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December 1994 Short Communications 265 COLLOPY, M.W. AND K.L. BiLDSTElN. 1987. Foraging relation to prey biomass and habitat structure. Condor behaviorofnorthern harriers wintering in southeastern 92:107-112. salt and freshwater marshes. Auk 104:11-16. Pylypec, B. 1991. Impacts of fire on bird populations Conover, W.J. 1980. Practical nonparametric statistics. in a fescue prairie. Can. Field-Nat. 105:346-349. 2nd ed. John Wiley, New York, NY U.S.A. Rudolph, S.G. 1982. Foraging strategies of American Hamerstrom, F.N. 1974. Raptor Management. Pages kestrels during breeding. Ecology 63:1268-1276. 5-8 in F.N. Hamerstrom, B.E. Harrell, and R.R. ScHiPPER, W.J.A., L.S. Burma and P. Bossenbroek. Olendorff [Eds.], Management of raptors. Raptor Res. 1975. Comparative study of hunting behavior of win- tering hen harriers (Circus cyaneus) and marsh harriers Rep. 2. (Circus aeruginosus) Ardea 63:1-29. Janes, S.W. 1985. Habitat selection in raptorial birds. . Smallwood, J.A. 1987. Sexual segregation by habitat Pages 159-188 in M.L. Cody [Ed.], Habitat selection in birds. Academic Press, New York, NY U.S.A, in American kestrels wintering in southcentral Florida: vegetative structure and responses to differential prey Ludwig, J.A., and J.F. Reynolds. 1988. Statistical availability. Condor 89:842-849. ecology. Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, NY U.S.A. M. WooDREY, M.J. Smallwood and M.A. , Millsap, B.A., K.W. Clineand B.A. Giron Pendleton. Kettler. 1982. Foraging by cattle egrets and Amer- 1987. Habitat Management. Pages 215-237 in B.A. ican kestrels at a fire’s edge. /. Field Ornithol. 53:171- Giron Pendleton, B.A. Millsap, K.W. Cline, and D.M. 172. Bird [Eds.], Raptor management techniques manual. Toland, B.R. 1987. The effect of vegetative cover on DC Natl. Wildl. Fed., Washington, U.S.A. foraging strategies, hunting success, and nesting dis- Peterson, K.L. and L.B. Best. 1987. Effects of pre- tribution of American kestrels in central Missouri. J. scribed burning on nongame birds in a sagebrush com- Raptor Res. 21:14-20. munity. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 15:317-329. Preston, C.R. 1990. Distribution of raptor foraging in Received 24 January 1994; accepted 6 August 1994 /. Raptor Res. 28(4):265-268 © 1994 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Winter Diet of Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) IN THE Po Plain (Northern Italy) Paolo Galeotti and Luca Canova Dipartimento di Biologia Animate Universitd di Pavia - Piazza Botta 9, 27100 Pavia, Italy Key Words: food habits; diet; Italy; long-eared owl; Asio part of their Italian wintering and breeding range (Ga- otus. leotti 1990). In this paper, we review the diet of long-eared owls in The winter diet of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) has the Po Plain to: (1) provide new information on the trophic been well documented in northern and central Europe and niche ofsouthern wintering populations oflong-eared owls, North America (see Cramp 1985 for review), but there (2) compare local diets, and (3) determine the hunting are few data for southern Europe and particularly Italy. habitats most utilized by the species. In northern Europe, the long-eared owl specializes in Study Areas and Methods hunting voles (Microtus spp.) in open fields (Herrera and Hiraldo 1976), and it is considered a restricted feeder This area has a sublittoral continental temperate climate (Marti 1976, Kallander 1977, Nilsson 1981). Likewise, with two peaks of rainfall in spring and autumn; during winter the mean temperature ranges from 0-10“C and in the Mediterranean region voles are the most important mm precipitation averages 50-60 monthly. component in the diet of long-eared owls (Araujo et al. Pellets were collected betweenJanuary and March from 1973, Tome 1991). Only three studies (Gerdol and Perco eight winter roosts located in the Po Plain. Roosts 1, 2, 1977, Casini and Magnaghi 1988, Canova 1989) have and 3 (Table 1) were close to the eastern edge ofthe study reported the diet and prey selection of long-eared owls in area, a few kilometers from the Adriatic