Wire methods for measuring field harmonics, gradients and magnetic axes in accelerator magnets Candidate: Ing. Carlo Petrone. Cern Supervisor: 00 33 11 Prof. Stephan Russenschuck. 3-3- 11 00 22 S-S- SISI EE HH University Supervisor: TT N-N-1313 ERER/20/20 Prof. Pasquale Arpaia. CC// Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Benevento. (cid:13)c Carlo Petrone List of publications [1] Arpaia P, Fiscarelli L, Cardines N, Petrone C, (2010) “Design of an on-line dy- namic magnetic flux analyzer based on double-buffer sliding DFT”, 7th Sympo- siumIMEKOTC4,3rd SymposiumIMEKOTC19and15th IWADCWorkshop Instrumentation for the ICT , Era September 8-10, Kosice, Slovakia. [2] BuzioM,GalbraithP,GolluccioG,GiloteauxD,GilardoniS,PetroneC,Walck- iers L, (2010) “Development of upgraded magnetic instrumentation for CERN real-time reference field measurement system”, IPAC - International Particle Accelerator Conference, May 23-28, Kyoto, Japan. [3] Arpaia P, Fiscarelli L, La Commara G, Petrone C, (2011) “A Model-Driven Domain-Specific Scripting Language for Measurement System Frameworks”, IEEE - Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. [4] Arpaia P, Buzio M, Perez J G, Golluccio G, Petrone C, Walckiers L, (2011) “Magnetic field measurements on small magnets by vibrating wire systems”, Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IEEE, May 10-12. [5] ArpaiaP,BuzioM,CaspersF,GolluccioG,PetroneC,(2011)“StaticMetrolog- ical Characterization of a Ferrimagnetic Resonance Transducer for Real-Time Magnetic Field Markers in Particle Accelerators”, I2MTC - Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IEEE, May 10-12. [6] Modena M, Dunkel O, Perez J G, Petrone C, Solodko E, Thonet P, Tommasini D, Vorozhtsov A, (2012) “Design, assembly and first measurement of a short model for CLIC final focus hybrid quadrupole QD0”, IPAC - International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. [7] Arpaia P, Buzio M, Perez J G, Petrone C, Russenschuck S, Walckiers L, (2012) “Measuring field multipoles in accelerator magnets with small-apertures by an 1 oscillatingwiremovedonacirculartrajectory”,JINST - Journal of Instrumen- tation, published by IOP. [8] Arpaia P, Petrone C, Walckiers L, (2012) “Experimental validation of solenoid magnetic centre measurement by vibrating wire system”, XX IMEKO World Congress Metrology for Green Growth, September 914, Busan, Republic of Ko- rea.1 [9] Arpaia P, Petrone C, Russenschuck S, (2012) “Measuring multipole field errors in magnet apertures of large aspect ratio by means of an scillating wire on elliptictrajectories”,XX IMEKO World Congress Metrology for Green Growth, September 914, Busan, Republic of Korea.2 [10] ArpaiaP,PetroneC,BuzioM,RussenschuckS,andWalckiersL,(2013)“Multi- pole correction of stretched-wire measurements of field-gradients in quadrupole accelerator magnets”, JINST - Journal of Instrumentation, published by IOP. [11] Arpaia P, Petrone C,Russenschuck S, Walckiers L, (2013) “Multipole-field cor- rectionofstretched-wiremeasurementsofthegradientinacceleratormagnets”, 19th Symposium IMEKO TC 4 Symposium and 17th IWADC Workshop Ad- vances in Instrumentation and Sensors Interoperability,July18-19,Barcelona, Spain. [12] M. Modena, A. Bartalesi, J. Garcia Perez, R. Leuxe, G. Perrin-Bonnet, C. Petrone, M. Struik, A. Vorozhtsov, (2013) “Performances of the Main Beam Quadrupole Type1 Prototypes for CLIC”, International Conference on Magnet Technology, July 14 - 19, Boston, USA. [13] Arpaia P, Petrone C, Russenschuck S, Walckiers L, (2013) ”Vibrating-Wire Measurements for Centering and Alignment of Solenoids”, JINST - Journal of Instrumentation, published by IOP. 1GyorgyStrikerJuniorpaperaward 2GyorgyStrikerJuniorpaperaward 4 Introduction Inparticleaccelerators,thebeamstabilityisaffectedbymagneticfieldin-homogeneity in the bending and focusing magnets. Therefore, a high field quality [1–4], character- ized by the harmonic coefficients of the transverse field expansion, is required. High- accuracy measurements of these coefficients, usually denoted as field multipoles [5], are mainly based on rotating search coils [6]: a wire loop, of area A and N turns, is rotated at the a given angular frequency in the magnet field. This method yields a measurement of the magnetic flux linked with the search coil as a function of its angular position. The field harmonics are then deduced by exploiting the knowledge of the search-coil geometry. Uncertainty arises, among other sources, from small lat- eral movements of the rotation axis due to the coil turning mechanics. Moreover, the coil’s angular position does not match perfectly the expected angular position for a particular trigger. This can happen because of torsional vibrations in the coil or tim- inguncertaintyonthetriggers[7]. Theaccuracyofthehigherharmonicsisimproved by a compensated (bucked) coil configuration for rejecting effects of geometrical im- perfections. In the configurations for quadrupole-magnets, a probe contains two or more off-axis coils, connected such that the voltage signals induced by the main field are canceled out. Magnets with small apertures of about 10 mm in diameter are developed for new linear accelerator studies, such as the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) [8,9] and the Linac4 [10] at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). For high- precision search coil manufacture, a new printed-circuit board technology is used [11] forthesmallshafts. Thesingle-stretchedwiremethod[12]iscommonlyusedtomea- sure the magnetic field strength and axis by moving the wire in radial directions. An electrical voltage is induced across a moving wire in a magnetic field. The difference in the integrated voltages measured between two opposite wire displacements yields the offset of the starting point with respect to the magnetic axis. The multipoles are determined by moving the single-stretched wire