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Preview Winter 2016 Newsletter

N NETANYAHU E W W I N A T R T EE LR E 2 Last March, the tumultuous relationship between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama reached A 0 a new low. Over White House objections, the Israeli Prime Minister traveled to Washington to attack S1 the President’s signature foreign policy legacy, the Iran nuclear deal. FRONTLINE traces the stormy 6 history of the United States-Israeli relationship through the eyes of Obama and Netanyahu, two E men with fundamentally different views of the world. For Obama, his election in 2009 provided S a chance “to recast the United States as a friend of the Islamic world,” says White House insider Sandy Berger. But, for Netanyahu, Obama’s vision of the Middle East threatened Israel’s existence. Told through riveting footage and interviews with political insiders in Jerusalem and Washington, Screen programs Netanyahu at War provides the essential context needed to understand the ongoing feud online at between Netanyahu and Obama and how it could shape the future of the Middle East. 2X60 HD pbsinternational.org FRONTLINE ’ Walt Disney offers an unprecedented look at the man who created a world and built an empire. Uniquely adept at art as well as commerce, Walt Disney was a master filmmaker who harnessed the power of technology to tell stories of outsiders struggling for acceptance and belonging, while questioning the conventions of class and authority. As Disney rose to prominence and gained financial security, his work On November 15, 1915, Albert Einstein published his greatest became increasingly celebratory of the American way of life that made work—his general theory of relativity. This theory transformed our his unlikely success possible. A polarizing figure—though true believers understanding of nature’s laws and the entire history of the cosmos, vastly outnumber his critics—Disney’s achievements are indisputable. reaching back from the present moment to the origin of time itself. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE examines Disney’s complex life and continuing Now, NOVA tells the inside story of Einstein’s masterpiece. From legacy, featuring rare archival footage from the Disney vaults, interviews the first spark of an idea to the discovery of the expanding universe, with biographers and historians, and the animators and designers who the Big Bang, black holes and dark energy, Inside Einstein’s Mind 160468 helped turn his dreams into reality. Walt Disney is both an inspiring story uncovers the inspired insights and brilliant breakthroughs of “the and a cautionary tale about the price of an empire. 2x112, 4x54 HD perfect theory,” perhaps the greatest science story of all time. 1x53 HD COURTESY OF LOS ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY ORREN JACK TURNER 2015 ANNUAL NEWS & DOCUMENTARY EMMY® AWARD WINNERS United States of Secrets Winner of Best Documentary and Outstanding Coverage of Firestone and the Warlord a Current News Story-Long Form, United States of Secrets goes behind the headlines to reveal the dramatic inside story of how the Winner of Outstanding Investigative Journalism Long Form and U.S. government came to monitor and collect the communications of Outstanding Research, Firestone and the Warlord investigates the millions of people around the world and the lengths they went to as secret relationship between the American tire company Firestone and they tried to hide this massive surveillance program from the public. the infamous Liberian warlord Charles Taylor. The FRONTLINE film shines Divided into two parts, it is the definitive history of domestic new light on the country’s history and its civil war and raises provocative surveillance in a post-9/11 world. Part political thriller and part spy questions about corporate responsibility, accountability, and the ethical novel, the FRONTLINE series is gripping viewing for those who want ramifications of doing business in conflict zones. 1x83 HD to understand the context of the Snowden affair—and what it means for the world. 1x115 and 1x54 HD COURTESY OF FRONTLINE; © PATRICK ROBERT/SYGMA/CORBIS; SHUTTERSTOCK (BKGD) ARTS & CULTURE HISTORY, ARTS & CULTURE HISTORY ARM Y SIG NAL CO COURTESY OF BUDDY SQUIRES, ASC BBoonnnien Piaerk e&r a nCd lCylyddee Barrow were the most L.J. BOOTS HINTON RPS (NARA) DOCDAYS PRODUCTIONS American Ballet Theatre: famous criminal couple in US history. During Movies in Wartime: the height of the Great Depression, their gang A History Projections of America evolved from petty thieves to nationally known Delving into the rich history of one of the world’s bank robbers and murderers, joining the ranks As Allied forces liberated Western Europe in preeminent ballet companies, Emmy® and of other gangsters of the era like John Dillinger, WWII, the military campaign was accompanied Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Ric Burns Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson—so called by a vast propaganda effort that centered around combines intimate rehearsal footage, virtuoso “public enemies” who captured the imagination 26 short documentaries