2015 AUSTRALIAN AFFLUENT MILLENNIAL RESEARCH STUDY Winning Affluent Millennials How this New Power Persona is Reshaping the Finance Industry Background About the Study About the Study Objectives Sample Population In April of 2015, LinkedIn The study set out to gain and Ipsos conducted a global greater understanding of The study targeted Millennials, study of 9,200 Millennial and Millennials, particularly: which are defined as individuals GenX Internet users across 10 born from 1981 to 1997, and • The differences between Millennials countries. This report focuses GenXers, which are those born and GenXers with regard to brand on data gathered from a subset 1966 through 1980. The study affinity, purchase process and of 802 individuals from across further broke down these information-gathering. Australia. The 20-minute online generations into subgroups of • The role that social media plays survey measured respondent affluent members, which refers to and the influence that content usage of and engagement with those living in households with and context have on the decision financial services offerings, as investable assets in excess of journey for retail financial products. well as their attitudes AUD$100,000. • The unique mindset, behaviors and opinions about the and expectations of the “Affluent finance industry. Millennial” subset. KEY FINDINGS This white paper breaks down the data collected through the study. In summary, the study revealed the following about Affluent Millennials: ETERNAL OPTIMISTS ENGAGED OPEN-MINDED SOCIAL-CENTRIC HUNGRY FOR DECISION-MAKERSS EDUCATIONAL INFO Affluent Millennials Despite being loyal Social networks are have a progressive Affluent Millennials customers, they are a must-have among They actively seek and optimistic outlook conduct their own open to financial any financial out financial content, for the future. Their research, however offerings from institutions that want particularly through confidence and trust like to validate their traditionally non- to win over Affluent their social networks are unparalleled. findings with an financial brands. Millennials. They are ,including thought advisor beforing central to the group’s leadership, expert making financial financial decision- opinions, educational decisions. making process. articles and literature on products and services. 2 | Introduction PART Introduction 01 Who are Affluent Millennials? If you were born between There are 5.7 million Millennials in Australia alone. They are vital to the the years 1981 and 1997, Australian economy and represent the future wealth generation engine of the country Research study findings revealed that the Millennial you’re a member of the generation has a very bright financial future and is a persona not to be Millennial generation. ignored by today’s financial services provider. What’s more, if you are a Millennial and hold at least AUD$100,000 in investable assets, excluding real estate, then you are, by definition, an Affluent Millennial. ! WHY ARE THEY RELEVANT? In addition to the wealth To help answer this question, command major changes members of this generation LinkedIn and Ipsos’ study within the finance industry. are poised to build on their worked to identify the Affluent One thing is for sure: The own, they will also be on the Millennials’ preferences and firms that work now to receiving end of a massive behaviors regarding savings understand Affluent Millennials generational transfer in and investments, as well as and proactively target this personal wealth over the next their attitudes and beliefs new persona with products, several years. about financial services services, content and providers. Perhaps most communication that appeal This shift will drastically importantly, it elucidates key to their unique preferences, change the primary buyer opportunities for financial challenges and dreams will persona of financial services institutions to reach, nurture succeed. They won’t falter firms around the world, thus and deepen relationships with through the disruption. forcing massive changes to Affluent Millennials as they Instead, they will win the their business models and prepare for their future. long-term loyalty of this marketing strategies. So, how powerful persona. can financial services providers As their incomes and best prepare for these investable assets grow, this drastic changes? powerful generation will 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 3 PART The Future AFFLUENT POPULATION EXPANDS IN SIZE, 02 SPENDING POWER AND MARKETPLACE IMPORTANCE The study found that Affluent Confidence in the But the Dream is moving Millennials have a uniquely Country out of reach