1969) RFM Remarkson theFoundations ofMathematics,G.H. von Wright,R. Rhees andG.E.M. Anscombe(eds), G.E.M. Derivative.Primary Sources Anscombe (trans.) 3rd edn (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, IMT Friedrich Waismann, Introduction to Mathematical 1978) PI PhilosophicalInvestigations,G.E.M.AnscombeandR. Thinking:TheFormationof ConceptsillModernMathe Rhees (eds), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.), 2nd edn matics:TJ.Benac(trans.)(Lon~on, Hafner, 1951) PLP FriedrichWaismann, ThePrinciplesofLinguisticPhilo (Oxford, BasilBlackwell, 1958) z Zettl, G.E.M. Anscombe and G.H. von Wright (eds), sophy,R. Harre (trans.) (London, Macmillan, 1965) G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.), 2nd edn (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1981) OC On Certainty,G.E.M.Anscombeand G.H.von Wright (eds), D. Paul and G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) (Oxford, BasilBlackwell, 1977) cv Culture and Value, G.H. von Wright (ed.), P. Winch x 1 WITTGENSTEIN'S TURNING-POINT I am persuaded that we are at present in the midst of an alto gether final change in philosophy, and are justly entitled to consider the fruitless conflict of systems at an end. The present age, Imaintain,isalreadyinpossession ofthe meansto make all such conflict essentiaUy unnecessary; it isonlya matter of reso lutely using them. ... The methods proceed from logic. Their beginnings were obscurely perceived by Leibniz; in recent decades important stretches have been opened up by Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; but the decisive turning-point was firstreached byLudwigWittgenstein. MoritzSchlick,'TheTurning-PointinPhilosophy' Philosophy'sDebttoSchlick For allthe accolades,Schlickhas receivedrather uncharitable press in the memoirs of his colleagues from the Vienna Circle, largely because of the sentiments which are expressed in the above quo tation. Herbert Feiglseems to have been particularly disturbed by <theenormouseffectofWittgenstein,whichsetaquitenewscampon Scblick's thinkingduringthelast tenyearsofhislife'.' In'No Potof Message' he recalled: 'To my chagrin Schlick ascribed to Wittgenstein philosophical ideas that he (Schlick) had already expounded much more lucidlyin his 1918 book on epistemology.I was also disappointed with Schlick's compromise with positivism (phenomenalistic version) - and the abandonment of his critical realismas"metaphysicallysuspect"."Whetherornotthiscensureis regarded as unjust willdepend,ofcourse,on one's attitude towards Wittgenstein'slater philosophy.What would beunpardonable,how ever, would be to sympathise with Schlick's appraisaland yet do nothing to defend his reputation. For the fact of the matter is that Wittgensteinstudiesowea tremendousdebt to Schlick. We shall never know just how much Schlick contributed to Wittgenstein's decision to return to philosophy, nor howmuch the rapid evolution of Wittgenstein's thought during what Alice Ambrosehassoaptlydescribedasthe'Olympian years'of1932-5 owes to Schlick's success in persuading Wittgenstein to undertake the joint project withWaismann of writing Logik, Sprache, Philo- I 2 wiugenstein's Turning-Point Wittgenstein'sTurning-Point 3 sophie.' Finally,there isthequestionofhowmuchSchlickwasable sort of questions as those which have COme to the fore in the to influence Wittgenstein's thought during the conversations on 'sceptical' interpretation, and Wittgenstein's answers provide a philosophywhich took placefrom 1929-32.That Wittgensteinhad perspicnous indication of the anti-sceptical direction in which his anenormousimpactonSchlick'sthought- and throughSchlick,on thought was moving. Schlick repeatedly responded to the inno such younger membersof the Circleas Waismann and Juhos - has vations which Wittgenstein was proposing to introduce into the beenamplyrecorded byvariousmembersofthe Vienna Circle.But fabric of the Tmctatuswith the anxietythat Wittgenstein had failed there is some evidence to suggestthat, if only by the nature of the to clarify the epistemological orientation of his new argument, questions and objections which he persistently expressed - which, thereby threatening to undermine the great service which the not surprisingly, all demonstrate his pre-established 'logical Tractatushad performedfor philosophybyprovidingan 'insightinto empiricist' bias- Schlickforced Wittgenstein to clarifythemes that the nature of the logical itself,' Just as persistently, however, wereto becomecentralto hisdevelopment duringthe 1930s. Wittgenstein responded that epistemology had nothing whatsoever This is an issue of more than passing relevance to our inter todowiththecurrentissue:thathewassolelyconcernedwithclarify pretation of Wittgenstein's writings on the philosophy of ing what at the time he