about American life performances and interviews with American of Americans laid low by the Depression. targeted at the newly liberated populations. Ballet Theatre’s key figures to chronicle the rise Newsreels across the country flashed images The “Projections of America” films presented of the company from its earliest days as a small, of a pixyish Bonnie, handgun on her hip, and American stories of cowboys and oilmen, financially struggling collective to its pinnacle as handsome Clyde, with his custom suits and immigrants and school children—capturing both one of the most respected and revered dance Browning automatic rifles, turning them into the the optimism and the messiness of American companies in the world. Filmed using Phantom underworld’s dark prince and princess of crime. democracy. These films were created by Flex cameras, which capture up to 2,500 frames In reality, Bonnie and Clyde grew up in the slums politically engaged filmmakers, who, while fighting per second and bring to life even the smallest of West Dallas and had little in common with their tyranny abroad, also wanted to fundamentally of movements, the breathtaking footage brings glamorous media images. Their two-year crime change America itself. The story is told through a new dimension to the understanding of the spree ended when the couple was betrayed by rare archival materials, including pristine new extraordinary efforts made in the perfection a friend and shot dead at a police roadblock in transfers of the propaganda films interwoven of form. 1x104 HD Louisiana on May 23, 1934. 1x52 HD with interviews with filmmakers, original audience members and film critics. 1x53 HD 2 pbsinternational.org 2015 ANNUAL NEWS & DOCUMENTARY EMMY® AWARD WINNERS HISTORY LIFESTYLE CURRENT AFFAIRS The Perfect Crime The murder of a fourteen-year-old boy by two wealthy college students was shocking enough, their motive more so. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb had planned to abduct and kill a child at random to prove they were smart enough to get away with it. Set in 1920’s Chicago—a city of gin joints, gangsters, and political corruption— The Perfect Crime tells a story that set off CO are nsaptoionnsaibl idliteyb, aanted acbaopuitta ml pouranliisthy,m inednitv. id1xu6a0l HD URTESY O CURRENT AFFAIRS, SCIENCE F PIRKLE JO NES FO UNDATIO N Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution The rise and fall of the Black Panther Party during the 1960s and beyond is a story of a growing pride in black culture, and more militant demands for justice and racial equality, with a cast of larger-than-life personalities including: Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Stokely Carmichael, CO URTESY OF FRONTLINE ©PIPPA HANKINSO MaSaonrfta cadtlhnhc iFleover alyPeml ad Nf noX Heto,hl astEeamolrdgnspre —itmd otbghaneaes. gtt Re aucenronfndun oi lntKlwye ar xnaettehsusldspaee oledimznnoesb cCselu e ltmethsoa eer vra nahertceiras,i rstiomarny N Outbreak Blood Lions and police brutality. The Black Panthers does FRONTLINE investigates the vivid, inside story of not hesitate to critique its subject, nor does it A journey to the heart of darkness that lies within how the Ebola outbreak began and why it wasn’t shy away from judging the corrupt activities of the predator breeding and canned lion hunting stopped before it was too late. With exclusive J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI or the countless shoot- industries in South Africa, Blood Lions follows access to key global decision-makers and health outs, raids and arrests that were the response of Ian Michler, a South African environmental responders, and gripping accounts of victims local police. It is a history that needs to be told to journalist and safari operator, and Rick Swazey, from the slums of Monrovia to the jungles of understand today’s incendiary racial landscape. an American hunter, as they explore the reality Guinea, Outbreak exposes tragic missteps in 2x54, 1x114 HD of these multi-million dollar businesses. 1x52 HD the response to the epidemic. 1x54 HD UNDERSTANDING OUR PLANET Making North America Earth: The Inside Story For the first time, NOVA reveals how startlingly different North America’s Trace the geologic story of our home planet, beginning with its formation four- ancient past was compared to today—giant marine reptiles once swam over and-a-half billion years ago and continuing with its evolution to the present. the cornfields of Kansas, Central Park was part of a mountain range as high Shot in top geologic hot spots on all seven continents and interspersed with as the Himalayas, and gigantic super-eruptions almost tore the continent in footage of earthquakes and volcanoes, this film features a diverse group of two just before the dinosaurs rose to rule the land. To visualize the leading geologists who reveal the latest thinking about how the Earth works. vanished landscapes and the hidden forces that shaped them, the series With recent news coverage of major earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic features live-action CGI animation sequences that lift the lid off of North eruptions, people are asking whether or not Earth’s natural systems are America, stripping away the ancient rock layers to reveal the past. 3x53 HD undergoing a period of intense upheaval. This film lends scientific perspectives in an attempt to answer that very question and reveal the latest understanding Life’s Rocky Start of the 4.5 billion-year-old Earth. 