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Preview Wireless Communication Technology

1 Fundamental Concepts Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: ( Explain the nature and importance of wireless communication. ( Outline the history of wireless communication. ( Explain the necessity for modulation in a radio communication system. ( Outline the roles of the transmitter, receiver, and channel in a radio communication system. ( Describe and explain the differences among simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex communication systems. ( Describe the need for wireless networks and explain the use of repeaters. ( List and briefly describe the major types of modulation. ( State the relationship between bandwidth and information rate for any communication system. ( Calculate thermal noise power in a given bandwidth at a given temperature. ( Explain the concept of signal-to-noise ratio and its importance to communication systems. ( Describe the radio-frequency spectrum and convert between frequency and wavelength. (cid:2) 2 CHAPTER 1 (cid:1) 1.1 Introduction Thisisabookonwirelesscommunication.Thatusuallymeanscommunica- tion by radio, though ultrasound and infrared light are also used occasion- ally. The term “wireless” has come to mean nonbroadcast communication, usually between individuals who very often use portable or mobile equip- ment.Thetermisrathervague,ofcourse,andtherearecertainlyborderline applications that are called wireless without falling exactly into the above definition. Wirelesscommunicationisthefastest-growingpartoftheverydynamic field of electronic communication. It is an area with many jobs that go un- filledduetoashortageofknowledgeablepeople.Itistheauthor’shopethat thisbookwillhelptoremedythatsituation. (cid:1) 1.2 Brief History of Wireless Telecommunication Mostofthisbookisconcernedwiththepresentstateofwirelesscommunica- tion, with some speculation as to the future. However, in order to under- stand the present state of the art, a brief glimpse of the past will be useful. Present-day systems have evolved from their predecessors, some of which arestillverymuchwithus.Similarly,wecanexpectthatfuturesystemswill bedevelopedfromcurrentones. The Beginning Wirelesstelecommunicationbeganonlyalittlelaterthanthewiredvariety. Morse’s telegraph (1837) and Bell’s telephone (1876) were soon followed by Hertz’s first experiments with radio (1887). Hertz’s system was a labora- tory curiosity, but Marconi communicated across the English Channel in 1899andacrosstheAtlanticOceanin1901.Thesesuccessesledtothewide- spreaduseofradioforship-to-shipandship-to-shorecommunicationusing Morsecode. Early wireless systems used crude, though often quite powerful, spark- gaptransmitters,andweresuitableonlyforradiotelegraphy.Theinvention of the triode vacuum tube by De Forest in 1906 allowed for the modula- tion of a continuous-wave signal and made voice transmission practical. Thereissomedisputeaboutexactlywhodidwhatfirst,butitappearslikely thatReginaldFessendenmadethefirstpublicbroadcastofvoiceandmusic in late 1906. Commercial radio broadcasting in both the United States and Canadabeganin1920. Earlyradiotransmittersweretoocumbersometobeinstalledinvehicles. Infact,thefirstmobileradiosystems,forpolicedepartments,wereone-way, (cid:2) FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 3 withonlyareceiverinthepolicecar.Thefirstsuchsystemtobeconsidered practical was installed in Detroit in 1928. Two-way police radio, with the equipmentoccupyingmostofthecartrunk,beganinthemid-1930s.Ampli- tudemodulation(AM)wasuseduntilthelate1930s,whenfrequencymodu- lation(FM)begantodisplaceit. WorldWarIIprovidedamajorincentiveforthedevelopmentofmobile and portable radio systems, including two-way systems known as “walkie- talkies” that could be carried in the field and might be considered the dis- tant ancestors of today’s cell phones. FM proved its advantages over AM inthewar. Postwar Soon after the end of World War II, two systems were developed that pres- Expansion aged modern wireless communication. AT&T introduced its Improved MobileTelephoneService(IMTS)in1946,featuringautomaticconnection of mobile subscribers to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Thiswasanexpensiveservicewithlimitedcapacity,butitdidallowtruemo- bile telephone service. This system is still in use in some remote areas, where,forinstance,itallowsaccesstothePSTNfromsummercottages. The next year, in 1947, the American government set up the Citizens’ Band (CB) radio service. Initially it used frequencies near 460 MHz, but in thatrespectitwasaheadofitstime,sinceequipmentfortheUHFrangewas prohibitively expensive. Frequencies in the 27-MHz band were allocated in 1958,andCBradioimmediatelybecameverypopular.Theservicewasshort- range, had no connection to the PSTN, and offered users no privacy, but it was(andstillis)cheapandeasytosetup.ThepopularityofCBradiohasde- clined in recent years but it is still useful in applications where its short rangeandlackofconnectivitytotherestoftheworldarenotdisadvantages. For example, it serves very well to disseminate