described as the logical syntax of those mathematics. There is a widespread feelingtoday that Wittgenstein expressionswhichhad resulted in philosophicalproblems.Indeed, it was engaged in a sceptical assault on the foundations of mathe will be argued that, ina fundamentalsense, Wittgensteinperceived matics; a subject that had already been rocked by serious his essential task in the philosophy of mathematics as that of epistemological doubts. Yet this is the very opposite of removing the epistemologicalframework from the foundations dis Wittgenstein's basic objectives in the philosophy of mathematics. pute altogether, without whichthe 'foundations crisis' would simply Rather, Wingenstein was intent on demonstrating that, like all collapse. Before commencing these investigations, however, some philosophical sceptical issues, the principal problems in the found explanation is perhaps called for to account for why this theme ations dispute stem from conceptual confusion, and thus call for should havebeen solargelymisunderstood orunappreciated. logicalclarification asopposed to epistemologicalrefutation.This is In large part these misconceptions would seem to be due to the obviouslya crucial - indeed, perhaps the single most important manner in which Wittgenstein's Nachlass has been published, issue in the interpretation of Wittgenstein's remarks on the philo together with the philiosophicaltrends that have been dominant at sophy of mathematics. If we start - as some influential the time of their appearance. Confronted with Remarks on the commentators have recently suggested - with the premise that Foundationsof Mathematics- aworkwhichbyanystandardsmust Wittgenstein wasengagedin a speciesof'rule-followingscepticism', be judged unusually opaque - philosophers not unnaturally we shall inevitably be led to view Wittgenstein's arguments as attempted to penetrate Wittgenstein's highly enigmatic remarks in intended to take us everfurther down a sceptical path whose pur terms of the problems and approaches that current!y preoccupied pose was to dislodge us from the prevailing truth-conditional them. In particular, recent analytic philosophy had become conception of semantics. If, on the other hand, we accept that increasingly interested in the so-called 'sceptical' consequences Wittgenstein never wavered from his fundamental belief that whichcould bedrawn from the paradoxes inset theory and natural 'Scepticismisnotirrefutable,butobviouslynonsensical,whenittries language. Since Wittgenstein was demonstrably interested in to raise doubts where no questions can be asked' (TLP 6.51; NB developing paradoxes of his own, it seemed conceivable that his 44), then weshallsee theseargumentsas attacks,eachofwhichwas, writingscould becitedasan importantauthority- ifnot thesource intended to dissolvesome philosophical problem in the foundations - of the various sceptical dilemmas that had captured the imagin ofmathematics. ation of philosophers of mathematics and language. That Fortunately, we have the precedent of the discussions which Wittgenstein was primarilyinterestedinconstructingparadoxes asa resulted from Schlick's own confusion on thisscore, as recorded in method of deflatingmetaphysicscouldnotevenbeconsidered;fora wiugenstein and the Vienna Circle, to corroborate the latter inter reductioadabsurdum that wasintended to undermine philosophical pretation. For, as we shall see, Schlick posed very much the same scepticism could certainly have no place in a sceptical 4 Wittgenstein'sTurning-Point Witrgenstein'sTurning-Point 5 Weltanschauung. The very question from whence this 'sceptical' be unfair; disposing ofit bymeansof another question isnot.') We interpretation springs could not allow for this possibility; for if we are thus left with a series of questions, metaphors and analogies beginwiththe premisethateveryphilosophymustfallIDtOeitherthe which,althoughtheycanbestrikinglyevocative,oftenseemtofailto category of 'Realism' or 'Anti-realism' in Dummett's sense (cf. advancematters significantly,oreven to clarify wbatconstitutesthe Chapter 2), we soon find ourselves grappling with the thorny centralpointatissue.Indeed,theeffectachievedisoftenthereverse question of which camp can rightly claim Wittgenstein as an from that which Wittgenstein intended, only serving to confuse or adherent. But if the premise iswrong - if Wittgenstein belongsto even undermine the invariably logical point of clarification that he neither school ofthought,for the veryreason that he had embarked wasstrivingtoestablish. on a course which would undermine the very foundation of the Unlike the obscure discussions presented in Lectures on the Realist/Anti-realist distinction - the 'sceptical' interpretation of Foundations ofMathematics and Remarks on the Foundations of