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Winter 2015, Volume 10, Number 4 The Esoteric Quarterly An independent publication dedicated to the trans-disciplinary investigation of the esoteric spiritual tradition. ______________________________________________________________________ Esoteric philosophy and its applications to individual and group service and the expansion of human consciousness. Washington, DC, USA. www.esotericsquarterly.com e-mail: [email protected] The Esoteric Quarterly The Esoteric Quarterly is an online, peer-reviewed, international journal, published by The Esoteric Quarterly Inc., a non-profit corporation based in Washington, DC. It is registered as an online journal with the National Serials Data Program of the Library of Congress. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1551-3874. Further information about The Esoteric Quarterly, including guidelines for the submission of articles and review procedures, can be found at http://www.esotericquarterly.com. All corres- pondence should be addressed to [email protected] Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief: Donna M. Brown (United States) Editor Emeritus: John F. Nash (United States) Alison Deadman (United States) Celeste Jamerson (United States) Jef Bartow (United States) Katherine O'Brien (New Zealand) Kevin Hataley (Canada) Miguel Malagreca (Italy) Facebook Administrator Miguel Malagreca (Italy) Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015. All rights reserved. Copies of the complete journal or articles contained therein may be made for personal use on condition that copyright statements are included. Commercial use or redistribution without the permission of The Esoteric Quarterly is strictly prohibited. Note that volumes 1 thru 8 that copyright remains with the School for Esoteric Studies Winter 2015 T E Q he soteric uarterly Contents Volume 10, Number 4. Winter 2015 __________________________________________________________________________ FEATURES Editorial 4 Publication Policies 5 Poems of the Quarter A selection of poems from “Gifts with No Giver” by Nirmala 6 Pictures of the Quarter “The Diamond Path,” “Vajrayana,” “Invocation to the Adi Buddha” and “Offering to the Universe” by Charmion von Wiegand 7 Quotes of the Quarter 10 Advertising 12 ARTICLES The Tibetan Tetralogy of W.Y. Evans-Wentz: A Retrospective Assessment, by Iván Kovács 15 Journeys of the Soul in the Afterlife: Egyptian Books of the Afterlife and Greek Orphic Mysteries, by Aaron J. French 35 The Apocalypse of St. John, by Dorje Jinpa 45 Richard Wagner: An Esoteric Perspective, by Donna M. Brown 55 BOOK REVIEWS The Path to Higher States of Consciousness: A Collection of Esoteric Essays, by Iván Kovács 84 Nicholas & Helena Roerich: The Spiritual Journey of Two Great Artists and Peacemakers, by Ruth A. Drayer 86 The mission of the Esoteric Quarterly is to provide a forum for the exploration of esoteric philosophy and its applications. Full-length articles and student papers are solicited pertaining to both eastern and western esoteric traditions. We also encourage feedback from readers. Comments of general interest will be published as Letters to the Editor. All communications should be sent to: [email protected]. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015. 3 The Esoteric Quarterly Editorial The Afterlife, the Apocalypse and Musical Esotericism T he great religions are in accord in their The second article also examines systems of beliefs about the immortality of the Soul belief regarding death and the afterlife. The and its posthumous journey into the afterlife. article, Journey of the Soul in the Afterlife, by Eschatological concerns about death and Aaron French, compares ancient Egyptian dying, the end of ordinary reality and safe visions for living and dying with the Greek passage to a nether world played an especially Mystery Cults. French begins his investigation important role in Egypt, Tibet and ancient with one of the most famous funerary texts, the Greece and resulted in various manuals such as so called Egyptian Book of the Dead, which the Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead, consists of a group of mortuary spells, rituals, or in the case of the Orphic Mysteries, the prayers and hymns designed to help both the Gold-leaf instructions for dealing with the living and the dead confront, prepare and pass rulers of the underworld. Christianity is also through the dangers of the underworld to concerned with the theme of death and the attain an afterlife of immortality and bliss. The afterlife as evidenced by Apocalypse of St. article also examines the initiatory practices John. However, these texts have been and afterlife conceptions of the ancient Greek frequently misunderstood due to the general Orphic Cults and Dionysian Mysteries. disregard given to the mystical and esoteric Although the ancient Egyptian and Greek symbolism they contain, omissions which the funerary customs are usually viewed as being first three articles in this issue seek to redress. significantly different, this comparison uncovers the marked parallels and motives Our first article in this issue is part of a series behind the various beliefs and practices they by Iván Kovács exploring several early 20th both share. century Tibetologists. The initial article, which appeared in the Winter 2013 issue, surveyed Our next article, from Dorje Jinpa, provides an the life and works of the French Tibetologist, alternative interpretation of one of the least Alexandria David-Neel. This work examines understood and most controversial books in the the life and works of W. Y. Evans-Wentz, the Christian Bible—The Apocalypse of St. John. American anthropologist and pioneer in the The article draws upon the new Terra Lucida study of Tibetan Buddhism and its teachings and the writings