information about traffic problemsonthehighway. Meanwhile another rather humble-appearing appliance has become ubiquitous:thecordlessphone.Usuallyintendedforveryshort-rangecom- munication within a dwelling and its grounds, the system certainly lacks rangeanddrama,butitdoeshaveconnectivitywiththePSTN.Mostcordless phones use analog FM in the 46- and 49-MHz bands, but some of the latest models are digital and operate at either 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz. Cordless phonesarecheapandsimpletouse,buttheirrangeislimitedand,exceptfor thedigitalmodels,theyofferlittleprivacy. Pagers were introduced in 1962. The first models merely signaled the usertofindatelephoneandcallaprearrangednumber.Morerecentmodels can deliver an alphanumeric message and even carry a reply. Though rela- tivelylimitedinfunction,pagersremainverypopularduetotheirlowcost andsmallsize. (cid:2) 4 CHAPTER 1 The Cellular The world’s first cellular radio service was installed in Japan in 1979, fol- Revolution lowedin1983byNorthAmericanservices.Cellularsystemsarequitediffer- ent from previous radiotelephone services such as IMTS in that, instead of usingasinglepowerfultransmitterlocatedonatalltowerforwidecoverage, thepowerofeachtransmitterisdeliberatelykeptrelativelysmallsothatthe coverage area, called a cell, will also be small. Many small cells are used so that frequencies can be reused at short distances. Of course, a portable or mobiletelephonemaymovefromonecelltoanothercellduringthecourse of a conversation. In fact, this handoff may occur several times during a conversation. Practical cellular systems had to await the development of computers fast enough and cheap enough to keep track of all this activity. Theoretically at least, the number of users in a cellular system can be in- creasedindefinitely,simplybymakingthecellssmaller. ThefirstcellularsystemsusedanalogFMtransmission,butdigitalmod- ulation schemes, which provide greater privacy and can use bandwidth moreefficiently,areusedinallthenewsystems.Thesepersonalcommuni- cation systems (PCS) usually operate in a higher frequency range (about 1.9GHzcomparedwith800MHzforNorthAmericancellularservice). Current cellular systems are optimized for voice but can also transmit data.Inthenearfuture,high-speeddatatransmissionusingPCSisexpected tobecomeareality.Atthispoint,however,thepastmergesintothefuture, andwe’llresumethediscussionlaterinthisbook. (cid:1) 1.3 Elements of a Wireless Communication System Themostbasicpossiblewirelesssystemconsistsofatransmitter,areceiver, andachannel,usuallyaradiolink,asshowninFigure1.1.Sinceradiocan- notbeuseddirectlywithlowfrequenciessuchasthoseinahumanvoice,it is necessary to superimpose the information content onto a higher fre- quencycarriersignalatthetransmitter,usingaprocesscalledmodulation. Theuseofmodulationalsoallowsmorethanoneinformationsignaltouse FIGURE1.1 Elementsofacommunicationsystem (cid:2) FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 5 theradiochannelbysimplyusingadifferentcarrierfrequencyforeach.The inverse process, demodulation, is performed at the receiver in order to re- covertheoriginalinformation. The information signal is also sometimes called the intelligence, the modulating signal, or the baseband signal. An ideal communication sys- tem would reproduce the information signal exactly at the receiver, except for the inevitable time delay as it travels between transmitter and receiver, and except, possibly, for a change in amplitude. Any other changes consti- tutedistortion.Anyrealsystemwillhavesomedistortion,ofcourse:partof the design process is to decide how much distortion, and of what types, is acceptable. Simplex Figure 1.1 represents a simplex communication system. The communica- and Duplex tionisonewayonly,fromtransmittertoreceiver.Broadcastingsystemsare Communication likethis,exceptthattherearemanyreceiversforeachtransmitter. Mostofthesystemswediscussinthisbookinvolvetwo-waycommuni- cation.Sometimescommunicationcantakeplaceinbothdirectionsatonce. Thisiscalledfull-duplexcommunication.Anordinarytelephonecallisan exampleoffull-duplexcommunication.Itisquitepossible(thoughperhaps not desirable) for both parties to talk at once, with each hearing the other. Figure 1.2 shows full-duplex communication. Note that it simply doubles the previous figure: we need two transmitters, two receivers, and, usually, twochannels. FIGURE1.2 Full-duplexcommunicationsystem (cid:2) 6 CHAPTER 1 Some two-way communication systems do not require simultaneous communicationinbothdirections.Anexampleofthishalf-duplextypeof communicationisaconversationovercitizens’band(CB)radio.Theopera- tor pushes a button to talk and releases it to listen. It is not possible to talk andlistenatthesametime,asthereceiverisdisabledwhilethetransmitter is activated. Half-duplex systems save bandwidth by allowing the same channel to be used for communication in both directions. They can some- timessavemoneyaswellbyallowingsomecircuitcomponentsinthetrans- ceivertobeusedforbothtransmittingandreceiving.Theydosacrificesome ofthenaturalnessoffull-duplexcommunication,however.Figure1.3shows