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TTThhheee SSSKKKYYYTTTHHHIIIAAANNN SSSOOOCCCIIIEEETTTYYY PPPRRREEE SSSSSS Copyright © David Alan Ritchie (2012) ISBN 978-0-9559898-2-7 - All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or digital transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. Nor may any paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted except with written permission, or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, from - THE SKYTHIAN SOCIETY PRESS - WWW.WETHESKYTHIANS.COM FOREWORD Who built the Giza Pyramids, and why? It’s an age-old question. Many have puzzled and theorised over the problem. The Egyptians make the claim to fame, but their own history clouds that assumption. The Jews claim an Exodus from that land, but their sacred books never once mention the pyramids by name, and Egypt has no record of the Jews. In fact Egypt has never called itself by that name; it was ‘Khem, the Black Land’. It also called itself ‘Ta-Wy, the Two Lands’, which has encouraged every historian to assume that the country was divided in half. That places the Pyramids in Lower Egypt, to the north, and Upper Egypt in the south. It’s upside down! The premise has never been questioned, even when Egypt has a history of searching throughout Europe, allegedly, found it. And you, reader, didn’t being founded by ‘foreigners’ from another land. even know it had been lost! Ægyptos was the Greek name given to the Land of Ammon by Alexander This book is going to contradict everything you ever thought you knew the Great when he conquered it in 332BC. - yet there is no etymological about history, geography and the Bible. It is the product of one man’s root that connects the name Egypt to Khem or Ta-Wy. Alexander didn’t imagination. By his own definition David was a ‘Tabula Rasa’, a blank bother conquering Israel and Jerusalem during his campaign, which slate, when he left college. His childhood passion for music had would appear to be a serious oversight on his part. Why was Jerusalem so outweighed any desire for qualifications or a ‘normal’ life. As a irrelevant? In fact the city we now call Jerusalem was an insignificant professional drummer in the legendary days of the 1960’s his career north east town in Egypt at the time and was not known by that name progressed to the point where he would laughingly describe himself as until 325AD when Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, after much ‘the most famous drummer you never heard of’. i He claimed it as a success that he had managed to stay relatively He knew his work would be ridiculed from every direction by the anonymous throughout his 35-year musical career, backing many of the ‘learned ones’; those academics that have all acquired their qualifications most famous performers around the world. His passion was always the by repeating the unassailable tenets of the perceived version of ‘truth’ music, never the fame and acclaim that destroyed many of his friends. handed down to them by their various Institutions ad infinitum. However, I think it is more likely that David will still be laughing at them from A tick bite in California ended his performing life and turned a distracted beyond the grave, as he laughed all the way into it. He had one great hedonist into a focussed philosopher. The journey he took beyond his advantage over those who will rush to criticise; he had none of the music will astound you as much as it did David himself. It was the boundaries or allegiances imposed by his education and no limit to his enormity of it all that made him become the reclusive hermit he was when curiosity. He was a free man. he reached his ‘end of days’. He didn’t like you, the uninformed, disturbing his little ‘heaven’ with questions whose answers would take He was also an ‘in-your-face’, self-taught multi-disciplinarian renaissance longer to deliver than you had an attention span for. It wasn’t arrogance; Scotsman who didn’t give a damn about the normal conventions imposed he merely recognised the rare path he had followed and the futility of on the ‘Institutionalised Academics’. Being his own worst critic was a trying to make a précis of it all to guide another in the same direction. He talent that enabled him to reach the top of his art as a musician, and that called it ‘the Curse’ - not having a short answer for anything. self-criticism continued throughout the revelation you are about to read. His belief, that he could only have done this work by predetermination – It is going to offend you, on many levels. If it doesn’t, then David failed. destiny - is what precluded him from publishing this book during his He wanted to be fair about it and not let anyone feel singled out or left lifetime. He was a shy Gnostic, a cult of one, and my tireless friend. He out. His passion was the processes involved in finding enlightenment, not didn’t set out purposely to discover what you will see revealed in this the result. His was the classical search for the Grail, and he may yet go book, it was thrust upon him at the lowest point in his life and it down in history as the man who found it. You will be the Judge of that; all transformed him. that David sought was the perpetuation of the Myth. For twenty years he laboured to understand the content and meaning of No matter how well informed or educated you think you are, this book is his own suicide note and put it into a form that, he insisted, was the only designed to embarrass and taunt you by pointing