1x57 HD Four and a half billion years ago, the young earth was a chaos of meteorite impacts, volcanoes and lightning flashing through a thin atmosphere. With Clockwork Climate (working title) no protective ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation sterilized Earth’s hot, bleak According to a survey from August 2012, 77% of the world’s population is surface. Then, in a process that has puzzled scientists for decades, the first worried about the future of the climate. Experiments in deliberate climate microbes took hold. In Life’s Rocky Start, dynamic geophysicist Robert engineering, also known as geo-engineering, are multiplying the world over Hazen advances a startling and counterintuitive idea—that the rocks and the United States, Canada, the European Union, China and Russia are beneath our feet were essential to jump-starting life. As Hazen journeys to all funding evaluations of these techniques’ efficacy against global warming. spectacular locations from Hawaii to Morocco, we discover that as microbes Climate Clockwork introduces the scientists, businesspeople and political flourished and took over the biosphere, hundreds of minerals we know and decision-makers who are spearheading this research and reveals its historical depend on today were born. 1x60 HD background using spectacular research archives, including lab simulations and field tests. 1x52 HD © GWYN WILLIAMS pbsinternational.org 3 ENTERTAINMENT SCIENCE THROUGH THE CyberWar Threat DECADES The global cyberwar is heating up and the stakes are no longer limited to the virtual world of computers—now, cyber weapons can Mary Tyler inflict physical damage. Highly sophisticated, stealthy computer programs such as the Moore: notorious Stuxnet worm can destroy the control A Celebration systems that regulate everything from food As the first independent factories to gas pipelines, power plants and career woman on chemical facilities—even the elevators in our tMeoleovriesi osent, Mthaer yto Tnyele fro r a aepxpaertrmtse annt db uinilvdeinsgtisg.a Ftievaet ujoruinrgn aleliastdsi nwgh doe fense VASYL YAKO mihceoornv Oiec s omcuaorr m-cnueolntmutsirne fa rfotoemrdw Mtaurordgno.e riTnenhe’ sOirs acr tpdaiorrinoenage arrry,an imdnP ce hrloueepdvlpliiesnei,gtd s hsninteardvawievt eir dpeguraicoali blth yieas doc s fkta ihcnfyeegb ,fme rNoruwmOrkaV yarA tirtn eae acwxklamh.m i1 coxihnf5 ecn3sro i Hmt hnDiaent aicolh nail nloindrg BCHUK; JACK AMM IT her work as a dancer and her early films (including one where she played Elvis Presley’s love interest). 1x56 HD CURRENT AFFAIRS SCIENCE The Girls in Invisible Universe Revealed the Band Twenty-five years ago, NASA launched one of the most ambitious experiments in the history In the 1930s and ’40s, of astronomy: the Hubble Space Telescope. female musicians NOVA tells the remarkable story of the telescope toured the country that forever changed our understanding of in glamorous all-girl the cosmos and our place in it. This single bands, while others telescope has helped astronomers pinpoint the played side-by-side with age of the universe, revealed the birthplace of their male counterparts. But by the mid-1950s, stars and planets, advanced our understanding female jazz musicians had disappeared from the of dark energy and cosmic expansion and music scene. The Girls in the Band reveals the uncovered black holes lurking at the heart of poignant, untold stories of female jazz and big bjdsoeaauxnyri.dns Tm eihny,e ssrst afreruco imismnmec trn heateandl diilbsa dlttysei m t a1ani9lned3ins 0ththseee dtdio r w ogthopreomp uopenrrntdeu ebsnenrietndieatu ksr iefnodgr REUTERS/ARKO DATTA gtdhaisislca omxvieaesgr.ni eIinfisv.c i1esxnib5tl 3em HUacDnhi v ineers aen Rde ivtse aasletodn cisehleinbgra tes decades, yet continued to persevere, inspire American Terrorist ARTS & CULTURE and elevate their talents in a field that seldom FRONTLINE investigates American-born terrorist welcomed them. 1x62, 1x88 HD David Coleman Headley, who helped plan the Jerome deadly 2008 siege on Mumbai. The film reveals how secret electronic surveillance missed Robbins: catching the Mumbai plotters, and how Headley Something to planned another Charlie Hebdo-like assault Dance About against a Danish newspaper. Building on the NowJefoa rts oho meaths el eac rtRo tceonrrbte r2baa0idtnitvihsc e,ct oaefinrngydtu u arresy 2ifmanot0citosa1ltus1ca iddkogesone sc a ifi unnnlmsmdeiv deeneender t v-tabbheryeeyr - f HbToAaeer ePjaf oH-edsrrloeeefete-yepcn lout panbTrue liiaodsr rhriroo eetr ocdais on ttehn,d xetn hcv aMieisidsr uepsumaotpsn db caaeti e COURTESY OF KATIE O fogefrw etha wete eBsrtre ob aaasdll wecota ncyht mrooruveseoircgsairala lap. nHhdee rw swa tashs io san cmeo auosnf ttterhyre h as fTinreovrmeros rHtiisgetaa atdolslreosy ap’sbr odovruaidtf the mos weem xtcholeuir s.F iAvBemI fiaencraicclolayun ni dtes nfrtoifimed , RIEL / IDEAS ROO eovne Rr opbrobdinusc perdo. fiTlehse tfihrisst caonmd polenxly mdiodc-ucmenetnutrayr y timrapcokertda natn wdi tcnaepstsu rfeodr tHhee aadgleeny,c wy.h 1ox 8b7e cHaDme an Inside the Court of Henry VIIIM TV artist and features excerpts from his personal Once Europe’s most promising and enlightened journals, archival performance footage and never-before-seen rehearsal recordings, as well CURRENT AFFAIRS prince, Henry VIII squandered Britain’s riches Terror in Little Saigon on futile wars and tore apart the centuries-old as interviews with Robbins himself and over religious certainties of his people. Decades of forty of his colleagues. Despite his professional Searching for the assassins behind a reign bloodshed and religious persecution would successes, Robbins’ most important legacy was of terror that targeted Vietnamese-American follow his reign, just as tens of thousands of the humanity of his art. “Give me something journalists, FRONTLINE and ProPublica people were executed as a direct result of both to dance about and I’ll dance it,” he once told investigate a series of unsolved murders and his policies and his personal vendettas. Inside Irving Berlin. As this film shows, in the theater attacks, uncovering a trail from American cities to the Court of Henry VIII pulls back the veil to and in dance, he did that over and over again. jungles in Southeast Asia. 1x60 HD expose the vicious rivalries and conspiracies that 1x120 HD characterized his court, where a new breed of PIONEERS OF TELEVISION ARCHIVES; © JUSTIN MONROE; © THE ROBBINS RIGHTS TRUST man could gain power. 1x56 HD 4 pbsinternational.org EXPLORING FOOD SCIENCE, NATURAL HISTORY Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking Season 3 Come along on a mouthwatering ride and catch the spirit of pop-up cooking events with Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking. Emmy®- nominated for Outstanding Culinary Series and winner of both Telly and TASTE Awards, Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking is hosted by BLANCHE FO PEhevea ttene saE mvoansn aus p,c A uwuliinsthtar ratyhli eajo’ scu ortonupeny tcr yae’clser obmsroistsy At c minhneeofr.i vcFaaot alilvose w R SHUTTERSTO Acahnlled tfh scr reteoea stseoe uaar scmoenu tslht:i ec3o 9fiunxre2ses6t fHreeaDgs ito fnoarl firniegnredds.i e nts CK Are You Smarter Than I’ll Have What Phil’s Having Jacques Pépin: Your Pet? Expect the unexpected as host Phil Rosenthal, Heart and Soul From counting canines to safe-cracking Emmy® Award-winning producer and creator of Jacques Pépin brings you his final series cockatoos, Are You Smarter Than Your Pet? is Everybody Loves Raymond, brings his unique with more than 100 recipes demonstrating packed with entertaining revelations and mind- brand of humor to his search for the world’s his impeccable technique. His most personal boggling experiments that shed light on animal best food. I’ll Have What Phil’s Having is an program yet, Heart & Soul showcases the intelligence and make us see our own brains unforgettable six-part food and travel series warmth, wit and mastery of a culinary icon as in an entirely new way. Testing the assumption that dishes up sublime fare bursting onto the he revisits his most popular dishes. Long-time that humans are the smartest species on Earth, international culinary scene, hidden delicacies fans will enjoy Jacques’ inventive, sophisticated a range of animals are pitted against people in and a hearty dose of laughs. In each episode a menus while the busy modern cook will special tasks. Each episode challenges humans renowned chef takes Phil to a world-class food appreciate budget-friendly ingredients and and animals to incredible feats in a showdown city—including Barcelona, Tokyo and Paris—and time-saving techniques. From classic French between the intelligence of humans and the shows him exactly where to eat. 6x54 HD dishes to creative new menus that vie to be untapped abilities of animals operating outside his crowning glory, it’s a grand finale you won’t of their normal zone. The results are surprising, A Chef’s Life Season 3 want to miss! 26x30 HD hilarious and often extraordinary. 2x44 HD Join Chef Vivian Howard’s personal and culinary journey from the top restaurants in New York SCIENCE, HUMAN INTEREST to her return to Eastern North Carolina as she explores the rich bounty of farm fresh cooking, family and community. Each episode follows Vivian out of the kitchen and into cornfields, strawberry patches and hog farms as she hunts down the ingredients that inspire her seasonal menus. All three seasons: 40x25 HD COURTESY OF WGBH; SHUTTERSTOCK (BKGD) G ETTY IM SCIENCE AGES/ BOB GO EA.nOd. WMeilsnon—Of Ants M EL E.O. Wilson: Of Ants and Men chronicles Cancer: The Emperor of All the famed biologist and Pulitzer Prize- Maladies winning author’s lifelong love for the natural world and his groundbreaking research. Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Wilson’s work on ant communication led to Siddhartha Mukherjee, this film presented by his remarkable studies of advanced social Ken Burns and directed by Barak Goodman behavior in animals, and when his studies tells the story of cancer, from its first description turned to human behavior, the controversial in an ancient Egyptian scroll to the gleaming discipline of sociobiology was founded. laboratories of modern research institutions. It E.O. Wilson: Of Ants and Men culminates interweaves a sweeping historical narrative with with his work in the great national park of intimate stories about contemporary patients, Mozambique, Gorongosa, which brings and an investigation into the latest scientific together the great themes of his life and breakthroughs that may have brought us to the work: nature and humanity’s place in it. brink of lasting cures. 6x54, 3x56 HD 1x112 HD PBS pbsinternational.org 5 ARTS & CULTURE HUMAN INTEREST SCIENCE, HUMAN INTEREST THIRD M AAbimrmthe roiecfa mrnio cEdpaeicrnn j o muEurnspeiciy.c sIn a tchreo slsa tteim 19e2 t0o st,h e AN RECORDS AND LO-MAX FILMS ALENA HAURYLIK FOR SHUTTERSTOCK.CO TMAmohreeer itc haHa’sn o atwllm-ovo meluiflnlirtoeone nrm metinli taanryd fworocme eann dse arnvoet ihne THE DOCUMENTARY GROUPr record company scouts toured America with M In Defense Of Food three million are their husbands, wives, sons and a recording machine for the first time, and the daughters. The Homefront uses unprecedented filmmakers follow the scouts’ trail to rediscover What should we eat? Until the early 20th century, access to soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen to the families whose music was recorded: early the answer to this question was simply dictated create a series of intimate portraits of America’s blues, country, gospel, Hawaiian, Cajun and by what was grown nearby, readily available military families. This revealing two-hour folk, without which there would be no rock, pop, and unspoiled. But 100 years later, the struggle documentary special tells stories of pride and R&B or hip hop. The remarkable lives of seminal over what to eat has become one of the most patriotism, sacrifice and resilience. 1x115 HD musicians materialize in previously unseen film complicated, confounding and urgent battles footage, unpublished photographs and exclusive facing the world. Based on Michael Pollan’s HISTORY interviews with some of the last living witnesses best-selling book, In Defense of Food shows The Mine Wars to that era. The American Epic Sessions features how a combination of uncertain and incomplete performances by Alabama Shakes, The Avett science, politicians and clever marketing At the dawn of the 20th century, coal was the Brothers, Beck, Ana Gabriel, Elton John, Los campaigns have shaped the world’s eating habits fuel that powered America. Yet few Americans Lobos, Taj Mahal, Steve Martin and Edie Brickell, in ways that have made us continuously less outside of coal country thought much about the Nas, Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard, Jack healthy. From crowded American supermarkets price paid by the men who blasted the black White and many more as they record straight to the vast plains of Tanzania, In Defense of rock from underground mines and hauled it to wax, using all the original microphones, Food examines how the modern Western diet, to the surface. The biggest civil insurrection in amplifiers and equipment from the 1920s. especially as it has evolved over just the past United States history, the Mine Wars provided 3x60 and 1x150 HD few decades, is doing serious damage to our a dramatic stage for the struggle to deliver coal health. 1x54 HD from the deep, dark mine shafts to the surface. 1x120 HD CURRENT AFFAIRS, SCIENCE CO URTESY O F © ISTO CK.CO MY BROTHER’S BOMBER M The Trouble with Chicken For 25 years, FRONTLINE producer Ken Dornstein has been haunted Every year, Salmonella causes more by the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland—the hospitalizations and deaths than any other food terrorist act that killed 270 people, including his older brother David. borne illness, with about one in four pieces of Now, in this emotional and suspenseful film, Dornstein sets out to raw chicken contaminated with Salmonella today. find the men responsible for one of the worst attacks on Americans Why isn’t the U.S. food safety system stopping the before 9/11. From the ruins and chaos of post-Qaddafi Libya, threat? FRONTLINE investigates how and why the Dornstein hunts for clues to the identities and whereabouts of the standards and laws around Salmonella have failed suspects, who he tracks for almost five years across the Middle East to keep up with the increasing danger posed by and Europe in this real-life spy thriller. 