IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 308 IFIP–TheInternationalFederationforInformationProcessing IFIPwasfoundedin1960undertheauspicesofUNESCO,followingtheFirst WorldComputerCongressheldinParisthepreviousyear.Anumbrellaorgani- zation for societies working in information processing, IFIP’s aim is two-fold: tosupportinformationprocessingwithinitsmembercountriesandtoencourage technologytransfertodevelopingnations.Asitsmissionstatementclearlystates, IFIP’s mission is to be the leading, truly international, apolitical organizationwhichencouragesandassistsinthedevelopment,ex- ploitationandapplicationofinformationtechnologyforthebenefit ofallpeople. IFIPisanon-profitmakingorganization,runalmostsolelyby2500volunteers.It operatesthroughanumberoftechnicalcommittees,whichorganizeeventsand publications.IFIP’seventsrangefromaninternationalcongresstolocalseminars, butthemostimportantare: • TheIFIPWorldComputerCongress,heldeverysecondyear; • Openconferences; • Workingconferences. TheflagshipeventistheIFIPWorldComputerCongress,atwhichbothinvited andcontributedpapersarepresented.Contributedpapersarerigorouslyrefereed andtherejectionrateishigh. As with the Congress, participation in the open conferences is open to all and papersmaybeinvitedorsubmitted.Again,submittedpapersarestringentlyref- ereed. The working conferences are structured differently. They are usually run by a workinggroupandattendanceissmallandbyinvitationonly.Theirpurposeis tocreateanatmosphereconducivetoinnovationanddevelopment.Refereeingis lessrigorousandpapersaresubjectedtoextensivegroupdiscussion. Publications arising from IFIP events vary. The papers presented at the IFIP WorldComputerCongressandatopenconferencesarepublishedasconference proceedings,whiletheresultsoftheworkingconferencesareoftenpublishedas collectionsofselectedandeditedpapers. Anynationalsocietywhoseprimaryactivityisininformationmayapplytobe- comeafullmemberofIFIP,althoughfullmembershipisrestrictedtoonesociety percountry.FullmembersareentitledtovoteattheannualGeneralAssembly, Nationalsocietiespreferringalesscommittedinvolvementmayapplyforasso- ciateorcorrespondingmembership.Associatemembersenjoythesamebenefits asfullmembers,butwithoutvotingrights.Correspondingmembersarenotrep- resentedinIFIPbodies.Affiliatedmembershipisopentonon-nationalsocieties, andindividualandhonorarymembershipschemesarealsooffered. Jozef Wozniak Jerzy Konorski Ryszard Katulski Andrzej R. Pach (Eds.) Wireless and Mobile Networking Second IFIP WG 6.8 Joint Conference, WMNC 2009 Gdan´sk, Poland, September 9-11, 2009 Proceedings 1 3 VolumeEditors JozefWozniak JerzyKonorski Gdan´skUniversityofTechnology DepartmentofComputerCommunications 11/12NarutowiczaStr.,80-233Gdan´sk,Poland E-mail:{jowoz,jekon}@eti.pg.gda.pl RyszardKatulski Gdan´skUniversityofTechnology DepartmentofRadiocommunicationSystemsandNetworks 11/12NarutowiczaStr.,80-233Gdan´sk,Poland E-mail:[email protected] AndrzejR.Pach AGHUniversityofScienceandTechnology DepartmentofTelecommunications Al.Mickiewicza30,30-059Krakow,Poland E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2009933883 CRSubjectClassification(1998):C.2.1,C.2.5,C.1.3,C.3,I.5.4 ISSN 1868-4238 ISBN-10 3-642-03840-9SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-642-03840-2SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. springer.com ©IFIPInternationalFederationforInformationProcessing2009 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:12744121 06/3180 543210 Preface Recent spectacular achievements in wireless, mobile, and sensor networks have dramatically changed our lives in many ways. However, the rapid evolution of wireless systems not only promises increased functionality, reliability, availability, and security, as well as putting a wide variety of new services at the users’ disposal − it also creates a number of design challenges that our research community is now facing. Scientists and engineers need to come up with, and promptly implement, novel wireless network architectures, while system operators and planners rethink their business models and attend to the growing expectations of their customer base. To provide a suitable forum for discussion between researchers, practitioners, and industry representatives interested in new developments in the respective research area, IFIP WG 6.8 launched three separate series of conferences: MWCN (Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks), PWC (Personal Wireless Communications), and WSAN (Wireless Sensor and Actors Networks). In 2008, MWCN and PWC were merged into the IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2008), held in Toulouse, France, from September 30 to October 2, 2008. MWNC 2008 and PWC 2008 topics were subsequently revised with a view to covering the whole spectrum of hot issues in wireless and mobile networking. As a result, IFIP WG 6.8 decided to add WSAN as another WMNC track. WMNC 2009 therefore subsumed three tracks, MWCN, PWC, and WSAN, each with its own steering committee, but with a common TPC of more than 100 members. It was held in Gdańsk, Poland, September 9-11, 2009, hosted by Gdańsk University of Technology. A total of 65 regular papers (split quite evenly among the three tracks) were submitted by authors from 20 countries. All submissions were evaluated by the program committee members assisted by external reviewers − at least three per paper. Finally, 30 papers were accepted and included in this proceedings volume. They reflect the state of the art, current discussions, and development trends in wireless and mobile networks and services. A variety of internationally significant topics are covered, including wireless