out your complete lack way his problem would ever be understood completely. You must of understanding of a problem you didn’t even know you had. What you compare his naïve, visionary fiction to the facts he eventually uncovered will find in these pages will pose for you the same dilemma it posed for to find his version of reality. Coincidence can only account for so much! David; he was either 100% right or 100% wrong. Only time will tell the truth. If this book merely opens the debate then he would be satisfied. This trilogy is the outcome of his ‘second sight’; contained within it is the only true and provable solution to the Pyramids of Giza, and it is not what Our true history has suffered 2,000 years of corruption that has buried a you would have expected. It would be easy to make assumptions about the pre-eminent fact, one that was encoded into the Giza Pyramids; man from the contents of this book and, chances are, you would be totally mathematically - the only truly incorruptible language. It will not take wrong and completely miss his ironical sense of humour. David saw through that long to expose those lies that we hold as truths today, what will take ‘the veil’ that surrounds this illusion we call reality and he put it to the test. time is the rebuilding of the belief structures of this planet as we begin to ii realise the enormity of the knowledge held by our ancient ancestors, one CONTENTS that was so cruelly taken from us. The Pyramids have always held the key A Fond Farewell 1 to World History, all we lacked was the man who would give the Builders credit for being smarter than we are - and have the time to look at the fine A Destiny? 3 detail with fresh eyes. BOOK I – GNOWER - A Song by Charlie Natividad 6 The Ancient Architects measured the Earth with precision and calculated BOOK II - A SIGN of the CROSS 52 the cycles that transform her face. They located the sacred harmonic The Name Game 52 points of the planet and then placed their geodetic markers upon them with incredible precision. The First Mandala 55 The Parallax Problem 56 Our civilisation has grown exponentially around these ancient sites for over 10,000 years, and the sacred texts of every nation on this Earth Overture 58 encode the knowledge placed within them by a single group of teachers An Egyptian Geometry Lesson 62 whose mission it was to perpetuate a singular message. It reads thus:- SEVEN... the Song of the Great Pyramid 66 ‘Beware! There are recurring events that are longer than the memory Khufu (Cheops) - The Great Pyramid (G1) 68 of Mankind’. Khafre (Chephren) (G2) – The Movable Feast 71 You may not understand this book in one reading, and the publishing The Giza Plateau Measures 72 fraternity claim that every equation in a book halves the possible sales figures. David reckoned that on that principle of diminishing returns he Menkaure’s Pyramid (Mycerinos) (G3) 75 owed every one of you a book - but not an apology. To quote him, Putting the Band Together 77 “There’s no easy route to enlightenment, and you may not like it when Join the Dots 82 you get there - but there’s no going back to ignorance, and no refunds”. The Form of God 83 Read this book at your peril, but read it three times to understand where Constructing the Pentagram 88 you stand on the issues it raises - for eventually what you will realise is that the argument can only be with yourself and your own ignorance. The Square Dance 93 Knowledge can become an addiction, but it is the only addiction that can The Spiral Dance 96 save our place on this fragile lifeboat Earth, cast adrift on a Clockwork Cosmos. The Song of the Sphinx 97 The Perfect Hexad 99 The ‘Ogdoad’ – 8 100 Alexander Barr. 25/12/2009 The Web of Athena 101 iii The Dream of Menkheprure - The Canon of Proportion 106 A Life on the Ocean Waveform 202 The Coda – at last 108 Don’t Panic 204 The Eleventh Division 110 BOOK III – The Lie of the Land of Ægypt Seventeen – the Heptadecagon - The Last Mandala 111 A Final Revelation in Genesis – 11th May 2005 206 The Inch and Cubit in Ancient Egypt 114 The Book of Numbers 224 Petrie’s Map of Stonehenge 118 The Landscape of Exodus 227 The Jerusalem Myth – Seeking Solomon’s Temple 120 Exodus (Is this the Way Out?) 238 The Journey to the Land of Seth 125 The Land Between the Rivers - The Geography of Israel 246-7 The Old King 129 The Gridmap 256 The Keys to Heaven 140 We, the Skythians 257 “A Temple of Spherical Design” 145 Into Egypt 270 The Mathematical Map of Heaven 147 The Declaration of Arbroath 283 The Dodmen 151 The King’s Kindly Tenants 300 The Journey North – The Dod’s Corse – The Roseline 154 The Kenites of Loch Ken 316 The Temple of Solomon – The Altar of the Temple 158 The Ceilidh – A Gathering - the Exodus Road Map 334 The Royal Road 166 It’s Time to Go Home 362 The Chill-Out Zone 169 Appendix I - 366 Polyhedral Compounds - Grid Calculator - Newgrange - The And Over It Are Nineteen 170 Pillars of Hercules and the True Cross - Precessional Resonance - The Ice Age Sailors 172 Pathways of the Tree of Life - Concentric Cosines - Fundamental An Ancient Prescription 181 Frequencies - Telluric Energies - Technical and Historical Notes Martin Doutré - The Long Heads 184 Appendix II - 397 The Lost Tribe of Dan (by Janet Moser) I’ll Take the High Road 189 Et In Arcadia Ego - I Am In Argyll - Poussin’s ‘19’ Secret Decoded 412 The Northern Lights 196 Appendix III - 416 A Very Different Drummer 197 Appendix 3 from: 'Britain The Key to World History' by Comyns Beaumont - The Son of the Star - The Star of Bethlehem Is that Four Horsemen riding by? 201 All maps reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. iv GNOWER A Song by Charlie Natividad The hill - Gebel Ghibli - dominates the horizon south of the Sphinx For Imogen and Will 11 At those times it was obvious that there was another energy present and A FOND FAREWELL involved, but musicians have no language to discuss it. They will shrug it Welcome to my suicide note. It’s taken me some time to write it, but now off with references to ‘soul’ or ‘intuition’ and head for the bar for a drink or that I’m done I can honestly say I think you should read it. Not because I a joint that gives but a poor facsimile of the buzz they got when the band think you are holding a great literary masterpiece in your hand - no, what was cooking. I think you are holding is a time bomb - and it’s about to go off. So if you And yet now it seems to me that, after all my research, religion is but a are of a nervous disposition, put this book down now and never look poor facsimile of the true understanding of God that comes from music. It back; if not, be brave, you are about to develop a nervous disposition. seems most religions are trying to raise their devotees to a state of I have been on a strange journey to reach my death. For a long time it was ecstasy and grace that a lot of musicians are plugged into most nights. So very confusing and then, gradually, great clarity began to appear, though who are the priests? strangely it only began as I started writing my farewell note. The note turned This story is going to unlock secrets that have been hidden for millennia. into an essay and then into a short story, which you will shortly be reading. If this knowledge is still known it has been kept from you for good Twenty years later I still read that story for guidance as to what I should reasons, the keepers of the secret do not want you to panic; they want you do next and, in the analogy, this is where I stick my head over the top and to stay calm and controlled until the end. Alternatively, this knowledge then duck out of the way, before any of you can shoot at me. I am only a had been lost and not recovered until I stumbled, or was pushed, into it. messenger and I want to be well out of your way when you come looking Since it appears that nobody else is holding up their hand right now it for someone to blame. So now that I’m gone it becomes your problem falls to me to pass on the information, but part of that duty is to try and and not mine, get it? describe the source of it. I have made some great discoveries during those many years of Everything I have accomplished with this work appears to have been researching; more than enough to compensate for the physical pain I predicted before I was born. That’s a heavy weight for one soul to carry in endure. That was the main reason for beginning this story, to stop the a world that is looking for a Second Coming and an Armageddon around pain. Not just the physical pain but also the psychological one of not this time in history - and last time around they were nailing people to understanding my connection with what can only be called God. I had no trees for saying stuff! It now seems to me that there are events that are mental model of an entity that could encompass my need for a God. predetermined and that there is destiny involved. Religion had taught me to be wary of priests and dogma and love had I can be as much of a cynic and disbeliever as the next man - I’m only a played me for a fool. The only constant throughout my life was music. It drummer for God’s sake, who would expect someone like me to be placed dictated where I travelled, who I met, and let me know that out there was in a position like this - but oddly enough, the last reincarnation for a something I could call God, simply because there were so many Buddhist is as the drummer, the pariah, the lowest of the low. I have found moments, as a drummer, that were inspirational. The performance was great solace in the wisdom of that path. Only the drummer has the power to greater than the talent available. make everybody dance. He controls from behind and is rarely noticed, until he stops, and then - run for cover, it’s the Bass solo. The recognition that my talent was accessing a resource I recognised but didn’t fully understand was humbling indeed. As a youth I had enough ego I apologise for the gags, but I have to maintain a sense of humour about to think it was all me and never questioned till much later the moments of all this. I have always told my friends that I made up all of this and it’s joy when something turned out perfectly; when a whole band would only coincidental that the evidence consistently fits my story. Whatever I experience a synchronous moment, yet never discuss it backstage. was in this life I hope it was honest, and I can honestly say I made it all 2 up, so those of you who don’t want to believe any of it can dismiss all of A Destiny? this as fiction and coincidence.For those of you who stay the course I have but one final warning. The inscription that was carved over the What is a destiny? doorway of the Pythagorean academy at Croton read thus: The dictionary defines it as predetermined events. Looking back at history, Enter not ye unversed in geometry! I think we can all identify characters that have symbolised the archetypal That warning, simply put, means that I don’t have the time or patience to go Man of Destiny; Great thinkers like Pythagoras and