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Winning Chess Combinations (Winning Chess - Everyman Chess) PDF

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Preview Winning Chess Combinations (Winning Chess - Everyman Chess)

.�� •• � •• CONTENTS •••• � � �. INTRODUCTION 5 CHAPTEORN E StarOtui:tTn hgr Ceoem binaTtypieosn 12 CHAPTETRw o Chekmcat!eR ecnoigzPiatntge rns 24 CHAPTERT HREE ThCel acsaBsliih soSpca irfice 77 CHAPTEFRO UR ThCea soeft hCel umRsoyo k 190 CHAPTEFRI VE BulndearnBsdo moerangs 193 CHAPTESRI X IsnpirCiomnbgi noantsi 116 CHAPTESRE VEN TesPtoi stions 129 CHAPTEERI GHT Soultions 201 SUMMARY 239 INDEX 242 .�� .���. INTRODUCTION •• •••••• Fomra nyye rasI,h a ve wtaown rtieatdb e o oakb ocuhtse sc ombtioinn.as Afterl eIarn etdh relu eosfc hecsosm,b tiinoawnesrs eip mltyh lrliiAnsg . explaiinWn inenidn Cgh eTsasc ti(pcagse 5 )5,wh esnh owasn m othered matfeae turianQ gu eesncai rficIrue s hehdo mteo s homwy m othtehre wondoefir at l .l lIom syta udienqcuei cakssl hyse o on rettowu arnsehd­ intgh dei esshI.ts urspermdie t hacths esc obmniaotniasr 'eentv er'yosn e cuopf t eHao.w ervf,ero t ohsweh oa pprecchiseastt hceeo mbtiinroaenp ­ reesntthsme o sstt unannibdne gua tiafuslp eocfot uswr o ndegrmafuel. UnfortuanteWlinyni,n Cgh eCsosm bina,tt ihsoeen evsntbho oiknt he seirehsa,hs a tdo w aitt ui.mt hsIa tbs ee na l engstthiaynn ttd h eex tra timheag si vmeena c hanfcrode e per fleetciaobno tuhte okfbi onodt kh at Iw oullditk oew ri.It fneo ftro t hper oddoifmn ypg u blsiheDran,A ddel­ mano fE veryman Cthihebsso so,wk o unledv hearv ceo mteop riDnatn. wats enoaucisinh ihsa rpinigno radnedr ttohc eoe mnofjrootfysb lfuils s retirIef mleectno ptme ltloeg adt mhyer rse eracmha tearnida ll ainutnoc h writmiynf guo rtebeontoInhk .h inidhgstI a mm ucohb litgoDe adnf ro hiash,e gme,n ptelureas siaosIn a sm h opetfuhlay to u, rdeeaadwrei rl,l benefitm yfre fofomtr s. Witht hWein ninCgh essesr iecso mnpolwie ittas eg do od triem­e to fletcu pownh aIth opteoda ccpolmiWshhe.pn l nanitnhgse e riin1e 89s9 I thoutgowh rti ftuoerb oo.k sTihdeew aa st oc reate ac ukrirnidc uloufm abocuhtse sw ihte cahw orbke mcionpgr oegsirsvehlayr daeser v emro re dififculcto ncewpetrisen turcoewddi teha cvhol um.We eltlh,aa ttl east wast hpel na.I tfia leWdih.ti mno ntthhspe l naw asc hangBeeodfr.te h e evnisneifdouo rc ouersms y bpluisfhleettrh saa tna ppetwiazsne ere ded. 5 WINNINCGH ESSC OMBINATIONS Thipser limiwnoarrwkyo ulfadet ucrhese sr uelsa ndb asiinocfr mation includinnogt oacntah,ine wdso su lidn trodfuuocree ltenhmteeos fs pcae, timmea,t e/rofiracalen pda wsnt ructHuernec.e the PfilraWsyint ­ book, ninCgh eswsa,sc reaatste hde bfroafu stiusbr eok o.sT hefuo rc oruses werien tentdobe edW i nninCgh esOpse ngisnW,i nninCgh esMisd ed­l gameasn dWi nninCgh eEsnsdg ameAsse. n tbioroehk asv bee ewnr itten ona sinpgalwesn t ructthuIeros el,a