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WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW VOLUME 1996 INDEX CONTENTS Copyright 1996 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW AUTHOR INDEX BARKER, DANIEL D.: Note, NLRB v. Health Care & Retirement Corp.: Erosion of NLRA Protection for Nurses and Other Professionals? ......... 345 BERETS, KEITH J.: Note, The Boiling Frog: Privacy Rights Hang in the Balance in Veronia School District v. Acton BERRA, JR., PAUL SILVIO: Comment, Co-Conspirator Liability Under FO C.SC, Sirs Bree Tn. ok in on ch ewe cee en 603 BINNS, BRENNA: Comment, Fencing Out the Poor: The Constitutionality of Residency Requirements in Welfare Reform BOWMAN, III, FRANK O.: The Quality of Mercy Must Be Restrained, and Other Lessons in Learning to Love the Federal Sentencing Guidelines CAHN, NAOMI R.: Pragmatic Questions About Parental Liability Statutes DRAGICH, MARTHA J.: Once a Century: Time for a Structural Overhaul of the Federal Courts FEDERLE, KATHERINE HUNT: Emancipation and Execution: Transferring Children to Criminal Court in Capital Cases FITZGERALD, WENDY ANTON: Stories of Child Outlaws: On Child Heroism and Adult Power in Juvenile Justice HILL, DEDE: Comment, Condom Availability Programs Belong in the Schools, Not in the Courts JACOBS, ANDREW M.: Romer Wasn’t Built in a Day: The Subtle Transformation in Judicial Argument Over Gay Rights JENNINGS, MARIANNE M.: The Model Rules and the Code of Professional Responsibility Have Absolutely Nothing To Do With Ethics: The Wally Cleaver Proposition as an Alternative KNAUER, NANCY J.: How Charitable Organizations Influence Federal Tax Policy: “Rent-Seeking” Charities or Virtuous Politicians? .............. 971 LANFOKD, RHONDA L.: Note, King v. Village of Waunakee: Redefining Establishment Clause Jurisprudence in Wisconsin LINGREN, KRISTIN L.: Comment, The Demise of Reasonable Accomodation Under Section 504: Special Education, the Public Schools, and an Unfunded Mandate MACAULAY, STEWART: Organic Transactions: Contract, Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Building MAYER, KIM BANKS: Comment, Applying Open Records Policy to Wisconsin District Attorneys: Can Charging Guidelines Promote Public Awareness? ......... 295 MELLI, MARYGOLD S.: Juvenile Justice Reform in Context MORAN, BEVERLY I. & WHITFORD, WILLIAM: A Black Critique of the Internal Revenue Code NEUSER, MARK A.: Comment, FCC’s C Block Auction in the Wake of Adarand: ID 6. 6-56 4-0b a en SW Be edb r oe ee ee es 821 O’CONNOR, THE HONORABLE SANDRA DAY: The Life of the Law: Principles of Logic and Experience from the United States—The Fairchild Lecture O’HARE, JENNIFER: Institutional Investors, Registration Rights, and the Specter of Liability Under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 O’REILLY, ROBERT K.: Comment, Targeting the Wrong Deep Pocket: Volume 1996 Index Professional Liability Claims in Insurance Company Insolvencies POULIN, ANNE BOWEN: Female Delinquents: Defining Their Place in the Justice System SAFRANEK, STEPHEN J.: Do Class Action Plaintiffs Lose Their I hose hia ia vn a a ee a Oe oe 0 8 ed ed OS 263 SCHERB, KATHERINE: Comment, Administrative Subpoenas for Private Financial Records: What Protection for Privacy Does the Fourth Amendment Afford? SIMONS, MARY M.: Comment, Benchmarking Wars: Who Wins and Who Loses With the Latest in Software Licensing SOUTHWORTH, ANN: Business Planning for the Destitute? Lawyers as Facilitators in Civil Rights and Poverty Practice WALDECK, SARAH E.: Comment, Why the Judiciary Can’t Referee the Takings Game WEISS, DEBORAH M. & SGARAGLINO, MARC A.: Prudent Risks for Anxious Workers YELLEN, DAVID: What Juvenile Court Abolitionists Can Learn from the Failures of Sentencing Reform WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW TITLE INDEX ADDRESSES THE LIFE OF THE LAW: PRINCIPLES OF LOGIC AND EXPERIENCE FROM THE UNITED STATES—THE FAIRCHILD LECTURE: ee ee I ee ee eee eee eee ee eee bees I ARTICLES THE QUALITY OF MERCY MUST BE RESTRAINED, AND OTHER LESSONS IN LEARNING TO LOVE THE FEDERAL SENTENCING GUIDELINES: DATE arene Re Sop ae DEFOE SRR NTS PREE pL yp algo e 679 ONCE A CENTURY: TIME FOR A STRUCTURAL OVERHAUL OF THE FEDERAL COURTS: I a Gf SONS Sh Ae ee eae oan Oe ee Hele ik eas 11 ROMER WASN’T BUILT IN A DAY: THE SUBTLE TRANSFORMATION IN JUDICIAL ARGUMENT OVER GAY RIGHTS: a a te a a es ee 893 HOW CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS INFLUENCE FEDERAL TAX POLICY: "RENT-SEEKING" CHARITIES OR VIRTUOUS POLITICIANS?: ORGANIC TRANSACTIONS: CONTRACT, FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT AND THE JOHNSON BUILDING: I ig a) a aR ol ee tee WE ere lee ee ee 75 A BLACK CRITIQUE OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE: ee PCT PROT TET eT TE eee 751 INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS, REGISTRATION RIGHTS, AND THE SPECTER OF LIABILITY UNDER SECTION 11 OF THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933: I i) ws ace ca wea aclg: whee oeW ieok eth BG pas arg Wag ee aoe 217 Do CLASS ACTION PLAINTIFFS LOSE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?: I a ag a Ne a A a eae eae wl a Be Wine gw ule 263 BUSINESS PLANNING FOR THE DESTITUTE? LAWYERS AS FACILITATORS IN CIVIL RIGHTS AND POVERTY PRACTICE: RA a raat Nha cla, Sh gS athe ih acd eci e ta ew cB 1121 PRUDENT RISKS FOR ANXIOUS WORKERS: Deborah M. Weiss & Marc A. Sgaraglino FORUM THE MODEL RULES AND THE CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ETHICS: THE WALLY CLEAVER PROPOSITION AS AN ALTERNATIVE: Marianne M. Jennings et oe ee ee oe Oe ee ee ee ee Oe ee ee oe oe. A oe, Ue Ue ee eS ee ee Te Oe ee OF Oe, ee ee oo Volume 1996 Index STUDENT PIECES NLRB V. HEALTH CARE & RETIREMENT CORP.: EROSION OF NLRA PROTECTION FOR NURSES AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS?: EY: « <a « wad Win) Wiele:e a pce wee Kt eles eae Te’ 345 THE BOILING FROG: PRIVACY RIGHTS HANG IN THE BALANCE IN VERONIA SCHOOL DISTRICT V. ACTON: FO ee ee er ee ee ee ae 1101 CO-CONSPIRATOR LIABILITY UNDER 18 U.S.C. § 924(C): Is IT POSSIBLE TO ESCAPE?: es os os a ee 6 OE ees ee alee ee aie ke 603 FENCING OUT THE POOR: THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS IN WELFARE REFORM: as es am riea e <del “ab ci wie ain ae aati ae ee 1255 CONDOM AVAILABILITY PROGRAMS BELONG IN THE SCHOOLS, NOT IN THE COURTS: I a 6 «ais ooh: 0 Wak ee >. ake aie eS ai ok ere eee, 1285 KING V. VILLAGE OF WAUNAKEE: REDEFINING ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE JURISPRUDENCE IN WISCONSIN: I II =o o ae oo 0s ee a Widow ee Sree kee e ee ba eee 185 THE DEMISE OF REASONABLE ACCOMODATION UNDER SECTION 504: SPECIAL EDUCATION, THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND AN UNFUNDED MANDATE: PAae ee Te ee 633 APPLYING OPEN RECORDS POLICY TO WISCONSIN DISTRICT ATTORNEYS: CAN CHARGING GUIDELINES PROMOTE PUBLIC AWARENESS?: I Sco 5 5 o ise. b Mw ke ee aS TR Cs ae eee 295 FCC’S C BLOCK AUCTION IN THE WAKE OF ADARAND: HARBINGER OR HOAX?: he ERIM EAE Ny AT OES ORE = TT. RL SRM ESR rg") am 821 TARGETING THE WRONG DEEP POCKET: PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY CLAIMS IN INSURANCE COMPANY INSOLVENCIES: eeeee ee ee ee ee ee 123 ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENAS FOR PRIVATE FINANCIAL RECORDS: WHAT PROTECTION FOR PRIVACY DOES THE FOURTH