Plato, great artists like into all the detail of the historical and mathematical background of this Michelangelo and da Vinci, musicians like Mozart and Beethoven; all of story - you would need a truck to take the book home - but seeing the them dedicated their lives to a cause, a quest, which left them standing out bigger picture makes it easier to fill in the gaps yourself. That is a very old like beacons through the darkness of centuries of history. It’s strange how philosophy, finding your own solution. All the information you need is we can assign a destiny to these people yet when it comes to ourselves we within you; the trick is accessing it and translating from the Universal rarely consider that we too may have one. But logic has to say that either language that is music and harmonic resonance. So empty that wineglass we all have a destiny or such a concept does not exist and chaos rules. and drink one for me, then wet your finger and run it around the rim. When However, science has come to accept that order does appear out of chaos, the glass begins to sing you have found the answer, and the problem. otherwise we wouldn’t be here discussing the theory. I have now developed the mental map of how to meet my maker and my For fifteen years I have been juggling with the concept and manifestation of suicide note, my final symphony, may help you to see yours. Forgive me for preaching, just this once. May this book give you understanding, may my own destiny and trying to rationalise it into a language and model I can your soul find the same peace. understand and, hopefully, describe logically. I realise that I could be totally whacko here but my close friends assure me that I’m not because, so far, I David Alan Ritchie - June 21, 2012 have managed to describe the process of revelation to them in terms they can understand and relate to on both a personal and social level. “It is true that few unscientific people have this particular type of religious experience. Our poets do not write about it; our artists do not And then there’s the evidence; it is going to overwhelm you with its try to portray this remarkable thing. I don’t know why; is no one inspired complexity, and yet it is so simple that your children will have no trouble by our present picture of the universe? The value of science remains understanding it. unsung by singers; you are reduced to sharing not a song or poem but an evening lecture about it. This is not yet a scientific age.” I have written this story several times now, and each time it was shelved Richard Feynman; 1918-1988, physicist and drummer. for one reason or another. The usual reason was that I would finish the “The entire mythological concept of Good versus Evil is encapsulated in story and then make a new discovery equally as significant as the one I ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Darth Vader’…” had just written about. That information would then change the whole Joseph Campbell; 1904-1987, philosopher and saxophone player. direction of my thought process and I’d start again with the new data. This is the final draft. What you find between these covers is as much as I This book is dedicated to the memory of Richard Feynman and Joseph want to, or need to, say about my discovery and chosen destiny. I don’t Campbell, philosophers and musicians both, who kept their sense of have long left and if I don’t tell you now you will only get it second hand, humour and direction until the very end. Thanks for showing me the way and that wouldn’t do, would it? home guys. 3 By a propitious set of circumstances I have solved the 'Riddle of the This story began as a précis of my life up to the point in 1989 where I left Pyramids'. It seems like a bold claim to make, but I know for certain that I California for my home in Scotland. It was the day George Bush was have, and I know that history can only prove me right. It may sound like inaugurated. That point, in the story you are about to read, is where the an arrogant statement to make, but when you see the background of how I well is drilled into the mountaintop and the gold is found. Up to that point found the solution I’m confident you will understand why I feel so the story is factual and the characters are real people. All the coincidences humble in the face of it, because it does seem to involve destiny. I appear are real and I won’t mention the other 95% that aren’t mentioned. From to have opened up a thought process that is part of my genetic that point forward it is a complete fantasy. I had already stopped programming; I find the answers first and then have to work back to the considering topping myself because I thought I had a musical/movie on question, finding all the necessary clues on the way as if by magic. But my hands. So I went for it. part of me knows that magic is involved, or what appears to be magic. “Gnower” was the outcome of a fertile but under informed mind and two This personal story of mine needs to be described, if only because it weeks hard writing. I tried to put everything right in one go - tell everybody what I thought, knew, was wrong. We all know what’s wrong seems to be part of the deal I struck with whatever source of information I with the world and we probably have as many solutions, but personally I am accessing. You see my method hasn’t been entirely what you would had to be sure what was wrong first. Originally it had seemed like such a call ‘conventional’. I would rather not involve you in the personal side, I