tQeude ePna wnf,ro i nnscteai,t semeedr easboltneoba retahkme i dedglamient twopo art sW,in ninCgh ess TactiacnsWd i nninCgh eSstsr gait.eTe sheWnin ninCgh eOspse nirzgasn d WinninCgh eEsnsi dngwso ulndie clcyo mptlete hbea nuqeGtr.e paltna . This fiatloeoMd y.p ublisfhleettr hsaa td eesrsbto oWkin,n inCgh ess Brillisahnocutilredustm ,hp ee n di.Wn ingsninCgh eBsrsi lliwaonuclide s, bet hweo rtkh awto ulcdaa pl tlh lee snsso tohfpe r ieovuvso luamneds shohwo wi nt hhea ndosft hweo r'lssd upremmaes ttehroesp egnsi,n sterigaettsat,ci acnsed n diwnegrse wtoovgeentt och reerma atsept ieerces. Twelyveea lrast seirtx ie tshl adbe ne publhiesdW.h ilPleya Winning Chewsassm eatnotb er eafidr satn dWi nninCgh eTsasc tiscesnc doW in­ nnigC heBsrsi lileiwsaa nmsce atnotb er ealda sTtho.et hbeoro ks could ber eado fto uu.mt Snicteh see rsiteasrI t'eebv de eanbl eto e jnyom anlye tftoremrr se ad­ erasn hda piyplc orrtehcietn ebvlitetpy aoasn ad natliycmaisltk aetsh at creipnttm oym anusc.Sr urippritinssgtlhye,r ea nuw nadse rlcyuirrnegn t wihtianl arnguem betrh leoe eftr tnso,we lteorcnimce sgseast,h asto me­ thiwnagms isnsgfi ormt hmei ddmleeH.ga ad'nttw o bboeoekensn ough? Thea nswewra sa r eosundnionR.ge adwearnst teold e rna moraeb out chsesc ombtioinn.asA st ihsi smy f aovriatsep aebcotcu hte Is sam mo re than htaoop blpi.ygM eyt hougbhetngts ao ttuowm h akti nodfW inning CheCsosm binatbiooonIwk so ullidtk owe r i.t e Wihth undroefbd oso wkrsi ttenc ehsacbsoo bmiuntt aiownhsac to uIl d hopteow ritthewa to ulddii snutgismhy woforrmko th?e rsIsip mlcya n­ nohti dmeya rrogoannt ichseso craen Idh avteos ya lao Wth.i Ile en ­ jyoemda noyf t hceo mbtiinobano oks I'tervh eaatId f ,uo ndfua lwti th theaml! Tl haitqs u iats et ateWmheinaltle.cl o bminatbiooonk s are fun, 6 Itnrodutcion showimnangby e uaticfullsa cisaaln dm odern cotominbsti,hnw eao rks strumceak s a rfitciiWahli.rl eea dtihsneegb okosI r eiazletdih,s niots howIp lyaecdh se!sL euts t akaet py ciaclo mbinabtoiofrokon mas p ro­ lific aFurteRhdeo iernl,f1d 00,1 B rillChieaSsnastific rceasn Cdo mbina­ tinosH.er el iaem sa vreloeuxsalm ep tohlfea zwyr i'twsea ryo fm akian g cobmitniaobnoso Tkh.ae u thmoark essi pmalc eo pmenidumo fc obmina­ tiobnrso kienntv oao ruitsh esmR.ee adaerres g1i00v1ce hne dsaisg ram positiaonyndos uh a vteofi ndt hwei nnsianificgcr ef roe caho neH.m m. Thvee ry firtshtwa atts h iwnrgto hniagnt p ritasic Icw ea ntteokd e empy pieacnesdsca irficmeyo pponeTnhtes'c eso!ntd h itnhga dti ndIo l ti akte alwla s atlhtlaht ce o mbtiinoawnesrs eo unGdo.og dre i.f sIh oublesd o luc!kM yanoyf m yc ombionnawste irneo wti nnaitnal glS. o metimI es woultda kaena dvantapgoiestoiuuosnn c,o arnak p epalicnobgmi aniton ansdo obnef rocetdoa cpctaep erpecthueacIlh k a.td r ansfmoyrb meetd­ tepro tsiiionnat f oro ecdd raBwr.i nltol rsi tapuidW?h aatb otuohts ceo m­ bnitaiotnhsma ti sstehdem iarre