Remarkson the FoundationsofMathematicsisitselfundermined at Mathematics, however, the arguments developed in Philosophical a stroke. Thus, the first task of this book willbe to establish that Remarks and Philosophical Grammarare noticeably detailed and Wittgenstein's arguments are in a crucial sense fundament~lly explicit, and thus provide an invaluable introduction to the later opposed to the basicpremiseunderlying thisapproach:a fact which work. They also furnish the much-needed explanation for why accountsformuchofthestrain inrecentexegesis. Wittgenstein should have concentrated to such an inordinate extent To makemattersworse,forstylisticreasons- nottomentionthe on problems drawn from elementary arithmetic in Remarks on the method whereby Wittgenstein compiled his manuscripts from his Foundations of Mathematics. This feature of Wittgenstein's notebooks - thesethemes can be exceptionallydifficult to compre approachwasquicklyseizedonbyhiscriticsasproofofhistechnical hend solelyon the basisofreading Remarks on the Foundations of limitationsinthe philosophyofmathematics.But no suchaccusation Mathematics. In his 1931paper 'The Future of Philosophy' Schlick can be levelled against Philosophical Remarks and Philosophical compared Wittgenstein to Socrates on the grounds that wecan dis Grammar.Itisonlywhenweread throughtheseearlyworksthatwe cern an important parallel between their similar approaches to the can begin to understand the important srylistic and thematic solution of philosophical problems.' Wiltgenstein must have been development whichWittgensteinexperienced duringthe 1930..The fullyawareofthiscomparison,and~rhapsevensancti~ned suchan more he addressed the fundamental confusions underlying the allusion (if only by his silence); certainlythe style of his arg~me~ts 'foundations crisis' the more strongly he began to feel that the becameincreasinglySocraticoverthenexttwodecades.Inthisvern, philosophicalproblemswhichsurfaceinthevarious realmsof higher one of the most notable themes, frequently repeated in the manu mathematics are merelymorecomplex versions of the same issues scripts and the lectures, is Wittgenstein's insist~n~e that he ~oul? which arise inelementaryarithmetic.Forexample, the typeofprob refrain from the dogmatic assertion of any opuuon or thesis; his lemsthat emergedwith theconstruction oftheTransfiniteCardinals route would be one which proceeded to philosophical clarification areessentiallythesarneasthosethatcharacterisetheconstructionof via completely banal assertions. And yet this is hardly what hap anynewDumbersystem.Hence, Wittgensteinsoughtto gain inper pened: at least in the realm of the philosophyof mathematics. For spicuity what he lost in detailed application by presenting his here Wittgenstein's comments often seem anything but uncon criticismsofthequestionswhichprefigureinhighermathematicsin troversial,andsomeofhismore notoriousremarks ~ suchasthose the context ofthe problemswhichoccurinelementaryarithmetic. onconsistency- have struckhiscriticsaspositivelybizarre,ifnot The benefits of adopting a criticalapproach which takes Philo proof of his technicalincompetence in the field.Furthermore, by sophical Remarks and Philosophical Grammaras its starting-point the end of the 1930., Wittgenstein had purged his style of almost are principallytwofold, therefore: the first is simplythat the taskof any remaining elements of a direct approach. (In Book 111 §6 of clarifying exactlywhat themes Wittgenstein was objecting to in the Remarks on the Foundations ofMathematics he insisted that 'In philosophy of mathematics and what position he was arguing for philosophy it is alwaysgood to put a question instead of an answer becomes far morestraightforward. But there isafurther reason why to aquestion. For ananswertothe philosophicalquestion mayeasily it isessential to study thismaterial ifwe are to appreciate fully the 6 Wittgenstein'sTurning-Point Wittgenstein'sTurning-Point 7 argumentsofthe later work.Wittgenstein'sdevelopment asa mature seen as comprising a complex network of interlockingcalculi:auto philosopher was in many ways remarkablyself-contained. Thus,the nomous 'propositional systems' eachof whichconstitutesa distinct argumentswhich evolved over the nextdecade were based asmuch 'logical space'. This would enable Wittgenstein to reconcile the on criticisms of his own earlier views as on those of other philo principlethatcolour-statements'exclude'oneanotherwiththe Trac sophers. For exegetical purposes the significance of this fact is that tatus'insistence that'allnecessityislogicalnecessity'.Suchachange we must try to enter into the concrete details of Wittgenstein's necessitated, however,a radical shiftfromthe Tractatusconception development ashe himselfperceived them. Inotherwords, wemust of