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EastErn rEligions/Buddhism Wisdom His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoché T F s (1904-1987) was the head of the Nying- s a d r a o u n d a T i o n e r i e s Nectar ma lineage during his lifetime. He was T S A D R A a treasure revealer, teacher, and poet; he also built monasteries, retreat centers, and Wisdom stupas. Dudjom Rinpoché’s Wisdom Nectar: dudjom Heart Advice Ron Garry has an M.A. in integral riNpoché’s heart advice R psychotherapy and a Ph.D. in Indo- o Nectar Tibetan Buddhism, and has completed “As the representative of the great vajra n Dudjom Rinpoché was one of the semi- the traditional three-year retreat. He is master Padmasambhava, Kyabje Dudjom G nal figures in Tibetan Buddhism in the Rinpoche was himself a great scholar and a also the translator of The Teacher-Student r twentieth century, yet very few of his realized meditation master. In general, all of Relationship. r his writings and rediscovered treasures are religious writings have been translated y completely authentic and sublime. In particular his direct spiritual into English. This volume contains a advice from the heart, such as the teachings found in the pages of generous selection of his inspiring teach- this book, serve as profound reminders to awaken and seriously ings and writings, the core of which is a pursue the path to fully enlightened Buddhahood. lengthy discussion of the entire path of We rejoice that our vajra brother Ron Garry has translated this W D Dzogchen, including key instructions material since he is someone who practices with true heartfelt u on view, meditation, and conduct, along faith and devotion in the Buddhadharma.” —Lama Chönam and d Sangye Khandro, members of the Light of Berotsana Translation jois with direct advice on how to bring one’s Group m experience onto the path. d R Also included in this book in their “True wisdom nectar, the spontaneous vajra songs and teachings of io entirety are the oral instructions, tantric n His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, are of such a precious nature that p songs, and songs of realization from His om just reading or hearing a few words will incite inexpressible wisdom c Holiness’s Collected Works, along with a and blessings.” —Loppön Jigme Thutop Namgyal h é generous selection of the aspiration and ’sN supplication prayers. “This book reveals the timeless essence of holy Dharma. Every H word rings true. This masterpiece will certainly inspire many ee generations to come.” —Anam Thubten, Spiritual Advisor, a r Dharmata Foundation tc A t d va i c r e Dudjom Rinpoché’s Heart Advice $29.95 in USA S ISBN-13 978-1-55939-224-2 Snow Lion Snow Lion ISBN-10 1-55939-224-X n Translated and introduced by 52995 o w www.SnowLionPub.com Ron GaRRy L Cover Design: Rafael Ortet 9 781559 392242 i o n Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page i Wisdom Nectar Dudjom Rinpoché’s Heart Advice Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page ii The Tsadra Foundation Series published by Snow Lion Publications Tsadra Foundationis a U.S.-based nonprofit organization that was founded in 2000 in order to support the activities of advanced Western students of Tibetan Buddhism, specifically those with significant contemplative experi- ence. Taking its inspiration from the nineteenth century nonsectarian Tibetan scholar and meditation master Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Tayé, Tsadra Founda- tion is named after his hermitage in eastern Tibet, Tsadra Rinchen Drak. The Foundation’s various program areas reflect his values of excellence in both scholarship and contemplative practice, and the recognition of their mutual complementarity. This publication is part of Tsadra Foundation’s Translation Program, which aims to make authentic and authoritative texts from the Tibetan traditions avail- able in English. The Foundation is honored to present the work of its fellows and grantees, individuals of confirmed contemplative and intellectual integrity; however, their views do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation Tsadra Foundation is delighted to ally with Snow Lion Publications in mak- ing these important texts available in the English language. Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page iii (cid:2) Wisdom Nectar Dudjom Rinpoché’s Heart Advice The Spontaneous Song of Kuntu Zangpo’s Wisdom Mind: Secret Wisdom Mind’s Vast Treasure of Luminous Realization, The Unobstructed Sound of the Nature of Phenomena, A Collection of Self-Manifest Vajra Speech by Padmasambhava’s Representative of the Supreme, Secret Early Translations, the Great Treasure Revealer, King of Dharma, Lord Dudjom Drodül Lingpa Yeshé Dorjé gsang chen snga ’gyur pad ma’i rgyal tshab chos kyi rgyal po gter chen khyab bdag bdud ’joms ’gro ’dul gling pa ’jigs bral ye shes rdo rje mchog gis thugs gsang ’od gsal dgongs pa’i klong mdzod las chos nyid kyi rang sgra ’gags med rang byung rdo rje’i gsung ’ga’ shas phyogs gcig tu sdeb pa kun bzang dgongs pa’i thol glu zhes bya ba bzhugs so His Holiness Dudjom Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé Translated by Ron Garry Snow Lion Publications ithaca, new york/boulder, colorado Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page iv Snow Lion Publications P.O. Box 6483 Ithaca, NY14851USA (607) 273-8519 www.snowlionpub.com Copyright © 2005 Tsadra Foundation All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be repro- duced by any means without prior written permission from the publisher. Printed in Canada on acid-free recycled paper. ISBN-10 1-55939-224-X ISBN-13 978-1-55939-224-2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bdud-’joms (Jigs-bral-ye-Ÿes-rdo-rje, 1904 Wisdom nectar : Dudjom Rinpoche’s heart advice / Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje ; translated by Ron Garry. p. cm. — (The Tsadra Foundation series) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN-10: 1-55939-224-X (alk. paper) ISBN-13: 978-1-55939-224-2 (alk. paper) 1. Rdzogs-chen (Rñiº-ma-pa) 2. Spiritual life—Rñiº-ma-pa (Sect) I. Title. II. Series. BQ7662.4.B3529 2005 294.3’444—dc22 2005008280 Text designed and typeset in Aldus by Gopa & Ted2, Inc Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page v Taking to heart what your Lama has said Is like seeing a treasure in the palm of your hand. Saraha1 Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page vi Without my Lama’s blessings—like earth, water, and warmth [necessary for seeds to grow]—having entered me, Recognition of my true nature is impossible. Now that I’ve come to the direct path, not taking the long way around, May I persevere in my practice of the sublime Dharma! Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page vii Although hundreds or thousands of explanations are given, There is only one thing to be understood— Know the one thing that liberates everything— Awareness itself, your true nature. Dudjom Rinpoché2 Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page viii Wisdom Nectar_Rebuild_New 6/30/09 11:21 AM Page ix Contents Dedication xv Foreword 1 Translator’s Preface 11 Conventions 15 General Introduction 21 I Heart Advice 25 Introduction: Heart Advice (zhal gdams) 27 Essential Advice for Solitary Meditation Practice 43 Nectar for Fortunate Disciples’ Hearts: A Compilation of Essential Words of Advice 61 1. Lama, incomparable lord 63 2. Incomparable Lama, wish-fulfilling jewel 66 3. O friend! As you wander aimlessly 68 4. Sublime nectar of profound meaning 69 5. Your present naked awareness 71 6. How wonderful! If you wish to embark 72 7. Listen, faithful nuns! 74 8. Now that you have found a free and fully endowed human body 77 9. Glorious Lama 80

This volume contains a generous selection of inspiring teachings and writings, the core of which is a lengthy discussion of the entire path of Dzogchen.
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