AMENDMENT AFFORD?: ESS Re re ne. aa. eee ee pe eS 1075 BENCHMARKING WARS: WHO WINS AND WHO LOSES WITH THE LATEST IN SOFTWARE LICENSING: EEE SE Le ee ee eee sited thee 165 WHY THE JUDICIARY CAN’T REFEREE THE TAKINGS GAME: I a gs ee Ae ise @ one eae -~ ees 859 SYMPOSIUM PRAGMATIC QUESTIONS ABOUT PARENTAL LIABILITY STATUTES: ER ee Sr a ey re een ee Re ene ye 399 EMANCIPATION AND EXECUTION: TRANSFERRING CHILDREN TO CRIMINAL COURT IN CAPITAL CASES: I ig a Sa Bri i ial oet eal og tes aa ee ae oe 447 STORIES OF CHILD OUTLAWS: ON CHILD HEROISM AND ADULT POWER IN JUVENILE JUSTICE: i ia gia bs ow ee OO SO Bi oie 0 0-6 ew wb oe eee 495 JUVENILE JUSTICE REFORM IN CONTEXT: ee ee eae eer oe ee ee ee oe 7 1350 WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW FEMALE DELINQUENTS: DEFINING THEIR PLACE IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM: Anne Bowen Poulin WHAT JUVENILE COURT ABOLITIONISTS CAN LEARN FROM THE FAILURES OF SENTENCING REFORM: David Yellen Volume 1996 Index SUBJECT INDEX ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Lingren, The Demise of Reasonable Accommodation Under Section 504: Special Education, the Public Schools, and an Unfunded Mandate Neuser, FCC’s C Block Auction in the Wake of Adarand: Harbinger or Hoax? .... Scherb, Administrative Subpoenas for Private Financial Records: What Protection for Privacy Does the Fourth Amendment Afford? ........ CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Berets, The Boiling Frog: Privacy Rights Hang in the Balance in Veronia School District v. Acton Binns, Fencing Out the Poor: The Constitutionality of Residency Requirements in Welfare Reform Hill, Condom Availability Programs Belong in the Schools, Not in the Courts Jacobs, Romer Wasn't Built in a Day: The Subtle Transformation in Judicial Argument Over Gay Rights Lanford, King v. Village of Waunakee: Redefining Establishment Clause Jurisprudence in Wisconsin Neuser, FCC’s C Block Auction in the Wake of Adarand: Harbinger or Hoax? ... O’Connor, The Life of the Law: Principles of Logic and Experience from the United States—The Fairchild Lecture Safranek, Do Class Action Plaintiffs Lose Their Constitutional Rights? Scherb, Administrative Subpoenas for Private Financial Records: What Protection for Privacy Does the Fourth Amendment Afford?........ Waldeck, Why the Judiciary Can’t Referee the Takings Game CONTRACT LAW Macaulay, Organic Transactions: Contract, Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Building Simons, Benchmarking Wars: Who Wins and Who Loses With the Latest in Software Licensing CORPORATE LAW O’Hare, Institutional Investors, Registration Rights, and the Specter of Liability Under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW CRIMINAL LAW Berra, Co-Conspirator Liability Under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c): Is It Possible to Escape? Bowman, The Quality of Mercy Must Be Restrained, and Other Lessons in Learning to Love the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Cahn, Pragmatic Questions About Parental Liability Statutes Federle, Emancipation and Execution: Transferring Children to Criminal Court in Capital Cases Fitzgerald, Stories of Child Outlaws: On Child Heroism and Adult Power in Juvenile Justice Mayer, Applying Open Records Policy to Wisconsin District Attorneys: Can Charging Guidelines Promote Public Awareness? Melli, Juvenile Justice Reform in Context Poulin, Female Delinquents: Defining Their Place in the Justice System Yellen, What Juvenile Court Abolitionists Can Learn from the Failures of Sentencing Reform DISABILITY LAW Lingren, The Demise of Reasonable Accommodation Under Section 504: Special Education, the