3x60, 1x90 HD some strains of the bacteria 1x54 HD FRONTLINE 6 pbsinternational.org SPOTLIGHT ON THE MIDDLE EAST The Taliban Hunters Last December’s attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar when the Taliban killed 145 people, 132 of them children, was the most public moment in a war that has been growing in intensity for the last five years. Taliban fighters have moved into Pakistan’s cities in strength, threatening to bring chaos to the streets. The greatest prize in this war is Karachi, Pakistan’s commercial center, where the terrorists now control entire districts The Rise Of Isis and bombings are a regular occurrence, FRONTLINE’s The Rise of ISIS is a major, in-depth financed through kidnappings, assassinations, investigation of the brutal terrorist group’s drugs, gambling and even prostitution. Ijaz ascent, drawing on in-depth interviews with Iraqi leads a group of around 100 dedicated cops politicians, and American policymakers and who take the fight to the Taliban, carrying out military leaders to explore and explain how ISIS lightning raids on Taliban strongholds in the developed into what one interviewee calls “the city. Ijaz’s team has become known as “The Al Qaeda that Osama bin Laden only dreamed of Taliban Hunters,” the front-line commandos building.” The film traces how ISIS gained against a ruthless enemy. 1x49 HD strength in Syria, how the group is funded, how they operate and how, city by city, from Ramadi Inside Assad’s Syria to Fallujah to Mosul, ISIS swept across Iraq— FRONTLINE correspondent Martin Smith seizing territory, recording and broadcasting goes inside Syria to report from government- mass executions and drawing recruits from an controlled areas as war rages. With on-the- estimated 80 countries. 1x53 HD ground reporting and firsthand accounts from Syrians caught in the crisis, this film shines new light on the ongoing conflict. 1x54 HD COURTESY OF ALI ALMASHHADANI HUMAN INTEREST HISTORY SCIENCE Faith in the Big House COURTESY OF EVERETT GOREL COURTESY OF BOLIVAR ARELLANO FmtCoaha eirxtihxsimp tiinlauo nmtrh em-e sh iesBocsiwguio rpHniteayo rrupisesursieas ocsgainvon eef a csfroo mdrnem vieneup rlLat o isninu sumiissdiaeaetdn ea asb .y A © LINGUA FRANCA BOohinngl htaJh uaecln yekd 1d 3otgh, eeu19 oct7fi7 tby, aNhneakwdr u bYpeotecrkyn , C tueintryre owmriapzselo dtye mbeytee narti ns wegar isa l Building the World’s Fastest group of evangelicals make a dramatic arrival killer known as “Son of Sam.” Lightning strikes to conduct a carefully scripted religious retreat, Clipper Ship cut off electricity to the entire metropolitan and five felons, handpicked by the warden, join area, plunging some seven million people into Following every step of the process over two this “encounter with Christ.” Can these misfits— darkness. By the time the lights went back years, filmmakers capture the building of a a reformed gang-banger, a twitchy jock, a on more than a day later, 2,000 businesses mighty clipper ship—from the first computer narcissistic rock guitarist, a murderer turned self- had been looted, 4,000 people arrested and generated designs through a hair-raising made theologian and a former college heartthrob firefighters had battled more than 1,000 fires. launch, to the day when this three-masted athlete—find redemption, or will the experience Told through the memories of ordinary New giant, christened the Shabab Oman II, hoists do little to change these men? Can religion keep Yorkers who lived through the events, Blackout her 29 sails for the first time. 1x45 HD these convicts from almost inevitably returning explores what happened on the night the lights to lock-up? 1x57 HD went out. 1x53 HD pbsinternational.org 7 Dick Cavett’s Vietnam CURRENT AFFAIRS On the 40th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon, Dick Cavett’s Vietnam reexamines the conflict of the Vietnam War through the prism of interviews conducted by the iconic host of The Dick Cavett Show. Those interviews, combined with archival footage, network news broadcasts and newly filmed interviews with Cavett and other experts provides fresh insight and perspective on this controversial chapter of American history. 1x54 HD CO DAait nshd iatc hdinek a tWl hlC eath tneeaer igvwnagestpreeta sdtpci’eeasrnns td Wsfar ool fmua hn ti1fg9oeh7ldr 2deg rtdaoa mo 1nt9ae —7T4V, URTESY OF FRONTLINE gripping and all-consuming. Dick Cavett’s Last Days of the Drug Wars Watergate is an intensely personal, intimate Demand for drugs in America has never been and entertaining look back at Watergate and higher. Twenty-three million Americans are the historic resignation of President Richard abusing drugs, and overdoses kill 40,000 Milhous Nixon. With exclusive access to the people a year—more than car accidents. Half of archive of the show, Dick Cavett’s Watergate the country’s prison population is serving time documents the scandal in the words of the for drug offenses, and despite the hundreds people who lived it: the botched burglary of billions spent on enforcement, drugs on the at the Democratic National Headquarters, street are cheaper than ever. But now, the United the must-see TV of the daily Congressional States may be turning a corner. Confronted with Watergate hearings and the ongoing behind- an unprecedented heroin epidemic, officials in the-scenes battle between the White House Washington are reconsidering their broken drug and The Dick Cavett Show. 1x55 HD policy. This two-hour FRONTLINE special looks at innovative public health programs attempting COURTESY OF DAPHNE PRODUCTIONS to deal with America’s drug problem and follows four hardcore drug users as they navigate a shifting landscape 2x60, 1x120 HD SCIENCE HUMAN INTEREST SCIENCE © THE_PIXEL/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM (GRAPH PAPER)© FILIP