inference. Thus, as Wittgenstein explained to Waismann and try to follow as closely as possible the actual steps which Schlick: '[When I wrote the TractatusJ I believed that elementary Wittgenstein took followinghis return to active philosophy in 1929. propositions mustbeindependentofoneanother, thatyoucouldnot Otherwise,the resultislikelyto be,asWittgensteinsorightlyfeared, infer the non-existence of one state of affairs from the existence of that hisargumentswould be largelymisunderstood. another. But if mypresent conception ofa system ofpropositions is The origin of Wittgenstein's approach to the foundations of correct,itwillactuallybethe rule thatfromtheexistenceofonestate mathematics lies in the rapid development of his thought following ofaffairsthe non-existenceofallthe otherstates ofaffairsdescribed his return to Cambridge and philosophy in 1929. Wittgeostein's by this system of propositions can be inferred.' (WWK 64) That is, immediateproblem wasto remedythe glaringerror in the Tractatus 'A is red' does indeed entailthat 'A isnot blue, green, yellow ...'. account oflogical necessity(which Ramseyio particular was press But Wittgenstein nowaccepted tbat 'A isred' is an atomicproposi ing home). In his curt remarks on the colour-exclusioo problem at tion; i.e. not all entailments are to be accounted for by inner 6.375-6.3751 Wittgenstein had argued that: (i) it is 'logically propositional complexity. Hence the truth-tabular definition of the impossible' for twocolours tobe inthe sameplaceat thesame time, logicalconnectives isdemonstrablyinadequate as a means of deter and that 'the statement that a point in the visual field has two dif mining all theformsofinference that arepermissiblein a language. ferent colours at the same time is a contradiction'; (li) that this For, in the case of a determinate exclusion, we can only be said to exemplifies the fundamental principle that 'the only necessity that bave grasped the meaningofthe determinateifwe bavegrasped the existsislogical necessity';and (iii) thatitfollowsfrom thistbat 'red' entire Satzsystem; i.e. to grasp tbe meaning of a determinate is to cannot be the name ofa simple, and thus that 'A isred' isnot fully grasp how it logically excludesthe possibility of the combination of analysed.But,asRamseyobjected inbisreviewofthe Tractatus,this theother determinatesinthat system. Asweshallsee, thisnotion of argument only serves to push the problem back to a deeper level: logicalexclusioncameto playanevermoreprominentroleinWitt 'even supposing that the physicist [can provideIan analysis of what genstein's approachto the'foundationscrisis'. wemeanby"red",Mr.Wittgensteinisonlyreducingthedifficultyto The price whichWirtgenstein wasforced to payforthisproposed that of the necessary properties of space, time, and matter or the resolution of the colour-exclusion problem. therefore, was to ether." Ramsey would undoubtedly have pressed home this point abandon the hallmark of the 'absolute' logical atomism which char when Wittgenstein returned to Cambridge, and it thus seems likely acterisesthe Tractatus:the premisethat elementarypropositions are that 'Some Remarks on Logical Form' reflects Ramsey's successin logically independent. But how was Wittgenstein going to reconcile persuading Wittgenstein that the argument at 6.375-6.3751 needed the introduction of Satzsysteme with another of the Tractatus's emendation," major themes:theargument that, contraFrege,names bavemeaning In orderto correctthisdefect,Wittgenstein introduced two major (Bedeutung) but notsense(Sinn)? The answerhere wastoabandon innovations which be believed would enable him to resolve the the referential conception of meaning: the Tractatusargument that colour-exclusion problem insuch a wayas to preserve the Traaa the meaning ofa nameisthe objectwhichitdenotes.Inplaceoftbis tus'srigiddemarcation between logical and empiricaltrutb.Hisfirst Wittgenstein now argued that a word only has meaning in the con step was to abandon the Traaatus's; sweeping model of a single textofitspropositionalsystem,andthat themeaning ofawordisthe amorphouscalculusunderlyingnaturallanguage,and toshiftto what totalityof rulesgoverningitsuseinthatsystem.Whenawordisused he described asa Satzsysteme' conception, inwhich language was outside the context of its legitimate system it becomes a 'wheel I 8 wittgenstein'sTurning-Point Wittgenstein'sTurning-Point 9 turning idly'. Generally we can simply ignore the obvious Satz briefsummaryofWittgenstein's new Satzsystemeconceptionof lan systeme confusions which proliferate in language (in as much as guage on a note ofpersonal dismay:TheTheoriescontained in this these belong to the province of the grammarian), but occasionally newwork of Wiltgenstein's [PhilosophicalRemarks) are novel,very Sattsystemeconfusions