kn tiorre leybv ooemne ranogweitdno ga hdideznw iszcuhgte ancotrij csu tan obvidoeuefsn sirveuesr oec?W hy wer'ettnh eiyn cluidnFe rdeR de iendlf'bso ko?E vewno rsIf ele,tt h aat reaodfe rs buocohck osu hladr bdlneye fiitna ctpuratalic .c eAaftleFrlr ,e d wounl'dbte t hetrote a mpe o nm ys hourlsdd ueriacn hga pminoshgiapm e anwdh sipetrom e",N wo YsaseNrow.y ocua sna ificcre paei cfeor wai n­ nincgo mibnoant!i"I tse emetdom e t1h'amdto roefte nm isasc obmina­ titohna nno t. Whimloes bto ooknsc hsec sombtiinooanffsreg oopdu zlzeasn edx cel atk i-csktarmtyim negn taallne ersttsh,ed yin do itnf catt eamceha bout cobmitniaoannshd o wt or ecogtnhiieprzo esb sleiexs iteinncm eyg amse. Theb iggeslte snssao ppeatrobe etd h ree petpiattritnvetseh awter efe r­ quegnutse t.Bs ack-rmaantske, s urspigrn diobulet-taaacknsdc lreaance scairficweesrq eu iptreo miIna emdnitr.te hdme a st'ae birlstiotw yi wni th afl ousrhai nhdo pedd itsvoce torh wei nnsionulgt isoinm rillEyaa.r ilny myc hescsa rweienrn mienagmn atu lmiyno gp pon'eesnn ttairrmey . Once itw ass uaibtldyeu ndemdy,t hougthutrnset doc hectkmianmgyo ppo­ netn'hspa leKsisnI gw .a ssva efdor ms ucthe diwuhmea nd eafrri eanndd 7 WINNINCGH ESSC OMBINATIONS ac hsest eacVhleard,iP mafuiuirtef ,fs atiodm e",C heCsomsbi nataireo ns thpeu nicnhc h eYsoshu.a vteod eveply ooruc hess suknirdlteslasn dbiyn g comibnatiVroitnusya. el vlecryh egsasm hea asc hecsosm ibnoantY.io u havteol eatrnor e cognwizhee anc omibnatiiasov na ilaanybdlo meu u st lantdhb el oIfwy !o duo t hyiosu l wlwi ianl too fg ameIfsn .o, t cIat ne ach yotune n"i s. Vldaimwiarrs igChomtb.i noantasir teh ceo rnrestoofnaw e e lly-epdl a chegsmase E.i htearvo idialn ogi sng cnotamiboinc roerat thipenr go per advantnaegceerssyf s roa wai nncionmgb tiinoIann e.e dteold ern a toc o­ ordimnyap tiee cdeesv,er lpaoipd alnytd a rvgueltn epriaeQlcpeea sw,n s ansdq ueasTr.h emna byej,ut ms abyem,y c ombtiinomanigsh wto kr. StiIlw la,su ncoomrtfalbew itVhl ad'issmgia era vdicCeom.bi native plyam eansctar fiicnig aIwn adn tteopd r otmeycp ti eacnepdsa nwsN.o t givteh eamw aAys.t hceo mbingaetniivues ,T aMlsia,khai aftdie llr oi sng thWeo rlCdh eCshsma pinoshtiiptt olM ei khBaotivli ninnti hk1e 9 6r1e ­ turnm atc"hM,yl s osw aasg ertar eliteoSf ov itec hdirnle.No wt ehyc ould gob actkop rotetcehtriip nagws n".T al'wsi titnysh tiw gase xachtolwIy fleotv eard ecaldtaeeI rw ;a ntteowd i n ompyp on'easnr tmwyh iplreo ­ tectmiyon wgn H.e audpst rawdeersoe k abyu Itw orerdwi heInw abse ­ hinidnt hfero cceo unt. Mym ataelriiasptpirco taocc hhe ss bceso uumlmdeu pdb ya p ost­ mortceomn verIs haatdai ftoenarh ard-pglmaaeyM.ey do pponeexn­t plianetdh a"tIs,nu cphoi stitohneesx a tp rawmna kensod ifefren"Mc ye . rseponwsaes" ,oY um ayb er ightif.t ehBe xuattp r awmna kensod ifef­r encgei,vm eet eh deifrnfece!" Wherne flecotnmi yns gt ey,Ilm osotfte nc ondseirmeyds