progressive view of future Affluent Millennials have the However, while there is positive financial conditions. For highest level of confidence in the sentiment for Australia’s economic future economic growth of their outlook, only one in five believe example, Affluent Millennials country They are also less likely that the Australian Dream is are particularly likely to to anticipate another financial possible, perhaps pointing to the envision a technology crisis, as opposed to their Affluent increasing cost of real estate in enabled future including GenXer counterparts. major urban centres. automatic debt pay down and an environment where AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS HAVE ESPECIALLY HIGH CONFIDENCE IN ECONOMIC GROWTH banks no longer serve Affluent Millennials are less likely to anticipate another financial crisis, perhaps in turn driving their higher as their primary financial confidence in Australia’s future economic growth and resulting opportunities for personal financial success. institutions but rather social MILLENNIALS AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS GENXERS AFFLUENT GENXERS networks fill this space. 47% 39% 36% 35% 28% 23% *The Australian Dream or Great Australian Dream 20% 18% 18% is a belief that in Australia, home-ownership can lead to a better life and is an expression of 13% 14% 12% success and security I anticipate another financial I am confident in I believe the Australian crisis to occur my country's future Dream* is “definitely economic growth possible” Sacrifices Today Make a Brighter Tomorrow Affluent Millennials are AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS BELIEVE THEIR CURRENT DECISIONS WILL DRIVE FUTURE SUCCESS disciplined and future-oriented — % Agree: My future success depends on the decisions I make now 54% agree that the sacrifices they make now will pay off in the future, significantly more than the total Millennial and GenXer cohort. MILLENNIALS GENXERS Total: 46% Total: 35% Affl uent: 54% Affl uent: 48% 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 4 Setting Ambitious Goals of buying a first home and / or Furthermore, Affluent Millenials starting a business. And it appears see travel as an important With the sacrifices they’re making as though many have already whether for study abroad or for today, Affluent Millennials are acted on this goal with one in pleasure. They are eight times gearing up to achieve big goalsin five Affluent Millennials in more likely than Affluent Gen X the future. While goals among all possession of a business loan. to travel abroad for studying. affluent groups surveyed did tend In fact, they are 19 times more to vary by age group, the study likely to have a business loan than shows that Affluent Millennials are Affluent GenXers. more likely than Affluent GenXers AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS SET AMBITIOUS GOALS FOR THEIR LIVES Affluent GenXers Affluent Millennials BUY A FIRST HOME START A BUSINESS Affluent Millennials NET 28% Affluent Millennials NET 26% Short-term goal 16% Short-term goal 11% Long-term goal 12% Long-term goal 12% Affluent GenXers NET 13% Affluent GenXers NET 11% Short 2% Short-term goal 5% Long-term goal 11% Long-term goal 11% AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS FAR OUTPACE AFFLUENT GENXERS IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Millennials Affluent Millennials GenXers Affluent GenXers 7% 18% 16% Travel abroad 38% for further 4% EDUCATION 5% 10% 6% PAST FUTURE [ HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS ] [ PLAN TO DO THIS IN NEXT FEW YEARS ] 11% 13% Travel abroad 18% for a 31% 6% GAP YEAR 5% 14% 5% KEY An entrepreneurial spirit and unparalleled ambition is shared among TAKEAWAY Affluent Millennials and will drive them toward their unique future goals. 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 5 PART Today HOW AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS 03 ARE PREPARING FOR TOMORROW Diversifying Income Sources Income sources are changing for Affluent Millennials. This group are especially likely to be building SOURCES OF AFFLUENCE ARE SHIFTING their wealth through gaining ACROSS GENERATIONS assets through inheritance or (cid:38)ompared to A(cid:73)(cid:372)uent (cid:42)en (cid:59)(cid:15) A(cid:73)(cid:372)uent (cid:48)illennials are family business. especially li(cid:78)ely to have (cid:74)ained assets (cid:73)rom(cid:29) INHERITANCE / WAGES SUPERANNUATION TRUST FUND (FAMILY BUSINESS) 3 . 4 x 2 . 7 x 2 . 