Public Schools, and an Unfunded Mandate EDUCATION AND THE LAW Berets, The Boiling Frog: Privacy Rights Hang in the Balance in Veronia School District v. Acton Hill, Condom Availability Programs Belong in the Schools, Not in the Courts Lingren, The Demise of Reasonable Accommodation Under Section 504: Special Education, the Public Schools, and an Unfunded Mandate ERISA Weiss & Sgaraglino, Prudent Risks for Anxious Workers FAMILY LAW Cahn, Pragmatic Questions About Parental Liability Statutes Hill, Condom Availability Programs Belong in the Schools, Not in the Courts Volume 1996 Index FEDERAL COURTS Dragich, Once a Century: Time for a Structural Overhaul of the Federal Courts FEDERAL LEGISLATION Barker, NLRB v. Health Care & Retirement Corp.: Erosion of NLRA Protection for Nurses and Other Professionals? ... 0.000.0 0.c .e cu es 345 Berra, Co-Conspirator Liability Under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c): Is It Possible to Escape? Bowman, The Quality of Mercy Must Be Restrained, and Other Lessons in Learning to Love the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Dragich, Once a Century: Time for a Structural Overhaul of the Federal Courts Knauer, How Charitable Organizations Influence Federal Tax Policy: “Rent-Seeking" Charities or Virtuous Politicians? Lingren, The Demise of Reasonable Accommodation Under Section 504: Special Education, the Public Schools, and an Unfunded Mandate Moran & Whitford, A Black Critique of the Internal Revenue Code O’Hare, Institutional Investors, Registration Rights, and the Specter of Liability Under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 Safranek, Do Class Action Plaintiffs Lose Their Constitutional Rights? Weiss & Sgaraglino, Prudent Risks for Anxious Workers GENDER AND THE LAW Poulin, Female Delinquents: Defining Their Place in the Justice System HEALTH LAW Barker, NLRB v. Health Care & Retirement Corp.: Erosion of NLRA Protection for Nurses and Other Professionals? .........0000000000 : 345 Hill, Condom Availability Programs Belong in the Schools, Not in the Courts Jennings, The Model Rules and the Code of Professional Responsibility Have Absolutely Nothing to Do With Ethics: The Wally Cleaver Proposition As an Alternative WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW INSURANCE LAW O’Reilly, Targeting the Wrong Deep Pocket: Professional Liability Claims in Insurance Company Insolvencies INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW Simons, Benchmarking Wars: Who Wins and Who Loses With the Latest in Software Licensing INTERNATIONAL LAW O’Connor, The Life of the Law: Principles of Logic and Experience from the United States—The Fairchild Lecture JUVENILES AND THE LAW Cahn, Pragmatic Questions About Parental Liability Statutes Federle, Emancipation and Execution: Transferring Children to Criminal Court in Capital Cases Fitzgerald, Stories of Child Outlaws: On Child Heroism and Adult Power in Juvenile Justice Hill, Condom Availability Programs Belong in the Schools, Not in Lingren, The Demise of Reasonable Accommodation Under Section 504: Special Education, the Public Schools, and an Unfunded Mandate Melli, Juvenile Justice Reform in Context Poulin, Female Delinquents: Defining Their Place in the Justice System Yellen, What Juvenile Court Abolitionists Can Learn from the Failures of Sentencing Reform LABOR LAW Barker, NLRB v. Health Care & Retirement Corp.: Erosion of NLRA Protection for Nurses and Other Professionals? .....0.00 .ee.e u.eue s 345 LAW AND ECONOMICS Macaulay, Organic Transactions: Contract, Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Building

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