LANs, sensor, ad hoc, UMTS and cellular networks, mobility, localization, routing, quality of service, IMS, network management, energy efficiency, and security. The PWC track continued to penetrate its traditional area of communication-layer protocol design and performance evaluation. Particular attention was paid to multimedia traffic accommodation, including low-layer considerations in respect to EDCA queues and bandwidth reservation for voice connections, network-layer multicast video streaming, and session establishment signaling. Optimization of existing WiMAX protocols, and coexistence of popular wireless technologies like WiFi and Bluetooth within a common unlicensed band were given both analytical and experimental treatment. Universal teletraffic studies and cross-layer design principles were applied to wireless network design, with a relatively large number of papers dealing with handover performance and engineering. The authors did not turn away from security-related issues in view of possible uncooperative behavior of wireless VI Preface terminals; one that has recently become of particular importance is trust building and management. The WSAN track reflected two distinct groups of problems, one connected with the organization of ad-hoc wireless sensor networks, and the other covering the theory and practical algorithms of sensor location. Monitoring of the current state of the environment, especially geared towards threat detection and out-of-the-ordinary values of various parameters, is the subject of keen interest of local governments and commercial operators alike. A monitoring system constitutes a wireless wide-area network with sensor terminals, each of which consists of a measurement part and a transmission part with access to some telecommunication services. Its main function is the reliable and real-time transfer of monitoring data to a management database. From the design perspective, self-organization and security also play a central role. Finally, the MWCN track focused on three major areas: mobile and wireless application and services, 3G/4G networks and next generation systems, and architectures, protocols and technologies. One of the major goals of mobile networks is to provide multimedia broadcast/multicast service on a mass scale. However, this requires successful completion of the relevant standardization processes, techno- economic studies, and calls for new concepts of multicast schemes. Another hot topic is the convergence of telecommunications and web services based on the integration of context information, Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). One of the key issues in real-time service provision in mobile networks based on e.g., WiMAX technology, is to ensure suitable handover schemes that exploit cross-layer optimization. As mobile networks become increasingly heterogeneous, network operators look beyond GSM/UMTS and get interested in wireless LAN/MAN and 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE). This creates additional issues e.g., handovers between access networks and operators. As conference organizers, we are extremely grateful to the steering committees, the TPC, and all the external reviewers, for the hard work they put into the preparation and distribution of the call for papers, as well as the timely delivery of paper reviews. It is their highly competent and friendly support that enabled us to put together the consistent and, in our opinion, high-quality final program of WMNC 2009. We would like to thank all the authors for their submissions and interest in our conference, as well as Springer for their cooperation during the preparation of this volume. We feel indebted to many organizations and individuals who made this conference possible, in particular, the International Federation for Information Processing, Gdańsk University of Technology, IEEE Poland Section, Lord Mayor of Gdańsk, Alcatel-Lucent, and Nokia Siemens Networks. Lastly, we are grateful to the local staff, service providers, and student volunteers for the countless hours they spent helping with the organization of WMNC 2009. September 2009 Józef Woźniak Jerzy Konorski Ryszard Katulski Andrzej Pach Organization General Chair Jozef Wozniak Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Track Chairs 14th Personal Wireless Communications Conference (PWC) Jerzy Konorski Gdansk University of Technology, Poland 11th Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks Conference (MWCN) Andrzej Pach AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland 3rd Wireless Sensors and Actor Networks Conference (WSAN) Ryszard Katulski Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Steering Committees PWC Pedro Cuenca, Spain Zoubir Mammeri, France Robert Bestak, Czech Republic Otto Spaniol, Germany Jozef Wozniak, Poland Ignas G. Niemegeers, The Netherlands Sonia Heemstra De Groot, The Netherlands MWCN Pedro Cuenca, Spain Georg Carle, Germany Cormac J. Sreenan, UK Zoubir Mammeri, France Guy Pujolle, France Otto Spaniol, Germany Jozef Wozniak, Poland VIII Organization WSAN Pedro Cuenca, Spain Luis Orozco-Barbosa, Spain Ali Miri, Canada Al Agha Khaldoun, France Otto Duarte, Brazil Augusto Casaca, Portugal Ivan Stojmenovic, Canada Pedro Marrón, Germany Technical Program Committee Marek Amanowicz Military Academy of Technology, Poland Dominique Barthel Orange Labs, France Eesa Bastaki Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority, UAE Eric van den Berg Telcordia Technologies, Inc, USA Philippe Bertin Orange Labs, France Robert Bestak Czech Technical University, Czech Republic Raffaele Bruno IIT-CNR, Italy Wojciech