5 x More Debt … but Also More Saving One in two Affluent Millennials The debt these Affluent In spite of their collective debt, have at least one loan that is not a Millennials are taking on comes Affluent Millennials are saving. mortgage. This is more than twice in the form of, personal loans While Affluent GenXers save a as likely than Affluent GenXers, of (32%), student loans (27%) and median of 18% of each paycheck, whom approximately one in five business loans (19%). Notably, Affluent Millennials save a median hold at least one loan other than Affluent Millennials are 19 times of 30%. a mortgage. more likely to have a business loan and four times as likely to have a personal loan than Affluent GenXers. 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 6 AFFLUENT MILLENIALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO SAVE MOST OF THEIR MONTHLY PAYCHECK % of paycheck saved per month Affluent Millennials Affluent GenXers 50 + % 30% 18% Nearly 1 in 3 Affluent Millennials save the majority of their pay Taking Ownership of Financial Decisions It appears that Affluent Millennials might approach their own finances with a greater sense AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS SEEK GREATER INVOLVEMENT of ownership than previous AND CONTROL IN FINANCIAL DECISIONS generations. When it comes to managing their finances, it’s clear 51% 50% 48% that Affluent Millennials want 43% 42% more control. 40% 40% 38% Two in five are considered Soloists, meaning they prefer to S S S S L L L L do their own research, make their A A A A own decisions and execute trades NI NT NI NT NI NT NI NT N EN E N EN E on their own. However, one in two E UE U E UE U L LL X LX L LL X LX of overall and Affluent Millennials IL FFIL EN FFEN IL FFIL EN FFEN M AM G AG M AM G AG act as validators, meaning they undertake their own research, but VALIDATOR SOLOIST consult an advisor when making Conduct their own research Perform their own research, make and investment decisions decisions and execute trades the final decision. This represents a shift in the power base for financial companies when consumers are doing most of their research upfront. 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 7 Guided Independence Although they want to take the helm when it comes to their AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS ARE MORE THAN THREE TIMES AS LIKELY TO CONSIDER FINANCIAL ADVISORS A CURRENT “MUST-HAVE,” finances, Affluent Millennials don’t COMPARED TO AFFLUENT GENX want to navigate these waters Despite their tendency to do their o(cid:90)n research and see(cid:78) in(cid:73)ormation on financial decisions(cid:15) alone. Yes, they want to conduct A(cid:73)(cid:372)uent (cid:48)illennials are particularly li(cid:78)ely to see value in havin(cid:74) a financial advisor (cid:73)or their current assets(cid:17) their own research, make their own decisions and execute their A FINANCIAL ADVISOR IS A own trades. But they also value Must-have Nice to have Unimportant the insights and guidance of AFFLUENT 26% 51% 24% experienced financial advisors. MILLENNIALS Today, 76% of Affluent Millennials Must-have Nice to have Unimportant consider financial advisors important, with 26% calling them AFFLUENT 8% 33% 60% GENXERS a “must-have.” They want guided independence, expert advice to help them make smart decisions. Loyalty and Trust … but Also Thinking Outside the Box Nearly nine in ten Affluent AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS ARE LOYAL TO FINANCIAL COMPANIES THEY WORK WITH Milliennials describe themselves as The majority would be willing to take their business elsewhere if presented with better loyal to their financial institutions, solutions(cid:15) but A(cid:73)(cid:372)uent (cid:48)illennials are more li(cid:78)ely to stay loyal to financial institutions which is not surprising given once they(cid:333)re customers(cid:17) they are more likely to trust their Very loyal: Somewhat loyal: Not loyal: plan to do business with them would take business elsewhere actively seeking to switch financial institutions (90% Affluent in the next few years for better products or services business to other companies Millennials vs. 76% Gen X trust AFFLUENT 30% 60% 11% their current financial institutions). MILLENNIALS However, despite this apparent AFFLUENT 20% 61% 20% loyalty, a striking fact revealed by GENXERS the study is that Affluent Millennials are very open to trying financial products and services from brands 52% outside the finance industry. AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS ARE 46% OPEN TO FINANCIAL OFFERINGS More than one in two Affluent FROM NON-FINANCIAL BRANDS Millennials are likely to consider 31% Millennials Affluent Millennials 29% such offerings, compared to just GenXers Affluent GenXers one-third of Affluent GenXers. % WHO WOULD TRY FINANCIAL OFFERINGS