personal problem, but it soon turned into a very different scenario. I had would much sooner keep this as an academic treatise - which I could do, been aware of a ‘presence’ while writing “Gnower”, a similar energy to but I have to recognise the presence of an outside agency guiding me and one that I had experienced regularly as a drummer. that appears to be a part of the information I have to reveal. Now I’m not talking about Angels and spirits, I have a much clearer description of the The concepts I went into in the story, about mathematics and hidden energy I access. It is a part of the Pyramid solution. I understand, and places at Giza, were outside my bounds of knowledge at the time. The don’t doubt for a moment, that others who have experienced it have idea of a coalition of musicians and scientists came from out of the blue, described this same energy as Angels and spirits, but I am about to give and yet that collaboration is now taking place. It’s a strange world we you a whole new language to use, mathematics and music. Twenty years think we live in. ago I sat down to write my suicide note. I wasn’t in a hurry, but I was in In retrospect I find it incredible how so much of my life was significant to pain. You are now reading it. It wasn’t a confession, more like a prayer. solving the plot. The many areas of existence I had explored were all More accurately, it was a song. I’d had a good life by most standards, and essential to the final solution. If any small equation had been changed I I wasn’t depressed - just disappointed and hurting on many levels, would never have had the ability, or understanding, to do this work. physically, emotionally and spiritually. My illness was incurable and my It is amazing where the clues appear. Disregard none of the fine detail of passion, music, subdued by it. The world I was living in was angry and your life until you have had the chance to sit back and analyze it all. lost and it seemed like a good idea to simply ‘check out’. There was no Gnower was a sifting process for me; the thoughts that poured out were one to leave behind but my friends, and I thought I ought to leave them familiar but also very alien in some respects. Hopefully, by the time you with an explanation so they wouldn’t think I didn’t know what I was have finished this book, you may understand what I think is going on. doing. That would be out of character for me, because I can be meticulous when I really want to be, and they know it and smile about it. I have For these twenty years I have watched and waited while sundry authors always worn my heart on my sleeve - as a songwriter it is essential. extolled their various theories about the Pyramids and Atlantis and lost 4 knowledge etc.. I don’t have a theory. I have a made up story that is a That period of my life involved four heart attacks, none of which quelled version of history that I personally can live with when confronted with the the passion or obsession to solve the riddle I had been given. I have been information that has been mine alone for so many years. Nobody has had on borrowed time for quite some time, but the pain has been worth it and access to this information for a very long time and my exploration into it I feel honoured. The last path for the Buddhist is as the Drummer. I think has been a solo affair. It’s a personal problem. That means simply that I I now understand why, and I also think I know from where the Buddhists don’t give a damn if I’m believed or not. Again, this is not arrogance inherited that philosophy. speaking, only concern. The information contained in this book will change history and undermine Confronted with the information I am about to present to you, you too nations and religions. I didn’t set out with that intention - what I wanted will have to find a historical scenario to fit the clues, and it won’t be very was religious harmony, but harmony will never appear in the World until different from mine when you apply logic. You don’t need to be a the lies stop and the truth made available to all. That is my dream, but it mathematician to understand any of this story, and rest assured I’m not won’t be possible until we recognise the common bond we all share. So one either. All it takes is patience and a calculator, and a sneaking now please read ‘Gnower’, pronounced ‘knower’... from the Greek word suspicion that 10,000 years ago and more, someone had a calculator for a ‘gnosis’- ‘knowledge’. It’s a modern analogy of an old tale, but that will brain, and he left a message in the Pyramids. become obvious. I know now that it was channelled, though at the time I had no concept of what channelling was. The clues this story presented to I have tried to make this tale as simple and precise as I can and I hope me have changed my reality. What was fantasy has become a reality. The your intuition is working. Some of you are going to find it hard work, but ark is being built. Follow the clues, learn the Sacred Geometry of its hidden be honest, you didn’t expect the Pyramids to be that obvious did you? location and you will find it. Sadly I won’t be there, but the crew will Merely consider the 49 years of preparation it took to get me into the recognise you and confirm what you already knew. frame of mind that would enable me to spend the next fifteen years working 18 hours a day, 365.2422 days per year, to complete this This is not a riddle, it’s an equation! symphony before I go. 5

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