etlofb ea poisotniaplly aerI l.i kthebe o ao-ncstrmiectthooorfgd a inaic negn tral advanltiamgiet,th imeno gbi itolyfm yo pponaennpdtul ckipnagw nasn d misplpaiceeescAd.n e arhleyro of mwiantseh ger epaalty eTrgri anP et­ rsoina,w how arse nowfnroeh dic sae rfuls,t epaldyay.W hastu rspermdie wawsh eann,a lyzgianmgse I,dh iicsso venroeatdd rsyt treagbiusrtta ther af lelowwh ow asag iftteadcc itnai.H ow wtaihsps o ssiSbulcaehq ? u iet plyaehra piplcyo ntcionscgttr eagmiacs ptieerccoeusol udt ptlhabeye sotf 8 Itnordutcion theimnt aicc.tIs nfc atP,et ronsb ieamceaa c ehslsee gnfdro s carfiicitnhge Excnhga.e bIe ng atroeh ti.nP kerhaIpw sa s'nts op oistiomnoanl­oly dimeonnsaeili tIhb egera.tn o l ooaktm yo wnp lyai nan ewl ihgta nddi s­ covetrheaIdlt o vteoda t taIcw ka.sh appys atficorc aien E xchaonrg e moriemf y r emaifnroiecnsdg o mintahtpeeo ds iMtyia opnp.cr iteaiofron beianhge ianmd a tearciutaallm layk emseq uiafiletdow rite caobmobuit­ natipolyna.aM lys erachha bse nef ros uonadt tacikdie.na gs Isntde acofr eayteiatnn go tahrfietrcil ic aonstroufc ctaoi mobnti inoan boofkae turaic nogpm nediuomfe nldewsisn nisnogu,nc do mbtiinoans neatslotyre bdy t hmeeI, 'esv eotu tto w riatw eo rk itsahd aetle irbate mixtouftr hese o phitseatdni edcl aeemntaOrnyet. h aitfsa mro rreel atiisc ancdh aelnlg.iY noguw ilnlobt e a skmeedr etloy fianp dr estotuylit on. You'lbl ea skdeode,ts hd ei agrapmomisetdip oons saew sisn ncionbmgi ­ naotniW?h aatd vantaartgehe estr heam tig hbte e noufgroh s au ccessful cobmitniaoInst? h e obsvloiuotfluiaswo end I?dn eewdo,u ilbtdo ormaeng agaiunsas ntdl osuest hgema e?Y iek!sT om yw ayo ft hinksiuncgh, qusetiaornresi gohntt h mea raksI,a smky esltfh ebmeo frseca rfiicimnyg pwanso rp iecCeomsb.i tniaoanrsres i yk.W ec oullodst ehge ma er,u in ouarp eptiatnedfsia tlo e jnyot hgeo owde taehrO.r a c reapmuf fm ay nevhearv tea sstoeg do oadft eurn corokuilrna gt beirsltnl ci!yWa haits it tob eA?c cloadoefgs e niourbs it tesrw eets? The tfihriswntemg u sltern a itsh caotb minoantasin,ed s pelcltiyha ose thlate atdoc hcekmadtoen ,om ta taelriiozuoetf t hianiW re.h avec rteo­ atteh ceo ndiftroit ohihersscu cesisnfutdlru tocioWne.m usets btlaiasnh advtaangTeh.ee asiteypes ta odfv anftroau gste ou ndersitws ahnewdne are ahferoaecd.O uirfnva orliitivenc go nidoiFntr.o amp otsiioonfs u­ premmaet esruipaoelrr iwitecy a anfo frtdob em agnniamuosY.e sc,o mbi­ naticoonmsee a ysw ihlewne a re aihnme aatdae .lrI imagaip noets iion whewreem ayb eap awnt wotoro t hgeo owdi tohn lafy e wp ieocnet sh e bora.dF roams uiattioonfm atearnipdao lis tiosnuaple rwieos raifictrcyie ap awtnoi ntroadc uobcmient aitohnaf rotec st hter aodfae l tlhr ee main­ inpgi ecTehseo.nu sru poerKr iin'gpso tsiiomno totrhsr otuhgeh oo­pp netn'psot siivoanc uumuiptn hge rneimnpagai wnfrosa ne aswyi nS.he er 9

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