arise which from the grammarian's point of original,and indubitably important, Whether theyare true, Ido not view are perfectlywell-constructed,but which none the less seem to know. As a logician who likes simplicity, Ishould wishto think that generate a profound 'ontological' or 'epistemological' perplexity. theyare not." Such, Wittgenstein now wanted to argue, are the unique source of There thus arose from the ashes of the colour-exclusion problem philosophical problems: they result from the transgression of the a bold new argument which more than anything else heralded the rules,notof ordinarygrammar,butrather,of logicalsyntax.Inorder turning-point in Wittgenstein's approach to the philosophy of to understand the confusion underlying this type of 'idly turning language, and thence,the philosophyofmathematics.Itwasthispic wheel', we must clarify the logico-syntactical system in which the lure of language as compartmentalised into distinct, autonomous word properly belongs, a task which can often he extremelytaxing, systems, each of which operates on its own specific internal rules, and which we accomplish by considering the use of the term in which was to lead him ever funher from the Tractatussconception question. This theme led Wittgenstein to articulate the principlethat of the formal isomorphism between language and reality. Ina short 'the sense ofa proposition is the method of its verification' (WWK timethe last vestigesofthecalculusmodel wouldalsodisappear,and 66). The method of verification manifests to which Satzsystem a from these Satzsysteme would evolve 'language games': artificial proposition belongs, and hence revealswhen words which belongto microcosms of language whose sole purpose was to clarify various multiple or different systems are being used meaningfully or illicitly aspects of actual linguistic practice. Perhaps the most important (ct.Chapter 2). point to cometo termswith here, however,isthe fact that this thesis On the basisofthese developmentsin hisconception of language wasintended solelyas a matter ofclarifying logicalsyntax,which as Wittgenstein set about the task of salvaging what remained of the such was devoid of any epistemological overtones. This is brought Tractatus's grand design. When he first introduced Satzsysteme in out particularly forcefully in Wittgenstein's exchanges with Schlick 1929 it was not with the intention of repudiating the Tractatuss on the question of whether there is'nothing that canbe said inreply calculus theoryof meaning perse; rather Wittgenstein wasarguing to the question, "How can I know that one syntax is rightwhile that the Tractatusconception of a global calculus underlying natural another isnot. ... In what relation does empirical knowledge stand language failed to account for the complex 'multiplicity' of logical to syntax?'" (WWK 65). syntax, and what was needed was a 'network' conception of over The argument which developed between the two on this point is lapping 'logical spaces'. The price that Wittgcnstein was thus somewhatcurious,insofaraseachseemsto havebeen intenton a prepared to pay in 1929 in order to shore up the crumbling foun different issue. Schlick's main concern was to ensure that dations of the Tractatus edifice was to abandon the pristine Wittgenstein did not allow the dreaded ' synthetic aprioritruth' to simplicity of the structure which he had earlier envisaged.Thus he slip back into philosophy,thistime under the auspices of the 'logical repudiated the Frege-Russellnotationsin PhilosophicalRemarksas exclusions' which characterise Satzsystemeinference.Thus he asked far too oversimplified to serve as concept-scripts for natural Wittgenstein, 'What answer can one give to a philosopher who languages. He mayhavestillbeen committed to the universal calcu believes that the statements of phenomenology are syntheticzrpriori lus model at this time,but itwaswiththe important proviso thatthis judgements?' To which Wittgenstein responded: 'Let us take the turns out to be enormously more complicated than he had antic statement,"Anobject isnotred andgreen atthesametime." IsallI ipated when writing the Tractatus. It is hardly surprising, therefore, want to say by this that I have not yet seen such an object? that Russellshould havebeen so alarmed bythe direction thatWitt Obviouslynot. What Imeanis,"I callnotsee suchan object," "Red gcnstein'sthoughtwastaking in 1930.Inhisreporton Wittgenstein's and green cannot be in the same place." Here I would ask, What most recent work to Trinity College (made on behalf of doestheword"can"meanhere?Theword"canU isobviouslyagram Wittgenstein'sapplicationfor a researchgrant) Russellconcluded his matical (logical) concept, not a material one' (WWK 67). But this

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