FUXA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM (NAUTILUS); COURTESY OF LARKIN MCPHEE COURTESY OF NASA The Great Math Mystery Caring for Mom & Dad Chasing Pluto NOVA leads viewers on a mathematical People are living longer than ever before, After a nine-year journey of three billion miles, mystery tour—a provocative exploration of and seventy-five million baby boomers are the NEW HORIZONS spacecraft finally got a math’s astonishing power across the centuries, entering their retirement years at a rate of detailed look at Pluto, the strange, icy world discovering math’s signature in the swirl of a 10,000 a day. The US is not prepared for this at the very edge of our solar system. NEW nautilus shell, the whirlpool of a galaxy and the unprecedented demographic shift—and the HORIZONS has provided the first close look spiral in the center of a sunflower. Astrophysicist question Americans are now facing is: who will at a vast realm of icy bodies lurking beyond and writer Mario Livio, along with a colorful cast care for this aging population when they can no Neptune, relics of the earliest days of the solar of mathematicians, physicists and engineers, longer care for themselves? Caring for Mom & system’s formation. NOVA’s cameras were there follow math from Pythagoras to Einstein and Dad offers an intimate look at the issues facing to witness the moment, showing Pluto’s rocky beyond, all leading to the ultimate riddle: is math family caregivers who are out on the front lines surface in unprecedented detail and learning an invention or a discovery? Humankind’s clever struggling to balance work, families and caring new secrets about other alien worlds at the far trick, or the language of the universe? The Great for their parents. 1x54 HD limits of our solar system. 1x53 HD Math Mystery ponders why math works so well when decoding the universe. 1x53 HD 8 pbsinternational.org SCIENCE HISTORY HISTORY Nuclear Meltdown Disaster Four years ago, a devastating earthquake and tsunami triggered a disastrous meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. CO Bthuet haet rthoeic seaffmoert sti mofe p, ljaunstt osepveerant omrisle usn adwear yth, e URTESY O leadership of Naohiro Masuda saved a second F WG pdale lawaauknintstc,t ihiFnneugtosk c’ u thbhsarheeli lmwPean aocg fDie fira caoi dnef iicvo. leNaercaoytn widvin eaMgy ga uarsonpuud dDn atadh ifwriaceacheeti e,s rw thhee re BH EDUCATIONALFO muNMamnnOeeadaslsVtp usehAp ddoa rar wtoce Daa ovwcnareehodiaisacr lhks bhr eielitse.hr m s1t.e ex Waa a5liirnimt3ett hl s eHsa tu-tevDkrnauenpmgrotrgeweinldcingne d gsdhi tseotooantr sytacte nleoeddrfa aahnlecto uctDwhepaa s itlsnlhy,ie KRISTEN ONEY COURTESY PLIM Murder of a President UNDATION; SHUTTERSTOCK O CURRENT AFFAIRS TH PLANTATIO Oswhanirl kkthienerg sm thhoorrotn uPingrgehs oaidf WeJnuatlsy Jh 2ainm, g1e8tos8 n1G, raaar iwfilreoilldadld ya ssdt eahlteuio swnioa. nsa l N The Pilgrims As the President lay grievously wounded, pandemonium broke out. Murder of a President Who were the men and women who constituted tells the story of the assassination and the this multifarious band of English Protestants excruciating final months of Garfield’s life, tracing COURTESY O wcfihrhsroto dmnei cwcleaesd cetah olel f “ dtthheeee pfiP rihslgits rptimoerrsym”, ?oa Tnrihegenin tPs E ialngngrdilmi schsr i tical Gruararfil eOldh’iso uton litkheel yO jvoaulr nOeffiyc fero, man ad lroegc ocuanbtins tinh e F PETE SOUZA - WHITE HOUSE VIA CNP / CO cdB7a1xo0nou1ld-cro1ynu 4ncesm oya,H lerTioD nnhan treNiaca er Pliy nwiN l gfi teElhrmwinem g bEhslayn ies ngatmodlwarb. nyaArd rao d,pc f-f erwrRiosmei mnanenn at1ii nim5esg6sxe at0d rtna iwtrcooeoer c1d- Eht6ionon3ragu0 Rrrl.ya ic n d haSwatwhs iohissetsutphe aoNtienshnrec is ctcsiiwhanaiaegl lam J hrmteeaieton iorlo snrdtmooef. staygAehe denssee tthc hshmsoa eeetrerh rea l dtaat. o os yt1n o toxpdea 1ctryak1hcaire3na,uy get rtHf hr,nGoe Detgrdah ihPr enbfiir eseeeN elrscoderiasdr ccut ehodosn veeuates l ndotirogdyf d ,n t ahieened d RBIS Obama at War Veteran FRONTLINE producer Martin Smith NEWLY (Obama’s War, The Rise of ISIS) examines the RESTORED Obama administration’s complicated struggle to deal with the deadly civil war in Syria, which, in 2015, is in its fifth year—and explores how the accompanying ascent of ISIS has raised the stakes. Drawing on interviews with key military and diplomatic leaders, Obama at War is an intense look at the heated debates within the administration about when and how to get involved in Syria. 1x54 HD HISTORY The Ornament of the World (working title) Although the history of Medieval Spain began over a thousand years ago, its lessons about The Civil War faith, tolerance, fear and exclusion resonate strongly today. Based on Maria Rosa Menocal’s The Civil War, the Emmy® Award-winning series best-selling book, The Ornament of the World from Ken Burns, is now fully restored to high spans a period of 800 years, exploring the definition, achieving the optimal picture quality complexities and contradictions of a time originally intended. Hailed as a film masterpiece when Muslims, Christians and Jews coexisted, and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns’s collaborated, competed, fought and flourished epic documentary brings to life America’s most on the Iberian Peninsula, forging a common destructive—and defining—conflict. Here is the saga cultural identity that frequently transcended their of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic religious differences—an extraordinary chapter and transcendent president and a country that had to in world history that has come to be known as divide itself in two in order to become one. 7x52 HD Convivencia. 