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Within You Is the Power_ Unleash the Miricle Power Inside You with Success Secrets from Around the World PDF

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Preview Within You Is the Power_ Unleash the Miricle Power Inside You with Success Secrets from Around the World

An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 Copyright © 1977 by Joseph Murphy Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader. Originally published by DeVorss & Company. Tarcher and Perigee are registered trademarks, and the colophon is a trademark of Penguin Random House LLC. Most TarcherPerigee books are available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchase for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, and educational needs. Special books or book excerpts also can be created to fit specific needs. For details, write: [email protected]. Ebook ISBN: 9781101993460 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Murphy, Joseph, 1898-1981, author. Title: Within you is the power : (around the world with Dr. Murphy) / by Joseph Murphy, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.R.S. Description: New York, NY : TarcherPerigee, 2017. Identifiers: LCCN 2016027003 | ISBN 9780143129868 (paperback) Subjects: LCSH: Spiritual life—Miscellanea. | Self-actualization (Psychology) | BISAC: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / New Thought. | BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth. | SELF- HELP / Personal Growth / Success. Classification: LCC BF1999 .M823 2017 | DDC 299/.93—dc23 Cover design: Jess Morphew Cover image: khalus/Getty Images Version_1 CONTENTS Title Page Copyright 1. Within You Is the Power (Around the World with Dr. Murphy) You Are Your Own Savior—The Hope of Glory—Touching the Divine Presence—God in Action in You—Visit to Istanbul—A Reasonable Question and the Answer—Get a New Conception of Yourself—The Land of the Pharaohs—The Great Pyramid—The Four Cardinal Points, The Way of Prayer—Your Diameter Determines Your Future—She Drew a Larger Diameter—The Interpretation of Pyramid—The First-Year Fruits—She Said: “Everything Is Going Backwards”—She Wanted a Fur Coat—Man Has Choice. 2. Cease Blaming Your Parents You Are Not a Victim of Heredity—Consider the Source—The New Race of Men and Women—He Was Born in Hell’s Kitchen—Revealing Your Divinity—Who Are Your Children?—Let God Arise in You—Faith Is Your Inner Awareness—Eradicate Alibis and Excuses—Your Divine Parentage and Human Parentage—Our Conditioning and Training—Do the Dead Govern You?—Spirit and Matter—Become a Channel for the Divine —Cease Blaming Your Parents—You Are a King. 3. Do the Constellations Govern You? He Blamed the Stars—The Only Power—The Law of Mind in Action—The Search—The Psychology of Antiquity—Mass Mind Belief in America —How Taurus Becomes Aries—The Names of Stars—Zodiac and Its Meaning—The Bible and the Stars—Call Upon this Power—Sorcery, Voodoo, and Witchcraft—A Great Truth—Our First Clocks—Planting and Reaping—Cycles of Life. 4. What Is Truth? You Are in a World of Opposites—You Can Be Changed—The Truth Always Works—The Law of Life—Where Is Your Faith?—One Fundamental Truth—Change Eternal Is at the Root of All Things—Looking at the Two Sides—He Was Allergic to Ham—Propaganda and Its Effect —The One Great Certainty—He Was a Constant Loser. 5. The True Art of Meditation and Relaxation How to Meditate Constructively and Easily—True Spiritual Meditation —Everybody Meditates Either Constructively or Negatively—The Fruits of Her Spiritual Meditation—What Is Meditation?—What Does the Bible Say?—The Moment that Lasts Forever—Meditation Molds Your Future —Transcendental Meditation—The Om Mantra—Cleanse Your Mind—The Effortless Way—Be Still and Know I Am God (Psalm 46:10)—Moving Inward—Relaxation—Learning to Breathe Rhythmically—Healed of Asthma—Your Body Is Constantly Changing—Cease Blaming Others —The World Is a Mirror—Looking Inside Ourselves—Changed Attitudes Change Everything—Some Questions. 6. The Meaning of Age-Old Truths The Sphinx and You—How to Test Your Desire—Getting a New Halo —Wheels Within Wheels—To Be and to Do—Bands of Love—You Came from Eden. 7. Peace in This Changing World Dissatisfaction Leads to Satisfaction—Why He Wrote a Book—You Can Find Peace—Tranquilizers Won’t Give You Peace—She Thought She Had to Put Up With It—He Said, “Of Course I Am Tense”—How He Released High Tension—Look at the Tree—The Cause of the Revolution—Lowly Listening—The Sword—He Discarded the Truth—Wearing the Right Spiritual Garments. 8. The Real Meaning of “You Are What You Eat” 9. The Biblical Meaning of The Strange Woman Committing Adultery—Mental Marriages—Danger of Propaganda—Are You a Victim of Suggestion?—Your True Wife—Falling in Love—Fast and Pray—Clothing the Naked—Health Springs Forth Speedily—Levels of Faith—The Mass Mind or Law of Averages—Growing in Faith. 10. Spiritual Powers You Can Apply A Spiritual Message—The Inner Meaning of Jesus Christ—Align Yourself with the Infinite—Learn to Condition Yourself Spiritually—The Arabian Horses—What Is Education?