Burakowski Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Carlos Cardeira IST Lisboa, Portugal Georg Carle Universität Tubingen, Germany Augusto Casaca INESC, Portugal Hakima Chaouchi Télécom Sud Paris, France Edward Chlebus Illinois Institute of Technology, USA Luis Correia Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal Pedro Cuenca Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Amitabha Das Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Sajal Das Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Franco Davoli Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy Mieso Denko University of Guelph, Canada Michel Diaz LAAS-CNRS, France Eryk Dutkiewicz Macquarie University, Australia Luigi Fratta Politecnico di Milano, Italy Mario Freire University of Beira Interior, Portugal Rajit Gadh UCLA, USA Enrique Vázquez Gallo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Adam Grzech Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Zygmunt J. Haas Cornell University, USA Daryoush Habibi Edith Cowan University, Australia Sonia Heemstra de Groot Ericsson EuroLab, The Netherlands Geert Heijenk University of Twente, The Netherlands Zbigniew Hulicki AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow, Poland Youssef Iraqi Dhofar University, Oman Organization IX Shengming Jiang Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Yuming Jiang Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Bożena Kamińska School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada Lukas Kencl CTU-Ericsson-Vodafone R&D Centre, Prague, Czech Republic Martin Klepal Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland Peter Komisarczuk Victoria University, New Zealand Ousmane Kone Université Paul Sabatier – IRIT, France Yevgeni Koucheryavy Tampere University of Technology, Finland Srdjan Krco Ericsson IE Research Centre, Ireland Francine Krief LABRI, France A. E. Krzesinski University of Stellenbosch, South Africa Sławomir Kukliński Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Marek Kwiatkowski DSTO, Australia Houda Labiod ENST Paris, France Shou-Chih Lo National Dong Hwa University,Taiwan Pascal Lorenz University of Haute Alsace, France Wiesław Ludwin AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow, Poland Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius GET/INT Evry, France Zoubir Mammeri Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France Vicenzo Mancuso University of Palermo, Italy Pietro Manzoni Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Dora Maros Budapest Polytechnic, Hungary Ami Marowka Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Israel Rudolf Mathar RWTH, Germany Antonin Mazalek University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic Steve McLaughlin University of Edinburgh, UK Ali Miri University of Ottawa, Canada Jelena Misic University of Manitoba, Canada Michal Mrozowski Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Marek Natkaniec AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow, Poland Ioanis Nikolaidis University of Alberta, Canada Sotiris Nikoletseas Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece Thomas Noel University of Strasbourg, France Andrew Odlyzko University of Minnesota, USA Luis Orozco-Barbosa Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain Andrzej Pach AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow, Poland Elena Pagani University of Milan, Italy Gerard Parr University of Ulster, UK X Organization Krzysztof Pawlikowski University of Canterbury, New Zealand Dirk Pesch Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland Ana Pont-Sanjuan Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain Ramón Puigjaner Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Spain Guy Pujolle University of Paris 6, France Utz Roedig Lancaster University, UK Michael Rumsewicz University of Adelaide, Australia Dominik Rutkowski Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Djamel Sadok Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil Debashis Saha Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India Tadao Saito Toyota Info Technology Center, Japan Venkatesh Sarangan Oklahoma State University, USA Thomas Schmidt Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Patrick Senac ENSICA, France Bartomeu Serra Unversitat de les Illes Balears, Spain Michelle Sibilla IRIT Paul Sabatier University, France David Simplot-Ryl INRIA, France Wojciech Sobczak Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Otto Spaniol University of Technology of Aachen, Germany Dirk Staehle University of Wuerzburg, Germany Andrzej Stepnowski Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Ivan Stojmenovic University of Ottawa, Canada Yutaka Takahashi Kyoto University, Japan Andreas Timm-Giel University of Bremen, Germany Petia Todorova Fraunhofer Institut FOKUS, Germany Phouc Tran-Gia University of Würzburg, Germany Victor A. Villagra Technical University of Madrid, Spain Luis Javier Garcia Villalba Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Luis Villasenor-González CICESE Research Center, Mexico Zuzana Vranova University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic Krzysztof Wesołowski Poznan University of Technology, Poland Joerg Widmer DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH, Germany Bernd Wolfinger Hamburg University, Germany Konrad Wrona NATO C3 Agency, The Hague, The Netherlands Reviewers Marek Amanowicz Robert Bestak Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos Raffaele Bruno Luis Barbosa Wojciech Burakowski Dominique Barthel Augusto Casaca Eric van den Berg Edward Chlebus Philippe Bertin Luis Correia