2x60 HD COURTESY FLORENTINE FILMS pbsinternational.org 9 SCIENCE ARTS & CULTURE CURRENT AFFAIRS CO URTESY O F LYLE ASHTO N HARRIS IN CO LLABO RATIO N W SHUTTERSTOCK ITH THOMAS ALLEN HARRIS COURTESY OF FRONTLINE Biology 2.0: When Biology Through a Lens Darkly: Black Growing Up Trans Becomes Synthetic Photographers and the Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who After the dramatic advances in genomics, 21st Emergence of a People changed genders. But today, many children are transitioning too—with new medical options and century biology is heading for a revolution: Through a Lens Darkly is the first documentary at younger and younger ages. FRONTLINE takes synthetic biology. The consequences are huge, to explore the role of photography in shaping viewers on an intimate journey inside this new but the potential applications are promising. the identity, aspirations and social emergence frontier—where it’s now possible for kids who From the production of energy to new bio- of African Americans from slavery to the present. feel they were born in the wrong body to never materials through the environment and medicine, The film brings to light previously hidden and have to go through the puberty of their biological synthetic biology could usher in an era of greater largely unknown images by African American sex. Told from the perspective of parents, doctors efficiency, cheaper costs and lower pollution. photographers dating back to the very beginning and the kids themselves, the documentary takes Biology 2.0 discovers what nature would never of photography. These images show a more a powerful look at this new generation, exploring have made and what man is in the process of complex and nuanced view of American culture the medical possibilities, struggles and choices creating. 3x60 HD and society while exploring the ways African transgender kids and their families face today. HISTORY Americans continue to use the medium as a 1x82 HD tool for social change. 1x88 HD ARTS & CULTURE, HUMAN INTEREST HISTORY BTM SObrnou tJhruevnresi vC11l,ia n1r9eg6n2c ,eA b aalnncdk a Jrootbhrbna eAzrsn gFlrinan eks cMaoprerids tahned EDIA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM COURTESY JIMMY CARTER LIBRARY Making Space: Five Women DEAN KAUFMAN Jimmy Carter prison walls of Alcatraz and set off on the waters Changing the Face of of the San Francisco Bay in a homemade raft. Up In the years immediately following his single term until this day, it is not known whether or not the in the White House, Jimmy Carter was frequently Architecture three of them made it to land or if they ended up cited as one of the country’s most ineffectual For the first time in history, women are designing somewhere out in the Pacific. Now, for the first leaders. His presidency was dramatically blown our world. A new generation of women are time, three Dutch scientists are using their work off course by inflation, recession, a fractured creating some of today’s most iconic architectural on flood risk assessment and mapping tides to administration and a humbling hostage crisis. designs—they are the rising stars in what has prove that the three men could have successfully But in the years since, Carter has fashioned his been an all-male industry and they are literally escaped, but only if their timing was perfect and resurrection through almost superhuman effort, and figuratively changing the landscape. Making specific factors were in place. Surviving Alcatraz recasting himself as a giant of moral leadership. Space: Five Women Changing the Face of uses modern science, recreations and archival Jimmy Carter will track the ambitions of a boy his Architecture brings to the screen the personal material to tell the story of one of history’s father called “hot shot” from his childhood in rural journeys and outstanding designs of Annabelle greatest, most mysterious prison escapes, Georgia, through his turbulent years in the Oval Selldorf of New York, Farshid Moussavi of establishing for the very first time that escape Office to his post-presidential career as a world London, Odile Decq of Paris, Marianne McKenna was entirely possible. 1x60 HD statesman. Part One 1x84, Part Two 1x89 SD of Toronto, and Kathryn Gustafson of Seattle, Washington, D.C. and London. 1x50 HD pbsinternational.org 11

to understand the context of the Snowden affair—and what it means · for the world. Four and a half billion years ago, the young earth was a chaos of meteorite photographers dating back to the very beginning . Edward VIII's stunning abdication and her . of the CIA's most controversial programs.
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