—Wisdom Is Within You—His Name Is Wonderful—He Wanted to Write—How He Won Promotion—How to Pray for Another—You Can’t Give God Anything—Practicing by the Book —The Two Scientists—What Garment Do You Wear? 11. The Answer Is Within You She Established a Constructive Habit—He Promoted Himself—The Thing He Greatly Feared—Like Attracts Like—Why He Failed—The Power to Choose—False Belief—She Was Hearing Voices—The Special Prayer —Born Again—Rebirth Can Take Place Now—He Said, “In Time All Will Be Born Again.” 12. A Meditation on the 23rd Psalm How to Receive Guidance—He Maketh Me to Lie Down in Green Pastures —He Leadeth Me Beside the Still Waters—He Restoreth My Soul—He Leadeth Me in the Paths of Righteousness for His Name’s Sake—Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Will Fear No Evil: for Thou Art with Me—Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me —Thou Preparest a Table Before Me in the Presence of Mine Enemies —Thou Anointest My Head with Oil—My Cup Runneth Over—Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me All the Days of My Life—I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever. 13. What Is Your Problem? He Said He Had Tried Everything—Change Your Thoughts and Keep Them Changed—Cease Blaming Father and Mother—Loose Them and Let Them Go—You Are the Master—She Said, “Billy Does Not Want to Learn”—He Was His Own Problem—He Said, “Oh, Some Day I Will Be Well”—She Was Afraid of Dogs—In Quietness and in Confidence Shall Be Your Strength (Isaiah 30:15)—The Quiet Mind Gets Things Done—The Closed Mind—The Old Legend Says It Well. 14. Haunted House and Haunted Mind The Haunted House Was in His Mind—The Cure—The Past Is Dead—He Had a Martyr Complex—Taking a Journey in the Mind—Religion and Science—He Heard Eerie Screeching Voices—Let Wisdom Govern—She Claimed a Noisy Ghost Was the Trouble—The Weather Gives Him a Cold. 15. Getting Acquainted with the Language of the Bible The Two Sides—The Average Belief—The Serpent—The Answer to All Problems. 16. Many Answers to Your Many Questions Should I Go to an Ashram?—Foolish Beliefs—Rebellion Against Taxes —Handling that Burden—Do You Serve Communion?—The Dignity of Labor—Religion Is the Practice of the Presence—The Harlots of the Bible —The Pharisees of the World—Nothing Good or Bad—Her Mother Said She Was a Sinner—A Visit from Las Vegas. 17. Things You Should Know Why He Talked to Himself—The Headlines Annoyed Him—Be Faithful to the End—Wealth Is in You—The Kingdom Is Within You—Overcoming the World—She Said, “I Can’t Stand It”—Be a Good Gardener—What Are You Projecting?—He Found the Treasure House—Look Within Always —Are You Ready?—Putting God First—She Was Using the Ouija Board —Lay Hold of this Key—The First and the Last—She Failed Three Times —Your Mood Is Contagious—Be a Good Boss—Good Fortune—Know Who You Are. About the Author 1 Within You Is the Power (Around the World with Dr. Murphy) I TOOK A 50-day journey around the world in October 1976 with fascinating sightseeing excursions everywhere, visiting Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, India, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and Hawaii. I met many interesting people, visited the various shrines, and heard lectures regarding the various religious beliefs, miraculous healings at shrines, techniques of prayer used, and the unique way of many in approaching the Invisible Presence and Power. During this trip I had the opportunity of talking to many people on the laws of mind and the way of the Spirit. I was intensely interested in knowing that all those people in the many countries visited wanted to hear more about the workings of the subconscious mind.* One of the reasons for this trip was to gather material for a book. Therefore, I made mental notes of everything I saw and heard, much of which will be incorporated in the following pages. The City of Athens is quite modern with an interest and charm of its own. It becomes more fascinating each time I visit it. Actually, it is a literal exploration of antiquity: The Parthenon, the Temple of Olympic Zeus, and excursions to Eleusis and Corinth. This reminded me of the Eleusinian mysteries and the invitation into all ancient temple mystery rites, which were repositories of ancient spiritual treasures. Y A Y O S OU RE OUR WN AVIOR The guide at Corinth expounded quite extensively on the fact that we were standing on the same spot where Paul stood as he expatiated and descanted on his Epistles to the Corinthians. Then he added that Paul knew that Jesus was man’s savior. This is not correct, however, as you will perceive in perusing this chapter. Paul said: . . . Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain . . . (I Corinthians 15:14). . . . Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light (Ephesians 5:14). What does the Bible mean by such language? The literal interpretation of the Bible has done much towards driving thinking people into unbelief. We must understand that the scriptures of the world abound in symbolisms. Many phrases and chapters of the Bible reveal the impossibility of being rendered literally; and if any part is admitted to be figurative, allegorical, and mystical, so many other parts may be. The men who wrote the Bible, most of whom are nameless, said to themselves: “We know what we wish to convey, but how can we explain it to the people?” Therefore, they decided to speak of problems, difficulties, wars, strife, sickness, etc., and then explained how to overcome the problems of which they spoke.

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