FROM NON-FINANCIAL BRANDS 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 8 What do Affluent PART 04 Millennials Want? Aside from their age and assets, a strong indicator that sets Affluent Millennials apart from Millennials overall, as well as both Affluent and Non-Affluent GenXers, is what they look for in a traditional financial services provider. When evaluating a potential financial services provider, all groups are likely to care about things like low fees and data privacy, but Affluent Millennials are unique in placing importance on the following factors: SOCIAL SERVICE INFLUENCE SOCIAL PRESENCE PURPOSE • Does the company • Does the company • Do any of my • Does the company • Does the company have a strong social provide online live family members have a positive have a social mission media presence? chat? use this company? buzz online? that I agree with? • What content • Does the company • Do my family • How does my • Do the company’s is available from offer a website that members have personal social values seem to align the company via has all the banking positive or negative network feel about with my own? social networks? features I need? feelings about this company? • Do I care about the the brand? • Is it possible to • How has the company’s vision? communicate with • Would my family company influenced the company through recommend other the industry? social media? companies over this one? Where do they find the answers to these questions? Online, through their social networks, to be exact. This study found that social networks are of critical importance to Affluent Millennials because they are central to their financial decision-making process. Social Networks are a Must-Have AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS CONSIDER SOCIAL NETWORKS A “MUST-HAVE” Affluent Millennials trust their Must-have Nice to have Unimportant social networks and turn to MILLENNIALS 30% 48% 22% them often for financial content, AFFLUENT guidance and advice. In fact, 33% 49% 18% MILLENNIALS theyare twice as likely as Affluent GenXers to seek financial Must-have Nice to have Unimportant content on social networks. GENXERS 18% 42% 41% AFFLUENT 20% 39% 41 % GENXERS 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 9 What are Affluent Millennials Looking for in Their Social Networks? SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE CENTRAL TO AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS’ FINANCIAL DECISIONS While previous generations may COMPARED TO AFFLUENT GEN X, AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO: have seen financial matters as private and would never consider Use social networks to inform finance / discussing them with their peers, Investment decisions Affluent Millennials use social 2x networks to inform finance Visit a financial and investment decisions and company’s page on a social network research financial companies two 3.4x Seek content from times more than Affluent Gen X. financial companies on social networks 2x THTHTOHOUOGUUGHGHTH TL TEL AELEDAADEDRESERHRSSHIPHI,P IEP, DE, EDUDCUUACCTAIATOITONIONANLA ALC LOC CONONTNETNETENTN,T A,T NA, ANDND PD RP OPRRODODUDCUUTCCTT RERVREIEVEVIWEIEWSW SAS RA AER RETE OT OTPO PCP OC CONONTNETNETENTN TF TOF OFRO RAR FA FAFLFFULFEULUNEENTN TM TMI LMILLIELLNELENNNNIANILAISAL SLOS ON ONN THOUGHT LEADERSHIP, EDUCATIONAL CONTENT, AND PRODUCT SOSSOCOICACILAI ALN LNE NTEWETWTOWOROKRRSKKSS REVIEWS ARE TOP CONTENT FOR AFFLUENT MILLENNIALS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS 717%17 %1% 71% 2.52x.25.x5x 565%65 %6% 505%05 %0% 2.5x 56% 5x5x5x 3.53x.35.x5x 50% On social networks, the content 272%72 %7% 5x 3.5x that Affluent Millenials seek are 27% 111%11 %1% 141%41 %4% AFFALFUAFEFLFUNLETUN ETN T AFFALFUAFEFLFUNLETUNETNT AFFALFUAFEFLFUNLETUN ETN T AFFALFUAFEFLFUNLETUNETNT AFFALFUAFEFLFUNLETUN ETN T AFFALFUAFEFLFUNLETUNETNT thought leadership, educational MILMLIEMLNLIELNLNIEANNLISNA LIAS LS GEGNEXGNEERXNSE XRESR S MILMLIEMLNLIELNLNIEANNLISNA LIAS LS GEGN1EXGN1EERX%NSE X RESR S MILMLIEMLNLIELNLNIEANNLISNA LIAS LS GEG1NE4XGNE%ERXN SEXRESRS AFFLUENT AFFLUENT AFFLUENT AFFLUENT AFFLUENT AFFLUENT content, and products reviews. MILLENNIALS GENXERS MILLENNIALS GENXERS MILLENNIALS GENXERS Thought Leadership Educational Content Expert Opinions Content with new Branded material Helpful commentary insights and innovative providing insights and shared within their ideas for smarter comparisons about networks about financial investing, savvier financial products and markets, investment saving and expedited services. opportunities, financial generation of wealth. events, etc. 2015 Australian Affluent Millennial Research Study | 10