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Wireless A to Z This page intentionally left blank. Wireless A to Z Nathan J. Muller McGraw-Hill New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright ©2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-142918-2 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-141088-0. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fash- ion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. 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Under no circumstances shall McGraw-Hill and/or its licensors be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential or similar damages that result from the use of or inability to use the work, even if any of them has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability shall apply to any claim or cause whatsoever whether such claim or cause arises in contract, tort or otherwise. DOI: 10.1036/0071429182 To my brother Jim On his retirement from the South Burlington, Vermont, Police Department This page intentionally left blank. For more information about this title, click here. CONTENTS Preface xi A 1 Access Points 1 Advanced Mobile Phone Service 6 Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service 8 Amateur Radio Service 12 B 17 Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Service 17 Bluetooth 18 Bridges 27 C 31 Cell Sites 31 Cellular Data Communications 34 Cellular Telephones 36 Cellular Voice Communications 48 Citizens Band Radio Service 55 Code Division Multiple Access 59 Competitive Local Exchange Carriers 67 Cordless Telecommunications 70 D 75 Data Compression 75 Decibel 80 Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications 82 Direct Broadcast Satellite 87 E 95 Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution 95 vii Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use. viii CONTENTS F 97 Family Radio Service 97 Federal Communications Commission 99 Fixed Wireless Access 103 Fraud Management Systems 105 Frequency Division Multiple Access 119 G 123 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 123 General Mobile Radio Service 125 General Packet Radio Service 128 Global Positioning System 131 Global System for Mobile (GSM) Telecommunications 139 H 149 Hertz 149 Home Radio-Frequency (RF) Networks 152 I 159 i-Mode 159 Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers 161 Infrared Networking 164 Integrated Digital Enhanced Network 172 Interactive Television 175 Interactive Video and Data Service 181 Interexchange Carriers 183 International Mobile Telecommunications 186 L 195 Laser Transmission 195 Local Multipoint Distribution Service 198 Low-Power FM Radio Service 205 Low-Power Radio Service 208 M 211 Maritime Mobile Service 211 Microwave Communications 213 Mobile Telephone Switching Office 217 Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service 220 Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service 223 O 225 Over-the-Air Service Activation 225 CONTENTS ix P 229 Paging 229 PCS 1900 238 Peer-to-Peer Networks 243 Personal Access Communications Systems 251 Personal Air Communications Technology 254 Personal Communications Services 262 Personal Digital Assistants 266 Personal Handyphone System 273 Private Land Mobile Radio Services 279 R 287 Radio Communication Interception 287 Remote Monitoring 290 Repeaters 301 Routers 304 Rural Radiotelephone Service 310 S 311 Satellite Communications 311 Short Messaging Service 322 Software-Defined Radio 326 Specialized Mobile Radio 332 Spectrum Auctions 334 Spectrum Planning 338 Spread-Spectrum Radio 341 T 349 Telegraphy 349 Telemetry 354 Time Division Multiple Access 360 U 367 Ultra Wideband 367 Universal Mobile Telephone Service 371 V 377 Voice Cloning 377 Voice Compression 380 W 389 Wired Equivalent Privacy 389 Wireless E911 392

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