on the generators of a cylindrical 5 domain inside the magnet aperture, and by integrating the voltage signal measured on the wire extremity. However, the wire in the magnet and the cabling to the volt- meter/integrator create a loop sensitive to environmental electromagnetic noise. The small apertures of the magnet limit the displacement range, thus reducing the ampli- tude of the induced voltage and increasing the uncertainty in the axis location and multipoles measurement. Consequently, small-aperture magnets are challenging for multipole measurements, both by means of the rotating-coil and the single-stretched wire methods. In this thesis a new method, based on the oscillating wire particular suitable for small aperture to measure the multipole is proposed [13]. In particle accelerators, solenoids are used for beam focusing. The emittance growth is limited by axially symmetric focusing elements with short periods, which often works better than sequential pairs of quadrupoles that give rise to significant halo formation [14]. Particles moving exactly along the magnetic axis do not experi- ence a Lorentz force. Off-axis particles are azimuthally accelerated by the radial field component in the end regions of the magnet. The resulting helical motion in the lon- gitudinal field of the magnet center yields a focusing effect due to the radial Lorentz force. The magnetic axis in a solenoid is defined as the path where the integral over transverse field components takes its minimum. Measuring the field uniformity and the magnetic axis position assesses the solenoid design and manufacture. Usually the field is measured by a Hall probe, mounted on a three-axis coordinate stage. The magnetic axis position is then measured by means the classical single stretched-wire (SSW) technique [15]. However, the sensitivity is poor due to small displacement amplitudes. The vibrating-wire method [16] allows measuring the position of the magnetic axis in the micrometer range. The method is based on the Lorentz force displacementofthewire,whichisfedbyanalternatingcurrent. Thewirewillvibrate in the direction orthogonal to the magnetic field. In a quadrupole, the magnetic axis isdeterminedbythewirepositioninthemagnetaperture,wherethisoscillationtakes its minimum [17]. The precision is affected by the relation of the measured axis to the alignment target of the magnet. In this thesis, a method based on a vibrating wire is proposed for measuring the position of the magnetic axis of a solenoid. A copper beryllium wire, fed by an alternating current, oscillates perpendicular to the transverse magnetic field inside the aperture of the solenoid. The amplitude of this oscillation is proportional to the current and field magnitudes. When the magnetic axis coincides with the wire position, the transverse magnetic field components along the wire cancel out and therefore no motion is induced. Feeding a sinusoidal current providesmaximumoscillationatthewire’sresonancefrequencyandthusincreasesthe 6 measurement sensitivity. Resolution in the micrometre range is easily achieved [18]. Quadrupolemagnetsareinstalledtofocusparticlebeamsinacceleratorsandtheir focusingstrengthisproportionaltotheradialdistanceofthebeamfromthemagnetic axis [19]. However, due to manufacturing errors, the magnetic axis (defined as the locus of points in the magnet aperture with zero magnetic flux density) may not coincide with the geometrical axis [20]. The magnetic axis is commonly measured in quadrupole magnets, together with the magnetic field strength, by the single-stretched wire (SSW) method, however, these measurements are affected by nonlinear field errors in the magnet expressed as multipole coefficients. Usually these multipoles are referred to as non-allowed mul- tipoles, because they arise from manufacturing tolerances and deviations from the quadrupolar symmetry. SSW measurements of the field gradient in quadrupole mag- nets are affected by this nonlinear field errors, expressed as higher-order field multi- poles. Inthisthesis, acorrectionoffieldgradientsinquadrupoleacceleratormagnets measured by stretched-wire methods is described. The gradient is first measured by means of the single-stretched-wire method. By using the same experimental setup, therelativemultipole-fielderrorsofthequadrupolearethenmeasuredbymeansofthe oscillating-wire technique and used for the correction scheme. Results of the experi- mental validation are presented for a prototype quadrupole for the CLIC accelerator study at CERN. 7 Objectives of this thesis This thesis proposes a new method based on a forced oscillating wire to measure magnet field multipoles and a method based on vibrating wire for measuring magnet axes. These developments involve the following main achievements: • Design and study of theoretical models. The wire is positioned step- by-step on different points inside the magnet aperture and the corresponding oscillation amplitude in each position of the are measured and related to the magnetic field. A theoretical background, an analytical model, a measurement procedure,andmeasurementsystemarchitectureoftheoscillating-wiremethod were defined. • Design and development measurement bench. A design optimization is performedforfindingtheoptimalparametersoftheentiremeasurementsystem andanewbenchwasimplementedtocarryoutameasurementcampaigntoval- idatethemethods. Todealwiththeforthcomingneedstotesthighperformance magnets, software components in C++ code and measurement procedures con- trolling different kinds of hardware sensors and equipment were developed. • Measurementcampaigntovalidatethemodels. Finally,theexperimental validation shows satisfying results in comparison to a reference rotating coil system and, furthermore, the oscillating wire is more powerful than rotating coils in small-aperture magnets due to the high complexity to manufacture coil shafts with such small dimensions (few mm). 8