Sea, while all the Po Plain ofnorthern Italy, which is the most important other roosts were located in Lombardy, the central part '< ' 1 1 < 4' t t 266 Short Communications VoL. 28, No. 4 o d dm oto o d dCN) dlo dOn dNO oo d dCM m q dOn q r- NO eg pa ON o d 00 cO CN] od CnJ ei eS H40-1 dCN dCN dNO d 'd1^ d Od' CdM rd- d q m d CdN) OdO q CdN 00 q m q qdNO oO cO cn ei cn ON feS 00 On eg pa cO (u-T B do vO d o o o o q dNO o CN] d q o lO o q q 3 PQ CO NO O'] o4 NO NO od 4-H in od C ON w 00 XI 0d0 4d— iri 4d— o o o o dr- q o T— d-4- do- o q o m q q rdi-n cj N% OsNd oi OJ OJ CN] r-^ eg od h4—- e-' C r- u 3 ucr o q o o o dtN o q o o o o o o o q dcn ,<1 B% 00 On PO •rH NO CN] OmN eg >- u rt r«- eS o <dn rd- o o o dLO o lO lO 0 o o o o o o o q q m q NdNOO 4-' O'] 1-^ rn NO NO NO cn od o od O<u 4—1 00 cn 1—^ eg o q dr- o o o O'] dr- q o q o r-' o d o q q q B% Oind 4- in 00 <r4 oi fO ON 4-H NO o eS o NO dr- o o o dr- dr- m o o o q o q q q NdO cO NO rO 4—* i/S On] e- no’ ON cn rg t Th T— 3u VaI XV h c^ ON NO q cn q (sS o d d o o o o o O o o d o d o o o o (2J5 pq IT) NO liS in eg ON 3 O t.oi-1 HOu lO 6? o i•r^j* id o o o o o O o ionq o dON o oqg o iqn o q o eqi oqd O oqd dt1- _3 .onJJ lO t— 4— ’c3 U o q od o o o CdM 0d0 q o O] o o d 00 o o d o o o O B% CN r^ 4-H ON og <mn pL, 0 O X o VdO <n o o o Od' fdo q o qd o o fdO q o in o q o o o Odn ed- c N7o CN NrO- og 00 eg 0NO0 eg o NO o1o/1 6? od q 1— o cods CdM Od' o O o ON o o o d o in md q q o o pq Tt- id NO ON in u On ro MV c f<Jo q CN o 00 q eg eg q m00 •>o d o d d o O o o o o o d d o o d cO NO CM NO NO od me*- •^* On eg X4-» 'C oo CN q o q q q q q q o o o o O o o o d d o d o o o ou B% OiNd CN] cn ni ei (N q m q cn GO q q q m c0n0 o o o o o o o o d o d o o o d id oi 00 in lO o^ eg X ON <N eg 1 au; u o d NO o o o o O' o rd- o q o o q qd q q q o 3bIC B% N0O0 1 og rn ei in X bS o 0q0 o o o o dGO o i— o dq o o 0q0 lqO dO q Iq,-) cqn 00 o m 1 dm T— 00 1-H 00 1 cn XX<U tn w .3 V) •XH^^^nSj -Xi0sI<3C<;QJT3u" P>uPh-i H+CfuV-HjI* <VV>I s.1BaB25 .sooc^> 3Cto a2Coooc3! a~2Co5cii .,tSa22T5 ^C23bsoo« ;^-2s4W3K2.J Msiacrvoituis §•'•32UiQk3-^2a §tdaV3suoI .1~St3t3«e32oo §'*5s2tC3t-s3jo4 33sot1o .itt3EOt333-ojo4 0*2«33«3^ooo tO3t33t33tiooo) 1§s3 sf3daCcA— *-’"c1*xcBOBo6crcoSO5-:J;t> P(ecuuO0>MiJ-H> XwweucBqijxg XQ*w4QUI5JJ Ricefields/woodlots. Far8mland/ricefields. December 1994 Short Communications 267 of the Po Plain. Roosts were between 25-450 km apart. rare prey in the diets. The frequency of farmland species The habitat types surrounding each roost (2.5 km radius) in the diet (Rattus rattus, Apodemus agrarius, and Microtus are reported in Table 1. arvalis) increased toward the east, while woodland species Although the long time span over which pellets were (Clethrionomys glareolus, and Microtus multiplex) were collected (16 yr) could be responsible for variation in local preyed on more often at western sites. This was consistent diets, we found no evidence of fluctuations in small rodent with the localized distribution of Clethrionomys glareolus populations in northern Italy among years (L. Canova which is locally abundant in wooded habitats in the west- unpubl. data). Moreover, there is evidence that some vole ern portion of the Po Plain, but scattered or absent in the species living in Mediterranean regions arenot cyclic (Par- East (Canova et al. 1991). Hygrophilous species were also adis and Guedon 1993). Finally, the diet of long-eared mainly exploited in western locations (roosts 4, 6, and 8), owls can be more variable between seasons than between where numerous ditches and canals were associated with years (Nilsson 1981). Therefore, we believe that, taken ricefields. together, these findings justify our tentative comparison Conclusions among local diets irrespective ofthe years in which pellets were collected. The diet of wintering long-eared owls in the Po Plain All pellets were examined using standard techniques consisted mainly of mice, whereas elsewhere in Europe (Yalden 1977). Prey remains were identified using taxo- long-eared owls prey mainly on voles (Saint Girons and nomic keys (Erome and Aulagnier 1982), and reference Martin 1973, Araujo et al. 1973, Glue and Hammond