of both the Tibetan transmission to the West. The article begins by Master Djwhal Khul and Rudolf Steiner to touching on Evans-Wentz’s scholarship, his demonstrate that John’s secret and sacred influences and his travels. This is followed by vision concerns a great event in which the a brief summary of his Tibetan tetralogy and physical substance of the Earth together with then a more in-depth discussion of the first of all its beings will be alchemicalized into a these four books, the famous Tibetan death heavenly body or “Body of Light.” Jinpa’s text, the Bardo Tö-dröl, which Evans-Wentz decoding of the archetypal images and christened, The Tibetan Book of the Dead. The symbolism in the Apocalypse gives credence to article also includes a discussion of the book’s an entirely different futurist view of a new commentaries and forewords by such notable evolutionary impulse resulting in the initiation figures as C. G. Jung and Lama Anagarika and the spiritualization of the world. Govinda highlighting the fact that the Bardo The last article in this issue examines the life Tö-dröl was much more than a funerary text. and works of Richard Wagner, one of the most 4 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015 Winter 2015 controversial and misunderstood figures of the through stages toward higher states of nineteenth century. The article explores the consciousness.” For more information on Von psychological, political, philosophical and Wiegland’s abstract mandalas we encourage sociological foundations of Wagner’s creative you to visit: www.michaelrosenfeld.com. genius in both his written works and his music Donna M. Brown dramas along with his interest in myth and Editor-in-Chief metahistorical processes. The composer’s anti- Semitism and his attitude toward the Jews are Publication Policies also discussed. Although the article touches Articles are selected for publication in the upon the complex and enigmatic world of Esoteric Quarterly because we believe they allegory and symbolism embedded in his represent a sincere search for truth, support the operas, its primary focus is the astonishing service mission to which we aspire, and/or range of esoteric and spiritual ideas which both contribute to the expansion of human inform and emanate from the temple of his consciousness. music. More importantly, the article shows that Publication of an article does not necessarily Wagner’s greatest concern was humanity’s imply that the Editorial Board agrees with the innermost soul and the creation of an all- views expressed. Nor do we have the means to embracing form of art that would transform its verify all facts stated in published articles. perilous social, spiritual and political state. We encourage critical thinking and analysis In addition to the featured articles, this issue from a wide range of perspectives and includes two book reviews. They are: The Path traditions. We discourage dogmatism or any to Higher States of Consciousness: A view that characterizes any tradition as having Collection of Esoteric Essays, by Iván Kovács, greater truth than a competing system. and Nicholas & Helena Roerich: The Spiritual Journey of Two Great Artists and Peace- Neither will we allow our journal to be used as makers, by Ruth A. Drayer. a platform for attacks on individuals, groups, institutions, or nations. This policy applies to We also include several inspirational poems. articles and features as well as to letters to the The “Poems of the Quarter” offered in this editor. In turn, we understand that the author of issue are by Nirmala, a spiritual teacher and an article may not necessarily agree with the poet in the Advaita Vedantic tradition, whose views, attitudes, or values expressed by a works also appeared in the Fall 2011 edition of referenced source. Indeed, serious scholarship this journal. The poems featured here are from sometimes requires reference to work that an a collection of works titled Gifts with No author finds abhorrent. We will not reject an Giver: A Love Affair with Truth. article for publication simply on the grounds Finally, we draw your attention to our that it contains a reference to an objectionable “Pictures of the Quarter” featuring the source. paintings of Charmion von Wiegand (1896- An issue of concern in all online journals is 1983), which were generously contributed by potential volatility of content. Conceivably, the Michael Rosenfeld Gallery in New York. articles could be modified after the publication Von Wiegand, an American journalist, painter date because authors changed their minds and art critic, drew inspiration for these about what had been written. Accordingly, we paintings from eastern philosophies, especially wish to make our policy clear: We reserve the Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese astrology, tantric right to correct minor typographical errors, but yoga, and Theosophy. According to Dr. we will not make any substantive alteration to Jennifer Newton Hersh, “Von Wiegand’s an article after it “goes to press.” mature works reflect her core beliefs: the universe is a single living substance; life is the We also want to acknowledge that as the expression of a dialectic process based on original sponsor of the Esoteric Quarterly, the opposites; the goal of living is to achieve School for Esoteric Studies retains the oneness; and reality is reached by progressing copyright of the material in volumes 1-8. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015. 