ahalf-duplexcommunicationsystem. FIGURE1.3 Half-duplexcommunicationsystem Wireless The full- and half-duplex communication systems shown so far involve Networks communicationbetweenonlytwousers.Again,CBradioisagoodexample ofthis.Whentherearemorethantwosimultaneoususers,orwhenthetwo users are too far from each other for direct communication, some kind of networkisrequired.Networkscantakemanyforms,andseveralwillbeex- aminedinthisbook.Probablythemostcommonbasicstructureinwireless communicationistheclassicstar network,showninFigure1.4. Thecentralhubinaradionetworkislikelytobearepeater,whichcon- sistsofatransmitterandreceiver,withtheirassociatedantennas,locatedin (cid:2) FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 7 FIGURE1.4 Starnetwork agoodpositionfromwhichtorelaytransmissionsfromandtomobileradio equipment. The repeater may also be connected to wired telephone or data networks.ThecellularandPCStelephonesystemsthatwelookatlaterinthe bookhaveanelaboratenetworkofrepeaterstations. (cid:1) 1.4 Signals and Noise Thecommunicationsystemsdescribedinthisbookdifferinmanyways,but theyallhavetwothingsincommon.Ineverycasewehaveasignal,whichis usedtocarryusefulinformation;andineverycasethereisnoise,whichen- ters the system from a variety of sources and degrades the signal, reducing the quality of the communication. Keeping the ratio between signal and noisesufficientlyhighisthebasisforagreatdealoftheworkthatgoesinto thedesignofacommunicationsystem.Thissignal-to-noiseratio,abbrevi- atedS/Nandalmostalwaysexpressedindecibels,isanimportantspecifica- tionofvirtuallyallcommunicationsystems.Letusfirstconsidersignaland noiseseparately,andthentakeapreliminarylookatS/N. Modulated Given the necessity for modulating a higher-frequency signal with a Signals lower-frequency baseband signal, it is useful to look at the equation for a sine-wave carrier and consider what aspects of the signal can be varied. A generalequationforasinewaveis: e(t) = E sin(ω t + θ) (1.1) c c (cid:2) 8 CHAPTER 1 where e(t) = instantaneous voltage as a function of time E = peak voltage of the carrier wave c ω = carrier frequency in radians per second c t = time in seconds θ = phase angle in radians Itiscommontouseradiansandradianspersecond,ratherthandegrees and hertz, in the equations dealing with modulation, because it makes the mathematics simpler. Of course, practical equipment uses hertz for fre- quencyindications.Theconversioniseasy.Justrememberfrombasicacthe- orythat ω = 2πƒ (1.2) where ω = frequency in radians per second ƒ = frequency in hertz AlookatEquation(1.1)showsusthatthereareonlythreeparametersof a sine wave that can be varied: the amplitude E , the frequency ω, and the c phaseangleθ.Itisalsopossibletochangemorethanoneoftheseparameters simultaneously;forexample,indigitalcommunicationitiscommontovary boththeamplitudeandthephaseofthesignal. Once we decide to vary, or modulate, a sine wave, it becomes a com- plex waveform. This means that the signal will exist at more than one frequency; that is, it will occupy bandwidth. Bandwidth is a concept that will be explored in more detail later in this chapter and will recur often in thisbook. Noise It is not sufficient to transmit a signal from transmitter to receiver if the noise that accompanies it is strong enough to prevent it from being under- stood.Allelectronicsystemsareaffectedbynoise,whichhasmanysources. In most of the systems discussed in this book, the most important noise componentisthermalnoise,whichiscreatedbytherandommotionofmol- ecules that occurs in all materials at any temperature above absolute zero (0Kor−273°C).Weshallhaveagooddealtosayaboutnoiseandtheratio between signal and noise power (S/N) in later chapters. For now let us just notethatthermalnoisepowerisproportionaltothebandwidthoverwhich asystemoperates.Theequationisverysimple: P = kTB (1.3) N (cid:2) FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 9 where P = noise power in watts N k = Boltzmann’s constant, 1.38 × 10−23 joules/kelvin (J/K) T = temperature in kelvins B = noise power bandwidth in hertz Notetherecurrenceofthetermbandwidth.Hereitreferstotherangeoffre- quencies over which the noise is observed. If we had a system with infinite bandwidth, theoretically the noise power would be infinite. Of course, real systemsneverhaveinfinitebandwidth. A couple of other notes are in order. First, kelvins are equal to degrees Celsius in size; only the zero point on the scale is different. Therefore, con- vertingbetweendegreesCelsiusandkelvinsiseasy: T(K) = T(°C) + 273 (1.4) where T(K) = absolute temperature in kelvins T(°C) = temperature in degrees Celsius Also, the official terminology is “degrees Celsius” or °C but just “kelvins” orK. EXAMPLE 1.1 Y Aresistoratatemperatureof25°Cisconnectedacrosstheinputofanampli- fierwithabandwidthof50kHz.Howmuchnoisedoestheresistorsupplyto theinputoftheamplifier? SOLUTION Firstwehavetoconvertthetemperaturetokelvins. FromEquation(1.4), T(K) = T(°C) + 273 = 25 + 273 = 298 K NowsubstituteintoEquation(1.3), P = kTB N = 1.38 × 10−23 × 298 × 50 × 103 = 2.06 × 10−16 W = 0.206 fW

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