specimens collected in the study areas. Because few work- 1974, Marti 1976, Kallander 1977, Tome 1991). This ers have identified birds to species in dietary studies we difference was probably due to both a lower richness in considered them as a single category. Because they were vole species (only eight of the 20 European Microtidae all small passerines (mainly Passer spp.), we used a mean species occur in Italy) and low population levels in south- mass of 20 g for biomass calculations. Small mammal ern Europe compared to the North (Herrera and Hiraldo biomass was derived from the literature (Di Palma and 1976). Moreover, the number of vole species decreases Massa 1981, Galeotti et al. 1991). Frequency by number across the Po Plain from east towest, with only four species and biomass for each prey species and the mean mass of being present in the west (Niethammer and Krapp 1982). prey were calculated for diets at each roost. Voles are scarcer than mice in most habitats except in Diet breadth (based on frequencies of ecological prey- scrubs and woods (Canova and Fasola 1991, P. Galeotti categories) was determined by the index: B = 1//? and L. Canova unpubl. data). The apparently close re- (Feinsinger et al. 1981) where p is the proportion of the lationship between diet composition and prey availability prey i in the total sample and R is the number of prey confirms the trophic plasticity of long-eared owls in their categories collected at each station; the B-index varies from Italian winter range (Canova 1989). 0 (no use of any resource) to 1 (full use of total resources). — Resumen. La dieta de Asio otus invernantes fue estu- Results and Discussion diada en Po Plain al norte de Italia, a traves de analisis We Overall Diet. identified 3499 prey items that de egagrapilas obtenidas desde ocho perchas de descanso amounted to a total biomass of 75 466 g. Prey included invernal. En contraste con lo que ocurre en el norte y mammals (89,6%), birds (10.2%) and insects (0.2%). Al- centre de Europa, los ratones predominaron por sobre las though long-eared owls preyed on 16 mammal species ratas de aqua. La composicion dietaria sugirio que las from four families, three species (Apodemus sylvaticus, Mi- tierras de cultivo eran los habitat de alimentacion preva- crotus savii, and Micromys minutus) accounted for 64.8% lecientes alrededor de las perchas. La variacion dieteria ofthe diet and murid rodents predominated overall (Table desde presas de mamiferos a aves puede ocurrir en con- 1) The mean mass of prey (21.5 g) was lower than that diciones climaticas adversas (nieves otonales) o en habitat calculated (32.2 g) by Marti (1976) from a number of urbanos. European studies; consequently, the average meal was also [Traduccion de Ivan Lazo] slightly lower (51.8 g) than that reported from a number of diets in northern Europe and North America (55-60 Acknowledgments g) typLeoacnadl pDrio.eptosrtainodn oFfemeadminmgalHapbrietyatssp.eciDeise.tMsudriifdfesrewderien We wish to thank D.A. Kirk and J.S. Marks for their useful suggestions and criticism on earlier drafts of the the most important prey category at all but two roosts. Microtids were the second most common prey used by paper, and M.T. Forlini for her help in pellet analysis. long-eared owls at all roosts but one, and they were preyed on more heavily at eastern sites. Birds were preyed on at Literature Cited all roosts, but predominated in the diet of long-eared owls Araujo, J.M. Rey, A. Landin and A. Moreno. 1973 in the urban roost and in willow/farmland. The impor- J., Contribucion al estudio del buho chico (Asio otus) en tance of birds in owl’s diet at one roost was related to Espana. Ardeola 19:397-428. weather: the frequency of bird prey increased in relation to the snow cover, ranging from 13-14% when snow was Canova, L. 1989. Influence of snow cover on prey se- absent to 42% when snow covered the ground (Canova lection by long-eared owls Asio otus. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 1989). Niche breadth increased in relation to an increase 1:367-372. m woodland species (r^ = 0.92, P < 0.01) which were and M. Fasola. 