5 The Esoteric Quarterly Poems of the Quarter by Nirmala A selection of poems from: “Gifts with No Giver” where is absence of desire once I dreamed there would only be bliss now I am in awe of the ordinary now I am content with longing or no longing desires do not disturb the source of all desire life and death carry on as they always have and always will only the dreamer is gone behind the flow of imagination beyond any effort to be still dancing in the ebb and flow of attention more present than the breath I find the origins of my illusions only the dreamer is gone the dream never ends why fear this moment when no thoughts come at last I lie naked in the arms of experience why fear this moment when no words come at last I find rest in the lap of silence why fear this moment when love finds itself alone at last I am embraced by infinity itself why fear this moment when judgment falls away at last my defenses fail to keep intimacy at bay why fear this moment when hope is lost at last my foolish dreams are surrendered to perfection 6 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015 Winter 2015 Pictures of the Quarter by Charmion von Wiegand (1896-1983) Charmion von Wiegand The Diamond Path 1966-1967 , 1966-67, gouache on paper, 28 1/4" x 21 1/4", signed and dated Courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC, New York, NY Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015. 7 The Esoteric Quarterly Charmion von Wiegand (1896-1983) Vajrayana, 1969 oil on canvas 48" x 36", signed and dated. Courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC, New York, NY’ 8 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015 Winter 2015 Charmion von Wiegand (1896-1983) On the right, Invocation to The Adi-Buddha, 1968-70 oil on canvas, 50" x 27", signed and dated. On the left, Offering of the Universe, 1964 oil on canvas, 72" x 28", signed and dated. All paintings courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC, New York, NY. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015. 9 The Esoteric Quarterly Quotes of the Quarter _________________________________________________________________________________________________ T he importance of the Tibetan tradition for Robert Wicks, The Therapeutic Psychology of our time, and for the spiritual development “The Tibetan Book of the Dead,” Philosophy of humanity, lies in the fact that Tibet is the East and West, Vol. 47, No.4 (Honolulu, HI, last living link that connects us with the University of Hawaii, 1997), 494. civilizations of the distant past. The mystery- T cults of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece, of he question of the pagan or Christian Incas and Mayas, have perished with the origin of the Book of Revelation is…of destruction of their civilizations and are little importance. The intrinsic value of the forever lost to our knowledge except for some book lies in its magnificent epitome of the scanty fragments. Universal Mystery—an observation which led St. Jerome to declare that it is susceptible of The old civilizations of India and China, seven entirely different interpretations. though well preserved in their ancient art and Untrained in the reaches of ancient thought, literature, and still glowing here and there the modem theologian cannot possibly cope under the ashes of modern thought, are buried with the complexities of the Apocalypse, for to and penetrated by so many strata of different him this mystic writing is but a cultural influences, that it is difficult, if not phantasmagoria the divine inspiration of which impossible, to separate the various elements he is sorely tempted to question. and to recognize their original nature. Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teaching of all Ages Lama Anagarika Govinda, The Foundations of (Los Angeles, CA: The Theosophical Research Tibetan Buddhism (York Beach, ME: Red Society, Inc., 1988), 185. Wheel/Weiser, 1969), 13. O T n the hypothesis that the Bible, as divine he Tibetan Book for the Dead is a book revelation, contains a record of God’s written especially for benighted and dealings with mankind throughout the ages, the bewildered souls. It acknowledges that historical element has been unduly enlightenment is difficult, and that it takes emphasized, while books that are purely many repetitions of the key message for there allegorical and mystical have been construed to be any significant spiritual effect. It repeats as history. For several centuries it was its message that we, and only we, are the attempted to give the Apocalypse an historical source of our desires, our interpretations, our presentation; and failing this, through the lack evaluations, our pleasures, and our fears, and of any record of past events that would serve that we can render such sources of suffering this purpose, it was next interpreted as a ineffectual, if we were only to interpret the history of the future, that is prophecy. At the apparent seriousness and significance of the present time, the Apocalypse is the despair of world as the play of our own creation. In this theology; the ablest scholars in the ranks of the respect, The Tibetan Book for the Dead is a orthodoxy frankly admit that it must be book of practical wisdom comparable to regarded as an unsolved and possibly insoluble Epictetus' Handbook; it offers a set of enigma. They translate its title “Revelation,” advisories intended to reduce suffering and to yet it reveals nothing to them. Literally guide all people, not just the select initiates, “ἀποκάλυψιν” means “disrobing” or “un- toward a rebirth of personality and veiling;” but Isis in her peplum was not more composure—a rebirth to take place not within safe from profane gaze than the Apocalypse, a life after clinical death but within our very nor is any book in all of literature more heavily present life. veiled. 10 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2015

poet in the Advaita Vedantic tradition, whose works also appeared in the .. father's footsteps in the real estate business and was unusually . and Kazi Dawa Samdup's collaboration, but . they appear to be in agreement. The first
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