1991. Communities of small 268 Short Communications VoL. 28, No. 4 mammals in sixbiotopes ofnorthern Italy. Ada Theriol. of the long-eared owl in Britain and Ireland. Br. Birds 36:76-86. 67:361-369. P. Galeotti and M. Fasola. 1991. Distri- Herrera, C.M. and F. Hiraldo. 1976. Food-niche , bution ofthe bank vole Clethrionomysgiareolus in plain and trophic relationships among European owls. Ornis habitats of northern Italy. Mammalia 55:435-439. Scand. 7:29-41. Casini, L. and a. Magnaghi. 1988. Alimentazione in- Kallander, H. 1977. Food of the long-eared owls Asio vernale di gufo comune Asia otus in un’area agricola otus in Sweden. Ornis Fenn. 54:79-84. dell’Emilia orientale. Avocetta 12:101-106. Marti, G.D. 1976. A review of prey selection by the Cramp, S.C. 1985. The birds of the western Palearctic. long-eared owl. Condor 78:331-336. Vol. V. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, U.K. Niethammer, and F. Krapp. 1982. Handbuch der J. Di Palma, M.G. and B. Massa. 1981. Contributo me- Saugetiere Europas. Rodentia. Akad. Verlag, Wies- todologico per lo studio deH’alimentazione dei rapaci. baden, Germany. Atti Conv. Ital. Orni. 1:69-76. Nilsson, I.N. 1981. Seasonal changes in food of the ErOME, G. and S. Aulagnier. 1982. Contribution a long-eared owl in southern Sweden. Ornis Scand. \2- I’identification des proies des Rapaces. Bievre 2:129- 216-223. 135. Paradis, E. and G. Guedon. 1993. Demography of a Feinsinger, P., E.E. Spers and R.W. Poole. 1981. A Mediterranean microtine: the Mediterranean pine vole, simple measure of niche breadth. Ecology 62:27-32. Microtus duodecimcostatus. Oecologia 95:47-53. Galeotti, P. 1990. Gufo comune Asio otus. Page 107 Saint Girons, M.C. and C. Martin. 1973. Adaptation in P. Brichetti and M. Fasola [Eds.], Atlante degli du regime de quelques rapaces nocturnes au paysage Uccelli nidificanti in Lombardia, Editoriale Ramperto, rural. Les proies de I’Effraie et du Moyen-duc dans le Brescia, Italy. department de la Somme. Bull. Ecol. 4:95-120. F. MorimandoAND C. VIOLANI. 1991. Feeding Tome, D. 1991. Diet of the long-eared owl in , ecology ofthe tawny owl (Stnx aluco) in urban habitats Yugoslavia. Ornis Fenn. 68:114-122. (northern Italy). Boll. Zool. 58:143-150. Yalden, D.W. 1977. The identification of remains in GeRDOL, R. and F. PerCO. 1977. Osservazioni ecolo- owl pellets. Occas. Publ. Mammal. Soc., London, U.K. giche sul gufo comune (Asio otus otus L.) nell’Italia Nord-Orientale. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. 61:37-59. Glue, D.E. AND G.J. Hammond. 1974. Feeding ecology Received 21 April 1993; accepted 29 April 1994 /. Raptor Res. 28(4):268-273 © 1994 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Refinements to Selective Trapping Techniques: A Radio-controlled Bow Net and Power Snare FOR Bald and Golden Eagles Ronald E. Jackman, W. Grainger Hunt, Daniel E. Driscoll and Frank Lapsansky J. BioSystems Analysis, Inc., 303 Potrero Street Suite 29-203, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 U.S.A. Key Words: Aquila chrysaetos; bald eagle; bow net; cap- with American kestrels (Falco sparuerius). The power snare, ture techniques; golden eagle; Haliaeetus leucocephalus; a “manually-operated, single noose system,” was devel- power snare. oped for the selective capture of white-bellied sea-eagles (Haliaeetus leucogaster) by Hertog (1987). Research and management ofraptors often requires the During studies of wintering and breeding bald eagles capture of specific individuals for radiotagging or color- (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chry- marking. Bloom (1987) reviewed raptor trapping tech- saetos) in Washington, California, and Arizona (Hunt et niques, including several selective methods used for eagles: al. 1992a, 1992b, 1992c, 1992d), we constructed a radio- cannon and rocket nets (see also Grubb 1988), the pit trap, controlled bow net to selectively capture eagles (Fig. la). and our bow net. Meng (1963) was first to develop a radio- We were able to completely conceal it in loose soil and controlled bow net and Bryan (1988) modified it for use operate it from distances up to 400 m. In addition, we

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